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A specific primed immune response in Drosophila is dependent on phagocytes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Drosophila melanogaster, like other invertebrates, relies solely on its innate immune response to fight invading microbes; by definition, innate immunity lacks adaptive characteristics. However, we show here that priming Drosophila with a sublethal dose of Streptococcus pneumoniae protects against an otherwise-lethal second challenge of S. pneumoniae. This protective effect exhibits coarse specificity for S. pneumoniae and persists for the life of the fly. Although not all microbial challenges induced this specific primed response, we find that a similar specific protection can be elicited by Beauveria bassiana, a natural fly pathogen. To characterize this primed response, we focused on S. pneumoniae-induced protection. The mechanism underlying this protective effect requires phagocytes and the Toll pathway. However, activation of the Toll pathway is not sufficient for priming-induced protection. This work contradicts the paradigm that insect immune responses cannot adapt and will promote the search for similar responses overlooked in organisms with an adaptive immune response.  相似文献   

A growing body of evidence has shown that alcohol alters the activity of the innate immune system and that changes in innate immune system activity can influence alcohol‐related behaviors. Here, we show that the Toll innate immune signaling pathway modulates the level of alcohol resistance in Drosophila. In humans, a low level of response to alcohol is correlated with increased risk of developing an alcohol use disorder. The Toll signaling pathway was originally discovered in, and has been extensively studied in Drosophila. The Toll pathway is a major regulator of innate immunity in Drosophila, and mammalian Toll‐like receptor signaling has been implicated in alcohol responses. Here, we use Drosophila‐specific genetic tools to test eight genes in the Toll signaling pathway for effects on the level of response to ethanol. We show that increasing the activity of the pathway increases ethanol resistance whereas decreasing the pathway activity reduces ethanol resistance. Furthermore, we show that gene products known to be outputs of innate immune signaling are rapidly induced following ethanol exposure. The interaction between the Toll signaling pathway and ethanol is rooted in the natural history of Drosophila melanogaster.  相似文献   

As environments and pathogen landscapes shift, host defenses must evolve to remain effective. Due to this selection pressure, among-species comparisons of genetic sequence data often find immune genes to be among the fastest evolving genes across the genome. The full extent and nature of these immune adaptations, however, remain largely unexplored. In a recent study, we analyzed patterns of selection within distinct components of the Drosophila melanogaster immune pathway. While we found evidence of positive selection within some immune processes, immune genes were not universally characterized by signatures of strong selection. On the contrary, we even found that some immune functions show greater than expected constraint. Overall these results highlight 2 major factors that appear to play an outsize role in determining a gene's evolutionary rate: the type of pathogen the gene targets and the gene's position within the immune network. These results join a growing body of literature that highlight the complexity of immune adaptation. Rather than there being uniformly strong selection across all immune genes, a combination of pathogen-specificity and host genetic constraints appear to play key roles in determining each immune gene's individual evolutionary trajectory.  相似文献   

Phospholipase A(2) (PLA(2)) catalyzes hydrolysis of phospholipids at sn-2 position and usually releases arachidonic acid, which is oxygenated into various eicosanoids that mediate innate immune responses in insects. PLA(2) activities were measured in both immune-associated tissues of hemocyte and fat body in the beet armyworm, Spodoptera exigua. Upon challenge of an entomopathogenic fungus, Beauveria bassiana, the PLA(2)s were significantly activated in both hemocyte and fat body. The fungal infection also induced gene expression of antimicrobial peptides (AMPs), such as two attacins, cecropin, gallerimycin, gloverin, hemolin, and transferrin of S. exigua. RNA interference of Toll or Imd signal pathway using double-stranded RNAs (dsRNAs) specific to SeToll or SeRelish suppressed specific AMP gene expressions, in which dsRNA specific to SeToll suppressed two attacins, cecropin, gallerimycin, gloverin, hemolin, and transferrin I, while dsRNA specific to SeRelish suppressed only cecropin. Interestingly, dsRNA specific to SeToll also significantly inhibited the activation of PLA(2) in response to the fungal infection, but dsRNA specific to SeRelish did not. Eicosanoid-dependent hemocyte nodulation was inhibited by dsRNA specific to SeToll but was not by dsRNA specific to SeRelish. These results suggest that eicosanoid biosynthesis is activated via Toll, but not Imd signal pathway in response to fungal infection in S. exigua.  相似文献   

Maintenance of muscle mass is not dependent on the calcineurin-NFAT pathway   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In this study, the role of the calcineurinpathway in skeletal muscle atrophy and atrophy-reducing interventionswas investigated in rat soleus muscles. Because calcineurin has beensuggested to be involved in skeletal and cardiac muscle hypertrophy, we hypothesized that blocking calcineurin activity would eliminate beneficial effects of interventions that maintain muscle mass in theface of atrophy-inducing stimuli. Hindlimb suspension and spinal cordtransection were used to induce atrophy, and intermittent reloading andexercise were used to reduce atrophy. Cyclosporin (CsA, 25 mg · kg1 · day1) wasadministered to block calcineurin activity. Soleus muscles were studied14 days after the onset of atrophy. CsA administration did not inhibitthe beneficial effects of the two muscle-maintaining interventions, nordid it change muscle mass in control or atrophied muscles, suggestingthat calcineurin does not play a role in regulating muscle size duringatrophy. However, calcineurin abundance was increased in atrophiedsoleus muscles, and this was associated with nuclear localization ofNFATc1 (a nuclear factor of activated T cells). Therefore, resultssuggest that calcineurin may be playing opposing roles during skeletalmuscle atrophy and under muscle mass-maintaining conditions.


Transgenic Caenorhabditis elegans expressing jellyfish Green Fluorescent Protein under the control of the promoter for the inducible small heat shock protein gene hsp-16-2 have been constructed. Transgene expression parallels that of the endogenous hsp-16 gene, and, therefore, allows direct visualization, localization, and quantitation of hsp-16 expression in living animals. In addition to the expected upregulation by heat shock, we show that a variety of stresses, including exposure to superoxide-generating redox-cycling quinones and the expression of the human beta amyloid peptide, specifically induce the reporter transgene. The quinone induction is suppressed by coincubation with L-ascorbate. The ability to directly observe the stress response in living animals significantly simplifies the identification of both exogenous treatments and genetic alterations that modulate stress response, and possibly life span, in C. elegans.  相似文献   

The Drosophila immune deficiency (IMD) pathway mobilizes c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK), caspase, and nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB) modules to counter infection with gram-negative bacteria. Dredd is an essential caspase in the IMD pathway, and it is widely established that NF-κB activation depends on Dredd. More recent cell culture studies suggested a role for Dredd in the activation of dJNK (Drosophila JNK). However, there are no epistatic or mechanistic data on the involvement of Dredd in dJNK activation. More importantly, there is no in vivo evidence to demonstrate a physiological requirement for Dredd in the IMD/dJNK pathway. We performed a comprehensive analysis of the role of Dredd in the IMD/dJNK pathway, and we demonstrated that Dredd is essential for the activation of IMD/dJNK in cell culture. We positioned Dredd activity at an early point of the IMD/dJNK pathway and uncovered a series of interactions between Dredd and additional proximal IMD pathway molecules. Mechanistically, we showed that the caspase activity inhibitor p35 blocked dJNK activation and the induction of dJNK-dependent genes in cell culture and in vivo. Most importantly, we demonstrated that dredd mutant flies are completely inhibited in their ability to activate dJNK or express dJNK-responsive target genes after bacterial infection in vivo. In conclusion, we established Dredd as an essential component of the IMD pathway required for the full activation of IMD/dJNK in cell culture and in vivo. Our data enhance our appreciation of Dredd-dependent IMD signal transduction events.  相似文献   

Epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) is a potent chemopreventive agent in many test systems and has been shown to inhibit tumor promotion and induce apoptosis. In the present study, we determined the effect of vanadate, a potent inhibitor of tyrosine phosphatase, on EGCG-induced apoptosis. Investigation of the mechanism of EGCG or vanadate-induced apoptosis revealed induction of caspase 3 activity and cleavage of phospholipase-gamma1 (PLC-gamma1). Furthermore, vanadate potentiated EGCG-induced apoptosis by mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling pathway. Treatment with EGCG plus vanadate for 24h produced morphological features of apoptosis and DNA fragmentation in U937 cells. This was associated with cytochrome c release, caspase 3 activation, and PLC-gamma1 degradation. EGCG plus vanadate activates multiple signal transduction pathways involved in coordinating cellular responses to stress. We demonstrate a requirement for extracellular signal-regulated protein kinase (ERK), a member of the mitogen-activated protein kinase family in EGCG plus vanadate-induced apoptosis in U937 cells. Elevated ERK activity that contributed to apoptosis by EGCG plus vanadate was supported by PD98059 and U0126, chemical inhibitor of MEK/ERK signaling pathway, prevented apoptosis. Taken together, our finding suggests that ERK activation plays an active role in mediating EGCG plus vanadate-induced apoptosis of U937 cells and functions upstream of caspase activation to initiate the apoptotic signal.  相似文献   

Dorsoventral polarity in the Drosophila embryo is established through a signal transduction cascade triggered in ventral and ventrolateral regions. Activation of a transmembrane receptor, Toll, leads to localized recruitment of the adaptor protein Tube and protein kinase Pelle. Signaling through these components directs degradation of the IkappaB-like inhibitor Cactus and nuclear translocation of the Rel protein Dorsal. Here we show through confocal immunofluorescence microscopy that Pelle functions to downregulate the signal-dependent relocalization of Tube. Inactivation of the Pelle kinase domain, or elimination of the Tube-Pelle interaction, dramatically increases Tube recruitment to the ventral plasma membrane in regions of active signaling. We also characterize a large collection of pelle alleles, identifying the molecular lesions in these alleles and their effects on Pelle autophosphorylation, Tube phosphorylation and Tube relocalization. Our results point to a mechanism operating to modulate the domain or duration of signaling downstream from Tube and Pelle.  相似文献   

The mechanisms that control the privileged survival of intratesticular organ allografts are not known. It had been postulated that the elevated levels of testicular steroid hormones, testosterone and/or progesterone, could be responsible for the inhibition of the local immune response. The goals of this study were to examine intratesticular islet allograft survival in rats in which both germ cell and Leydig cell function had been selectively destroyed. A chemical castration was induced in diabetic Sprague-Dawley rats with the chronic administration of a GnRH analog, leuprolide. In addition, both germ cell function and steroidogenesis were severely impaired by means of the surgical removal of the pituitary in diabetic rats. Pancreatic islets were isolated from Wistar-Lewis rats and were then implanted into the abdominal testes of leuprolide-treated and of hypophysectomized rats. No immunosuppression was given to the grafted rats. The results showed that long-term allograft survival occurred in the abdominal testes deprived of germ cells, of testosterone and of progesterone.  相似文献   

Necrotic (Nec) is an important component of the proteolytic cascade that activates the Toll-mediated immune response in Drosophila. The Nec protein is a member of the serpin (SERine Protease INhibitor) superfamily and is thought to regulate the cascade by inhibiting the serine protease Persephone. Nec was expressed in Escherichia coli, and the purified protein folded to the active native conformation required for protease inhibitory activity. Biochemical analysis showed that Nec had a broad inhibitory specificity and inhibited elastase, thrombin, and chymotrypsin-like proteases. It did not inhibit trypsin or kallikrein. These data show that Necrotic is likely to inhibit a wide range of proteases in Drosophila and that Nec has the specificity requirements to act as the physiological inhibitor of Persephone in vivo.  相似文献   

Lee H  Adler PN 《Genetics》2002,160(4):1535-1547
The Drosophila epidermis is characterized by a dramatic planar or tissue polarity. The frizzled pathway has been shown to be a key regulator of planar polarity for hairs on the wing, ommatidia in the eye, and sensory bristles on the notum. We have investigated the genetic relationships between putative frizzled pathway downstream genes inturned, fuzzy, and multiple wing hairs (inturned-like genes) and upstream genes such as frizzled, prickle, and starry night (frizzled-like genes). Previous data showed that the inturned-like genes were epistatic to the frizzled-like genes when the entire wing was mutant. We extended those experiments and examined the behavior of frizzled clones in mutant wings. We found the domineering nonautonomy of frizzled clones was not altered when the clone cells were simultaneously mutant for inturned, multiple wing hairs, or dishevelled but it was blocked when the entire wing was mutant for inturned, fuzzy, multiple wing hairs, or dishevelled. Thus, for the domineering nonautonomy phenotype of frizzled, inturned and multiple wing hairs are needed in the responding cells but not in the clone itself. Expressing a number of frizzled pathway genes in a gradient across part of the wing repolarizes wing cells in that region. We found inturned, fuzzy, and multiple wing hairs were required for a gradient of frizzled, starry night, prickle, or spiny-legs expression to repolarize wing cells. These data argue that inturned, fuzzy, and multiple wing hairs are downstream components of the frizzled pathway. To further probe the relationship between the frizzled-like and inturned-like genes we determined the consequences of altering the activity of frizzled-like genes in wings that carried weak alleles of inturned or fuzzy. Interestingly, both increasing and decreasing the activity of frizzled and other upstream genes enhanced the phenotypes of hypomorphic inturned and fuzzy mutants. We also examined the relationship between the frizzled-like and inturned-like genes in other regions of the fly. For some body regions and cell types (e.g., abdomen) the inturned-like genes were epistatic to the frizzled-like genes, but in other body regions (e.g., eye) that was not the case. Thus, the genetic control of tissue polarity is body region specific.  相似文献   

Morrison JK  Miller KG 《Genetics》2008,179(1):711-716
Myosin VI is an actin-based motor that has been implicated in many cellular processes. Studies in vertebrates have demonstrated that animals lacking this ubiquitously expressed myosin are viable. However in Drosophila, myosin VI loss of function has been thought to be lethal. We show here that complete loss of myosin VI is not lethal in flies and that the previously reported lethality of the null mutation (jar322) is most likely due to deletion of a neighboring gene. Maternally provided myosin VI does not account for the survival of myosin VI null animals. Mutant animals are recovered at a lower than expected Mendelian frequency, suggesting that myosin VI participates in processes which contribute to normal development, but its participation is not essential.  相似文献   

We report the developmental regulation of a lacZ reporter transgene fused to the promoter region of the human keratin 6a gene. In mouse embryos, the transgene is expressed in the periderm (the outermost layer of embryonic epidermis), as are the endogenous keratin 6 alpha and beta genes. A subset of periderm cells, localized to temporary epithelial fusions, is known to contain keratin 6 protein, and we find that these cells also harbor LacZ enzymatic activity.  相似文献   

Drosophila melanogaster has a robust and efficient innate immune system, which reacts to infections ranging from bacteria to fungi and, as discovered recently, viruses as well. The known Drosophila immune responses rely on humoral and cellular activities, similar to those found in the innate immune system of other animals. Recently, RNAi or 'RNA silencing' has arisen as a possible means by which Drosophila can react to a specific pathogens, transposons and retroviral elements, in a fashion similar to that of a traditional mammalian adaptive immune system instead of in a more generalized and genome encoded innate immune-based response. RNAi is a highly conserved regulation and defence mechanism, which suppresses gene expression via targeted RNA degradation directed by either exogenous dsRNA (cleaved into siRNAs) or endogenous miRNAs. In plants, RNAi has been found to act as an antiviral immune response system. Here we show that RNAi is an antiviral response used by Drosophila to combat infection by Drosophila X Virus, a birnavirus, as well. Additionally, we identify multiple core RNAi pathway genes, including piwi, vasa intronic gene (vig), aubergine (aub), armitage (armi), Rm62, r2d2 and Argonaute2 (AGO2) as having vital roles in this response in whole organisms. Our findings establish Drosophila as an ideal model for the study of antiviral RNAi responses in animals.  相似文献   

Pathogens have developed multiple strategies that allow them to exploit host resources and resist the immune response. To study how Drosophila flies deal with infectious diseases in a natural context, we investigated the interactions between Drosophila and a newly identified entomopathogen, Pseudomonas entomophila. Flies orally infected with P. entomophila rapidly succumb despite the induction of both local and systemic immune responses, indicating that this bacterium has developed specific strategies to escape the fly immune response. Using a combined genetic approach on both host and pathogen, we showed that P. entomophila virulence is multi-factorial with a clear differentiation between factors that trigger the immune response and those that promote pathogenicity. We demonstrate that AprA, an abundant secreted metalloprotease produced by P. entomophila, is an important virulence factor. Inactivation of aprA attenuated both the capacity to persist in the host and pathogenicity. Interestingly, aprA mutants were able to survive to wild-type levels in immune-deficient Relish flies, indicating that the protease plays an important role in protection against the Drosophila immune response. Our study also reveals that the major contribution to the fly defense against P. entomophila is provided by the local, rather than the systemic immune response. More precisely, our data points to an important role for the antimicrobial peptide Diptericin against orally infectious Gram-negative bacteria, emphasizing the critical role of local antimicrobial peptide expression against food-borne pathogens.  相似文献   

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