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A new species of fossil hominoid is described from the middle Miocene deposits at Pa?alar, Turkey. It is the less common of the two Pa?alar species discussed by Martin and Andrews (1993), making up approximately 10% of the individuals in the Pa?alar hominoid sample according to analyses of the minimum number of individuals. To the diagnostic features of I(1) described by Alpagut et al. (1990) and Martin and Andrews (1993) can now be added further diagnostic features of all the anterior teeth, as well as both upper premolars and P(3). These include discrete, nonmetric features and metric differences at all the noted tooth positions. Attempts to distinguish the upper and lower molars of the two species have so far been unsuccessful, with the possible exception of M(3). The morphology of the new species is similar in most respects to that of Kenyapithecus wickeri from Fort Ternan, especially concerning maxillary morphology. They share robust and moderately deep maxillary alveolar processes, a restricted maxillary sinus with an elevated and uncomplicated floor, lacking the compartmentalization evident to varying degrees in many other taxa, and a zygomatic process that originates and turns laterally fairly high above the alveolar margin. There are also a number of distinctive similarities in the dentition, particularly for I(1), C(1), P(4) and P(3). The I(1) morphology in particular, with greatly hypertrophied lingual marginal ridges bounding a uniformly thickened basal crown area, is distinctive among Miocene hominoids. All of these similarities serve to reinforce the differences noted by others between the derived morphology of K. wickeri and the more primitive morphology of Equatorius africanus from Maboko and Kipsaramon. The new species differs from K. wickeri in morphological details of most of the anterior and premolar teeth that are known for both species, despite the general morphological similarity, and in the size of I(1) versus I(2). One striking feature of the new species is a relatively large incisive fossa, although it cannot be determined if this is associated with an open palatine fenestra, as in many early Miocene hominoids, or a minimally overlapping palate and nasoalveolar clivus, as in some middle and late Miocene hominoids.  相似文献   

The coefficient of variation (CV) has frequently been used to evaluate variation in a morphologically homogeneous fossil assemblage and to make inferences about its species composition. Comparisons of coefficients of variation in single- and mixed-species assemblages have typically involved mixed-species assemblages made up of an equal number of data points from two or more different species, but in reality, a fossil assemblage may be biased in favor of one or more of the component species. In this paper, we evaluate the effects of unequal species composition in mixed-species assemblages on CV distributions by carrying out an extensive series of resampling experiments. The experiments were designed to replicate a paleontological situation in which the species affiliation of particular specimens is not known. We use this technique to explore the pattern of metric variation in the postcanine dental assemblage from the middle Miocene site of Pa?alar in a comparative context. The distributions of CVs from mixed assemblages that are heavily biased toward one species may be characterized by a greater range of CVs, increased skewing, and a tail of low values, but only heavily biased assemblages comprising species that differ markedly in size could be reliably identified on this basis. Evidence from the simulated CV distributions supports nonmetric evidence in indicating that the Pa?alar assemblage represents a heavily biased assemblage of two species that are similar in size but not entirely overlapping in the size distributions of their postcanine teeth.  相似文献   

Seventy-four hominoid primary teeth have been recovered from the middle Miocene site of Pa?alar, Turkey, constituting the largest sample of deciduous teeth for any species of fossil ape. Morphological features that characterize the permanent teeth of Griphopithecus alpani from the site have also been identified in some of these deciduous teeth, including a lingual pillar on the di(1)s. These features plus the overwhelming preponderance of G. alpani permanent teeth at the site suggest that all of the deciduous teeth belong to this species. Contrary to the situation in the permanent teeth, nothing in the morphology of the primary dentition suggests the representation of a second species. The age profile of the non-adult hominoids was reconstructed based on the degree and type of wear recorded on the dp4s, the most abundant deciduous tooth in the sample, assuming a similar eruption chronology to that of Pan troglodytes. This analysis indicates underrepresentation of very young individuals in the sample and high mortality for individuals belonging to the 3-5-years age cohort, a situation that could be due to the effects of stress related to weaning. The coefficient of variation and range-index values obtained for the majority of tooth types are equal to or greater than the comparable values in a sample of P. troglodytes, in some cases at much smaller sample sizes. One possible explanation for this is that there was greater sexual dimorphism in the G. alpani deciduous dentition than in Pan, which would mirror the condition of the permanent dentition.  相似文献   

Interproximal wear facets were examined on hominoid teeth from the middle Miocene site at Pa?alar, Turkey. The aim was to find matches between adjacent premolar and molar teeth from single individuals that were collected in the field as isolated teeth and use them to reconstruct tooth rows. These were then used to investigate: (1) the wear gradient on the molar teeth; (2) the dispersal of teeth from single mandibles and maxillae; (3) the size ratios among the molars; and (4) the number of individuals represented by the hominoid sample. Facets were scored for size and shape and were assessed visually using photographs and superimposed outline drawings on acetate transparencies. Out of a sample of approximately 1,500 teeth collected between 1983 and 1996, 532 molars and 258 premolars produced apparent matches making up 160 tooth rows. These were then examined rigorously for morphological consistency and state of wear, and, employing the criterion that only the most unequivocal associations should be used, the final number was reduced to 48 tooth rows-31 mandibular and 17 maxillary. The tooth associations represent a minimum of 21 individuals and probably as many as 34. Molar wear was rapid, with M1s having almost twice as much wear as M3s, as measured by a wear-gradient index. The M2s are intermediate but generally closer to M1s in degree of wear, as are P4s. This wear pattern suggests either delayed eruption of M3s or extremely abrasive diets causing rapid, heavy wear. There is some indication that the wear patterns in Griphopithecus alpani and Kenyapithecus kizili are different, with the latter perhaps having a lower wear gradient, but the K. kizili sample is very small. In both species, the M2 is the largest molar and the M1 is the smallest. Separation of individual teeth in the 48 tooth associations varied from widely separated-up to 8.5m apart-to within a few centimeters of each other. One tooth row (D922) was found with the teeth in contact but the maxillary bone had dissolved away. Two dispersal mechanisms have been identified from earlier taphonomic work: transport of disarticulated elements to the fossil site and reworking of sediments by spring action.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2018,17(3):178-188
Here, we describe remains of Micromeryx sp. and Hispanomeryx sp. from the middle Miocene locality Catakbağyaka (MN 7/8). This is the first record for Miocene Moschidae for the late middle Miocene in Turkey and verifies the importance of Turkey as a corridor for the dispersal of Eurasian mammals. Furthermore, the record from Catakbağyaka confirms that the sympatric co-occurrence of two Miocene moschid taxa in one locality appears to be a common phenomenon.  相似文献   

During the Miocene in South America, the family Anhingidae constitutes one of the most conspicuous faunal elements. However, the anhingid record from Patagonia is still sparse. The aim of the present contribution is to describe a new species of Macranhinga coming from Colloncuran levels (early middle Miocene) in Río Negro province, north-central Patagonia (Argentina). The new species is represented by an incomplete proximal end of a tarsometatarsus, distal end of a tibiotarsus, and distal end of a humerus. The phylogenetic relationships of the new species within Macranhinga remains unresolved. South American Neogene anhingids share a number of features that suggest they may belong to a monophyletic clade within this family. Anhingid records from the Miocene of Patagonia indicate that the diversity of this family was far more diverse (at least 4 different species) than currently understood, and was possible comparable to that shown by Miocene beds of Mesopotamian in Argentina and Acre in Brazil.

http://www.zoobang.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:3FC228E8-4E2C-4DFD-AB91-79F32269CA98  相似文献   

Bioerosion is a common process in hard substrates. This study introduces an example from the rocky palaeoshore cropping out at a sea cliff on the Bozcaada Island. It includes bioerosion trace fossils preserved in limestone boulders of the shallow marine and lacustrine Alcitepe Formation of Late Miocene age. The ichnotaxa include borings produced by duraphagous drillers (Oichnus isp.), phonorids (cf. Conchotrema isp.), clionid sponges (Entobia cf. goniodes, Entobia geometrica, Entobia laquea, Entobia ovula, E. cf. solaris, Entobia isp.), endolithic bivalves (Gastrochaenolites torpedo, Gastrochaenolites lapidicus, Gastrochaenolites isp., Phrixichnus isp.), polychaete annelids (Maeandropolydora isp., Maeandropolydora sulcans, Maeandropolydora decipiens, Caulostrepsis taeniola, Caulostrepsis isp.), echinoids (cf. Circolites isp.) and spinculid worms (cf. Trypanites isp.). Barnacles are also common as encrusters. The borings can be ascribed to the Gastrochaenolites-Entobia assemblage, which is typical of Neogene rocky-shores. They belong to the Entobia ichnofacies indicating various conditions of light, energy, and depth. Therefore they can reveal environmental changes and play an important role in forming palaeo-rocky shores and wave-cut platforms during marine trangressive events.  相似文献   

The sample of the less common hominoid species at Pa?alar, Kenyapithecus kizili, is characterized by a number of unusual attributes. All ten of the upper central incisors attributed to this species show a distinct, identical pattern of two linear enamel hypoplasias. The two hypoplasias occur on the same portion of the labial crown face, revealing that the two hypoplasia-causing events occurred at the same stage of development in all individuals. The morphology of the two hypoplasias and the amount of time between them, as determined by both their separation and counts of perikymata, are also the same on all teeth. In addition, all of the approximately 70 teeth assigned to K. kizili appear to come from young adults based on degrees of wear; there are no younger or older individuals (diagnostic morphology at most tooth positions would be evident even with heavy wear). Thus, all of the K. kizili individuals (minimum number of individuals is nine: seven males, two females) appear to have died at essentially the same age. It is concluded that the most plausible interpretation of all these features is that the incisor hypoplasias were caused by the same two events in all the K. kizili individuals and that these individuals therefore represent a single birth cohort. As such, and because they died at essentially the same age, they would also have died at the same time, which is consistent with the catastrophic nature of the Pa?alar deposits. The number of coincidences needed to explain all of the attributes of the K. kizili sample if these animals were born in, and died in, different years seems highly improbable. Moreover, the lack of a typical age-class structure for the K. kizili sample, or any age-class structure at all beyond the one age class of young adult, strongly suggests that the species was not resident in the area that contributed to the Pa?alar accumulation, and that K. kizili was not permanently sympatric with the other Pa?alar hominoid, Griphopithecus alpani. Rather, the nine K. kizili individuals must have been transients in, or recent immigrants to, the area at the time of the events that led to the formation of the site. Recent observations on social associations in male chimpanzees offer at least a possible interpretive framework to explain this unprecedented occurrence in the primate fossil record.  相似文献   

New bovid material from the Upper Miocene site of Çorakyerler (Çankırı basin, Anatolia, Turkey) is described and compared here. The described taxon is identified as a representative of the stem caprine genus Qurliqnoria, previously known from the peri-Tibetan area exclusively. The stronger horn-core divergence, weaker anterior keel, smoother horn-core surface, stronger lateral horn-core curvature, stronger and thicker interfrontal suture, less flexed and less pneumatized frontals, and smaller supraorbital foramina differentiate the Çorakyerler Qurliqnoria from the type and only known species of the genus, Q. cheni from China, and demand the erection of a new species, Qurliqnoria chorakensis n. sp. A review of other late Miocene bovid records allows the recognition of Qurliqnoria in Sinap Tepe (Turkey) and Platania (Greece), suggesting a westward propagation of the genus during the Vallesian.  相似文献   

Miocene scleractinian corals were documented for the first time in the Fırat Formation of Sarıca village, Eğil district of Diyarbakır, SE Turkey. The fauna consists of four hermatypic species belonging to three families: Diploastrea taurinensis (d’Achiardi, 1868), Tarbellastraea reussiana (Milne-Edwards and Haime, 1850), Echinopora gemmacea (Lamarck, 1816) and Montastraea pelouaensis (Chevalier, 1954). The morphospecies described here are typical of the early Miocene (Aquitanian-Burdigalian) and show that the Fırat Formation coral community was composed of shallow and subtropical reefs of Mediterranean Tethys palaeobiogeographical affinity. The examined species are reef components found in tropical and subtropical oceans, as are the majority of zooxanthellae. The species were upper photic zone related, had massive colonial growth morphology, and lived in a shallow tropical-subtropical marine palaeoenvironment at a depth of up to 50 m. They grew on hard ground, clean water, and normal salinity and required a minimum seawater temperature of 18 ̊C; however, they were most abundant at water temperatures ranging from 22 to 26 ̊C in high-moderate water energy. Consequently, this fossil assemblage will not only improve our knowledge of scleractinian coral diversity and morphological variation in SE Turkey but will also provide an important background for future studies of coral taxonomy, diversity and biogeography of the region.  相似文献   

Summary In this paper genetic, clinical, and epidemiological studies on a muscular dystrophy which originated and is concentrated in the village of Çullar, Nevehir of inland Turkey, are reported. A pedigree chart has been constructed by careful and repeated inquiries, and both clinical and laboratory examinations have generally been carried out in the field. The consideration, facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy of Landouzy-Déjérine, has been found to have affected at least 53 individuals, 9 of whom are deceased. Both sexes in six generations are involved as would be expected from a dominant mendelian gene freshly mutated at least 100 years ago. Additionally, some 19 individuals have been described as having the disease or some of its stigmata, but have not been examined by us. Initial signs and symptoms seem to appear early in infancy, though variable, and because of complete dominance, some 75 individuals are at risk. The disease progresses slowly without interfering significantly with survival and reproduction. For prevention the so-called Çullar example measures have been taken to improve the area culturally and socioeconomically.  相似文献   

The rodent faunas from the Com?ne?ti 1 and Tau? localities (Western Romania) are revised in light of the latest taxonomical, biostratigraphical and palaeoenvironmental information. The main systematic results show that the two cricetid rodents Megacricetodon crisiensis and Democricetodon iazygum are invalid, whereas Democricetodon zarandicus is retained. The original assigment of the cricetodontini remains from Tau? to Hispanomys is emended, as a relationship to Byzantinia is more likely. While the geological evidence suggests that the localities are late Middle Miocene (Upper Volhynian-Bessarabian, late Sarmatian sensu stricto) in age, the association of Myoglis ucrainicus with Muscardinus hispanicus rather argues for an MN9 correlation for Tau?. Indeed, uncertainties and discontinuities in the Central and East European mammalian biostratigraphy render any conclusion about the correlation of the localities to the MN “zonation” problematic. The high diversity of squirrels (five genera), as well as the presence of a pliopithecoid alongside, glirid and eomyid rodents, suggest a forest environment at the time of accumulation of the Tau? fauna, which is in agreement with the indication of humid climate provided by ectothermic vertebrates.  相似文献   

The Palaeolithic site of Raşcov 8, discovered in the 1950's, was recently subjected to new investigations. It yielded archaeological layers from the Upper Pleniglacial. We used zooarchaeological methods to deepen knowledge about this site. We focused on the taphonomy, the anatomical representation of the different species and the anthropogenic activities to better determine the use of natural resources by humans, in particular of animal origin, to understand which strategies were used, the technocultural practices and territory occupation. The taphonomic observations are quite typical of a dry and cold environment. They also suggest that the 3 and 3a layers result from the same or chronogically closely occupations, affected by soil movements. Concerning the anthropogenic features, repeated short-term occupations, on a seasonal basis, mainly hunting and butchering activities of one or several small human groups have been highlighted. Whereas in the older layer humans exploited the carcass of a mammoth, in the other layers they hunted reindeer and horses and butchered the carcasses on the site, probably transporting some parts elsewhere. Whereas the lithic industries are different between layers 4/3-3a (Epiaurignacian) and 2/1 (Epigravettian), the subsistence behavior is similar and quite typical of Molodovian.  相似文献   

Few human fossils are known in Turkey and no Homo erectus has been discovered until now. In this respect, the newly discovered partial skull from Kocaba? is very important: (1) to assess the pattern of the first settlements throughout the Old World; and (2) to document the extension of the species H. erectus to the west of continental Asia. Using CT data and 3D imaging techniques, this specimen was reconstructed and a more detailed analysis was done, including the inner anatomical features. The preliminary results of this study highlight that the fossil hominid from Kocaba? is close to the H. erectus species regarding the following cranial patterns: presence of a clear post-orbital constriction, strong development of the frontal brow-ridge with a depressed supratoral area in the lateral part, as well as endocranial patterns such as the development and orientation of the middle meningeal artery and the presence of a frontal bec. The Kocaba? skull is morphologically very close to the fossils from Zhoukoudian L-C. The partial Kocaba? skull is the oldest H. erectus known in Turkey and the only one from this species to have settled so far west in Asia.  相似文献   

The palynological investigation of the early Middle Miocene fluviolacustrine sedimentary rocks interfingering with volcanics of the Galatean Volcanic Province at Pelitçik Basin (Central Turkey) have yielded palynomorphs belonging to 51 spore and pollen taxa. The pollen record is dominated by Ulmus, Pinaceae, Quercus, Carpinus and Carya, and appears to reflect climatic conditions. Two pollen zones were established based on changing abundances of plant taxa. Zone 1 is characterized by dominance of Ulmus and Pinaceae. Zone 2 is differentiated and characterized by a dramatic increase in, and predominance of, Ulmus, Carya, deciduous Quercus, Carpinus, Salix and Pinaceae. Mixed mesophytic forests were widespread in the basin suggesting warm and temperate climate. The decreasing relative percentage of thermophilous taxa, with Engelhardia as the main component, and warm temperate taxa, such as Carya, at the upper part of Zone 2 generally indicates a climatic deterioration, probably related to the Middle Miocene cooling.  相似文献   

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