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[目的]花绒寄甲Dastarcus helophoroides是天牛类林木蛀干害虫的主要天敌昆虫,为提升花绒寄甲的人工繁育技术和繁育质量,在不同环境温度下,测试了不同体型大小的花绒寄甲对成虫死亡率和产卵量的影响.[方法]按成虫体型大小将花绒寄甲分成较大、较小和中等3组,根据前期不同温度下的饲养经验,分别测试成虫在20、24和28℃下的存活率和产卵量.[结果]体型相同的个体随环境温度升高死亡率增加;20℃时体型小的死亡率高,24℃和28℃各组死亡率无显著性差异;中等个体组在24℃和28℃下的产卵量大于在20℃下的产卵量;同一温度条件下,体型显著影响雌虫的产卵量,体型大者产卵量高.[结论]体型大小对成虫死亡率影响不明显,但对产卵量有较大影响.  相似文献   

为了解人工饲养条件下影响花绒寄甲卵发育的因子,本研究测定了不同储存时间、温度和湿度下花绒寄甲孵化率和初孵幼虫寄生率,结果显示,储存时间对花绒寄甲孵化率和寄生率影响最大,对照组处理的孵化率最高为97.88%,而储存1个月处理的寄生率最高为30.80%,储存3个月处理无幼虫孵化,且各处理间差异极显著。各温度处理对孵化率影响无差异,11℃处理孵化率最高为93.83%,8℃处理最低为89.97%,而各温度处理对寄生率的影响差异极显著,11℃处理最高为47.80%,5℃处理最低为25.00%。湿度处理对孵化率和寄生率的影响均无差异,湿度80%处理孵化率最高为94.05%,湿度40%处理的寄生率最高为39.20%。本研究结果可为提高花绒寄甲繁殖率提供理论依据,为推广生物防治害虫提供充足的天敌资源。  相似文献   

释放花绒寄甲防治天牛已成为重要手段,而繁殖花绒寄甲时,接种花绒寄甲幼虫到大麦虫蛹体时,控制合适的接种量是提高花绒寄甲繁殖数量和质量的关键技术。本研究通过在替代寄主上人工接种不同数量的花绒寄甲幼虫,观察其发育情况及其子代数量、质量等指标,明确最佳接种量。结果表明:随着接种量的增加,花绒寄甲幼虫历期和蛹历期明显缩短,其中接种4头/个和6头/个,幼虫历期为13 d,蛹历期为33 d,而接种14头/个和16头/个时,幼虫历期短于12 d,蛹历期明显缩短为28~29 d。花绒寄甲结茧数随接种量增加而增加,接种数为16头/个时,结茧数最多,接近7个。花绒寄甲结茧率随着接种量增多而降低,4头/个时,结茧率最高为72.3%。接种量对花绒寄甲子代个体数量和大小均有显著影响,其中接种8头/个时,羽化数平均为4.3头,显著高于接种4头/个(羽化数平均为2.8头),明显低于接种16头/个(羽化数平均为6.9头)。接种量为4头/个和6头/个时,子代成虫个体最大,单头重平均每头可达0.035 g,接种量为8头/个时,成虫单头重平均每头0.032 g左右,接种量达到16头/个时,单头重最轻,为0.023 g。对花绒寄甲羽化率无显著影响,7个处理下子代羽化率均较高,平均在94.4%~100%。接种量越少,更利于花绒寄甲的生长发育,当接种量为4头/个时,花绒寄甲成虫发育最好,其子代个体最大,但子代数较少。因此,利用大麦虫蛹繁育花绒寄甲种虫时,最佳接种量为4头/个,而需要规模化繁育花绒寄甲作为天敌使用时,综合考虑子代数量和质量以及经济成本,最佳接种量为8头/个。  相似文献   

【目的】探讨取食不同浓度外源海藻糖对室内饲养的花绒寄甲 Dastarcus helophoroides 成虫存活和耐寒性的影响。【方法】在室内分别用含3%, 6%和9%海藻糖的半人工饲料饲养花绒寄甲成虫,以取食不含海藻糖的半人工饲料的花绒寄甲成虫为对照组,统计饲养10周后的存活率,测定未经低温处理和10℃低温处理3 d的成虫过冷却点和含水量。【结果】取食含6%海藻糖的半人工饲料的花绒寄甲成虫存活率最高,为86.67%。不管是否经低温处理,取食含9%海藻糖的半人工饲料的成虫与取食含3%和6%海藻糖的半人工饲料的成虫以及不含海藻糖的半人工饲料的成虫(对照)相比,其过冷却点均最低,其中未经低温处理的成虫过冷却点为-19.30℃,而经低温处理的成虫过冷却点为-21.60℃。低温处理对取食不含海藻糖的半人工饲料的成虫的含水量有显著影响,而对取食含海藻糖的半人工饲料的成虫含水量无显著影响。【结论】外源海藻糖对花绒寄甲成虫的存活和过冷却点有显著影响,可以利用外源海藻糖提高室内饲养花绒寄甲成虫的存活率和耐寒性。  相似文献   

魏建荣  牛艳玲 《昆虫学报》2011,54(12):1399-1399
光肩星天牛Anoplophora glabripennis(Motsch.)是我国西北及华北地区危害杨树、柳树等树种的主要蛀干害虫,较难防治.花绒寄甲Dastarcus helophoroides(Fairmaire)是光肩星天牛等林木蛀干害虫的重要天敌昆虫.我国近儿年来已开始广泛利用花绒寄甲对光肩星天牛进行生物防治,...  相似文献   

人工光暗条件下花绒寄甲成虫活动行为节律   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】花绒寄甲 Dastarcus helophoroides (Fairmaire)是林木蛀干害虫重要的天敌昆虫,研究其行为活动昼夜节律,可以深入了解该虫的生物学特性、阐明其生活习性。【方法】采用室内(温度27±1℃、相对湿度65%±10%)条件下雌雄单头隔离饲养的方法,将该虫的行为活动分为移动、取食、饮水、木块处静息和木块外静息5种行为,每隔30 min记录一次,于2014年7月10-15日连续进行观察。【结果】移动和木块处静息行为存在明显的昼夜节律;移动行为主要发生在暗期,移动高峰发生在20:30-22:30和2:00-4:00之间,而在光期的6:00-16:30之间移动行为发生较少木块处静息行为主要发生在光期的9:30-16:30和暗期的0:00-1:30之间,而在20:30-23:00 的暗期中木块处静息行为发生较少。一天内,该虫发生取食和饮水行为均较少,两类行为主要发生在0:00-14:00之间。木块外静息行为主要发生在暗期的0:30-3:30和20:00-22:00之间。雌、雄成虫的各行为出现的时间和发生百分率无显著差异。【结论】花绒寄甲成虫活动行为受到光、暗条件的显著影响,移动行为主要发生在暗期,而各活动行为在雌、雄虫之间无显著性差异。  相似文献   

对花绒寄甲活体雌雄性成虫进行无损伤鉴别,对其形态特征进行了仔细观察研究,从中选取几个主要特征(肛板顶角角度及其长宽比,鞘翅端角区等)作为观测对象,进行比较分析,并对所得结论作了验证.结果表明,利用这些特征来鉴别,不仅能有效可靠地区别其雌雄性、而且不造成伤害,可在人工繁殖及释放花绒寄甲进行生物防治中应用.  相似文献   

为了了解花绒寄甲的飞行行为以及评估其飞行能力,本研究采用飞行磨吊飞技术,测定了不同性别的花绒寄甲成虫在15℃、20℃、25℃、30℃和35℃条件下的飞行距离、飞行持续时间以及平均飞行速度的差异。研究结果表明,花绒寄甲是一种飞行能力很强的昆虫,24 h内最远能飞行22 km,飞行持续时间可达11 h,飞行平均速度在0.43~0.55 m/s之间。总体上雌性花绒寄甲飞行距离和飞行时间均随温度升高而增加,但温度对飞行速度的影响不显著。生物防治生产实践中,花绒寄甲适宜的释放温度在25℃到35℃之间。  相似文献   

温度对草地螟成虫产卵和寿命的影响   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
罗礼智  李光博 《昆虫学报》1993,36(4):459-464
在16℃、19℃、22℃、25℃.28℃,31℃和34℃的范围内, 草地螟(Loxostege sticticalis L.)成虫的产卵前期与温度的关系呈逻辑靳谛曲线,产卵雌蛾数、产卵历期和产卵量均以22℃为最高。初步确定19-25℃为草地螟蛾产卵的适温范围,22℃为最适产卵温度,16℃和34℃分别为产卵温度的下限和上限。成虫寿命与温度的关系为负相关(r=-0.91,P<0.01)。表明在试验温度范围内,温度越高,成虫寿命越短。但温度对雌雄成虫寿命的影响不一致,在28℃以下的温度内,雄蛾寿命比雌蛾长;在31-34℃的范围内,雄蛾寿命比雌蛾短。根据以上研究结果,对我国草地螟发生为害区的种群动态规律进行了讨论。  相似文献   

广东地区花绒寄甲替代寄主的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
将花绒寄甲Dastarcus heloporoides Fairmaire幼虫接于替代寄主黄粉甲Tenebrio molitor、吉丁虫Buprestidaesp和大麦虫Zophobas morio,结果表明,黄粉甲幼虫、蛹和成虫均能繁育出花绒寄甲成虫,平均羽化率能达到20%以上,是较好的替代寄主.用黄粉甲繁育的花绒寄...  相似文献   

Ova ageing is the most important factor affecting fish egg quality after ovulation. Long-term storage of fish ova, using cryopreservation and vitrification techniques, has been unsuccessful to date. Instead, short-term in vitro ova storage has been used successfully and optimized in some cultured fish species. In vitro ova storage can drastically improve mass production of larvae and juveniles in the hatcheries by providing the possibility of the synchronous artificial fertilization for different females. To study how long unfertilized eggs of Eurasian perch (Perca fluviatilis L.) can retain their fertilizing ability after stripping, eggs were stored at temperatures of 4°C, 8°C and 12°C for 72 h post-stripping (HPS). The stored eggs of four female perch were separately fertilized at 0 h (i.e. control eggs fertilized before storage) and at 6-hour intervals during the experimental period of 72 h. The embryos reaching the eyed-egg and hatched-larvae stages, eyed-egg mortality and larval malformation rates were recorded as indices of egg quality. The results indicated that the maximum eyed eggs and hatched larvae (86% and 63%, respectively) were observed for eggs fertilized immediately after stripping, whereas the storage of the eggs at 4°C for 48 HPS decreased the eyed-egg and hatched-larvae rates to 46% and 17%, respectively. The use of a higher storage temperature resulted in a more rapid decrease in egg viability: eyed-egg and hatched-larvae rates of 23% and 9%, respectively, were obtained after 48 HPS storage at 8°C and 2% and 1% for eggs stored at 12°C. Eyed-egg mortality and larval malformation rates were not significantly affected by post-stripping ova ageing for at least up to 36 h. Thereafter, both values increased significantly and were measured to be the highest in the most aged ova. The present study demonstrated that stripped Eurasian perch eggs can be stored for at least 12 h at 4°C to 12°C without a significant reduction in their quality.  相似文献   

Various heteropteran host eggs stored under two low-temperatures were tested in the laboratory for their usability in the production of sunn pest egg parasitoid, Trissolcus semistriatus. Parasitism, adult emergence rate and development time were assesed on stored and fresh eggs of Eurygaster integriceps, Dolycoris baccarum, Graphosoma lineatum and Eurydema ornatum. Masses of fresh host eggs in microcentrifuge tubes were maintained at +6 °C and −20 °C. Every 30 days, 50 eggs of host species were exposed to parasitism by T. semistriatus. The host eggs stored at 6 °C remained viable to parasitism by T. semistriatus up to 2 months, while those of stored at −20 °C were parasitized at high rates up to 4 months, alhough succesful parasitism rates decrease with time. However, it was indicated that both fresh or stored E. ornatum eggs were not preferred to parasitism by the parasitoid. A longer development time from egg to adult was observed in stored eggs under two tested storage techniques when compared with fresh eggs.  相似文献   

A population of bullhead Cottus gobio inhabiting a mountainous river network, was examined for the influence of maternal condition (total length, L T, and age class in years) and environmental factors (water temperature and fish density) on fecundity, egg size and net annual reproductive effort ( E R, defined as the ratio of total egg production mass to body mass) within several stocks. Regardless of location within the drainage network, bullhead reproduction was synchronous, with only a single batch and fecundity ranging from 69 to 896 eggs per female. As with L T fecundity increased with age, although the difference between age classes 5 and 6 years was smaller than between other age classes. Egg diameter also increased with age from age classes 2 to 4 years, but then tended to decrease for age classes 5–6 years. Multiple stepwise regression was used to examine the effect of female L T, water temperature and fish densities on bullhead egg production for each of the four age classes (2, 3, 4 and 5–6 years) separately. When statistically significant, water temperature always had a positive effect and fish densities a negative effect, on fecundity and egg size. The L T always had a positive effect on fecundity for all the age classes. In contrast, L T had a positive effect on egg size and E R only for female reaching maturity (2 years), whereas intermediate aged females (3–4 years) were insensitive and the oldest fish showed a negative response.  相似文献   

The effects of egg storage duration (ESD) and brooding temperature (BT) on BW, intestine development and nutrient transporters of broiler chicks were investigated. A total of 396 chicks obtained from eggs stored at 18°C for 3 days (ESD3-18°C) or at 14°C for 14 days (ESD14-14°C) before incubation were exposed to three BTs. Temperatures were initially set at 32°C, 34°C and 30°C for control (BT-Cont), high (BT-High) and low (BT-Low) BTs, respectively. Brooding temperatures were decreased by 2°C each at days 2, 7, 14 and 21. Body weight was measured at the day of hatch, 2, 7, 14, 21, 28 and 42. Cloacal temperatures of broilers were recorded from 1 to 14 days. Intestinal morphology and gene expression levels of H+-dependent peptide transporter (PepT1) and Na-dependent glucose (SGLT1) were evaluated on the day of hatch and 14. Cloacal temperatures of chicks were affected by BTs from days 1 to 8, being the lowest for BT-Low chicks. BT-High resulted in the heaviest BWs at 7 days, especially for ESD14-14°C chicks. This result was consistent with longer villus and larger villus area of ESD14-14°C chicks at BT-High conditions. From 14 days to slaughter age, BT had no effect on broiler weight. ESD3-18°C chicks were heavier than ESD14-14°C chicks up to 28 days. The PepT1 and SGLT1 expression levels were significantly higher in ESD3-18°C chicks than ESD14-14°C on the day of hatch. There was significant egg storage by BT interaction for PepT1 and SGLT1 transporters at day 14. ESD14-14°C chicks had significantly higher expression of PepT1 and SGLT1 at BT-Low than those at BT-Cont. ESD14-14°C chicks upregulated PepT1 gene expression 1.15 and 1.57-fold at BT-High and BT-Low, respectively, compared with BT-Cont, whereas PepT1 expression was downregulated 0.67 and 0.62-fold in ESD3-18°C chicks at BT-High and BT-Low. These results indicated that pre-incubation egg storage conditions and BTs affected intestine morphology and PepT1 and SGLT1 nutrient transporters expression in broiler chicks.  相似文献   

The effect of egg vitamin A (VA) status and egg incubation temperature on the development of spinal disorders was investigated in Atlantic salmon Salmo salar fry. Atlantic salmon eggs were sorted into two groups with high VA (3·3 ± 0·1 μg retinol g−1 dry mass) and low VA (2·2 ± 0·3 μg retinol g−1 dry mass) status before fertilization and incubated at high (14° C) or low (8° C) temperature from 133 day degrees until the onset of feeding. High egg incubation temperatures increased the concentration of retinol in the eggs: the high VA and high temperature group displayed a significantly higher retinol concentration than the high VA and low temperature group ( P  = 0·001). After hatching, all experimental groups increased their retinol concentration. The source of the increased retinol levels was probably retinal, although astaxanthin may also be a VA precursor after hatching. Atlantic salmon fry incubated at high temperatures had increased amounts of notochord tissue. When measuring morphogenic activity in the notochord using the expression of sonic hedgehog ( shh , mRNA), however, no significant difference was found between the experimental groups. No clear effect of VA status or incubation temperature could be found on the formation of the early vertebral column although Atlantic salmon fry incubated at low temperatures had less regular constrictions of the prospective vertebral column than fry incubated at high temperatures.  相似文献   

The sensitivity of housefly Musca domestica L. (Diptera: Muscidae) embryos to storage at low temperatures (5 and 10 °C on moist sponges in Petri dishes) and in water at 26 °C was investigated to develop suitable protocols for the storage and transport of housefly eggs. The youngest embryos (aged 0–3 h) were the most sensitive to storage at 5 °C, with 45% survival after storage for 24 h. Storage of embryos aged 3–12 h at 5 °C for 24 h had no negative effect; longer storage resulted in significantly decreased larval survival (30–34% after 48–72 h, compared with 61% in the control group) and reduced hatching rates (83% after 72 h storage). No negative effects were observed when embryos aged 0–9 h were stored at 10 °C for 24 h, but this temperature did not completely inhibit development and eggs began to hatch if stored for longer than 24 h. All age groups of embryos showed high mortality after storage in water at 26 °C for 24 h, with the youngest embryos being least resistant to submersion.  相似文献   

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