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为探讨亚热带森林对氮沉降增加的响应,项目在杉木人工林中开展了野外模拟N沉降试验,分N0(对照)、N1、N2、N3等4种处理,N沉降量分别为0、60、120、240(kgNhm-2a-1)。通过3a的研究发现,中高氮处理(N2、N3)明显促进了杉木胸径的生长,而低氮处理(N1)则没有产生明显影响。氮沉降对树高生长也有明显的促进作用,但随着氮沉降水平的增加其影响有减弱趋势。通过各水平N处理后,杉木年平均蓄积增长量分别为28.82、28.96、32.63m3hm-2和33.68m3hm-2,表明N沉降在一定程度上增加了林分蓄积量的积累,但处理之间的差异没有达到统计上的显著性水平。随着氮沉降水平的增加,NH4 -N和NO3--N含量明显上升,而土壤pH值、有机质、速效P、速效K和交换性Ca、Mg含量则呈下降趋势。杉木针叶养分状况对氮沉降的响应也比较敏感,N1、N2、N3处理使针叶平均N含量分别增加18.25%、11.68%和13.14%,但对P、K、Ca、Mg含量表现出一定的抑制作用。  相似文献   

巨桉混交林不同树种C、N、P化学计量特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以巨桉人工混交林不同树种为研究对象,分析了巨桉及伴生树种红椿、台湾桤木、檫木的叶片、凋落叶和相应土壤的C、N、P化学计量特征。结果表明:不同树种叶片、凋落叶、土壤N∶P分别为6.7~9.7、8.6~9.7和1.6~4.0,C∶N分别为29.6~62.8、78.4~101.8和15.3~19.5,C∶P分别为279.9~459.3、639.0~795.9和24.9~77.6;4个树种中,檫木具有最高的C储存能力和N、P利用效率;伴生树种凋落叶的C∶N、C∶P低于巨桉,说明伴生树种凋落叶的可分解性更强,引入伴生树种会加快混交林的N、P循环速率;所有树种叶片N∶P10,说明混交林4个树种较大程度上受N限制且巨桉受N限制的情况更突出,混交林中不同树种土壤N、P含量及化学计量特征具有显著的差异,引入伴生树种可改变巨桉人工林生态系统的养分循环;随着林龄的增加,伴生树种在巨桉人工林生态系统养分循环中的正效应会体现得更加明显。  相似文献   

采伐剩余物不同处理方式会改变输入土壤的有机质数量和质量,直接或间接影响土壤的养分组成与含量。氮作为重要的土壤养分之一,其有机氮组分对采伐剩余物不同处理方式的响应仍不明确。本研究在福建省三明市格氏栲自然保护区内,对50多年生的杉木成熟林皆伐后的采伐剩余物分别进行清除、保留、火烧处理,并种植杉木5年时,采用H2SO4水解法对不同土层(0~10、10~20 cm)土壤有机氮组分及其影响因素进行研究。结果表明: 保留处理显著提高了土壤有机氮及活性组分的含量。0~10 cm土层中,保留处理土壤有机氮含量(3.36 g·kg-1)分别是清除处理、火烧处理的1.5和1.3倍,活性氮Ⅰ、Ⅱ含量也以保留处理最高;10~20 cm土层中,保留处理土壤有机氮和活性氮Ⅱ含量(2.20、0.73 g·kg-1)也显著高于清除和火烧处理,而且保留处理的活性氮指数Ⅱ(33.9%)显著高于火烧处理(26.1%)。两个土层均以保留处理的总碳、可溶性有机碳、可溶性有机氮含量,以及微生物生物量碳、氮最高。与清除处理相比,保留处理显著提高0~10 cm土层细菌(革兰氏阳性菌、阴性菌)含量;10~20 cm土层中,保留处理的真菌含量最高,放线菌含量最低。相关分析表明,土壤有机氮及活性组分与土壤总碳、可溶性有机碳、可溶性有机氮、微生物生物量及土壤细菌(革兰氏阳性菌、阴性菌)、真菌呈显著正相关,与放线菌呈显著负相关。保留处理有利于提高土壤有机氮及活性氮组分含量,改善土壤生化性质,对土壤微生物群落组成具有积极的影响,是维持土壤肥力和提高森林生产力的有效经营管理措施。  相似文献   

根据福建省南平市峡阳国有林场二代杉木(Cunninghamia lanceolata(Lamb.) Hook)人工林5种采伐剩余物管理措施(收获采伐剩余物和地被层、全树收获、仅收获树干和树皮以及加倍采伐剩余物、炼山)下0-40 cm深度土壤全碳、全氮含量15a的监测数据,研究了采伐剩余物管理措施对杉木林土壤碳氮含量的影响.结果显示,加倍采伐剩余物处理样地5次取样年份(造林第3年、第6年、第9年、第12年和第15年)0-10 cm土层土壤全碳、全氮含量均高于其他处理样地,但单因素方差分析显示,采伐剩余物管理措施在5次取样年份对0-10 cm、10-20 cm和20-40 cm土层全碳、全氮含量均没有显著影响(P>0.05).重复测量方差分析显示,杉木造林15a期间土壤全碳、全氮含量随年份显著变化(P<0.01),但处理措施以及处理措施与取样年份的交互作用对3个土层土壤全碳、全氮含量影响不显著(P>0.05).杉木林15年生时,不同处理样地3个土层碳储量差异不显著(P>0.05),0-40 cm土层平均值为88.71 Mg/hm2.表明采伐剩余物管理措施对亚热带杉木人工林土壤全碳、全氮含量的长期效应并不显著.  相似文献   

Aims Increasing anthropogenic nitrogen (N) deposition has been claimed to induce changes in species composition and community dynamics. A greenhouse experiment was conducted to examine the effect of increased N availability on growth and functional attributes of seedlings of five tree species with different life history characteristics under varying irradiances. The following questions have been addressed: (i) how do the pioneer and non-pioneer species respond in absolute growth and relative growth rate (RGR) to the interaction of light and nitrogen? (ii) how does the interaction between irradiance and nitrogen availability modulate growth attributes (i.e. functional attributes)? (iii) is there any variation in growth responses between leguminous and non-leguminous species along the light and nitrogen gradients?Methods Seedlings of five tree species (Acacia catechu, Bridelia retusa, Dalbergia sissoo, Lagerstroemia parviflora and Terminalia arjuna) were subjected to twelve combinations of irradiance and N levels. Various growth traits, including height (HT), basal area (BA), whole plant dry biomass (M D), leaf mass per unit area (LMA), leaf area ratio (LAR), net assimilation rate (NAR), RGR, biomass fractions, root-to-shoot ratio (R:S) and leaf nitrogen content, were studied to analyse intra- and inter-specific responses to interacting light and N gradients.Important findings Significant interactions for irradiance and N availability for majority of growth attributes indicates that growth and biomass allocation of seedlings were more responsive to N availability under high irradiance. However, species responded differentially to N addition and they did not follow successional status. Slow growers (B. retusa, a shade-tolerant species and L. parviflora, a light demander) exhibited greater response to N enrichment than the fast growers (A. catechu, D. sissoo and T. arjuna). However, N-mediated increment in growth traits was greater in non-legumes (B. retusa, L. parviflora and T. arjuna) compared with that of legumes (A. catechu and D. sissoo). Allocation of biomass to root was strongly suppressed at the highest N supply across species; however, at high irradiance and high N availability, a greater suppression in R:S ratio was observed for B. retusa. NAR was a stronger determinant of RGR relative to LAR, suggesting its prominent role in increased RGR along increasing irradiances. Overall, a higher growth response of slow-growing species to elevated N levels, particularly the non-pioneers (B. retusa and L. parviflora) suggests that future N deposition may lead to perturbations in competition hierarchies and species composition, ultimately affecting community dynamics in nutrient-poor tropical dry forests.  相似文献   

Although fine roots might account for 50% of the annual net primary productivity in moist tropical forests, there are relatively few studies of fine-root dynamics in this biome. We examined fine-root distributions, mass, growth and tissue N and C concentrations for six tree species established in 16-year-old plantations in the Caribbean lowlands of Costa Rica in a randomized-block design (n = 4). The study included five native species (Hyeronima alchorneoides, Pentaclethra macroloba, Virola koschnyi, Vochysia ferruginea and Vochysia guatemalensis) and one exotic (Pinus patula). Under all species >60% of the total fine-root mass to 1 m deep was located in the uppermost 15 cm of the soil. Fine-root live biomass and necromass (i.e., the mass of dead fine-roots) varied significantly among species but only within the uppermost 15 cm, with biomass values ranging from 182 g m−2 in Pinus to 433 g m−2 in Hyeronima plots, and necromass ranging from 48 g m−2 in Pinus to 183 g m−2 in Virola plots. Root growth, measured using ingrowth cores, differed significantly among species, ranging from 304 g m−2 year−1 in Pinus to 1,308 g m−2 year−1 in Hyeronima. These growth rates were one to five times those reported for moist temperate areas. Turnover rates of fine-root biomass ranged from 1.6 to 3.0 year−1 in Virola and Hyeronima plots, respectively. Fine-root biomass was significantly and positively correlated with fine-root growth (r = 0.79, P < 0.0001), but did not correlate with fine-root turnover (r = 0.10, P = 0.20), suggesting that fine-root accumulation is a function of growth rate rather than mortality. Fine-root longevity was not correlated (r = 0.20, P = 0.34) and growth was negatively correlated with root N concentration across species (r = −0.78, P < 0.0001), contrary to reported trends for leaves, perhaps because N was relatively abundant at this site.  相似文献   


Background and aims

Eucalyptus plantations cover 20 million hectares on highly weathered soils. Large amounts of nitrogen (N) exported during harvesting lead to concerns about their sustainability. Our goal was to assess the potential of introducing A. mangium trees in highly productive Eucalyptus plantations to enhance soil organic matter stocks and N availability.


A randomized block design was set up in a Brazilian Ferralsol soil to assess the effects of mono-specific Eucalyptus grandis (100E) and Acacia mangium (100A) stands and mixed plantations (50A:50E) on soil organic matter stocks and net N mineralization.


A 6-year rotation of mono-specific A. mangium plantations led to carbon (C) and N stocks in the forest floor that were 44% lower and 86% higher than in pure E. grandis stands, respectively. Carbon and N stocks were not significantly different between the three treatments in the 0–15?cm soil layer. Field incubations conducted every 4?weeks for the two last years of the rotation estimated net soil N mineralization in 100A and 100E at 124 and 64?kg?ha?1?yr?1, respectively. Nitrogen inputs to soil with litterfall were of the same order as net N mineralization.


Acacia mangium trees largely increased the turnover rate of N in the topsoil. Introducing A. mangium trees might improve mineral N availability in soils where commercial Eucalyptus plantations have been managed for a long time.  相似文献   

桉树人工林地土壤酶活性与微量元素含量的关系   总被引:21,自引:2,他引:19  
运用典范相关分析研究了桉树人工林地土壤酶活性和土壤微量元素含量关系。结果表明,Zn和Mn对土壤蛋白酶活性的促进作用最大。Zn在一定程度上对脲酶和过氧化氢酶有抑制作用;而Mn对脲酶和过氧化氢酶有促进作用。结合林地生物的生长特征等因子,"综合土壤酶因子"可作为土壤肥力评价的一个指标,对桉树林地土种的划分有一定意义。  相似文献   

为了解采伐干扰对巨桉(Eucalyptus grandis)人工林土壤动物的影响,于2005~2007年采用手捡法和干湿漏斗法对四川省洪雅县巨桉人工林采伐干扰前和采伐干扰后土壤动物群落进行调查,采伐干扰前四季共获土壤动物4775头,分属4门11纲27目,采伐干扰后获土壤动物4640头,分属4门10纲23目.采伐干扰后秋季(10月)、冬季(1月)和春季(4月)土壤动物个体数较采伐干扰前分别上升224头、368头和443头,而夏季(7月)下降了1170头.采伐干扰前巨桉人工林土壤动物个体数与类群数季节变化趋势基本一致,而采伐干扰后土壤动物类群数变化受土壤动物个体数变化的影响较小.与采伐干扰前相比,采伐干扰后枯落物层各季节土壤动物密度均低于采伐前,0~5 cm土层土壤动物密度与干扰前呈相反的变化趋势,其波动较5~10 cm和10~15 cm土层大.采伐干扰后土壤动物类群数四季共减少4个,采伐干扰前后土壤动物优势类群类群数波动小,采伐后常见类群类群数上升(除冬季外),稀有类群对采伐干扰较敏感,其类群数下降幅度较大.采伐干扰前后同功能种团均以杂食性和腐食性土壤动物为主,两者百分比之和均在89%以上.密度-类群指数(DG)和多样性指数(H′)的变化趋势相似,采伐干扰前后的变化趋势相反,表明采伐干扰对巨桉人工林土壤动物季节变化有较大影响.  相似文献   

巨桉人工林中小型土壤动物类群分布规律   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
黄玉梅  张健  杨万勤 《应用生态学报》2006,17(12):2327-2331
研究了四川省洪雅县巨桉人工林中小型土壤动物类群及数量分布规律.结果表明,巨桉人工林四季共获中小型土壤动物13 550头,分属6门13纲26目,以蜱螨目、线虫纲、弹尾目为优势类群,以线蚓科为常见类群.各样地中小型土壤动物类群数、个体数均有明显季节变化,以秋季或冬季最高,春季最低,夏季次之.中小型土壤动物密度剖面分布表聚性明显,但在5~10 cm和10~15 cm土层间有时会出现逆向分布现象.中小型湿生土壤动物密度为3.333×103~2.533×105个·m-2,中小型干生土壤动物密度为1.670×102~2.393×105个·m-2,中小型湿生土壤动物密度自上而下减少的速率小于中小型干生土壤动物.巨桉人工林中小型土壤动物密度-类群(DG)指数以春季最低,秋季或夏季最高(可达6.637).巨桉人工林与青冈次生林中小型土壤动物密度及DG指数均无显著差异.  相似文献   

一个年龄序列巨桉人工林植物和土壤生物多样性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了全面、系统研究和评价退耕后桉树人工林生物多样性,采用立地条件控制及空间代替时间法,对四川丹棱县退耕营造的巨桉(Eucalyptus grands)人工林(1-10a)植物和土壤生物多样性进行了同步研究.结果显示,植物和土壤动物的物种数、密度和多样性指数及土壤微生物数量呈相似变化趋势,即轮伐期前同步(4a左右)降低,此后随林龄显著增加.CCA分析显示,植物生活型随林龄由藤本植物、地面芽和1年生植物向多年生草本高位芽和高位芽植物过渡.土壤微生物以细菌占据数量优势;土壤动物以腐食性功能团占据优势,杂食性次之.腐食性功能团1-7a降低而后升高,杂食性呈S型升高趋势;植食性和捕食性功能团百分比较低随林龄显著降低.土壤动物优势类群中线虫纲个体百分比随林龄显著降低,蜱螨目百分比和A/C值(蜱螨目/弹尾目数量比)呈S型上升趋势.各林龄巨桉林地植物多样性均显著高于对照农耕地;除1,2a及4-7a样地植物多样性显著低于对照马尾松林,其余均与其无显著差异.土壤生物多样性,轮伐期前巨桉林地与对照农耕地差异不显著,此后则显著高于农耕地;各林龄样地土壤生物多样性均显著低于对照马尾松林.植物和土壤生物多样性指标显著相关,且相关系数随土壤层次加深而降低.  相似文献   

Owing to the increased demand for ethanol biofuel from sugar cane, the area planted to this crop in Brazil has increased from 4.8 to 9.5 Mha since 2000. At the same time there has been pressure from environmental groups and others to cease the pre-harvest burning of cane, and today over 40% of the crop is harvested without burning, thus conserving the trash on the soil surface. While most trash decomposes during the year, it is generally assumed that this transition from burning to trash conservation will have benefits for cane productivity and increase soil carbon stocks. To investigate the possible benefits of this change of practice an experiment was carried out in the state of Espírito Santo, south-eastern Brazil, to investigate the long-term effects of the practice of pre-harvested burning compared to trash conservation on soil fertility and soil C and N stocks. The results showed that over a 14-year period, trash conservation marginally decreased soil acidity and significantly increased soil C and N stocks in 0–10 cm depth interval. Although the trash conservation treatment accumulated 13 Mg C ha?1 more than the burned treatment, this difference was not statistically different. However, the stocks of N to 100 cm depth were 900 kg ha?1 higher under the trash conservation treatment and this difference was statistically significant. The 13C abundance data suggested that where trash was conserved, more soil C was derived from the sugar cane than from the original native vegetation.  相似文献   

A published meta-analysis of worldwide data showed soil carbon decreasing following land use change from pasture to conifer plantation. A paired site (a native pasture with Themeda triandra dominant, and an adjacent Pinus radiata plantation planted onto the pasture 16 years ago) was set up as a case study to assess the soil carbon reduction and the possible reason for the reduction under pine, including the change in fine root (diameter <2 mm) dynamics (production and mortality). Soil analysis confirmed that soil carbon and nitrogen stocks to 100 cm under the plantation were significantly less than under the pasture by 20 and 15%, respectively. A 36% greater mass of fine root was found in the soil under the pasture than under the plantation and the length of fine root was about nine times greater in the pasture. Much less fine root length was produced and roots died more slowly under the plantation than under the pasture based on observations of fine root dynamics in minirhizotrons. The annual inputs of fine root litter to the top 100 cm soil, estimated from soil coring and minirhizotron observations, were 6.3 Mg dry matter ha−1 year−1 (containing 2.7 Mg C and 38.9 kg N) under the plantation, and 9.7 Mg ha−1 year−1 (containing 3.6 Mg C and 81.4 kg N) under the pasture. The reduced amount of carbon, following afforestation of the pasture, in each depth-layer of the soil profile correlated with the lower length of dead fine roots in the layer under the plantation compared with the pasture. This correlation was consistent with the hypothesis that the soil carbon reduction after land use change from pasture to conifer plantation might be related to change of fine root dynamics, at least in part.  相似文献   

Questions: How are leaf attributes and relative growth rate (RGR) of the dominant tree species of tropical deciduous forest (TDF) affected by seasonal changes in soil moisture content (SMC)? What is the relationship of functional attributes with each other? Can leaf attributes singly or in combination predict the growth rate of tree species of TDF? Location: Sonebhadra district of Uttar Pradesh, India. Methods: Eight leaf attributes, specific leaf area (SLA); leaf carbon concentration (LCC); leaf nitrogen concentration (LNC); leaf phosphorus concentration (LPC); chlorophyll concentration (Chl), mass‐based stomatal conductance (Gsmass); mass based photosynthetic rate (Amass); intrinsic water use efficiency (WUEi); and relative growth rate (RGR), of six dominant tree species of a dry tropical forest on four sites were analysed for species, site and season effects over a 2‐year period. Step‐wise multiple regression was performed for predicting RGR from mean values of SMC and leaf attributes. Path analysis was used to determine which leaf attributes influence RGR directly and which indirectly. Results: Species differed significantly in terms of all leaf attributes and RGR. The response of species varied across sites and seasons. The attributes were positively interrelated, except for WUEi, which was negatively related to all other attributes. The positive correlation was strongest between Gsmass and Amass and the negative correlation was strongest between Gsmass and WUEi. Differences in RGR due to site were not significant when soil moisture was controlled, but differences due to season remained significant. The attributes showed plasticity across moisture gradients, which differed among attributes and species. Gsmass was the most plastic attribute. Among the six species, Terminalia tomentosa exhibited the greatest plasticity in six functional attributes. In the step‐wise multiple regression, Amass, SLA and Chl among leaf attributes and SMC among environmental factors influenced the RGR of tree species. Path analysis indicated the importance of SLA, LNC, Chl and Amass in determining RGR. Conclusion: A mass, SMC, SLA and Chl in combination can be used to predict RGR but could explain only three‐quarters of the variability in RGR, indicating that other traits/factors, not studied here, are also important in modulating growth of tropical trees. RGR of tree species in the dry tropical environment is determined by soil moisture, whereas the response of mature trees of different species is modulated by alterations in key functional attributes such as SLA, LNC and Chl.  相似文献   

为科学筛选提升南亚热带人工林生产力的树种配置模式,选择南亚热带8个乡土树种,采用随机区组的试验设计,建立了树种多样性梯度(1、2、4、6个树种)人工新造林试验平台,研究树种多样性及不同功能特性树种混交对人工林早期树木生长的影响。结果表明: 在树木生长第5年,树木生长并没有随树种多样性增加而增加;速生树种马尾松和米老排纯林生长量是珍贵树种红椎和格木纯林的2.5~4.5倍;2个树种混交和4个树种混交情况下,针阔树种混交、速生树种与固氮树种混交显著提高树木生长量51.5%~132.8%,而当6个树种混交时,不同树种组配对生长量没有显著影响。不同树种配置模式下土壤氮、磷养分是影响树木早期生长的主要因素。针阔树种混交、速生和固氮树种混交能显著提高南亚热带人工林树木的早期生长。  相似文献   

The effects of producer diversity on predators have received little attention in arboreal plant communities, particularly in the tropics. This is particularly true in the case of tree diversity effects on web‐building spiders, one of the most important groups of invertebrate predators in terrestrial plant communities. We evaluated the effects of tree species diversity on the community of weaver spiders associated with big‐leaf mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla) in 19, 21 × 21‐m plots (64 plants/plot) of a tropical forest plantation which were either mahogany monocultures (12 plots) or polycultures (seven plots) that included mahogany and three other tree species. We conducted two surveys of weaver spiders on mahogany trees to evaluate the effects of tree diversity on spider abundance, species richness, diversity, and species composition associated with mahogany. Our results indicated that tree species mixtures exhibited significantly greater spider abundance, species richness, and diversity, as well as differences in spider species composition relative to monocultures. These results could be due to species polycultures providing a broader range of microhabitat conditions favoring spider species with different habitat requirements, a greater availability of web‐building sites, or due to increased diversity or abundance of prey. Accordingly, these results emphasize the importance of mixed forest plantations for boosting predator abundance and diversity and potentially enhancing herbivore pest suppression. Future work is necessary to determine the specific mechanisms underlying these patterns as well as the top‐down effects of increased spider abundance and species richness on herbivore abundance and damage.  相似文献   

Natural rubber is a valuable source of income in many tropical countries and rubber trees are increasingly planted in tropical areas, where they contribute to land-use changes that impact the global carbon cycle. However, little is known about the carbon balance of these plantations. We studied the soil carbon balance of a 15-year-old rubber plantation in Thailand and we specifically explored the seasonal dynamic of soil CO2 efflux (F S) in relation to seasonal changes in soil water content (W S) and soil temperature (T S), assessed the partitioning of F S between autotrophic (R A) and heterotrophic (R H) sources in a root trenching experiment and estimated the contribution of aboveground and belowground carbon inputs to the soil carbon budget. A multiplicative model combining both T S and W S explained 58 % of the seasonal variation of F S. Annual soil CO2 efflux averaged 1.88 kg C m?2 year?1 between May 2009 and April 2011 and R A and R H accounted for respectively 63 and 37 % of F S, after corrections of F S measured on trenched plots for root decomposition and for difference in soil water content. The 4-year average annual aboveground litterfall was 0.53 kg C m?2 year?1 while a conservative estimate of belowground carbon input into the soil was much lower (0.17 kg C m?2 year?1). Our results highlighted that belowground processes (root and rhizomicrobial respiration and the heterotrophic respiration related to belowground carbon input into the soil) have a larger contribution to soil CO2 efflux (72 %) than aboveground litter decomposition.  相似文献   

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