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In meromictic lakes such as Lake Shira, horizontal inhomogeneity is small in comparison with vertical gradients. To determine the vertical distribution of temperature, salinity, and density of water in a deep zone of a Lake Shira, or other saline lakes, a one-dimensional (in vertical direction) mathematical model is presented. A special feature of this model is that it takes into account the process of ice formation. The model of ice formation is based on the one-phase Stefan problem with the linear temperature distribution in the solid phase. A convective mixed layer is formed under an ice cover due to salt extraction in the ice formation process. To obtain analytical solutions for the vertical distribution of temperature, salinity, and density of water, we use a scheme of vertical structure in the form of several layers. In spring, the ice melts as top and bottom. These processes are taken into account in the model. The calculated profiles of salinity and temperature of Shira Lake are in good agreement with field measurement data for each season. Additionally, we focussed on the redox zone, which is the zone in which the aerobic layers of a water column meet the anaerobic ones. Hyperactivity of plankton communities is observed in this zone in lakes with hydrogen sulphide monimolimnion, and Lake Shira is among them. The location of the redox zone in the lake, which is estimated from field measurements, coincides with a sharp increase in density (the pycnocline) during autumn and winter. During spring and summer, the redox zone is deeper than the pycnocline. The location of pycnocline calculated with the hydro physical model is in good agreement with field measurement data.  相似文献   

A one-dimensional numerical model and a two-dimensional numerical model of the hydrodynamic and thermal structure of Lake Shira during summer have been developed, with several original physical and numerical features. These models are well suited to simulate the formation and dynamics of vertical stratification and provide a basis for an ecological water-quality model of the lake. They allow for the quantification of the vertical mixing processes that govern not only the thermal structure but also the nutrient exchange, and more generally, the exchange of dissolved and particulate matter between different parts of the lake. The outcome of the calculations has been compared with the field data on vertical temperature and salinity distributions in Lake Shira. Lake Shira is meromictic and exhibits very stable annual stratification. The stratification is so stable because of the high salinity of the water. If the water in Lake Shira were fresh and other parameters (depth, volume, and meteorology) were the same, as now, the lake would be mixed in autumn. Using the newly developed models and using common meteorological parameters, we conclude that Lake Shira will remain stratified in autumn as long as the average salinity is higher than 3‰.  相似文献   

A feature of meromictic lakes is that several physicochemical and biological gradients affect the vertical distribution of different organisms. The vertical stratification of physical, chemical and biological components in saline, fishless meromictic lakes Shira and Shunet (Siberia, Russia) is quite different mainly because both mean depth and maximum depth of lakes differ as well as their salinity levels differ. The chemocline of the Lake Shira, as in many meromictic lakes, is inhabited by bacterial community consisting of purple sulphur and heterotrophic bacteria. As the depth of the chemocline is variable, the bacterial community does not attain high densities. The mixolimnion in Lake Shira, which is thermally stratified in summer, also creates different habitat for various species. The distribution of phytoplankton is non-uniform with its biomass peak in the metalimnion. The distribution of zooplankton is also heterogeneous with rotifers and juvenile copepods inhabiting the warmer epilimnion and older copepods found in the cold but oxic hypolimnion. The amphipod Gammarus lacustris which can be assigned to the higher trophic link in the fishless lake’s ecosystem, such as Lake Shira, is also distributed non-uniformly, with its peak density generally observed in the thermocline region. The chemocline in Lake Shunet is located at the depth of 5 m, and unlike in Lake Shira, due to a sharp salinity gradient between the mixolimnion and monimolimnion, this depth is very stable. The mixolimnion in Lake Shunet is relatively shallow and the chemocline is inhabited by (1) an extremely dense bacterial community; (2) a population of Cryptomonas sp.; and (3) ciliate community comprising several species. As the mixolimnion of Lake Shunet is not thermally stratified for long period, the phytoplankton and zooplankton populations are not vertically stratified. The gammarids, however, tend to concentrate in a narrow layer located 1–2 m above the chemocline. We believe that in addition to vertical inhomogeneities of both physicochemical parameters, biological and physical factors also play a role in maintaining these inhomogeneities. We conclude that the stratified distributions of the major food web components will have several implications for ecosystem structure and dynamics. Trophic interactions as well as mass and energy flows can be significantly impacted by such heterogeneous distributions. Species spatially separated even by relatively short distances, say a few centimetres will not directly compete. Importantly, we demonstrate that not only bacteria, phytoflagellates and ciliate tend to concentrate in thin layers but also larger-sized species such Gammarus (amphipods) can also under certain environmental conditions have stratified distribution with maxima in relatively thin layer. As the vertical structure of the lake ecosystem is rather complex in such stratified lakes as ours, the strategy of research, including sampling techniques, should consider potentially variable and non-homogeneous distributions.  相似文献   

The seasonal dynamics of the vertical structure of small saline Lake Uchum, located in the steppe arid zone of the south of Siberia (Krasnoyarsk krai), has been studied in detail for the first time. This lake is a meromictic water body. We have revealed a heterogeneous vertical distribution of plankton organisms and a dense population of purple sulfuric bacteria in the redox zone. The taxonomic composition and seasonal dynamics of phyto- and zooplankton are described. Presumably, the meromixis of Lake Uchum is due to the inflow of fresh water to the surface of the saline water body during the rise of its level in the early 20th century, similarly to lakes Shira and Shunet located nearby. The processes of salt displacement into the solution during the formation of ice, as well as the precipitation of salts in the winter, also contribute to the maintenance of permanent stratification. The information on the current state of the lake can be useful for reconstructing the climate by bottom sediments, as well as for creating a model of water quality and investigating the therapeutic properties of lake mud.  相似文献   

We performed a methodological study aimed at extending our previously developed approach to quantify the ecological stability of biotic communities and an entire ecosystem, using Lake Kinneret as a case study. The ecological stability of the biotic communities (phytoplankton and zooplankton) of Lake Kinneret was estimated using two different aggregating schemes. The first scheme used the combined stability index, based on the combined indices of the individual phytoplankton (SI[Comb]P) and zooplankton (SI[Comb]Z) taxonomic groups. The total community stability index was calculated based on the total abundances of these communities. The stability of the entire ecosystem was estimated for two sets of ecosystem state variables, a lake “trophic state” set and a “water quality” set, which provided considerably different estimates of the lake ecosystem stability. Good agreement between the results of this study and qualitative estimates of Lake Kinneret stability validates the suitability of this approach to estimate the stability of different ecological units.  相似文献   

研究于2019年春、夏、秋、冬四季对保安湖进行了水样采集, 基于宏基因组测序, 在优化物种鉴定和丰度计算方法的基础上, 考察了保安湖浮游动物的多样性、群落结构及其影响因素。共鉴定到浮游动物OTU 374种, 其中原生动物282个; 枝角类45个; 桡足类26个; 轮虫21个。从季节来看, 夏、秋季保安湖的浮游动物多样性高; 从湖区来看, 肖四海和主湖区浮游动物多样性高。季节因素对保安湖浮游动物群落结构的影响高于湖区影响。保安湖营养状态为中营养型, 水体温度、叶绿素a是影响保安湖浮游动物群落结构的主要环境因子, 不同类群与环境因子相关性不同, 总体可分为5类。其中原生动物优势类群为混合营养的纤毛虫和丝足虫, 同硝氮、化学需氧量、温度有明显的相关性, 而枝角类和桡足类同环境因子的关系较为相似, 与溶氧、叶绿素a、正磷酸盐存在明显相关。研究利用宏基因组方法对保安湖浮游动物多样性开展了研究, 为从浮游动物这一角度来理解保安湖这一江湖阻隔型湖泊的生物多样性的变化提供了支撑。  相似文献   

Two-section enclosures were designed for the investigation of the effect of various physicochemical and biological factors on vertical distribution of zooplankton in situ. The framework of the enclosure was a cylindrical polyethylene column without any partitions inside, in which the isolation of animals in different sections after in situ exposure was achieved by pinching the flexible central part of the column. Enclosures were tested at the brackish stratified meromictic Lake Shira (Russia, Khakasia). The absence of fish and carnivorous zooplankton in the lake suggests that the vertical distribution of zooplankton is mainly determined by physicochemical gradients in the water column. Experiments and field observations demonstrated that all age and size groups of Arctodiaptomus salinus and Brachionus plicatilis strongly avoided surface layers during the daylight. The escape of zooplankton from the anoxic hypolimnion was less active. Statistically significant avoidance was observed only for copepodites C4–C5 and females of A. salinus. The relatively simple construction of the columns and easy handling during the experiment were the factors that favoured the use of this device to perform in situ basic tests of the effect of different factors on the vertical distribution of zooplankton.  相似文献   

Eutrophication, often resulting from human activity, is a serious threat to aquatic communities. Theoretical analysis of this phenomenon, based on conceptual mathematical models, leads to controversial predictions known as Rosenzweig's paradox of enrichment. At the same time, field observations demonstrate that real plankton communities exhibit various mechanisms of self-regulation which can buffer negative effects of enrichment. In this paper, we study potential effects of zooplankton vertical migration on stability of plankton systems functioning. We consider an intrinsically unstable plankton model, which is characterized by an unlimited phytoplankton multiplication and population oscillations of increasing amplitude, and investigate whether vertical migrations of zooplankton can stabilize such a system at low plankton densities. By means of developing two different models accounting for different ecological situations, e.g. deep waters and shallow waters, we show that vertical migrations of zooplankton can result in stabilization of eutrophic plankton systems. Thus, we show that this mechanism, rarely taken into account in models of plankton dynamics, may be important for resolving the paradox of enrichment in plankton communities.  相似文献   

This work describes avenues to use satellite information to analyse dynamic processes in aquatic ecosystems. Information for this analysis, was retrieved from AVHRR satellite sensor data. This information consisteds of time series of images of radiation temperature and turbidity. We expect this information will be of great value in analysing inland water bodies. Methods to process satellite information using original software and data processing techniques are proposed. For the investigation of the process and analyses of satellite information Shira Lake (Khakasia, Siberia) was used as a case study. To study the variability of the surface temperature and turbidity of the Lake in summer, the satellite and ground-truth data of the lake was applied. This study represents the first evaluation of the dynamic processes for Lake Shira based on satellite, ground-truth and modelling data. We developed algorithms and software to process satellite images to enable the reconstruction of time dependence of temperature and spectral reflectance of water bodies in the visible range, and to make computer-animated films visualising the spatial and temporal dynamics of the study parameters. The analyses of morphometric, meteorological and hydrological characteristics of Lake Shira have provided a realistic opportunity for processing the satellite information and to develop numerical models of variability of the hydrological regime of the lake. The results obtained demonstrate the feasibility of systematically retrieving the spatial information from the satellite data on the dynamics of the surface water temperature and of the suspended matter in the lake.  相似文献   

The ecosystem response model described in this paper combines an ecosystem model and a three-dimensional circulation model of Lake Ladoga developed earlier by the authors. The ecosystem model describes the process of Lake Ladoga eutrophication, and its biological submodel describes changes in the phyto- and zooplankton. In the earlier model version, lake circulation was determined using a two-dimensional hydrodynamical model which was not completely adequate. The present model allows calculation of the distributions of phyto- and zooplankton and mineral phosphorus and nitrogen. One of its main advantages is that reliable computations of the ecosystem dynamics over an extended period of time are possible. The response of the ecosystem to different levels of phosphorus pollution loading and to weather conditions is studied.  相似文献   

Resistance to Ampicillin and Kanamycin displayed by heterotrophic bacteria isolated in Summer and in Spring from the littoral and the central parts of Lake Shira (a therapeutic lake in the Khakasia Republic, Russia) has been investigated. It has been found that in Summer, human and animal microflora featuring multiple antibiotic resistance (to Ampicillin and Kanamycin) predominates in all the studied stations of the littoral zone of the lake. In Spring, concentrations of bacteria featuring multiple antibiotic resistance decrease significantly and bacteria sensitive to antibiotics predominate in the lake. Emergence of multiple antibiotic resistance in bacteria of Lake Shira is caused by the input of allochthonous bacteria into the lake; this feature of heterotrophic bacteria of Lake Shira can be used to monitor the impact on the ecosystem made by health resorts.  相似文献   

Temperature, oxygen and nutrients were determined in the permanently stratified Lake Bukoni from July 2004 to December 2005. Meromixis has resulted from the nature of the surrounding hilly topography and the almost vertical crater walls that exclude the effects of light winds. These circumstances and the tropical temperature regime ensure permanent stratification in the offshore part of the lake. From about 20 m to the bottom, the water was out of circulation and devoid of oxygen. Water samples from such depths had a strong smell of hydrogen sulphide gas. The inshore site, with greater turbulence and littoral area, had a uniformly oxygenated water column compared with the offshore site. According to information from members of the community around the lake, ‘fish kills’ have taken place but on irregular occasions. The nutrients (N, P and Si) were well distributed in the inshore site. In the offshore site, the concentrations were generally lower in the uppermost 20 m but more than double near the mud surface. Soluble reactive phosphorous was the least abundant nutrient while soluble reactive silicon was the most abundant nutrient. The high Si : P ratios have led to the dominance of species like Synedra ulna Ehr.  相似文献   

The present study investigates the zooplankton community dynamics and the abiotic environment in the eutrophic Lake Lysimachia (western Greece). The lake is considered to be recovering from eutrophication after the termination of an urban sewage inflow in 2000, and its waters are replenished constantly from the nearby oligotrophic Lake Trichonis. The results show that, although a decrease in nutrient concentrations was observed compared to the past, the lake still has eutrophic characteristics. This was reflected in the zooplankton community which is typical of those found in eutrophic lakes where rotifers prevail. Similarities among this lake and other nearby lakes were found considering the zooplankton community composition and seasonal variation. However, Lake Lysimachia is inhabited also by a number of different and even unique species (e.g., Moina micrura), suggesting that this ecosystem may be an important biodiversity refuge. Most of the zooplankton species were correlated with water temperature and, to a lesser extent, eutrophication key-water quality variables. Although there are few available data on the zooplankton of the lake, the abundance and composition of the community presenting characteristics indicative of intermediate trophic conditions and suggesting that the lake is probably under a kind of “biological” recovery.  相似文献   

The year-to-year variations of vertical distribution and biomass of anoxic phototrophic bacteria were studied during ice periods 2003–2005 and 2007–2008 in meromictic lakes Shira and Shunet (Southern Siberia, Russian Federation). The bacterial layers in chemocline of both lakes were sampled with a thin-layer hydraulic multi-syringe sampler. In winter, biomass of purple sulphur bacteria varied considerably depending on the amount of light penetrating into the chemocline through the ice and snow cover. In relatively weakly stratified, brackish Shira Lake, the depth of chemocline varied between winters, so that light intensity for purple sulphur bacteria inhabiting this zone differed. In Shira Lake, increased transparency of mixolimnion in winter, high chemocline position and absence of snow resulted in light intensity and biomass of purple sulphur bacteria exceeding the summer values in the chemocline of the lake. We could monitor snow cover at the lake surface using remote sensing and therefore estimate dynamics and amount of light under ice and its availability for phototrophic organisms. In Shunet Lake, the light intensities in the chemocline and biomasses of purple sulphur bacteria were always lower in winter than in summer, but the biomasses of green sulphur bacteria were similar.  相似文献   

湖泊生态系统动力学模型研究进展   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
从系统分析在湖泊生态系统动力学研究中的作用出发,对湖泊生态系统的动力学建模过程、方法和软件等进行了总结.在此基础上,综述了国内外湖泊生态系统动力学模型的发展.从1960年代至今,湖泊生态系统动力学模型从简单的零维模型发展到复杂的水质水动力学生态综合模型和生态结构动力学模型,如LakeWeb模型.中国的湖泊生态系统动力学模型研究始于20世纪80年代,主要集中在滇池、太湖、东湖和巢湖等富营养化严重的湖泊以及其他水体.目前,已经开发一些软件用于湖泊生态系统动力学模拟,主要有CEQUALICM、WASP、AQUATOX、PAMOLARE、CAEDYM等,以及用来模拟湖泊能流的软件ECOPATH.湖泊生态系统动力学模型还在监测、数据共享和模型结构、参数选取和不确定性分析等方面存在不足,需在今后的研究中加以改进.  相似文献   

History and timing of human impact on Lake Victoria, East Africa   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Lake Victoria, the largest tropical lake in the world, suffers from severe eutrophication and the probable extinction of up to half of its 500+ species of endemic cichlid fishes. The continuing degradation of Lake Victoria's ecological functions has serious long-term consequences for the ecosystem services it provides, and may threaten social welfare in the countries bordering its shores. Evaluation of recent ecological changes in the context of aquatic food-web alterations, catchment disturbance and natural ecosystem variability has been hampered by the scarcity of historical monitoring data. Here, we present high-resolution palaeolimnological data, which show that increases in phytoplankton production developed from the 1930s onwards, which parallels human-population growth and agricultural activity in the Lake Victoria drainage basin. Dominance of bloom-forming cyanobacteria since the late 1980s coincided with a relative decline in diatom growth, which can be attributed to the seasonal depletion of dissolved silica resulting from 50 years of enhanced diatom growth and burial. Eutrophication-induced loss of deep-water oxygen started in the early 1960s, and may have contributed to the 1980s collapse of indigenous fish stocks by eliminating suitable habitat for certain deep-water cichlids. Conservation of Lake Victoria as a functioning ecosystem is contingent upon large-scale implementation of improved land-use practices.  相似文献   

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