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Summary In the posterior part of the brain of the protandric polychaete Ophryotrocha puerilis neurosecretory cells form prominent axon terminals. The terminals are arranged in two complexes. The perikarya of these presumably monopolar neurons are scattered in the anterior part of the cerebral perikaryal layer. In females the terminals store large amounts of neurosecretory material. It has been suggested earlier that neurosecretions of the terminals may play a role during sex reversal from females to males. Application of histamine caused the release of neurosecretory material from the respective terminals in females. However, this discharge was not followed by sex reversal. Application of reserpine had no influence on the terminals. Neither by in vivo observation nor by ultrastructural analysis any effect of reserpine on the terminal complexes could be observed. In isolated terminals filled with neurosecretory material from females, catecholamines could not be detected by HPLC. Also, polyclonal antibodies against dopamine did not stain the terminal complexes. Furthermore, the complexes did not develop any fluorescence after glyoxylic acid treatment. Therefore, the present results contradict the hypothesis that the neurosecretory material of the respective axon terminals is catecholaminergic and that it is involved in sex differentiation. The function of the secretory neurons studied here remains unclear.Abbreviations AT axon terminal - CA catecholamine(s) - DA dopamine - DAB diaminobenzidine - GA glyoxylic acid - GIF glyoxylic acid-induced fluorescence - LY Lucifer Yellow - MB methylene blue - NSM neurosecretory material - OTH ootropic hormone - TC terminal complex  相似文献   

Birgit Rhode 《Zoomorphology》1989,108(5):315-322
Summary The nuchal organs of the protandric hermaphrodite Ophryotrocha puerilis were studied by electron microscopy. Ophryotrocha puerilis is the first species hitherto described which possesses four instead of two nuchal organs. These sensory structures are located as ciliary pits at the posterior margin of the prostomium. Histologically, the nuchal organs are composed of supporting cells with long motile cilia and bipolar sensory cells, the perikarya of which form four distinct nuchal ganglia adjoining the brain. These structural components are concentrically arranged around the central sensory area. This area is covered by a modified cuticle, whereas the cuticle above the peripheral region of the sense organ exhibits the appearance typical for polychaetes. Two types of vesicular material are produced in the basal supporting cells, a dense-cored one within the central supporting cells only and a clear irregular-shaped one in all of these cells. The first type is considered to be responsible for the formation of the modified cuticle. The significance of these most probably long-distance chemoreceptory organs and their possible role in reproductive behaviour is discussed.  相似文献   

Polarized oogenic cysts are clonal syncytia of germ cells in which some of the sister cells (cystocytes) differentiate not as oocytes, but instead as nurse cells: polyploid cells that support oocyte development. The intricate machinery required to establish and maintain divergent cell fates within a syncytium, and the importance of associated oocyte patterning for subsequent embryonic development, have made polarized cysts valuable subjects of study in developmental and cell biology. Nurse cell/oocyte specification is best understood in insects, particularly Drosophila melanogaster. However, polarized cysts have evolved independently in several other animal phyla. We describe the differentiation of female cystocytes in an annelid worm, the polychaete Ophryotrocha labronica. These worms are remarkable for their elegantly simple cysts, which comprise a single oocyte and nurse cell, making them an appealing complement to insects as subjects of study. To elucidate the process of cystocyte differentiation in O. labronica, we have constructed digital 3D models from electron micrographs of serially sectioned ovarian tissue. These models show that 2-cell cysts arise by fragmentation of larger “parental” cysts, rather than as independent units. The parental cysts vary in size and organization, are produced by asynchronous, indeterminate mitotic divisions of progenitor cystoblasts, and lack fusome-like organizing organelles. All of these characteristics represent key cytological differences from “typical” cyst development in insects like D. melanogaster. In light of such differences and the plasticity of female cyst structure among other animals, we suggest that it is time to reassess common views on the conservation of oogenic cysts and the importance of cysts in animal oogenesis generally.  相似文献   

Summary The complex catecholaminergic (CA) nervous system of the polychaete Ophryotrocha puerilis is documented using glyoxylic acid induced fluorescence (GIF) and immunohistochemistry. CA-neurons are found both in the central and peripheral nervous system. In the brain, about 50 CA-neurons are present in the perikaryal layer together with numerous CA fibres. Two pairs of CA perikarya are characteristic for each ganglion of the ventral nerve cord. CA-neurites in the ventral nerve cord are mainly arranged in 4 strands paralleling the longitudinal axis of the worm. Fluorescent neurons with receptive ciliary structures are present in body appendages (antennae, palps, urites, parapodial cirri), in the body-wall, and within the oesophageal wall. Furthermore, a subepidermal nerve net of free CA nerve endings has been found. After incubation of specimens with dopamine prior to the development of GIF more fluorescent perikarya could be observed; the fluorescence was also intensified. Pre-incubation with reserpine reduced the intensity of GIF. Results of high pressure liquid chromatography and immunostaining with a polyclonal antibody against a dopamine-glutaraldehyde-complex suggest that dopamine is the major CA transmitter. It is thought that dopaminergic neurons together with ciliary receptive structures act as mechano- and/or chemoreceptors.  相似文献   

A direct numerical integration method, as modified by Du Fort and Frankel (1953), has been used to solve the partial differential equation system which describes the spread of action potential in a mammalian nerve terminal. Branching of the terminal as well as inhomogeneous distributions of Na+ and K+ voltage-dependent channels (Brigant and Mallart 1982) have been incorporated in the model.Using the channel densities and the kinetic parameters measured in the node of Ranvier, the depolarization in the terminal branches has an amplitude of only 60% of the action potential in the node. Furthermore, the time courses of the calculated membrane currents differ considerably from the ones measured by Brigant and Mallart (1982) and by Konishi and Sears (1984).Increasing the Na+ and K+ channel densities may considerably increase the terminal depolarization and also reproduce qualitatively the current waveforms observed experimentally. The model can also reproduce some of the effects of pharmacological channel blocks.The simulation allows a new interpretation of the different components of membrane current along the terminal.  相似文献   

Summary The nephridia of Ophryotrocha puerilis are segmental organs. The nephrostome opens at the posterior margin of a setigerous segment into the coelomic cavity of this segment. The nephridial canal is made up of about 15 cells. These cells form an S-shaped tubule which extends into the following segment. The lumen of the nephridial canal ranges from 2 to 7 m in diameter. The nephropore opens laterally on the ventral surface of the body wall.In cross sections, one, two, or three cells are seen forming the canal. The inner surfaces of the canal cells are of different appearances along the canal. Since no regular pattern of cell distribution was found along the canals of different nephridia it is assumed that changes in cell structure along the canal are due to functional states or properties rather than to anatomically fixed regional differences. The canal cells either show smooth contours or they form brush borders of microvilli or sponge-like inner surfaces with a system of vacuolar canals running through the cytoplasm. Most of the canal cells are filled with various kinds of vesicles. Usually two or three cells contain larger vesicles up to 2.5 m in diameter with more or less electron-dense contents. Some of these vesicles resemble lysosomes. There are at least three bundles of cilia in each canal. In young specimens the number of cilia in one bundle is smaller (10–15) than in adult specimens (60–70). The nephridia do not show sex specific differences. The female nephridia do not function as genital ducts. As judged from the sizes of sperm and nephridia it appears to be possible that sperm are shed via male nephridia.  相似文献   

Summary Following observation of conical groups of stiff, but motile cilia on the tentacles of the branchial crown of Sabella pavonina, these were examined with the electron microscope. The bundles consist of about 40 unenclosed standard cilia supported by one or two primary sense cells with centrally directed axons of 0.1–0.2 diameter. Axons in the distal portions of the branchial crown occur in small bundles surrounded by a basement membrane. More centrally, glial elements appear and the nerves are surrounded by a collagenous sheath. The branchial nerve trunk shows similarities in organisation to other previously investigated annelid central nervous tissue in that the whole nerve is surrounded by a fibrous sheath central to which there is a layer of glial cells with processes penetrating a central neuropile. The 0.1–0.2 axons commonly occur in glial-enveloped groups of < 40 whilst other axons of larger and mixed diameter are found together.Each tentacle has two branchial nerves on the oral side, and each nerve gives rise to two small 75-axon branches running to each pinnule. The branchial nerves fuse to form the branchial nerve trunk running to the supra-oesophageal ganglia.Sections of the branchial nerves of the branchial crown at progressively more central levels show that the branchial nerve trunk contains enough axons of 0.1–0.2 diameter to account for all the sensory cells on the tentacles. This is taken as evidence for the sensory cells having axons terminating within the central nervous system and that there is no peripheral confluence or fusion of these afferent axons.  相似文献   

Abstract: Following intraocular injection of [3H]fucose in the rat, radioactive glycoproteins are rapidly transported to the nerve terminals in at least two waves, one with a peak at 8 h and a second with a peak at about a week. The molecular weight distribution of radioactive peptides in ach transport wave as determined by gel electrophoresis in buffers containing sodium dodecyl sulfate is very similar. Most of the many glycopeptides in the first wave of rapid transport pass through the optic tract in unison (apparent half-life of about 15 h) and are preferentially destined for the nerve endings. However, two proteins of apparent M. W. 28,000 and 49,000 are preferentially retained in the axons. The remaining proteins, after reaching the nerve endings (superior colliculus), decay with apparent half-lives ranging from 17 to 34 h. During the second wave a large amount of the 28,000 and 49,000 M. W. peptides are again preferentially retained in the axons. The remaining proteins, on reaching the nerve endings, decay with apparent half-lives ranging from 5 to 9 days. Subcellular fractionation of the superior colliculus supports the hypothesis that the 49,000 and 28,000 M. W. peptides are the predominantly labeled glycoproteins present in myelinated axons (representing over 50% of the radioactive glycoproteins 7 days following injection), although they are probably also present in membranes of the nerve endings. A comparison with glycoprotein transport in other tracts (geniculocortical and nigrostriatal tracts) suggests that glycoprotein transport in these pathways has many similarities to glycoprotein transport in the retinal ganglion cells, and that the optic system is a good general model for axonal transport in the CNS.  相似文献   


Prominent secretory nerve endings are found at the posterior margin of the supraesophageal ganglion in the protandric polychaete, Ophryotrocha puerilis. Solitary juveniles developing as primary males, and then as females, accumulate neurosecretory material in the nerve endings which thereby swell and become filled with granules. Females maintained in mass culture have similar terminals, whereas in secondary males (males which had been females before), these axon terminals are very small and contain no material. When such males are isolated, they accumulate neurosecretory material within the nerve endings and become females. When formerly isolated females are put together, their stores of neurosecretory material are rapidly discharged. Subsequently they lay egg masses and switch to the male state. These effects are mediated by a pheromone released during social contact of formerly isolated females. The complexity of the relationship between neurosecretory activity and sexual state is indicated by the situation in animals maintained in pairs, when both male and female partners have swollen nerve endings packed with secretory material.  相似文献   

Summary A Ruffini corpuscle was identified in the dense reticular dermis of the human scalp from a patient with alopecia areata. The corpuscle measured approximately 50 m in diameter. One afferent myelinated axon with a diameter of 4–6 m supplies the corpuscle. Branched axon terminals and the associated Schwann cells tightly envelop parallel bundles of collagen fibrils. Axon terminals evidenced focal swellings, and small finger-like protrusions projected into the endoneural connective tissue. The terminals are characterized by the presence of abundant mitochondria, numerous vesicles, particles of glycogen and electron-opaque lipid material. A thin perineural capsule envelops the bundles of collagen fibrils and associated terminals. The present study provides the first electron-microscopic characterization of a Ruffini corpuscle in human hairy skin.This study was supported in part by the Deutsche ForschungsgemeinschaftSupported in part by U.S. Public Health Service Research Contracts NIDR72-2401 and HD4-2869 and Research Grant HD 11216  相似文献   

Summary Nerve fibres, running longitudinally as well as circularly between the core lamellae in the Herbst corpuscle are described.These fibres are morphologically different from the central afferent axon. They are most frequently observed in the outer part of the core, and contain inter alia numerous agranular vesicles measuring approx. 450 Å in diameter, dense core vesicles with a diameter approx. 800 Å and microtubuli (250 Å). Occasional specialized junctions are seen between the nerves and the neighbouring lamellae.This study was supported by the Norwegian Council of Agricultural Research.  相似文献   

The ultrastructural cytology and reproduction of the hyperparasitic microsporidium Amphiamblys capitellides (Caullery and Mesnil, 1897) is described. Merogonial reproduction was not observed. The sporogony comprises two sequences: a sac-bound sporogony in close contact with the cytoplasm of the host and a free sporogony in parasitophorous vacuoles. The free sporogony, which probably precedes the sac-bound, yields a small number of rounded spores. The sac-bound sporogony is polysporoblastic, generating two rows of elongated spores. All stages have isolated nuclei. Both spore types have an extrusion apparatus of the metchnikovellidean type, with a polar sac devoid of anchoring disc, a polar filament with one manubroid and one bulbous part, and a posterior semicircular membrane fold enclosing rounded or tubular structures. Hosts are gregarines of the species Ancora sagittata living in the intestine of polychaetes of the genus Capitella, probably the species Capitella giardi. The cytology, life cycle and classification are discussed. The species is redescribed and the diagnosis of the genus Amphiamblys Caullery and Mesnil, 1914 is emended.  相似文献   

Summary Cut and crushed crayfish claw nerves were examined with the electron microscope at intervals up to 6 months after lesion. In sections 1 centimeter distal to the lesion there were no signs of degeneration among the giant motor axons even after many months. Swelling of glial wrappings was observed within 48 hours of nerve severance and was particularly notable in the innermost glial layer, the adaxonal layer. Golgi elements, rough endoplasmic reticulum, and mitochondria accumulated in the glia. These changes were perhaps indicative of a greater supportive role required by the severed axons. Regeneration from the proximal stumps of the giant axons began within one week and had proceeded across the lesion gap by 4 weeks. Axon sprouts appeared to travel toward the terminals within the glial sheaths of the distal giant axon segments. Before regeneration was complete, as determined by a simple behaviour test, the regenerating axons occupied increasing proportions of the sheath space. After regeneration was complete occasional degenerations were seen among the sprouts. These degenerations may have occurred in regenerating axons which had grown to the incorrect muscles. The original distal giant axons probably degenerated, as well, after regeneration was complete. There was no evidence of rehealing of proximal and distal segments of the axons.This work was supported by NIH postdoctoral fellowship number 1F2 NB 32, 723 N RB awarded to RHN and grants in aid from the Multiple Sclerosis Society, The American Cancer Society and The National Institutes of Health.  相似文献   

We have investigated the metabolic turnover of axonally transported phospholipids in myelinated axons (optic tract) and nerve endings (superior colliculus) of retinal ganglion cells. One week following intraocular injection of [2-3H]glycerol, turnover rates for individual phospholipid classes in the retina (which contains a number of other cell types in addition to the ganglion cells) were all very similar to each other, with apparent half-lives of approximately 7 days. Apparent half-lives of labeled phospholipids in superior colliculus (presumably primarily in retinal ganglion cell nerve endings) were 10 days for both choline and inositol phosphoglycerides and 13 days for both serine and diacylethanolamine phosphoglycerides. Subcellular fractionation data obtained from superior colliculus at various times after injection suggested that apparent turnover rates determined for nerve ending phospholipids probably were not significantly affected by transfer of axonally transported 3H lipids into myelin. Apparent half-lives for phospholipids in optic tract were somewhat longer than in superior colliculus, ranging from 11 to 18 days. The slower turnover rates in optic tract may, in part, reflect the transfer of some axonal lipids to the more metabolically stable pool of lipids in the myelin ensheathing the retinal ganglion cell axons. In both optic tract and superior colliculus, apparent half-lives for axonally transported phospholipids labeled with [32P]phosphate were only slightly longer than for [2-3H]glycerol, while those for [14C]choline and [3H]acetate were markedly longer, indicating differing degrees of metabolic conservation or reutilization of these precursors relative to glycerol.  相似文献   

Summary Within the medulla externa of the crayfish compound eye a class of axonal endings with similar characteristics to the photoreceptor terminals of the lamina ganglionaris were studied with light and electron microscopic techniques. These terminals are restricted to the superficial layers of the medulla externa and each is marked by a rod-shaped inclusion selectively impregnated with reduced silver methods.Electron microscopy of the medullary terminals confirms the presence of a rod inclusion composed of fine regularly arranged filaments. These inclusions are often closely associated with mitochondria and glycogen deposits within the endings. Synaptic contacts made by these terminals are characterized by a presynaptic ribbon density which is in contact with two or three postsynaptic elements. Often one postsynaptic element participates in more than one synaptic complex. Numerous invaginated processes, microtubules, synaptic vesicles, and ER cisternae are also present in the medullary terminals.The eighth retinula cell in the retina of the crayfish studied here resembles that previously observed by Nässel (1976). The similarity of the medullary terminals to the photoreceptor endings in the lamina suggest that they may belong to one of the eight photoreceptor cells forming an ommatidium.This work was supported in part by grants from the National Science Foundation (BNS77-15803) and National Institute of Health (NS08964)The authors wish to acknowledge the technical assistance of Ms. Georgia Hammond-Soltis  相似文献   

Summary The innervation of the islets of Langerhans of normal albino rats and of albino rats treated with several daily doses of 125 mg/kg of alloxan was studied by electron microscopy. In the normal rat, nerve endings containing either agranular vesicles (200–400 Å) alone or in combination with large granular vesicles (500–800 Å) were found on both alpha and beta cells. Infrequently a third type of nerve ending containing small granular synaptic vesicles could be observed. Bundles of unmyelinated axons were also seen, as were typical autonomic ganglion cells. Similar normal neural elements were noted in rats treated with alloxan. However, islets of alloxan-treated animals also possess large elliptical profiles which appear to be dystrophic nerve terminals. These structures most frequently contact degranulated beta cells. Islets of Langerhans fixed with zinc iodide-osmium (ZIO) reported to specifically impregnate synaptic vesicles were also studied. Synaptic vesicles of normal axons and nerve endings as well as of the dystrophic structures were filled with ZIO reactive material. These studies suggest that alloxan may induce autonomic nerve ending changes in the rat endocrine pancreas. This may result from neuronal hyperactivity in an attempt to secrete insulin from the post-alloxan insulin-depleted beta cell.  相似文献   

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