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Extrapair paternity involves cooperation between mated females and extrapair males. On the other hand, mated males exhibit a spectrum of anti-cuckolding strategies. Hence, extrapair attributes of diverse species and populations reported in the literature are particular solutions of evolutionary games involving gender-specific cuckolding/anti-cuckolding strategies. Here we use game theoretical methods to study the effect of male paternal effort conserving strategies in situations where females seek extrapair fertilizations (EPF) for reasons of genetic compatibility and/or in pursuit of genetic diversity for their offspring. In such cases, females cannot make a pre-copulatory selection of the optimal genetic partners, and therefore combine promiscuous copulation with the use of in copula and/or post-copulatory selection mechanisms to optimize the genetic endowment of their offspring—indiscriminate polyandry. Our results indicate that, when indiscriminate polygamy is constrained by the availability of extrapair male partners, there are three possible (parameter regime wise) evolutionary stable strategy solutions. (1) All females seek EPF, while all males restrict parental care. (2) All females seek EPF, while all males are unconditionally parental. (3) Females use a combination strategy where pursuit of EPF is mixed—on either a population, or an individual level—with genetic monogamy, while all males use a conditional paternal care strategy, which involves adjusting their parental efforts according to their certainty of paternity.  相似文献   

Extrapair paternity has been observed in many formally monogamous species. Male pursuit of extrapair fertilizations is explained by the advantages of having offspring that receive essential paternal care from other males. Since females are capable of exercising a degree of control over the post-copulatory sperm competition, extrapair paternity cannot persist unless it confers fitness benefits on cuckolding females. Thus, extrapair paternity involves cooperation between mated females and extrapair males. On the other hand, paired males frequently exhibit strategies that minimize their loss of paternity and/or conserve paternal investment if paternity is lost. Hence, extrapair attributes of diverse species and populations reported in the literature are particular solutions of evolutionary games involving gender-specific cuckolding/anti-cuckolding strategies. Here we use methods of evolutionary game theory to study the role of male paternity guarding strategies in situations where females seek extrapair fertilizations for reasons of genetic compatibility and/or in pursuit of genetic diversity for their offspring. Our results indicate that in these circumstances pursuit of extrapair fertilizations is the only evolutionary stable female strategy. Males, on the other hand, have two, mutually exclusive, evolutionary stable strategies: full time pursuit of extrapair fertilizations and a compromise strategy wherein they protect in-pair paternity during their mate's fertile periods and pursue extrapair paternity the rest of the time. The relative merits of these two strategies are determined by the efficiency of male in-pair paternity defense, breeding synchrony, fitness advantages of extrapair over in-pair offspring, and the intensity of competition for extrapair fertilizations from floater males.  相似文献   

We carried out DNA fingerprinting on 553 young (130 broods)great reed warblers (Acrocephalus arundnaceus) in 1987–1991.In the study population, where 40% of the males become polygynous,there was a low frequency of extrapair fertilizations (EPF).When data from all five years were pooled, 3.1% of the youngwere sired by extrapair males (EPF-males) and 5.4% of the broodscontained extrapair young. We found no cases of extrapair maternity;young with 6–17 mismatched DNA bands (n= 17) had highband sharing with their putative mothers (range = 0.52–0.72)but low band sharing with their putative fathers (range = 0.24–0.40).In broods exposed to EPF, on average 53% of the young were siredby EPF-males. We found the genetic father to each of the illegitimateyoung. In all cases the same EPF-male sired all extrapair youngin a brood. Broods containing EPF-young tended to be initiatedlate during the breeding season. Breeding attempts were ratherevenly distributed over two months, thus this breeding asynchronywould have facilitated EPFs. There was no difference in EPFfrequency between broods where the pair males had left theirfemales unguarded during parts of their fertile periods andbroods where males guarded throughout the fertile periods. Nestswith extrapair young had significantly shorter mean distanceto the closest male neighbor and more male neighbors within100 m than nests without extrapair young. We found no indicationthat females engaged in EPF to get parental care from the EPF-males,or because they were forced to copulate with extrapair males.The low frequency of EPF suggested that females did not seekgenetic diversity to their brood. We cannot rule out the possibilitythat females engaged in EPF to insure fertility. However, datasupporting this hypothesis were weak. Instead, our data supportthe conclusion that females engaged in EPF to increase the geneticquality of their offspring, and that females may have used malesong repertoire size as a cue when choosing EPF partners.  相似文献   

Trivers proposed that, if parental care by both sexes is advantageous, males should practice a "mixed" strategy of seeking extrapair copulations, while restricting their parental investment to offspring of social mates. We explore circumstances under which males should limit their parental care in the predicted manner. We find that Trivers's "mixed" strategy will generally be evolutionarily stable so long as either socially monogamous or polygynous males usually sire more offspring per brood from a social mate than they typically sire in broods of extrapair mates. Polygynous males should spread investment across their home nests unless the expected number of chicks sired in them differs widely. Whether polygynous males should restrict paternal care to social mates' offspring hinges additionally on resident male investment in broods containing extrapair young: if resident males contribute minimally, some investment by a polygynous extrapair male becomes more advantageous. Recently reviewed data on extrapair fertilization distributions within monogamous and polygynous passerines suggest that extrapair offspring often predominate numerically within their broods, consistent with sperm expenditure theory. Nevertheless, most species conform to the model's criterion regarding relative parentage levels in broods of social versus extrapair mates. Patterns of extrapair parentage thus appear sufficient to stabilize biparental care systems.  相似文献   

Extrapair mating strategies are common among socially monogamous birds, but vary widely across ecological and social contexts in which breeding occurs. This variation is thought to reflect a compromise between the direct costs of mates' extrapair behavior and indirect benefits of extrapair fertilizations (EPF) to offspring fitness. However, in most free-living populations, the complete spatial and temporal distribution of mating attempts, genetic characteristics of available mates, and their relative contribution to EPF strategies are difficult to assess. Here we examined prevalence of EPF in relation to breeding density, synchrony, and genetic variability of available mates in a wild population of house finches Carpodacus mexicanus where all breeding attempts are known and all offspring are genotyped. We found that 15% of 59 nests contained extra-pair offspring and 9% of 212 offspring were sired by extra-pair males. We show experimentally that paired males and females avoided EPF displays in the presence of their social partners, revealing direct selection against EPF behavior. However, at the population level, the occurrence of EPF did not vary with nests dispersion, initiation date, synchrony, or with distance between the nests of extrapair partners. Instead, the occurrence of EPF closely covaried with genetic relatedness of a pool of available mates and offspring of genetically dissimilar mating tended to be resistant to a novel pathogen. These results corroborate findings that, in this population, strong fitness benefits of EPF are specific to each individual, thus highlighting the ecological, social, and genetic contingency of costs and benefits of an individual's extrapair behaviors.  相似文献   

Parental effort is considered to be costly; therefore, malesare expected to provide less care to unrelated offspring. Theoreticalmodels suggest that males should either reduce their care tothe entire brood or alternatively distinguish between relatedand unrelated nestlings and direct provisioning to kin whenpaternity is in doubt. Reed buntings (Emberiza schoeniclus)have been found to have high levels of extrapair paternity (EPP,i.e., offspring of a male other than the male attending thenest; 55% of offspring), and males are therefore under strongselection pressure to adjust their parental effort accordingto the proportion of EPP in their brood. In this study, we investigatedwhether male reed buntings exhibit a reduction in paternal care(incubation and provisioning nestlings) in relation to decreasedpaternity. We also assess whether males bias their provisioningtoward kin. We measured incubation time, provisioning rates,and food allocation to individual nestlings using video recordingsat the nests. Microsatellite DNA analysis was used to analyzethe paternity of offspring. In direct contrast to a previousstudy on the same species, our results provided no indicationthat males lowered their effort with decreased paternity. Furthermore,in nests of mixed paternity, males did not bias their provisioningbehavior to kin. It remains to be investigated whether the absenceof a relationship between paternity and paternal care can beascribed to absence of reliable paternity cues or whether thebenefits of reducing paternal care did not outweigh the costsin our study population. We found no evidence that the levelof paternal care affected male survival or offspring mass, suggestingthat both the benefits and costs of any reduction in paternalcare would have been low.  相似文献   

We investigated paternal exclusion rate (the percentage of youngreared by a male that were not his genetic offspring), and behavioraland reproductive variables influencing this rate, in a freelybreeding laboratory population of zebra finches (Tae-niopygiaguttala castanotis), a socially monogamous grassfinch. Priorto the experiment, each male founder was fitted with eithertwo red bands (creating a phenotype previously demonstratedto be attractive to females) or two green bands (unattractiveto females) as part of a unique combination of four leg bands.The overall paternal exclusion rate was 28%, as determined bymultilocus, minisatellite DNA fingerprinting of 278 offspringreared by 26 males and their mates. Mean exclusion rates were16% and 40% for red- and green-banded males, respectively. Exclusionrates were directly proportional to rates of female participationin unforced extrapair copulations (UEPCs) with red-banded malesthat occurred when females were fertile. Rates of fertile, forcedextrapair copulations (FEPCs) and fertile UEPCs involving green-bandedmales either failed to influence exclusion rate or varied inverselywith exclusion rate, indicating that extrapair fertilization(EPF) is under female control. Effort devoted by males to seekingEPFs increased exclusion rate. Results suggest that males placegreater effort into seeking fertile versus infertile EPCs andthat unattractive males accrue fitness gains through high parentalinvestment (PI), whereas attractive males benefit through decreasedPI and increased allocation to EPF.  相似文献   

A costs-benefits approach has frequently been used to understand the evolutionary origin and maintenance of promiscuity in animal populations. Recent meta-analyses suggest that direct costs to unfaithful females outweigh indirect benefits from infidelity in socially monogamous songbirds, suggesting that in this taxa, extrapair fertilization (EPF) evolved primarily as a self-interest male tactic. Here we present results of comparative analysis to show that standardized selection gradients acting against female infidelity (direct costs of promiscuity) explain variation in EPF rates at an interspecific level in passerines. This result confirms that costs to females resulting from reduced parental care from cheated males constrain promiscuity in this group. Our data indicate that females exert resistance over EPFs when the costs of infidelity are high and, conversely, that the rate of EPFs increases when selection on females to defend themselves against EPF attempts by males is weak and costs of infidelity are low.  相似文献   

Hornbills display a unique breeding habit in which the female seals herself into the nest cavity prior to egg laying and remains ensconced for most of the breeding cycle. This habit necessitates long-term sperm storage, which considerably lengthens the fertile period of the female. This in turn increases the amount of time available to females to engage in extrapair copulations. Because food delivered by the male is the primary source of energy for female maintenance, egg production, incubation, female moult and offspring provisioning, male parental investment (and thus cuckoldry) in these hornbills is extremely expensive. This combination of costly male parental care and female dependence potentially places hornbills at a critical endpoint in the spectrum of genetic promiscuity operating within pairs of socially monogamous birds. A paradigm of reproductive conflict suggests that these factors might allow males to coerce females into a state of genetic monogamy. Sperm storage, however, might allow female hornbills to thwart monopolization attempts by their mates. We used minisatellite multilocus DNA fingerprinting to analyse paternity in a Namibian population of Monteiro's hornbill, Tockus monteiri. Despite the ability of female hornbills to store sperm for long periods, we found no evidence of extrapair paternity (EPP). Although we cannot explicitly rule out a role for coercion in the evolution of the genetic monogamy we observed, the benefits of EPP appear to be devalued to the point that the reproductive interests of males and females overlap considerably. Copyright 2002 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

Sexual conflict between males and females over mating is common. Females that copulate with extrapair mates outside the pair-bond may gain (i) direct benefits such as resources or increased paternal care, (ii) indirect genetic benefits for their offspring, or (iii) insurance against infertility in their own social mate. Few studies have been able to demonstrate the different contexts in which females receive varying types of benefits from extrapair mates. Here, I examined sexual conflict, female extrapair mate choice, and patterns of extrapair paternity in the cooperatively breeding superb starling Lamprotornis superbus using microsatellite markers. Although extrapair paternity was lower than many other avian cooperative breeders (14% of offspring and 25% of nests), females exhibited two distinct mating patterns: half of the extrapair fertilizations were with males from inside the group, whereas half were with males from outside the group. Females with few potential helpers copulated with extrapair mates from within their group and thereby gained direct benefits in the form of additional helpers at the nest, whereas females paired to mates that were relatively less heterozygous than themselves copulated with extrapair mates from outside the group and thereby gained indirect genetic benefits in the form of increased offspring heterozygosity. Females did not appear to gain fertility insurance from copulating with extrapair mates. This is the first study to show that individuals from the same population mate with extrapair males and gain both direct and indirect benefits, but that they do so in different contexts.  相似文献   

In most animals, males gain a fitness benefit by mating with many females, whereas the number of progeny per female is unlikely to increase as a function of additional mates. Furthermore, males of internally fertilizing species run the risk of investing in offspring of other males if they provide parental care. Nevertheless, males of many avian species and a minority of mammalian species provide parental care, and females of various species mate with multiple males. I investigate a two-locus genetic model for evolution of male parental care and female multiple mating in which females gain a direct benefit by multiple mating from the paternal care they thereby elicit for their offspring. The model suggests that, first, male parental care can evolve when it strongly enhances offspring survival and the direct costs of female multiple mating (e.g., loss of energy, risk of injury, exposure to infectious diseases) are greater than its indirect benefit (e.g., acquisition of good genes, increased genetic diversity among offspring); second, female multiple mating can evolve when paternal care is important for offspring survival or the indirect benefit of multiple mating is larger than its direct cost; and, finally, male parental care and female multiple mating can co-occur.  相似文献   

BackgroundGaining extrapair copulations (EPCs) is a complicated behavior process. The interaction between males and females to procure EPCs may be involved in brain function evolution and lead to a larger brain. Thus, we hypothesized that extrapair paternity (EPP) rate can be predicted by relative brain size in birds. Past work has implied that the EPP rate is associated with brain size, but empirical evidence is rare.MethodsWe collated data from published references on EPP levels and brain size of 215 bird species to examine whether the evolution of EPP rate can be predicted by brain size using phylogenetically generalized least square (PGLS) models and phylogenetic path analyses.ResultsWe found that EPP rates (both the percentage EP offspring and percentage of broods with EP offspring) are negatively associated with relative brain size. We applied phylogenetic path analysis to test the causal relationship between relative brain size and EPP rate. Best‐supported models (ΔCICc < 2) suggested that large brain lead to reduced EPP rate, which failed to support the hypothesis that high rates of EPP cause the evolution of larger brains.ConclusionThis study indicates that pursuing EPCs may be a natural instinct in birds and the interaction between males and females for EPCs may lead to large brains, which in turn may restrict their EPC level for both sexes across bird species.  相似文献   

Generally in birds, the classic sex roles of male competition and female choice result in females providing most offspring care while males face uncertain parentage. In less than 5% of species, however, reversed courtship sex roles lead to predominantly male care and low extra-pair paternity. These role-reversed species usually have reversed sexual size dimorphism and polyandry, confirming that sexual selection acts most strongly on the sex with the smaller parental investment and accordingly higher potential reproductive rate. We used parentage analyses and observations from three field seasons to establish the social and genetic mating system of pheasant coucals, Centropus phasianinus, a tropical nesting cuckoo, where males are much smaller than females and provide most parental care. Pheasant coucals are socially monogamous and in this study males produced about 80% of calls in the dawn chorus, implying greater male sexual competition. Despite the substantial male investments, extra-pair paternity was unusually high for a socially monogamous, duetting species. Using two or more mismatches to determine extra-pair parentage, we found that 11 of 59 young (18.6%) in 10 of 21 broods (47.6%) were not sired by their putative father. Male incubation, starting early in the laying sequence, may give the female opportunity and reason to seek these extra-pair copulations. Monogamy, rather than the polyandry and sex-role reversal typical of its congener, C. grillii, may be the result of the large territory size, which could prevent females from monopolising multiple males. The pheasant coucal’s exceptional combination of classic sex-roles and male-biased care for extra-pair young is hard to reconcile with current sexual selection theory, but may represent an intermediate stage in the evolution of polyandry or an evolutionary remnant of polyandry.  相似文献   

We tested the relationship between synchrony of breeding andthe frequency of extrapair fertilizations (EPFs) in two populationsof red-winged blackbirds known to differ in female extrapairbehavior. We found no association between the number of simultaneouslyfertilizable females (temporal neighbors) and EPF rate in eitherpopulation, although a significant difference between populationsin the direction of this relationship (positive where femalesinitiated extrapair copulations and negative where males initiatedthem) suggested a modest difference in the influence of synchrony.Males losing offspring to EPFs tended to have more fertilizablefemales at that time than the actual sires in some analysesbut not in others. We also tested several assumptions underlyingtwo competing hypotheses for the effects of synchrony. We foundno evidence that females pursued extrapair copulations moreoften when other females were synchronous. Rather, females weremore likely to gain EFFs with exirapatr males whose social mateswere not yet building their nests. Synchrony also did not consistentlyaffect male pursuit of exirapair copulations or achievementof EPFs. These results suggest that timing of breeding has someeffects on extrapair activity, but that those effects are bothrelatively weak and influenced by other factors that vary betweenyears or populations.  相似文献   

Males and females are often defined by differences in their energetic investment in gametes. In most sexual species, females produce few large ova, whereas males produce many tiny sperm. This difference in initial parental investment is presumed to exert a fundamental influence on sex differences in mating and parental behavior, resulting in a taxonomic bias toward parental care in females and away from parental care in males. In this article, we reexamine the logic of this argument as well as the evolutionarily stable strategy (ESS) theory often used to substantiate it. We show that the classic ESS model, which contrasts parental care with offspring desertion, violates the necessary relationship between mean male and female fitness. When the constraint of equal male and female mean fitness is correctly incorporated into the ESS model, its results are congruent with those of evolutionary genetic theory for the evolution of genes with direct and indirect effects. Male parental care evolves whenever half the magnitude of the indirect effect of paternal care on offspring viability exceeds the direct effect of additional mating success gained by desertion. When the converse is true, desertion invades and spreads. In the absence of a genetic correlation between the sexes, the evolution of paternal care is independent of maternal care. Theories based on sex differences in gametic investment make no such specific predictions. We discuss whether inferences about the evolution of sex differences in parental care can hold if the ESS theory on which they are based contains internal contradictions.  相似文献   

Male parental care, female reproductive success, and extrapair paternity   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:2  
Birds differ considerably in the degree of male parental care,and it has been suggested that interspecific variation in extrapairpaternity is determined by the relative importance of benefitsto females from male parental care and good genes from extrapairsires. I estimated the relationship between extrapair paternityand the importance of male parental care for female reproductivesuccess mainly based on male removal studies, using a comparativeapproach. The reduction in female reproductive success causedby the absence of a male mate was positively correlated withthe male contribution to feeding offspring. The frequency ofextrapair paternity was negatively related to the reductionin female reproductive success caused by the absence of a mate.This was also the case when potentially confounding variablessuch as developmental mode of offspring and sexual dichromatismwere considered. A high frequency of extrapair paternity occursparticularly in bird species in which males play a minor rolein offspring provisioning and in which attractive males providerelatively little parental care. Bird species with frequentextrapair paternity thus appear to be those in which direct fitness benefits from male care are small, females can readilycompensate for the absence of male care, and indirect fitnessbenefits from extrapair sires are important.  相似文献   

Avian extrapair mating systems provide an interesting model to assess the role of genetic benefits in the evolution of female multiple mating behavior, as potentially confounding nongenetic benefits of extrapair mate choice are seen to be of minor importance. Genetic benefit models of extrapair mating behavior predict that females engage in extrapair copulations with males of higher genetic quality compared to their social mates, thereby improving offspring reproductive value. The most straightforward test of such good genes models of extrapair mating implies pairwise comparisons of maternal half-siblings raised in the same environment, which permits direct assessment of paternal genetic effects on offspring traits. But genetic benefits of mate choice may be difficult to detect. Furthermore, the extent of genetic benefits (in terms of increased offspring viability or fecundity) may depend on the environmental context such that the proposed differences between extrapair offspring (EPO) and within-pair offspring (WPO) only appear under comparatively poor environmental conditions. We tested the hypothesis that genetic benefits of female extrapair mate choice are context dependent by analyzing offspring fitness-related traits in the coal tit (Parus ater) in relation to seasonal variation in environmental conditions. Paternal genetic effects on offspring fitness were context dependent, as shown by a significant interaction effect of differential paternal genetic contribution and offspring hatching date. EPO showed a higher local recruitment probability than their maternal half-siblings if born comparatively late in the season (i.e., when overall performance had significantly declined), while WPO performed better early in the season. The same general pattern of context dependence was evident when using the number of grandchildren born to a cuckolding female via her female WPO or EPO progeny as the respective fitness measure. However, we were unable to demonstrate that cuckolding females obtained a general genetic fitness benefit from extrapair fertilizations in terms of offspring viability or fecundity. Thus, another type of benefit could be responsible for maintaining female extrapair mating preferences in the study population. Our results suggest that more than a single selective pressure may have shaped the evolution of female extrapair mating behavior in socially monogamous passerines.  相似文献   

Breeding synchrony may affect the tradeoff between pursuing multiple mates and avoiding paternity loss, translating into differences in the rate of extrapair paternity (EPP). However, diverse empirical relationships between breeding synchrony and EPP remain challenging to explain. We examined whether the relationship between breeding synchrony and EPP varied with male morph, age, body size, or breeding density in the white‐throated sparrow Zonotrichia albicollis. In this species, males of two genetically determined morphs pursue alternative mating strategies. Breeding synchrony positively correlated with EPP within polygamous white morph males, which have high rates of EPP and cuckoldry, but was unrelated to EPP within tan morph males, which prioritize mate guarding and paternal care. As previously reported, males that gained EPP were primarily white males. Males gained EPP more often than expected by chance during their mate's fertile period and on neighboring territories. Since extrapair copulation appears primarily male‐driven in this species, these results indicate that white males focus extra‐pair mating effort during periods of high synchrony and during their mates’ fertile periods, even at the expense of paternity loss within their own nests. Breeding density, male age, and male size did not modify the relationship between breeding synchrony and EPP. However, older white males had higher cuckoldry rates, perhaps reflecting declines in performance associated with senescence. Results suggest that, even within species, mating strategy may modify how breeding synchrony affects rates of EPP, with positive relationships manifest only within subsets of individuals that pursue a strategy of polygyny at the expense of paternity loss.  相似文献   

Mate guarding, male attractiveness, and paternity under social monogamy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Socially monogamous species vary widely in the frequency ofextrapair offspring, but this is usually discussed assumingthat females are free to express mate choice. Using game-theorymodeling, we investigate the evolution of male mate guarding,and the relationship between paternity and mate-guarding intensity.We show that the relationship between evolutionarily stablemate-guarding behavior and the risk of cuckoldry can be complicatedand nonlinear. Because male fitness accumulates both throughpaternity at his own nest and through his paternity elsewhere,males evolve to guard little either if females are very faithfulor if they are very unfaithful. Attractive males are usuallyexpected to guard less than unattractive males, but within-pairpaternity may correlate either positively or negatively withthe number of extrapair offspring fertilized by a male. Negativecorrelations, whereby attractive males are cuckolded more, becomemore likely if the reason behind female extrapair behavior appliesto most females (e.g., fertility insurance) rather than thesubset mated to unattractive males (e.g., when females seek"good genes") and if mate guarding is efficient in controllingfemale behavior. We discuss the current state of empirical knowledgewith respect to these findings.  相似文献   

In birds, determining what females seek through extra-pair paternity (EPP) is fundamental in the understanding of variation in the incidence of EPP within and between species. I conducted genetic parentage analyses in vinous-throated parrotbills, Paradoxornis webbianus, a typical double-brooded passerine with a strong flock habit. In this species, it is known that the prevalence of EPP varies significantly between two egg-laying peaks; 95% of EPP occurred in the first peak. In the present study, I focused on whether or not females obtain genetic benefits through EPP and its relevance to the biased distribution of EPP between the two laying peaks. I found that females did not obtain ‘good genes’ so that extra-pair young were not better than within-pair young in terms of their body condition at the nestling stage or their survival rate to their first winter. I also found no significant effect of parental genetic similarity and local genetic diversity on the occurrence of EPP, and these genetic correlates were not related to the patchy distribution of EPP. Overall, this study concluded that female parrotbills may not pursue indirect benefits through EPP, and further study testing the possibility of direct benefits will be worthwhile.  相似文献   

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