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Mimicry of human IgE epitopes by anti-idiotypic antibodies   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
According to Jerne's network hypothesis, the binding site of an anti-idiotypic antibody also represents the internal image of an epitope present on a foreign, or even a self antigen. In recent years, antigen mimicry has been defined at the molecular level for some xeno-antigens. However, until now there has been no demonstration of structural mimicry between a human anti-idiotypic antibody and a self structure. To address this question, we used human IgE as the self structure and a well-defined anti-human IgE mAb (BSW17). We describe the isolation of two anti- idiotypic antibodies specific for the anti-IgE antibody BSW17 from a non-immune human Fab phage display library. Interestingly, these two anti-idiotypic antibodies mimic the same molecular surface region as a previously described IgE peptide mimotope isolated by panning on BSW17, but they cover a much larger epitope on the IgE molecule. Accordingly, immunisation of rabbits with the two anti-idiotypic antibodies induced high-affinity antibodies with the same characteristics as BSW17. Thus, our data demonstrate that it is possible to isolate anti-idiotypic antibodies derived from the human genome without the need for hyperimmunization, and confirm Jerne's hypothesis that both foreign antigens and self structures can be mimicked by our own immunoglobulins.  相似文献   

Immediate hypersensitivity responses are highly modulated in filariasis, and with few exceptions, the majority of infected individuals do not develop allergic manifestations. One possible mechanism for this modulated responsiveness could involve the high levels of IgG "blocking antibodies" shown to be present in filariasis and other chronic helminth infections. When immunoblot analyses were done to analyze the immunoglobulin (Ig) E and IgG antibody responses of patients simultaneously, remarkable similarity in the patterns of antigen binding was observed. In this study, the four IgG subclasses were analyzed in a similar manner in relation to IgE. The results clearly demonstrate that IgG4 was primarily responsible for this "parallel" recognition that was seen previously between IgG and IgE antibodies. These results lend additional support to the possibility that IgG4 may play an important role in modulating IgE-mediated allergic responses in vivo.  相似文献   

45 patients, hypersensitive to house-dust mites, were examined by the method of skin tests to D. pteronyssinus allergen. Besides, in their blood sera the levels of allergen-specific IgE antibodies were determined in the radioallergosorbent test and allergen-specific IgG antibodies, in the enzyme immunoassay. These tests revealed that in 91% of the patients the results of skin tests were positive, in 68% an elevated level of specific IgE antibodies and in 93% of the patients an elevated level of specific IgG antibodies were detected. All patients showed the positive result in one of the above-mentioned tests. The largest group of the patients (55%) included persons showing the positive result of the skin test and having elevated levels of allergen-specific IgG and IgE antibodies. Thus, in cases of hypersensitivity to house-dust mites the levels of allergen-specific IgG and IgE antibodies in the patients' blood sera should be determined.  相似文献   

An enhanced chemiluminescent immunoassay is described for the measurement of allergen-specific IgE antibodies. The assay is demonstrated for pollen from four grass species. A comparison was made between results obtained by this method and those obtained by the radioallergosorbent (RAST) procedure; a high degree of correlation (r = 0.95) was found for D. glomerata specific IgE. The assay is rapid and can be carried out in under 1 hour. The advantages of the luminescent assay as compared with the RAST procedure are discussed.  相似文献   

An ELISA system for the detection of allergen-specific IgE antibodies to ragweed allergen has been developed. The system is highly sensitive and specific. Ragweed pollen allergen has been obtained by the dialysis of water-soluble extract through a kidney membrane. The high molecular fraction of ragweed allergen, showing the whole of the allergenic activity detected by skin tests in untreated patients, has been used for coating polystyrene assay plates. To detect IgE antibodies to ragweed allergen, the conjugate of sheep anti-IgE antibodies with horse-radish peroxidase has been used. The level of allergen-specific IgE antibodies has been determined on the basis of the data on the optical density of the samples in comparison with that of the normal sera. The correlation factor of the results obtained in the assay of specific IgE antibodies with the newly developed assay system and with the commercial kit Phadezyme RAST manufactured by Pharmacia AB (Sweden) has proved to be 0.82 at n = 39, p less than 0.01, while the variation factor in the reproduction of the assay results has proved to be 12% at n = 40.  相似文献   

Gangliosides are potentially useful targets for tumor destruction by antibodies. However, the role of gangliosides in T cell-mediated immunity to tumors is unclear. We produced three murine monoclonal anti-idiotypic antibodies (Ab2) against a monoclonal antibody (Ab1) that binds strongly to melanoma-associated GD2 ganglioside and weakly to GD3 ganglioside. All three Ab2 induced anti-anti-idiotypic antibodies (Ab3) with Ab1-like binding specificity to tumor cells and antigen in rabbits. The Ab3 specifically bound to GD2(+) tumor cells and isolated GD2, and shared idiotopes with the Ab1. Two of the three Ab2 induced GD2-specific delayed-type hypersensitivity responses in BALB/c and C57BL/6 mice, but not in C57BL/6/CD4(-/-) mice. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from a melanoma patient proliferated specifically in response to in vitro stimulation with Ab2. Proliferation was accompanied by Th1-type cytokine production. Our studies demonstrate the induction of ganglioside-specific T cell-dependent immunity by Ab2 in mice. These T cells showed specific reactivity to ganglioside expressed by tumor cells.  相似文献   

The use of anti-idiotypic antibodies as immunogens represents one potential approach to active specific immunotherapy of cancer. Two panels of syngeneic monoclonal anti-idiotypic antibodies were generated. One panel was directed against mAb CC49 and the other to mAb COL-1. mAb CC49 recognizes the pancarcinoma antigen (Ag), tumor-associated glycoprotein-72 (TAG-72), and mAb COL-1 recognizes carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA). Seven anti-idiotypic (AI) antibodies (Ab2) designated AI49-1–7 were generated that recognize the variable region of mAb CC49. These mAb were shown to inhibit the interaction of mAb CC49 (Ab1) with TAG-72 (Ag). Five anti-idiotypic antibodies designated CAI-1–5 were also generated to the anti-CEA mAb, COL-1 (Ab1). These Ab2 were shown to inhibit the interaction between COL-1 (Ab1) and CEA (Ag). Immunization of mice, rats, and rabbits with Ab2 directed against CC49 or COL-1 could not elicit specific Ab3 humoral immune responses, i.e., antibody selectively reactive with their respective target antigens. However, immunization of mice with the CC49 anti-idiotypic antibody (Ab2), designated AI49-3, could induce a delayed-type hypersensitivity response (DTH) specific for tumor cells that express TAG-72. Similarly, immunization of mice with an anti-idiotypic antibody directed against COL-1, designated CAI-1, could induce specific DTH cell-mediated immune responses to murine tumor cells that express human CEA on their surface. These results thus demonstrate that while some anti-idiotype mAb may not be potent immunogens in eliciting Ab3 humoral responses, they are capable of eliciting specific cellular immune responses against human carcinoma-associated antigens. This type of mAb may ultimately be useful in active immunotherapy protocols for human carcinoma.Some of the studies described in this paper were in partial fulfillment of requirements for the completion of Dr. Irvine's dissertation at the George Washington University  相似文献   

A panel of mAb (IgG1, IgG3, IgM) against Legionella pneumophila cytolysin (CL)-protease of 37 kDa was obtained. Subtyping of L. pneumophila strains of serogroup 1 by using mAb against CL (mAb-CL) was carried out. The results of comparative analysis of the specificity of mAb-CL and the panel of mAb kindly provided by Dr. J. M. Barbaree (Centers for Disease Control, Atlanta, GA) allowed us to recommend mAb-CL to be used as a diagnostic tool to reveal the pathogenicity of L. pneumophila strains of serogroup 1. Hybridomas were also raised in a syngenic system which produced anti-idiotypic mAb (mAb2) against anti-CL mAb B6/1. The Ab2 belonged to Ab2 gamma type: 1) Ab2 reacted with B6/1 Id only, 2) Ab2 inhibited the interaction of B6/1 Ab1 with CL, and 3) CL inhibited the reaction of Ab2 with Ab1. The use of Ab2 allowed us to show that B6/1 Id is expressed in 4 to 32% of serum antibodies during the primary and secondary immune responses of BALB/c mice to CL. Ab2 induced the production of anti-anti-idiotypic antibodies (Ab3) in BALB/c mice, and some of them reacted with CL. Thus, we have demonstrated the possibility of inducing an antibody response to CL (one of the main L. pneumophila pathogenic factors) in intact syngenic mice with anti-idiotypic antibodies.  相似文献   

Anti-idiotypic (anti-Id) antibodies were raised in rabbits against five monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) specific for different antigenic sites on the hemagglutinin (HA) of influenza virus Mem71H-BelN (H3N1) [A/Memphis/1/71 (H3N2) x A/Bel/42 (H1N1)]. Each of the anti-Id sera was directed predominantly towards a unique (private) idiotype of the immunizing MAb, none of the five idiotypes being detectable in pooled BALB/c antisera against Mem71H-BelN virus or on most other anti-HA MAbs tested. Partial idiotypic sharing was observed, however, between certain MAbs, from different mice, having the same or similar epitope specificity for HA. When used as immunogens in BALB/c mice, two of the five anti-Id preparations induced antibodies that reacted with Mem71H-BelN virus and displayed neutralizing activity. Mice of other inbred strains responded similarly, indicating that the response was not genetically restricted by the Igh locus. From their pattern of reactivity with mutants of Mem71H-BelN virus with known single amino acid substitutions in the HA molecule, the antiviral antibodies elicited by anti-Id antibodies were shown to be directed to the same antigenic site on A/Memphis/1/71 HA as the original immunizing MAb (site A or site E, respectively). However, several of these antisera were shown to contain additional distinct subpopulations of antibodies specific for heterologous influenza A virus strains, either of the H3 subtype or of a different HA subtype (H1 or H2). Since the induction of antibodies to HA of different subtypes is not a feature of the antibody response to influenza virus itself, their induction by anti-Id antibodies merits further investigation.  相似文献   

Melittin, a bee venom peptide consisting of 26 amino acid residues, elicited high IgG and IgE antibody responses in mice of BALB/c and CAF1 strains, but not in mice of A/J, AKR, and C57BL/6 strains. Greater than 80% of the melittin-specific antibodies in sera of responder mice were found to bind the hydrophilic carboxyl-terminal heptapeptide of melittin. Three melittin-specific monoclonal antibodies were obtained from responder mice by the hybridoma technique. Two are of the IgG1 isotype and one is of the IgE isotype. One monoclonal antibody of the IgG1 isotype binds the carboxyl-terminal heptapeptide of melittin, while the other two monoclonal antibodies do not. However, competitive binding studies suggest that all three monoclonal Ig bind at the same, or adjacent, site of melittin. These findings, together with the known amphiphilic property of melittin, suggest that the immunogenicity of this peptide is a consequence of its binding to cell surface phospholipids.  相似文献   

Proteolytic fragmentation is the only suggested cause of potency losses during storage of liquid human polyclonal anti-D Ig. Besides the effect of fragmentation, we have investigated the potential contribution of neutralising anti-idiotypic antibodies (anti-Ids). Potency changes during storage and/or upon pH reduction in anti-D IgG batches with or without addition of plasminogen and urokinase were quantitatively analysed by the autoanalyser (AA) method or by a special procedure of flow cytometry (FC). Moreover, simultaneous changes of the molecular size distribution pattern have been determined by size exclusion chromatography. In contrast to the AA procedure, the particular FC methodology was found to be almost insensitive to proteolysis comprising up to 30% of total IgG. Data interpretation was based on the assumption that both assays cannot detect Ids with neutralised paratopes. In the absence of detectable neutralisation (functional absence of anti-Ids), it could be demonstrated that the anti-D IgG subpopulation is more sensitive to fragmentation by endogenous protease as compared to the unrelated bulk. However, both methods detected batch- and assay-dependently variable potency losses during storage. Moreover, the increase of potency induced by pH reduction correlated with the increase of monomeric IgG, essentially on the expense of dimers. This finding was interpreted to indirectly indicate the neutralising action of anti-Ids known to be the major driving force of dimer formation in polyclonal IgG. A more or less pronounced pH-dependent potency increase was also detectable in three arbitrarily selected batches of two other manufacturers. The data allows to assume that anti-Id-mediated neutralisation can significantly contribute to losses of anti-D potency. In addition, it turned out that anti-D plasma itself can be the source of anti-Ids.  相似文献   

During the course of generating tetanus toxoid (TT)-specific T cell clones frm an HLA-DR2,7 donor, four clones were obtained which proliferated in the presence of autologous monocytes alone without the addition of TT antigen. This proliferation was specifically inhibited by anti-HLA-DR framework mouse monoclonal antibody, and appeared to be HLA-DR-restricted. Two of the clones proliferated in response to HLA-DR2-bearing monocytes, and the other two clones proliferated in response to HLA-DR7-bearing monocytes. The capacity of these four autoreactive human T cell helper clones to induce IgE synthesis in B cells was studied. All four clones stimulated autologous peripheral blood B cells to synthesize IgE and IgG antibody. Induction of IgE synthesis in B cells by the autoreactive T cell clones followed the same pattern of HLA-DR restriction which governed the proliferative response of these clones. These results suggest that the interaction of autoreactive helper T cells with B cell HLA-DR antigens may be important in the activation of IgE immune responses in humans.  相似文献   

We previously reported that administration of high Mr glutaraldehyde-polymerized ovalbumin (OA-POL) 10 days prior to OA Al(OH)3 immunization results in 85 to 99% inhibition of primary and secondary anti-OA IgE responses and 10(2)- to 10(4)-fold increases in OA-specific IgG2a production in each of 14 inbred and 1 outbred murine strains tested. Administration of unmodified OA under the same conditions fails to inhibit IgE synthesis and yields only minor increases in IgG2a production. In the present report, the genetic restrictions placed on the capacity of this modified allergen to elicit long-lived reciprocal regulation of specific IgE and IgG2a responses were examined. Virtually permanent, antigen-specific inhibition of IgE production (greater than 90% for greater than 22 months) was elicited in C57B1/6 mice following administration of a single course of OA-POL. This inhibition was paralleled by substantial (250-fold) increases in specific IgG2a production and was dependent on the activity of extremely long-lived regulatory CD4 T cells. In contrast, BALB/c mice failed to maintain an IgE unresponsive state beyond 10-12 weeks and exhibited transient and less intense increases in IgG2a production. Examination of MHC and Igh congenic strains revealed that the induction of long-term split tolerance by these modified allergens is under multigenic control and is not solely attributable to MHC, Igh, or background genes.  相似文献   

Affinity chromatography absorption of serum from baboons infected with Schistosoma mansoni, using immunoadsorbents made with monospecific anti-human IgE and anti-baboon IgG, demonstrated that antibodies belonging to both these classes participate in the antigen-induced release of vasoactive mediators. Skin-sensitizing IgG was detected by passive cutaneous anaphylaxis in rhesus monkey skin after a latent period of 2 hr, while IgE was detected in 24-hr latent period PCA. Both types of reactivity were abolished by double absorption; both were recovered in the eluates from the respective immunoabsorbents, although with diminished potency.  相似文献   

The effect of dermonecrotic toxin (DNT), fimbrial hemagglutinin (FHA), K-agglutinogen, lipopolysaccharide (LPS), and pertussigen from Bordetella pertussis on the production of IgE and IgG1 antibodies to hen egg albumin (Ea) was investigated in C57BL/6 mice. The IgE antibody contents were determined by passive cutaneous anaphylaxis (PCA) in the skin of Lewis rats, while the IgG1 antibody contents were determined by PCA reactions on the skin of mice using sera that had been heated for 3 hr at 56 C to destroy the IgE antibodies. Among the B. pertussis components tested, pertussigen was the most effective adjuvant for increasing the IgE and IgG1 antibodies to Ea. LPS also moderately increased both types of antibodies, and FHA slightly increased the IgG1 titers. When LPS was given 5 days before Ea, it suppressed both IgE and IgG1 titers while FHA had only slight adjuvant action on both type of antibodies. When each of the components was tested for its ability to modify the adjuvant action of pertussigen, it was found that only DNT interfered significantly with the adjuvanticity of pertussigen when given on the day of immunization with Ea. When the components were given 5 days before Ea, DNT produced significant suppression of only the IgG1 response. LPS, FHA, and K-agglutinogen did not significantly affect the adjuvant action of pertussigen.  相似文献   

Serum levels of specific IgE and IgG4 antibodies to Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica) pollen and total IgE antibody in 75 lumbermen and in 53 male office workers at an urban establishment were measured by means of an enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and compared. No significant differences of specific IgE and IgG4 to cedar pollen and total IgE were found between the lumbermen and the office workers. There were no significant differences of incidence of cedar pollinosis and positive (greater than 100 FU/ml) rate of serum specific IgE between the two groups, though the lumbermen were exposed to dense concentrations of cedar pollen in their working area. In the lumbermen who showed positive values of specific IgE, the mean value of the specific antibody in Japanese cedar pollinosis lumbermen was significantly higher than that in symptom-free lumbermen, while no significant differences of serum level of specific IgG4 were found between the two groups.  相似文献   

An immunogold assay (IGA) was developed to detect IgG and IgE antibodies to Aspergillus fumigatus. Sixteen sera from patients with allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (ABPA), aspergilloma, and normal controls were studied. All sera were also evaluated for antibodies against A. fumigatus by biotin-avidin linked enzyme immunosorbent assay (BALISA) and by agar gel double diffusion method. A. fumigatus specific IgG and IgE antibodies could be detected by IGA in all the patients' sera but not in the sera of normal controls. Both IgG and IgE antibodies to A. fumigatus could be demonstrated in all the sera by BALISA and normal controls showed only low levels of these antibodies. There was a positive correlation between the degree of reactivity detected by IGA, the BALISA titer and the precipitins by agar gel diffusion. It can be concluded that IGA is a reliable, sensitive and simple method capable of detecting both IgG and IgE antibodies against A. fumigatus in patient serum.  相似文献   

Melittin, a bee-venom peptide of 26 amino acids, induces IgE and IgG responses in man and animals. The antibody response was shown previously to be specific primarily for the C-terminal 6 residues and its T cell epitope in H-2d restricted mice was shown to be in residue 11-19 of melittin. To study the relationship of peptide structure and immunogenicity in mice, we have prepared a series of melittin analogs varied in length and composition at the C-terminus. Immunogenicity of the analogs for IgG and IgE responses was found to correlate with two factors: a peptide length of more than 24 residues and the presence of a hydrophilic C-terminal region preferably with two to four cationic groups. These factors result in the ability of peptide to bind to cell membranes. Analogs that possess these features are good immunogens whereas those lacking any of these features are weak immunogens.  相似文献   

The role of idiotypic anti-idiotypic interactions in the regulation of the human T cell response to tetanus toxoid (TT) antigen was examined in three subjects. Rabbit anti-idiotypic (anti-Id) antisera were raised against IgG (Fab')2 anti-TT obtained 7 to 10 days after booster immunization with TT. F(ab')2 fragments of rabbit-anti-Id IgG were used in conjunction with fluorescein-conjugated goat anti-rabbit Ig in an indirect immunofluorescence assay to determine the frequency of Id-positive cells in T cell-enriched preparations. This frequency was 24, 29, and 38 per 10,000, respectively, in the three subjects studied. Significant contribution of contaminating B cell to fluorescence-staining was ruled out by capping experiments using goat anti-human Ig (GAHIG) and by double staining experiments using rhodamine-conjugated GAHIG. Absorption of anti-Id antisera with Epstein Barr virus (EBV)-transformed B cell lines from the IgG (Fab')2 anti-TT donor, but not with EBV-B cell lines from unrelated donors, removed their reactivity with the T cells. Rabbit anti-Id IgG caused minimal proliferation (two-threefold) of T cells and had no effect on T cell proliferation in response to TT antigen when added to the cultures. Preincubation of T cells for 48 hr with rabbit anti-Id IgG (Fab')2, but not with preimmune rabbit IgG (Fab')2, resulted in the generation of antigen-specific suppressor cells that inhibited T cell proliferation in response to TT, but not in response to diphtheria toxoid (DT). These cells also inhibited the synthesis of IgG anti-TT in response to in vitro stimulation with TT antigen, but not the synthesis of IgG anti-DT in response to DT antigen. Adsorption of T cells over plates coated with rabbit anti-Id IgG (Fab')2 enhanced the proliferative response of the T cells to TT, but not to DT antigen, and enhanced the helper activity of the T cells for the in vitro synthesis of IgG anti-TT but not of IgG anti-DT antibodies. These results suggest that idiotypic-anti-idiotypic interactions play a role in the human T cell response to antigen.  相似文献   

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