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温度对甜菜夜蛾生殖行为及生殖力的影响   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
温度不仅是甜菜夜蛾生长发育最关键的生态因子 ,而且对其生殖行为、交配节律和生殖力等也有显著影响。室内通过 15、2 0、2 5、30、35、4 0℃共 6个温度处理 ,结果表明 ,甜菜夜蛾成虫交配高峰期随温度的升高而逐渐延迟 ,交配持续时间也逐渐缩短 ;在 4 0℃下交配行为明显受到抑制 ,在 2 5~ 30℃下 ,可以获得最大的生殖力 ;15℃处理主要抑制了卵的形成 ,而 4 0℃处理在抑制卵的形成的同时也降低了卵的产出率 ;较高温度下的产卵前期、产卵期和雌雄虫寿命都明显缩短。 15℃低温对卵的孵化率影响不显著 (89% ) ,而 4 0℃处理卵的孵化率只有 37%。不同温度对甜菜夜蛾的每日产卵量也有很大的影响。在 15~ 4 0℃范围内 ,温度越高 ,产卵高峰期出现越早。  相似文献   

一种快速鉴别甜菜夜蛾蛹及成虫雌雄的简易方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
描述了一种快速准确区分甜菜夜蛾蛹及成虫雌雄的方法。甜菜夜蛾雌、雄蛹的主要区别是:雌蛹第8腹节腹面有一较短的纵裂缝,裂缝两侧平坦无突起;雄蛹第9腹节腹面有一长的纵裂缝,裂缝两侧有半圆形瘤状突起。成虫期雌、雄蛾主要区别是:雄蛾体色较浅,腹部狭长且末端有一圈黄色长毛簇;雌蛾体色较深,腹部末端浑圆,毛簇较短,生殖孔清晰可见。以此标准所建立的甜菜夜蛾雌雄蛹及成虫的快速鉴定方法,对于田间性比、预测和种群动态以及人工饲养等具有重要作用。  相似文献   

为探索叉角厉蝽Eocanthecona furcellate (Wolff)对斜纹夜蛾Spodoptera litura (Fabricius)生殖行为的干扰胁迫作用,实验设置了3种处理来观察这种干扰效应,处理Ⅰ:2对斜纹夜蛾成虫,2头叉角厉蝽雌成虫;处理Ⅱ:2对斜纹夜蛾成虫,2头叉角厉蝽雌成虫,2头处于四龄的斜纹夜蛾幼虫;处理Ⅲ:两对斜纹夜蛾成虫,作为对照。将斜纹夜蛾成虫放置在上述3种条件下,饲养至斜纹夜蛾停止产卵为止,对斜纹夜蛾产卵行为跟踪观察。结果表明,当斜纹夜蛾与叉角厉蝽同处狭小的空间时,叉角厉蝽对斜纹夜蛾正常的生殖活动有一定的干扰作用,斜纹夜蛾采取逃离或躲避的措施来摆脱叉角厉蝽的接触。受叉角厉蝽的干扰胁迫,斜纹夜蛾产卵量减少,处理Ⅰ与处理Ⅱ的平均产卵量均明显少于对照。叉角厉蝽对斜纹夜蛾卵块数量、结构、大小也构成一定的影响。在处理Ⅰ与处理Ⅱ中,卵块主要以单层卵和双层卵卵块为主,卵块数量低于对照,且卵块体积较小。从斜纹夜蛾卵的空间格局来看,处理Ⅰ中的卵块主要分布于产卵笼的上部;处理Ⅱ中的卵块分散于产卵笼的中上部;对照中斜纹夜蛾的卵块则分布于产卵笼的各个区域。叉角厉蝽对斜纹夜蛾成虫产卵的干扰胁迫作用明显。  相似文献   

甜菜夜蛾对性信息素的行为反应及其田间诱捕效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
许国庆  罗礼智  江幸福 《生态学报》2006,26(9):3035-3040
人工合成的甜菜夜蛾性信息素两组分(顺,反)-9,12-十四碳二烯醇醋酸酯(Z9,E12-14:Ac)和(顺)-9-十四碳烯醇(Z9-14:OH)按不同配比制成诱芯,在风洞中均能引起雄蛾搜索气迹、定向飞行及接近诱芯的行为反应.不同配比和剂量的诱芯诱虫效果差异显著(p<0.05).Z9,E12-14:Ac和Z9-14:OH按7:3配比,诱虫活性最高,表现在风洞中,搜索气迹、定向飞行和接近诱芯的蛾数最高,与处女蛾的引诱效果相当.以此配比制成的性诱剂在田间诱捕的虫量最多,与风洞的试验结果基本一致.诱芯剂量在0.05~0.5mg范围内均有显著的诱虫效果,但剂量过低或过高均导致诱捕率下降.同一配比诱芯在风洞中引起雄蛾接近诱芯的蛾量与田间诱蛾量呈显著相关(R1=0.968,R2=0.961).并对这些结果在甜菜夜蛾田间性诱剂防治应用的前景进行了讨论.  相似文献   

虫酰肼对甜菜夜蛾汰选种群生长发育及生殖的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究虫酰肼对甜菜夜蛾汰选种群生长发育及生殖的影响。结果显示:经虫酰肼处理后,甜菜夜蛾SS种群和RR种群卵的孵化抑制中浓度分别为179.38和160.71mg/kg,孵化幼虫的存活抑制中浓度分别为18.64和30.53mg/kg,虫酰肼对甜菜夜蛾卵的孵化率影响较小,而对孵化后幼虫的存活率影响较大。处理初孵幼虫6d后,2种群幼虫存活率及化蛹率随处理浓度的增加而降低,幼虫历期最高饲毒浓度与最低饲毒浓度相比分别延长了2.71d和6.19d,同一浓度下,RR种群幼虫历期比SS种群缩短了0.94~2.59d。处理甜菜夜蛾3龄幼虫12h后,随虫酰肼浓度的增加,2种群化蛹率逐渐降低,雌雄蛹重均有递减的趋势,雌蛹比例随浓度的增加变化较小,但SS种群雌蛹比例≤50.00%,而RR种群雌蛹比例≥50.00%,雌雄成虫羽化率总体上依次递减,处理浓度大于1.00mg/kg时虫酰肼对甜菜夜蛾成虫羽化的影响较大。  相似文献   

草地贪夜蛾Spodoptera frugiperda是当前跨国迁飞性重大害虫,云南是其重要虫源地及其向内地迁移的重要通道。生殖行为是性选择和物种进化的重要基础,基于生殖行为的害虫监测和防治策略也有重要价值。本研究模拟自然条件下可能出现的择偶情况,采用永久配对和每日更换配偶两种处理,对草地贪夜蛾成虫一生(约10 d)的生殖行为和节律进行了连续观测。结果表明,该蛾在羽化当日(0日龄)即出现召唤和求偶行为但无交配发生,在1日龄开始出现交配行为并在2日龄开始产卵,从2日龄到6日龄期间一直保持了较高的生殖活动,之后开始下降。雄虫求偶与雌虫召唤在节律上有较高的同步性,交配高峰多出现在召唤和求偶高峰之后。每日更换配偶与永久配对相比,雌蛾表现出较高的求偶频率和持续时间,较高交配比率和频率。雌虫在遇到新配偶或与新配偶交配后,会延缓产卵或下调产卵速率。从性选择理论来看,这些行为策略将有助于雌虫获得物质或基因利益,值得进一步探究。交配次数、召唤时长与雌虫寿命之间相关性不显著,但前5 d产卵速率与雌虫寿命间存在显著负相关,即早期产卵量较高的雌虫寿命较短,符合早期繁殖-后期存活基因拮抗假说。  相似文献   

草地贪夜蛾Spodoptera frugiperda(Smith)和甜菜夜蛾Spodoptera exigua(Hübner)是我国重要的农作物害虫,存在很多共同的寄主植物。为明确草地贪夜蛾和甜菜夜蛾的竞争关系,本文在食物充足和食物缺乏条件下,研究了草地贪夜蛾和甜菜夜蛾种内和种间竞争行为;研究了不同初始种群密度草地贪夜蛾和甜菜夜蛾初孵幼虫在相同生态位的种群竞争行为。结果表明:无食物条件下,扭动行为是草地贪夜蛾种内竞争最主要的行为表现,其中3龄与5龄幼虫组合扭动行为出现次数最多,为8.57±0.49次/30 min。与无食物处理相比,有食物处理下草地贪夜蛾攻防行为次数较少。种间竞争中,在无食物条件下二者攻击行为主要表现为头部接触,防御主要表现为扭动行为,其中草地贪夜蛾4龄幼虫与甜菜夜蛾5龄幼虫竞争时头部接触和扭动行为最频繁,分别出现5.03±2.43次/30 min和18.47±5.92次/30 min。此外,同一龄期的草地贪夜蛾和甜菜夜蛾种间竞争中,草地贪夜蛾存活率更高;不同龄期两者竞争时,龄期相对较高的幼虫存活率更高,且有食物时两者存活率均高于无食物处理。种群竞争的室内模拟研究中,草...  相似文献   

甜菜夜蛾对不同寄主植物的产卵和取食选择   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张娜  郭建英  万方浩  吴刚 《昆虫学报》2009,52(11):1229-1235
为了探讨甜菜夜蛾Spodoptera exigua对不同寄主植物的产卵选择及成虫产卵选择与幼虫取食选择间的关联度, 本研究选取玉米、豇豆、甘蓝、黄瓜、棉花、辣椒和番茄7种植物进行了选择性和非选择性实验研究, 并采用Y型嗅觉仪测定了成虫对其中3种寄主植物及其挥发物抽提物的趋性。结果表明:在田间非选择性实验中, 甜菜夜蛾在不同寄主植物上的落卵量依次为:玉米>辣椒>棉花>黄瓜、豇豆、番茄>甘蓝。Y型嗅觉仪的行为测定表明, 雌成虫对玉米及其挥发物抽提物的趋性最强, 黄瓜次之, 对甘蓝的趋性最弱, 这与雌虫的产卵选择性一致。不同龄期甜菜夜蛾幼虫对寄主植物的取食选择性有所不同, 且随观测时间的延长有所改变;低龄幼虫对豇豆、玉米和黄瓜的选择性较强, 对甘蓝、番茄、辣椒和棉花的取食选择性则较弱, 高龄幼虫对辣椒也具有较强的选择性;5龄幼虫对寄主植物的选择性不如低龄幼虫明显。结果显示, 甜菜夜蛾对不同寄主植物的产卵选择性显著不同, 植物抽提物在雌成虫的产卵选择中具有重要作用, 甜菜夜蛾对寄主植物的产卵选择性和幼虫取食选择性并不一致。  相似文献   

光周期和温度对中华通草蛉成虫生殖的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
研究表明,在25℃和长光周期(L:D=15:9)条件下饲养至产卵高峰的中华通草蛉成虫,经短光周期(L:D=9:15)处理后,与长光周期相比,虽然产卵速度有所下降,但产卵期延长,产卵量明显提高;在15℃和短光周期条件下处理后,成虫的生殖受到强烈抑制,产卵速度显下降,部分个体逐渐停止产卵,并进入滞育状态。  相似文献   

温度对甜菜夜蛾飞行能力的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
温度对甜菜夜蛾飞行能力有显著的影响(P<0.05)。在16~32℃内,成虫均能进行正常的飞行活动。24℃下的成虫飞行能力最强,在15 h的吊飞飞行中,成虫飞行距离最远(37.14 km)、飞行速度最快(0.87 m/s)、飞行时间最长(11.73 h)。温度低于20℃或高于28℃时,其飞行能力均显著降低。甜菜夜蛾在不同温度下飞行时对主要能源物质(甘油三酯)的利用效率不同。在较适宜的温度下,尽管成虫飞行消耗的甘油三酯较多,但单位飞行距离所消耗的甘油三酯却较少,即利用效率较高,表明成虫飞行能源物质利用效率的不同是导致其在不同温度下飞行能力产生差异的主要原因之一。  相似文献   

The long-term effects of methoxyfenozide on the longevity and reproductive processes of beet armyworm, Spodoptera exigua (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), adults were assessed after exposure by ingestion. Methoxyfenozide significantly reduced adult male longevity compared with females by 1.1 and 1.5 d at 75 and 150 mg (AI)/liter, respectively. Fecundity decreased by >60% with both concentrations at 72 and 96 h after treatment, but at 48 h, no significant effect was observed. The carbohydrate, protein, and lipid content in the eggs were determined as representatives of the biochemical effects of methoxyfenozide associated with the disruption of reproductive processes. The content of carbohydrates in the eggs laid 48 h at treatment was similar to that of controls, but it increased by approximately 1.5 and 2-fold in eggs laid after 72 and 96 h, respectively, compared with controls (15 microg per egg). Protein content was reduced approximately 2.5 and approximately 3-fold for each treatment concentration, respectively, compared with the controls (25 and 23 microg per egg for 75 and 150 mg [AI]/liter, respectively) in eggs collected 72 and 96 h after treatment. Lipid content significantly decreased by approximately 1.6-fold in both treatment concentrations in eggs collected at 48 and 96 h after treatment compared with the controls (24 and 21 microg per egg for 48 and 96, respectively), but it was similar to controls (approximately 19 microg per egg) at 72 h (approximately 15 microg per egg) for both concentrations. The biochemical effects of methoxyfenozide on S. exigua egg formation detected in this work are consistent with the reduction in fertility observed, as reported previously.  相似文献   

Life table, reproduction, and population growth parameters of the beet armyworm, Spodoptera exigua (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), were determined on nine soybean (Glycine max L.) cultivars ('032', '033', 'Hill', 'M4', 'M7', 'M9', 'M11', 'TMS', and 'Zane') at 25°C. The age-specific survival rate of eggs and immature stages was higher on 033 in comparison with other cultivars. The gross fecundity rate ranged from 911 on M9 to 1,296 on Zane, but the differences were not statistically significant. The net fecundity rate was significantly higher on 033 (1,082 eggs per female) than on other cultivars. The gross fertility rate significantly differed on tested cultivars, and was the highest on Zane (1,257 eggs per female) and lowest on Hill (813 eggs per female). The net fertility rate varied from 532 on M11 to 1,082 eggs per female on 033. Both daily number of eggs and daily number of fertile eggs laid per female varied significantly among the different cultivars, and were the highest on TMS (90 for both parameter) and lowest on M7 (47 and 43), respectively. The values of net reproductive rate, intrinsic rate of increase, and finite rate of increase were significantly higher on 033. The shortest generation time (23 d), shortest doubling time (1.66 d), and highest percentage of female offspring (56%) also were obtained on 033. According to population growth parameters, 033 and Hill partially were susceptible and resistant, respectively, to S. exigua. The results of this study provide direction to design a more comprehensive integrated pest management program for this pest.  相似文献   

甜菜夜蛾交配行为和能力   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
罗礼智  曹卫菊  钱坤  胡毅 《昆虫学报》2003,46(4):494-499
在(27±1)℃,光周期L14∶D10的条件下对甜菜夜蛾I>Spodoptera exigua的交配行为及能力进行了研究。结果表明:成虫在羽化当晚即可进行交配,交配率以羽化后头三个晚上的较高(>82%),但从第4天起则显著下降。成虫一天中的交配时间出现于23:30~05:30之间,交配高峰出现在01:30~02:30和03:00~04:00 之间, 其中以第1高峰的发生频率较高。成虫交配持续时间从22~191 min不等,但以30~60 min的为多(40.8%, n=97), 60~90 min的次之(19.4%),超过180 min的较少(10.2 %)。另外,交配持续时间与蛾龄紧密相关。蛾龄越大,交配持续的时间越长,且差异显著。雄蛾一生的交配能力由1~11次不等,但受性比的影响显著:在性比为1∶1的条件下,雄蛾平均交配次数仅为3.0 次,而在2♀∶1至5♀∶1时,则增加到5.1~6.0 次。雌蛾交配比例及次数受性比的影响也很大:没有交配的雌蛾比例从1∶1时的8.3%增加到5♀∶1时的32%,仅交配一次的比例从16.7%增加到38.7%,而交配≥5 次的比例则从 25%下降到0。最后,对这些结果在甜菜夜蛾防治中应用的可能性进行了讨论。  相似文献   

The incubation period of Spodoptera exigua (Hübner) was not influenced by the host plant, whereas larval development time and pupal period were affected. Larval development time was longest on shallot and lady's finger, followed by cabbage and long bean. Larvae did not develop beyond the first instar when fed on chilli. The pupal period was longer on lady's finger than on cabbage, shallot and long bean. Overall, adult longevity was not influenced by the host plant but there was a difference between female and male longevity among the host plants. Survival of S. exigua was affected by the host plant at the larval stage. The number of larval instars varied between 5 and 8 within and between the studied host plants. Long bean was found to be the most suitable host plant and provide the best food quality for S. exigua compared to the other host plants, as it allowed faster development, fewer larval instars and a higher survival rate.  相似文献   

Spodoptera exigua Hübner (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), can overwinter as pupae at depths of 0- to 5-cm beneath the ground. In order to understand the effect of soil moisture on the overwintering success of this species, we tested the supercooling point and survival of pupae, and the growth rate of prepupae that were exposed to different temperature and soil moisture in the laboratory. Results showed that supercooling points, body water contents, and survivals after the different pre-treatments were not significantly affected by the soil moisture. The developmental progress of prepupae, survival of prepupae and pupae were negatively correlated with soil moisture as well as the delay of exposure time, which supports the hypothesis that soil moisture acts as a developmental modulator. We presumed that the delay of pupation and lower prepupae survival under higher soil moisture was due to lack of a complete pupal chamber for protection at low temperatures. Low pupal survival was likely attributed to lack of oxygen in the soil, especially under the condition of higher soil moisture. We suggest that using strategies of irrigation and soil tillage during winter may decrease the overwintering population of S. exigua from the perspective of integrated pest management.  相似文献   

To evaluate the relationship between reproduction and migratory flight, we examined ovaries, tethered flight, and egg laying in the beet armyworm, Spodoptera exigua (Hübner). Ovarian development in female S. exigua was classified into five stages in relation to the postemergence age of the moths. Oviposition peaked at ovarian stages III and IV. Mating accelerated ovarian development in this species, and thus the mated females developed faster than the virgin moths in ovaries. In virgin adults, flight capacity increased from the first day to the third day after emergence and remained at a high level until the moths were 7 d old. In contrast, the mated moths reached the maximum flight capacity in 2 d after emergence and maintained a high level until the age of 7 d. However, mating status could not influence the flight capacity of the beet armyworm, although there were general differences in flight capacity between virgin and mated adults at the same age. Moreover, significant correlations between the number of eggs laid and the flight capacity were not performed by the mated moths. These results showed that mating status and ovarian development did not seem to influence flight capacity in the beet armyworm, which was not in agreement with the definitions of the oogenesis-flight syndrome observed in many other migratory insects.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2000,3(2):55-58
In vitro metabolism study was conducted to observe the role of enzymes and its kind responsible for tolerance in metabolism of flupyrazofos to Diamond backmoth (DBM), Plutella xylostella as a susceptible insect and Beet armyworm (BAW), Spodoptera exigua as a tolerance insect. The results indicated that there were some differences between the DBM (LD50, 0.54 ppm) and BAW (LD50, >2,000 ppm). In the microsomal fractions, the 4th instar BAW larvae metabolized almost the same amount (about 38%) of flupyrazofos with or without NADPH, but it increased the amount of flupyrazol in the 3rd instar larvae of DBM. Flupyrazofos-oxon was slightly increased with the addition of NADPH in both species. With the addition of piperonyl butoxide (PB) or Iprobenfos (IBP), the amount of flupyrazol was decreased to one third of flupyrazol produced by NADPH in BAW and one fourth of flupyrazol produced by NADPH in DBM. Some effects of inhibitors, PB and IBP, and co-factor, NADPH, were showed when flupyrazofos was metabolized with or without them. This means that esterase and oxidase are responsible for the tolerance mechanism of flupyrazofos in DBM and BAW.  相似文献   

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