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Fossil onagraceous pollen grains from two Upper Miocene localities in E. Austria were investigated by LM and EM. Exine structure and sculpture as well as viscin threads suggest affinities with the extant genusCircea.  相似文献   

The rates of germ tube elongation in vitro of pollen from cherry leaf roll virus (CLRV)-infected birch (Betula pendula) did not differ significantly from those of pollen from virus-free trees. Differences in percentage germination of pollen collected from trees at different sites were significant but percentages of germination of pollen from virus-infected and virus-free trees did not differ greatly from one another. In vivo, pollen from infected trees germinated on healthy and CLRV-infected stigmas and callose plugs formed in both types of tissues. However, the extent of callose plug formation was greater in the pollen tubes of virus-free grains germinating in infected stigmas than in reciprocal crosses. CLRV coat antigen was detected by ELISA in stigmatic tissue, from healthy trees, on which virus-carrying pollen grains had germinated. Using fluorescein isothiocyanate conjugated to CLRV-specific γ-globulin, viral coat antigen was detected throughout germ tubes from virus-carrying but not virus-free pollen germinating in vitro. Protoplasts released following Driselase digestion of pollen germ tubes from virus-infected trees contained CLRV antigen detectable by ELISA. During germination of virus-infected pollen there was little synthesis of viral coat protein or nucleic acid but, following inoculation with purified virus particles, protoplasts made from healthy germinating pollen produced increasing amounts of CLRV-specific antigen implying that CLRV replicated in this system.  相似文献   

The effect of pollen grains on infections caused by Botrytis cinerea Fr   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The addition of pollen to spores of Botrytis cinerea Fr. in droplets of distilled water stimulates spore germination, growth of germ tubes and lesion development. Aqueous diffusate from pollen is as effective as pollen grains, and frozen pollen is more stimulatory than freshly collected pollen. The presence of pollen grains reduces considerably the number of spores needed to allow infection to occur. The lost germination ability and infectivity of old spores is restored by pollen. The stimulatory effect of the presence of pollen has been demonstrated both in vitro and on the surfaces of strawberry petals, strawberry fruits and broad bean leaves. Complete removal of the source of pollen, the anthers from strawberry fruits, markedly affected the speed and severity of infections of strawberry fruits. On broad bean leaves the addition of pollen grains to spores induced the development of spreading aggressive lesions. Preliminary work indicates that the effective principle in pollen is water-soluble, dialysable and heat-stable. Although glucose and fructose are important components of diffusate, neither glucose solution nor fructose solution nor a mixture of the two showed as marked effects as did pollen. Orange juice produces similar effects.  相似文献   

Summary The number of pollen grains placed upon a stigma influence both the development of pollen tubes and subsequently the progeny which result from fertilizations by gametes from these pollen tubes. The first influence is demonstrated by reduced pollen tube growth rates when pollen grains are few in number. This may indicate direct effects of pollen tubes upon the stylar tissues or perhaps more complex interactions between pollen and style. The second and potentially more important influence of limited pollination is upon the progeny. This was demonstrated with studies on three species. In each case, variation among the resultant plants was greater when pollen was limited than when normal, that is excessive, pollen was used. The mechanism of this phenomenon is not certain, but our data indicate that it is not simply an artefact of variation in seed size.  相似文献   

The present work aimed to study the effect of palm pollen extract (PPE) as an anticoccidial and anti-apoptotic modulator during the course of murine intestinal Eimeria papillata infection. The fact that PPE has an anticoccidial efficacy against intestinal E. papillata infection in mice has been clarified by the reduction of faecal output of oocysts on day five post infection from 49.5 × 103 to 34 × 103 oocyst/g. Moreover, the number of intracellular eimerian stages of zygots and developing oocysts decreased by about 89% and that of schizonts and gamonts to 42% and 72%, respectively. E. papillata infection also induced an increase in the number of apoptotic cells from 17.5 to 122.8 apoptotic nuclei/10 villous crypt units (VCU). In addition, it caused a state of systemic inflammatory response as revealed by an elevation in levels of the pro-inflammatory biomarkers, inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOs) and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) from 5.3 and 78.3 to 33 pmol ml?1 and 96.3 pg ml?1 in blood, respectively, with concurrent duplication in the total leucocytic number. Upon treatment of infected mice with the aqueous PPE, the activity of iNOs was reduced by 55% and the level of TNF-α was decreased by 30%. Moreover, the total leucocytic count was significantly reduced from 9.05 × 103 to 7.8 × 103 cells/mm3. Based on our results, PPE showed both anti-coccidial, anti-inflammatory and anti-apoptotic activities. So it can be used in developing new herbal medicine against animal coccidiosis and may be suitable agent for treating eimeriosis associated inflammatory response.  相似文献   

Low doses of UV-B irradiation applied to mature Nicotiana plumbaginifolia pollen grains stimulated pollen tube growth. The most pronounced effect was achieved after 1.5 min of irradiation. Using transgenic N. plumbaginifolia plants expressing the GFP reporter gene under the control of the seed-specific promoters USP (unknown seed protein) or LegB4 (legumin B4) genes, it was shown that these promoters are also inducible by UV-B irradiation of the pollen grains. The improvement of pollen viability and germination by UV-light is discussed with respect to effects on plant flowering and reproduction. Received: 10 November 1999 / Revision accepted: 14 February 2000  相似文献   

Three kinds of pollen taxa belonging to 3 families (Fabaceae--Trifolium spp., Brassicaceae--Raphanus spp. and Cistaceae--Cistus spp.) and commonly collected by honeybees were fed to mature male rats separately, in the form of 60 mg/animal/day for a 30-day period. The objective of this study was to investigate any positive effects or possible side effects of the use of pollen on the immune system. This was achieved through blood analysis and cell count on blood, hemoglobin, erythrocyte and immune system cells. The cell concentration of mast cells, degranulization and cell localization were investigated in prepared mesentery tissue samples. Histological investigations of the stomach and duedenum sections of pollen-fed rats were carried out to learn the reason for eosinophil gastroenteritis in the alimentary canal. The eosinophil and lymphocyte levels of rats fed with pollen of Trifolium spp., Raphanus spp., and Cistus spp. were observed to have increased blood cell counts, while neutrophil and monocyte levels decreased; different values were found in basophil leucocytes between the pollen groups. Differing reductions in mesentery mast cell concentration, degranulization and cell localization were found. Within the three separate pollens, the rats having been fed with Cistus spp. pollen were observed to have higher blood lymphocyte, eosinophil, hemoglobin and hematocrit values than those fed with the others, as well as low mesentery mast cell concentration. Hemoglobin values were determined to increase at a proportion of between 10.0-11.3%. No difference was found in other blood parameters. The fat proportion of the male rats fed with the three taxa was between 4.03-8.75%, while that for protein proportion was between 16.11-24.25%. Male rats receiving these taxa did not experience allergic reactions and it is possible to argue that the low protein and fat content of these pollens have a strengthening effect on the immune systems by the increase in lymphocyte content and the amount of hemoglobin leads to an increase of oxygen transport capacity in the tissues.  相似文献   

Pollen grains of Cycadopites-type were found in the pollen chamber of a supposed ginkgoalean seed Allicospermum sp. from the Middle Jurassic deposits of Uzbekistan (Angren locality). The pollen grains were studied with help of LM, CLSM, SEM, and TEM. All pollen grains show the identical morphology and exine ultrastructure allowing us to suppose the same botanical affinity. The pollen morphological data do not contradict the ginkgoalean interpretation of the seed; therefore, the pollen grains and the seed most probably did belong to the same parent plant. The pollen grains are monosulcate, the non-apertural surface is nearly psilate, with low short elements, which are occasionally scattered over the surface or more densely distributed. The aperture and adjacent areas appear to bear more distinct sculpturing. The ectexine is composed of a prominent solid tectum, a thin infratectum, and a thin foot layer. The infratectum is formed of one row of alveolae, which are more voluminous laterally, where the ultrastructure is more easily understandable. The endexine is multilamellate, although it is evident only in some regions of stained sections. Towards the aperture the ectexine becomes gradually thinner; over the aperture no sublayers can be discerned within the ectexine. The ectexine of the apertural region repeatedly varies in thickness, reflecting a sculpturing surface of this region. The obtained data contribute to the knowledge about the exine ultrastructure of ginkgoaleans; nonetheless, a TEM study of ginkgoalean pollen grains extracted from pollen organs is still highly desirable. We also considered pluses and minuses of CLSM: it failed to substitute SEM, since the surface pattern under study was too fine, but demonstrated the general morphology of the pollen grains under study better than conventional LM. The possibility of viewing virtual sections of any area of the pollen grain was profitable for later interpretation of TEM sections. CLSM would give better results in interpreting relatively large palynological objects with distinct sculptural elements, a complicated architecture, variously arranged appendages, or possessing cameras.  相似文献   

Contaminating fungi, such as Fusarium species, produce metabolites that may interfere with normal barley grain proteolysis pattern and consequently, affect malt and beer quality. Protein compositional changes of an initial mixture of 20 % Fusarium culmorum infected and 80 % noninfected mature barley grains and respective malt are reported here. Proteolytic activity of infected barley grains (IBG) and respective malt, with controls (uninfected grains), were characterized using protease inhibitors from each class of this enzyme, including metallo-, cysteine, serine, and aspartic proteases, as well as uninhibited protease fractions. The proteins were extracted according to the Osborne fractionation and separated by size exclusion chromatography. Additionally, two-dimensional (2D) gel electrophoresis (GE) was used to analyze hydrophobic storage proteins isolated from the control and IBG. Analyses revealed that F. culmorum IBG had a twofold increase of proteolytic activity compared to the control sample, which showed an increase in all protease classes with aspartic proteases dominating. Infected and control malt grains were comparable with cysteine proteases representing almost 50 % of all proteolytic enzymes detected. Protein extractability was 31 % higher in IBG compared to the control barley. The albumin fraction showed that several metabolic proteins decreased and increased at different rates during infection and malting, thus showing a complex F. culmorum infection interdependence. Prolamin storage proteins were more hydrophobic during barley fungal infection. F. culmorum interfered with the grain hydrolytic protein profile, thereby altering the grain's protein content and quality.  相似文献   

R. Yankova 《Grana》2013,52(1):171-176
For frequently two years a period of the range and quantity of pollen grains in the most inhabited rooms of each of 4 dwellings in Sofia was studied, together with the outdoors air pollen spectra. Changes in the health status of the inhabitants affected by pollinosis were recorded at the same time. The characteristic pollen taxa, pollen interference periods and the way sensitive patients were affected were evaluated.  相似文献   

  • Intraspecific variations in pollen morphological traits are poorly studied. Interspecific variations are often associated with pollination systems and pollinator types. Altitudinal environmental changes, which can influence local pollinator assemblages, provide opportunities to explore differentiation in pollen traits of a single species over short distances. The aim of this study is to examine intraspecific variations in pollen traits of an insect-pollinated shrub, Weigela hortensis (Caprifoliaceae), along an altitudinal gradient.
  • Pollen spine phenotypes (length, number and density), pollen diameter, lipid mass (pollenkitt) around pollen grains, pollen production per flower and pollinator assemblages were compared at four sites at different altitudes.
  • Spine length and the spine length/diameter ratio of pollen grains were greater at higher altitudes but not correlated with flower or plant size. Spine number and density increased as flower size increased, and pollen lipid mass decreased as plant size increased. Bees were the predominant pollinators at low-altitude sites whereas flies, specifically Oligoneura spp. (Acroceridae), increased in relative abundance with increasing altitude.
  • The results of this study suggest that the increase in spine length with altitude was the result of selection favouring longer spines at higher-altitude sites and/or shorter spines at lower-altitude sites. The altitudinal variation in selection pressure on spine length could reflect changes in local pollinator assemblages with altitude.

The aim of the present study is to localise non‐specific lipid transfer proteins (nsLTPs), obtained from Rosaceae (Prunus persica (L.) Batsch) in pollen grains of taxonomically distant plants, such as Iridaceae (Aristea latifolia G.J. Lewis), Platanaceae (Platanus acerifolia (Aiton) Willd.) and Urticaceae (Parietaria judaica L.), in order to compare pollen and nsLTP diversity. A combination of transmission electron microscopy, immunocytochemical techniques, and rabbit specific antiserum against peach nsLTPs (Pru p 3) were used. Abundant labelling to Pru p 3‐like proteins was observed in the cytoplasm, walls and pollenkitt of A. latifolia pollen grains. The presence of nsLTPs associated with the pollenkitt proves that it takes part in the defence mechanism of pollen grains. The labelling was less intense in the cytoplasm and walls of P. acerifolia. Immuno‐stained gold particles were associated with the vacuoles, lipid inclusions, endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi complex. No significant labelling was found in the P. judaica pollen grains incubated with anti‐Pru p 3 polyclonal antibodies. These results indicate important variations in the nsLTPs of different pollen species. Consequently, no taxonomic relationship between pollen grains and nsLTPs could be established.  相似文献   

单性木兰属花粉形态观察   总被引:13,自引:4,他引:9  
徐凤霞   《广西植物》1998,18(1):29-31
本文对单性木兰(KmeriaseptentrionalisDandy)的花粉形态和花粉壁的亚显微结构做了详细观察。花粉椭圆形,具单沟;外壁表面较粗糙,具皱波状间小穴纹饰;外壁分层明显,柱状层发育较好。  相似文献   

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