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Phenanthrene biodegradation was investigated at different soil water contents [0.11, 0.22, 0.33, 0.44 g H2O (g soil)?1] to determine the effects of water availability on biodegradation rate. A subsurface horizon of Kennebec silty loam soil was used in this study. [9-14C] phenanthrene was dissolved in a mixture of organic contaminants that consisted of 76% decane, 6% ρ-xylene, 6% phenanthrene, 6% pristane, and 6% naphthalene, and then added to the soil. The highest rate of mineralization, in which 0.23% of the [9-14C] phenanthrene degraded to 14CO2 after 66 days of incubation, was observed at the soil water content of 0.44 g H2O/g dry soil. Most of the 14C remained in the soil as the parent compound or as nonextractable compounds by acetonitrile at the highest water content. Concentrations of nonextractable compounds increased with water content, but residual extractable phenanthrene decreased significantly with increasing water content, which presumably indicates that bio-transformation occurred. The mineralization analysis of radiolabeled 9th carbon in phenanthrene underestimated phenanthrene biodegradation. The strong adsorption and low solubility of phenanthrene contributed to the low mineralization of phenanthrene 9th carbon. The other components were subject to higher biological and abiotic dissipation processes with increasing soil water content.  相似文献   

在6、7-V液体培养基中较为适合黄连细胞生长的蔗糖浓度为.3%,当蔗糖浓度增加到7%时,细胞生长速率开始下降,但小檗碱含量提高到5.20%.小檗碱产率为456.60mg/L(23天)。基本培养基中随着补加NH4NO3浓度的增加,抑制细胞生长愈严重;补加0.8g/LNH4NO3的小檗碱含量比未加的增加约10%,随着浓度的增加又急剧下降。  相似文献   

Soils contaminated simultaneously with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and heavy metals pose major threat to human health and environment by getting released from soil into water environment. The purpose of this study was to evaluate simultaneous desorption and desorption kinetics of PAHs (phenanthrene and anthracene) and heavy metals (lead, nickel, and zinc) from artificially contaminated kaolinite soils with different organic matter content. Batch desorption tests were conducted using single and combined enhancing agents containing Triton X-100 and Tween 80 as non-ionic surfactants, Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) as a chelating agent, and citric acid as an organic acid. The solution with the highest removal efficiency was the combined solution of Triton X-100 (10% w/w) + EDTA (0.01 M). Removal levels around 92, 46, 92, 95, and 96% were obtained for phenanthrene, anthracene, lead, nickel, and zinc, respectively, by using this combination. Batch desorption kinetics experiments were performed using the mentioned combination. During the first 24 h, desorption kinetics were rapid, followed by a plateau until the end. The data obtained from desorption kinetics experiments were fitted with four kinetics models: pseudo-second-order equation, empirical power function, elovich, and parabolic diffusion. The correlation coefficient of the pseudo-second-order equation was higher than that of other functions. Moreover, batch experiments have showed inverse correlations between removal efficiency and organic matter content of soil.  相似文献   

铵离子对不同基因型水稻吸收硝酸根离子的影响1   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
NH+4可在很短时间内影响两种不同水稻亚种吸收NO-3,即可以影响NO-3的最初跨膜运输.籼型稻在NH+4存在时对NO-3吸收有促进,而粳型稻NO-3吸收则明显减少.  相似文献   

Biochar produced by pyrolysis of biomass can be used to counter nitrogen (N) pollution. The present study investigated the effects of feedstock and temperature on characteristics of biochars and their adsorption ability for ammonium N (NH4 +-N) and nitrate N (NO3 -N). Twelve biochars were produced from wheat-straw (W-BC), corn-straw (C-BC) and peanut-shell (P-BC) at pyrolysis temperatures of 400, 500, 600 and 700°C. Biochar physical and chemical properties were determined and the biochars were used for N sorption experiments. The results showed that biochar yield and contents of N, hydrogen and oxygen decreased as pyrolysis temperature increased from 400°C to 700°C, whereas contents of ash, pH and carbon increased with greater pyrolysis temperature. All biochars could sorb substantial amounts of NH4 +-N, and the sorption characteristics were well fitted to the Freundlich isotherm model. The ability of biochars to adsorb NH4 +-N followed: C-BC>P-BC>W-BC, and the adsorption amount decreased with higher pyrolysis temperature. The ability of C-BC to sorb NH4 +-N was the highest because it had the largest cation exchange capacity (CEC) among all biochars (e.g., C-BC400 with a CEC of 38.3 cmol kg−1 adsorbed 2.3 mg NH4 +-N g−1 in solutions with 50 mg NH4 + L−1). Compared with NH4 +-N, none of NO3 -N was adsorbed to biochars at different NO3 concentrations. Instead, some NO3 -N was even released from the biochar materials. We conclude that biochars can be used under conditions where NH4 +-N (or NH3) pollution is a concern, but further research is needed in terms of applying biochars to reduce NO3 -N pollution.  相似文献   

Fluxes of dissolved organic matter (DOM) are an important vector for the movement of carbon (C) and nutrients both within and between ecosystems. However, although DOM fluxes from throughfall and through litterfall can be large, little is known about the fate of DOM leached from plant canopies, or from the litter layer into the soil horizon. In this study, our objectives were to determine the importance of plant-litter leachate as a vehicle for DOM movement, and to track DOM decomposition [including dissolve organic carbon (DOC) and dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) fractions], as well as DOM chemical and isotopic dynamics, during a long-term laboratory incubation experiment using fresh leaves and litter from several ecosystem types. The water-extractable fraction of organic C was high for all five plant species, as was the biodegradable fraction; in most cases, more than 70% of the initial DOM was decomposed in the first 10 days of the experiment. The chemical composition of the DOM changed as decomposition proceeded, with humic (hydrophobic) fractions becoming relatively more abundant than nonhumic (hydrophilic) fractions over time. However, in spite of proportional changes in humic and nonhumic fractions over time, our data suggest that both fractions are readily decomposed in the absence of physicochemical reactions with soil surfaces. Our data also showed no changes in the 13C signature of DOM during decomposition, suggesting that isotopic fractionation during DOM uptake is not a significant process. These results suggest that soil microorganisms preferentially decompose more labile organic molecules in the DOM pool, which also tend to be isotopically heavier than more recalcitrant DOM fractions. We believe that the interaction between DOM decomposition dynamics and soil sorption processes contribute to the 13C enrichment of soil organic matter commonly observed with depth in soil profiles. published online 2004  相似文献   

When young barley plants which had been supplied with nitratewere deprived of this source of N, an enhanced capacity forabsorption of either nitrate or ammonium ions developed, reachinga maximum in about 3 d under the particular experimental conditionsused. The net uptake rate of either nutrient was then approximatelythree times that in plants which had received nitrate throughout.Likewise, withholding external N from plants previously growingwith ammonium caused a 2.4-fold increase in their subsequentcapacity to absorb that ion, compared with control plants grownwith an uninterrupted ammonium supply. Accelerated nitrate uptakein N-starved plants was not accompanied by additional phosphateor sulphate absorption, but the plants had the capacity to absorbmore potassium, whether or not ammonium was also present inthe solution. Indirect evidence from analyses of root tissuesuggests that these responses to mild N-stress may depend onsome property of an N fraction which does not include nitrateor ammonium. Hordeum vulgare, barley, nitrogen, ammonium, nitrate, N-deficiency, absorption  相似文献   

The results of a study of the role of organic compounds in theformation of carlxmate crystals in marine biological systemsare reported. In an increasing concentration of certain organiccompounds which complex calcium ions, the proportion of aragonitedecreases and that of calcite increases. In increasing concentrationsof magnesium ions the proportion of aragonite increases andthat of calcite and vaterite decreases. When the influence oforganic compounds is greater or smaller than that of magnesiumions, only calcite or only aragonite is formed, respectively.Organic compounds forming a strong complex with calcium ionscause the formation of magnesium-rich calcite, and with an increasein temperature and the concentration of magnesium ions, themagnesium carbonate content of precipitated magnesian calciteincreases. When the influence of organic compounds is almostequivalent to that of magnesium ions, in increasing or decreasingtemperatures, the proportion of calcite decreases or increases,respectively, and the proportion of aragonite increases or decreases,respectively. The concentration of magnesium ions in the bodyfluids of marine calcareous organisms seems to differ littlefrom that of other organisms, and seems to be similar to thatof sea water. Only the presence of certain organic compoundsbrings about the formation of the carbonate crystals observedin marine biological systems. The very important role of organicmatter in the formation of crystals found in skeletal carbonatesis emphasized.  相似文献   

An important constraint on the formation of the building blocks of life in the Hadean is the availability of small, activated compounds such as ammonia (NH(3)) relative to its inert dinitrogen source. Iron-sulfur particles and/or mineral surfaces have been implicated to provide the catalytic active sites for the reduction of dinitrogen. Here we provide a combined kinetic, spectroscopic, and computational modeling study for an alternative source of ammonia from water soluble nitrogen oxide ions. The adsorption of aqueous nitrite (NO (2) (-) ) and nitrate (NO (3) (-) ) on pyrite (FeS(2)) and subsequent reduction chemistry to ammonia was investigated at 22°C, 70°C, and 120°C. Batch geochemical and in situ Attenuated Total Reflection - Fourier Transform Infrared (ATR-FTIR) spectroscopy experiments were used to determine the reduction kinetics to NH(3) and to elucidate the identity of the surface complexes, respectively, during the reaction chemistry of NO (2) (-) and NO (3) (-) . Density functional theory (DFT) calculations aided the interpretation of the vibrational data for a representative set of surface species. Under the experimental conditions used in this study, we detected the adsorption of nitric oxide (NO) intermediate on the pyrite surface. NH(3) production from NO (2) (-) occurred at 70 and 120°C and from NO (3) (-) occurred only at 120°C.  相似文献   

土壤有机质和外源有机物对甲烷产生的影响   总被引:27,自引:2,他引:25  
丁维新  蔡祖聪 《生态学报》2002,22(10):1672-1679
对土壤有机质含量及组分、外源有机物和根系分泌对甲烷产生的影响作了综述。土壤产甲烷量和甲烷排放量随有机质含量增加而提高,与土壤中易矿化有机碳或沸水浸提有机碳含量呈显著相关。外源有机碳加入促进了土壤排放甲,刺激效果与外源有机碳的用量和组成有关。还原力强的有机物如纤维素和半纤维素较还原力弱的有机物如类脂和多糖能够产生更多的甲烷。甲醇、甲基化氨基酸等无其它微生物竞争利用的有机物能被产甲烷菌更多地转化成甲烷。植物根系分泌物也促进甲烷的产生,促进作用大小与植物种类及分泌物的数量和质量有关。外源有机物通过3种方式促进土壤甲烷产生;提高土壤的甲烷底物供应量,降低土壤氧化还原电位,刺激土壤原有有机碳的转化。  相似文献   

The pulp and paper industry largely depends on the biodegradation activities of heterotrophic bacteria to remove organic contaminants in wastewater prior to discharge. Our recent discovery of extensive cyanobacterial communities in pulp and paper waste treatment systems led us to investigate the potential impacts of cyanobacterial exudates on growth and biodegradation efficiency of three bacterial heterotrophs. Each of the three assessed bacteria represented different taxa commonly found in pulp and paper waste treatment systems: a fluorescent Pseudomonad, an Ancylobacter aquaticus strain, and a Ralstonia eutropha strain. They were capable of utilizing phenol, dichloroacetate (DCA), or 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D), respectively. Exudates from all 12 cyanobacterial strains studied supported the growth of each bacterial strain to varying degrees. Maximum biomass of two bacterial strains positively correlated with the total organic carbon content of exudate treatments. The combined availability of exudate and a known growth substrate (i.e., phenol, DCA, or 2,4-D) generally had a synergistic affect on the growth of the Ancylobacter strain, whereas mixed effects were seen on the other two strains. Exudates from four representative cyanobacterial strains were assessed for their impacts on phenol and DCA biodegradation by the Pseudomonas and Ancylobacter strains, respectively. Exudates from three of the four cyanobacterial taxa repressed phenol biodegradation, but enhanced DCA biodegradation. These dissimilar impacts of cyanobacterial exudates on bacterial degradation of contaminants suggest a species-specific association, as well as a significant role for cyanobacteria during the biological treatment of wastewaters.  相似文献   

The understanding of ecosystem responses to changing environmental conditions is becoming increasingly relevant in the context of global warming. Microbial biofilm communities in streams play a key role in organic matter cycling which might be modulated by shifts in flowing water temperature. In this study, we performed an experiment at the Candal stream (Portugal) longitudinally divided into two reaches: a control half and an experimental half where water temperature was 3 °C above that of the basal stream water. Biofilm colonization was monitored during 42 days in the two stream halves. Changes in biofilm function (extracellular enzyme activities and carbon substrate utilization profiles) as well as chlorophyll a and prokaryote densities were analyzed. The biofilm in the experimental half showed a higher capacity to decompose cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin, and peptidic compounds. Total leucine-aminopeptidase, cellobiohydrolase and β-xylosidase showed a respective 93, 66, and 61 % increase in activity over the control; much higher than would be predicted by only the direct temperature physical effect. In contrast, phosphatase and lipase activity showed the lowest sensitivity to temperature. The biofilms from the experimental half also showed a distinct functional fingerprint and higher carbon usage diversity and richness, especially due to a wider use of polymers and carbohydrates. The changes in the biofilm functional capabilities might be indirectly affected by the higher prokaryote and chlorophyll density measured in the biofilm of the experimental half. The present study provides evidence that a realistic stream temperature increase by 3 °C changes the biofilm metabolism to a greater decomposition of polymeric complex compounds and peptides but lower decomposition of lipids. This might affect stream organic matter cycling and the transfer of carbon to higher trophic levels.  相似文献   

以硫酸铵或者尿素代替MS基本培养基中的硝酸铵,继代培养苹果砧木‘山定子’、草莓品种‘哈尼’和葡萄品种‘里扎马特’的组培苗的结果表明,以尿素替代硝酸铵的培养基不适于苹果、草莓和葡萄组培苗的生长。以硫酸铵代替硝酸铵的培养基中,苹果、草莓和葡萄组培苗生长正常。与正常的MS培养基中生长的组培苗相比,加入3.4g·L^-1硫酸铵的MS培养基中继代的植物叶片平展,叶色嫩绿,植物幼嫩组织含水量高,植株生长旺盛。  相似文献   

Factorial experiments using the three variables nitrate, ammonium, and kinetin at six different concentrations each (nitrate 4.64 to 215 mM; ammonium 2.15 to 100 mM; and kinetin 0.1 to 4.64 mg/l) were set up to measure the effects of each of these factors, and their interactions, on the fresh weight, protein, and enzyme activities of callus of Paul's Scarlet Rose. Optimum fresh weight values were obtained with nitrate at 46.4 mM. Ammonium inhibited growth at concentrations above 2.15 mM, and kinetin had no significant effect. Significant interaction between nitrate and ammonium effects on growth was found. Kinetin did not interact significantly with either nitrate or ammonium to influence the fresh weight. The specific activity of glutamate dehydrogenase (NAD) in the aminating reaction increased with increasing ammonium concentrations to 21.5; at higher concentrations the activity remained high. Glutamine synthetase specific activity was constant over a large range of nitrate and ammonium concentrations, increasing only when nitrate went from 46.4 to 100 mM. Glutamine synthetase was sensitive to the nitrate: ammonium interaction. Specific activity decreased at progressively higher ammonium levels when nitrate concentration increased. No glutamate synthase activity was detected at optimal nitrate concentrations.  相似文献   

The possibility that the primary effect of the toxic insecticidetrichlorfon is an inhibition of nitrate uptake in cyanobactenahas been investigated. A drastic reduction in the rate of uptakeis detected 3 h after the addition of the insecticide to batchcultures of nabaena PCC 7119. The dose-response curves indicatea relationship between the degree of inhibition of nitrate uptakeand the reduction of chlorophyll content and growth. Nitratereductase (ferredoxin : nitrate reductase, EC [EC] ) activityis also lowered as a result of insecticide action. When AnabaenaPCC 7119 cells are grown with ammonium as a source of combinednitrogen, trichlorfon reduces the rate of ammonium uptake. Therate of uptake of both nitrate and ammonium is restored uponwashing the cells. Ultrastructural analysis of Anabaena nitrate-growncells shows that trichlorfon does not damage thylakoid membranes,but brings about the accumulation of enlarged cyanophycin granulesand the increase of carboxysome number. Nitrate uptake rateand chlorophyll and phycobiliprotein contents are also reducedby insecticide treatment in the cyanobacteria SynechococcusUAM 211, GloeothecePCC 6501, Plectonema calothricoides, NostocUAM 205 and Chlorogloeopsis PCC 6912. These results are consistentwith the inhibition of nitrate uptake due to weak adsorptionof trichlorfon to the plasmalemma being the main effect of theinsecticide on cyanobacterial metabolism. Key words: Nitrate uptake, cyanobacteria, Anabaena, ammonium uptake, trichlorfon  相似文献   

Dissolved organic matter (DOM) is recognized as a major component in the global carbon cycle and is an important driver in aquatic ecosystem function. Climate, land use, and forest cover changes all impact stream DOM and alter biogeochemical cycles in terrestrial environments. We determined the temporal variation in DOM quantity and quality in headwater streams at a reference watershed (REF), a watershed clear-cut 30 years ago (CC), and a watershed converted to a white pine plantation 50 years ago (WP) at the US Forest Service, Coweeta Hydrologic Laboratory, in the Nantahala Mountains of western North Carolina, USA. Average stream dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations in CC or WP were 60 and 80% of those in REF, respectively. Stream DOM composition showed that the difference was mainly due to changes in humic-like components in chromophoric DOM. In addition, excitation–emission matrix fluorescence data with parallel factor analysis indicate that although the concentration of protein-like components did not differ significantly among watersheds, their relative abundance showed an enrichment in CC and WP compared to REF. The ratio of humic acid-type to fulvic acid-type components was highest and lowest at REF and WP, respectively. Our data suggest that forest ecosystem disturbance history affects the DOM quantity and quality in headwater streams over decades as a result of changes in watershed soil organic matter characteristics due to differences in organic matter inputs.  相似文献   

In barley (Hordeum vulgare L. cv Steptoe) seedlings, the time course for induction of root nitrate absorption varied significantly with pretreatment. Net nitrate uptake of nitrogen-deprived plants more than doubled during the 12 hours after first exposure to nitrate. For these plants, gentle physical disturbance of the roots inhibited net nitrate absorption for more than 6 hours and potassium absorption for 2 hours. Pretreatment with ammonium appeared sufficient to induce nitrate absorption; plants either grown for 2 weeks on or exposed for only 10 hours to a medium containing ammonium as a sole nitrogen source showed high rates of net nitrate uptake when first shifted to a medium containing nitrate. Gentle physical manipulation of these plants inhibited nitrate absorption for 2 hours and potassium absorption for more than 12 hours. These results indicate (a) that experimental protocols should avoid physical manipulation of the roots when-ever possible and (b) that ammonium or a product of ammonium assimilation can induce nitrate absorption.  相似文献   

Lawlor, D. W., Boyle, F. A., Kendall, A. C. and Keys, A. J.1987. Nitrate nutrition and temperature effects on wheat: Enzymecomposition, nitrate and total amino acid content of leaves.—J.exp. Bot. 38: 378–392. Wheat plants were grown in controlled environments in two temperatureregimes with two rates of nitrate fertilization. In some experimentstwo light intensities were combined with the nitrogen and temperaturetreatments. The composition of the third leaf was studied fromsoon after emergence until early senescence. The amounts ofchlorophyll, soluble protein, ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase-oxygenase(RuBPc-o) protein, nitrate, and total amino acids were measuredtogether with the activities of RuBPc-o, fructose- 1,6-bisphosphatase,glycolate oxidase, carbonic anhydrase, nitrate reductase, glutaminesynthetase and serine- and glutamate-glyoxylate aminotransferases.Additional nitrate supply increased the amounts, per unit leafarea, of chlorophyll, total soluble protein and RuBPc-o proteinand the activities of all the enzymes. The ratio of RuBP carboxylaseto RuBP oxygenase activity, when measured at constant CO2/O2ratio and temperature, was unaffected by growth conditions orleaf age. Leaves grown at the lower temperature, especiallywith more nitrate, contained much more soluble protein, nitratereductase, fructose bisphosphatase and free amino acids perunit area than the plants grown in the warmer conditions. However,young leaves grown in the warm contained more nitrate than thosegrown in the cool. Amounts of protein, amino acids and chlorophylland most enzyme activities reached maxima near full leaf expansionand decreased with age; additional nitrate slowed the decreaseand senescence was delayed. Nitrate content and nitrate reductaseactivities were highest in leaves before full expansion andthen fell rapidly after full expansion. Increased light intensityincreased the content of RuBPc-o protein at the higher rateof nitrate supply. Chloroplast components and, to a lesser extent,peroxisomal enzymes associated with photosynthetic nitrogenassimilation changed in proportion with different treatmentsbut nitrate reductase activity was not closely related to chloroplastenzymes. Control of tissue composition in relation to environmentalconditions is discussed. Key words: Nitrate nutrition, temperature, wheat, enzyme, amino acid, leaves, ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase oxygenase, nitrate reductase  相似文献   

Groundwaters at nuclear sites can be characterized by low pH and high nitrate concentrations (10–100 mM). These conditions are challenging for bioremediation, often inhibiting microbial Fe(III)-reduction which can limit radionuclide migration. Here, sediment microcosms representative of the UK Sellafield site were used to study the influence of variable pH and nitrate concentrations on microbially-mediated TEAP (terminal electron accepting processes) progression. The rate of reduction through the terminal electron accepting cascade NO? 3 > NO? 2 > Mn(IV)/Fe(III) > SO2? 4 at low pH (~5.5) was slower than that in bicarbonate buffered systems (pH ~ 7.0), but in the low pH systems, denitrification and associated pH buffering resulted in conditioning of the sediments for subsequent Fe(III) and sulfate-reduction. Under very high nitrate conditions (100 mM), bicarbonate buffering (pH ~ 7.0) was necessary for TEAP progression beyond denitrification and the reduction of 100 mM nitrate created alkaline conditions (pH 9.5). 16S rRNA gene analysis showed that close relatives of known nitrate reducers Bacillus niacini and Ochrobactrum grignonense dominated the microbial communities in this reduced sediment. In Fe(III)-reducing enrichment cultures from the 100 mM nitrate system, close relatives of the Fe(III)-reducing species Alkaliphilus crotonatoxidans and Serratia liquifaciens were observed. These results highlight that under certain conditions and contrary to expectations, denitrification may support bioreduction via pH conditioning for optimal metal reduction and radionuclide immobilization.  相似文献   

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