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碳酸钙对土壤镉吸附及解吸的影响   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
汪洪  周卫  林葆 《生态学报》2001,21(6):932-937
采用等温吸附法,并以1mol/L KNO3进行解吸试验,研究CaCO3对3种土壤镉吸附和解吸的影响。结果表明,3种土壤的原状土样对镉吸附总趋势为:栗钙土>棕壤>淋溶褐土,均符合Langmuir方程、Frenudlich方程和Temink方程,其中以Freumdlich方程最佳。镉的专性吸附量表现为栗钙土>淋溶褐土>棕壤。添加CaCO3使3种土壤中镉的吸附量增加,增加幅度棕壤为4%-11%,淋溶褐土2%-11%,栗钙土2%-8%。外界加入的镉浓度越高,增加幅度越大。Freundlich方程(lgX=lgK lgC/n)拟合的参数结果表明:加入CaCO3后,K和n值均下降;Langmuir方程中镉最大吸附值增加,吸附平均常数减小。可以推测,CaCO3的存在之所以能够使土壤体系吸附镉能力增加,除CaCO3本身的吸附作用增加,吸附平衡常数减小。可以推测,CaCO3的存在之所以能够使土壤体系吸附镉能力增加,除CaCO3本身的吸附作用外,还可能影响反应体系的平衡系数。加入CaCO3,土壤对镉的专性吸附明显增加,尤其以棕壤专性吸附的镉最多,淋溶褐土其次,而栗钙土增加较少,栗钙土去除CaCO3后,镉的吸附减少了2.0%-26.0%,土壤专性吸附的镉减少4.0%-38.2%。3种土壤镉的解吸能力表现为:棕壤>淋溶褐土>栗钙土。添加CaCO3,土壤镉的解吸量下降。去除CaCO3后,栗钙土匐解吸量明显增加。  相似文献   

水溶性有机质对土壤中镉吸附行为的影响   总被引:67,自引:7,他引:67  
水溶性有机质 (DOM)是陆地生态系统和水生生态系统中的一种很活跃的组分 .本文以赤红壤、水稻土和褐土作为供试土壤 ,研究了来源于稻秆和底泥的DOM对土壤中Cd吸附行为的影响 .DOM对土壤中Cd的吸附行为具有明显的抑制作用 .这种抑制作用与土壤类型和DOM种类有关 .在 3种供试土壤中 ,无论添加稻秆DOM还是底泥DOM ,都会使Cd的最大吸附容量和吸附率明显降低 ,其下降幅度为17 3%~ 93 9%.在添加同一种DOM的前提下 ,DOM对Cd吸附的抑制作用均为 :赤红壤 >水稻土 >褐土 .如果不添加DOM ,则土壤对Cd的最大吸附容量主要取决于土壤固相的吸附特性 ,添加DOM后土壤对Cd的最大吸附容量则主要取决于液相中的DOM .由此推断 ,传统的看法 ,通过施用有机肥来固定土壤中的Cd并达到治理重金属污染土壤的观点值得商榷 .  相似文献   

胡锋  李辉信 《生态学报》1999,19(6):914-920
采用悉生微缩体系,研究了40d培养期内不添加外在质条件下食细菌线虫(Protorhabdtis sp.)和细菌(Pseu-domonas sp.)的相互作用及其对N,P转化的影响。在种植及不种植小麦的土壤中,发现接种线虫后细菌数量显著增加,非根标土壤细菌的增加量又比根际土明显。在种植小麦体系中,根际与非根际土壤线虫均比不种作物体系有增加趋势,其中根际土壤线虫种群的提高尤为显著。只加细菌处理中土壤N  相似文献   

空间插值对于土壤重金属空间分布和污染评价具有重要意义, 以广东省广州市某地区农田表层土壤重金属镉的调查监测结果为例, 选取具有代表性的反距离加权、径向基函数、普通克里金、简单克里金、泛克里金5 种空间插值方法, 进行空间插值及土壤等级划分, 比较不同插值方法结果精度, 分析不同插值方法结果差异。研究结果表明: 不同插值方法识别的土壤镉浓度空间分布特征和土壤等级划分存在差异, 主要体现在局部极值向外过渡区域存在较大不确定性, 其中径向基函数精度最高, 克里金插值法对数据存在“压缩”效应较强。因此, 在开展土壤重金属污染调查时应考虑土壤重金属样本数据特征和空间结构特征, 选择合适的插值模型, 并适当加大土壤重金属浓度过渡区域采样密度。  相似文献   

细菌固定金属的作用机制   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
黄淑惠   《微生物学通报》1992,19(3):171-173

采用悉生微缩体系,研究了40d 培养期内不添加外源基质条件下食细菌线虫(Protorhabdtis sp.)和细菌(Pseudom onassp.)的相互作用及其对N、P转化的影响。在种植及不种植小麦的土壤中,发现接种线虫后细菌数量显著增加,非根标土壤细菌的增加量又比根际土明显。在种植小麦体系中,根际与非根际土壤线虫均比不种作物体系有增加趋势,其中根际土壤线虫种群的提高尤为显著。只加细菌处理中土壤N、P均无净矿化,相反培养前期出现轻微的生物固定。线虫的引入显著提高了土壤矿质N、微生物量N 和微生物量P的含量,但对土壤有效P影响很小。这表明线虫活动主要是促进了N的矿化,而P表现出较强的生物固定。文中还分析了线虫捕食对细菌的增殖作用以及线虫——细菌相互作用在N、P矿化和生物固定中的机理。  相似文献   

麦田土壤解无机磷细菌的分离、筛选及其解磷效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过选择性解磷细菌培养基从麦田土壤中分离、纯化解无机磷细菌,并用钼蓝比色法定量研究磷细菌的解磷效果。结果表明通过选择性平板分离,发现麦田土壤中有15个菌株有解无机磷的作用,根据菌株直径和其解磷圈的大小,确定解磷能力较强的菌株9个;经过进一步分离纯化,选出单一无杂菌的菌株7个。解磷菌株经摇瓶培养后,比色测定培养液中磷的含量,通过比较发现其中5个菌株的解磷效果要显著优于其它两个菌株(P=0.05)。  相似文献   

通过单因素试验设计,探讨了不同鞘细菌添加量、初始浓度的铅离子溶液、吸附时溶液的温度和p H对鞘细菌吸附铅离子的影响。在此基础上,采用4因素3水平正交试验设计,进一步探讨鞘细菌对铅离子吸附影响的主要因素及最佳吸附组合。试验结果表明,最佳吸附组合为鞘细菌制备液添加量0.3 g/L、吸附溶液中铅离子初始浓度10 mg/L、摇床振荡吸附温度30℃以及吸附液p H 8。在此条件下,鞘细菌吸附铅离子的吸附量为3.09 mg/g,吸附率达92.74%。  相似文献   

为探明内蒙古农牧交错带土壤细菌多样性分布及不同用地类型间差异,以内蒙古相互交错的农田和自然草地生态系统为研究区域,利用高通量测序技术分析不同地区土壤细菌群落结构及多样性分布特征。结果表明:农田和草地土壤细菌相对丰度表现为同一地区相似,不同地区差异明显,土壤优势细菌门为变形菌门(Proteobacteria)、放线菌门(Actinobacteria)和酸杆菌门(Acidobacteria),总丰度占75.1%以上;土壤细菌多样性表现为西辽河平原、燕山丘陵区、阴山北麓及河套平原草地土壤Chao1指数显著高于农田土壤;种植玉米的农田土壤Chao1和Shannon指数显著高于其他作物农田土壤;聚类分析发现,土壤细菌群落依据地理纬度与植被类型分为5类,即低纬度1类、中纬度1类、高纬度1类、草地1类、农田1类。  相似文献   

于昕  卜文俊  朱琳 《生态学杂志》2012,31(6):1585-1590
为寻求保障镉污染农田稻米质量安全的有效措施,采用盆栽方法研究了低镉磷肥(Cd<0.2 mg·kg-1)及不同施磷量(0.10、0.20 g P2O5·kg-1)对污染稻田土壤中(潮泥田)镉的植物有效性影响,并探讨了相关机理.结果表明: 在0.10 g·kg-1磷剂量水平下,与对照(无磷肥)相比,钙镁磷和磷酸二氢钾处理显著提高了土壤pH和降低了土壤镉活性,钙镁磷和过磷酸钙处理显著降低了水稻对镉的吸收累积;当施磷量增至0.20 g·kg-1时,磷酸氢钙处理显著提高了土壤pH和降低了土壤镉活性,钙镁磷、磷酸二氢钾和磷酸氢钙处理下DTPA提取态镉含量降低11.8%、9.8%和11.8%,NH4OAc提取态镉含量降低9.5%、7.1%和7.1%;5种磷肥处理均显著降低了水稻茎叶中镉含量(降幅24.9%~50.8%),除磷酸氢钙处理外,糙米镉含量的降幅均达到显著水平,钙镁磷和过磷酸钙处理下糙米镉含量接近国家粮食卫生标准(GB 2715-2005).5种供试磷肥中,能提高土壤pH的磷肥(钙镁磷、磷酸二氢钾和磷酸氢钙)降低土壤镉有效性的效果显著,含钙磷肥(钙镁磷和过磷酸钙)降低水稻镉积累的效果较好.磷肥化学性质的差异可能是影响其效果的主要原因,选择碱性含钙磷肥对控制污染农田中作物吸收累积镉更有效.  相似文献   


Remediation of toxic metals by bacteria offers a relatively inexpensive and efficient way for the decontamination of soil and associated environments. The present study was carried out to investigate the surface characteristics, adsorption, and remobilization of Cd and Cu on bacteria and their composites with soil colloidal components, which are the most active constituents in soils. The bacterial strain NTG-01 (Enterobacter aerogenes), which was both Cd- and Cu-resistant, was isolated from a heavily Cu-contaminated soil of the mining area in Daye suburb of Hubei Province, China. Batch laboratory experiments with NTG-01 and soil colloids were performed to quantify adsorption of Cu and Cd. The surface area of kaolinite and the soil colloids from an Alfisol and Ultisol increased by 3.0–8.8% after the introduction of the bacteria. In the presence of bacterial cells, the negative charges of soil colloid systems increased and the positive charges decreased, shifting pH from 4.0 to 6.5. Our results demonstrate that bacteria promote the adsorption of Cd and Cu by kaolinite and soil colloid systems. However, the heavy metals bound by the bacterial composites could also be easily released by NH4NO3 and EDTA. Caution should be taken when using such bacterial strains in bioremediation of heavy metal-contaminated soils.  相似文献   

In this study, the adsorption behavior of Cd ions by rhizosphere soil (RS) and non-rhizosphere soil (NS) originated from mulberry field was investigated. The Langmuir, Freundlich and the Dubinin–Radushkevich (D-R) equations were used to evaluate the type and efficiency of Cd adsorption. The RS was characterized by lower pH but the higher content of soil organic matter and cation exchange capacity (CEC) as compared to NS. Also, the maximum adsorption of Cd2+ for RS (5.87 mg/g) was slightly bigger than that for NS (5.36 mg/g). In Freundlich isotherm, the Kf of the adsorption of Cd2+ to surface of the RS components was higher than that of the NS, indicating stronger attraction between Cd2+ and components of the RS. According to the D-R model, the adsorption of Cd2+ by both soils was dominated by ion exchange phenomena. These results indicated that mulberry roots modified physical and chemical properties of the RS under field conditions, which also affected the Cd sorption efficiency by soil components during laboratory experiments. Current knowledge of the Cd2+ sorption processes in the rhizosphere of mulberry may be important if these trees are planted for use in phytoremediation of Cd contaminated soils.  相似文献   

Inoculation and incubation of wild type Azospirillum brasilense Cd (agg+) in pure quartz sand resulted in cell attachment to sand particles by a network made up of various sizes and shapes of fibrillar material. Inoculation of sand with an aggregate-deficient mutant of strain Cd (agg?) resulted in no detectable fibrillar formation. Initial attachment ratio between agg+ cells and agg? cells was 4:1. However, similar bacterial populations developed in the sand. Rinsing the sand, colonized by either strains, had a greater effect on agg?; decreasing adsorption from 8.1 to 1.4%. Prolonged rinsing entirely desorbed its cells from the sand. Long bacterial incubation in sand decreased the attachment ratio between agg+ and agg? from 3.4:1 to 2.9:1 and decreased desorption (by rinsing) from 10:1 to 6:1. Agitation increased bacterial population size (from 2 × 107 to 4 × 108 cfu g?1) and decreased the proportion of attachment of agg+ cells (from 29.2 to 9.8%). A decrease in attachment was being of higher magnitude in the non-aggregating mutant (from 5 to 0% adsorption). Protease treatment of sand colonized with either bacteria decreased attachement of agg+ (from 27.4 to 7.1%) and released proteinaceous compound(s) into the sand only in the agg+ strain. Addition of NaEDTA to sand before inoculation, decreased attachment of agg+ (from 24.2 to 14%) but had no effect on agg?. Addition of low amcunt of clay (montmorillonite) to sand significantly increased adsorption of agg? to the sand particles (from 8.8 to 98.3%). Survival period of agg+ cells in sand was slightly longer than that of agg? cells. It is proposed that bacterial fibrils are essential for anchoring of A. brasilense to sand.  相似文献   

Mergel  Alexander  Kloos  Karin  Bothe  Hermann 《Plant and Soil》2001,230(1):145-160
The seasonal fluctuations in the concentration of cultured denitrifying and N2-fixing bacteria were followed in an ammonium fertilised and a control soil of a Norway spruce forest near Villingen/Black Forest from December 1994 to August 1998. The horizontal distribution of bacteria in three layers was determined by the MPN-method and by molecular probing (colony hybridisation) using specific 0.4–0.7 kb DNA probes for denitrification steps (narG, nirS, nirK and nosZ) and for N2-fixation (nifH). The data showed that highest bacterial counts and higher numbers of denitrifying and N2-fixing bacteria were generally detectable in the upper (= 5 cm) soil layer and that their amount decreased with soil depth. The concentration of these cultured bacteria showed seasonal fluctuations with highest numbers in autumn/winter/early spring and with low counts in summer. Denitrifying and N2-fixing bacteria amounted to less than 10% of the total number of cultured bacteria determined by the MPN-method. Fertilisation with ammonium did not cause a shift in the population of these bacteria. These findings were corroborated by hybridisation experiments with genomic DNA isolated from the different layers. Strongest DNA–DNA hybridisation band intensities were obtained in the upper soil layer and their intensities decreased with soil depth. Soil samples from Villingen assayed in the laboratory produced N2O (in dependence of nitrate and C2H2 added to the vessels) and utilised this gas with higher activities in the assays with the fertilised soil. It is concluded that molecular techniques can successfully be applied for assessing seasonal fluctuations of bacterial populations in soil. Relative abundance of denitrifying and N2-fixing bacteria can be determined from experiments with DNA isolated from soils. Attempts to transform these results to the total population of soil bacteria on a single cell basis are faced with many uncertainties.  相似文献   

To investigate the effects of two cadmium-tolerant bacteria, Staphylococcus pasteuri (S. pasteuri X1) and Agrobacterium tumefaciens (A. tumefaciens X2), on cadmium uptake by the cadmium hyperaccumulator plant Beta vulgaris var. cicla L., a pot experiment with artificially contaminated soil was conducted. The results demonstrated that both cadmium-tolerant bacteria enhanced the dry weight of Beta vulgaris var. cicla L. The total dry weights of plants in the control CK20, S. pasteuri X1 and A. tumefaciens X2 treatments were 0.85, 1.13, and 1.38 g/pot, respectively. Compared with the control CK20 findings, the total dry weight of plants was increased by 32.8 and 61.1% after inoculation with S. pasteuri X1 and A. tumefaciens X2, respectively, indicating that A. tumefaciens X2 more strongly promoted the growth of Beta vulgaris var. cicla L. than S. pasteuri X1. In addition, inoculation with S. pasteuri X1 and A. tumefaciens X2 significantly (p < 0.05) promoted cadmium uptake by plants and improved the bioaccumulation of cadmium by the plants from the soil. Moreover, the inoculation of S. pasteuri X1 and A. tumefaciens X2 effectively facilitated the transfer of cadmium in the soil from the Fe-Mn oxide and residual fractions to the soluble plus exchangeable and weakly specially adsorbed fractions in the rhizosphere soils of plants. The bacterial enhancement of cadmium phytoavailability might provide a potential and promising method to increase the efficiency of phytoextraction.  相似文献   

采用时空互代法,以巴丹吉林沙漠东南缘民勤绿洲不同退耕年限样地土壤为研究对象,利用微生物宏基因组测序技术,以KEGG数据库碳固定、氮代谢途径为工具,研究长期退耕对参与区域土壤碳固定和氮代谢途径的主要微生物群落组成及其功能基因变化的影响。试验共设置9个退耕年限梯度样地:未退耕耕地、退耕1年样地、退耕2年样地、退耕4年样地、退耕8年样地、退耕13年样地、退耕20年样地、退耕30年样地和退耕40年样地。结果表明:退耕明显改变了碳固定、氮代谢土壤微生物和功能基因丰度,细菌在碳固定和氮代谢两个过程中均起到主导作用;还原三羧酸循环途径、还原乙酰辅酶A途径以及3-羟基丙酸/4-羟基丁酸循环途径等为研究区土壤微生物主要碳固定途径,厌氧氨氧化途径、硝酸盐异化还原途径、硝酸盐同化还原途径、反硝化途径以及硝化途径等为研究区土壤微生物主要氮代谢途径;芽单胞菌属(Gemmatimonas)、未分类绿弯菌属(unclassified_Chloroflexi)和链霉菌属(Streptomyces)等是区域土壤微生物碳固定主要菌属,氮代谢则以腈基降解菌属(Nitriliruptor)、芽单胞菌属(Gemmatimonas)、土壤红杆菌属(Solirubrobacter)、未分类绿弯菌属(unclassified_Chloroflexi)和链霉菌属(Streptomyces)等为主;Gemmatirosa、未分类绿弯菌属(unclassified_Conexibacter)、未分类念珠菌门(unclassified_Candidatus Rokubacteria)、Gaiella和Geminicoccus等5个属分类土壤微生物可作为研究区退耕地碳固定途径标记性微生物种群,coxL.cutL和ACO.acnA等是研究区退耕地土壤微生物碳固定途径主要响应功能基因;腈基降解菌属(Nitriliruptor)、未分类念珠菌门(unclassified_Candidatus Rokubacteria)、Geminicoccus、未分类绿弯菌属(unclassified_Conexibacter)、土壤红杆菌属(Solirubrobacter)、未分类酸杆菌门(unclassified_Acidobacteria)和红色杆菌属(Rubrobacter)等7个属分类土壤微生物可作为研究区退耕地氮代谢途径标记性微生物种群,GDH2和E1.4.7.1是研究区退耕地土壤微生物氮代谢途径主要响应功能基因。该结果对于明确退耕影响下民勤绿洲土壤碳氮循环过程具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Oligotrophic bacteria were shown to exist abundantly in all layers of a rendzina forest soil throughout the year. Two-hundred-three oligotrophic bacteria were isolated from forest soil (Aoba, Sendai) at different layers (L, F, H and A layers) throughout the year, and their morphological and physiological characteristics were examined. A high proportion (95%) of the isolated oligotrophs were Gram-negative, non-spore forming bacteria. Based on the cell shape, the isolates were divided into four groups: regular rods, curved/spiral bacteria, irregular rods, and buddin and/or prosthecate bacteria. Each group of bacteria is discussed in relation to the physiological characteristics. Notably oligotrophic bacteria of different cell types showed a marked zonal distribution in respect to profile depth.  相似文献   

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