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Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and histological techniques were used to observe and study the setae structures of two gecko species (G. gecko and G. swinhonis) and the relationships between these structures and the adhesive forces. The SEM results showed that the setae of these two species were densely distributed in an orderly fashion, and branched with curved tips. The setae of G. gecko had cluster structures, each cluster containing 4-6 setae whose terminal branches curved towards the center of the toes at ~ 10o, the tips of the branches like spatulae and densely arrayed at an interval of less than 0.2―0.3 μm. On the contrary, the branch tips in the setae of G. swinhonis were curled, and the terminal parts of setae curved towards the center of the toes at various angles. Usually the setae of these gecko species branch twice at the top at intervals greater than that of G. gecko. The histological observation found that inside the setae of these two species there were plenty of unevenly distributed contents, such as epithelia, fat cells, pigmental cells and muscle tissue, but no gland cells existed. The results of functional experiments suggested that modifying the structure of gecko's setae could reduce its adhesive ability dramatically, demonstrating the positive correlation between the structure of the gecko's setae and its adhesive ability. The above results provide important information in designing bio-mimic setae and bio-gecko robots.  相似文献   

A 3D multiscale model is presented which describes the adhesion and deformation of a gecko seta. The multiscale approach combines three models at different length scales: at the top level, on the order of several micrometers, a nonlinear finite element beam model is chosen to capture the branched microstructure of the gecko seta. At the intermediate level, on the order of several nanometers, a second finite element model is used to capture the detailed behaviour of the seta tips, the so-called spatulae. At the lowest level, on the order of a few angstroms, a molecular interaction potential is used to describe the van der Waals adhesion forces between spatulae and substrate. Coarse-graining techiques are used to bridge the scale between the model levels. To illustrate and validate the proposed gecko seta model, numerical pull-off simulations are shown and compared to experimental data from the literature.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine whether there was a significant difference in static stretching (SS), dynamic stretching (DS), and no stretching (NS) on maximal strength (one-repetition maximum [1RM]) in the bench and leg presses using free weights on 19 college-aged men and 32 women. Most of the participants were moderately to very active and had previous experience with weight training. The design was repeated measures, with each treatment being randomly assigned. Each testing session was separated by 72 hours. Moderate-intensity stretching was defined as stretching as far as possible without any assistance, and subjects were encouraged to do their best. For the SS routine, the chest, shoulder, triceps, quadriceps, and hamstrings were stretched. Three repetitions were performed for 15 seconds, each separated by a 10-second rest. For DS, the upper-body stretch was swinging each arm, one at a time, as far forward and then as far backward as possible in a diagonal plane. For the legs, the same movement was done for each leg, except performed in a sagittal plane. Each forward and backward movement took about 2 seconds. Three 30-second sets were administered, and a 10-second rest was allowed between sets. Next, 1RM was determined for the bench and leg presses in random order. Two warm-up sets were given, followed by several 1RM attempts. The last successful lift was recorded as the 1RM. Data were reported using means +/- SD. A one-way ANOVA with repeated measures was used with alpha set at 0.05. There was no significant difference among the treatments. Moderate-intensity stretching does not seem to adversely affect 1RM in the bench and leg presses.  相似文献   

Body size affects life history, the ecological niche of an organism and its interactions with other organisms. Resultantly, marked differences in body size between related organisms are often an indication of a species boundary. This is particularly evident in the Gehyra variegata species complex of geckos, which displays differential body sizes between genetically divergent species, but high levels of intraspecific morphological conservatism. We report on a Gehyra population that displays extraordinary body size differentiation in comparison with other G. variegata species. We used morphological and environmental data to show this population is phenotypically and ecologically distinct from its parapatric congener Gehyra lazelli and that morphology and ecology are significantly correlated. Contrastingly, mtDNA analysis indicates paraphyly between the two groups, and allele frequencies at six microsatellite loci show no population structure concordant with morpho‐/ecotype. These results suggest either ecological speciation or environmentally induced phenotypic polymorphism, in an otherwise morphologically conservative group.  相似文献   

《Journal of morphology》2017,278(3):380-389
Unique among amniotes, many lizards are able to self‐detach (autotomize) their tail and then regenerate a replacement. Tail regeneration involves the formation of a blastema, an accumulation of proliferating cells at the site of autotomy. Over time, cells of the blastema give rise to most of the tissues in the replacement tail. In non‐amniotes capable of regenerating (such as urodeles and some teleost fish), the blastema is reported to be essentially avascular until tissue differentiation takes place. For tail regenerating lizards less is known. Here, we investigate neovascularization during tail regeneration in the leopard gecko (Eublepharis macularius ). We demonstrate that the gecko tail blastema is not an avascular structure. Beginning with the onset of regenerative outgrowth, structurally mature (mural cell supported) blood vessels are found within the blastema. Although the pattern of blood vessel distribution in the regenerate tail differs from that of the original, a hierarchical network is established, with vessels of varying luminal diameters and wall thicknesses. Using immunostaining, we determine that blastema outgrowth and tissue differentiation is characterized by a dynamic interplay between the pro‐angiogenic protein vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and the anti‐angiogenic protein thrombospondin‐1 (TSP‐1). VEGF‐expression is initially widespread, but diminishes as tissues differentiate. In contrast, TSP‐1 expression is initially restricted but becomes more abundant as VEGF‐expression wanes. We predict that variation in the neovascular response observed between different regeneration‐competent species likely relates to the volume of the blastema. J. Morphol. 278:380–389, 2017. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Osmolytes are small organic solutes accumulated at high concentrations by cells/tissues in response to osmotic stress. Osmolytes increase thermodynamic stability of folded proteins and provide protection against denaturing stresses. The mechanism of osmolyte compatibility and osmolyte-induced stability has, therefore, attracted considerable attention in recent years. However, to our knowledge, no quantitative study of osmolyte effects on the strength of hydrophobic interactions has been reported. Here, we present a detailed molecular dynamics simulation study of the effect of the osmolyte trimethylamine-N-oxide (TMAO) on hydrophobic phenomena at molecular and nanoscopic length scales. Specifically, we investigate the effects of TMAO on the thermodynamics of hydrophobic hydration and interactions of small solutes as well as on the folding-unfolding conformational equilibrium of a hydrophobic polymer in water. The major conclusion of our study is that TMAO has almost no effect either on the thermodynamics of hydration of small nonpolar solutes or on the hydrophobic interactions at the pair and many-body level. We propose that this neutrality of TMAO toward hydrophobic interactions-one of the primary driving forces in protein folding-is at least partially responsible for making TMAO a "compatible" osmolyte. That is, TMAO can be tolerated at high concentrations in organisms without affecting nonspecific hydrophobic effects. Our study implies that protein stabilization by TMAO occurs through other mechanisms, such as unfavorable water-mediated interaction of TMAO with the protein backbone, as suggested by recent experimental studies. We complement the above calculations with analysis of TMAO hydration and changes in water structure in the presence of TMAO molecules. TMAO is an amphiphilic molecule containing both hydrophobic and hydrophilic parts. The precise balance of the effects of hydrophobic and hydrophilic segments of the molecule appears to explain the virtual noneffect of TMAO on the strength of hydrophobic interactions.  相似文献   

Adhesion of probiotic microorganisms to the intestinal mucosa is considered important for many of the reported health effects. The influence of the endogenous microflora on the adhesion of four probiotic lactobacilli to immobilised intestinal mucus was investigated. It was observed that pre-treatment of the immobilised mucus with faecal extract slightly increased the adhesion of Lactobacillus GG. Pre-treatment of the immobilised mucus with faecal bacteria did not affect the adhesion of the tested strains. These results suggest that the normal microflora may not greatly affect the initial adhesion of the probiotic bacteria. This validates the results of earlier reports where the influence of the normal microflora was not taken into account.  相似文献   

Geographic variation was investigated in populations of the day gecko Phelsuma sundbergi from 22 islands in the Seychelles, using multivariate ordination procedures. Multiple group principal components analysis was used to negate ontogenetic variation. Seventy-eight characters from three character systems (body proportions, scalation and colour pattern) were analysed from 349 specimens. Three phenetic aggregations of granitic island populations were detected from the northwestern, northeastern and southern island groups. A comparison of the results from the three character systems analysed separately suggests that the separation of the southern form preceded that of the northern forms. Colour pattern characters reflect this closely, while body proportions and scalation characters follow evolution of body size. The populations of Phelsuma sundbergi on the coralline islands are not well differentiated from the races on the granitic islands, and probably represent recent colonizations or introductions by man.  相似文献   

The popular concept of predictive–adaptive responses poses that girls growing up without a father present in the family mature and start reproduction earlier because the father''s absence is a cue for environmental harshness and uncertainty that favours switching to a precocious life-history strategy. Most studies supporting this concept have been performed in situations where the father''s absence is caused by divorce or abandonment. Using a dataset of Estonian adolescent girls who had lost their fathers over the period of World War II, we show that father''s death did not affect the rate of pubertal maturation (assessed on the basis of development of breasts and axillary hair) or growth. Father''s death did not affect the age of first birth but, contrary to predictions, reduced lifetime reproductive success. Our findings thus do not support the concept of predictive–adaptive responses and suggest that alternative explanations for covariation between fatherlessness and early maturation are required.  相似文献   

Long-term memory can be critically important for animals in a variety of contexts, and yet the extreme reduction in body temperature in hibernating animals alters neurochemistry and may therefore impair brain function. Behavioural studies on memory impairment associated with hibernation have been almost exclusively conducted on ground squirrels (Rodentia) and provide conflicting results, including clear evidence for memory loss. Here, we for the first time tested memory retention after hibernation for a vertebrate outside rodents—bats (Chiroptera). In the light of the high mobility, ecology and long life of bats, we hypothesized that maintenance of consolidated memory through hibernation is under strong natural selection. We trained bats to find food in one out of three maze arms. After training, the pre-hibernation performance of all individuals was at 100 per cent correct decisions. After this pre-test, one group of bats was kept, with two interruptions, at 7°C for two months, while the other group was kept under conditions that prevented them from going into hibernation. The hibernated bats performed at the same high level as before hibernation and as the non-hibernated controls. Our data suggest that bats benefit from an as yet unknown neuroprotective mechanism to prevent memory loss in the cold brain.  相似文献   

Inhibitors of Apoptosis Proteins (IAPs) are evolutionarily well conserved and have been recognized as the key negative regulators of apoptosis. Recently, the role of IAPs as E3 ligases through the Ring domain was revealed. Using proteomic analysis to explore potential target proteins of DIAP1, we identified Drosophila Endonuclease G (dEndoG), which is known as an effector of caspase-independent cell death. In this study, we demonstrate that human EndoG interacts with IAPs, including human cellular Inhibitor of Apoptosis Protein 1 (cIAP1). EndoG was ubiquitinated by IAPs in vitro and in human cell lines. Interestingly, cIAP1 was capable of ubiquitinating EndoG in the presence of wild-type and mutant Ubiquitin, in which all lysines except K63 were mutated to arginine. cIAP1 expression did not change the half-life of EndoG and cIAP1 depletion did not alter its levels. Expression of dEndoG 54310, in which the mitochondrial localization sequence was deleted, led to cell death that could not be suppressed by DIAP1 in S2 cells. Moreover, EndoG-mediated cell death induced by oxidative stress in HeLa cells was not affected by cIAP1. Therefore, these results indicate that IAPs interact and ubiquitinate EndoG via K63-mediated isopeptide linkages without affecting EndoG levels and EndoG-mediated cell death, suggesting that EndoG ubiquitination by IAPs may serve as a regulatory signal independent of proteasomal degradation.  相似文献   

Abstract Female viviparous lizards from temperate locations in the Southern Hemisphere (New Zealand, Tasmania (Australia), South Africa and South America) often have reproductive activity spanning many months of the year. In contrast, vitellogenesis and pregnancy are often confined to the spring/summer months in viviparous species from temperate zones of the Northern Hemisphere. An extreme Southern Hemisphere example is the nocturnal common gecko from New Zealand, Hoplodactylus maculatus (Gray 1845), in which females exhibit biennial reproduction with pregnancy lasting up to 14 months in a cool‐climate population. Here, we examined whether such an extended reproductive cycle also occurs in a diurnal species, the jewelled gecko Naultinus gemmeus (McCann 1955), at a similar latitude. Palpation was used to assess reproductive condition non‐invasively. In contrast to the nearby higher‐altitude population of H. maculatus, N. gemmeus reproduces annually. Vitellogenesis occurs from autumn to spring in both species, but pregnancy ends after about 7 months in N. gemmeus. Birth occurs in the seemingly unpropitious season of mid‐ to late autumn, a pattern that may be unique for lizards from cool‐temperate zones. We hypothesize that there are major differences between populations of N. gemmeus and H. maculatus with respect to survival of autumn‐born neonates and/or costs to females from remaining pregnant over winter. Museum specimens of N. gemmeus support anatomical inferences from palpation; they also suggest that vitellogenesis may begin before the end of pregnancy (which may be essential to completing each reproductive cycle within a year) and that some populations may show gestation in utero over winter, as in H. maculatus. Extended gestation appears to be a common response to cool climates for Southern Hemisphere lizards that have independently evolved viviparity.  相似文献   

Theory predicts that the strength of male mate choice should vary depending on male quality when higher-quality males receive greater fitness benefits from being choosy. This pattern extends to differences in male body size, with larger males often having stronger pre- and post-copulatory preferences than smaller males. We sought to determine whether large males and small males differ in the strength (or direction) of their preference for large, high-fecundity females using the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster. We measured male courtship preferences and mating duration to show that male body size had no impact on the strength of male mate choice; all males, regardless of their size, had equally strong preferences for large females. To understand the selective pressures shaping male mate choice in males of different sizes, we also measured the fitness benefits associated with preferring large females for both large and small males. Male body size did not affect the benefits that males received: large and small males were equally successful at mating with large females, received the same direct fitness benefits from mating with large females, and showed similar competitive fertilization success with large females. These findings provide insight into why the strength of male mate choice was not affected by male body size in this system. Our study highlights the importance of evaluating the benefits and costs of male mate choice across multiple males to predict when differences in male mate choice should occur.  相似文献   

Fire is an important part of forest ecosystems, as is the insect fauna. Changes in wood brought about by fire may alter the ability of termites to use the wood, interrupting the decay cycle of woody debris. The ability of termites to find, infest, and feed upon wood after it had been charred was evaluated in the laboratory and field. Eastern subterranean termites, Reticulitermes flavipes (Kollar) (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae), fed on char from burned wood had significantly reduced numbers of protozoa compared to termites fed on pine shavings, but significantly more than starved termites. The ability of termites to find and infest wood was not affected by surface charring. In a laboratory choice test, there were no significant differences in the onset of feeding by termites between charred and non‐charred wood boards. Likewise in the field, no differences were observed in the time to initial attack by termites on charred and non‐charred wood boards or bolts. Because termites will likely survive fires of low to moderate intensity, in most cases, there should be no disruption of the termite contribution to forest nutrient and carbon cycles.  相似文献   

Summary An experiment examined the effects of diet on brood rearing in colonies ofLeptothorax ambiguus andL. longispinosus and on fighting between colonies of the two species. Colonies fedDrosophila and honey reared more pupae than colonies fed the Bhatkar and Whitcomb (1970) diet. However, diet had no effect on intercolonial fighting.  相似文献   

The complexity-stability relation is a central issue in ecology. In this paper, we show how the sampling method most often used to parameterize an ecological community, can affect the conclusions about whether or not complexity promotes stability and we suggest a sampling algorithm that overcomes the problem. We also illustrate the importance of treating feasibility separately from stability when constructing model communities. Using model Lotka-Volterra competition communities we found that probability of feasibility decreases with increasing interaction strength and number of species in the community. However, for feasible systems we found that local stability probability and resilience do not significantly differ between communities with few or many species, in contrast with earlier studies that, did not account for feasibility and concluded that species-poor communities had higher probability of being locally stable than species-rich communities.  相似文献   

Cell adhesion to extracellular matrix components involves integrin receptor-ligand binding and adhesion strengthening, comprising receptor clustering, cytoskeletal interactions, and cell spreading. Although elucidation of the biochemical events in adhesive interactions is rapidly advancing, the mechanical processes and mechanisms of adhesion strengthening remain poorly understood. Because the biochemical and biophysical processes in adhesive interactions are tightly coupled, mechanical analyses of adhesion strength provide critical information on structure-function relationships. This review focuses on (a) measurement systems for cell adhesion strength and (b) quantitative analyses of integrin-mediated strengthening to extracellular matrix components.  相似文献   

The neurogenic gene Drosophilabig brain (bib) has a high sequence homology to aquaporin-4. However, its cellular functions in Drosophila neurogenesis have remained elusive. Here we investigated cell adhesion, and the ion and water permeability of Bib. The adhesive function was examined by a cell aggregation assay using L cells. Bib-transfected L cells formed aggregated clusters, while control-L cells remained as a single cell suspension. Ion permeation was not confirmed in L cells stably expressing Bib. When expressed in COS7 cells, Bib exhibited limited water permeability. This newly found cell adhesive function of Bib may be important for Drosophila neurogenesis.  相似文献   

Many animals lose and regenerate appendages, and tail autotomy in lizards is an extremely well-studied example of this. Whereas the energetic, ecological and functional ramifications of tail loss for many lizards have been extensively documented, little is known about the behaviour and neuromuscular control of the autotomized tail. We used electromyography and high-speed video to quantify the motor control and movement patterns of autotomized tails of leopard geckos (Eublepharis macularius). In addition to rhythmic swinging, we show that they exhibit extremely complex movement patterns for up to 30 min following autotomy, including acrobatic flips up to 3 cm in height. Unlike the output of most central pattern generators (CPGs), muscular control of the tail is variable and can be arrhythmic. We suggest that the gecko tail is well suited for studies involving CPGs, given that this spinal preparation is naturally occurring, requires no surgery and exhibits complex modulation.  相似文献   

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