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A new anthine fish, Pseudanthias calloura, is described on the basis of three specimens from Palau. The new species differs from other congeners in having a complicated color pattern of the caudal fin and the following characters: moderately forked caudal fin; dorsal fin with 10 spines, the anterior ones being shorter than the rest, and with 16 soft rays; second anal spine shorter than the third; 19 pectoral rays; scales on lateral line 51 (holotype) to 53 (paratypes) in number; tongue without teeth; circumorbital rim with several fleshy projection on posterior part; a row of fine scales occurring asymmetrically behind alternate dorsal spines on both left and right sides; preopercle margin finely serrated; interopercle and subopercle margins smooth. Received: June 9, 1999 / Revised: September 23, 2000 / Accepted: February 23, 2001  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(2):143-146

Grimmia serrana, a new endemic species for California, is described and illustrated. The new species is readily distinguished by the presence of multi-stratose marginal bands that are rounded in cross-section. The leaf morphology displayed by Grimmia serrana is unique within the genus. The distribution of Grimmia serrana is along the western foothills of the Sierra Nevada and in the northern Coast Range.  相似文献   

Geomorphology and fish assemblages in a Piedmont river basin, U.S.A.   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
1. We investigated linkages between fishes and fluvial geomorphology in 31 wadeable streams in the Etowah River basin in northern Georgia, U.S.A. Streams were stratified into three catchment sizes of approximately 15, 50 and 100 km2, and fishes and geomorphology were sampled at the reach scale (i.e. 20–40 times stream width). 2. Non‐metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) identified 85% of the among‐site variation in fish assemblage structure and identified strong patterns in species composition across sites. Assemblages shifted from domination by centrarchids, and other pool species that spawn in fine sediments and have generalised food preferences, to darter‐cyprinid‐redhorse sucker complexes that inhabit riffles and runs, feed primarily on invertebrates, and spawn on coarser stream beds. 3. Richness and density were correlated with basin area, a measure of stream size, but species composition was best predicted (i.e. |r| between 0.60–0.82) by reach‐level geomorphic variables (stream slope, bed texture, bed mobility and tractive force) that were unrelated to stream size. Stream slope was the dominant factor controlling stream habitat. Low slope streams had smaller bed particles, more fines in riffles, lower tractive force and greater bed mobility compared with high slope streams. 4. Our results contrast with the ‘River Continuum Concept’ which argues that stream assemblages vary predictably along stream size gradients. Our findings support the ‘Process Domains Concept’, which argues that local‐scale geomorphic processes determine the stream habitat and disturbance regimes that influence stream communities.  相似文献   

Aim To better understand how environmental factors affect fish species richness across the state of Oregon. Location Oregon, U.S.A. Methods A database showing collection locations of 4911 fish specimens in the Oregon State University museum was modified by the Oregon Natural Heritage Program to include probable occurrences, and mapped within a grid of 375 hexagons that cover the state. The individual species maps of freshwater fish in Oregon were reviewed and revised by thirty regional fish biologists and then synthesized into a single map of native species richness. We used regression tree analysis (RTA) and multiple linear regression (MLR) to assess patterns of fish species richness with twenty environmental, three anthropogenic, and two historical variables. Results RTA explained 66% of the variation in native species richness, associating richness with annual air temperature range, minimum January temperature, introduced species richness, and stream density. MLR explained 68% of native species richness variation and associated richness with maximum July temperature, air temperature range, standard deviation of monthly temperature, stream density, introduced species richness, and basin connectivity. Main conclusions We conclude that for these data and at this scale, native fish species richness in Oregon is associated with annual climatic extremes, spatial variability of climate, stream density, basin connectivity, and introduced fishes.  相似文献   

Reproductive traits of Oxyurichthys tentacularis, a most demanded fish in Ashtamudi Lake, S. India were studied from samples collected using gill net, cast net and dip net during 2013–2015. Sexes were separated by observing the urogenital papilla in males and the gonads. Five maturity stages were identified by examining the gonads. Though advanced maturity stages were encountered throughout the year, higher preponderance of ripe gonads was discernible during August to November and February to April. Gonadosomatic indices indicated same trend in both sexes. The length at first maturity was 86.67 mm in males and 80.17 mm in females. The absolute fecundity ranged from 5,112 (102 mm TL) to 52,431(175 mm TL). Fecundity established linear relationships with total length, body weight and ovary weight. Ova diameter studies revealed that spawning takes place in batches at regular intervals and the species is a multiple spawner. The ratio of males to females was found to be 1:0.7 (χ2 = 10.8; p < 0.05). The pooled average for the whole period showed a perceptible dominance of male population in all of the months except in January (χ= 2.3; p > 0.05) could be observed.  相似文献   

Synopsis The composition and consistency of fish assemblages in 14 adjacent pools (6–120 m long) of a clear-water, limestone and gravel creek in midwestern U.S.A. were quantified in eight snorkeling surveys over 19 months, to establish a baseline of natural variation in the system at this scale. The fauna of the stream was dominated numerically by minnows (Cyprinidae), sunfish and black bass (Centrarchidae), and topminnows (Fundulidae). The pool fish fauna of the total 1 km reach (including all 14 pools) was highly consistent throughout the study, despite two major floods. Assemblages in individual pools generally were consistent, but there was more variation within pools than at the scale of the entire reach. Throughout the study, most individual pools remained within discrete subsets of the total occupied multivariate space in a principal components analysis based on fish species abundances. Sunfishes (Lepomis spp.) and bass (Micropterus spp.) were more consistent in their distribution among pools than were minnows (Cyprinidae) or a topminnow (Fundulus). There were 25 significant correlations in occurrence of species pairs among stream pools, out of 91 possible comparisons of the 14 most abundant taxa in the reach. Many pools contained assemblages either dominated by large centrarchids or by abundant cyprinids and juvenile centrarchids, but intermediate assemblages also were observed. The dynamics of distribution of fish species and fish assemblages among individual stream pools are likely influenced by a combination of species-specific behaviors and habitat selection, predator constraints on use of individual pools by small fishes, riffles as size-selective barriers to fish movements between pools, dispersal of young-of-the-year fishes, and abiotic phenomena like floods. Individual stream pools appear to be discrete habitat units for fishes, and do represent an appropriate scale for biologically meaningful studies of fish assemblages or their effects on streams.Department of Zoology, University of Oklahoma  相似文献   

A new species of Mallomonas, M. wujekii sp. nov., belonging to the Series Tonsuratae is described from a dilute, acidic locality in Florida, U.S.A. Bristle bearing domed scales are restricted to the anterior end, and scales are orientated with their longitudinal axes at a 60° to 90° angle with the longitudinal axis of the cell. Cells have three types of scales, domed anterior scales, domeless body scales and spined posterior scales. All scales possess papillae that are restricted to the shield and have one rib positioned on each end of the posterior flange. The new species is believed to be most closely related to Mallomonas tonsurata and M. galeiformis . The combination of characters of the bristles is unique among taxa of Mallomonas .  相似文献   

The hypothesis that temperate stream fishes alter habitat use in response to changing water temperature and stream discharge was evaluated over a 1 year period in the Neosho River, Kansas, U.S.A. at two spatial scales. Winter patterns differed from those of all other seasons, with shallower water used less frequently, and low‐flow habitat more frequently, than at other times. Non‐random habitat use was more frequent at the point scale (4·5 m2) than at the larger reach scale (20–40 m), although patterns at both scales were similar. Relative to available habitats, assemblages used shallower, swifter‐flowing water as temperature increased, and shallower, slower‐flowing water as river discharge increased. River discharge had a stronger effect on assemblage habitat use than water temperature. Proportion of juveniles in the assemblage did not have a significant effect. This study suggests that many riverine fishes shift habitats in response to changing environmental conditions, and supports, at the assemblage level, the paradigm of lotic fishes switching from shallower, high‐velocity habitats in summer to deeper, low‐velocity habitats in winter, and of using shallower, low‐velocity habitats during periods of high discharge. Results also indicate that different species within temperate river fish assemblages show similar habitat use patterns at multiple scales in response to environmental gradients, but that non‐random use of available habitats is more frequent at small scales.  相似文献   

Otoliths and gonads of blackbelly rosefish Helicolenus dactylopterus dactylopterus were collected from the commercial fishery off the Carolinas in 1994–1997. Opaque bands on transverse sections of otoliths were determined to be annuli by analysis of marginal increments. Opaque zone formation occurs between July and January. Ages ranged from 7 to 30 years. Blackbelly rosefish have intraovarian gestation. Fertilization is internal, as free spermatozoa were found primarily in resting ovaries from July through early December with peak occurrence in September through November. There was a delay of 1–3 months before fertilization, as oocyte development did not begin until December. Occurrence during January through April of early-celled embryos, the most advanced stage observed, and postovulatory follicles indicated that oocyte development was rapid. Egg development occurs in a clear gelatinous matrix secreted into the ovarian cavity. The reproductive mode is a zygoparous form of oviparity, intermediate between oviparity and viviparity. Population sex ratio departed markedly from 1: 1 for most length intervals. Males were more abundant at lengths >250 mm L T and the overall male: female ratio was 1 : 0·60.  相似文献   

A new species of Mallomonas, M.weei, is described from North Carolina, U.S.A. Fine structure of scales and bristles has been studied using scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The new species is placed in the section Mallomonas, series Intermediae.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. 1. The tendency of larvae of Chyranda centralis to mark themselves by adding coloured plastic segments to their cases was used to study instream movements of the species. Plastic strips of different colours were placed at measured distances down a small spring stream and larvae cut pieces and incorporated them in their cases.
2. Over 50% of the marked population moved upstream into cooler water prior to pupation in an exceptionally dry year. The greatest distance moved upstream by a single larva was 56.9m, In a wet year, when daytime stream temperatures were cooler, 11–28% of the marked population moved upstream. Downstream movement occurred in both years late in the fifth instar.
3. Larvae selected yellow in preference to other colours in laboratory tests and they preferred heavy, textured plastic to light, smooth plastic as they neared pupation.
4. Upstream movements, found also in Desmana bethula (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae) in the same spring stream, may be an adaptation for avoiding pupation in areas of high temperature, low oxygen concentration, or intermittent flow.  相似文献   

Bulk sediment samples and surface collections were made from deltaic distributary channel deposits for a paleoecological investigation in the Late Pleistocene Montezuma Formation at Rodeo, California (U.S.A.). Over 1300 kg of bulk samples were screenwashed, and all particles greater than 1.3 mm were saved for analysis. About 3400 identifiable vertebrate specimens of 36 genera (40 species) were recovered. Variations from the expected per cent preservation for selected skeletal elements of small mammal general (N = 1889), for elements of nine rodent genera compared (N = 1136), for cheek teeth of six rodent genera (N = 447), and sediment particle size distribution of a representative locality (464 kg sample) provide qualitative and quantitative information about the effects of hydrodynamic sorting on the preservation of small mammal fossils. Elements which are small, long, and slender, or have large surface to volume ratios are extremely rare. Frequency of preservation and size of cheek teeth decrease in the order: M1, M2, P4-M3, P3. The greatest mass of sediment is in the 1.3–1.4 mm interval where 25% of the identifiable mammal bones and teeth appear. About 80% of the fossils are in the 1.3–3.0 mm range.Hydrodynamic sorting is responsible for the low per cent preservation and relative abundance of each of three species from the Rodeo site (Reithrodontomys raviventris, Scapanus latimanus, and Sorex sp.). Size and shape of skeletal elements are the critical factors, not distance of transport. To ascertain if a species belonged to the community near the site of deposition and to determine its original relative abundance there requires study of many factors in addition to sorting.  相似文献   

The code Gobiosoma robustum and clown Microgobius gulosus gobies were grown in the laboratory over 27 days at two salinities (5 and 35), two food levels [low (a fixed proportion of initial mass) and high (saturation)] and both with and without the presence of the other species. Both species exhibited greatest growth at the high food level and the low (5) salinity. Neither species was affected by the presence of the other species, and there were no overall differences in growth between the two species. Thus, the observed competitive superiority of G. robustum over M. gulosus does not seem to confer an advantage relative to feeding success. Furthermore, as growth of G. robustum was greater at the lower salinity, it is clear that some factor other than salinity is restricting this species from north‐eastern Florida Bay. Additional work on the importance of predation and food resources in various regions of Florida Bay is needed to further evaluate the underlying mechanisms responsible for the bay‐wide distribution of these species.  相似文献   

Eric E. Lamont 《Brittonia》1990,42(4):279-282
Eupatorium steelei, endemic to the southern Appalachian Mountains, is described, illustrated, and discussed. It clearly belongs to sectionVerticillata, where it is most closely related toE. purpureum.  相似文献   

Aim Spatial and temporal variation in fire regime parameters and forest structure were assessed. Location A 2630‐ha area of mid‐ and upper montane forest in Lassen Volcanic National Park (LVNP). Methods Two hypotheses were tested concerned with fire‐vegetation relationships in southern Cascades forests: (1) fire regime parameters (return interval, season of burn, fire size, rotation period) vary by forest dominant, elevation and slope aspect; and (2) fire exclusion since 1905 has caused forest structural and compositional changes in both mid‐ and upper montane forests. The implications of the study for national park management are also discussed. Results Fire regime parameters varied by forest compositional group and elevation in LVNP. Median composite and point fire return intervals were shorter in low elevation Jeffrey pine (Pinus jeffreyi) (JP) (4–6 years, 16 years) and Jeffrey pine–white fir (Abies concolor) (JP‐WF) (5–10 years, 22 years) and longer in high elevation red fir (Abies magnifica)— western white pine (Pinus monticola) (RF‐WWP) forests (9–27 years, 70 years). Median fire return intervals were also shorter on east‐facing (6–9 years, 16.3 years) and longer on south‐ (11 years, 32.5 years) and west‐facing slopes (22–28 years, 54‐years) in all forests and in each forest composition group. Spatial patterns in fire rotation length were the same as those for fire return intervals. More growing season fires also occurred in JP (33.1%) and JP‐WF (17.5%) than in RF‐WWP (1.1%) forests. A dramatic decline in fire frequency occurred in all forests after 1905. Conclusions Changes in forest structure and composition occurred in both mid‐ and upper montane forests due to twentieth‐century fire exclusion. Forest density increased in JP and JP‐WF forests and white fir increased in JP‐WF forests and is now replacing Jeffrey pine. Forest density only increased in some RF‐WWP stands, but not others. Resource managers restoring fire to these now denser forests need to burn larger areas if fire is going to play its pre‐settlement role in montane forest dynamics.  相似文献   

Reproductive seasonality of common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) can be affected by numerous ecological and behavioral factors. In 2009, stock boundaries were revised to recognize a Charleston Estuarine System Stock (CESS) of bottlenose dolphins in Charleston, South Carolina. The CESS is a well‐studied population with long‐term data collected from photo‐identification and stranding studies. From 2004 to 2008, a systematic mark‐recapture photo‐identification study was conducted in the Charleston Estuary to estimate population size of the CESS. Sightings data from this photo‐identification study coupled with strandings data (1993–2008) were analyzed to determine the reproductive seasonality of this local population. Both neonate sightings and strandings depicted a primary season of reproduction in the spring into early summer with a small peak in neonate sightings in early autumn, and were significantly different from circular uniform and Von Mises distributions (strandings: < 0.01, = 2.8644; sightings: < 0.01, = 3.2302). This study increases the knowledge of seasonal reproductive patterns of estuarine stocks of bottlenose dolphin stocks in the southeastern United States. The results will also help wildlife managers detect unusual neonate mortality events, and provide information about critical habitat relevant for evaluating and mitigating coastal development projects.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. 1. During the summer of 1987 we conducted an acidification experiment using large enclosure at Emerald Lake, a dilute, high-elevation lake in the Sierra Nevada, California, U.S.A. The experiment was designed to examine the effects of acidification on the zooplankton and zoobenthos assemblages of Sierran lakes.
2. Treatments consisted of a control (pH 6.3) and pH levels of 5.8, 5.4, 5.3, 5.0 and 4.7; each treatment was run in triplicate. The experiment lasted 35 days.
3. The zooplankton assemblage was sensitive to acidification. Daphnia rosea Sars emend. Richard and Diaptomns signicauda Lilljeborg decreased in abundance below pH 5.5–5.8, and virtually disappeared below pH 5.0. Bosmina longirostris (Müller) and Keratella taurocephala Ahlstrom became more abundant with decreasing pH. although B. longirostris was rare in the pH 4.7 treatment. These species might serve as reliable indicators of early acidification in lakes such as Emerald Lake.
4. The elimination of D. rosea in acidified treatments probably allowed the more acid-tolerant taxa to increase in abundance because interspecific competition was reduced. Even slight acidification can therefore alter the structure of the zooplankton assemblage.
5. In contrast to the zooplankton, there was no evidence that the zoobenthos in the enclosures was affected by acidification.  相似文献   

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