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Elucidation of the diversification process of organisms is one of the important tasks of biology. From the viewpoint of species diversity, insects are the most successful group among the diverse organisms on earth and evolutionary adaptation is one of the important factors driving this pattern. Evolutionary adaptation is one of the important factors in the diversification of insects. One of the representative examples of environmental adaptation in insects is the shortening and loss of wings in subalpine and alpine zones. In this study, we focused on the Japanese scorpionfly, Panorpodes paradoxus. In this species, individuals that inhabit mountainous regions and subalpine zones have long wings (the “general type”), and individuals that inhabit higher altitudinal ranges have short wings (the “alpine type”). We collected samples of all Japanese Panorpodes species and one Korean Panorpodes species, and conducted molecular phylogenetic analyses of the mtDNA COI (610 bp), COII (688 bp), and 16S rRNA (888 bp) and nuDNA EF1‐α (658 bp) and 28S rRNA (524 bp) regions in order to reveal the evolutionary history of the alpine type of P. paradoxus. As a result of molecular phylogenetic analyses, it was revealed that the alpine type of P. paradoxus was polyphyletic, and had evolved to become the alpine type at least twice independently at separate mountain locations. In addition, the result of divergence time estimation suggested that the alpine type is an “ecomorph”, having recently adapted to low temperature habitats following mountain uplift within the Japanese Archipelago and subsequent glacial‐interglacial cycles.  相似文献   

Replicated ecological gradients are prime systems to study processes of molecular evolution underlying ecological divergence. Here, we investigated the repeated adaptation of the neotropical fish Poecilia mexicana to habitats containing toxic hydrogen sulphide (H2S) and compared two population pairs of sulphide‐adapted and ancestral fish by sequencing population pools of >200 individuals (Pool‐Seq). We inferred the evolutionary processes shaping divergence and tested the hypothesis of increase of parallelism from SNPs to molecular pathways. Coalescence analyses showed that the divergence occurred in the face of substantial bidirectional gene flow. Population divergence involved many short, widely dispersed regions across the genome. Analyses of allele frequency spectra suggest that differentiation at most loci was driven by divergent selection, followed by a selection‐mediated reduction of gene flow. Reconstructing allelic state changes suggested that selection acted mainly upon de novo mutations in the sulphide‐adapted populations. Using a corrected Jaccard index to quantify parallel evolution, we found a negligible proportion of statistically significant parallel evolution of Jcorr = 0.0032 at the level of SNPs, divergent genome regions (Jcorr = 0.0061) and genes therein (Jcorr = 0.0091). At the level of metabolic pathways, the overlap was Jcorr = 0.2545, indicating increasing parallelism with increasing level of biological integration. The majority of pathways contained positively selected genes in both sulphide populations. Hence, adaptation to sulphidic habitats necessitated adjustments throughout the genome. The largely unique evolutionary trajectories may be explained by a high proportion of de novo mutations driving the divergence. Our findings favour Gould's view that evolution is often the unrepeatable result of stochastic events with highly contingent effects.  相似文献   

A primary question in biology concerns the genetic basis of the evolution of novel traits, often in response to environmental changes, and how this can subsequently cause species isolation. This topic was the focus of the symposium on the Genetics of Speciation and Evolution at the annual meeting of the Canadian Society for Ecology and Evolution, held in Banff in May 2011. The presentations revealed some of the rapid advances being made in understanding the genetic basis of adaptation and speciation, as well as the elegant interplay between an organism's genetic complement and the environment that organism experiences.  相似文献   

The relative importance of ecological selection and geographical isolation in promoting and constraining genetic and phenotypic differentiation among populations is not always obvious. Interacting with divergent selection, restricted opportunity for gene flow may in some cases be as much a cause as a consequence of adaptation, with the latter being a hallmark of ecological speciation. Ecological speciation is well studied in parts of the native range of the three‐spined stickleback. Here, we study this process in a recently invaded part of its range. Switzerland was colonized within the past 140 years from at least three different colonization events involving different stickleback lineages. They now occupy diverse habitats, ranging from small streams to the pelagic zone of large lakes. We use replicated systems of parapatric lake and stream populations, some of which trace their origins to different invasive lineages, to ask (i) whether phenotypic divergence occurred among populations inhabiting distinct habitats, (ii) whether trajectories of phenotypic divergence follow predictable parallel patterns and (iii) whether gene flow constrains divergent adaptation or vice versa. We find consistent phenotypic divergence between populations occupying distinct habitats. This involves parallel evolution in several traits with known ecological relevance in independent evolutionary lineages. Adaptive divergence supersedes homogenizing gene flow even at a small spatial scale. We find evidence that adaptive phenotypic divergence places constraints on gene flow over and above that imposed by geographical distance, signalling the early onset of ecological speciation.  相似文献   

We demonstrate a clear example of local adaptation of seasonal timing of spawning and embryo development. The consequence is a population of pink salmon that is segmented into spawning groups that use the same limited habitat. We synthesize published observations with results of new analyses to demonstrate that genetic variation of these traits results in survival differentials related to that variation, and that density‐dependent embryo mortality and seasonally variable juvenile mortality are a mechanism of selection. Most examples of local adaptation in natural systems depend on observed correlations between environments and fitness traits, but do not fully demonstrate local adaptation: that the trait is genetically determined, exhibits different fitness in common environments or across different environments, and its variation is mechanistically connected to fitness differences. The geographic or temporal scales of local adaptation often remain obscure. Here, we show that heritable, fine‐scale differences of timing of reproductive migration in a pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) resulted in temporal structure that persisted several generations; the differences enable a density‐dependent population to pack more spawners into limited spawning habitat, that is, enhance its fitness. A balanced trade‐off of survivals results because embryos from early‐migrating fish have a lower freshwater survival (harsh early physical conditions and disturbance by late spawners), but emigrant fry from late‐migrating fish have lower marine survivals (timing of their vernal emergence into the estuarine environment). Such fine‐scale local adaptations increase the genetic portfolio of the populations and may provide a buffer against the impacts of climate change.  相似文献   

The importance of environmental gradients in the diversification of long‐lived tree species is poorly understood. Two morphologically distinct varieties of the endemic Hawaiian tree, 'ōhi'a lehua (Metrosideros polymorpha), are the canopy dominants at alternate extremes of a successional gradient formed by the recurring disturbance of lava flows on east Hawai'i Island. The maintenance of these varieties despite hybridization may be due to disruptive selection at either end of the successional gradient. To test this hypothesis, seeds from three, replicate monotypic stands of each variety on east Hawai'i Island were germinated and the resulting seedlings grown under four combinations of light and nitrogen levels in a greenhouse, and at early‐ and late‐successional field sites. Growth and survivorship measures revealed differential fitness of these varieties in high‐ and low‐light environments in the greenhouse with corresponding differential fitness in early‐ and late‐successional field sites. Unique light‐by‐nitrogen interaction effects on growth were observed in each variety, and only the late‐successional variety appeared to be nitrogen limited. These two varieties exhibit the classic plant life‐history trade‐off between fast growth in high light and high survivorship in shade, but notably within a single tree species. These findings strongly implicate a role for Hawaii's striking environmental heterogeneity in the emergence of at least two endemic forms of this woody genus.  相似文献   

Competition‐driven evolution of habitat isolation is an important mechanism of ecological speciation but empirical support for this process is often indirect. We examined how an on‐going displacement of pied flycatchers from their preferred breeding habitat by collared flycatchers in a young secondary contact zone is associated with (a) access to an important food resource (caterpillar larvae), (b) immigration of pied flycatchers in relation to habitat quality, and (c) the risk of hybridization in relation to habitat quality. Over the past 12 years, the estimated access to caterpillar larvae biomass in the habitat surrounding the nests of pied flycatchers has decreased by a fifth due to shifted establishment possibilities, especially for immigrants. However, breeding in the high quality habitat has become associated with such a high risk of hybridization for pied flycatchers that overall selection currently favors pied flycatchers that were forced to immigrate into the poorer habitats (despite lower access to preferred food items). Our results show that competition‐driven habitat segregation can lead to fast habitat isolation, which per se caused an opportunity for selection to act in favor of future “voluntarily” altered immigration patterns and possibly strengthened habitat isolation through reinforcement.  相似文献   

Populations that maintain phenotypic divergence in sympatry typically show a mosaic pattern of genomic divergence, requiring a corresponding mosaic of genomic isolation (reduced gene flow). However, mechanisms that could produce the genomic isolation required for divergence‐with‐gene‐flow have barely been explored, apart from the traditional localized effects of selection and reduced recombination near centromeres or inversions. By localizing FST outliers from a genome scan of wild pea aphid host races on a Quantitative Trait Locus (QTL) map of key traits, we test the hypothesis that between‐population recombination and gene exchange are reduced over large ‘divergence hitchhiking’ (DH) regions. As expected under divergence hitchhiking, our map confirms that QTL and divergent markers cluster together in multiple large genomic regions. Under divergence hitchhiking, the nonoutlier markers within these regions should show signs of reduced gene exchange relative to nonoutlier markers in genomic regions where ongoing gene flow is expected. We use this predicted difference among nonoutliers to perform a critical test of divergence hitchhiking. Results show that nonoutlier markers within clusters of FST outliers and QTL resolve the genetic population structure of the two host races nearly as well as the outliers themselves, while nonoutliers outside DH regions reveal no population structure, as expected if they experience more gene flow. These results provide clear evidence for divergence hitchhiking, a mechanism that may dramatically facilitate the process of speciation‐with‐gene‐flow. They also show the power of integrating genome scans with genetic analyses of the phenotypic traits involved in local adaptation and population divergence.  相似文献   

Divergent natural selection is often thought to be the principal factor driving phenotypic differentiation between populations. We studied two ecotypes of the aquatic isopod Asellus aquaticus which have diverged in parallel in several Swedish lakes. In these lakes, isopods from reed belts along the shores colonized new stonewort stands in the centre of the lakes and rapid phenotypic changes in size and pigmentation followed after colonization. We investigated if selection was likely to be responsible for these observed phenotypic changes using indirect inferences of selection (FSTQST analysis). Average QST for seven quantitative traits were higher than the average FST between ecotypes for putatively neutral markers (AFLPs). This suggests that divergent natural selection has played an important role during this rapid diversification. In contrast, the average QST between the different reed ecotype populations was not significantly different from the mean FST. Genetic drift could therefore not be excluded as an explanation for the minor differences between allopatric populations inhabiting the same source habitat. We complemented this traditional FSTQST approach by comparing the FST distributions across all loci (n = 67–71) with the QST for each of the seven traits. This analysis revealed that pigmentation traits had diverged to a greater extent and at higher evolutionary rates than size‐related morphological traits. In conclusion, this extended and detailed type of FSTQST analysis provides a powerful method to infer adaptive phenotypic divergence between populations. However, indirect inferences about the operation of divergent selection should be analyzed on a per‐trait basis and complemented with detailed ecological information.  相似文献   

A key question in speciation research is how ecological and sexual divergence arise and interact. We tested the hypothesis that mate choice causes local adaptation and ecological divergence using the rationale that the performance~signal trait relationship should parallel the attractiveness~signal trait relationship. We used female fecundity as a measure of ecological performance. We used a species in the Enchenopa binotata treehopper complex, wherein speciation involves adaptation to novel environments and divergence in sexual communication. We used a full‐sibling, split‐family rearing design to estimate genetic correlations (rG) between fecundity and signal traits, and compared those relationships against population‐level mate preferences for the signal traits. Animal model estimates for rG between female fecundity and male signal traits overlapped zero—rejecting the hypothesis—but could reflect sample size limitations. The magnitude of rG correlated with the strength of the mate preferences for the corresponding signal traits, especially for signal frequency, which has the strongest mate preference and the most divergence in the complex. However, signal frequencies favored by the population‐level mate preference are not associated with high fecundity. Therefore, mate preferences do not appear to have been selected to favor high‐performance genotypes. Our findings suggest that ecological and sexual divergence may arise separately, but reinforce each other, during speciation.  相似文献   

A large and growing proportion of the world is impacted directly by human activities; among the most extreme of these is the spread of urban environments. Environmental change associated with urbanization represents a potentially potent source of selection. While urban environments generally have lowered biodiversity, some clades seem to thrive in urban settings. For example, many members of the bird family Turdidae, known as the ‘true thrushes’ and the blackbird Turdus merula (Fig. 1) in particular, are familiar urban species. Indeed, the colonization of urban environments by blackbirds has become a textbook case study for our understanding of the many ways a wild species can deal with urbanization. In this issue, Mueller et al. (Molecular Ecology, 00, 2013, 00) add to that story by beginning to address the genetic nature of behavioural adaptation of blackbirds colonizing urban areas. They do this by testing for divergence between paired urban and rural samples at a suite of candidate genes with hypothesized effects on behaviours thought to be important for the colonization of urban environments. They find evidence for consistent patterns of divergence at an exonic microsatellite associated with the SERT gene. SERT has a number of hypothesized behavioural effects, including harm avoidance, which may be associated with tolerating the hustle and bustle of urban environments. This is among the first evidence that behavioural differences between urban and rural environments have a genetic basis and this work suggests that urban environments can in some cases exert homogeneous selection pressures.  相似文献   

Mark Ravinet 《Molecular ecology》2018,27(13):2781-2789
The most successful study systems are built on a foundation of decades of research on the basic biology, ecology and life history of the organisms in question. Combined with new technologies, this can provide a formidable means to address important issues in evolutionary biology and molecular ecology. Littorinid marine snails are a good example of this, with a rich literature on their taxonomy, speciation, thermal tolerance and behavioural adaptations. In August 2017, an international meeting on Littorinid evolution was held at the Tjärnö Marine Research Laboratory in Western Sweden. In this meeting review, I provide a summary of some of the exciting work on parallel evolution, sexual selection and adaptation to environmental stress presented there. I argue that newly available genomic resources present an opportunity for integrating the traditionally divergent fields of speciation and environmental adaptation in Littorinid research.  相似文献   

Diverging semi‐isolated lineages either meet in narrow clinal hybrid zones, or have a mosaic distribution associated with environmental variation. Intrinsic reproductive isolation is often emphasized in the former and local adaptation in the latter, although both reduce gene flow between groups. Rarely are these two patterns of spatial distribution reported in the same study system. Here, we report that the long‐snouted seahorse Hippocampus guttulatus is subdivided into discrete panmictic entities by both types of hybrid zones. Along the European Atlantic coasts, a northern and a southern lineage meet in the southwest of France where they coexist in sympatry—i.e., in the same geographical zone—with little hybridization. In the Mediterranean Sea, two lineages have a mosaic distribution, associated with lagoon‐like and marine habitats. A fifth lineage was identified in the Black Sea. Genetic homogeneity over large spatial scales contrasts with isolation maintained in sympatry or close parapatry at a fine scale. A high variation in locus‐specific introgression rates provides additional evidence that partial reproductive isolation must be maintaining the divergence. We find that fixed differences between lagoon and marine populations in the Mediterranean Sea belong to the most differentiated SNPs between the two Atlantic lineages, against the genome‐wide pattern of structure that mostly follow geography. These parallel outlier SNPs cluster on a single chromosome‐wide island of differentiation. Since Atlantic lineages do not map to lagoon‐sea habitat variation, genetic parallelism at the genomic island suggests a shared genetic barrier contributes to reproductive isolation in contrasting contexts–i.e., spatial versus ecological. We discuss how a genomic hotspot of parallel differentiation could have evolved and become associated both with space and with a patchy environment in a single study system.  相似文献   

Evolutionary biology is in an exciting era, in which powerful genomic tools make the answers accessible to long‐standing questions about variation, adaptation and speciation. The availability of a suite of genomic resources, a shared knowledge base and a long history of study have made the phenotypically diverse plant genus Mimulus an important system for understanding ecological and evolutionary processes. An international Mimulus Research Meeting was held at Duke University in June 2014 to discuss developments in ecological and evolutionary genetic studies in Mimulus. Here, we report major recent discoveries presented at the meeting that use genomic approaches to advance our understanding of three major themes: the parallel genetic basis of adaptation; the ecological genomics of speciation; and the evolutionary significance of structural genetic variation. We also suggest future research directions for studies of Mimulus and highlight challenges faced when developing new ecological and evolutionary model systems.  相似文献   

By directed evolution and subsequent site‐directed mutagenesis, cold‐adapted variants of WF146 protease, a thermophilic subtilase, have been successfully engineered. A four‐amino acid substitution variant RTN29 displayed a sixfold increase in caseinolytic activity in the temperature range of 15–25°C, a down‐shift of optimum temperature by ~15°C, as well as a decrease in thermostability, indicating it follows the general principle of trade‐off between activity and stability. Nevertheless, to some extent RTN29 remained its thermophilic nature, and no loss of activity was observed after heat‐treatment at 60°C for 2 h. Notably, RTN29 exhibited a lower hydrolytic activity toward suc‐AAPF‐pNA, due to an increase in Km and a decrease in kcat, in contrast to other artificially cold‐adapted subtilases with increased low‐temperature activity toward small synthetic substrates. All mutations (S100P, G108S, D114G, M137T, T153A, and S246N) identified in the cold‐adapted variants occurred within or near the substrate‐binding region. None of these mutations, however, match the corresponding sites in naturally psychrophilic and other artificially cold‐adapted subtilases, implying there are multiple routes to cold adaptation. Homology modeling and structural analysis demonstrated that these mutations led to an increase in mobility of substrate‐binding region and a modulation of substrate specificity, which seemed to account for the improvement of the enzyme's catalytic activity toward macromolecular substrates at lower temperatures. Our study may provide valuable information needed to develop enzymes coupling high stability and high low‐temperature activity, which are highly desired for industrial use. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2009; 104: 862–870. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Long‐term ecological experiments provide unique opportunities to observe the effects of natural selection. The Park Grass Experiment at Rothamsted Experiment Station in Hertfordshire, UK, is the longest running ecological experiment that incorporates fertilization treatments and has been ongoing since 1856. In the 1970s, local adaptation was observed in the grass Anthoxanthum odoratum to the elevated soil aluminium levels of the fertilized plots. Gould et al. ( 2014 ) have utilized this system to reevaluate the extent of local adaptation, first documented nearly 45 years ago (Snaydon 1970 ), and to use emerging molecular approaches to identify candidate genes for the adaptation. From their work, they identify several plausible candidate loci for aluminium tolerance. This work shows the power of long‐term field‐based trials in a scientific age concentrated on rapidly emerging molecular techniques often utilized in short, narrowly focused laboratory or controlled environment experiments. The current study clearly illustrates the benefits gained by combining these molecular approaches within long‐term monitoring experiments that can be regularly revisited in a changing world and used to address questions on evolutionary scales.  相似文献   

Parallel speciation can occur when traits determining reproductive isolation evolve independently in different populations that experience a similar range of environments. However, a common problem in studies of parallel evolution is to distinguish this hypothesis from an alternative one in which different ecotypes arose only once in allopatry and now share a sympatric scenario with substantial gene flow between them. Here we show that the combination of a phylogenetic approach with life-history data is able to disentangle both hypotheses in the case of the intertidal marine snail Littorina saxatilis on the rocky shores of Galicia in northwestern Spain. In this system, numerous phenotypic and genetic differences have evolved between two sympatric ecotypes spanning a sharp ecological gradient, and as aside effect of the former have produced partial reproductive isolation. A mitochondrial phylogeny of these populations strongly suggests that the two sympatric ecotypes have originated independently several times. Building upon earlier work demonstrating size-based assortative mating as the main contributor to reproductive isolation among ecotypes, our analysis provides strong evidence that divergent selection across a sharp ecological gradient promoted the parallel divergence of body size and shape between two sympatric ecotypes. Thus, divergent selection occurring independently in different populations has produced the marine equivalent of host races, which may represent the first step in speciation.  相似文献   

It is now recognized that speciation can proceed even when divergent natural selection is opposed by gene flow. Understanding the extent to which environmental gradients and geographical distance can limit gene flow within species can shed light on the relative roles of selection and dispersal limitation during the early stages of population divergence and speciation. On the remote Lord Howe Island (Australia), ecological speciation with gene flow is thought to have taken place in several plant genera. The aim of this study was to establish the contributions of isolation by environment (IBE) and isolation by community (IBC) to the genetic structure of 19 plant species, from a number of distantly related families, which have been subjected to similar environmental pressures over comparable time scales. We applied an individual-based, multivariate, model averaging approach to quantify IBE and IBC, while controlling for isolation by distance (IBD). Our analyses demonstrated that all species experienced some degree of ecologically driven isolation, whereas only 12 of 19 species were subjected to IBD. The prevalence of IBE within these plant species indicates that divergent selection in plants frequently produces local adaptation and supports hypotheses that ecological divergence can drive speciation in sympatry.  相似文献   

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