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Mountain glaciers are retreating at an unprecedented rate due to global warming. Glacier retreat is widely believed to be driven by the physiochemical characteristics of glacier surfaces; however, the current knowledge of such biological drivers remains limited. An estimated 130 Tg of organic carbon (OC) is stored in mountain glaciers globally. As a result of global warming, the accelerated microbial decomposition of OC may further accelerate the melting process of mountain glaciers by heat production with the release of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane. Here, using short‐term aerobic incubation data from the forefield of Urumqi Glacier No. 1, we assessed the potential climate feedback mediated by soil microbiomes at temperatures of 5°C (control), 6.2°C (RCP 2.6), 11°C (RCP 8.5), and 15°C (extreme temperature). We observed enhanced CO2‐C release and heat production under warming conditions, which led to an increase in near‐surface (2 m) atmospheric temperatures, ranging from 0.9°C to 3.4°C. Warming significantly changed the structures of the RNA‐derived (active) and DNA‐derived (total) soil microbiomes, and active microbes were more sensitive to increased temperatures than total microbes. Considering the positive effects of temperature and deglaciation age on the CO2‐C release rate, the alterations in the active microbial community structure had a negative impact on the increased CO2‐C release rate. Our results revealed that glacial melting could potentially be significantly accelerated by heat production from increased microbial decomposition of OC. This risk might be true for other high‐altitude glaciers under emerging warming, thus improving the predictions of the effects of potential feedback on global warming.  相似文献   

Ectomycorrhizal fungi (EM) that associate with tree roots in a symbiotic relationship may be crucial in mediating tree health in urban environments, but research on the effects of urbanization on EM communities is very limited so far. Here, we compared EM communities of adult pedunculate oaks (Quercus robur) between urban and forest environments, and assessed the effect of soil sealing around the trees on their EM community composition and EM diversity. We sampled 32 oak individuals across 4 sampling classes (Street, Lane, Park and Forest), and we characterized their EM communities using 454 amplicon pyrosequencing. The EM communities were not nested but they were significantly different between all sampling classes, with a very strong community differentiation between forest and urban trees. There were indications that EM richness declined with increasing sealed soil surface, with a significant effect of sampling class on estimated EM richness and diversity. We also identified indicator EM of the different sampling classes. The most important soil factor affecting EM community composition was pH, followed by plant available phosphorus, total nitrogen content and organic matter. Our results may have important implications when developing EM inocula for managing tree health in urban environments.  相似文献   

Forefields of receding glaciers are unique and sensitive environments representing natural soil chronosequences, where sulfate availability is assumed to be a limiting factor. Bacterial mineralization of organosulfur is an important sulfate-providing process in soils. We analyzed the diversity of sulfonate-desulfurizing (desulfonating) bacteria in the Damma glacier forefield on the basis of the key gene asfA by terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism and clone libraries. The community structure and sequence diversity of desulfonating bacteria differed significantly between forefield soils deglaciated in the 1990s and the 1950s. Soil age had a strong effect on the desulfonating rhizosphere communities of Agrostis rupestris , but only a slight impact on the ones from Leucanthemopsis alpina . AsfA affiliated to Polaromonas sp. was predominantly found in the more recent ice-free soils and the corresponding rhizospheres of A. rupestris , while a group of unidentified sequences was found to be dominating the matured soils and the corresponding rhizospheres of A. rupestris . The desulfonating bacterial diversity was not affected by varying levels of sulfate concentrations. The level of asfA diversity in recently deglaciated soils suggests that desulfonating bacteria are a critical factor in sulfur cycling, with defined groups dominating at different stages of soil formation.  相似文献   

We performed a detailed study on the carbon build‐up over the 140‐year‐long chronosequence of the Damma glacier forefield, Switzerland, to gain insights into the organic carbon dynamics during the initial stage of soil formation and ecosystem development. We determined soil carbon and nitrogen contents and their stable isotopic compositions, as well as molecular‐level composition of the bulk soils, and recalcitrance parameters of carbon in different fractions. The chronosequence was divided into three age groups, separated by small end moraines that resulted from two glacier re‐advances. The net ecosystem carbon balance (NECB) showed an exponential increase over the last decades, with mean annual values that range from 100 g C m?2 yr?1 in the youngest part to over 300 g C m?2 yr?1 in a 60–80 years old part. However, over the entire 140‐year chronosequence, the NECB is only 20 g C m?2 yr?1, similar to results of other glacier forefield studies. The difference between the short‐ and long‐term NECB appears to be caused by reductions in ecosystem carbon (EC) accumulation during periods with a colder climate. We propose that two complementary mechanisms have been responsible: 1) Reductions in net primary productivity down to 50% below the long‐term mean, which we estimated using reconstructed effective temperature sums. 2) Disturbance of sites near the terminus of the re‐advanced glacier front. Stabilization of soil organic matter appeared to play only a minor role in the coarse‐grained forefield. We conclude that the forefield ecosystem, especially primary productivity, reacts rapidly to climate changes. The EC gained at warm periods is easily lost again in a cooling climate. Our conclusions may also be valid for other high mountain ecosystems and possibly arctic ecosystems.  相似文献   

该研究首次借助林冠塔吊调查了西双版纳国家级自然保护区龙脑香热带雨林样地内69棵树13个垂直高度上的附生苔藓植物,结果表明:目标样树上共记录到隶属于25科60属的90种附生苔藓,其中细鳞苔科物种数最多,占比达25.6%。13个垂直高度上共划分出三种生态类型:喜阳苔藓(散生巨树上45 m的区域),喜阴苔藓(乔木树干上15 m的区域),广布苔藓(广泛分布于宿主各个垂直高度上,生态位宽),并筛选出对微生境有特殊偏好的17种苔藓指示种(IndVal≥0.7,P0.05)。随宿主垂直高度的升高,扇型和交织型的苔藓占比降低,悬垂型苔藓占比先升高后降低,细平铺型和粗平铺型的苔藓占比升高。大气湿度、水汽压、胸径以及树皮粗糙度对附生苔藓生活型的分布偏好具有显著影响。总之,沿宿主垂直高度上的附生苔藓对微环境变化在生活型和形态结构上有着不同的响应方式,而同一种生态型的苔藓群落有相似的适应机制。因此,在森林林冠生境变化的监测和管理中,对微生境具有明显偏好的附生苔藓物种可作为有效的指示材料。  相似文献   

Conifer needles are typically long lived and can host a diverse community of fungal species with various effects on their host tree. The purpose of this study was to analyse shifts in the fungal community of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) needles on different spatial scales using 454 pyrosequencing. The fungal community composition changed gradually along a north-south gradient through Sweden, representing boreal to temperate vegetation zones. OTU richness and Shannon's diversity index increased with increasing latitude, but only in naturally regenerated forests. On the tree level, needles with symptoms of disease hosted a more diverse mycobiota compared to healthy needles, presumably supporting more pathogenic or saprotrophic species. This study provides a better insight into the patterns of fungal communities of Scots pine needles and highlights the need for further experimental research to identify specific environmental factors shaping the abundance of different fungal species.  相似文献   

土壤碳、氮稳定同位素自然丰度(δ13C和δ15N)随土壤深度变化的研究,对揭示碳、氮元素生物地球化学循环机制具有重要意义.本文在概述土壤剖面δ13C和δ15N垂直分布特征的基础上,重点介绍了土壤δ13C和δ15N垂直分布模式的影响机制.土壤剖面δ13C垂直分布模式的影响机制主要有3种:1)植被δ13C值的历史变化;2)...  相似文献   

宁夏回族自治区沙坡头地区半荒漠土壤中藻类的垂直分布   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
对沙坡头地区半荒漠土壤中藻类植物的垂直分布进行了为期一年多的采样、分析,结果发现结皮层有藻类植物24种,蓝藻及其丝状种类的比例最大;结皮下0-50mm和50-100mm层次分别有15种、10种,且都以硅藻及细胞种类丰富;深层次出现的种类在浅层次都出现;100mm以下层次没有任何藻种发现。生物量从表及里随深度的增加而锐减,99%的分布在结皮层;就结皮层中78%的在0-0.1mm层次,96%在0-1.0mm深度。种类数变化在结皮层和结皮下0-50mm层次都与降水量相关,而结皮下50-100mm层次基本不变。  相似文献   

Phialocephala fortinii is among the few identified hyphomycetes belonging to the Mycelium radicis atrovirens complex. This 'dark-septate endophyte' has a global distribution and colonizes a wide variety of host plants. In this study, the spatial distribution of discrete genets of P. fortinii on the forefront of a receding glacier was analysed using the randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) technique to determine plants colonized and patterns of colonization. In two consecutive years of sampling, a total of 74 isolates of P. fortinii were obtained from nine plant species, typically ectomycorrhizal, ericoid mycorrhizal or non-mycorrhizal. The isolates showed substantial variation, sharing on average approx. half the RAPD markers. In the first year, three isolates belonging to a single genet were obtained from two plants separated by a distance of nearly 1.5 m. The continuity of this genet was assessed by a sampling the following year. No isolates similar to that, or any of the genets collected the year before were observed. Consequently, the identical isolates from the previous year were concluded to represent discontinuous ramets. Two additional large genets were observed during the second year of sampling, which inhabited roots of several plants representing three different species. These data suggest that the sharing of P. fortinii genets among plant species might play a fundamental role in adaptation and interaction within the whole plant community in a system undergoing primary succession.  相似文献   

北京市平原区土壤有机碳垂直分布特征   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
研究土壤有机碳垂直分布特征规律对精确测算土壤有机碳储量具有重要意义。通过野外调查实地挖取北京市平原区40个典型土壤剖面共169个样品数据,研究土壤有机碳垂直分布特征。结果表明:1)北京市平原区0—150 cm土壤平均有机碳含量为(5.98±2.62) g/kg,垂直分布上,随剖面深度增加土壤有机碳含量逐渐降低,且在浅层(≤60 cm)下降速度显著快于深层(60 cm); 2)各发生层次不同土壤质地的有机碳含量差异整体上均表现为粉粒及黏粒含量比例越高,即质地越黏重,土壤有机碳含量越高; 3)不同土体构型的平均土壤有机碳含量大小关系为通体砂通体壤上壤下黏夹黏,通体砂型土壤有机碳含量垂直变化相对平缓,上壤下黏型土壤有机碳含量在垂直方向呈"降-升-降"趋势,通体壤及夹黏型则均呈先快速下降后缓慢下降趋势; 4)耕地和园地土壤平均有机碳含量高于荒草地,耕地在整个剖面中土壤有机碳含量均居于三种土地利用类型之首,耕地和园地的土壤有机碳含量在0—20 cm和40—60 cm之间下降速度高达40.10%和55.92%,剖面深度超过60 cm后下降速度显著放缓,受人类活动直接影响相对较少的荒草地在垂直方向上变化相对平缓。  相似文献   

陈孟晨  张景光  冯丽  滕嘉玲 《生态学报》2017,37(22):7614-7623
采用野外随机取样和室内萌发试验相结合的方法,对沙坡头人工植被区的藓类结皮、地衣结皮和裸沙覆盖区土壤种子库的组成及垂直分布特征进行了研究。结果表明:1)人工植被区土壤种子库的物种组成简单,以1年生草本为主,相较于裸沙,两种生物结皮的存在显著增加了土壤种子库的密度(P0.01),但降低了土壤种子库的物种多样性及其与地上植被的相似性;2)两种生物结皮覆盖区土壤种子库的总密度虽无显著差异,但在0—2 cm土层中,地衣结皮土壤种子库的密度显著高于藓类结皮(P0.05),而在2—5 cm和5—10 cm土层中,藓类结皮土壤种子库的密度高于地衣结皮,但差异不显著;3)不同生物结皮覆盖区土壤种子库的垂直分布特征存在差异,藓类结皮覆盖土壤中有活力的种子主要分布在0—5 cm土层中,而地衣结皮和裸沙覆盖土壤中有活力的种子主要分布在0—2 cm土层中,且随着深度的增加,土壤中有活力的种子急剧减少。该研究表明,相较于裸沙,生物结皮的存在不仅增加了土壤种子库的大小,还改变了土壤种子库的垂直分布格局。生物结皮层下仍有相当比例有活力的小种子,这些种子欠缺萌发条件,对地上植被的贡献作用较小,但它们的存在对荒漠生态系统健康及可持续发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

【目的】印度小裂绵蚜Schizoneurella indica Hille Ris Lambers是在云南昭通苹果上发现的一种新害虫,发生普遍且严重。研究印度小裂绵蚜种群在土壤中的垂直分布及其消长动态是为了掌握其发生与危害特点。【方法】2002—2006年,我们采用盆栽和田间调查的方法对印度小裂绵蚜在土壤中的垂直分布和种群消长开展了研究。【结果】印度小裂绵蚜田间种群数量高峰期主要集中发生在9—12月,5—7月份为其田间种群快速增长期,种群增长率可达200%~273%。印度小裂绵蚜无翅蚜种群在0~30 cm的土壤范围内占总虫量的49.0%,30~60 cm的占27.0%,>60 cm的占24.0%。无翅蚜的各虫龄全年均有发生,冬季以第4龄若虫和无翅成虫为主。有翅蚜的发生全年只有1个时期,为11月上旬至12月下旬。【结论】印度小裂绵蚜田间种群数量全年发生1个高峰期,主要集中在0~30 cm的土壤范围内,随着土壤深度的增加,印度小裂绵蚜种群数量亦逐渐下降。田间有翅蚜虫量极少,较难观察到。  相似文献   

为了探究沙漠不同生物土壤结皮类型覆盖下土壤有机碳(SOC)垂直分布特征及与土壤理化因素的关系,解析影响因素,以古尔班通古特沙漠腹地藻类、藓类生物土壤结皮和裸沙三种不同地被覆盖类型为研究对象,通过野外采集不同类型结皮样品及其下层0-2 cm、2-5 cm、5-10 cm、10-20 cm、20 -30 cm、30-50 cm、50-70 cm以及70-100 cm土层土壤(裸沙对照),测定不同土层的SOC含量及土壤理化指标,开展相关研究。结果表明:(1)不同地被类型下0-100 cm SOC含量随着土壤深度增加呈减小的趋势,在10-30 cm 土层存在SOC含量升高的现象,藓类、藻类和裸沙三种地被类型0-100 cm土层SOC含量范围分别在:1.61-2.70、1.41-2.56、1.21-1.92 g/kg;(2)不同地被类型下同一土层SOC含量在0-5 cm土层存在显著差异,5-100 cm土层SOC整体无显著差异,同层SOC含量均表现为:藓类>藻类>裸沙对照;(3)Pearson法分析结果表明不同地被覆盖下SOC含量与养分(全氮、全磷)呈现正相关关系,与pH和电导率(EC)呈现负相关关系。通过结构方程模型结果表明,土壤养分和粒径(砂粒占比)是影响垂直分布的主要因子,其中粒径是裸沙和藻类的最主要影响因子,藓类最重要的影响因子是养分(全磷)。生物土壤结皮的发育会逐步提高土壤碳的积累,改变SOC的垂直分布特征,对SOC的影响主要集中在5 cm以上土层,土壤理化特征对垂直分布特征具有调控作用。  相似文献   

Soil microbes are considered to be a key determinant of the aboveground plant community. They are not distributed uniformly in the environment, and their activity, abundance, and ecosystem functioning could vary across localities, characterized by high β-diversity. Investigating factors that contribute to high β-diversity can help infer the possible mechanisms of microbial community assembly, and predict the scale and extent of impacts that soil microbes have on the plant community. Because soil systems consist of multiple horizons (i.e., vertical stratification) associated with different soil properties, complete understanding of high β-diversity requires consideration of both horizontal and vertical spatial structures of soil microbial communities. We studied the community composition of soil fungi from the O- and A-horizons in a Castanopsis-dominated temperate forest, and compared horizontal spatial autocorrelation in species composition between the two soil horizons (O- versus A-horizons). Pyrosequencing analysis yielded 67,129 sequencing reads, summed across all the 48 forest soil samples. Clustering analysis resulted in 597 molecular operational taxonomic units (OTUs), 68 % of which were identified as fungi, represented by four phyla. The Mantel test revealed that the O-horizon communities are spatially clustered, and the observed high β-diversity was driven not only by changes in OTUs present, but also by high turnover in identities of OTUs in soil samples. Furthermore, Mantel correlogram analysis showed that the O-horizon communities resembled each other in composition within the range of 50 m, whereas the A-horizon communities lacked such horizontal autocorrelation. These differences in the scale patchiness could arise from two processes: (1) that environmental conditions could show higher heterogeneity in finer scale at the A-horizon than at the O-horizon; and/or (2) dispersal could be more frequent at the O-horizon than the A-horizon. The present study suggests that either environmental filtering (i.e., the niche-based process) or dispersal limitation (i.e., neutral process) could characterize the observed patterns of spatial clustering in the soil fungal community.  相似文献   

During the late nineteenth century, Europeans introduced rabbits to many of the sub-Antarctic islands, environments that prior to this had been devoid of mammalian herbivores. The impacts of rabbits on indigenous ecosystems are well studied; notably, they cause dramatic changes in plant communities and promote soil erosion. However, the responses of fungal communities to such biotic disturbances remain unexplored. We used metabarcoding of soil extracellular DNA to assess the diversity of plant and fungal communities at sites on the sub-Antarctic Kerguelen Islands with contrasting histories of disturbance by rabbits. Our results suggest that on these islands, the simplification of plant communities and increased erosion resulting from the introduction of rabbits have driven compositional changes, including diversity reductions, in indigenous soil fungal communities. Moreover, there is no indication of recovery at sites from which rabbits were removed 20 years ago. These results imply that introduced herbivores have long-lasting and multifaceted effects on fungal biodiversity as well as highlight the low resiliency of sub-Antarctic ecosystems.  相似文献   

为了解全球气候变化背景下森林草原过渡带持久土壤种子库对未来降水减少的响应,本研究以呼伦贝尔森林草原过渡带为研究区域,沿降水梯度采集0~10 cm土层的持久土壤种子库样本,研究种子库密度、物种组成、多样性及其与地上植被的关系,并利用结构方程模型研究年降水量对持久土壤种子库的直接影响及其通过地上植被和土壤有效氮、有效磷、土壤pH值产生的间接影响。结果表明: 随着降水量的降低,种子库密度和物种丰富度有增加趋势,森林草原过渡带草地土壤种子库物种多样性高于森林。土壤种子库与地上植被相似性整体较低。结构方程模型结果显示,年降水量对种子库的密度和物种丰富度的总效应为负效应,标准路径系数为-0.051和-0.122。年降水量对种子库的密度和物种丰富度的直接效应为正效应,降水量通过土壤全氮对种子库密度和物种丰富度产生显著的间接正效应,通过土壤pH和土壤有效磷对种子库物种丰富度产生显著的间接负效应,通过土壤pH对种子库密度产生显著的间接负效应。气候变化下降水减少会改变植物应对风险的策略,森林草原过渡带的持久土壤种子库对应对未来可能发生的降水减少具有一定的缓冲作用。  相似文献   

土壤是陆地生态系统中最大的有机碳库,土壤有机碳(SOC)储量与深度分布模式受土地利用方式的影响,SOC储量与深度分布模式对全球气候变化有着重要意义。本文利用三峡库区典型流域SOC深度分布数据库,分析SOC的深度分布模式及其影响因素。结果表明:土地利用方式显著影响SOC的深度分布,0~20 cm土层内,林地、草地、灌木地和农地等4类土地利用方式,SOC密度平均为8.47、5.90、4.65和2.64 kg·m-2,差异极显著(P0.001);0~100 cm层为12.14、10.24、9.15和7.29 kg·m-2,差异显著(P0.05);林地、草地,灌木地、农地中,0~20 cm层SOC密度分别占0~100 cm层的69.80%、57.6%、50.8%和36.2%;SOC密度随深度的增加而迅速下降,其中林地下降速度最快,SOC深度分布相对较浅,草地和灌木地下降较慢,SOC分布相对较深;土地利用方式和海拔对表层(0~20 cm)SOC密度影响显著,对深层(40 cm)影响不显著;土壤机械组成对表层(0~20cm)SOC密度影响显著,对深层(40 cm)SOC密度影响更为显著;用0~100 cm层碳密度来描述区域SOC储量时,估计值偏低。若考虑0~150 cm层的SOC储量,研究流域SOC密度值将增加6.2%~16.5%。  相似文献   

韩路  王海珍 《生态学报》2024,44(2):832-843
探讨荒漠河岸林土壤水分、物种多样性的空间变异性及其相互关系,可为干旱区天然林保护、可持续经营和生态恢复提供科学依据。以塔里木荒漠河岸林为研究对象,基于野外样带调查和采样测定,系统分析了地下水埋深(GWD)梯度下林地土壤水分与物种多样性的空间变异及其权衡关系。结果表明:随GWD增加和土壤水分减少,荒漠河岸林群落物种数减少、结构简化、群落发生退化,退化顺序为浅根系的中生草本植物和灌木,最后留存的是抗旱性较强的乔灌木或灌木;同时土壤水分和物种丰富度、物种多样性指数均呈显著的线性递减趋势,而物种均匀度指数降幅较小。GWD与土壤水分、物种多样性之间均呈极显著的相关(P<0.01),土壤水分与物种多样性的相对收益随GWD增加而逐渐降低,表明GWD是控制荒漠河岸林土壤水分和物种多样性空间变异的关键因素。荒漠河岸林土壤水分与物种多样性权衡关系的转折点为GWD 4.5m左右,转折点以下(GWD<4.5m)二者沿GWD以相同速率变化,呈协同关系;转折点以上(GWD>4.5m)土壤水分与物种多样性的权衡明显增大,土壤水分相对收益剧降,即维持当前相应的物种多样性以消耗土壤水分为代价,系统通过反馈调节使物种多样性降低。综上表明,维持塔里木荒漠河岸林物种多样性和生态系统功能的合理GWD在4.5m左右,这为塔里木河流域荒漠河岸林保育与生态输水工程实施提供科学依据。  相似文献   

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