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Taking into account that marriage, the family as a social unit, and concepts of legitimacy developed to ensure the devolution of property and that, when these concepts apply in a society based on hierarchically organized monarchies, they also involve the devolution of power, this essay furnishes examples of dislocations in such devolutions, in terms of familiar incidents in western European history. That Jane Seymour died in childbirth but her son Edward VI survived long enough to ensure the stability of the Church of England is the first example. The infertility of Mary Tudor, when married to Philip II of Spain, prevented the formation of an Anglo-Spanish dynasty that would have been Roman Catholic is the second example of such a dislocation. Likewise, the infertility of Charles II's wife, Catherine of Braganza, led to the succession of James II, a practicing Roman Catholic, whose attempts to undermine the Church of England led to the Glorious Revolution of 1788 and the preservation of English Protestantism. Another example is the death in 1817 of Princess Charlotte, in childbirth, which led to the scramble of George III's aging sons to marry and beget an heir to the throne. The only success led to the birth of the future Queen Victoria, whose dynastic competence remains unquestionable, but who herself had some passing involvement with obstetrical developments. Finally, the delivery of Kaiser Wilhelm II, who sustained a brachial plexus injury that produced Erb's palsy of the left arm, is considered, and the question of intrapartum fetal hypoxia is raised as a hypothesis, in addition to the mechanical trauma and its effect on his personality.  相似文献   

C Hayter 《CMAJ》1995,153(9):1249-1256
The discovery of x-rays was announced by German physicist Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen in December 1895. This review of the introduction of the use of x-rays in Kingston, Ont., shows the rapidity of their adoption in Canadian medicine. By February 1896 "x-ray photographs" were being taken by Captain John Cochrane of the Royal Military College of Canada in Kingston. Initially a scientific and popular curiosity, the new rays were quickly applied to medicine, and by the fall of 1896 the Kingston General Hospital had acquired its own x-ray apparatus. The hospital superintendent, Dr. James Third, became a leading practitioner and promoter of radiographic diagnosis and radiation therapy. He published, in 1902, the first comprehensive review of the diagnostic and therapeutic uses of x-rays by a Canadian physician. Third''s writings reveal his technical knowledge, his organized approach to the application of radiography to clinical medicine and his cautious attitude. Like other physicians who have witnessed the introduction of new diagnostic techniques, Third feared that the new technology would usurp the physician''s clinical skills.  相似文献   

This paper uses a reconstruction of the life and career of Heinrich Poll as a window into developments and professional relationships in the biological sciences in Germany in the period from the beginning of the twentieth century to the Nazi seizure of power in 1933. Poll’s intellectual work involved an early transition from morphometric physical anthropology to comparative evolutionary studies, and also found expression in twin research – a field in which he was an acknowledged early pioneer. His advocacy of eugenics led to participation in state-sponsored committees convened to advise on social policy, one of which debated sterilisation and made recommendations that led eventually to the establishment of the notorious Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Anthropology, Human Heredity and Eugenics. However, his status as a prominent geneticist and, in particular, as a eugenicist had an ironic and ultimately tragic dimension. Heinrich Poll was of Jewish birth, and this resulted in his career being destroyed by an application of the population policies he had helped put in place.  相似文献   

Trofim Denisovich Lysenko's life and work have been much analyzed and discussed in the world's literature. It is well known that Lysenko is notorious and has been regarded as a charlatan. Less well known is that he once made greater contributions to Biology and has been misunderstood in some aspects. In this paper, Lysenko s contributions to plant physiology, genetics, agro-biology and evolutionary biology are briefly reviewed. His tragedies and mistakes, such as mixing science and politics, denying the existence of genes, failing to build up suitable scientific collectives for the metabolism-biochemical studies of heredity, as well as his theoretical one-sidedness, are also discussed, thus reconsidering the case of Lysenko from a comprehensive and objective viewpoint.  相似文献   

Substantial interactions between tropical diseases and psychiatric illness have long been recognized, but the impact of biological factors in the field of cross-cultural psychiatry has been less well studied than psychosocial factors. In reviewing the literature at the intersection of tropical medicine and psychiatry in order to summarize the existing data base in this field, a generalized interactive model informed by the theoretical contributions of George Engel, the WHO Scientific Working Group on Social and Economic Research, Arthur Kleinman, P. M. Yap, Edward Sapir and others has been developed to serve as a conceptual framework for this analysis of the literature and to guide further research. The clinical literature of tropical medicine and psychiatry which recognizes the significance of concurrent tropical disease and mental disorders is reviewed along with the more specific literature on malaria and concomitant psychiatric illness. Many authors have focused on the role of organic mental disorders, especially in connection with cerebral malaria, but several have also addressed psychosocial parameters through which the interrelationship between malaria and a full range of mental disorders is also mediated. The effects of malaria may serve as biological, psychological or social stressors operating in a cultural context which precipitate or shape features of psychiatric symptomatology. Psychiatric illness may likewise precipitate an episode of malaria with typical symptoms in a patient with a previously subclinical infection. Implications of the literature and this generalized interactive model are considered as they apply to clinical practice, public health and the application of social science theory in medicine.[/p]  相似文献   

The German-born American scientist Jacques Loeb (1859-1924) was one of the most important promoters of experimental biology around 1900. He was best known for his physico-chemical explanations of psychological processes and his biotechnological approach to artificial parthenogenesis. At the start of the First World War, Loeb was deeply troubled by the deterioration of the international scientific community and the growing alienation of his German and American colleagues. The aim of this paper is to examine Jacques Loeb's activities aimed at advancing scientific internationalism before, during, and after the war. Loeb, for example, tried to negotiate the publication of German authors in American journals during the war, at a time when this was categorically rejected by publishers. Immediately after the war, he tried to create a specific system aimed at disseminating scientific literature and funding selected European colleagues, in order to overcome what he considered reactionary and hegemonic forces within German scientific institutions. His correspondence with eminent scientists from all over the world (amongst them Albert Einstein, Richard Goldschmidt, Otto Meyerhof, Otto Warburg, Paul Ehrlich, Wolfgang Ostwald, Wilhelm Roux, and Ross Harrison) will serve as a source for the analysis. Special emphasis will be placed on the question how Jacques Loeb integrated epistemology, his particular world view, and his social commitment into the workings of his own life and how he tried to extend his scientific goal of controlling biological systems to the sphere of international science.  相似文献   

William Montague Cobb's life and work reflect a profound integration of art, literature, social activism, and science. This article presents some of the highlights of his academic development and professional contributions. We have considered his early academic development within the contexts of the formative years of American physical anthropology, Howard University Medical School, and the social issues in American society that influenced Cobb. His approaches to teaching, anatomical and anthropological research, and medicine are unique, and yet are closely reasoned and creative reflections of the major currents of academe and the broader society with which he dealt. Imbued with a sense of social responsibility, Cobb's applied anthropology involved the accumulation of extensive data on the one hand, and the formation of organizations for social activism on the other. It was directed toward solving problems of health care and racism. His work thereby served to balance the widespread distortion and neglect of medical and racial problems facing A fro-America between 1930 and the present day. He was also a principal builder of black medical and scientific institutions, and he preserved the record of his coworkers' contributions through his many biographies. This work represents no more than a sketch of his rich and prolific career (during which he produced more than 1,100 publications); the emphasis of this biographical study has been to ascertain the circumstances and attitudes that helped mold the first Afro-American Ph.D. in physical anthropology.  相似文献   

Milton Winternitz led Yale Medical School as its Dean from 1920 to 1935. An innovative, even maverick leader, he not only kept the school from going under, but turned it into a first-class research institution. Dedicated to the new scientific medicine established in Germany, he was equally fervent about "social medicine" and the study of humans in their culture and environment. He established the "Yale System" of teaching, with few lectures and fewer exams, and strengthened the full-time faculty system; he also created the graduate-level Yale School of Nursing and the Psychiatry Department, built numerous new buildings, and much more. It is a loss to 21st-century medicine that his dream of an Institute of Human Relations, envisioned as a refuge where social scientists would collaborate with biological scientists in a holistic study of humankind, lasted for only a few years, before falling victim to the more obvious triumphs of medical science and technology. It is sad, too, that he is remembered largely as a Jew presiding over a medical school that, like most others, restricted the number of Jewish students, rather than for his contributions to American medicine.  相似文献   

When the 15-year-old Auguste B?hmer, daughter of Caroline Schlegel and stepdaughter of August Wilhelm Schlegel, died on 12th July 1800, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling was accused of being responsible for this tragic event, because he tried to treat her according to the medical system of John Brown. The ensuing scandal became a symbol for the danger of every progressive movement of that time: the Romantic literature, the natural philosophy of Schelling and Brownianism in its German version, represented by Andreas R?schlaub. An attempt is made to analyse the social and political background of the scandal and to argue the historical meaning as a fight against a fundamental reform of medicine.  相似文献   

n the occasion of the 150th anniversary of his death, the scientific work of the famous German anatomist Johann Friedrich Meckel (1781 to 1833) in Halle is appreciated. The Younger Meckel is counted to the most outstanding figures in the history of anatomy and medicine in the first third of 19th century. According to his founded knowledges in the normal, comparative, and pathologic anatomy and embryology he was able to give a scientific argument of malformations first of all in the history of medicine and biology. The edition of Meckel's Handbook of Pathologic Anatomy (in German language; 1st vol. 1812) is the birth of scientific teratology. Through his contributions to teratology Meckel directly participated in the raising of general pathology and pathologic anatomy to scientific disciplines. Meckel's interceding for C. F. Wolff's theory of epigenesis, not at last by translation of Wolff's paper "De formatione intestinorum" (1768 to 1769) into the German language, accelerated the development of the general and special embryology during the 19th century. In the contemporary medicine the succeeding eponyms are reminding of the imposing German physician and anatomist: the Meckel's diverticulum of ileum (1809), the Meckel's cartilage of the mandibular arch (1820) and the so-called Meckel syndrome (1822).  相似文献   

Hans Zinsser, president of the Society of American Bacteriologists in 1926, was known as much for his literary and textbook writing as for his scientific contributions. He was a widely known scientist and person of letters. His early interests in poetry and other forms of literature were maintained and developed during his career as a microbiologist, and his most enduring legacy is based on his writing about microbiology for a general readership as well as his reflective and philosophical autobiography.  相似文献   

Paulus Aegineta (625-690 ad), born on the island of Aegina, practiced medicine at Alexandria. The last of the eclectic Greek compilers in the Byzantine period, he wrote an Epitome of medicine in seven books. The sixth book, which is considered the best section of his work, is devoted mainly to surgery. The first edition, "editio princeps," of his Epitome was published in Greek by the Aldine press in Venice in 1528 and later translated into English for the Sydenham Society by Francis Adams of Banchory (1844-1847). Paulus was not only a compiler but also a competent and skillful surgeon. In addition to his achievements in general surgical progress, Paulus Aegineta, especially in the book on surgery, made valuable contributions in the history of plastic surgery. He may be considered as one of the originators of plastic surgery as it is known today. He described procedures varying from the treatment of nasal and jaw fractures to operations for gynecomastia, ganglion, and hypospadias. This Grecian master influenced not only his own but also the subsequent ages. Rhazes, Haly Abbas, Albucasis, Avicenna, and Fabricius ab Aquapendente were the greatest physicians influenced by Paulus Aegineta. Because the work of Paulus Aegineta was the only source for many of the surgical treatises of Arabian authors, his Epitome bridged Western and Eastern medicine and conveyed surgical experience and knowledge, including several plastic surgery procedures, to the subsequent ages.  相似文献   

Prof. Fumio Oosawa passed away in Nagoya on March 4, 2019, at the age of 96. As two of his former students we, like a great many scientists both in Japan and around the world, were much inspired and influenced by him. We have, at the request of the journal, penned this note to describe some of his major scientific contributions and also provide the readers of Biophysical Reviews with an idea of the remarkable personality and character traits that he displayed throughout his life. Fumio Oosawa (or Oosawa-san as he preferred to be called) was a physicist who initially entered the area of biophysics through studies in the field of condensed matter phenomena. Although a remarkable human being, he was, first and foremost, one of the leading scientists of his generation, making many original contributions that could, by any measure, be described as scientific breakthroughs. Therefore, before providing a short biography of his life in and around science, we thought it most appropriate to begin this Letter by first summarizing his major scientific contributions.  相似文献   

The basis of Sir William Osler''s fame is elusive to almost all and the appropriateness of such recognition is questioned by many. His many contributions as a practitioner, teacher, writer, and scientist in medicine do not adequately explain his prominence 60 years following his death. It was his participation in the covenant of medicine and the special components of that relationship that may account for his hold on his followers today.  相似文献   

Contemporary historical investigations on Emil Kraepelin’s experimental work have argued variously that the psychological experiment had either no influence on his nosology, or that it was the very precondition of the nosology, or that it skewed the nosology in favor of organic disorders. The first part of this article considered Kraepelin’s experimental research in Wilhelm Wundt’s laboratory in Leipzig during the 1880s. This second part deals with Kraepelin’s work in Heidelberg in the 1890s. It emphasizes the role of the psychological experiment in stabilizing the professional and scientific legitimacy of psychiatry vis-à-vis general medicine and jurisprudence. Above all, it argues that Kraepelin’s experimental research agenda had not just nosological aims, but also clinico-diagnostic aims. Kraepelin believed that his research would help to develop a battery of diagnostic tools that could reveal prodromal symptoms, speed up diagnostic procedures, alleviate institutional overcrowding, and both generate and stabilize psychiatric norms.  相似文献   

I honor here a friend, Achim Trebst, on his 80th birthday on June 9, 2009. I have known his outstanding research, on the biochemistry of photosynthesis, for years. My brief tribute, which includes personal, scientific and a cultural component, is followed by excellent tributes by Volker ter Meulen and Rudolf K. Thauer, by Heinrich Strotmann, and by Walter Oettmeier (this issue).  相似文献   

Professor Y.C. Fung has made tremendous impacts on science, engineering and humanity through his research and its applications, by setting the highest standards, through educating many students and their students, and providing his exemplary leadership. He has applied his profound knowledge and elegant analytical methods to the study of biomedical problems with rigor and excellence. He established the foundations of biomechanics in living tissues and organs. Through his vision of the power of “making models” to explain and predict biological phenomena, Dr. Fung opened up new vista for bioengineering, from organs-systems to molecules-genes, and has provided the foundation of research activities in many institutions in the United States and the world. He has made outstanding contributions to education in bioengineering, service to professional organizations, and translation to industry and clinical medicine. He is widely recognized as the Father of Biomechanics and the leading Bioengineer in the world. His extraordinary achievements and commands in science, engineering and the arts make him a Renaissance Man for the world.  相似文献   

Christian Heinrich Pander (1794-1865), a Russian scientist of German culture, is known for his epoch-making work in embryology, as well as for his important contributions to palaeontology. Indeed he viewed embryonic development and the history of the earth as two aspects of one and the same essential phenomenon, namely, a perpetual metamorphosis affecting the living world on different scales. He viewed embryology as a gradual, epigenetic transformation (as opposed to preformation) with an intermediary stage, the formation of simple germ-layers. As early as 1821, he argued more generally that species themselves transform under the influence of certain environmental factors. Pander thus embodies the very close link that existed between the triumph of epigenesis and the expansion of transformist theories in the early 19th century.  相似文献   

This is an historical paper examining the scientific background of George Ledyard Stebbins, Jr. (b. 1906), one of the foremost botanists of this century and one of the architects of the evolutionary synthesis, the intellectual event that brought together genetics and selection theory in the interval between 1920 and 1950. It considers his scientific influence and research, beginning with his Harvard education in 1924 and ending in 1950 with the publication of his book Variation and Evolution in Plants. The paper also more broadly assesses the contributions of other botanists to the evolutionary synthesis, including discussion of the work of Edgar Anderson (1897-1967) and others. It also traces the larger historical patterns of American botany, which saw a shift from East Coast botany as exemplified by Harvard botany, to West Coast botany, as exemplified by California botany.  相似文献   

Dr Chris Potten is a singularly influential figure in the field of epithelial biology. His contributions have been seminal and include the introduction of the epidermal proliferative unit and of the concept of epidermal stem cells. With around 400 scientific papers and reviews to his credit as well as two books, he has certainly made his mark. His contributions have been recognised by the award of the Curie medal and recently the Weiss medal for radiation biology. Dr. Potten graciously agreed to be interviewed for this Special Issue of The International Journal of Developmental Biology. This interview was conducted via e-mail during June -August 2003.  相似文献   

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