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Genome size varies extensively across the flowering plants, which has stimulated speculation regarding the ancestral genome size of these plants and trends in genome evolution. We investigated the evolution of C-values across the angiosperms using a molecular phylogenetic framework and C-values not previously available for crucial basal angiosperms, including Amborella, Illiciaceae, and Austrobaileya. Reconstructions of genome size across the angiosperms and extant gymnosperms indicate that the ancestral genome size for angiosperms is very small (1C ≤ 1.4 pg), in agreement with an earlier analysis of Leitch et al. (1998). Furthermore, a very small genome size (1C ≤ 1.4 pg) is ancestral not only for the angiosperms in general, but also for most major clades of flowering plants, including the monocots and the eudicots. The ancestral genome of core eudicots may also have been very small given that very low 1C-values appear to be ancestral for major clades of core eudicots, such as Caryophyllales, Saxifragales, and asterids. Very large genomes occur in clades that occupy derived positions within the monocots and Santalales.  相似文献   

The paper attempts to discover an outline of the evolutionary trends of sesquiterpene lactones in angiosperms. The working method involves the quantification of skeletal specialization and oxidation state of the compounds and the assignment of evolutionary advancement indices, based on such data, to taxa. In the angiosperms as a whole, sesquiterpene lactone evolution proceeds by diversification of structural types and by amplification of the oxidation state of the molecules. The opposite trend appears to operate at lower hierarchical level, in the Asteraceae. In this family, which contains most of the known compounds of the class, sesquiterpene lactone evolution follows two parallel pathways in the tribes belonging to two groups of the subfamily Asteroideae.  相似文献   

Although aquatic plants are discussed as a unified biological group, they are phylogenetically well dispersed across the angiosperms. In this study, we annotated the aquatic taxa on the tree of vascular plants, and extracted the topology of these aquatic lineages to construct the tree of aquatic angiosperms. We also reconstructed the ancestral areas of aquatic families. We found that aquatic angiosperms could be divided into two different categories: the four aquatic orders and the aquatic taxa in terrestrial orders. Aquatic lineages evolved early in the radiation of angiosperms, both in the orders Nymphaeales and Ceratophyllales and among basal monocots (Acorales and Alismatales). These aquatic orders do not have any extant terrestrial relatives. They originated from aquatic habitats during the Early Cretaceous. Asia would have been one of the centers for early diversification of aquatic angiosperms. The aquatic families within terrestrial orders may originate from other areas besides Asia, such as America or Australia. The lineages leading to extant angiosperms diversified early in underexploited freshwater habitats. The four extant aquatic orders were relicts of an early radiation of angiosperm in aquatic environments. Their extinct ancestors might be aquatic early angiosperms.  相似文献   

Angiosperms (flowering plants), including both monocots and dicots, contain small catalase gene families. In the dicot, Arabidopsis thaliana, two catalase (CAT) genes, CAT1 and CAT3, are tightly linked on chromosome 1 and a third, CAT2, which is more similar to CAT1 than to CAT3, is unlinked on chromosome 4. Comparison of positions and numbers of introns among 13 angiosperm catalase genomic sequences indicates that intron positions are conserved, and suggests that an ancestral catalase gene common to monocots and dicots contained seven introns. Arabidopsis CAT2 has seven introns; both CAT1 and CAT3 have six introns in positions conserved with CAT2, but each has lost a different intron. We suggest the following sequence of events during the evolution of the Arabidopsis catalase gene family. An initial duplication of an ancestral catalase gene gave rise to CAT3 and CAT1. CAT1 then served as the template for a second duplication, yielding CAT2. Intron losses from CAT1 and CAT3 followed these duplications. One subclade of monocot catalases has lost all but the 5''-most and 3''-most introns, which is consistent with a mechanism of intron loss by replacement of an ancestral intron-containing gene with a reverse-transcribed DNA copy of a fully spliced mRNA. Following this event of concerted intron loss, the Oryza sativa (rice, a monocot) CAT1 lineage acquired an intron in a novel position, consistent with a mechanism of intron gain at proto-splice sites.  相似文献   


Key message

Functional branch analysis (FBA) is a promising non-destructive method that can produce accurate tree biomass equations when applied to trees which exhibit fractal branching architecture.


Functional branch analysis (FBA) is a promising non-destructive alternative to the standard destructive method of tree biomass equation development. In FBA, a theoretical model of tree branching architecture is calibrated with measurements of tree stems and branches to estimate the coefficients of the biomass equation. In this study, species-specific and mixed-species tree biomass equations were derived from destructive sampling of trees in Western Kenya and compared to tree biomass equations derived non-destructively from FBA. The results indicated that the non-destructive FBA method can produce biomass equations that are similar to, but less accurate than, those derived from standard methods. FBA biomass prediction bias was attributed to the fact that real trees diverged from fractal branching architecture due to highly variable length–diameter relationships of stems and branches and inaccurate scaling relationships for the lengths of tree crowns and trunks assumed under the FBA model.  相似文献   

A reexamination of the genome of the tomato (renamed Solanum lycopersicum L.) indicates that it contains five, or at most perhaps six, phytochrome genes (PHY), each encoding a different apoprotein (PHY). Five previously identified tomato PHY genes have been designated PHYA, PHYB1, PHYB2, PHYE, and PHYF. A molecular phylogenetic analysis is consistent with the hypothesis that the angiosperm PHY family is composed of four subfamilies (A, B, C/F, and E). Southern analyses indicate that the tomato genome does not contain both a PHYC and a PHYF. Molecular phylogenetic analyses presented here, which utilize for the first time full-length PHY sequences from two completely characterized angiosperm gene families, indicate that tomato PHYF is probably an ortholog of Arabidopsis PHYC. They also confirm that the angiosperm PHY family is undergoing relatively rapid differential evolution. Assuming PHYF is an ortholog of PHYC, PHY genes in eudicots are evolving (Ka/site) at 1.52-2.79 times the rate calculated as average for other plant nuclear genes. Again assuming PHYF is an ortholog of PHYC, the rate of evolution of the C and E subfamilies is at least 1.33 times the rate of the A and B subfamilies. PHYA and PHYB in eudicots are evolving at least 1.45 times as fast as their counterparts in the Poaceae. PHY functional domains also exhibit different evolutionary rates. The C-terminal region of angiosperm PHY (codons 800-1105) is evolving at least 2.11 times as fast as the photosensory domain (codons 200-500). The central region of a domain essential for phytochrome signal transduction (codons 652-712) is also evolving rapidly. Nonsynonymous substitutions occur in this region at 2.03-3.75 times the average rate for plant nuclear genes. It is not known if this rapid evolution results from selective pressure or from the absence of evolutionary constraint.  相似文献   

Sergěj Hrabě 《Hydrobiologia》1983,102(3):171-173
The structure of the male ducts of numerous representatives of the family Lumbriculidae testifies against the assumption of Stephenson (1930) of an archaism of this family and against the classification of the Oligochaeta based on this fallacy in the papers of Yamaguchi (1953) and Brinkhurst (1971). The genus Dorydrilus Piguet is confirmed as a member of the family Lumbriculidae.  相似文献   

Evolution of the Rab family of small GTP-binding proteins.   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
Rab proteins are small GTP-binding proteins that form the largest family within the Ras superfamily. Rab proteins regulate vesicular trafficking pathways, behaving as membrane-associated molecular switches. Here, we have identified the complete Rab families in the Caenorhabditis elegans (29 members), Drosophila melanogaster (29), Homo sapiens (60) and Arabidopsis thaliana (57), and we defined criteria for annotation of this protein family in each organism. We studied sequence conservation patterns and observed that the RabF motifs and the RabSF regions previously described in mammalian Rabs are conserved across species. This is consistent with conserved recognition mechanisms by general regulators and specific effectors. We used phylogenetic analysis and other approaches to reconstruct the multiplication of the Rab family and observed that this family shows a strict phylogeny of function as opposed to a phylogeny of species. Furthermore, we observed that Rabs co-segregating in phylogenetic trees show a pattern of similar cellular localisation and/or function. Therefore, animal and fungi Rab proteins can be grouped in "Rab functional groups" according to their segregating patterns in phylogenetic trees. These functional groups reflect similarity of sequence, localisation and/or function, and may also represent shared ancestry. Rab functional groups can help the understanding of the functional evolution of the Rab family in particular and vesicular transport in general, and may be used to predict general functions for novel Rab sequences.  相似文献   

Proton pumping ATPases are found in all groups of present day organisms. The F-ATPases of eubacteria, mitochondria and chloroplasts also function as ATP synthases, i.e., they catalyze the final step that transforms the energy available from reduction/oxidation reactions (e.g., in photosynthesis) into ATP, the usual energy currency of modern cells. The primary structure of these ATPases/ATP synthases was found to be much more conserved between different groups of bacteria than other parts of the photosynthetic machinery, e.g., reaction center proteins and redox carrier complexes.These F-ATPases and the vacuolar type ATPase, which is found on many of the endomembranes of eukaryotic cells, were shown to be homologous to each other; i.e., these two groups of ATPases evolved from the same enzyme present in the common ancestor. (The term eubacteria is used here to denote the phylogenetic group containing all bacteria except the archaebacteria.) Sequences obtained for the plasmamembrane ATPase of various archaebacteria revealed that this ATPase is much more similar to the eukaryotic than to the eubacterial counterpart. The eukaryotic cell of higher organisms evolved from a symbiosis between eubacteria (that evolved into mitochondria and chloroplasts) and a host organism. Using the vacuolar type ATPase as a molecular marker for the cytoplasmic component of the eukaryotic cell reveals that this host organism was a close relative of the archaebacteria.A unique feature of the evolution of the ATPases is the presence of a non-catalytic subunit that is paralogous to the catalytic subunit, i.e., the two types of subunits evolved from a common ancestral gene. Since the gene duplication that gave rise to these two types of subunits had already occurred in the last common ancestor of all living organisms, this non-catalytic subunit can be used to root the tree of life by means of an outgroup; that is, the location of the last common ancestor of the major domains of living organisms (archaebacteria, eubacteria and eukaryotes) can be located in the tree of life without assuming constant or equal rates of change in the different branches.A correlation between structure and function of ATPases has been established for present day organisms. Implications resulting from this correlation for biochemical pathways, especially photosynthesis, that were operative in the last common ancestor and preceding life forms are discussed.  相似文献   

The B class genes, including homologs of the Arabidopsis loci APETALA3 (AP3) and PISTILLATA (PI ), appear to play a conserved role in the determination of petal and stamen identity across core eudicot angiosperms. Understanding how and when these functions evolved is a critical component of elucidating the evolution of flowers, particularly the appearance of petaloid perianth organs. Before comparisons of gene expression patterns or functions can be made, however, it is necessary to establish the orthology of AP3 and PI homologs from basal angiosperms. Here, we report the identification and analysis of 29 new representatives of the B gene lineage from basal ANITA and magnoliid dicot angiosperms. These studies indicate that gene duplications have occurred at every phylogenetic level, both before and after the duplication that produced the separate AP3 and PI lineages. Comparison of genomic structure among PI homologs indicates that a 12-nucleotide deletion that had been considered synapomorphic for the whole PI lineage actually arose within the ANITA grade, after the split of the Nymphaeales but before the separation of the Austrobaileyales. Evidence for alternative splicing of the Nymphaea AP3 homolog is also presented. The implications of these findings for angiosperm systematics, the conservation of AP3 and PI gene function, and the evolution of the ABC program are discussed.  相似文献   



The relaxin-like peptide family belongs in the insulin superfamily and consists of 7 peptides of high structural but low sequence similarity; relaxin-1, 2 and 3, and the insulin-like (INSL) peptides, INSL3, INSL4, INSL5 and INSL6. The functions of relaxin-3, INSL4, INSL5, INSL6 remain uncharacterised. The evolution of this family has been contentious; high sequence variability is seen between closely related species, while distantly related species show high similarity; an invertebrate relaxin sequence has been reported, while a relaxin gene has not been found in the avian and ruminant lineages.  相似文献   

Studies at the nucleotide level on the nuclear flower development gene cycloidea (cyc) in seven Antirrhinum, two Misopates, one Linaria, one Cymbalaria, and one Digitalis species revealed that cyc is a member of a gene family composed of at least five apparently functional genes. The estimated ages of the duplication events that created this gene family are from 7.5 Myr to more than 75 Myr. We also report the first estimates of DNA sequence diversity for species of Antirrhinum and Misopates. Low between-species variability suggests that this group of species may have diverged recently.  相似文献   

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