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This study examined the host-selection ability of the broad mite Polyphagotarsonemus latus (Banks) (Acari: Tarsonemidae). To make long-distance-shifts from one host plant patch to another, broad mites largely depend on phoretic association with whiteflies. However, the host plants of whiteflies and broad mites are not necessarily the same. We determined the host-preference and acceptance of free-moving and phoretic broad mites using two behavioral bioassays. We used a choice test to monitor host selection by free-moving mites. In the case of phoretic mites, we compared their rate of detachment from the phoretic vector Bemisia tabaci placed on leaves taken from various host plants. The suitability of the plant was further determined by monitoring mite’s fecundity and its offspring development. We compared the mites’ responses to young and old cucumber (Cucumis sativus cv. ‘Kfir’) leaves (3rd and 8–9th leaf from the apex, respectively), and two tomato (Solanum lycopersicum cvs. ‘M82’ and ‘Moneymaker). Free-moving mites of all stages and both sexes preferred young cucumber leaves to old cucumber leaves and preferred young cucumber rather than young tomato leaves, demonstrating for the first time that broad mites are able to choose their host actively. As for phoretic mated females, although eventually most of the mites abandoned the phoretic vector, the rate of detachment from the whitefly vector was host dependent and correlated with the mites’ fitness on the particular host. In general, host preference of phoretic female mites resembled that of the free-moving female. Cues used by mites for host selection remain to be explored.  相似文献   

The broad mite Polyphagotarsonemus latus (Banks) was studied for one season (2009/2010) on three pepper cultivars (Travita, Top star and Habeba) in the nethouses in Egypt. The tarsonemid mite was fed upon by the predatory phytoseiid mite Amblyseius swirskii (Athias–Henriot). Population abundance of the tarsonemid pepper prey was affected by climatic conditions and predation. A control measure of one preventive treatment in nursery and two successive curative treatments, applied mid-September, in nethouses seemed to be the most successful management of the harmful mite. The effect of constant different temperatures on P. latus development, reproduction and population growth was investigated. At 11?°C, all activity ceased and by 36?°C the adult began to slow down. Life table parameters varied greatly, especially at 21?°C and 75%?R.H.  相似文献   

The broad mite,Polyphagotarsonemus latus (Acari: Tarsonemidae), is an important, and in some cases recent, pest of diverse crops in tropical and subtropical regions. Infested leaves become bronzed with down-curling margins, buds are aborted and flowers distorted, shoots grow twisted and fruit may be misshapen and russeted. Injuries, presumably due to toxins, occur even after the broad mite is killed by pesticides. There is no evidence thatP. latus transmits plant viruses, but injury may be mistaken for virus or herbicide damage. The mite infests plants referable to ca 55 dicotyledone and two monocotyledone families as well as to the Cupressaceae. Changes in horticultural practices, including control measures, could have caused recent pest outbreaks. The mite may raise a generation in 1 week under optimal conditions (ca 25°C and high relative humidities) and deposit ca. 40 eggs/ female. The usual sex ratio is 1:4 male: female and reproduction is arrhenotokous. Dispersal is effected through male carriage of pharate females as well as by winds, insects (especially whiteflies) and man. Field sampling is facilitated by the pest's aggregated distribution. Control options comprise plant resistance, pesticides and biocontrol. Areas for future research include the possible emergence of sibling species or feeding strains, better understanding of the mite's reproduction, the effects of host plants on life history parameters, monitoring for pesticide resistance and exploration for additional natural enemies of the broad mite.  相似文献   

The broad mite, Polyphagotarsonemus latus (Banks), is one of the major pests causing severe economic damage in Rhododendron simsii Planch hybrid production in Belgium. In order to optimize biological control programs and to parameterize warning programs, we studied the effect of environmental temperature on the development of P. latus on R. simsii leaves. In combination with a photoperiod of 16:8 h (L:D) and a relative humidity of 80 ± 5 %, six constant temperatures (15, 17, 20, 25, 30 and 33 ± 1 °C), were studied. Total developmental times of 13.3, 10.5, 6.6, 4.2, 3.5 and 4.0 days were measured, respective to each of the aforementioned temperatures. Development of females took significantly longer than that of males at 15, 17, 20 and 30 °C. Survival rates observed between 17 and 30 °C varied between 43.5 and 96.9 %. Lower survival rates were found at 15 and 33 °C, i.e. 31.8 and 23.6 %, respectively. The lower, optimal and upper developmental threshold (t min , t opt and t max , respectively) and thermal constant (K) of the pest were estimated for each life stage by a linear and two non-linear models. Based on measurements of total development of P. latus thermal thresholds of 10.0, 30.1 and 36.0 °C were calculated for t min , t opt and t max , respectively. The number of degree-days needed to complete immature development when feeding on R. simsii was 66.7.  相似文献   

  1. Polyphagotarsonemus latus (Banks) (Acari: Tarsonemidae) is a common polyphagous mite in tropical and subtropical areas and is considered as an important citrus pest.
  2. To understand the response of citrus to P. latus infestation, we have characterized the volatile profile and the molecular defence mechanisms of two citrus genotypes, namely sour orange (Citrus aurantium) and Cleopatra mandarin (Citrus reshni), to P. latus infestation. These two species are important rootstocks for the citrus industry and display differential resistance to Tetranychus urticae Koch (Acari: Tetranychidae), with sour orange showing elevated levels of constitutive and induced resistance associated with the jasmonic acid (JA) pathway compared with Cleopatra mandarin.
  3. P. latus infestation activated both the JA- and the salicylic acid-dependent pathways in sour orange but not in Cleopatra mandarin. However, this differential activation resulted in the production of similar volatile blends (a mixture of green leaf volatiles and aromatic compounds).
  4. Contrary to T. urticae infestation, sour orange supported larger densities of P. latus than Cleopatra mandarin with similar injury levels.
  5. Therefore, sour orange may be more tolerant to P. latus than Cleopatra mandarin.

The broad mite Polyphagotarsonemus latus (Banks) and silverleaf whitefly Bemisia argentifolii Bellows & Perring (=B strain of Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius)) have many common host plants. It was found that broad mites can attach themselves to B. argentifolii adults and use them as a carrier for their dispersal. In a cage experiment, we observed that more than 80% of B. argentifolii adults had more than one broad mite attached within 4 h after B. argentifolii landed on broad mite-infested plants. Overall, 97.5% of the broad mites examined were attached to the legs, mostly on the tibiae and tarsi of B. argentifolii adults, and 99.5% of the broad mites attached to B. argentifolii were adult females. The successful dispersal of broad mite via B. argentifolii was also demonstrated with a cage experiment.  相似文献   

Experimental and Applied Acarology - Tetranychus urticae Koch and Polyphagotarsonemus latus Banks are mite species considered capable of attaining pest levels, damaging a range of agricultural...  相似文献   

A study on 12 entomopathogenic fungi for controlling broad mite (Polyphagotarsonemus latus (Banks)) in mulberry found that Metarhizium anisopliae CKM-048 was the most virulent strain in controlling both larvae and adult broad mites at the concentration of 2 x 10(8) conidia/ml. There was no ovicidal effect when tested with broad mite eggs. Median lethal concentrations (LC(50)) of M. anisopliae in killing larvae and adults were 8.7 x 10(6) and 1.3 x 10(7 )conidia/ml, respectively. Median lethal times (LT(50)) of larvae and adults were 2.4 and 3.8 days, respectively, at the concentration of 2 x 10(8) conidia/ml. The fungus was found to produce protease and chitinase. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) studies were done to monitor the infection steps of the fungus on broad mites. A greenhouse test on mulberry trees revealed that M. anisopliae could reduce the broad mite population within 4 days after treatment. However, after 7 days, its efficacy was decreased significantly.  相似文献   

The results of a 5-year study on the relationships between spider mites and their predators in vineyards in Northern Italy are reported. The efficacy of the two predatory mites appeared to be strongly affected by various factors (grape variety, presence of macropredators, climatic condition, interspecific competition, phytoseiid strain). The phytoseiid mitesAmblyseius aberrans (Oud.) andTyphlodromus pyri Scheuten were released at three different density levels in two vineyards (A, B) infested byEotetranychus carpini (Oud.). One strain ofA. aberrans and two strains ofT. pyri were used for the experiments. In vineyard A,Panonychus ulmi (Koch) was recorded in the second and subsequent years of the experiments and became dominant overE. carpini from the third year onwards. The presence of anthocorids in the same vineyard increased the complexity of the system and gave us the possibility of comparing two very different situations. Release of low numbers ofA. aberrans gave a satisfactory control of spider mite populations in both vineyards. These results were even obtained on a variety non preferred by phytoseiids (Merlot) and with the continuous presence of anthocorids (vineyard A). After 5 years,A. aberrans was observed in 53% of the plots in vineyard A and in all plots of the other vineyard (B). Results of experiments in whichT. pyri was released were similar to those obtained in the experiments withA. aberrans, but only in the first year of the study. In vineyard A, theT. pyri populations declined dramatically from the second year onwards; the use of a non-preferred variety (Merlot) and the continuous presence of anthocorids seemed the most important factors causing the decline of predatory mite density. In vineyard B,T. pyri was capable of controlling spider mites even in the second year of the experiments. A very low density of macropredators and a preferred grape variety (Raboso) positively affected control. The density ofT. pyri in vineyard B decreased at the end of the second year because of adverse climatic conditions (high temperatures in combination with a low relative humidity). The decrease ofT. pyri allowed the displacement of this species byA. aberrans in all plots of vineyard B. It was also shown that the twoT. pyri strains differed in their efficacy to control spider mites. The research was partially supported by a grant from Regione Veneto (“Lotta biologica e integrata nel controllo di insetti ed acari dannosi”). The general lines of the research were planned by C. Duso and the most relevant part of the experiments was carried out by the same author. C. Pasqualetto contributed to the experimental work especially during 1989 and 1990.  相似文献   



Fungal endophytes occur ubiquitously in plants and are being increasingly studied for their ability to support plant health and protect the host from diseases. Using endophytes in disease control provides potential advantages compared to other biocontrol agents since they colonise the plant internally and thereby stay protected from environmental stresses and fluctuations. A thorough understanding of their mechanisms is required in their mutualistic association with plants; both to optimise their efficacy and for registration as plant protection products.  相似文献   

早熟禾亚科多种禾草可与Neotyphodium内生真菌形成禾草-内生真菌共生体, 这种植物-微生物共生体性状较为稳定, 且在自然界中广泛存在。禾草-内生真菌共生体稳定的互利共生关系不但保证了内生真菌所需的全部营养物质, 而且共生体产生的次生代谢物又可显著提高宿主禾草对生物胁迫的抗逆性。众多研究表明, 内生真菌的侵染可显著提高宿主禾草对虫害、病害及伴生植物等多种生物胁迫的抗性。据不完全统计, 禾草内生真菌对蛛形纲、线虫纲、昆虫纲3个纲至少79个种的害虫表现出较明显的抗性, 对至少22个种的病原真菌表现出明显的抗性。尽管利用内生真菌进行禾草品种选育及其品质改良的技术日趋成熟, 但是内生真菌在不同宿主禾草之间高效的替代转化技术, 及其在宿主体内遗传的稳定性仍有待于进一步深入探索。研究者把禾草内生真菌作为生防手段, 在未来的应用过程中不应只考虑其与宿主禾草之间的共生特异性, 而应更全面地分析禾草-内生真菌-生态环境之间的相互关系, 让内生真菌更好地为人类服务。  相似文献   

Many grasses in the subfamily Pooideae develop symbioses with Neotyphodium fungal endophytes, which exist widely in nature. The stably symbiotic relationship not only ensures accessible nutrients required by Neotyphodium fungal endophytes, but also significantly increases the resistance of host grasses to biological stresses through the production of secondary metabolites. Previous studies show that infected grasses with endophytic fungi have prominently enhanced resistance to pests, plant diseases, companion plants and other biological stresses. Grass endophytic fungi show remarkable resistant to at least 79 species of pests from three classes; arachnida, nematode and insecta, and to at least 22 species of pathogenic fungi. Although the biotechnological application of endophytic fungi in grass breeding for variety selection and quality improvement has progressed well, opportunities remain for further exploring the use of fungal endophytes among different host grasses coupled with the examination of genetic stability of Neotyphodium in novel host grasses. In the future application of endophytic fungi as a bio-control method, researchers should not only consider specificities of host grasses, but also need to have comprehensive analysis and knowledge about the mutual relationships among grasses, endophytic fungi and ecological environments, which will help use endophytic fungi to better serve humanity.  相似文献   

Six pesticides and two spray oils were tested against Polyphagotarsonemus latus. The chemicals were evaluated under laboratory conditions, requiring the development of a novel bioassay method, which is reported here. The pesticide toxicities fell into three distinct groups, namely abamectin, conventional pesticides and oils. The relative pesticide toxicities at the LC50 level were abamectin 4.9×10-8 g ai l-1, endosulfan 1.1×10-3 g ai l-1, fenpyroximate 2.3×10-3 g ai l-1, pyridaben 4.1×10-3 g ai l-1, tebufenpyrad 4.4×10-3 g ai l-1, dicofol 4.5×10-3 g ai l-1, petroleum spray oil 3.4×10-1 g ai l-1 and canola oil 4.1×10-1 g ai l-1. The calculation of the LC99.9 values allows for resistance monitoring in P. latus and the suggested discriminating concentrations are abamectin 1.0×10-4 g ai l-1; endosulfan, pyridaben and dicofol 1.0×10-1 g ai l-1 fenpyroximate and tebufenpyrad 5.0×10-1 g ai l-1.  相似文献   

The predatory phytoseiid mite Amblyseius swirskii (Athias-Henriot) completed its lifespan when fed on females of the broad mite, Polyphagotarsonemus latus (Banks). The development was the quickest and the number of prey consumed was highest when individuals were reared at 28?°C compared with 19?°C. The average number of eggs/female/day was 2.36 and 1.69, respectively. Life table parameters showed that the population of A. swirskii multiplied 16 and 20 times in a generation time of 22 and 18?days at 19 and 28?°C, respectively. Under these conditions, the intrinsic rate of increase (rm) was 0.139 and 0.170 individuals/female/day, respectively.  相似文献   

Feeding behavior of 4 phytoseiid species on the broad mitePolyphagotarsonemus latus (Banks) was studied.Typhlodromus rickeri Chant,T. porresi McMurtry, andT. annectens DeLeon preferred prey larvae over other stages.Euseius stipulatus Athias-Henriot fed on all but the nymphal stage, and showed a decreased preference for prey larvae and females. None of the 4 species fed upon the nymphal stage.
Résumé Le comportement alimentaire de 4 espèces dePhytoseiidae surPolyphagotarsonemus latus (Banks) a été étudié.Typhlodromus rickeri Chant,T. porresi McMurtry, etT. annectens DeLeon préfèrent les larves de la proie aux autres stades.Euseius stipulatus A.-H. s'alimente sur tous les stades de la proie sauf la nymphe, mais les larves et les femelles de la proie sont moins appréciées. Aucune des 4 espèces ne s'est alimentée aux dépens du stade nymphal.

The mite Polyphagotarsonemus latus (Banks) constitutes one of the main pest of grape crop at the Submédio S?o Francisco Valley. The objective of this work was to study the biology of the broad mite Polyphagotarsonemus latus (Banks), to determine its thermal requirements and its fertility life table in grape (Vitis vinifera L.) cv. Italy. Acclimatized chambers (BOD) were used, adjusted to the temperatures of 18, 22, 25, 28 and 32 degrees C, relative humidity of 65 +/- 10% and alternated light of 12h. Egg-adult period was 3.4 and 6.8 days for males and 3.5 and 7.4 days for females, respectively at 32 degrees C and 18 degrees C. At the temperatures of 18, 25 and 32 degrees C, each female deposited, respectively, 16.5, 44.3 and 13.3 eggs. The stages of egg, larva and pupa and egg-adult period presented, respectively, thermal thresholds of 11.23, 9.45, 12.19, and 9.71 degrees C and thermal constant of 28.51, 14.59, 8.33, and 62.73 degrees-day. The mean duration of one generation (T) was 25.6, 10.8 and 8.2 days, respectively, at the temperatures of 18, 25 and 32 degrees C. The net reproductive rate (R0) at the temperature of 25 degrees C was the highest, corresponding to an increase of 30.12 times at each generation. The intrinsic rate of population increase (rm) was 0.10 (18 degrees C), 0.31 (25 degrees C) and 0.12 (32 degrees C) and the finite ratio of population increase (lambda) was 1.10 (18 degrees C), 1.36 (25 degrees C) and 1.13 (32 degrees C). According to the mean temperature values, P. latus can have 95 and 99 generations/year, respectively, for the municipal districts of Petrolina, PE and Juazeiro, BA.  相似文献   

The behaviour of the endoparasitic tracheal mite, Acarapis woodi (Rennie) on honey bees (Apis mellifera L.) is a challenge to observe because of its small size. Through a microscope, we videotaped this mite's movement on young bees, dead bees and bees exposed to vegetable oil. Previous studies have shown that solid vegetable oil decreases mite infestations in a bee colony. We hypothesized that the oil alters mite behaviour to the detriment of the parasite, thus helping to safeguard the host. Habitat-seeking behaviour, identified as necessary for mites to locate a new host environment, was disrupted on both dead and oil-treated bees. Questing behaviour, which is associated with transfer between hosts, increased significantly on the dead and oily bees. The behaviours of mites were significantly different between all three treatments (x 2=494.96, p<0.001 on dead bees and x 2=851.11, p<0.001 on oily bees). Both questing and seeking behaviours were significantly different on each of the thoracic treatments (F 2,66=7.88, p<0.001 and F 2,66=21.28, p<0.001) and mite questing behaviour was not altered between males and females on live or oily bees (F 1,22=0.25, p<0.62), but habitat seeking was (F 1,22=7.42, p<0.012). The male questing and habitat-seeking behaviours were observed. We conclude that oil-treated bees gained protection from habitat-seeking mites because the normal behaviour of the mites seeking an oviposition site is interrupted.  相似文献   

J. E. Peña  L. Osborne 《BioControl》1996,41(2):279-285
Effect of prédation of 2 phytoseiid species on the broad mitePolyphagotarsonemus lotus (Banks) was studied on bean and lime plants in the greenhouse and in the field in lime.Neoseiulus californicus (McGregor) maintained mite density at low levels, whereas the effect ofNeoseiulus barken (Hughes) was erratic.N. californicus, together with a complex of indigenous predacious mites, keptP. latus density below economic damaging levels on lime fruits  相似文献   

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