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Coquerel's Coua ( Coua coquereli ) and Red-capped Coua ( Coua ruficeps ) occur in the western dry forest of Ankarafantsika in northwest Madagascar. This kind of forest is characterized by an alternating of a dry and a rainy season. Although they belong to the same genus, the two species differ in appearance, with Red-capped Coua being slender than Coquerel's Coua. We analyse their respective foraging strategies, according to the seasonal variation. The foraging behaviour of both species was different and was also influenced by the seasonal variations. They tended to use the same main substrates but differed in the proportion of foraging techniques according to the season. Seasonal variations probably have an important effect on the prey availability (estimated by the rate of prey capture), the nature of prey and also alternative foraging substrates used, forcing the two species to use different techniques and probably to capture different prey. These different foraging strategies could maintain the coexistence between these two species.  相似文献   

The forests in Madagascar are threatened by logging and burning. Because of their importance for biodiversity conservation, monitoring their animal populations is also important. We worked at two stations in the western dry forest where we studied three species of terrestrial couas in several forest plots, which differed in their degradation state. Some were burnt; others were logged. By measuring vegetation characteristics and bird densities, it was possible to indicate which characteristics were important for these birds and which conservation measures would be necessary to apply for this forest.  相似文献   

We monitored the productivity of the critically endangered Madagascar Fish Eagle Haliaeetus vociferoides inside and outside of the Tsimembo-Manambolomaty Protected Area (T-M PA), western Madagascar from 2010 to 2015. We recorded 14 breeding pairs inside and 13 outside T-M PA. The T-M PA and surrounding habitat hosted respectively 10 and six breeding polyandrous pairs, composed of one adult female and two adult males. During the six-year study period, 101 eggs were laid in nests in T-M PA of which 60 hatched and 58 young fledged. We recorded 62 eggs laid in nests outside the T-M PA of which 39 hatched and 36 young fledged. Productivity was similar at both sites, inside and outside T-M PA, with 0.84 (58/69) and 0.76 (36/47) fledgling per nesting attempt and 0.69 (58/84) and 0.5 (36/72) fledglings per territorial pair, respectively. Polyandrous pairs have higher productivity compared with normal pairs. Threats to Madagascar Fish Eagles and their habitat were low due to the existence of a community-based resource management system called the Local Management Secured System (GELOSE) inside and outside the T-M PA. This system is based on strengthening local traditional customs and rules, and involving local people in managing their natural resources sustainably along with biodiversity conservation.  相似文献   

Summary This paper reports on possible effects of selective logging on vegetation structure and its consequences for two tenrec species in a dry forest in western Madagascar. On a small scale semi-mechanized logging of less than 10 m3 per ha alters forest structure significantly. However on a large scale most of these changes are smaller than the variation of forest structure due to natural causes. The most profound ecological effect of logging is a reduction in the number of woody species in the regenerating cohort of trees. Potential longterm consequences of this feature are discussed. Microhabitat variables influencing the habitat utilization of two tenrec species,Echinops telfairi andTenrec ecaudatus, were identified in an area of unlogged forest. The conclusions derived from this analysis were then tested in other parts of the forest which had been modified by selective logging. Logging of the extent described above slightly impairs habitats forE. telfairi but has no effect onT. ecaudatus. Though the latter species is hunted extensively in the logged areas, loggingper se does not threaten the survival of either species.
Résumé Cette étude met en évidence quelques effets de l'exploitation séléctive de la forêt sur la structure de la végétation et les conséquences pour deux espèces de tenrecs dans une forêt sèche à l'ouest de Madagascar. Dans un domaine limité, l'exploitation de bois de moins de 10 m3 par ha change considérablement la structure de la forêt. Mais si on considère une échelle plus grande, ces effets sont inférieurs à la variabilité naturelle. L'effet le plus grave de l'exploitation forestière sélective est la reduction du nombre d'espèces végétales ligneuses dans le processus de regénération naturelle de la forêt. Quelques conséquences possibles de cette réduction pour les animaux sont discutées. Quelques caractères distinctifs de la végétation qui influencent l'utilisation de l'habitat par deux espèces de tenrec,Echinops telfairi etTenrec ecaudatus, ont été identifiés dans une partie de la forêt qui n'a pas encore été exploitée. Les conclusions de cette analyse sont vérifiées dans une autre partie de la forêt qui a été modifiée par l'exploitation du bois. L'exploitation forestière sélective du bois détériore légèrement l'habitat pourE. telfairi, mais elle n'a pas d'effets remarquables surT. ecaudatus. L'exploitation sélective du bois favorise la chasse par l'ouverture de chemins d'accès. La chasse deT. ecaudatus est particulièrement intense, mais cependant ni l'une ni l'autre des espèces de tenrec considérées ne sont en danger d'extinction par cette form d'exploitationper se.

Habitat structure is important to consider in all ecological studies considering the relationships between animals and their environment. Habitat structure can be studied at different scales, from landscape to microhabitat. I studied here the response of two endemic terrestrial birds living in the dry forest of Madagascar. These birds belong to the genus Coua. The study is made at the microhabitat scale in a gallery forest, which has been logged selectively in order to limit the degradation of the forest. Selective logging is promoted to be respectful of the environment by allowing us to exploit the forest without destroying it and the wildlife encountered here. At the microhabitat scale, I underline that selective logging does not affect the Coquerel's coua, which can exploit new microhabitats and increase its density. On the other hand, the giant coua was affected by the restriction of optimal microhabitats for foraging. This species could be adapted to the new habitat by modifying its favourite foraging sites, but by decreasing also the population density. This species was affected by forest degradation, even considered as not destroying. At last, I considered how Coquerel's coua could be used as umbrella species for the endangered mesite.  相似文献   

Abstract. The possible use of fire for the management of the Ankarafantsika Reserve in the northwest of Madagascar and of its surrounding area is studied. Within this savanna landscape large parts of the remaining dry forests still exist with a unique biotic diversity, both in terms of total number of species and endemism. Unfortunately, mainly man-induced uncontrolled fires threaten these forests. Actual and former fire regimes of the local communities are analysed. The use of fire is an integrated part of land use and is also governed by socio-cultural traditions. The impact of fire on the dynamics of dry forests and grass savannas is studied considering the specifics of different fire regimes. We propose that a deliberate and controlled use of fire respecting the vegetation stage and the defined objectives could be an appropriate management tool. The strategy of a fire management is elaborated considering both the conservation of biodiversity and improvement of the livelihood of the local population depending upon the Reserve's resources. Obviously, a sustainable management of the natural resources requires a substantial participation of the community.  相似文献   

The effects of floral species composition on offspring performance of solitary bees are rarely studied under conditions where foraging behaviour of mothers is allowed to play a role. In a semi-field experiment, we restricted foraging choices of the polylectic mason bee Osmia bicornis L. to flower species belonging to plant families presumably used to different extent: Borago officinalis L. (Boraginaceae), Centaurea cyanus L. (Asteraceae) and Brassica napus L. (Brassicaceae). We quantified the foraging behaviour and brood cell production by mother bees, and compared the quality of offspring in pure and mixed flower species stands. Offspring survival in pure stands was expected to reflect the mothers’ foraging preferences in the mixed stand. Pure stands of B. napus supported highest offspring survival, body mass and fraction of females produced. Offspring survival on C. cyanus and B. officinalis was very low. Larval mortality occurred earlier in brood cells provided with B. officinalis pollen than in brood cells provided with C. cyanus pollen suggesting different effects of pollen quality on early larval and later development. The time spent on different foraging activities correlated with lifetime reproductive output. However, in mixed stands, the proportion of time the bees were foraging on the different flower species did not differ significantly. Foraging behaviour may therefore not generally be a good proxy for the quality of floral resources for offspring production. Our results suggest that resources collected from one plant species may influence the usefulness of resources from another plant species. Bees may therefore overcome potentially deleterious effects of the suboptimal resources by mixing low- and high-quality resources. This may help generalist bees, such as O. bicornis, to cope with an unpredictable environment.  相似文献   

A study was undertaken to determine the foraging behavior and diet selection pattern of goats maintained on communal exclosures in relation to the influence of fallow age (years since effective protection initiated; <8 years vs. >12 years) and season (long rainy, dry, and short rainy seasons). The frequency of browsing was higher (P < 0.05) in the exclosures fallowed for >12 years compared to those fallowed for <8 years and this frequency was also highest during the short rainy season. More (P < 0.05) herbaceous bites were recorded in the <8 years fallow exclosures, compared to the >12 years fallow exclosures. Herbaceous species bites were maximized during the long rainy season whereas woody species bites were maximized during the dry season. The goats foraged upon 48 plant species of which 69% were woody species, 19% grasses, and the rest comprised of various forb species. The top species that significantly (P < 0.05) contributed to the diet of goats were Acacia etbaica, Balanites aegyptica, Cadaba farinosa, Capparis tomentosa, Dichrostachys cinerea, and Ocimum forskolei. The goats targeted taller woody species than the average of the exclosures. Maurea angolensis, Jasminium abyssinicum, C. farinosa, and Ormocarpum pubescence were among the preferred species that appeared to be on the verge of disappearance in most of the exclosures investigated in this study and require immediate attention. Using goats to reduce the threat of potential bush infestation appears to be a viable option for managing and sustaining production from exclosures since the goats showed preference for D. cinerea, the species considered a prolific invader plant. There is, however, a need to conduct further research on the impacts of direct browsing by the goats and this should also entail the determination of optimum number of goats/unit area.  相似文献   

In present day European landscapes many forest plant species are restricted to isolated remnants of a formerly more or less continuous forest cover. The two major objectives of this study were (1) to determine the relative importance of habitat quality (mainly in terms of soil parameters), habitat configuration (patch size and isolation) and habitat continuity for the distribution of herbaceous forest plant species in a highly fragmented landscape and (2) to examine if groups of species with different habitat requirements are affected differently. Deciduous forest patches in northwestern Germany were surveyed for the presence of a large set of forest species. For each patch, habitat quality, configuration and continuity were determined. Data were analysed by Redundancy Analysis with variation partitioning for effects on total species composition and multivariate logistic regression for effects on individual species, for two different data sets (base‐rich and base‐poor forest patches). Overall, we found strong effects of habitat quality (particularly of soil pH, water content and topographic heterogeneity in the base‐rich forest patches; and of calcium content and disturbance in the base‐poor patches), but only relatively weak effects of habitat configuration and habitat continuity. However, a number of species were positively affected by patch area and negatively affected by patch isolation. Furthermore, the relative importance of habitat configuration tended to be higher for species predominantly growing in closed forests compared to species occurring both in the forest and in the open landscape.  相似文献   

We studied the leaf structural, water status, and fast fluorescence responses of two palms, Socratea exorrhiza and Scheelea zonensis, under natural dry season conditions in a clearing (high light [HL] palms) and the forest understory (low light [LL] palms) on Barro Colorado Island, Panama. HL-Socratea leaves were more shade-adapted, less xeromorphic, and more strongly affected by drought than HL-Scheelea. Fv/Fm (the ratio of variable to maximum chlorophyll fluorescence) and t½ (the half-rise time of Fm) was lower in HL-leaves of both species, indicating photoinhibition. In HL-Scheelea, the light-induced reduction of Fv/Fm was much less than in HL-Socratea, and Fv/Fm recovered completely overnight. Patterns of relative water content, specific leaf dry weight, stable carbon isotope composition, and leaf conductance suggest that increased drought resistance in Scheelea reduces susceptibility to photoinhibition. An increase in Fo indicated the inactivation of PSII reaction centers in HL-Socratea. The very low chlorophyll a/b ratio and alterations in chloroplast ultrastructure in HL-Socratea are consistent with photoinhibition. Under LL, the species showed no appreciable interspecific differences in chlorophyll fluorescence. Excess light leads to low values of Fv/Fm in HL-plants relative to LL-plants on both leaf surfaces, particularly on the lower surface, due to a decrease of Fm in both surfaces and an increase in F., of lower surface. For both species, Fo for the lower surfaces of HL-plants was higher and t½ was markedly lower than for the upper surface, as is typical for shade-adapted leaves. Xeromorphic leaf structure may reduce susceptibility to photoinhibition during the dry season. Drought-enhanced photoinhibition could limit the ability of some species to exploit treefall gaps.  相似文献   

 A series of horizontal and vertical measurements of dew deposition and dew duration were carried out in a tropical dry deciduous forest in western Mexico (19° 30′ N, 105° 03′ W). The effect of dew on transpiration in heliophile species was also investigated. The amount of dew was very variable with no temporal or spatial pattern. The amount of dew measured at two horizontal transects (maximum and minimum) (at heights of 0.20 m and 1.30 m above ground level) was from 0.014 to 0.203 mm and from 0.013 to 0.061 mm in the middle and at the end of the dry season, respectively. Dew deposition at different vertical levels (0.50–12.5 m height) ranged from 0.04 to 0.36 mm. The duration of dew formation ranged between 60 and 129 min after sunrise above the canopy (a height of 11 m), and between 259 and 290 min after sunrise at a height of 2 m. Daily transpiration rates were 883 and 632 g m–2 d–1 in Coccoloba liebmannii and 538 and 864 g m–2 d–1 in Jacquinia pungens in January and April, respectively. Transpiration was restricted from sunrise to early afternoon in April, as a result of the pronounced midday closure of stomata in both species. The reduction of transpiration by dew ranged from 13.2 to 50.1 g m–2 d–1 and from 4.5 to 77.7 g m–2 d–1 for C. liebmannii and J. pungens, respectively. Dew can play an important role in enhancing the survival of heliophile species in the dry season by reducing transpiration rates during the morning. Received: 30 April 1998 / Accepted: 14 December 1998  相似文献   

Aim The Brazilian Atlantic forest covers c. 10% of its original extent, and some areas are still being logged. Although several ecological studies in Atlantic forest have been published over the past two to three decades, there has been little research on forest dynamics and there is a particular lack of information on the effects of disturbance. The aim of the present study was to assess the impact of selective logging on forest structure, floristic composition soil nutrients, litterfall and litter layer in a seasonally dry Atlantic forest. Location The Mata do Carvão is located in the Guaxindiba Ecological Reserve in São Francisco do ltabapoana district (21°24′ S, 41°04′ W), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Methods Four plots (50 × 50 m) were set up in 1995 in each of two stands: unlogged and logged. In each plot, all trees ≥ 10 cm d.b.h. were enumerated, identified and measured. Vouchers were lodged at UENF Herbarium. Five surface soil samples were collected in each plot in the dry season (in October 1995). Litterfall was collected in eight traps (0.50 m2) in each plot over a year from 14 November 1995 to 11 November 1996. The litter layer was sampled in eight quadrats (0.25 m2) in each plot in the dry and wet seasons. Soils were air‐dried, sieved, and chemically analysed. The litter was dried (80 °C), sorted into six fractions, weighed and bulked samples analysed for nutrients. Results Forest stands did not differ in stem density and total basal area, with a total of 1137 individuals sampled in 1996 (564 unlogged and 573 logged), and a total basal area of 15 m2 (unlogged) and 13.0 m2 (logged). However, unlogged stands had more large trees (≥ 30 cm in d.b.h.) and greater mean canopy height. Among the families, Rutaceae and Leguminosae were the most abundant families in both sites, although the Rutaceae had a higher density in unlogged and Leguminosae in the logged stand. The species diversity index was similar between stands. Late‐successional species, such as Metrodorea nigra var. brevifolia and Paratecoma peroba, were less abundant in the logged stand. Selective logging did not affect nutrient concentrations in the soil or in the litter. However, quantities of the nutrients in the total litterfall and in the leaf litterfall and litter layer were higher in unlogged than in logged stands, mainly as a result of fallen M. nigra leaves. Metrodorea nigra was considered a key species in the nutrients dynamics in Carvão forest. Main conclusions Despite the fact that effects on tree diversity and soil nutrients were not clear, selective logging in this Atlantic forest altered canopy structure, increased the relative abundance of some early‐secondary species and decreased the litter input and stock of nutrients. Detailed information on the influence of logging on the distribution and structure of plant populations and in nutrient processes is fundamental for a sustainable logging system to be developed.  相似文献   

Among several specimens of Grosphus hirtus Kraepelin (Scorpiones, Buthidae), obtained in Madagascar, Mahajanga Province, Parc National d’Ankarafantsika, Station Forestière d’Ampijoroa, and then held in captivity, the courtship and mating behaviour of two females was observed. These two animals gave birth in captivity to 26 and 37 offspring of which two and three reached maturity, respectively. The duration of the five instars needed to reach the adult stage in both males and females averaged 14, 112, 117, 274, and 334 days. These developmental periods are much longer than those of Grosphus flavopiceus Kraepelin, the only other species in this genus studied, and longer than those of most examined species of Buthidae. Morphometric values for the different instars are presented from the individual offspring and from specimens collected in the wild. On the basis of these values, the average growth factor (Dyar's constant) per moult for three different measured structures was calculated from the pooled data. Dyar's constant is expressed for the first time in scorpions of the genus Grosphus. Instars growth factors are also comparable to other species of Buthidae.  相似文献   

B.J. Graae 《植被学杂志》2000,11(6):881-892
Abstract. Forest species composition was recorded in 82 forests in the Himmerland and Hornsherred regions in Denmark and analysed with respect to isolation (distance to other forests and areas of forest), forest continuity (older or younger than 200 yr), soil pH, tree species composition and seed dispersal groups. Continuity and isolation measures were correlated with forest species richness in Hornsherred. Myrmecochorous, autochorous, anemoballistic and endozoochorous species were markedly fewer in recent than in ancient forests. In Himmerland, patterns were much weaker and few significant correlations were found between forest species richness or different seed dispersal groups and continuity or isolation of the forests. Differences between the two regions may result from less intensive land use, a more humid climate and a smaller species pool with less species with short distance dispersal in Himmerland. Landscape fragmentation therefore appears to limit forest species’recolonization more in Hornsherred than in Himmerland.  相似文献   

西双版纳热带雨林干季林冠层雾露形成的小气候特征研究   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
对西双版纳热带雨林干季林冠层雾露形成的小气候特征进行了观测研究。结果表明,雾露首先形成于最上林冠层,林下露水的形成迟于林上3~4h,林下雾是由上层雾变浓、下沉而来。夜间,雾形成前,气温高于叶表温;雾形成后,气温则低于叶表温,且气温及叶表温均有回升。雾露的形成不仅凝结了水汽进入森林,同时也对森林起到了一定的保温作用,这对热带雨林的生存和发展具有致关重要的作用。  相似文献   

We studied the composition, species richness, and relative abundance of bat assemblages in the Colombian dry forests of Chicamocha and Patía. In Chicamocha, 11 bats of the family Phyllostomidae were captured with mist-nets, corresponding to 85–100% of the potential phyllostomids species in the area. Two bats of the family Vespertilionidae were also captured in Chicamocha. In Patía, 12 species were captured with mist-nets, all Phyllostomidae, representing 72–100% of the estimated total number of species in the zone. Minor differences in number of species and composition were detected among sampling periods in Chicamocha. The most common species in this dry forest were Glossophaga longirostris and Sturnira lilium. In Patía, notable differences in the number of species and composition were observed among sampling periods, and the most common species were Artibeus jamaicensis, Carollia perspicillata and Phyllostomus discolor. Arid-zone dwelling bats were absent in Patía and we suggest that this absence may be associated with the isolation of Patía from other northern dry zones of Colombia since Quaternary times. There was also low abundance of bats in Patía, which appears to be related to human disturbance. The most abundant phyllostomid bat species in the two dry forests studied are those that include fruit and/or nectar-pollen from columnar cacti as an important proportion of their diets.  相似文献   

Snowshoe hares (Lepus americanus) are a primary prey species for Canada lynx (Lynx canadensis) in western North America. Lynx management plans require knowledge of potential prey distribution and abundance in the western United States. Whether even-aged regenerating forests or multi-storied forests contain more snowshoe hares is currently unknown. During 2006–2008, we estimated snowshoe hare density in 3 classes of 30–70-year-old lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta) and 4 classes of late seral multi-storied forest with a spruce (Picea engelmannii)-fir (Abies lasiocarpa) component in the Bridger-Teton National Forest, Wyoming. We recorded physiographic variables and forest structure characteristics to understand how these factors influence abundance of snowshoe hares. In many instances, snowshoe hares were more abundant in late seral multi-storied forests than regenerating even-aged forests. Forest attributes predicting hare abundance were often more prevalent in multi-storied forests. Late seral multi-storied forests with a spruce–fir component and dense horizontal cover, as well as 30–70-year-old lodgepole pine with high stem density, were disproportionately influential in explaining snowshoe hare densities in western Wyoming. In order to promote improved habitat conditions for snowshoe hares in this region, management agencies should consider shifting their focus towards maintaining, enhancing, and promoting multi-storied forests with dense horizontal cover, as well as developing 30–70-year-old lodgepole pine stands with high stem density that structurally mimic multi-storied forests. © 2012 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

The Seasonally Dry Tropical Forests (SDTF) present very high biodiversity and a number of tree species that are adapted to prolonged periods of water stress. Considering tree ring formation is mainly driven by seasonal variation in precipitation in tropical environments, tree-ring studies from STDF can provide important contributions to understanding how these forests are responding to climate variations. In the present study, we demonstrate the influence of edaphoclimatic variables (precipitation, air temperature and soil water deficit-SWD) and the ocean teleconnections (Tropical Southern Atlantic-TSA, Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation-AMO, Western Hemisphere Warm Pool-WHWP and El Niño 3.4) on Cedrela odorata L. growth from a SDTF of northeastern Brazil. We used standard dendrochronological methods to develop an 89-year-long ring-width index chronology. The climate sensitivity of C. odorata was assessed through Pearson's correlation tests and linear regressions, which allowed to identify the determinant months (cause-effect) of each variable on the chronology. Tree growth was positively correlated with precipitation and negatively correlated with air temperature and SWD, particularly during the rainy season (March to August). In parallel, we identified that extremely dry years can contribute to missing rings, exposing the lack of growth in C. odorata caused by water stress. Among the oceanic variables, all of them showed a negative effect on radial growth of C. odorata, except for TSA, which had no significant effect. Tree growth is constrained in years with strong El Niño and high values of AMO index during the rainy months (May, June and October). However, the WHWP showed a more pronounced negative effect in the beginning of the dry season (September). Our findings add valuable information on C. odorata responses to hydrological seasonality from SDTF and the fluctuations in oceanic teleconnections, which in turn, influence the rainfall dynamics in northeastern Brazil.  相似文献   

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