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Questions: How does urbanisation influence soil mineral nitrogen stocks (nitrate and ammonium stocks) and what are the consequences of these modifications on the functional diversity of the herbaceous vegetation (vascular plants) and the seed bank? Location: Nine study sites were located on an urbanisation gradient in the city of Rennes, France. Methods: Three urbanisation levels were defined: urban areas (high grey/green ratio), suburban (medium grey/green ratio) and periurban (low grey/green ratio). For each urbanisation level, nitrates and ammonium stocks were quantified; the herbaceous vegetation was surveyed as well as the soil seed bank (using the seedling emergence method). Results: Nitrate concentration increased with urbanisation (the nitrate level in urban plots was twice the concentration in periurban ones) whereas the ammonium level was higher in periurban areas than in urban areas. In urban plots, the vegetation and the seed bank were more nitrophilous, whereas the nitrogen requirement was lower for periurban species. The relationship between the seed bank and the above‐ground vegetation was not significant. Conclusions: The higher nitrate concentration in the urban area appeared to be related to higher concentrations of atmospheric pollutants found in this area and lower ammonium levels may be related to the higher temperature in urban areas (leading to higher nitrification rates). The shift in the composition of the seed bank and vegetation appeared to be a consequence of higher nitrate stocks. The dissimilarity between the seed bank and vegetation may be caused by enhanced emergence of nitrophilous species in urban areas.  相似文献   

Intensive agriculture has the potential to reduce soil carbon stocks in the years following initial cultivation, although the magnitude and direction of the effect can vary with ecosystem and management factors. Agriculture can also shift the carbon chemistry of soils via changes in crop plant chemistry, decomposition, and/or soil amendments [e.g. black carbon (i.e. charcoal)]. It is possible that soil carbon levels can recover if intensive cultivation ends, but the factors driving the extent and quality of this recovery are not well understood. Here, we examined soil carbon pool sizes and carbon chemistry >200 years after intensive cultivation by early Hawaiians. We compared soils from an extensive pre-European-contact agricultural field system with reference sites under similar modern management. Sites were selected along a climate and soil weathering gradient to investigate interactions between historic land use and ecosystem properties, such as soil mineralogy, in driving soil carbon recovery. Soil carbon content was measured from 0 to 30 cm depth, and carbon chemistry was assessed using 13C nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Overall, we found significantly lower soil carbon stocks in pre-contact agricultural sites compared to reference sites. Radiocarbon dating of bulk soil carbon showed a trend toward older carbon in agricultural versus reference soils, suggesting decreased retention of newer C in agricultural sites. Radiocarbon dating of macroscopic charcoal particles from under agricultural field walls indicated that there were black carbon inputs concurrent with pre-contact agricultural activity. Nonetheless, black carbon and carbonyl carbon levels were lower in agricultural versus reference soils, suggesting decreased retention of specific carbon groups in cultivated sites. Proteins were the only biomolecule higher in abundance in agricultural versus reference sites. Finally, there was an interacting effect of soil mineralogy and historic land use on soil carbon stocks. Whereas short range order (SRO) minerals were positively associated with total soil carbon overall, differences in soil carbon between agricultural and reference soils were largest in soils with high concentrations of SRO minerals. Our results indicate that the negative effect of agriculture on soil carbon stocks can be long-lived, may be associated with persistent changes in soil carbon chemistry, and can vary with soil mineralogical properties.  相似文献   

草地沙化过程地上植被与土壤种子库变化特征   总被引:35,自引:4,他引:35  
赵丽娅  李锋瑞  王先之 《生态学报》2003,23(9):1745-1756
研究了草地沙漠化过程地上植被与土壤种子库的变化特征。获如下结论:(1)草地沙漠化过程地上植被与土壤种子库物种多样性的衰减模式不同,土壤种子库植物种数从潜在沙漠化阶段(固定沙地)到中度沙漠化阶段(半流动沙地)变化很小,而从中度沙漠化到严重沙漠化阶段(流动沙地)衰减速度明显加快;地上植被种数随着沙漠化程度增加而下降,其中从中度沙漠化到严重沙漠化发展阶段衰减幅度最大。(2)地上植被与土壤种子库密度随着沙漠化程度增加而下降,但下降速率因沙漠化发展阶段不同而异,从固定到半固定沙地是地上植被与土壤种子库密度下降最快的时期。(3)地上植被与土壤种子库共有种数随着沙漠化程度的增加而减少,从而导致了地上与土壤种子库群落组成的相异性增大。(4)4种退化沙地土壤种子库组成的相似性要高于地上植被,表明在沙漠化过程中土壤种子库群落组成的稳定性要高于地上植被。(5)地上植被密度与土壤种子库密度存在显著相关性,其关系可用二次曲线来描述。  相似文献   

Tropical montane cloud forests (TMCF) in the Orinoco River Basin are vulnerable to climate and regional land-use changes. These changes will force TMCF to migrate upwards, affecting biodiversity conservation and water flow regulation. Here, we evaluate how vegetation and soil macrofauna composition vary along the hydrometeorological gradient driven by an increase in fog incidence with elevation. Vegetation data were collected for all individuals with a diameter at breast height (DBH) > 5 cm in four vegetation plots (5 × 50 m; total: 0.1 ha) every 100 m in altitude between 1700 and 2200 m a.s.l. From each plot, we obtained three soil monoliths from the organic layer and three from the mineral horizon, and manually extracted their soil macrofauna. For these groups, we describe: (1) their compositional changes along the hydrometeorological gradient employing ordination analyses techniques and (2) the relation of the composition changes between vegetation and soil macrofauna communities using a symmetrical co-correspondence analysis. Our results show that the vegetation morphospecies composition and soil macrofauna-order composition vary significantly with the hydrometeorological gradient along elevation. The co-correspondence between vegetation and soil macrofauna reveals a shared breakpoint above the 2000 m a.s.l., where fog is more persistent. Furthermore, we identified eight indicator vegetation species and two soil macrofauna orders associated with specific elevations. These results suggest that under a climate-change-driven fog lift, the TMCF of the Orinoco River Basin will be displaced. Moreover, this study provides a baseline to monitor such displacement.  相似文献   

叶莹莹  刘淑娟  张伟  舒世燕  杨珊  王克林 《生态学报》2015,35(21):6974-6982
采用经典统计分析与通径分析,研究了桂西北喀斯特峰丛洼地4种植被演替阶段(草丛、灌木林、次生林、原生林)表层(0—15 cm)土壤微生物生物量和土壤酶活性的变化特征,探讨了其与土壤理化性质之间的关系。结果表明:土壤微生物生物量和土壤酶活性随植被正向演替的变化规律并不完全一致。土壤微生物生物量碳、微生物生物量氮和碱性磷酸酶活性整体表现为随植被正向演替而增加。而土壤蔗糖酶活性表现为:次生林草丛≈灌木林原生林,脲酶活性表现为:草丛≈次生林≈灌木林原生林。通径分析结果表明,土壤微生物生物量的直接影响因素和主要影响因素为土壤有机碳;蔗糖酶活性的直接影响因素为土壤有机碳和土壤微生物生物量碳,而从总效应来看,各因素对蔗糖酶活性的影响均较小;脲酶和碱性磷酸酶活性的直接影响因素和主要影响因素均为全氮,但全氮对脲酶活性表现为强烈的负效应,而对碱性磷酸酶活性表现为强烈的正效应。此外,土壤微生物生物量碳、氮及蔗糖酶、脲酶和碱性磷酸酶活性的剩余通径系数均较大,说明存在其它未被考虑因素对其具有影响。  相似文献   

研究了不同砍伐频率下,香港、深圳和鹤山研究样地山坡地N、P、K含量的差异.不同采样地之间,养分全量和有效量差异显著.在尚未砍伐的山坡地,土壤养分含量显著高于经常砍伐的山坡地.未伐土壤的N含量顺序为香港样地>深圳样地>鹤山样地.下层土壤P的含量高于上层土壤.深圳样地常代土壤养分含量高于鹤山.结果建议采用最适砍伐频率和在最适季节砍伐,以便减少砍伐产生的不利影响.  相似文献   

A field survey was conducted to detect signals of atmospheric nitrogen (N) in 11 dune systems along a nitrogen deposition gradient in the United Kingdom. In the mobile and semi-fixed dunes, above-ground biomass was positively related to N inputs. This increase was largely due to increased height and cover of Ammophila arenaria. In the long term, this increased biomass may lead to increased organic matter accumulation and consequently accelerated soil development. In the fixed dunes, above ground biomass also showed a positive relationship with N inputs as did soil C : N ratio while soil available N was negatively related to N inputs. Plant species richness was negatively related to N inputs. In the dune slacks, while soil and bulk vegetation parameters showed no relationship with N inputs, cover of Carex arenaria and Hypochaeris radicata increased. Site mean Ellenberg N numbers showed no relationship with N deposition either within habitats or across the whole dataset. Neither abundance-weighting nor inclusion of the Siebel numbers for bryophytes improved the relationship. The survey reveals that the relationships of soil and vegetation with atmospheric N deposition vary between sand dune habitats but, despite this variability, clear correlations with N inputs exist. While this survey cannot establish causality, on the basis of the relationships observed we suggest a critical load range of 10 - 20 kg N ha(-1) yr(-1) for coastal sand dunes in the UK.  相似文献   

The effects of land use on the elemental stoichiometry of aquatic organisms have rarely been studied in semi-arid watersheds. In eight semi-arid sub-watersheds differing in land use, we determined which predictor variable(s) best explains the elemental variability in two basal food resources and benthic macroinvertebrates (BMI). The elemental composition of periphyton and seston was best explained by percentage of urban and agricultural areas, forested land and associated differences in SRP, DOC, and stream water N:P ratios. In contrast, consumer elemental stoichiometry was related to taxonomic identity and feeding mode. Elemental imbalances were higher for collector-gatherer than for scraper and collector-filterer. However, high spatial and temporal variability in the elemental composition of basal food resources obscured clear spatial patterns of imbalances between nutrient-poor upstream and nutrient-rich downstream sites. Results from this study suggest that land use can affect BMI due to alteration in stoichiometry of their food resources. However, taxonomy and allometry must be taken into account to better understand spatial and temporal changes in the elemental composition of BMI. Our results indicate the importance of considering multiple effects to accurately assess land use effects on producer and consumer stoichiometry, particularly the in highly variable Great Basin watersheds.  相似文献   

The decline of sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.) in forest of north-eastern North America is an important environmental issue. In this study, relationships between, soil, wood and foliar chemistry were assessed for 17 stands distributed within a large area of the Quebec sugar maple forest and that were growing on soils with a strong gradient of acidity and base saturation. There were many significant relationships between variables describing the acid-base status of the top-B soil (Ca and Mg concentrations, exchangeable acidity and base saturation) and Ca and Mn concentrations and Ca/Mn and Mg/Mn in tree tissues. Manganese was the element that showed the strongest inverse non-linear relationships with top-B soil base saturation with variance explanation of 71 and 65%, for wood and foliage, respectively. The 17 sites were divided in two groups according to their level of decline. The declining stands had significantly higher wood Mn and Mg concentrations and lower Ca/Mn ratios and significantly higher foliar Mn and lower Ca and Al concentrations. It was impossible to determine if these differences were a cause or a symptom of sugar maple health. However, the increase in Mn concentrations in tree tissues with increasing soil acidity, as well as the higher Mn concentrations in declining as compared to healthy stands suggest that Mn, as well as low Ca availability, could be an important contributing factor in the sugar maple decline.  相似文献   

范泽孟 《生态学报》2021,41(10):4066-4076
黑河流域作为我国典型的生态系统过渡带,深入分析该区域内植被垂直分布变化对气候变化的响应,对于开展区域尺度植被分布对气候变化的响应研究极具代表性。近30年来,黑河流域的植被分布随着平均生物温度和降水分布变化,在空间分布上,尤其是垂直分布上发生了系列变化。基于黑河流域植被类型的410个野外调研采样数据、1980s年代的植被数据、遥感影像、气候观测数据、DEM等多源数据,分别构建了黑河流域气候要素和植被类型垂直分布变化的空间分析模型,定量揭示了黑河流域绿洲农田荒漠带(≤1700 m)、荒漠草原植被带(1700-2100 m)、干性灌丛草原植被带(2100-2500 m)、山地森林草原植被带(2500-3300 m)、高山灌丛草甸植被带(3300-3800 m)和高山寒漠草甸植被带(≥3800 m)6个植被垂直带的植被变化及其对气候变化的响应差异。研究结果表明:在1980s-2010s期间,整个黑河流域植被空间分布的动态变化率为25.75%,发生变化的总面积为203.12万hm2;绿洲农田荒漠植被带的变化面积最大(72.24万hm2),山地森林草原植被带的植被动态变化率最高(56.93%);6个垂直带内的年平均生物温度和平均降水整体上均呈增加趋势,其中降水的增长率随海拔升高呈下降趋势,而平均生物温度的增长率则随海拔升高呈持续上升趋势;黑河流域中低海拔植被带内的植被动态变化与年平均生物温度和平均降水的相关性整体上高于其他植被带;荒漠草原植被带和干性灌丛草原植被带的植被动态变化对气候变化的敏感性高于其他植被带内植被变化对气候变化的敏感性。  相似文献   

Rietkerk  Max  Ketner  Pieter  Burger  Joep  Hoorens  Bart  Olff  Han 《Plant Ecology》2000,148(2):207-224
We studied the degree and scale of patchiness of vegetation and selected soil variables along a gradient of herbivore impact. The gradient consisted of a radial pattern of `high', `intermediate' and `low' herbivore impact around a watering point in a semi-arid environment in Burkina Faso (West Africa). We hypothesised that, at a certain range of herbivore impact, vegetated patches alternating with patches of bare soil would occur as a consequence of plant-soil feedbacks and run-off-run-on patterns. Indeed, our transect data collected along the gradient showed that vegetated patches with a scale of about 5–10 m, alternating with bare soil, occurred at intermediate herbivore impact. When analysing the data from the experimental sites along the gradient, however, we also found a high degree of patchiness of vegetation and soil variables in case of low and high herbivore impact. For low herbivore impact, most variation was spatially explained, up to 100% for vegetation biomass and soil temperature, with a patch scale of about 0.50 m. This was due to the presence of perennial grass tufts of Cymbopogon schoenanthus. Patterns of soil organic matter and NH4-N were highly correlated with these patterns of biomass and soil temperature, up to r=0.7 (P<0.05) for the in situ correlation between biomass and NH4-N. For high herbivore impact, we also found that most variation was spatially explained, up to 100% for biomass and soil temperature, and 84% for soil moisture, with three distinct scales of patchiness (about 0.50 m, 1.80 m and 2.80 m). Here, microrelief had a corresponding patchy structure. For intermediate herbivore impact, again most variation was spatially explained, up to 100% for biomass and soil temperature, and 84% for soil moisture, with a patch scale of about 0.95 m. Here, we found evidence that vegetated patches positively affected soil moisture through less run-off and higher infiltration of rainwater that could not infiltrate into the bare soil elsewhere, which was not due to microrelief. Thus, we conclude that our findings are in line with our initial hypothesis that, at intermediate herbivore impact, vegetated patches alternating with patches of bare soil persist in time due to positive plant-soil feedbacks.  相似文献   

To assess the importance of static catenary factors in controlling the floristic gradient on central Australian sandridges, plant species characteristic of particular topographic zones were transplanted to zones outside their normal topographic range. Both upper-slope species transplanted downslope, and lower-slope species transplanted upslope suffered higher mortality than control plants transplanted within the same topographic zone.  相似文献   

Understanding the pattern of species diversity and soil factors can enhance our knowledge of the mechanism of vegetation recovery, however, there is still a gap in the knowledge of succession rate and trend for species diversity in relation to soil nutrients during the vegetation recovery process. Patterns of species diversity and soil nutrients during the tropical vegetation recovery as well as the correlation between species diversity and soil nutrients were explored in Hainan Island, located in southern China. Plots assigned as grassland stage (GS), shrub stage (SS), secondary forest stage (SFS), and primary forest stage (PFS) were established using a chronosequence approach. Results showed that species richness and evenness increased from GS to PFS. Species dominance/diversity curves were fitted using the lognormal distribution model (r 2 ?=?0.891?C0.972). Species richness for the herb layer was maximal at SFS, whereas species richness for both the shrub layer and tree layer reached their maximum at PFS. Species turnover and soil total phosphorus decreased, whereas organic matter and total nitrogen increased from GS to PFS. Organic matter and total nitrogen were both positively correlated with species richness and total coverage, and total phosphorus was positively correlated with species turnover. The results clearly demonstrate that diversity asymptotically increases and positively correlates with increasing soil fertility, and the total phosphorus value is predicted to be an important soil factor that affects successional rate during tropical vegetation recovery processes.  相似文献   

Both climate and plant species are hypothesized to influence soil organic carbon (SOC) quality, but accurate prediction of how SOC process rates respond to global change will require an improved understanding of how SOC quality varies with mean annual temperature (MAT) and forest type. We investigated SOC quality in paired hardwood and pine stands growing in coarse textured soils located along a 22 °C gradient in MAT. To do this, we conducted 80‐day incubation experiments at 10 and 30 °C to quantify SOC decomposition rates, which we used to kinetically define SOC quality. We used these experiments to test the hypotheses that SOC quality decreases with MAT, and that SOC quality is higher under pine than hardwood tree species. We found that both SOC quantity and quality decreased with increasing MAT. During the 30 °C incubation, temperature sensitivity (Q10) values were strongly and positively related to SOC decomposition rates, indicating that substrate supply can influence temperature responsiveness of SOC decomposition rates. For a limited number of dates, Q10 was negatively related to MAT. Soil chemical properties could not explain observed patterns in soil quality. Soil pH and cation exchange capacity (CEC) both declined with increasing MAT, and soil C quality was positively related to pH but negatively related to CEC. Clay mineralogy of soils also could not explain patterns of SOC quality as complex (2 : 1), high CEC clay minerals occurred in cold climate soils while warm climate soils were dominated by simpler (1 : 1), low CEC clay minerals. While hardwood sites contained more SOC than pine sites, with differences declining with MAT, clay content was also higher in hardwood soils. In contrast, there was no difference in SOC quality between pine and hardwood soils. Overall, these findings indicate that SOC quantity and quality may both decrease in response to global warming, despite long‐term changes in soil chemistry and mineralogy that favor decomposition.  相似文献   

Summary In the Negev Desert, Israel, the Indian crested porcupine, Hystrix indica, digs similar sized, discrete, elongated pits (257±21.3 cm3; n=144) while foraging for below-ground plant storage organs. In these digs, soil moisture content is higher than in the surrounding soil matrix. The digs disturb population and community structure due to porcupine consumption or damage of 18 species of plants, and repopulation by 55 plant species. Over the past 14 years we have studied dig dynamics on a rocky hillslope with three distinct habitats as regards soil moisture content. Midslope soil moisture is the highest, decreasing towards upper and lower slope. We have counted a total of 6,609 digs in the area: 2141 on the upper, 3211 in the middle and 1257 on the lower part of the slope. The number of digs at midslope is significantly higher than on the other parts of the slope (ANOVA; P<0.0001). There is a significant (P<0.05) correlation between the mean number of porcupine digs and the cumulative rainfall amount for the 2 years prior to dig formation. To study plant repopulation in digs, all plants in 144 digs along the slope and from equal sized plots in the undistarbed soil matrix were collected. In all, 288 samples with 20 584 plants were collected, 2042 from the matrix and 18,542 from digs. Of the 55 species, we focused on the abundance patterns of Filago desertorum, Picris cyanocarpa and Bromus rubens, which made up 69.5% of all the individuals in the digs and 68.3% in the matrix. Our results showed that all three species increased in abundance in the digs as compared to the matrix. F. desertorum density increased by a factor of 2.9, P. cyanocarpa by 9.5 and B. rubens by 12.0. There were species-specific responses in abundance to the location of the digs along the moisture gradient. The only species whose abundance responded to the moisture gradient was F. desertorum. P. cyanocarpa demonstrated peak abundance in the location with the poorest moisture regime, while B. rubens showed peak abundance at the intermediate part of the moisture gradient. We suggest a scheme for integrating the increase in density and the species-specific responses to the digs along a water gradient based on R.H. Whittaker's view of individual species abundances along an environmental gradient.  相似文献   

The understanding of succession from rich fen to poorer fen types requires knowledge of changes in hydrology, water composition, peat chemistry and peat accumulation in the successional process. Water flow patterns, water levels and water chemistry, mineralisation rates and nutrient concentrations in above-ground vegetation were studied along a extreme-rich fen-moderate-rich fen gradient at Biebrza (Poland). The extreme-rich fen was a temporary groundwater discharge area, while in the moderate-rich fen groundwater flows laterally towards the river. The moderate-rich fen has a rainwater lens in spring and significant lower concentrations of calcium and higher concentrations of phosphate in the surface water. Mineralisation rates for N, P and K were higher in the moderate-rich fen. Phosphorus concentrations in plant material of the moderate-rich fen were higher than in the extreme-rich fen, but concentrations of N and K in plant material did not differ between both fen types. Water level dynamics and macro-remains of superficial peat deposits were similar in both fen types.We concluded that the differences observed in the moderate-rich and the extreme-rich fens were caused by subtile differences in the proportion of water sources at the peat surface (rainwater and calcareous groundwater, respectively). Development of an extreme-rich fen into a moderate-rich fen was ascribed to recent changes in river hydrology possibly associated with a change in management practices. The observed differences in P-availability between the fen types did not result in significantly different biomass. Moreover, biomass production in both fen types was primarily N-limited although P-availability was restricted too in the extreme-rich fen. Aulacomnium palustre, the dominant moss in the moderate-rich fen, might be favoured in competition because of its broad nutrient tolerance and its quick establishment after disturbance. It might outcompete low productive rich fen species which were shown to be N-limited in both fens. We present a conceptual model of successional pathways of rich fen vegetation in the Biebrza region.  相似文献   

Summary Soil temperature, moisture, and CO2 were monitored at four sites along an elevation transect in the eastern Mojave Desert from January to October, 1987. Climate appeared to be the major factor controlling CO2 partial pressures, primarily through its influence of rates of biological reactions, vegetation densities, and organic matter production. With increasing elevation, and increasing actual evapotranspiration, the organic C, plant density, and the CO2 content of the soils increased. Between January and May, soil CO2 concentrations at a given site were closely related to variations in soil temperature. In July and October, temperatures had little effect on CO2, presumably due to low soil moisture levels. Up to 75% of litter placed in the field in March was lost by October whereas, for the 3 lower elevations, less than 10% of the litter placed in the field in April was lost through decomposition processes.  相似文献   

Mature plants of species which characteristically occupy the mobile crests and upper slopes of the central Australian sandridges are more tolerant of sand burial or undercutting than those of the lower slopes and swales. Seedlings growing on the mobile crest areas are susceptible to sand burial, even during wet years. The young shoots of vegetatively spreading species are less susceptible than individual seedlings of the same size.  相似文献   

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