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Escherichia coli DNA adenine methyltransferase (Dam) and Leucine-responsive regulatory protein (Lrp) are key regulators of the pap operon, which codes for the pilus proteins necessary for uropathogenic E. coli cellular adhesion. The pap operon is regulated by a phase variation mechanism in which the methylation states of two GATC sites in the pap regulatory region and the binding position of Lrp determine whether the pilus genes are expressed. The post-replicative reassembly of Dam, Lrp, and the local regulator PapI onto a hemimethylated pap intermediate is a critical step of the phase variation switching mechanism and is not well understood. We show that Lrp, in the presence and in the absence of PapI and nonspecific DNA, specifically protects pap regulatory GATC sites from Dam methylation when allowed to compete with Dam for assembly on unmethylated and hemimethylated pap DNA. The methylation protection is dependent upon the concentration of Lrp and does not occur with non-regulatory GATC sites. Our data suggest that only at low Lrp concentrations will Dam compete effectively for binding and methylation of the proximal GATC site, leading to a phase switch resulting in the expression of pili.  相似文献   

The leucine-responsive regulatory protein (Lrp) of Escherichia coli activates expression of a number of operons and represses expression of others. For some members of the Lrp regulon, exogenous leucine mitigates the effect of Lrp, for some it potentiates the effect of Lrp, and for others it has no effect on Lrp action. For the ilvIH operon that we study, Lrp activates expression in vivo and mediates the repression of the operon by exogenous leucine. We studied Lrp-1, a leucine-insensitive variant, to investigate mechanisms by which leucine alters Lrp action as an activator of ilvIH expression. The Asp114Glu change did not have much effect on the amount of total Lrp-1 in cells but decreased the amount of free Lrp-1 two- to threefold. Lrp monomers associate to form octamers and hexadecamers (hexadecamer form predominates at micromolar concentrations; Kd=5.27x10(-8) M), and leucine promotes the dissociation of Lrp hexadecamer to a leucine-bound octamer. By contrast, Lrp-1 exists primarily as an octamer in solution (equilibrium dissociation constant 6.5x10(-5) M) and leucine had little effect on the equilibrium. Thus, the hexadecameric form that Lrp assumes in the absence of DNA is not required for activation of the ilvIH operon. Both leucine and the lrp-1 mutation reduced the apparent affinity of Lrp binding to ilvIH DNA (contains two groups of binding sites separated by 136 bp) but they have different effects on intrinsic binding affinity and binding cooperativity. Whereas leucine reduced intrinsic binding affinities and interactions of Lrps bound at upstream and downstream regions of ilvIH DNA, it increased cooperative dimer-dimer interactions of Lrps bound to two adjacent sites. By contrast, the lrp-1 mutation did not have much effect on intrinsic binding affinities but it decreased cooperative adjacent dimer-dimer interactions and enhanced interactions of Lrps bound at upstream and downstream regions of ilvIH DNA. Our analysis is consistent with the idea that leucine enhances dimer-dimer interactions that contribute to octamer formation, concomitantly reducing dimer-dimer interactions that contribute to the longer range interactions of Lrps that are required for activation of the ilvIH promoter.  相似文献   

Campylobacter jejuni, a Gram-negative motile bacterium, is a leading cause of human gastrointestinal infections. Although the mechanism of C.jejuni-mediated enteritis appears to be multifactorial, flagella play complex roles in the virulence of this human pathogen. Cj0977 is a recently identified virulence factor in C. jejuni and is expressed by a σ28 promoter that controls late genes in the flagellar regulon. A Cj0977 mutant strain is fully motile but significantly reduced in the invasion of intestinal epithelial cells in vitro. Here, we report the crystal structure of the major structural domain of Cj0977, which reveals a homodimeric “hot-dog” fold architecture. Of note, the characteristic hot-dog fold has been found in various coenzyme A (CoA) compound binding proteins with numerous oligomeric states. Structural comparison with other known hot-dog fold proteins locates a putative binding site for an acyl-CoA compound in the Cj0977 protein. Structure-based site-directed mutagenesis followed by invasion assays indicates that key residues in the putative binding site are indeed essential for the Cj0977 virulence function, suggesting a possible function of Cj0977 as an acyl-CoA binding regulatory protein.  相似文献   

Control of sulfur metabolism in plants and bacteria is linked, in significant measure, to the behavior of the cysteine synthase complex (CSC). The complex is comprised of the two enzymes that catalyze the final steps in cysteine biosynthesis: serine O-acetyltransferase (SAT, EC, which produces O-acetyl-L-serine, and O-acetyl-L-serine sulfhydrylase (OASS, EC, which converts it to cysteine. SAT (a dimer of homotrimers) binds a maximum of two molecules of OASS (a dimer) in an interaction believed to involve docking of the C terminus from a protomer in an SAT trimer into an OASS active site. This interaction inactivates OASS catalysis and prevents further binding to the trimer; thus, the system exhibits a contact-induced inactivation of half of each biomolecule. To better understand the dynamics and energetics that underlie formation of the CSC, the interactions of OASS and SAT from Escherichia coli were studied at equilibrium and in the pre-steady state. Using an experimental strategy that initiates dissociation of the CSC at different points in the CSC-forming reaction, three stable forms of the complex were identified. Comparison of the binding behaviors of SAT and its C-terminal peptide supports a mechanism in which SAT interacts with OASS in a non-allosteric interaction involving its C terminus. This early docking event appears to fasten the proteins in close proximity and thus prepares the system to engage in a series of subsequent, energetically favorable isomerizations that inactivate OASS and produce the fully isomerized CSC.  相似文献   

Suppression of one-carbon metabolism or insufficient methionine intake are suggested to increase risk of neural tube defects (NTD). Here, exogenous methionine unexpectedly caused frequent NTD in cultured mouse embryos. NTD were associated with reduced cranial mesenchyme cell density, which may result from a preceding reduction in proliferation. The abundance ratio of S-adenosylmethionine to S-adenosylhomocysteine was also decreased in treated embryos, suggesting methylation reactions may be suppressed. Such an effect is potentially causative as NTD were also observed when DNA methylation was specifically inhibited. Thus, reduced cranial mesenchyme density and impairment of critical methylation reactions may contribute to development of methionine-induced NTD.  相似文献   

BchU plays a role in bacteriochlorophyll c biosynthesis by catalyzing methylation at the C-20 position of cyclic tetrapyrrole chlorin using S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) as a methyl source. This methylation causes red-shifts of the electronic absorption spectrum of the light-harvesting pigment, allowing green photosynthetic bacteria to adapt to low-light environments. We have determined the crystal structures of BchU and its complex with S-adenosylhomocysteine (SAH). BchU forms a dimer and each subunit consists of two domains, an N-terminal domain and a C-terminal domain. Dimerization occurs through interactions between the N-terminal domains and the residues responsible for the catalytic reaction are in the C-terminal domain. The binding site of SAH is located in a large cavity between the two domains, where SAH is specifically recognized by many hydrogen bonds and a salt-bridge. The electron density map of BchU in complex with an analog of bacteriochlorophyll c located its central metal near the SAH-binding site, but the tetrapyrrole ring was invisible, suggesting that binding of the ring to BchU is loose and/or occupancy of the ring is low. It is likely that His290 acts as a ligand for the central metal of the substrate. The orientation of the substrate was predicted by simulation, and allows us to propose a mechanism for the BchU directed methylation: the strictly conserved Tyr246 residue acts catalytically in the direct transfer of the methyl group from SAM to the substrate through an S(N)2-like mechanism.  相似文献   

Fis, the most abundant DNA-binding protein in Escherichia coli during rapid growth, has been suspected to play an important role in defining nucleoid structure. Using bulk-phase and single-DNA molecule experiments, we analyze the structural consequences of non-specific binding by Fis to DNA. Fis binds DNA in a largely sequence-neutral fashion at nanomolar concentrations, resulting in mild compaction under applied force due to DNA bending. With increasing concentration, Fis first coats DNA to form an ordered array with one Fis dimer bound per 21 bp and then abruptly shifts to forming a higher-order Fis-DNA filament, referred to as a low-mobility complex (LMC). The LMC initially contains two Fis dimers per 21 bp of DNA, but additional Fis dimers assemble into the LMC as the concentration is increased further. These complexes, formed at or above 1 microM Fis, are able to collapse large DNA molecules via stabilization of DNA loops. The opening and closing of loops on single DNA molecules can be followed in real time as abrupt jumps in DNA extension. Formation of loop-stabilizing complexes is sensitive to high ionic strength, even under conditions where DNA bending-compaction is unaltered. Analyses of mutants indicate that Fis-mediated DNA looping does not involve tertiary or quaternary changes in the Fis dimer structure but that a number of surface-exposed residues located both within and outside the helix-turn-helix DNA-binding region are critical. These results suggest that Fis may play a role in vivo as a domain barrier element by organizing DNA loops within the E. coli chromosome.  相似文献   

The enzymes of the KsgA/Dim1 family are universally distributed throughout all phylogeny; however, structural and functional differences are known to exist. The well-characterized function of these enzymes is to dimethylate two adjacent adenosines of the small ribosomal subunit in the normal course of ribosome maturation, and the structures of KsgA from Escherichia coli and Dim1 from Homo sapiens and Plasmodium falciparum have been determined. To this point, no examples of archaeal structures have been reported. Here, we report the structure of Dim1 from the thermophilic archaeon Methanocaldococcus jannaschii. While it shares obvious similarities with the bacterial and eukaryotic orthologs, notable structural differences exist among the three members, particularly in the C-terminal domain. Previous work showed that eukaryotic and archaeal Dim1 were able to robustly complement for KsgA in E. coli. Here, we repeated similar experiments to test for complementarity of archaeal Dim1 and bacterial KsgA in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. However, neither the bacterial nor the archaeal ortholog could complement for the eukaryotic Dim1. This might be related to the secondary, non-methyltransferase function that Dim1 is known to play in eukaryotic ribosomal maturation. To further delineate regions of the eukaryotic Dim1 critical to its function, we created and tested KsgA/Dim1 chimeras. Of the chimeras, only one constructed with the N-terminal domain from eukaryotic Dim1 and the C-terminal domain from archaeal Dim1 was able to complement, suggesting that eukaryotic-specific Dim1 function resides in the N-terminal domain also, where few structural differences are observed between members of the KsgA/Dim1 family. Future work is required to identify those determinants directly responsible for Dim1 function in ribosome biogenesis. Finally, we have conclusively established that none of the methyl groups are critically important to growth in yeast under standard conditions at a variety of temperatures.  相似文献   

Overexpression of the yeaS gene encoding a protein belonging to the RhtB transporter family conferred upon cells resistance to glycyl-l-leucine, leucine analogues, several amino acids and their analogues. yeaS overexpression promoted leucine and, to a lesser extent, methionine and histidine accumulation by the respective producing strains. Our results indicate that yeaS encodes an exporter of leucine and some other structurally unrelated amino acids. The expression of yeaS (renamed leuE for "leucine export") was induced by leucine, l-alpha-amino-n-butyric acid and, to a lesser extent, by several other amino acids. The global regulator Lrp mediated this induction.  相似文献   

Bacterial pathogens have evolved a sophisticated arsenal of virulence factors to modulate host cell biology. Enteropathogenic and enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EPEC and EHEC) use a type III protein secretion system (T3SS) to inject microbial proteins into host cells. The T3SS effector cycle inhibiting factor (Cif) produced by EPEC and EHEC is able to block host eukaryotic cell-cycle progression. We present here a crystal structure of Cif, revealing it to be a divergent member of the superfamily of enzymes including cysteine proteases and acetyltransferases that share a common catalytic triad. Mutation of these conserved active site residues abolishes the ability of Cif to block cell-cycle progression. Finally, we demonstrate that irreversible cysteine protease inhibitors do not abolish the Cif cytopathic effect, suggesting that another enzymatic activity may underlie the biological activity of this virulence factor.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli protein Fis is remarkable for its ability to interact specifically with DNA sites of highly variable sequences. The mechanism of this sequence-flexible DNA recognition is not well understood. In a previous study, we examined the contributions of Fis residues to high-affinity binding at different DNA sequences using alanine-scanning mutagenesis and identified several key residues for Fis-DNA recognition. In this work, we investigated the contributions of the 15-bp core Fis binding sequence and its flanking regions to Fis-DNA interactions. Systematic base-pair replacements made in both half sites of a palindromic Fis binding sequence were examined for their effects on the relative Fis binding affinity. Missing contact assays were also used to examine the effects of base removal within the core binding site and its flanking regions on the Fis-DNA binding affinity. The results revealed that: (1) the − 7G and + 3Y bases in both DNA strands (relative to the central position of the core binding site) are major determinants for high-affinity binding; (2) the C5 methyl group of thymine, when present at the + 4 position, strongly hinders Fis binding; and (3) AT-rich sequences in the central and flanking DNA regions facilitate Fis-DNA interactions by altering the DNA structure and by increasing the local DNA flexibility. We infer that the degeneracy of specific Fis binding sites results from the numerous base-pair combinations that are possible at noncritical DNA positions (from − 6 to − 4, from − 2 to + 2, and from + 4 to + 6), with only moderate penalties on the binding affinity, the roughly similar contributions of − 3A or G and + 3T or C to the binding affinity, and the minimal requirement of three of the four critical base pairs to achieve considerably high binding affinities.  相似文献   

Insect glutathione-S-transferases (GSTs) are grouped in three classes, I, II and recently III; class I (Delta class) enzymes together with class III members are implicated in conferring resistance to insecticides. Class II (Sigma class) GSTs, however, are poorly characterized and their exact biological function remains elusive. Drosophila glutathione S-transferase-2 (GST-2) (DmGSTS1-1) is a class II enzyme previously found associated specifically with the insect indirect flight muscle. It was recently shown that GST-2 exhibits considerable conjugation activity for 4-hydroxynonenal (4-HNE), a lipid peroxidation product, raising the possibility that it has a major anti-oxidant role in the flight muscle. Here, we report the crystal structure of GST-2 at 1.75A resolution. The GST-2 dimer shows the canonical GST fold with glutathione (GSH) ordered in only one of the two binding sites. While the GSH-binding mode is similar to other GST structures, a distinct orientation of helix alpha6 creates a novel electrophilic substrate-binding site (H-site) topography, largely flat and without a prominent hydrophobic-binding pocket, which characterizes the H-sites of other GSTs. The H-site displays directionality in the distribution of charged/polar and hydrophobic residues creating a binding surface that explains the selectivity for amphipolar peroxidation products, with the polar-binding region formed by residues Y208, Y153 and R145 and the hydrophobic-binding region by residues V57, A59, Y211 and the C-terminal V249. A structure-based model of 4-HNE binding is presented. The model suggest that residues Y208, R145 and possibly Y153 may be key residues involved in catalysis.  相似文献   

The phnD gene of Escherichia coli encodes the periplasmic binding protein of the phosphonate (Pn) uptake and utilization pathway. We have crystallized and determined structures of E. coli PhnD (EcPhnD) in the absence of ligand and in complex with the environmentally abundant 2-aminoethylphosphonate (2AEP). Similar to other bacterial periplasmic binding proteins, 2AEP binds near the center of mass of EcPhnD in a cleft formed between two lobes. Comparison of the open, unliganded structure with the closed 2AEP-bound structure shows that the two lobes pivot around a hinge by ∼ 70° between the two states. Extensive hydrogen bonding and electrostatic interactions stabilize 2AEP, which binds to EcPhnD with low nanomolar affinity. These structures provide insight into Pn uptake by bacteria and facilitated the rational design of high signal-to-noise Pn biosensors based on both coupled small-molecule dyes and autocatalytic fluorescent proteins.  相似文献   

Protein arginine methyltransferase 10 (PRMT10) is a type I arginine methyltransferase that is essential for regulating flowering time in Arabidopsis thaliana. We present a 2.6 Å resolution crystal structure of A. thaliana PRMT 10 (AtPRMT10) in complex with a reaction product, S-adenosylhomocysteine. The structure reveals a dimerization arm that is 12-20 residues longer than PRMT structures elucidated previously; as a result, the essential AtPRMT10 dimer exhibits a large central cavity and a distinctly accessible active site. We employ molecular dynamics to examine how dimerization facilitates AtPRMT10 motions necessary for activity, and we show that these motions are conserved in other PRMT enzymes. Finally, functional data reveal that the 10 N-terminal residues of AtPRMT10 influence substrate specificity, and that enzyme activity is dependent on substrate protein sequences distal from the methylation site. Taken together, these data provide insights into the molecular mechanism of AtPRMT10, as well as other members of the PRMT family of enzymes. They highlight differences between AtPRMT10 and other PRMTs but also indicate that motions are a conserved element of PRMT function.  相似文献   

RlmAII methylates the N1-position of nucleotide G748 in hairpin 35 of 23 S rRNA. The resultant methyl group extends into the peptide channel of the 50 S ribosomal subunit and confers resistance to tylosin and other mycinosylated macrolide antibiotics. Methylation at G748 occurs in several groups of Gram-positive bacteria, including the tylosin-producer Streptomyces fradiae and the pathogen Streptococcus pneumoniae. Recombinant S. pneumoniae RlmAII was purified and shown to retain its activity and specificity in vitro when tested on unmethylated 23 S rRNA substrates. RlmAII makes multiple footprint contacts with nucleotides in stem-loops 33, 34 and 35, and does not interact elsewhere in the rRNA. Binding of RlmAII to the rRNA is dependent on the cofactor S-adenosylmethionine (or S-adenosylhomocysteine). RlmAII interacts with the same rRNA region as the orthologous enzyme RlmAI that methylates at nucleotide G745. Differences in nucleotide contacts within hairpin 35 indicate how the two methyltransferases recognize their distinct targets.  相似文献   

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