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Comparative studies of the population genetics of closely associated species are necessary to properly understand the evolution of these relationships because gene flow between populations affects the partners' evolutionary potential at the local scale. As a consequence (at least for antagonistic interactions), asymmetries in the strength of the genetic structures of the partner populations can result in one partner having a co‐evolutionary advantage. Here, we assess the population genetic structure of partners engaged in a species‐specific and obligatory mutualism: the Neotropical ant‐plant, Hirtella physophora, and its ant associate, Allomerus decemarticulatus. Although the ant cannot complete its life cycle elsewhere than on H. physophora and the plant cannot live for long without the protection provided by A. decemarticulatus, these species also have antagonistic interactions: the ants have been shown to benefit from castrating their host plant and the plant is able to retaliate against too virulent ant colonies. We found similar short dispersal distances for both partners, resulting in the local transmission of the association and, thus, inbred populations in which too virulent castrating ants face the risk of local extinction due to the absence of H. physophora offspring. On the other hand, we show that the plant populations probably experienced greater gene flow than did the ant populations, thus enhancing the evolutionary potential of the plants. We conclude that such levels of spatial structure in the partners' populations can increase the stability of the mutualistic relationship. Indeed, the local transmission of the association enables partial alignments of the partners' interests, and population connectivity allows the plant retaliation mechanisms to be locally adapted to the castration behaviour of their symbionts.  相似文献   

Despite the pervasiveness of spatial synchrony of population fluctuations in virtually every taxon, it remains difficult to disentangle its underlying mechanisms, such as environmental perturbations and dispersal. We used multiple regression of distance matrices (MRMs) to statistically partition the importance of several factors potentially synchronizing the dynamics of the gypsy moth, an invasive species in North America, exhibiting outbreaks that are partially synchronized over long distances (approx. 900 km). The factors considered in the MRM were synchrony in weather conditions, spatial proximity and forest-type similarity. We found that the most likely driver of outbreak synchrony is synchronous precipitation. Proximity played no apparent role in influencing outbreak synchrony after accounting for precipitation, suggesting dispersal does not drive outbreak synchrony. Because a previous modelling study indicated weather might indirectly synchronize outbreaks through synchronization of oak masting and generalist predators that feed upon acorns, we also examined the influence of weather and proximity on synchrony of acorn production. As we found for outbreak synchrony, synchrony in oak masting increased with synchrony in precipitation, though it also increased with proximity. We conclude that precipitation could synchronize gypsy moth populations directly, as in a Moran effect, or indirectly, through effects on oak masting, generalist predators or diseases.  相似文献   

Understanding genetic consequences of habitat fragmentation is crucial for the management and conservation of wildlife populations, especially in case of species sensitive to environmental changes and landscape alteration. In central Europe, the Alps are the core area of black grouse Tetrao tetrix distribution. There, black grouse dispersal is limited by high altitude mountain ridges and recent black grouse habitats are known to show some degree of natural fragmentation. Additionally, substantial anthropogenic fragmentation has occurred within the past ninety years. Facing losses of peripheral subpopulations and ongoing range contractions, we explored genetic variability and the fine‐scale genetic structure of the Alpine black grouse metapopulation at the easternmost fringe of the species’ Alpine range. Two hundred and fifty tissue samples and non‐invasive faecal and feather samples of eleven a priori defined subpopulations were used for genetic analysis based on nine microsatellite loci. Overall, eastern Alpine black grouse show similar amounts of genetic variation (HO = 0.65, HE = 0.66) to those found in more continuous populations like in Scandinavia. Despite of naturally and anthropogenically fragmented landscapes, genetic structuring was weak (global FST < 0.05), suggesting that the actual intensity of habitat fragmentation does not completely hamper dispersal, but probably restricts it to some extent. The most peripheral subpopulations at the edge of the species range show signs of genetic differentiation. The present study gives new insights into the population genetic structure of black grouse in the eastern Alps and provides a more fine‐scale view of genetic structure than previously available. Our findings will contribute to monitor the current and future status of the population under human pressures and to support supra‐regional land use planning as well as decision making processes in responsibilities of public administration.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity and recombination underlie the long‐term persistence and evolution of species and are strongly influenced by population size, breeding system and plant longevity. Here, we study genetic structure in the rare Senecio macrocarpus in southeastern Australia to guide current conservation practices. Thirteen neutral microsatellite markers and two chloroplast regions were used to survey the 20 known S. macrocarpus populations and one sympatric S. squarrosus population, a morphologically similar species. All markers showed severe excess or deficit of heterozygotes and linkage disequilibrium was significant. Microsatellite markers revealed 100 multi‐locus genotypes (MLGs) from 523 S. macrocarpus individuals and a further 4 MLGs from 27 S. squarrosus individuals. MLGs varied in frequency and distribution. At the extremes, one MLG was found 108 times across the sampling region and 66 MLGs were found once. The MLGs of all 38 seedlings genotyped were identical to their seed parents implying an asexual origin. Chloroplast regions showed little variation within S. macrocarpus but differed from S. squarrosus. Chromosome counts for S. macrocarpus revealed the same ploidy level as S. squarrosus (2n = 6x = 60) and pollen–ovule ratios were typical of erechthitoid Senecio species showing self‐compatibility. Results suggest that establishment of small populations occur primarily from one extensive source population with indications that both apomixis and selfing may be contributing to its reproduction cycle. We suggest that this species may contribute to future evolutionary processes despite limited genotypic variation and restricted distribution. Its conservation will safeguard evolutionary processes that might occur through occasional outcrossing and hybridization events between sympatric species. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 115 , 256–269.  相似文献   

In order to conserve forest plant species under the particularly high constraints that represent urban surroundings, it is necessary to identify the key factors for population persistence. This study examined within‐ and between‐population pollen dispersal using fluorescent dye as pollen analogue, and genetic variation and structure using 15 allozyme loci in Centaurium erythraea, an insect‐pollinated, early‐successional forest biennial herb occurring in a peri‐urban forest (Brussels urban zone, Belgium). Dye dispersal showed an exponential decay distribution, with most dye transfers occurring at short distances (<15 m), and only a few long‐distance events (up to 743 m). Flowers of C. erythraea are mainly visited by Syrphids (Diptera) and small bees, which are usually considered as short‐distance pollen dispersers, and occasionally by bumblebees, which are usually longer‐distance pollen dispersers. Small and large dye source populations differed in dye deposition patterns. The populations showed low genetic diversity, high inbreeding coefficients (FIS) and high genetic differentiation (FST), suggesting restricted gene flow, which can be expected for an early‐successional biennial species with a predominantly selfing breeding system and fluctuating population sizes. The positive relationship between recruitment rate and allelic richness and expected heterozygosity, and the absence of significant correlations between genetic variation and population size suggest seedling recruitment from the seed bank, contributing to maintain genetic diversity. Long‐distance dye dispersal events indicate pollinator movements along urban forest path and road verges. These landscape elements might therefore have a potential conservation value by contributing to connectivity of early‐successional species populations located in patchy open habitats.  相似文献   

Ecological, environmental, and geographic factors all influence genetic structure. Species with broad distributions are ideal systems because they cover a range of ecological and environmental conditions allowing us to test which components predict genetic structure. This study presents a novel, broad geographic approach using molecular markers, morphology, and habitat modeling to investigate rangewide and local barriers causing contemporary genetic differentiation within the geographical range of three white‐crowned sparrow (Zonotrichia leucophrys) subspecies: Z. l. gambelii, Z. l. oriantha, and Z. l. pugetensis. Three types of genetic markers showed geographic distance between sampling sites, elevation, and ecosystem type are key factors contributing to population genetic structure. Microsatellite markers revealed white‐crowned sparrows do not group by subspecies, but instead indicated four groupings at a rangewide scale and two groupings based on coniferous and deciduous ecosystems at a local scale. Our analyses of morphological variation also revealed habitat differences; sparrows from deciduous ecosystems are larger than individuals from coniferous ecosystems based on principal component analyses. Habitat modeling showed isolation by distance was prevalent in describing genetic structure, but isolation by resistance also had a small but significant influence. Not only do these findings have implications concerning the accuracy of subspecies delineations, they also highlight the critical role of local factors such as habitat in shaping contemporary population genetic structure of species with high dispersal ability.  相似文献   

Environmental gradients have been shown to disrupt gene flow in marine species, yet their influence in structuring populations at depth remains poorly understood. The Cape hakes (Merluccius paradoxus and M. capensis) are demersal species co‐occurring in the Benguela Current system, where decades of intense fishing resulted in severely depleted stocks in the past. Previous studies identified conflicting mtDNA genetic substructuring patterns and thus contrasting evolutionary trajectories for both species. Using 10 microsatellite loci, the control region of mtDNA and employing a seascape genetics approach, we investigated genetic connectivity and the impact of prolonged exploitation in the two species, which are characterized by different patterns of fishing pressure. Three consecutive years were sampled covering the entire distribution (N = 2100 fishes). Despite large estimated population sizes, both species exhibited low levels of contemporary genetic diversity (0.581 < HE < 0.692), implying that fishing has had a significant impact on their genetic composition and evolutionary trajectories. Further, for M. paradoxus, significant temporal, but not spatial, divergence points to the presence of genetic chaotic patchiness. In contrast, M. capensis exhibited a clear latitudinal cline in genetic differentiation between Namibia and South Africa (FST = 0.063, P < 0.05), with low (0.2% per generation) estimates of contemporary gene flow. Seascape analyses reveal an association with bathymetry and upwelling events, suggesting that adaptation to local environmental conditions may drive genetic differentiation in M. capensis. Importantly, our results highlight the need for temporal sampling in disentangling the complex factors that impact population divergence in marine fishes.  相似文献   

Dispersal may be strongly influenced by landscape and habitat characteristics that could either enhance or restrict movements of organisms. Therefore, spatial heterogeneity in landscape structure could influence gene flow and the spatial structure of populations. In the past decades, agricultural intensification has led to the reduction in grassland surfaces, their fragmentation and intensification. As these changes are not homogeneously distributed in landscapes, they have resulted in spatial heterogeneity with generally less intensified hedged farmland areas remaining alongside streams and rivers. In this study, we assessed spatial pattern of abundance and population genetic structure of a flightless grasshopper species, Pezotettix giornae, based on the surveys of 363 grasslands in a 430‐km² agricultural landscape of western France. Data were analysed using geostatistics and landscape genetics based on microsatellites markers and computer simulations. Results suggested that small‐scale intense dispersal allows this species to survive in intensive agricultural landscapes. A complex spatial genetic structure related to landscape and habitat characteristics was also detected. Two P. giornae genetic clusters bisected by a linear hedged farmland were inferred from clustering analyses. This linear hedged farmland was characterized by high hedgerow and grassland density as well as higher grassland temporal stability that were suspected to slow down dispersal. Computer simulations demonstrated that a linear‐shaped landscape feature limiting dispersal could be detected as a barrier to gene flow and generate the observed genetic pattern. This study illustrates the relevance of using computer simulations to test hypotheses in landscape genetics studies.  相似文献   

Genetic population structure throughout the Caribbean Basin for one of the most common and widespread reef fish species, the bicolour damselfish Stegastes partitus was examined using microsatellite DNA markers. Spatial autocorrelation analysis showed a significant positive correlation between genetic and geographic distance (isolation by distance) over distances <1000 km, suggesting that populations are connected genetically but probably not demographically, i.e. over shorter time scales. A difference in spatial patterns of populations in the eastern v. the western Caribbean also raises the probability of an important role for meso-scale oceanographic features and landscape complexity within the same species. A comparison of S. partitus population structure and life-history traits with those of two other species of Caribbean reef fish studied earlier showed the findings to be concordant with a common hypothesis that shorter pelagic larval dispersal periods are associated with smaller larval dispersal scales.  相似文献   

Molecular methods are commonly used to investigate cryptic populations that are difficult to locate or observe directly. The population dynamics of many subterranean organisms have been overlooked, at least in part, as a result of the absence of appropriate molecular markers. Recent studies in African mole‐rats have raised questions about the modes of dispersal and mate acquisition. In the present study, we apply a suite of 25 microsatellite markers to test the overground/underground dispersal hypotheses. Using these data, we also apply an approach to estimate population size and look for signal of demographic expansion or contraction. The genetic data suggest that the same breeding population extends between locations (approximately 50 km), with elevated inbreeding coefficients suggestive of some degree of isolation of the urban location. Low genetic differentiation between study sites supports the proposed high levels of vagility of dispersing individuals overground. We find a signal of long‐term population decline of Bathyergus suillus in this region. Their adherence to mesic conditions potentially recommends B. suillus to be of utility in monitoring the proposed climate‐induced desiccation of the Western Cape. Of potential interest is the discovery of a second divergent population at the rural location, with microsatellite data suggesting contemporary reproductive isolation and a mitochondrial divergence putatively dated at approximately 0.6 Mya. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 110 , 890–897.  相似文献   

Dispersal is a critical driver of gene flow, with important consequences for population genetic structure, social interactions and other biological processes. Limited dispersal may result in kin‐structured populations in which kin selection may operate, but it may also increase the risk of kin competition and inbreeding. Here, we use a combination of long‐term field data and molecular genetics to examine dispersal patterns and their consequences for the population genetics of a highly social bird, the sociable weaver (Philetairus socius), which exhibits cooperation at various levels of sociality from nuclear family groups to its unique communal nests. Using 20 years of data, involving capture of 6508 birds and 3151 recaptures at 48 colonies, we found that both sexes exhibit philopatry and that any dispersal occurs over relatively short distances. Dispersal is female‐biased, with females dispersing earlier, further, and to less closely related destination colonies than males. Genotyping data from 30 colonies showed that this pattern of dispersal is reflected by fine‐scale genetic structure for both sexes, revealed by isolation by distance in terms of genetic relatedness and significant genetic variance among colonies. Both relationships were stronger among males than females. Crucially, significant relatedness extended beyond the level of the colony for both sexes. Such fine‐scale population genetic structure may have played an important role in the evolution of cooperative behaviour in this species, but it may also result in a significant inbreeding risk, against which female‐biased dispersal alone is unlikely to be an effective strategy.  相似文献   

Population genetic studies in nonmodel organisms are often hampered by a lack of reference genomes that are essential for whole‐genome resequencing. In the light of this, genotyping methods have been developed to effectively eliminate the need for a reference genome, such as genotyping by sequencing or restriction site‐associated DNA sequencing (RAD‐seq). However, what remains relatively poorly studied is how accurately these methods capture both average and variation in genetic diversity across an organism's genome. In this issue of Molecular Ecology Resources, Dutoit et al. (2016) use whole‐genome resequencing data from the collard flycatcher to assess what factors drive heterogeneity in nucleotide diversity across the genome. Using these data, they then simulate how well different sequencing designs, including RAD sequencing, could capture most of the variation in genetic diversity. They conclude that for evolutionary and conservation‐related studies focused on the estimating genomic diversity, researchers should emphasize the number of loci analysed over the number of individuals sequenced.  相似文献   

Although diverse biological disciplines employ the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans as a highly efficient laboratory model system, little is known about its natural history. We investigated its evolutionary past using 10 polymorphic trinucleotide and tetranucleotide microsatellites, derived from across the whole genome. These microsatellites were analyzed from the 35 previously available natural isolates from different parts of the world and also 23 new strains isolated from northwest Germany. Our results highlight that C. elegans lineages differentiate genetically with respect to geographic distance and, to a lesser extent, differences in the time of strain isolation. The latter indicates some turnover of strain genotypes at specific locations. Our data also demonstrate the coexistence of highly diverse genotypes in the population from northwest Germany, which is best explained by recent migration events. Furthermore, selfing is confirmed as the primary mode of reproduction for this hermaphroditic nematode in nature. Importantly, we also find evidence for the occurrence of occasional outbreeding. Taken together, these results support the previous notion that C. elegans is a colonizer, whereby selfing may permit rapid dispersal within new habitats even in the absence of potential mates, whereas occasional outcrossing may serve to compensate for the disadvantages of inbreeding. Such information about the natural history of C. elegans should be of great value for an in-depth understanding of the complexity of this organism, including its multifaceted developmental, neurological, or molecular genetic pathways.  相似文献   

Analysis of five microsatellite loci in 500 Melaleuca alternifolia individuals produced 98 alleles that were useful for population genetic studies. Considerable levels of observed heterozygosity were recorded (HO = 0.724), with approximately 90% of the variability being detected within populations. A low level of selfing (14%) was suggested to be the principal cause of excess homozygosity in a number of populations (overall FIS = 0.073). This study showed low levels of inbreeding in certain populations as well as a significant isolation-by-distance model. Only two groups of populations (Queensland and New South Wales) constituted different genetic provenances as a result of geographical isolation. The M. alternifolia data suggest that microsatellite loci did not always arise by a stepwise mutation process but that larger jumps in allele size may be involved in their evolution.  相似文献   

For free‐swimming marine species like sharks, only population genetics and demographic history analyses can be used to assess population health/status as baseline population numbers are usually unknown. We investigated the population genetics of blacktip reef sharks, Carcharhinus melanopterus; one of the most abundant reef‐associated sharks and the apex predator of many shallow water reefs of the Indian and Pacific Oceans. Our sampling includes 4 widely separated locations in the Indo‐Pacific and 11 islands in French Polynesia with different levels of coastal development. Four‐teen microsatellite loci were analysed for samples from all locations and two mitochondrial DNA fragments, the control region and cytochrome b, were examined for 10 locations. For microsatellites, genetic diversity is higher for the locations in the large open systems of the Red Sea and Australia than for the fragmented habitat of the smaller islands of French Polynesia. Strong significant structure was found for distant locations with FST values as high as ~0.3, and a smaller but still significant structure is found within French Polynesia. Both mitochondrial genes show only a few mutations across the sequences with a dominant shared haplotype in French Polynesia and New Caledonia suggesting a common lineage different to that of East Australia. Demographic history analyses indicate population expansions in the Red Sea and Australia that may coincide with sea level changes after climatic events. Expansions and flat signals are indicated for French Polynesia as well as a significant recent bottleneck for Moorea, the most human‐impacted lagoon of the locations in French Polynesia.  相似文献   

Dramatic local population decline brought about by anthropogenic-driven change is an increasingly common threat to biodiversity. Seabird life history traits make them particularly vulnerable to such change; therefore, understanding population connectivity and dispersal dynamics is vital for successful management. Our study used a 357-base pair mitochondrial control region locus sequenced for 103 individuals and 18 nuclear microsatellite loci genotyped for 245 individuals to investigate population structure in the Atlantic and Pacific populations of the pelagic seabird, Leach's storm-petrel Oceanodroma leucorhoa leucorhoa. This species is under intense predation pressure at one regionally important colony on St Kilda, Scotland, where a disparity between population decline and predation rates hints at immigration from other large colonies. AMOVA, F(ST), Φ(ST) and Bayesian cluster analyses revealed no genetic structure among Atlantic colonies (Global Φ(ST) = -0.02 P > 0.05, Global F(ST) = 0.003, P > 0.05, STRUCTURE K = 1), consistent with either contemporary gene flow or strong historical association within the ocean basin. The Pacific and Atlantic populations are genetically distinct (Global Φ(ST) = 0.32 P < 0.0001, Global F(ST) = 0.04, P < 0.0001, STRUCTURE K = 2), but evidence for interocean exchange was found with individual exclusion/assignment and population coalescent analyses. These findings highlight the importance of conserving multiple colonies at a number of different sites and suggest that management of this seabird may be best viewed at an oceanic scale. Moreover, our study provides an illustration of how long-distance movement may ameliorate the potentially deleterious impacts of localized environmental change, although direct measures of dispersal are still required to better understand this process.  相似文献   

Many plant species have pollination and seed dispersal systems and evolutionary histories that have produced strong genetic structuring. These genetic patterns may be consistent with expectations following recent anthropogenic fragmentation, making it difficult to detect fragmentation effects if no prefragmentation genetic data are available. We used microsatellite markers to investigate whether severe habitat fragmentation may have affected the structure and diversity of populations of the endangered Australian bird‐pollinated shrub Grevillea caleyi R.Br., by comparing current patterns of genetic structure and diversity with those of the closely related G. longifolia R.Br. that has a similar life history but has not experienced anthropogenic fragmentation. Grevillea caleyi and G. longifolia showed similar and substantial population subdivision at all spatial levels (global F′ST = 0.615 and 0.454; Sp = 0.039 and 0.066), marked isolation by distance and large heterozygous deficiencies. These characteristics suggest long‐term effects of inbreeding in self‐compatible species that have poor seed dispersal, limited connectivity via pollen flow and undergo population bottlenecks because of periodic fires. Highly structured allele size distributions, most notably in G. caleyi, imply historical processes of drift and mutation were important in isolated subpopulations. Genetic diversity did not vary with population size but was lower in more isolated populations for both species. Through this comparison, we reject the hypothesis that anthropogenic fragmentation has impacted substantially on the genetic composition or structure of G. caleyi populations. Our results suggest that highly self‐compatible species with limited dispersal may be relatively resilient to the genetic changes predicted to follow habitat fragmentation.  相似文献   

The genetic population structure of coastal cutthroat trout ( Oncorhynchus clarki clarki ) in Washington state was investigated by analysis of variation in allele frequencies at six highly polymorphic microsatellite loci for 13 anadromous populations, along with one outgroup population from the Yellowstone subspecies ( O. clarki bouvieri) (mean heterozygosity = 67%; average number of alleles per locus = 24). Tests for genetic differentiation revealed highly significant differences in genotypic frequencies for pairwise comparisons between all populations within geographical regions and overall population subdivision was substantial ( F ST = 0.121, R ST = 0.093), with 44.6% and 55.4% of the among-population diversity being attributable to differences between streams ( F SR = 0.054) and between regions ( F RT = 0.067), respectively. Analysis of genetic distances and geographical distances did not support a simple model of isolation by distance for these populations. With one exception, neighbour-joining dendrograms from the Cavalli-Sforza and Edwards' chord distances and maximum likelihood algorithms clustered populations by physiogeographic region, although overall bootstrap support was relatively low (53%). Our results suggest that coastal cutthroat trout populations are ultimately structured genetically at the level of individual streams. It appears that the dynamic balance between gene flow and genetic drift in the subspecies favours a high degree of genetic differentiation and population subdivision with the simultaneous maintenance of high heterozygosity levels within local populations. Results are discussed in terms of coastal cutthroat trout ecology along with implications for the designation of evolutionarily significant units pursuant to the US Endangered Species Act of 1973 and analogous conservation units.  相似文献   

Dispersal in most group‐living species ensures gene flow among groups, but in cooperative social spiders, juvenile dispersal is suppressed and colonies are highly inbred. It has been suggested that such inbred sociality is advantageous in the short term, but likely to lead to extinction or reduced speciation rates in the long run. In this situation, very low levels of dispersal and gene flow among colonies may have unusually important impacts on fitness and persistence of social spiders. We investigated sex‐specific differences in dispersal and gene flow among colonies, as reflected in the genetic structure within colonies and populations of the African social spider Stegodyphus dumicola Pocock, 1898 (Eresidae). We used DNA fingerprinting and mtDNA sequence data along with spatial mapping of colonies to compare male and female patterns of relatedness within and among colonies at three study sites. Samples were collected during and shortly after the mating season to detect sex‐specific dispersal. Distribution of mtDNA haplotypes was consistent with proliferation of social nests by budding and medium‐ to long‐distance dispersal by ballooning females. Analysis of molecular variance and spatial autocorrelation analyses of AFLPs showed high levels of genetic similarity within colonies, and STRUCTURE analyses revealed that the number of source populations contributing to colonies ranged from one to three. We also showed significant evidence of male dispersal among colonies at one site. These results support the hypothesis that in social spiders, genetic cohesion among populations is maintained by long‐distance dispersal of female colony founders. Genetic diversity within colonies is maintained by colony initiation by multiple dispersing females, and adult male dispersal over short distances. Male dispersal may be particularly important in maintaining gene flow among colonies in local populations.  相似文献   

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