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During metamorphosis of the tobacco hawkmoth Manduca sexta, the femoral depressor motoneuron (FeDe MN) undergoes remodeling of its dendrites and motor terminals. Previous studies have established that remodeling of MNs during metamorphosis is mediated by the same hormones that control metamorphosis: the ecdysteroids and juvenile hormone (JH). During the pupal stage, the ecdysteroids promote adult-specific growth of MNs in the absence of JH, but JH or its synthetic mimics can interfere with ecdysteroid-mediated growth if applied during early sensitive periods. Hence, the application of a JH mimic (JHM) either systemically or locally to a target muscle has been used to distinguish those aspects of motor-terminal remodeling that are controlled by ecdysteroid action on the CNS from those that are influenced by ecdysteroid action on the peripheral targets. Here, we have extended the analysis of central and peripheral hormonal influences on MN remodeling by injecting JHM locally into the CNS thus altering the hormonal environment of the FeDe MN soma without altering the hormonal environment of its target muscle. Our results demonstrate that adult dendritic growth and motor-terminal growth can be experimentally uncoupled, suggesting that each is regulated independently. JHM application to the CNS perturbed dendritic growth, but had no measurable impact on motor-terminal growth. Peripheral actions of ecdysteroids, therefore, appear sufficient to promote the development of adult-specific motor terminals but not the development of an adult-specific dendritic arbor.  相似文献   

The R1 abdominal retractor muscles of the insect Tenebrio molitor change position during the course of metamorphosis. These muscles detach from the epidermal tendon cells at their anterior ends, and migrate in a posterior direction, parallel to the body axis, to form completely new attachments shortly before adult emergence. Movement is preceded by the loss of sarcomere structure, and the muscles migrate in a partially dedifferentiated condition, closely accompanied by satellite cells and haemocytes. Movement appears to result from the extension of muscle processes towards the epidermis posterior to the larval attachment sites, which contact reciprocal processes extended from the epidermis. Contacts at the new posterior sites are then reinforced, and relinquished at the anterior. This cycle is subsequently repeated. It is envisaged that migration ceases when the muscles encounter a contour in the epidermal gradient known to specify the position of the adult muscle attachment sites. This positional information may be encoded in the epidermal basal lamina. The muscles then redifferentiate, with concurrent differentiation of new epidermal tendon cells. Development of adult muscle attachments appears to require reciprocal morphogenetic interactions between muscle and epidermis.  相似文献   

During metamorphosis of the moth Manduca sexta, an identified leg motoneuron, the femoral depressor motoneuron (FeDe MN), undergoes reorganization of its central and peripheral processes. This remodeling is under the control of two insect hormones: the ecdysteroids and juvenile hormone (JH). Here, we asked whether peripheral or central actions of the ecdysteroids influenced specific regressive aspects of MN remodeling. We used stable hormonal mimics to manipulate the hormonal environment of either the FeDe muscle or the FeDe MN soma. Our results demonstrate that motor-terminal retraction and dendritic regression can be experimentally uncoupled, indicating that central actions of ecdysteroids trigger dendritic regression whereas peripheral actions trigger terminal retraction. Our results further demonstrate that discrete aspects of motor-terminal retraction can also be experimentally uncoupled, suggesting that they also are regulated differently.  相似文献   

The midgut of the tobacco hornworm (Manduca sexta) is a highly aerobic tissue that is destroyed and replaced by a pupal epithelium at metamorphosis. To determine how oxidative phosphorylation is altered during the programmed death of the larval cells, top-down control analysis was performed on mitochondria isolated from the midguts of larvae before and after the commitment to pupation. Oxygen consumption and protonmotive force (measured as membrane potential in the presence of nigericin) were monitored to determine the kinetic responses of the substrate oxidation system, proton leak, and phosphorylation system to changes in the membrane potential. Mitochondria from precommitment larvae have higher respiration rates than those from postcommitment larvae. State 4 respiration is controlled by the proton leak and the substrate oxidation system. In state 3, the substrate oxidation system exerted 90% of the control over respiration, and this high level of control did not change with development. Elasticity analysis, however, revealed that, after commitment, the activity of the substrate oxidation system falls. This decline may be due, in part, to a loss of cytochrome c from the mitochondria. There are no differences in the kinetics of the phosphorylation system, indicating that neither the F(1)F(0) ATP synthase nor the adenine nucleotide translocase is affected in the early stages of metamorphosis. An increase in proton conductance was observed in mitochondria isolated from postcommitment larvae, indicating that membrane area, lipid composition, or proton-conducting proteins may be altered during the early stages of the programmed cell death of the larval epithelium.  相似文献   

昆虫变态发育过程中的细胞自噬和凋亡   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在昆虫变态期,幼虫组织发生退化或消亡,原因在于蜕皮甾醇激素(ecdysteroid),即通常所说的蜕皮激素,诱导这些组织的细胞发生了自噬(autophagy)和凋亡(apoptosis)的程序性细胞死亡(programmed cell death,PCD)。一般情况下,自噬途径构成一种饥饿应激适应性以避免细胞的死亡,表现为低水平Cvt泡(Cvt vesicle)和自噬体(autophagosome)对部分胞质溶胶、蛋白聚集体和细胞器的吞噬和降解。昆虫进入变态发育时,由于蜕皮激素的激活,由遗传级联系统调控的PCD机制被启动,低水平的常态自噬转入高水平的自噬并同时诱发凋亡,细胞进入不可逆的死亡,导致幼虫组织在变态期退化或消亡。对果蝇Drosophila变态期PCD机制中最重要的发现是:(1)在自噬发生的PI3KⅠ- Tor 和 PI3KⅢ的分子通路中,由自噬相关蛋白Atg1引发的高水平自噬能够诱导凋亡;(2)蜕皮激素诱导表达的βFTZ-F1,E93,BR-C,E74A等转录因子不但激活凋亡的Caspases通路,还能诱导自噬的发生。  相似文献   

Dendrite arborization patterns are critical determinants of neuronal connectivity and integration. Planar and highly branched dendrites of the cerebellar Purkinje cell receive specific topographical projections from two major afferent pathways; a single climbing fiber axon from the inferior olive that extend along Purkinje dendrites, and parallel fiber axons of granule cells that contact vertically to the plane of dendrites. It has been believed that murine Purkinje cell dendrites extend in a single parasagittal plane in the molecular layer after the cell polarity is determined during the early postnatal development. By three-dimensional confocal analysis of growing Purkinje cells, we observed that mouse Purkinje cells underwent dynamic dendritic remodeling during circuit maturation in the third postnatal week. After dendrites were polarized and flattened in the early second postnatal week, dendritic arbors gradually expanded in multiple sagittal planes in the molecular layer by intensive growth and branching by the third postnatal week. Dendrites then became confined to a single plane in the fourth postnatal week. Multiplanar Purkinje cells in the third week were often associated by ectopic climbing fibers innervating nearby Purkinje cells in distinct sagittal planes. The mature monoplanar arborization was disrupted in mutant mice with abnormal Purkinje cell connectivity and motor discoordination. The dendrite remodeling was also impaired by pharmacological disruption of normal afferent activity during the second or third postnatal week. Our results suggest that the monoplanar arborization of Purkinje cells is coupled with functional development of the cerebellar circuitry.  相似文献   

昆虫变态发育类型与调控机制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
昆虫变态发育使得昆虫成为地球上种类最多、分布最广的动物种群。它特指末龄幼虫化蛹,或者蛹向成虫的转变过程。根据变态剧烈程度,可将昆虫变态发育简单分为增节变态、表变态、原变态、不完全变态及全变态5种类型。此外,昆虫变态发育是一个极其复杂的生物学过程,受到激素、基因、营养等多种因素的精密调控。本文简要介绍了昆虫变态发育的类型和分子调控机理方面的研究进展。  相似文献   

昆虫的变态发育研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
昆虫变态发育使得昆虫成为地球陆地上种类最多、数量最大、分布最广、生活环境最多样化的一群生物。变态使昆虫在其生命周期中的不同发育时期表现出完全不同的形态、结构、功能和生活习性的变化,有利于昆虫迁飞转移,扩大其求偶交配、生活和生存环境空间。昆虫变态发育的变化是长期自然环境适应、协同进化的结果,受激素、营养和基因的精确调控。本文简要介绍了昆虫变态的类型、激素调控、营养调控和基因调控方面的研究进展,以及研究昆虫变态发育的科学和应用意义。  相似文献   

During metamorphosis of Manduca sexta, involution of labial glands follows an autophagic pathway towards programmed cell death (PCD). We looked for evidence of both caspase dependent and independent pathways of PCD by assaying for caspases -1, -2, -3, and -6, proteasomal protease, and cathepsins B & L, using fluorogenic substrates and aldehyde and chloromethylketone inhibitors. The substrates FR-AMC and RR-AMC, preferentially degraded by cathepsins B and L, were the most rapidly degraded, increasing in rate as the gland involuted. Digestion of YVAD-AMC (preferential substrate for caspase-1) and DEVD-AMC (substrate for caspases-3 & -7) was barely detectable, less than 0.02% (on a per-unit-protein basis) of that seen in vertebrate embryos induced to undergo apoptosis. Cleavage of VDVAD-AFC (substrate for caspase -2) and VEID-AFC (substrate for caspase -6) was also assessed, but activity was negligible. Mitochondrial membrane permeabilization (MMP) and cytochrome c release were not detected. Exogenous caspase substrate, polyadenosyl ribose phosphorylase (PARP), is cleaved by labial gland extracts, but only at an acidic pH of 5.5–6.0, and into fragments different from those generated by caspases (confirmed by N-terminal sequencing). The cysteine protease inhibitor leupeptin inhibits PARP cleavage, but the caspase inhibitor DEVD-CHO does not. However, potential caspase-derived fragments of PARP are seen when cytochrome c and dATP are added to cytosolic extracts. Although apoptotic machinery is conserved and functional in this tissue, cell death occurs independently of caspases in metamorphosis. We also postulate that lysosomal proteases play the major proteolytic role similar to the caspase cascade seen in apoptosis.  相似文献   

The midgut of the tobacco hornworm (Manduca sexta) is a highly aerobic tissue that is destroyed by programmed cell death during larval-pupal metamorphosis. The death of the epithelium begins after commitment to pupation, and the oxygen consumption of isolated midgut mitochondria decreases soon after commitment. To assess the role of the electron transport chain in this decline in mitochondrial function, the maximal activities of complexes I-IV of the respiratory chain were measured in isolated midgut mitochondria. Whereas there were no developmental changes in the activity of complex I or III, activities of complexes II and IV [cytochrome c oxidase (COX)] were higher in mitochondria from precommitment than postcommitment larvae. This finding is consistent with a higher rate of succinate oxidation in mitochondria isolated from precommitment larvae and reveals that the metamorphic decline in mitochondrial respiration is due to the targeted destruction or inactivation of specific sites within the mitochondria, rather than the indiscriminate destruction of the organelles. The COX turnover number (e- x s(-1) x cytochrome aa3(-1)) was greater for the enzyme from precommitment than postcommitment larvae, indicating a change in the enzyme structure and/or its lipid environment during the early stages of metamorphosis. The turnover number of COX in the intact mitochondria (in organello COX) was also lower in postcommitment larvae. In addition to changes in the protein or membrane phospholipids, the metamorphic decline in this rate constant may be a result of the observed loss of endogenous cytochrome c.  相似文献   

Insulin-producing β-cells are present as single cells or in small clusters distributed throughout the pancreas of the Xenopus laevis tadpole. During metamorphic climax when the exocrine pancreas dedifferentiates to progenitor cells, the β-cells undergo two changes. Insulin mRNA is down regulated at the beginning of metamorphic climax (NF62) and reexpressed again near the end of climax. Secondly, the β-cells aggregate to form islets. During climax the increase in insulin cluster size is not caused by cell proliferation or by acinar-to-β-cell transdifferentiation, but rather is due to the aggregation of pre-existing β-cells. The total number of β-cells does not change during the 8 days of climax. Thyroid hormone (TH) induction of premetamorphic tadpoles causes an increase in islet size while prolonged treatment of tadpoles with the goitrogen methimazole inhibits this increase. Expression of a dominant negative form of the thyroid hormone receptor (TRDN) driven by the elastase promoter not only protects the exocrine pancreas of a transgenic tadpole from TH-induced dedifferentiation but also prevents aggregation of β-cells at climax. These transgenic tadpoles do however undergo normal loss and resynthesis of insulin mRNA at the same stage as controls. In contrast transgenic tadpoles with the same TRDN transgene driven by an insulin promoter do not undergo down regulation of insulin mRNA, but do aggregate β-cells to form islets like controls. These results demonstrate that TH controls the remodeling of β-cells through cell-cell interaction with dedifferentiating acinar cells and a cell autonomous program that temporarily shuts off the insulin gene.  相似文献   

During metamorphosis, the insect nervous system must change to accomodate alterations in body form and behavior. Studies primarily on moths have shown that these changes involve the death of some larval neurons, the conservation and remodeling of others, and the maturation of new, adult-specific cells. The motor and sensory sides of the adult CNS vary in this regard with the former being constructed primarily from remodeled larval components, whereas the latter arises primarily from new neurons. Neuronal remodeling has received considerable attention. Larval-specific dendritic fields are pruned back during the larval–pupal transition, followed by the sprouting of adult-specific dendrites. Simple reflexes have been used to correlate these neuronal changes with the acquisition or loss of particular behaviors. The loss of the proleg retraction reflex is associated with the regression of the dendritic arbors of the proleg motoneurons. By contrast, expansion of axon arbors of the gin-trap afferents is necessary, but not sufficient, for the assembly of the gin-trap reflex in the pupal stage. The stretch receptor reflex provides a third example in which a new dendritic field in the adult form of a neuron is associated with new adult-specific connections. Interestingly, these connections are masked by persisting larval contacts until the emergence of the adult moth. For the metamorphosis of more complex behavioral circuits, some, such as that for flight behavior, seem to be assembled de novo, whereas others, like that for adult ecdysis behavior, show conservation of some circuit elements from the larval stage but with the superposition of some adult-specific components. © 1992 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

During metamorphosis, the insect nervous system must change to accomodate alterations in body form and behavior. Studies primarily on moths have shown that these changes involve the death of some larval neurons, the conservation and remodeling of others, and the maturation of new, adult-specific cells. The motor and sensory sides of the adult CNS vary in this regard with the former being constructed primarily from remodeled larval components, whereas the latter arises primarily from new neurons. Neuronal remodeling has received considerable attention. Larval-specific dendritic fields are pruned back during the larval-pupal transition, followed by the sprouting of adult-specific dendrites. Simple reflexes have been used to correlate these neuronal changes with the acquisition or loss of particular behaviors. The loss of the proleg retraction reflex is associated with the regression of the dendritic arbors of the proleg motoneurons. By contrast, expansion of axon arbors of the gin-trap afferents is necessary, but not sufficient, for the assembly of the gin-trap reflex in the pupal stage. The stretch receptor reflex provides a third example in which a new dendritic field in the adult form of a neuron is associated with new adult-specific connections. Interestingly, these connections are masked by persisting larval contacts until the emergence of the adult moth. For the metamorphosis of more complex behavioral circuits, some, such as that for flight behavior, seem to be assembled de novo, whereas others, like that for adult ecdysis behavior, show conservation of some circuit elements from the larval stage but with the superposition of some adult-specific components.  相似文献   

Metamorphosis in holometabolous insects is mainly based on the destruction of larval tissues. Intensive research in Drosophila melanogaster, a model of holometabolan metamorphosis, has shown that the steroid hormone 20-hydroxyecdysone (20E) signals cell death of larval tissues during metamorphosis. However, D. melanogaster shows a highly derived type of development and the mechanisms regulating apoptosis may not be representative in the insect class context. Unfortunately, no functional studies have been carried out to address whether the mechanisms controlling cell death are present in more basal hemimetabolous species. To address this, we have analyzed the apoptosis of the prothoracic gland of the cockroach Blattella germanica, which undergoes stage-specific degeneration just after the imaginal molt. Here, we first show that B. germanica has two inhibitor of apoptosis (IAP) proteins and that one of them, BgIAP1, is continuously required to ensure tissue viability, including that of the prothoracic gland, during nymphal development. Moreover, we demonstrate that the degeneration of the prothoracic gland is controlled by a complex 20E-triggered hierarchy of nuclear receptors converging in the strong activation of the death-inducer Fushi tarazu-factor 1 (BgFTZ-F1) during the nymphal-adult transition. Finally, we have also shown that prothoracic gland degeneration is effectively prevented by the presence of juvenile hormone (JH). Given the relevance of cell death in the metamorphic process, the characterization of the molecular mechanisms regulating apoptosis in hemimetabolous insects would allow to help elucidate how metamorphosis has evolved from less to more derived insect species.  相似文献   

Insect metamorphosis is controlled by a small ensemble of developmental hormones including a class of steroids--the ecdysteroids. In the tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta, the progression from the larval to pupal to adult stages is controlled by the relative blood titers of ecdysteroids and juvenile hormone (JH). The cellular events in the nervous and muscular systems which accompany metamorphosis resemble those of embryonic development, but they occur in an animal which is larger and experimentally more tractable than an embryo. In this paper we review the role of ecdysteroids in directing the metamorphosis of the nervous and muscular systems in Manduca, and how JH modifies the cellular responses to the steroids. In particular, we describe how these hormones control muscle degeneration, changes in the structure and function of identified neurons, and programmed neuron death. One general finding is that interactions between cells (e.g., neurons and their target muscles) are not involved in their hormonal responses, but rather the hormones act independently and in parallel at the different sites. Another key finding is that the critical periods and hormonal requirements for the commitment to a particular differentiative pathway, and the phenotypic expression of that pathway, can differ, and are therefore experimentally separable. Finally, we find that the significance of a hormonal signal (e.g., a rise in blood ecdysteroids) is interpreted differently depending upon the previous history of hormone exposure of a neuron or muscle. This progressive change in the interpretation of hormonal signals is a major mechanism by which a limited number of hormones can orchestrate a complicated phenomenon such as metamorphosis.  相似文献   

During the transition from the last feeding larval stage to the pupal stage of the tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta, significant changes occur in the properties of lipophorin, the major hemolymph lipoprotein. Within the first 24 h after cessation of feeding, the larval lipophorin (HDLp-L) is first converted to a higher density form (HDLp-W2) and then HDLp-W2 is converted to a lower density form (HDLp-W1). HDLp-W1 remains in the hemolymph until pupation, when another form, HDLp-P, with a density between HDLp-W1 and HDLp-L, is present. Although all the lipophorins contain identical apoproteins, they differ in lipid content and composition; the differences in density being primarily related to diacylglycerol content. The conversion of HDLp-L to HDLp-W1 is accompanied by a loss of hydrocarbon and uptake of carotenes. These latter changes in lipophorin composition reflect alterations in cuticular lipid composition. HDLp-L was radiolabeled in the apoproteins by injecting animals with 3H-amino acids early in the last larval stage. Subsequently HDLp-L was isolated at the end of the larval stage, HDLp-W2 and HDLp-W1 were isolated during the wandering stage, and HDLp-P was isolated after pupation. The specific activity of the apoproteins in the four lipophorins was not significantly different, suggesting that the observed alterations in lipophorin properties do not require synthesis of new apoproteins but result from retailoring the lipid composition of preexisting molecules. Examination of the hemolymph of individual animals during these transitions showed that only one species of lipoprotein was present, never a mixture of two or more species. These observations suggest that the lipoprotein conversions are precisely timed and that lipoprotein metabolism during larval development and pupation cannot be considered a static process. The unique finding of these studies was that synthesis of lipophorin apoproteins proceeds actively during the first part of the fifth instar but then ceases and does not recommence during the wandering or early pupal stages.  相似文献   

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