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A deficiency of CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells (CD25+ Tregs) in lymphopenic mice can result in the onset of autoimmune gastritis. The gastric H/K ATPase alpha (H/Kalpha) and beta (H/Kbeta) subunits are the immunodominant autoantigens recognized by effector CD4+ T cells in autoimmune gastritis. The mechanism by which CD25+ Tregs suppress autoimmune gastritis in lymphopenic mice is poorly understood. To investigate the antigenic requirements for the genesis and survival of gastritis-protecting CD25+ Tregs, we analyzed mice deficient in H/Kbeta and H/Kalpha, as well as a transgenic mouse line (H/Kbeta-tsA58 Tg line 224) that lacks differentiated gastric epithelial cells. By adoptive transfer of purified T cell populations to athymic mice, we show that the CD25+ Treg population from mice deficient in either one or both of H/Kalpha and H/Kbeta, or from the H/Kbeta-tsA58 Tg line 224 mice, is equally effective in suppressing the ability of polyclonal populations of effector CD4+ T cells to induce autoimmune gastritis. Furthermore, CD25+ Tregs, from either wild-type or H/Kalpha-deficient mice, dramatically reduced the expansion of pathogenic H/Kalpha-specific TCR transgenic T cells and the induction of autoimmune gastritis in athymic recipient mice. Proliferation of H/Kalpha-specific T cells in lymphopenic hosts occurs predominantly in the paragastric lymph node and was dependent on the presence of the cognate H/Kalpha Ag. Collectively, these studies demonstrate that the gastritis-protecting CD25+ Tregs do not depend on the major gastric Ags for their thymic development or their survival in the periphery, and that CD25+ Tregs inhibit the Ag-specific expansion of pathogenic T cells in vivo.  相似文献   

Previously we reported that TGF-beta has an important role in the generation and expansion of human "professional" CD4(+)CD25(+) regulatory T cells in the periphery that have a cytokine-independent mechanism of action. In this study we used low-dose staphylococcal enterotoxin to induce T cell-dependent Ab production. We report that TGF-beta induces activated CD4(+)CD25(-) T cells to become Th3 suppressor cells. While stimulating CD4(+) cells with TGF-beta modestly increased expression of CD25 and intracellular CTLA-4 in primary cultures, upon secondary stimulation without TGF-beta the total number and those expressing these markers dramatically increased. This expansion was due to both increased proliferation and protection of these cells from activation-induced apoptosis. Moreover, adding as few as 1% of these TGF-beta-primed CD4(+) T cells to fresh CD4(+) cells and B cells markedly suppressed IgG production. The inhibitory effect was mediated by TGF-beta and was also partially contact dependent. Increased TGF-beta production was associated with a decreased production of IFN-gamma and IL-10. Depletion studies revealed that the precursors of these TGF-beta-producing CD4(+) suppressor cells were CD25 negative. These studies provide evidence that CD4(+)CD25(+) regulatory cells in human blood consist of at least two subsets that have TGF-beta-dependent and independent mechanisms of action. TGF-beta has an essential role in the generation of both of these T suppressor cell subsets from peripheral T cells. The ability to induce CD4(+) and CD8(+) cells to become regulatory cells ex vivo has the potential to be useful in the treatment of autoimmune diseases and to prevent transplant rejection.  相似文献   

Repeated exposures to both microbial and innocuous Ags in vivo have been reported to both eliminate and tolerize T cells after their initial activation and expansion. The remaining tolerant T cells have been shown to suppress the response of naive T cells in vitro. This feature is reminiscent of natural CD4(+)CD25(+) regulatory T cells. However, it is not known whether the regulatory function of in vivo-tolerized T cells is similar to the function of natural CD4(+)CD25(+) regulatory T cells. In this study, we demonstrate that CD4(+)CD25(+) as well as CD4(+)CD25(-) T cells isolated from mice treated with superantigen three consecutive times to induce tolerance were functionally comparable to natural CD4(+)CD25(+) regulatory T cells, albeit more potent. The different subpopulations of in vivo-tolerized CD4(+) T cells efficiently down-modulated costimulatory molecules on dendritic cells, and their suppressive functions were strictly cell contact dependent. Importantly, we demonstrate that conventional CD4(+)CD25(-) T cells could also be induced to acquire regulatory functions by the same regimen in the absence of natural regulatory T cells in vivo, but that such regulatory cells were functionally different.  相似文献   

CD4+CD25+ T regulatory cells (Tregs) can actively suppress immune responses and thus have substantial therapeutical potential. Clinical application is, however, frustrated by their scarcity, anergic status, and lack of defined specificity. We found that a single injection of a small number of expanded but not fresh HY-specific Tregs protected syngeneic male skin grafts from rejection by immune-competent recipients. The expanded Tregs were predominantly located in the grafts and graft-draining lymph nodes. In vitro expanded Tregs displayed a phenotype of CD25highCD4lowFoxp3+CTLA4+, and also up-regulated IL10 and TGFbeta while down-regulating IFN-gamma, GM-CSF, IL5, and TNF-alpha production. Furthermore, expanded Tregs appeared to express a reduced level of Foxp3, which could be prevented by adding TGFbeta to the culture, and they also tended to lose Foxp3 following the repeated stimulation. Finally, a proportion of expanded HY-specific Tregs secreted IL2 in response to their cognate peptide, and this finding could be confirmed using Tregs from Foxp3GFP reporter mice. We not only demonstrated that expanded Tregs are superior to fresh Tregs in suppressing T cell responses against alloantigens, but also revealed some novel immunobiological properties of expended Tregs which are very instructive for modifying current Treg expansion procedures.  相似文献   

The capacity of naturally occurring autoreactive CD25+CD4+ regulatory T cells (Treg) to control immune responses both in vivo and in vitro is now well established. It has been demonstrated that these cells undergo positive selection within the thymus and appear to enter the periphery as committed CD25+CD4+ Treg. We have shown previously that CD25+CD4+ Treg with the capacity to prevent skin allograft rejection can be generated by pretreatment with donor alloantigen under the cover of anti-CD4 therapy. Here we demonstrate that this process does not require an intact thymus. Furthermore, generation of these Treg is not dependent on the expansion of CD25+CD4+ thymic emigrants, because depletion of CD25+ cells before pretreatment does not prevent Treg development, and Treg can be generated from CD25-CD4+ precursors. Taken together, these results clearly demonstrate that CD25+CD4+ Treg can be generated in the periphery from CD25-CD4+ precursors in a pathway distinct to that by which naturally occurring autoreactive CD25+CD4+ Treg develop. These observations may have important implications for the design of protocols, both experimental and clinical, for the induction of tolerance to autoantigens or alloantigens in adults with limited thymic function.  相似文献   

GRAIL (gene related to anergy in lymphocytes) is an ubiquitin-protein isopeptide ligase (E3) ubiquitin ligase necessary for the induction of CD4(+) T cell anergy in vivo. We have extended our previous studies to characterize the expression pattern of GRAIL in other murine CD4(+) T cell types with a described anergic phenotype. These studies revealed that GRAIL expression is increased in naturally occurring (thymically derived) CD4(+) CD25(+) T regulatory cells (mRNA levels 10-fold higher than naive CD25(-) T cells). Further investigation demonstrated that CD25(+) Foxp3(+) antigen-specific T cells were induced after a "tolerizing-administration" of antigen and that GRAIL expression correlated with the CD25(+) Foxp3(+) antigen-specific subset. Lastly, using retroviral transduction, we demonstrated that forced expression of GRAIL in a T cell line was sufficient for conversion of these cells to a regulatory phenotype in the absence of detectable Foxp3. These data demonstrate that GRAIL is differentially expressed in naturally occurring and peripherally induced CD25(+) T regulatory cells and that the expression of GRAIL is linked to their functional regulatory activity.  相似文献   

The T cell coinhibitory receptor CTLA-4 has been implicated in the down-regulation of T cell function that is a quintessential feature of chronic human filarial infections. In a laboratory model of filariasis, Litomosoides sigmodontis infection of susceptible BALB/c mice, we have previously shown that susceptibility is linked both to a CD4+ CD25+ regulatory T (Treg) cell response, and to the development of hyporesponsive CD4+ T cells at the infection site, the pleural cavity. We now provide evidence that L. sigmodontis infection drives the proliferation and activation of CD4+ Foxp3+ Treg cells in vivo, demonstrated by increased uptake of BrdU and increased expression of CTLA-4, Foxp3, GITR, and CD25 compared with naive controls. The greatest increases in CTLA-4 expression were, however, seen in the CD4+ Foxp3- effector T cell population which contained 78% of all CD4+ CTLA-4+ cells in the pleural cavity. Depletion of CD25+ cells from the pleural CD4+ T cell population did not increase their Ag-specific proliferative response in vitro, suggesting that their hyporesponsive phenotype is not directly mediated by CD4+ CD25+ Treg cells. Once infection had established, killing of adult parasites could be enhanced by neutralization of CTLA-4 in vivo, but only if performed in combination with the depletion of CD25+ Treg cells. This work suggests that during filarial infection CTLA-4 coinhibition and CD4+ CD25+ Treg cells form complementary components of immune regulation that inhibit protective immunity in vivo.  相似文献   

IL-12p40 cytokines have been implicated in the development of organ-specific autoimmune diseases as well as pathogen-specific adaptive immunity. In addition to inducing IFN-gamma, IL-12 stimulates effector CD4(+) T cells to express adhesion molecules and homing receptors that facilitate their migration to sites of inflammation. In this study, we expand upon those observations by demonstrating an alternative pathway by which IL-12 could promote Th1 inflammatory responses in mice, namely, by restoring proliferation and cytokine expression by effector T cells in the presence of CD4(+)CD25(+) regulatory T cells (Treg). This effect of IL-12 was not replicated by IL-23 or IFN-gamma and was dependent on signaling through the IL-12R expressed on CD25(-) responder cells, but not on Treg. Our studies suggest that IL-12 could act in concert with other proinflammatory factors to stimulate CD4(+)CD25(-) T cell activation in the presence of Treg.  相似文献   

Distinct IL-2 receptor signaling pattern in CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Despite expression of the high-affinity IL-2R, CD4(+)CD25(+) regulatory T cells (Tregs) are hypoproliferative upon IL-2R stimulation in vitro. However the mechanisms by which CD4(+)CD25(+) T cells respond to IL-2 signals are undefined. In this report, we examine the cellular and molecular responses of CD4(+)CD25(+) Tregs to IL-2. IL-2R stimulation results in a G(1) cell cycle arrest, cellular enlargement and increased cellular survival of CD4(+)CD25(+) T cells. We find a distinct pattern of IL-2R signaling in which the Janus kinase/STAT pathway remains intact, whereas IL-2 does not activate downstream targets of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase. Negative regulation of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase signaling and IL-2-mediated proliferation of CD4(+)CD25(+) T cells is inversely associated with expression of the phosphatase and tensin homologue deleted on chromosome 10, PTEN.  相似文献   

Purpose: Regulatory T cells (T regs) can inhibit immune responses mediated by T cells. It has been shown that there is an increased proportion of T regs in several different human malignancies, although the actual mechanism remains unclear. In the present study, we evaluated the prevalence of CD4(+)CD25high T regs in PBMCs from patients with gastric and esophageal cancers in relation to the clinical outcome. Methods: PBMCs in 72 patients with gastric cancer and 42 patients with esophageal cancer were evaluated for the proportion of CD4(+)CD25high T cells, as a percentage of the total CD4(+) cells, by flow cytometric analysis with triple-color staining. Actuarial overall survival rates of the patients were analyzed by the Kaplan–Meier method. Results: The percentages of CD4(+)CD25high T cells for cases of gastric cancer (4.9±1.2%) and esophageal cancer (5.2±2.1%) were significantly higher than those for healthy donors (1.9±1.1%, P<0.01). There were significant differences in the prevalence of CD4(+)CD25high T cells between the early and advanced disease stages, both in gastric cancer (stage I vs. III, P<0.05; stage I vs. IV, P<0.05) and esophageal cancer (stage I vs. IV, P<0.05). The patients with a high proportion of CD4(+)CD25high T cells showed poorer survival rates in comparison to those with a low proportion, in both gastric and esophageal cancers. After patients received curative resections of gastric cancers (n=57), the increased proportions of CD4(+)CD25high T cells were significantly reduced, and the levels were almost equal to those in normal healthy donors. In addition, studies of gastric cancer patients with postoperative recurrent tumors (n=6) revealed that the prevalence of CD4(+)CD25high T cells individually increased compared to 2 months after the operations. CD4(+)CD25high T cells expressed FOXP3 mRNA and had abundant CD45RO and intracellular CTLA-4 molecules. Conclusions: These results strongly suggest that tumor-related factors induce and expand CD4(+)CD25high T regs.  相似文献   

The number of circulating CD4+ T cells constitutively expressing CD25 (T regulatory, Treg) and natural killer T (NK T) cells, the two major lymphocyte populations that help to maintain immune homeostasis, was studied in 22 unselected myasthenia gravis (MG) patients, 16 healthy subjects and 24 patients with cancer, the latter as a disease model of a relative immune suppression status. Treg cells were assessed according to their intermediate or high level of expression of CD25, i.e., CD25int and CD25bright, and to the expression of HLA-DR, CD62L, CD45RO and CD152. There were no differences in the number of NK T cells and CD4+CD25bright cells among the three series of individuals. MG patients and healthy subjects had also similar numbers of CD4+CD25int cells. However, the whole CD4+ cell compartment in MG patients was in an activated status, as indicated by the higher level of expression of CD152. By contrast, and consistent with a relative immune suppression status, cancer patients had higher numbers of CD4+CD25int cells and larger proportions of HLA-DR expressing CD4+CD25int and CD4+CD25bright cells. Immunomagnetically purified CD4+CD25+ cells from MG, healthy subjects and cancer patients were anergic and suppressed the proliferative response of other T cells.  相似文献   

Foxp3 functions as a lineage specification factor for the development of naturally occurring thymus-derived CD4+CD25+ regulatory T (Treg) cells. Recent evidence suggests that naive Foxp3-CD4+CD25- T cells can be converted in the periphery into Foxp3+ Treg cells. In this study, we have identified the G protein-coupled receptor (GPR)83 to be selectively up-regulated by CD4+CD25+ Treg cells of both murine and human origin in contrast to naive CD4+CD25- or recently activated T cells. Furthermore, GPR83 was induced upon overexpression of Foxp3 in naive CD4+CD25- T cells. Transduction of naive CD4+CD25- T cells with GPR83-encoding retroviruses did not confer in vitro suppressive activity. Nevertheless, GPR83-transduced T cells were able to inhibit the effector phase of a severe contact hypersensitivity reaction of the skin, indicating that GPR83 itself or GPR83-mediated signals conferred suppressive activity to conventional CD4+ T cells in vivo. Most strikingly, this in vivo acquisition of suppressive activity was associated with the induction of Foxp3 expression in GPR83-transduced CD4+ T cells under inflammatory conditions. Our results suggest that GPR83 might be critically involved in the peripheral generation of Foxp3+ Treg cells in vivo.  相似文献   

Thymus-derived CD4+ CD25+ T regulatory cells (Tregs) are essential for the maintenance of self-tolerance. What critical factors and conditions are required for the extra-thymic development of Tregs remains an important question. In this study, we show that the anti-inflammatory extracellular matrix protein, thrombospondin-1, promoted the generation of human peripheral regulatory T cells through the ligation of one of its receptor, CD47. CD47 stimulation by mAb or a thrombospondin-1 peptide induced naive or memory CD4+ CD25- T cells to become suppressive. The latter expressed increased amounts of CTLA-4, OX40, GITR, and Foxp3 and inhibited autologous Th0, Th1, and Th2 cells. Their regulatory activity was contact dependent, TGF-beta independent, and partially circumvented by IL-2. This previously unknown mechanism to induce human peripheral Tregs in response to inflammation may participate to the limitation of collateral damage induced by exacerbated responses to self or foreign Ags and thus be relevant for therapeutic intervention in autoimmune diseases and transplantation.  相似文献   



Regulatory T cell (Treg) based immunotherapy is a potential treatment for several immune disorders. By now, this approach proved successful in preclinical animal transplantation and auto-immunity models. In these models the success of Treg based immunotherapy crucially depends on the antigen-specificity of the infused Treg population. For the human setting, information is lacking on how to generate Treg with direct antigen-specificity ex vivo to be used for immunotherapy.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Here, we demonstrate that in as little as two stimulation cycles with HLA mismatched allogeneic stimulator cells and T cell growth factors a very high degree of alloantigen-specificity was reached in magnetic bead isolated human CD4posCD25high Treg. Efficient increases in cell numbers were obtained. Primary allogeneic stimulation appeared a prerequisite in the generation of alloantigen-specific Treg, while secondary allogeneic or polyclonal stimulation with anti-CD3 plus anti-CD28 monoclonal antibodies enriched alloantigen-specificity and cell yield to a similar extent.


The ex vivo expansion protocol that we describe will very likely increase the success of clinical Treg-based immunotherapy, and will help to induce tolerance to selected antigens, while minimizing general immune suppression. This approach is of particular interest for recipients of HLA mismatched transplants.  相似文献   

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