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Representative soil samples (n = 60) collected from suburban agricultural land in Tianjin were analyzed to determine 16 PAHs in this study. Accelerated solvent extraction, GPC (Gel Permeation Chromatography), and SPE (Solid Phase Extraction) clean-up procedures were employed for PAH preparation prior to analysis with gas chromatography–mass spectrometry. The concentrations of the total PAHs (T-PAHs) ranged from 228.6 ng/g to 14722.1 ng/g with the mean value of 613.1 ng/g. Bap concentrations in many sites exceeded the suggested standards. Spatial variation of PAHs in soil was illustrated; the pollution status and comparison to other cities were also investigated. Severe PAH soil pollution was observed in some sites near urban areas. Higher PAH concentrations were detected at the downwind side of the urban areas, indicating the influence of human activities. Two indicative ratios (Fl/(Fl+Pyr, Baa/(Baa+Chr)) and principal component analysis were used to identify the possible sources of PAHs. These suggested that coal combustion was still the most important source of PAHs in Tianjin, which coincided well with the previous studies. These data can be further used to assess the health risk associated with soils polluted by PAHs and can help local government find proper ways to reduce PAHs’ pollution in soils.  相似文献   

太原是中国的一个重工业基地。经过解放后5 0年的投资建设 ,太原已经建立起冶金、机械、能源工业为主体的现代经济体系和供水、供电、通讯、交通等较为齐全的城市基础设施体系。然而 ,长期以来 ,由于经济增长方式粗放 ,“三废”物质大量排放 ,城市环境质量遭到严重损害 ,已被列为全国污染最为严重的城市之一 ,环境的恶化已经威胁到居民身心健康 ,也影响太原市的可持续发展。因此 ,必须对此进行深入研究 ,找出对策。本文仅就太原土壤亚系统中的Cd污染进行了研究。1 研究地区与方法1 1 自然概况本项研究的范围包括太原市的城区和近郊区 ,…  相似文献   

The cadmium (Cd) uptake characteristics by Sorghum bicolor cv. Nengsi 2# and Cowley from the acidic sandy loam soil (pH = 6.1) during the entire growth period (100 days) were investigated in pot outdoors in a tropical district of southern China, Hainan Island. The Cd-spiked levels in soil were set as 3 and 15 mg/kg. Correspondingly, the available Cd levels in soil extracted by Mehlich III solution were 2.71 and 9.41 mg/kg, respectively. Basically, two varieties in a full growth period (100 days) did not show a significant difference in their growth and Cd uptake. Under high Cd stress, the plant growth was inhibited and its biomass weight and height decreased by 38.7–51.5% and 27.6–28.5%, respectively. However, S. bicolor showed higher bioaccumulation capability of Cd from soil to plant [bioconcentration factor (BCF)>4], and higher transfer capability of Cd from roots to shoots [translocation factor (TF)>1] under high Cd stress; Cd contents in the roots, stems, and leaves of S. bicolor reached 43.79–46.07, 63.28–70.60, and 63.10–66.06 mg/kg, respectively. S. bicolor exhibited the potential phytoextraction capability for low or moderate Cd-contamination in acidic sandy loam soil.  相似文献   

Fifty-one pairs of hulled rice samples and the soil from which each rice sample was grown were analyzed for heavy metals in August, 1979, in order to estimate the background contamination of cadmium (Cd), copper (Cu), and zinc (Zn) in rice grown in the Houston, Texas area. Both samples were divided into three groups by soil types and colors. The cadmium concentration in Texas rice was only one-half to one-quarter lower than that of Asian rice. However, the levels of Cu and Zn in rice in Texas were similar to those reported. Soil heavy metals were lower than ever reported, but these values were consistent with the geochemical characteristics of the Texas Houston area. No particular relationship was found between the three metals in rice and the metals in soil where the sampled rice was grown.  相似文献   

One of the key pathways of human exposure to cadmium (Cd) as a result of the widespread use of sewage sludge as a fertilizer and soil conditioner is through the consumption of home-grown vegetables, particularly leafy crops, on sludge-amended gardens. I have re-analyzed the database and methodology used by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) to assess this pathway in developing a soil loading limit for Cd under the Part 503 biosolids rule. The efficiency of Cd uptake by leafy crops, measured by the uptake coefficient (UC), varied over a wide range and depended strongly on soil pH and crop species. The geometric mean UC of 0.182 used by the USEPA to represent all leafy vegetables in gardens is too low an estimate of UC for slightly to strongly acid soils that are common in gardens of the Northeast. Also, certain popular leafy vegetables, particularly lettuce and spinach, shown by the USEPA database to be markedly stronger accumulators of Cd than most brassicas, are not adequately represented by the USEPA single-point estimate of Cd uptake. The assumed diet in the USEPA risk assessment failed to consider the reasonable worst case exposure of a vegetarian or semivegetarian diet. It is concluded that the potential for crop uptake and dietary intake of Cd could be substantially higher for some gardeners than estimated by the USEPA for reasons relating mainly to soil acidity and dietary preferences.  相似文献   

陕西省主要蔬菜产区蔬菜重金属污染状况分析与评价   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
以GB18406.1-2001无公害蔬菜标准为评价依据.对陕西省8个蔬菜主产区的127个蔬菜样品中汞、砷、铅、镉和铬5种重金属污染状况进行分析评价。结果表明,陕西省主要蔬菜产区蔬菜重金属污染以铅污染为主。茄果类和瓜菜类蔬菜铅污染严重,绿叶类蔬菜铅污染相对较轻.其它4种重金属污染未超过国家标准,其中各产区均未检出镉。铅污染程度的大小顺序足成阳秦都〉宝鸡岐山蔡家坡〉汉中汉台〉渭南临渭。成阳泾阳、宝鸡太白、汉中城固、渭南大荔蔬菜产区5种蓖金瞒均未超标.具备发展无公害蔬菜生产基地条件。  相似文献   

以紫果西番莲和黄果西番莲为试材进行盆栽试验,研究镉、铅处理后西番莲体内镉、铅含量变化。结果表明,镉、铅在西番莲体内分布的一般规律是枝蔓> 叶> 果。不同品种西番莲的镉含量未见显著差异,而铅含量则呈显著差异。西番莲枝蔓和叶对镉、铅的吸收量分别随着各自处理浓度的增加而增加;统计显示,西番莲枝蔓和叶的镉、铅含量与各自土壤的添加量呈极显著正相关。值得注意的是,西番莲对镉有较强的吸收能力(枝蔓和叶对土壤镉的富集系数均大于1),而对铅的吸收能力较差。在本试验中,铅处理浓度为1 000 mg/kg时,西番莲果实可食部分铅的含量也低于无公害果品标准,说明西番莲作为果树生产时,即使在铅含量较高的污染土上种植,也是安全的;但要特别注意镉的污染风险。  相似文献   

太原市土壤中汞污染及成因研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
由于在城市的生产和生活等活动中长期排放含Hg的废弃物,致使城市土壤中的Hg含量越来越多,城市土壤的Hg污染越来越重,它所产生的危害已经引起人们的关注。本文通过对太原市不同地点的土壤中Hg含量进行监测,阐明了太原市土壤中Hg元素的含量、分布特征及其形成的原因,从而为太原市土壤Hg污染防治提供参考依据。  相似文献   

Joint effects of Cd and other heavy metals (Pb, Cu, Zn and As) on the growth and development of rice plants and the uptake of these heavy metals by rice were studied using the pot-culture method combined with chemical and statistical analyses. The results showed that the growth and development of rice plants were strongly influenced by the double-element combined pollution. There was an average decrease in the height of rice plants of 4.0–5.0 cm, and grain yield was decreased by 20.0–30.0%, compared with the control. The uptake of Cd by rice plants was promoted due to the interactions between Cd and the other heavy metals added to the soil. The Cd concentration in roots, stems/leaves and seeds increased 31.6–47.7, 16.7–61.5 and 19.6–78.6%, respectively. Due to interactions, uptake of Pb, Cu and Zn by roots and stems/leaves was inhibited, accumulation of Pb, Cu and Zn in seeds was increased, uptake of As by roots was promoted and uptake of As by stems/leaves was inhibited. In particular, the upward transporting ability of the heavy metals absorbed by rice plants was significantly increased.  相似文献   

我国的稻米镉超标对国民身体健康造成严重威胁, 而选育低镉积累的水稻(Oryza sativa)品种是降低稻米镉含量行之有效的策略, 因此有必要了解水稻对镉的积累特性及其生理过程和相关功能基因。该文概述了镉在水稻根部的吸收、木质部中的装载与运输、茎节中的分配、叶片中再分配以及籽粒镉积累等过程的生理和分子机制研究进展, 以期为低镉水稻的选育和安全生产提供理论参考。  相似文献   

Whole blood and serum samples of Chinese stable chronic renal failure (CRF) patients (n = 81), hemodialysis patients (n = 135), posttransplant patients (n = 60), and subjects with normal renal function (NRF; N = 42) were collected, as well as water and dialysate samples from five dialysis centers. The concentration of selenium (Se), lead (Pb), and cadmium (Cd) was measured by atomic absorption spectrometry. The mean serum Se levels in patients with different degrees of renal failure were significantly lower than those of subjects with NRF (p < 0.01). Pb levels were not increased in renal failure patients, while the Cd levels in patients with various degrees of renal failure were higher than in subjects with NRF (p < 0.05). After correcting the results of Pb and Cd for hematocrit (Hct) however, Pb levels of dialysis patients were also increased. In the dialysis population under study, blood Pb and Cd levels were closely related to the time on dialysis, while contamination of the final dialysate may also contribute to the increased blood Cd and to a less extent Pb levels. Correction for Hct may be recommended to accurately compare blood Pb and Cd levels in dialysis patients and CRF patients with varying degrees of anemia to those of subjects with NRF.  相似文献   

Accumulation of heavy metals (HMs) in cultivated soils is a continuing environmental problem in many parts of the world. An increase in HM concentration can enhance uptake of toxic metals by crops and enter the human food chain. In this study, the uptake behavior of wheat and safflower was evaluated in a calcareous soil by using 12 undisturbed columns in which half were artificially contaminated. Heavy metals in the form of CdCl2 (15 mg Cd kg? 1), CuSO4 (585 mg Cu kg? 1), Pb(NO3)2 (117 mg Pb kg? 1), and ZnCl2 (1094 mg Zn kg? 1) were sprayed on the soil surface and completely mixed in the top 10 cm. The background total concentrations of Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn were 1.6, 29.5, 17.5 and 61.2 mg kg? 1, respectively. After metal application, half of the columns (3 contaminated and 3 uncontaminated) were sown with wheat (Triticum aestivum) and the other half with safflower (Carthamus tinctorious) and grown for 74 days until maturity. After harvesting, soil columns were cut into 10-cm sections and analyzed for HNO3- and DTPA-extractable metal concentrations. Metal concentrations were also measured in different plant tissues. The results showed that artificial contamination of topsoil decreased the transpiration rate of wheat by 12% and that of safflower by 6%. In contaminated columns, Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn accumulation in wheat shoot was greater by 8.0-, 1.9-, 3.0-, and 2.1-fold than the control, respectively. Accordingly, these numbers were 46.0-, 1.3-, 1.7-, and 1.6-fold in safflower shoot. Soil contamination with HMs resulted in a 55% decrease in shoot dry matter yield of wheat while it had no significant effect on shoot dry matter of safflower. The normalized water consumption for safflower was therefore not affected by metal contamination (≈ 13 mm H2O g? 1 of dry weight for all safflower and uncontaminated wheat treatments), while contaminated wheat was much less water efficient at about 27 mm H2O g? 1 dry weight. It was concluded that although artificial contamination had a negative effect on wheat growth, it did not affect safflower's normal growth and water efficiency.  相似文献   

The pollution and potential health risk due to lifetime exposure to heavy metals in urban soil of China were evaluated, based on the urban soil samples collected from published papers from 2005 to 2014. The contamination levels were in the order of Cd > Hg > Cu > Zn > Pb >As > Ni > Cr, and Hg and Cd fell into the category of “moderately contaminated” to “heavily contaminated.” The non-carcinogenic risk for different populations varied greatly, among which children faced high risk, and then the adult female and adult male followed. The hazard index (non-carcinogenic risk) higher than 1.00 occurred in Shanghai, Gansu, Qinghai, Hunan, and Anhui, whereas most of those in northern and western China had low risks. For the carcinogenic risk, Anhui and Ningxia provinces had urban soils exceeding the safe reference (1 × 10?6–1 × 10?4). Qinghai and Gansu had high carcinogenic risks since their risk indexes were much closer to the reference, and the others were in low risk.  相似文献   

To assess the extent and potential hazards of heavy metal pollution at Shanghai Laogang Landfill, the largest landfill in China, surface soil samples were collected near the landfill and concentrations of Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb, and Cr were determined. The results revealed that the concentrations of heavy metals, except Pb, were higher in the surface soil near the landfill than in the background soil. Principal component analysis and hierarchical cluster analysis suggested that the enrichment of Cu in soil was probably related to agricultural activities and Cd and Pb to landfill leachates, whereas Zn and Cr concentrations were probably controlled by soil matrix characteristics. The pollution indices (PIs) of the metals were: Cd > Cu > Cr > Zn > Pb. Among the five measured metals, Cd showed the largest toxic response and might cause higher ecological hazards than other metals. The integrated potential eco-risk index (RI) of the five metals ranged from 26.0 to 104.9, suggesting a low-level eco-risk potential. This study indicated the accumulations of Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb, and Cr did not reach high pollution levels, and therefore posed a low eco-risk potential in surface soil near the landfill.  相似文献   

Xikuangshan is located in Lengshuijiang City, Hunan province, China. With intensive mining and metallurgical activities, large amounts of tailing containing heavy metals (in this study, the term “heavy metals” is used for both metals and metalloids) were introduced to the soils around the mine area. Those heavy metals including antimony and other heavy metals would pose huge risk to human health and ecological environment. With a view to providing information on the extent of contamination and potential ecological risk of heavy metals in the soils of this mine area, the total contents of antimony (Sb), manganese (Mn), zinc (Zn), arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), and lead (Pb) in the soils were examined. The results revealed that the predominant pollutants in this area were Sb, Cd, and Zn with mean concentrations being 356.58, 9.98, and 486.42 mg kg?1, 119.66, 117.41, and 5.17 times of the corresponding background values respectively. The pollution indices (Ps) indicated that the pollution levels of all sampling zones were serious including the control zones. The ecological risk levels of all heavy metals were very high on all the sampling zones except sampling zone 7 (as considerable), and Sb, Cd, and As were regarded as making great contribution to the risk indices (RI).  相似文献   

现代生物技术在农业立体污染防治中的作用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
由于农业污染呈现水体、土地、生物、大气的大循环体的立体污染的特点。本文综述了生物技术在控制农业立体污染循环链的各个主要环节的应用进展 ,论述了现代生物技术在农业立体污染防治中的核心地位和作用。  相似文献   

Aspergillus terreus, Cladosporium cladosporioides, Fusarium oxysporum, Gliocladium roseum, Penicillium spp., Talaromyces helicus and Trichoderma koningii were isolated from heavily polluted streams near an industrial area in La Plata, Argentina. The fungi were obtained from sediments with 0.25–0.50 mg Cd/l and they were isolated in cadmium-basal medium. They were then cultivated to evaluate their Cd detoxification abilities. The biomass developed in static assays represented 5–53% of the yield of stirred cultures, for the different fungal species, although the cadmium absorption were similar in both cases. These soil fungi represented 50% of the total isolates and their mycelial growth was conspicuous in these polluted sediments. Although bacteria have been mentioned as active microorganisms against heavy metals, the mycelial fungi were able to develop a significantly higher mass to sequestrate more metals. Thus, they could be used in remediation biotechnology to improve the Cd detoxification of chronically contaminated habitats.  相似文献   

干旱及镉污染对巨菌草生理和镉富集特征的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
巨菌草因具有生长迅速、生物量大等优点而成为重金属污染修复的良好材料,干旱是影响其生长和修复能力的主要原因。该研究采用盆栽实验方法,探讨了干旱处理(25%土壤田间持水量)、镉处理(3mg·kg~(-1))及其交互处理对巨菌草生长、光合、抗氧化酶活性、活性氧含量、镉积累与分配特征的影响。结果表明:(1)与对照相比,干旱处理、镉处理及其交互处理对巨菌草生物量积累和光合作用均有一定抑制作用,但各处理巨菌草的耐性系数均较高;叶片中丙二醛(MDA)含量及过氧化物酶(POD)和过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性在各处理下均不同程度升高,抗坏血酸过氧化物酶(APX)活性在交互处理下显著升高,而超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性在镉处理和交互处理下显著降低。(2)与单一处理相比,无论从生物量积累,还是叶片活性氧引起的细胞膜受损伤程度(用MDA表示)来看,交互处理并没有引起更严重的负面效应。(3)镉和交互处理下巨菌草各器官的镉含量均显著增加,且主要积累在根部;与镉处理相比,交互处理显著降低巨菌草的镉富集量,但未显著降低其地上部镉富集量。研究发现,巨菌草具有较强的耐旱性和抗镉污染的能力,干旱与镉交互处理并不会造成更严重的叠加负面影响,但会显著降低巨菌草地下部的镉富集量;在受到干旱及镉污染交互影响的区域种植巨菌草具有良好的修复前景。  相似文献   

为了解Cd污染胁迫下树木对CO_2浓度升高、N添加及其复合作用的响应,应用开顶箱,探讨Cd及其与CO_2、N的复合作用对大叶相思(Acacia auriculiformis)基径、树高和生物量的影响。结果表明,Cd添加抑制大叶相思基径、树高和生物量的增长,并且具有时间滞后性;大气CO_2浓度升高、N添加及CO_2+N均有缓解Cd对植物生长抑制作用的趋势,其中, N添加更能促进大叶相思基径的生长,树高生长则对CO_2升高更为敏感;在Cd污染土壤中,N添加的缓解作用最显著。因此,氮肥管理是重金属污染土地修复初期促进植物修复的重要策略。  相似文献   

为明确拟水狼蛛对食物中镉的吸收和排泄及生物学响应,采用原子吸收光谱法检测了连续3代拟水狼蛛对食物中Cd2+的吸收和排泄情况,并测定了Cd2+对其生长发育、繁殖力和耐饥力的影响。结果表明:食物中过量的Cd2+能够通过食物链进行传递并在拟水狼蛛体内积累,积累量随拟水狼蛛代数的增加而增加,第2代和第3代拟水狼蛛体内Cd2+积累量浓度显著高于第1代中Cd2+积累量,第2代和第3代间差异不显著,积累量与消耗的黑腹果蝇数量极显著正相关,P<0.01;与消耗食物中Cd含量显著正相关,P<0.05。连续3代拟水狼蛛分别吸收了食物中65.4%、68.5%和69.1%的Cd,生物营养级放大因子分别为1.71、2.12和2.17。连续3代拟水狼蛛Cd排泄量极低。Cd处理能显著改变拟水狼蛛背胸甲宽、幼蛛存活率、生长历期和繁殖力。随拟水狼蛛受胁迫代数的增加,幼蛛存活率显著减少,生长历期显著延长。卵袋重量显著减轻,卵数目显著减少,卵体积显著升高。Cd处理还能显著降低拟水狼耐饥力。研究结果可为进一步研究环境中Cd沿土壤-昆虫-天敌传递、放大和生理耐受提供更为充分的理论依据。  相似文献   

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