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川西四大山系间高山姬鼠头骨特征的地理分化   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文以我国特有的小型兽类高山姬鼠(Apodemus chevriei)为例,探讨了其头骨特征在四川西部岷山、邛崃山、相岭及凉山等隔离山系中的异同.单因素方差分析结果表明,不同山系高山姬鼠头骨在多数形态指标上存在显著差异,多重比较结果显示出各山系间至少1至多个头骨量度存在显著不同.除此之外,多元判别分析进一步将69.7%的样本正确地判归各来源山系,表明各山系高山姬鼠种群已发生了显著分化.头骨样品地理距离与判断得分距离之间的显著性正相关说明高山姬鼠种群在四川西部不同山系的头骨分化可能与空间距离有密切的联系.本项研究揭示了在根据形态特征进行姬鼠属(Apodemus)内物种阶元的划分时,必须充分考虑性状特征可能存在的地理差异.  相似文献   

中国中西部五大山系间社鼠头骨形态的地理分化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
意义。本文以社鼠头骨为材料,通过SPSS 统计分析软件对采集自我国中西部5 大山系的250 号标本头骨形态变
方面的差异。除此之外,本文研究结果尚揭示了在对具有广泛分布的小型兽类进行种下阶元(如亚种) 的划分
时,需充分考虑形态特征可能存在的地理差异。  相似文献   

运用单因素方差分析、主成分分析、判别分析和聚类分析,对高原鼢鼠(Eospalax baileyi)4个地区(临潭、天祝、玛曲和碌曲)8个地理群体的头骨形态特征进行综合分析,比较13个特征变量的地理分异,挖掘形态特征的主要变量,并探讨其形态变异与环境的关系。结果发现,群体间13个特征变量均存在显著差异,主成分分析表明13个头骨特征变量可用3个主成分来表述,其累计贡献率达96.981%。颅全长、上齿列长及齿隙长是高原鼢鼠头骨发生分化的主要变量。天祝种群与碌曲种群,及玛曲种群与临潭种群都有重叠,其中碌曲的两个种群相似性最高,玛曲种群和临潭种群与其他种群几乎无重叠,显示完全分化,聚类分析结果与判别分析结果一致。头骨形态与地理因子的相关性分析发现头骨形态大小与海拔成显著的正相关关系。综合分析认为地理隔离、栖息地海拔因子影响下的生态条件等是高原鼢鼠头骨分化的主要因素。  相似文献   

【目的】岷山与邛崃山系是大熊猫的重要栖息地,但由于该地区干扰、栖息地破碎化等原因,野生大熊猫的生存和种群复壮仍然存在风险。基于大熊猫习性和生存需求来评价其栖息地生态安全,对于更好地保护野生大熊猫种群、明确保护的地理重点,具有重要现实意义。【方法】以岷山山系、邛崃山山系范围内各市、区、县为对象,收集并选择最新的社会、地理、生物三大类目中具有代表性的12个因子作为评价指标,运用层次分析法和主成分分析法相结合的方法对该地区大熊猫栖息的生态安全进行综合评价。【结果】岷山、邛崃山中部的平武县、宝兴县的生态安全指数最高;彭州市、都江堰市和邛崃县等成都的周边地区生态安全指数较低,主要原因是人类活动的影响;都江堰市北部和汶川县域内为大熊猫的重要栖息地,但其生态安全指数较低,需要进一步的保护、管理和恢复;平武中部、松潘、茂县等地区生态安全指数较高,可作为大熊猫潜在栖息地进行保护。【结论】岷山大熊猫栖息地的生态安全指数总体上高于邛崃山系,但都存在明显的空间异质性。本研究结果可为野生大熊猫生态廊道的建设、圈养大熊猫放归地点选择等工作提供科学依据。  相似文献   

移地与圈养大熊猫野外放归的探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
移地是指将生物有机体从一个区域自由释放到另一区域的移动,通常包括引入、重引入以及复壮等3 种类型。野生动物的移地有较悠久的历史。在许多国家,通过移地以维持濒危野生动物种群在野外的长期续存已成为保护生物学上的一种重要手段。影响圈养动物野外放归成功的因素主要来自物种生物学特性、自然环境、社会生物学以及放归方式等几方面,同时,放归亦给基础生态学研究带来了新的机遇与挑战。大熊猫是我国特有的珍稀兽类,分布在秦岭、岷山、邛崃山、大相岭、小相岭以及凉山等几大隔离的山系。由于部分山系栖息地的高度破碎以及隔离小种群普遍面临的来自种群及环境等随机因素的影响,单纯依靠就地保护的措施可能并不足以保证这些隔离小种群在野外长期续存。在圈养大熊猫种群数量不断增加的情况下,将圈养个体放归野外以复壮孤立小种群应是一种有效的保护手段,同时,随着大熊猫栖息地质量的逐步改善,圈养大熊猫野外放归的时机亦逐步成熟。文中尚就圈养大熊猫放归野外之前亟待解决的问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

大熊猫栖息地农村聚落的生态经济特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1 前言大熊猫(Ailuromoda medopeda)为我国的特产动物,国家一级保护物种。自古以来,人们就把它视为一种珍贵稀有的异兽。由于人为活动的长期影响,导致现存大熊猫地理分布的“岛屿化”和“破碎化”。其生存繁衍处于极其濒危状态,野生种群数量税减,仅为1000余只,间断地分布于秦岭南麓、岷山、邛崃山、凉山和大、小相岭6个山系,包括陕西省9个县、甘肃省1个县和四川省35个县,栖息面积达13921.52km~2(胡锦矗,1990)。  相似文献   

大熊猫是中国特有的珍稀濒危物种,而西氏贝蛔虫是大熊猫体内最为常见的肠道寄生虫,对野生和圈养大熊猫危害极大。考虑到大熊猫因分布区域的差异而形成了不同的亚种以及寄生虫与宿主间广泛的协同进化关系,西氏贝蛔虫是否也存在与大熊猫相适应的亚种分化一直是野生动物学家极其关注和热议的话题。为此,本文选择中国两大山系(岷山和邛崃)大熊猫种群体内共计34株西氏贝蛔虫虫体样本进行种群遗传多态性研究。利用PCR技术扩增出了岷山(14株)和邛崃(20株)西氏贝蛔虫的线粒体12S基因全序列并对其做了遗传多样性分析。结果表明:(1)34个样本包含9个单倍型,呈现出一个高单倍性多样性和低核苷酸多样性的特点;(2)负的Tajima's D和Fu's Fs中性检验值及“多峰型”的种群歧点分布图暗示种群不久前曾经历过突增长的现象;(3)低的种群间的分化系数和高的基因流表明两个地理种群间未形成显著的遗传分化;(4)系统发育树和单倍型网络图表明两山系种群分布无区域特异性。因此,岷山和邛崃山系的大熊猫体内的西氏贝蛔虫种群遗传变异性较低,分化不明显。该发现不仅暗示了西氏贝蛔虫与其宿主(大熊猫)的进化不同步,而且还为不同区域大熊猫西氏贝蛔虫病的监控提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

本研究扩增了169号鼠兔属样本的cyt b序列,代表13个种11亚种及5个未分类单元,下载了66条分类地位确定而完整的Cyt b序列,包括25种及9个亚种。构建了Bayesian系统发育树,计算了遗传距离,开展了物种界定分析;对13个种4亚种及5个未分类单元174号完整头骨和外形的20个形态学量度数据开展了主成分分析、判别分析和T检验;对头骨和身体外部特征进行了比较研究。结果显示:鼠兔属包含5个亚属,分别是Ochotona, Conothoa, Pika, Lagotona 和一新亚属;5个亚属间的遗传距离在12.8%-16.0%之间;高黎贡鼠兔(Ochotona gaoligongensis)是灰颈鼠兔(O. forresti)的亚种;喜马拉雅鼠兔(O. himalayana)是灰鼠兔(O. roylei)的亚种;木里鼠兔(O. muliensis)是川西鼠兔(O. gloveri)的亚种;宁夏鼠兔(O. argentata)应为蒙古鼠兔(O. pallasi)的亚种;西伯利亚鼠兔(O. turuchanensis) 为高山鼠兔(O. alpina)的同物异名。藏鼠兔循化亚种(O. thibetana xunhuaensis)应提升为种:循化鼠兔(O. xunhuaensis);东北鼠兔长白山亚种(O. hyperborea coreana)应该提升为种:长白山鼠兔(O. coreana);藏鼠兔峨眉亚种(O. thibetana sacraria)应提升为种:峨眉鼠兔(O. sacraria); 藏鼠兔锡金亚种(O. thibetana sikimaria)应提升为种:锡金鼠兔(O. sikimaria)。通过分子系统学和形态学研究,发现了鼠兔属1 新亚属和5个新种。新亚属命名为异耳鼠兔亚属(Alienauroa subgen. n.),属模为黄龙鼠兔(O. huanglongensis sp. n.),成员包括黄龙鼠兔新种、峨眉鼠兔、循化鼠兔,以及在龙门山和大巴山发现的2个新种,共计5个种。新亚属的鉴定特征是:耳上前缘内侧有一个密被短毛的异耳屏(Congenial tragus);头骨扁平,颅面平直;眼小,眼眶长和眼眶宽均小于其他亚属;被毛粗长而无光泽;腹毛多为灰白色。5个新种分别发现于四川黄龙自然保护区、四川北部龙门山、四川北部大巴山、四川西部邛崃山、西藏雅鲁藏布江中游的朗县。我们分别将其命名为黄龙鼠兔(Ochotona huanglongensis sp. n.),扁颅鼠兔(Ochotona flatcalvariam sp.n.),大巴山鼠兔(Ochotona dabashanensis sp. n.),雅鲁藏布鼠兔(Ochotona yarlungensis sp. n.)和邛崃鼠兔(Ochotona qionglaiensis sp. n.)。黄龙鼠兔的鉴定特征是:门齿孔前段平行;脑颅扁平,颅高为颅全长的33.5%;耳大,平均20mm以上(不含耳基部的管),异耳屏三角形,但顶端圆形;毛长而粗糙,无光泽,背部毛长约20mm;腹面毛色以灰白为主;前后足背面灰白色,腹面黑灰色,指(趾)垫大,橘黄色,露出毛外,爪黄白色半透明。扁颅鼠兔的鉴定特征是:脑颅异常扁平,颅高约11mm,颅高仅为颅全长的31%;眼眶很小,平均6.7mm×5.6mm;个体小,体长140mm以下;体毛长而粗糙无光泽,背部毛长22mm;耳小,平均17mm左右,异耳屏阔圆型,相对较小;背毛沙黄色,腹毛黄白。大巴山鼠兔的鉴定特征是:异耳屏镰刀状;耳相对较小,均在17mm以下,和峨眉鼠兔、扁颅鼠兔差不多,比该亚属循化鼠兔和黄龙鼠兔小。颅高相对较大,颅面更隆突,颅高平均12.45mm, 眼眶相对较大,平均8.52mm×7.13mm。雅鲁藏布鼠兔的鉴定特征是:与黑唇鼠兔(O. curzoniae)和努布拉克鼠兔拉萨亚种(O. nubrica lhasaensis)有很近的亲缘关系;唇缘有很窄的深灰色圈,深灰色圈外侧为灰白色;前后足底部毛浓密,趾端毛多而长,趾垫和爪隐于毛中;个体中等,体长150mm左右,比黑唇鼠兔和努布拉克鼠兔拉萨亚种小得多;颅面较隆突,但与黑唇鼠兔相比,颅面相对平直;被毛黑褐色。邛崃鼠兔的鉴定特征是:大小及头骨和藏鼠兔很相似,但该种和藏鼠兔的显著不同是眶间宽狭窄,平均4.05mm(3.64-4.19mm),而藏鼠兔眶间宽一般超过4.2mm,平均为4.45mm;该种毛色为沙色带黄色调,毛粗长;藏鼠兔为黑褐色调,毛相对较短;邛崃鼠兔前后足背面为显著的草黄色,而藏鼠兔前后足背面黄白色。  相似文献   

梁健  李金钢 《兽类学报》2004,24(4):322-328
利用生物量、物种数、多样性指数、均匀度指数等变量, 对延安人工林区小型兽类群落的季节性变化进行了调查。选择生物量作为小型兽类的优势度指标, 分析了小型兽类优势度的季节性变化及在不同生境的表现。共捕获小型兽类9 种, 分属2 目3 科, 优势种为达乌尔鼠兔和中华鼢鼠甘肃亚种; 小型兽类群落4 种变量的季节变化与小型兽类种群生物量的季节变化关系密切; 延安人工林区小型兽类群落优势种的季节性决定着群落生物量的季节性, 普通种和稀有种的季节性决定着物种数和多样性的季节性; 延安人工林区9 种小型兽类存在不同的时空组合; 中华鼢鼠是唯一在各季节和所有生境中分布的种类; 夏、秋季刺槐人工林区、杂草灌丛区达乌尔鼠兔优势度极高。  相似文献   

冉江洪(四川大学生命科学院副教授):大面积滑坡体会对大熊猫造成种群割裂,需要人的适当帮助 在这次地震的四川区域里,有14个大熊猫保护区位于重灾区域,所栖息的大熊猫数量占整个岷山和邛崃山系大熊猫数量的一半左右。其中,岷山南段受损最严重,这个区域包括了龙溪一虹口、白水河、千佛山、九顶山4个保护区。  相似文献   

Comparisons of neutral marker and quantitative trait divergence can provide important insights into the relative roles of natural selection and neutral genetic drift in population differentiation. We investigated phenotypic and genetic differentiation among Fennoscandian threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) populations, and found that the highest degree of differentiation occurred between sea and freshwater habitats. Within habitats, morphological divergence was highest among the different freshwater populations. Pairwise phenotypic and neutral genetic distances among populations were positively correlated, suggesting that genetic drift may have contributed to the morphological differentiation among habitats. On the other hand, the degree of phenotypic differentiation (PST) clearly surpassed the neutral expectation set by FST, suggesting a predominant role for natural selection over genetic drift as an explanation for the observed differentiation. However, separate PST/FST comparisons by habitats revealed that body shape divergence between lake and marine populations, and even among marine populations, can be strongly influenced by natural selection. On the other hand, genetic drift can play an important role in the differentiation among lake populations.  相似文献   

Aim  The analysis of the phylogeographical structures of many European species reveals the importance of Mediterranean glacial refugia for many thermophilic species, but also underlines the relevance of extra-Mediterranean glacial differentiation centres for a number of temperate species. In this context, phylogeographical analyses of species from south-eastern Europe are highly important for a comprehensive understanding of Europe as a whole.
Location  Romania and Bulgaria.
Methods  We analysed 19 allozyme loci for 615 individuals of the temperate butterfly species Erebia medusa from 28 populations.
Results  These populations had an intermediate genetic diversity, but the Bulgarian populations were significantly more diverse than the ones north of the Danube in Romania. The differentiation among populations was strong, and 52.1% of the genetic variance among populations was distributed between these two countries. The genetic differentiation was considerably stronger in Romania than in Bulgaria, but several sublineages were distinguished within each of these countries.
Main conclusions  The observed genetic structure is so strong that it is most probably the result of glacial differentiation processes in south-eastern Europe and not a post-glacial structure. The strong differentiation into the two groups north and south of the Danube suggests a separating effect by this river valley. The strong differentiation accompanied with genetic impoverishment in Romania suggests the existence of several differentiation centres: at least two small ones on the southern slopes of the southern Carpathians and one in the eastern Carpathian Basin. The considerably weaker differentiation among the Bulgarian samples and their significantly higher genetic diversity imply that gene flow occurred among different regions of Bulgaria during the last ice age.  相似文献   

Four species of philomycid slugs were collected at 13 sites in Tennessee and one site in Virginia. A total of 361 individuals were examined electrophoretically at 11 allozyme loci. Outcrossing was the primary breeding in all populations of all four species. Genetic similarities among demes, among species and among genera are similar to values obtained in studies of other animals with similar vagility and demography and are in good agreement with systematics based on morphological characters. In the species examined in greatest detail, Philomycus carolinianus , there was substantial genetic differentiation among demes. This differentiation appears to result from genetic drift and restricted gene flow. Genetic similarity between P. carolinianus demes did not correlate with the geographic distance between demes and hierarchical F-statistic analysis showed more than half of the differentiation among demes to result from differentiation at the smallest geographic scale. The Tennessee River system also appears to be a major barrier to gene flow among the P. carolinianus demes sampled.  相似文献   

Maki M  Yamashiro T  Matsumura S 《Heredity》2003,91(3):300-306
Genetic diversity and genetic differentiation within and among island populations was examined by allozyme electrophoresis in Suzukia luchuensis (Labiatae), which is endemic to four of the Ryukyu Islands, southern Japan, and one island near Taiwan. Intrapopulation allozyme diversity was very low in all the four Ryukyu Islands, probably due to the effects of random drift in small populations. In contrast, genetic diversity at the species level was high, possibly because of an ancient origin of populations and/or multiple colonization of the species on different islands. Genetic differentiation among the overall populations was high (G(ST)=0.863), while gene flow (Nm) as estimated from allozyme frequency data was 0.041, suggesting that its occurrence among populations is highly restricted. Hierarchical analysis of genetic differentiation indicated that a high proportion of the total allelic variance is attributed to variation among islands, corresponding to the fact that several alleles were fixed on only one island. However, intraisland genetic differentiation was small on all islands except Yonaguni Island, where S. luchuensis is relatively widely distributed. Most diversity was thus due to differences among islands.  相似文献   

新铁炮百合自交初代遗传分化的等位酶分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用等位酶分析技术,检测了新铁炮百合自交初代各株系的遗传多样性与遗传分化。结果表明,在人工辅助自交和选择作用下,随着世代的增加,多态位点的比率下降,每个位点平均等位基因数降低,观测杂合度和期望杂合度下降。由于选择作用,株系间纯合的位点和速度不同,固定的等位基因不同。F4代株系间平均遗传距离较F3、代株系有一定增大,加强了株系间的分化。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Oncidium hookeri is a neotropical species of epiphytic Orchidaceae found in the Brazilian Atlantic rainforest at the top of the Mantiqueira Range of mountains. The genetic variation of O. hookeri was studied to assess the distribution of genetic variability within and among six populations localized in Atlantic rainforest remnants. Gene flow among populations and the occurrence of recent bottlenecks were investigated in order to infer the degree of isolation of these populations. METHODS: Thirteen polymorphic loci were used for allozyme electrophoresis. The data were analysed by means of standard statistical approaches, to estimate gene diversity and the genetic structure of the populations. KEY RESULTS: The mean gene diversity and allelic richness were H(e) = 0.099 and A = 1.75, respectively. F-statistics revealed high heterozygote deficiencies in all populations (F(IS) = 0.43-0.82). Several rare alleles were found in all the populations, and three populations presented private alleles. Low genetic differentiation among O. hookeri populations was detected (F(ST) = 0.029); natural selection may be involved in PGM locus differentiation among populations. The genetic differentiation between paired populations was low, bearing no correlation with geographic distance (Mantel test: r = -0.34, P = 0.72). Only two populations showed signs of recent bottlenecks. CONCLUSIONS: The heterozygote deficiency found seems to be caused by pollinator behaviour; the low frequencies of several alleles of different loci can be maintained due to clonal propagation. Despite the stochastic nature of the wind-dispersal of seeds to long distances, this process may promote an effective gene flow among populations, thus avoiding genetic differentiation.  相似文献   

Genetic studies on serum transferrins in Atlantic salmon   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Published and unpublished data on genetic variation at the transferrin locus ( TF *) in Atlantic salmon from rivers in eastern North America sampled from 1968 to 1970 were reanalysed and compared with data for samples collected in 1998 from nine of the same rivers. Genetic differentiation among rivers was highly significant as was spatial differentiation among tributary samples within the Miramichi River system, the largest rivers studied. Comparison of allele frequencies in rivers also sampled in 1998 show no overall evidence of significant genetic change after 30 years, spanning 9 generations. The results strongly support the stability of the patterns of spatial genetic differentiation and support the occurrence in Atlantic salmon of reproductive isolation among rivers and among tributaries within large river systems.  相似文献   

The corolla tube length of the bumblebee-pollinated plant Isodon umbrosus shows conspicuous geographical variation, corresponding with the proboscis length of its bumblebee pollinators across its distributional range. We hypothesized that altitudinal variation in the pollinator assemblage is a principal factor mediating morphological and genetic differentiation among I. umbrosus populations. We examined determinants of the morphological and genetic differentiation of Isodon umbrosus by analyzing floral morphology and allozyme variation across the distributional range. A reanalysis of previous data confirmed that altitude was a good indicator of pollinator assemblages. Corolla tube length was highly variable among the 15 study populations, and genetic differentiation among the populations ( G ST = 0.360) was also highly significant. The differentiation in corolla tube length was explained by altitudinal difference, a proxy of the difference in pollinator assemblages. Genetic differentiation among populations also tended to be affected by the same factor, but statistical support was weak. To better understand the mechanisms responsible for morphological and genetic differentiation in I. umbrosus , we need to investigate altitudinally different populations over a narrower geographical scale.  相似文献   

Stress resistance traits in Drosophila often show clinal variation. Although these patterns suggest selection, there is generally no attempt to test how large differences at the geographical level are relative to levels of variation within and between local populations. Here we compare these levels in D. melanogaster from temperate Tasmania versus tropical northern Queensland by focusing on adult resistance to desiccation, cold and starvation stress, as well as associated traits (size, lipid content). For starvation and desiccation resistance, levels of variation were highest among strains from the same population. whereas there was little differentiation among local populations and a low level of differentiation at the geographic level. For adult cold resistance, there was local differentiation and strain variation but no geographic variation. For size (thorax length), geographic differentiation was higher despite some overlap among strains from the tropical and temperate locations. Finally, for lipid levels there was only evidence for variation among strains. The low level of differentiation among geographic locations for stress resistance was further verified with the characterization of isofemale strains from 18 locations along a coastal transect extending from Tasmania to northern Queensland. Crosses among some of the isofemale strains showed that results were not confounded by inbreeding effects. Strains derived from a cross between a tropical and temperate strain differed for all traits, and variation among strains for body size was higher than strain variation within the geographic regions. Unlike in previous studies, lipid content and starvation resistance were not correlated in any set of strains, but there was a correlation between cold resistance and lipid content. There was also a correlation between desiccation resistance and size but only in the geographic cross strains. These findings suggest a large amount of variation in stress resistance at the population level and inconsistent correlation patterns across experimental approaches.  相似文献   

The unambiguous identification of phreatoicidean isopods occurring in the mountainous southwestern region of South Africa is problematic, as the most recent key is based on morphological characters showing continuous variation among two species: Mesamphisopus abbreviatus and M. depressus. This study uses variation at 12 allozyme loci, phylogenetic analyses of 600 bp of a COI (cytochrome c oxidase subunit I) mtDNA fragment and morphometric comparisons to determine whether 15 populations are conspecific, and, if not, to elucidate their evolutionary relationships. Molecular evidence suggested that the most easterly population, collected from the Tsitsikamma Forest, was representative of a yet undescribed species. Patterns of differentiation and evolutionary relationships among the remaining populations were unrelated to geographic proximity or drainage system. Patterns of isolation by distance were also absent. An apparent disparity among the extent of genetic differentiation was also revealed by the two molecular marker sets. Mitochondrial sequence divergences among individuals were comparable to currently recognized intraspecific divergences. Surprisingly, nuclear markers revealed more extensive differentiation, more characteristic of interspecific divergences. This disparity and the mosaic pattern of differentiation may be driven by stochastic population crashes and genetic bottlenecks (caused by seasonal habitat fluctuations), coupled with genetic drift.  相似文献   

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