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There is no current comprehensive assessment of the molecular phylogeny of the coccidia, as all recently published papers either deal with subsets of the taxa or sequence data, or provide non-robust analyses. Here, we present a comprehensive and consistent phylogenetic analysis of the available data for the small-subunit ribosomal RNA gene sequence, including a number of taxa not previously studied, based on a Bayesian tree-building analysis and the covariotide model of evolution. The assumptions of the analysis have been rigorously tested, and the benefits and limitations highlighted. Our results provide support for a number of prior conclusions, including the monophyly of the families Sarcocystidae (cyst-forming coccidia) and Eimeriidae (oocyst-forming coccidia), but with bird-host Isospora species in the Eimeriidae and mammal-host species in the Sarcocystidae. However, it is clear that a number of previously reported relationships are dependent on the evolutionary model chosen, such as the placements of Goussia janae, Lankesterella minimia and Caryospora bigenetica. Our results also confirm the monophyly of the subfamilies Toxoplasmatinae and Sarcocystinae, but only some of the previously reported groups within these subfamilies are supported by our analysis. Similarly, only some of the previously reported groups within the Eimeriidae are supported by our analysis, and the genus Eimeria is clearly paraphyletic. There are unambiguous patterns of host-parasite relationship within the coccidia, as most of the well-supported groups have a consistent and restricted range of hosts, with the exception of the Toxoplasmatinae. Furthermore, the previously reported groups for which we found no support all have a diverse range of unrelated hosts, confirming that these are unlikely to be natural groups. The most interesting unaddressed questions may relate to Isospora, which has the fewest available sequences and host-parasite relationships apparently not as straightforward as elsewhere within the suborder.  相似文献   

Hoppenrath M  Leander BS 《Protist》2007,158(2):209-227
Both the photosynthetic and heterotrophic forms of the only known marine benthic (sand-dwelling) species of Polykrikos, namely P. lebourae, were investigated using light and electron microscopy and molecular phylogenetic analyses. The pseudocolonies usually contained eight integrated zooids and two nuclei. Pseudocolonies consisting of four or five zooids and one nucleus were observed for the first time for this species; some of these reduced pseudocolonies contained plastids, while others were heterotrophic and contained taeniocyst-nematocyst complexes. The ultrastructure of the plastids in P. lebourae did not conform to the organization of thylakoids and enveloping membranes present in the peridinin-containing plastids of other photosynthetic dinoflagellates (i.e. stacks of 3 thylakoids and 3 outer membranes). Instead, the plastids in P. lebourae had thylakoids arranged in pairs and appeared to be enveloped by only two membranes. Molecular phylogenetic data using small subunit rDNA demonstrated that the photosynthetic and heterotrophic forms of P. lebourae represent two distinct clades. The more inclusive clade containing both forms of P. lebourae was most closely related to heterotrophic polykrikoids, namely P. kofoidii. These results led us to conclude that the photosynthetic and heterotrophic forms of P. lebourae are in fact two distinct lineages, and the heterotrophic form is described here as Polykrikos herdmanae n. sp.  相似文献   

During studies on the bacteriology of appendicitis in children, we often isolated from inflamed and non-inflamed tissue samples, an unusual bile-resistant pigment-producing strictly anaerobic gram-negative rod. Phenotypically this organism resembles members of Bacteroides fragilis group of species, as it is resistant to bile and exhibits a special-potency-disk pattern (resistance to vancomycin, kanamycin and colistin) typical for the B. fragilis group. However, the production of brown pigment on media containing haemolysed blood and a cellular fatty acid composition dominated by iso-C15:0, suggests that the organism most closely resembles species of the genus Porphyromonas. However, the unidentified organism differs from porphyromonads by being bile-resistant and by not producing butyrate as a metabolic end-product. Comparative 16S ribosomal RNA gene sequencing studies show the unidentified organism represents a distinct sub-line, associated with but distinct from, the miss-classified species Bacteroides putredinis. The clustering of the unidentified bacterium with Bacteroides putredinis was statistically significant, but they displayed > 4% sequence divergence with each other. Chromosomal DNA-DNA pairing studies further confirmed the separateness of the unidentified bacterium and Bacteroides putredinis. Based on phenotypic and phylogenetic considerations, it is proposed that Bacteroides putredinis and the unidentified bacterium from human sources be classified in a new genus Alistipes, as Alistipes putredinis comb. nov. and Alistipes finegoldii sp. nov., respectively. The type strain of Alistipes finegoldii is CCUG 46020(T) (= AHN243(T)).  相似文献   

Three cDNAs encoding actins were identified in two culturable strains (clades A and F) of the symbiotic dinoflagellates Symbiodinium spp. In a molecular phylogenetic analysis these actin sequences formed a monophyletic group with known dinoflagellate actins, remote from Syact-p that had been isolated from a clade A Symbiodinium strain (HG39). One of the newly identified actin sequences (SyAct-F1) was the most closely related to partial actin cDNA sequences (named AGfact-p and AFcact-p) isolated from adult colonies of two reef corals (Galaxea fascicularis and Favites chinensis) that were inhabited by Symbiodinium spp., suggesting the possibility that the latter two were from the symbionts. Partial AFcact-p sequences could be amplified by PCR using genomic DNA prepared from a symbiotic adult colony of F. chinensis as the template, but not from planula larvae in which zooxanthellae could not be detected, also arguing for the origin of AFcact-p in the symbiont. An expression analysis showed that the levels of the SyAct-A1 mRNA were comparable in symbiotic and non-symbiotic states, and also in motile and non-motile phases in a cultured condition, suggesting its usefulness as a constitutively expressed control gene in expression analysis of Symbiodinium mRNAs.  相似文献   

The Australo-Papuan family Petroicidae (Aves: Passeriformes) has been the focus of much systematic debate about its relationships with other passerine families, as well as relationships within the family. Mostly conservative morphology within the group limits the effectiveness of traditional taxonomic analyses and has contributed to ongoing systematic debate. To assess relationships within the family, we sampled 47 individuals from 26 species, representing the majority of genera and species, for four loci: 528 base pairs (bp) of C-myc, 501 bp of BA20454 and 336 bp of BA23989 from nuclear DNA and 1005 bp of the mitochondrial ND2 gene. There was consensus between individual loci and overall support for major lineages was strong. Partitioned Bayesian analyses of all four loci produced a fully resolved and very well-supported phylogeny that addresses many of the previous systematic debates in this group. The Eopsaltriinae as construed is monophyletic with the exception of Eopsaltria flaviventris, which is nested within Microeca as an unremarkable member of that genus. This relationship is corroborated by morphology and egg color and pattern. Petroicinae as currently construed was not monophyletic and comprised two lineages that are paraphyletic with respect to each other. The third subfamily, Drymodinae, remains incertae sedis. The mangrove robin, Peneonanthe pulverulenta, of tropical Australia and New Guinea is nested within a clade that also contained the sampled species of Peneothello and Melanodryas, a novel relationship. Preliminary biogeographic and divergence time estimates from these results are discussed and a new subfamily arrangement proposed.  相似文献   

As part of a study carried out for detecting Arcobacter spp. in shellfish, three mussel isolates that were Gram-negative slightly curved rods, non-spore forming, showed a new 16S rDNA-RFLP pattern with a specific identification method for the species of this genus. Sequences of the 16S rRNA gene and those of the housekeeping genes rpoB, gyrB and hsp60 provided evidence that these mussel strains belonged to an unknown genetic lineage within the genus Arcobacter. The similarity between the 16S rRNA gene sequence of the representative strain (F79-6T) and type strains of the other Arcobacter species ranged between 94.1% with A. halophilus and 99.1% with the recently proposed species A. defluvii (CECT 7697T). DDH results between strain F79-6T and the type strain of the latter species were below 70% (53 ± 3.0%). Phenotypic characteristics together with MALDITOF mass spectra differentiated the new mussel strains from all other Arcobacter species. All the results indicate that these strains represent a new species, for which the name Arcobacter ellisii sp. nov. with the type strain F79-6T (=CECT 7837T = LMG 26155T) is proposed.  相似文献   

The taxonomic affiliation was determined for four Xenorhabdus strains isolated from four Steinernema hosts from different countries. As compared to the five validly described Xenorhabdus species, i.e., X. nematophila, X. japonica, X. beddingii, X. bovienii and X. poinarii, these isolates represented novel species on the basis of 16S rRNA gene sequences and riboprint patterns, as well as by physiological and metabolic properties. They were named Xenorhabdus budapestensis sp. nov., type strain DSM 16342T, isolated from Steinernema bicornutum; Xenorhabdus ehlersii sp. nov., type strain DSM 16337T, isolated from Steinernema serratum; Xenorhabdus innexi sp. nov., type strain DSM 16336T isolated from Steinernema scapterisci; and Xenorhabdus szentirmaii sp. nov., type strain DSM 16338T, isolated from Steinernema rarum.  相似文献   

Howe AT  Bass D  Chao EE  Cavalier-Smith T 《Protist》2011,162(5):710-722
Glissomonadida is an important cercozoan order of predominantly biflagellate gliding bacterivores found largely in soil and freshwater. Their vast diversity is largely undescribed. We studied 23 mostly newly isolated strains by light microscopy and sequenced their 18S rDNA genes; nine represent new species. For two misidentified ATCC 'Heteromita triangularis' strains, we establish novel gliding genera and species: the sandonid Mollimonas lacrima, the only glissomonad forming anterior and posterior pseudopodia, and Dujardina stenomorpha, a strongly flattened member of the new family Dujardinidae. A new strain from Oxfordshire grassland soil is the first reliably identified isolate of the virtually uniflagellate, smooth-gliding glissomonad genus, AllantionSandon, 1924. Phylogenetic analysis and cytological features reveal Allantion to be a member of Allapsidae. Sandona limna and Bodomorpha prolixa from Lake Baikal and Sandona hexamutans from volcanic Costa Rican soil are described as new species. Fifteen glissomonad strains were from grassland beside Lake Baikal. We describe two as new species of Sandona (S. heptamutans and S. octamutans); the others included strains of Sandona and Allapsa species that have already been described; and three were new species of Sandona and Allapsa but these died before being described. We discuss the ecological and evolutionary significance of these new strains.  相似文献   

A survey is made of the occurrence, nature and frequency of satellited chromosomes in the agamospermous genusTaraxacum. Species belonging to the 10 sections thought to be most primitive in the genus lack satellited chromosomes. In most other sections, a characteristic satellited chromosome is seen with a large euchromatic region distal to the presumed nucleolar oraniser region (NOR). In sections of a precursor type, there is always one chromosome of this Taraxacum type per haploid genome. In sections thought to be of an advanced type the number of such satellited chromosomes is very unstable, sometimes even within the same tissue. In sectionHamata, two such satellited chromosomes are invariably found in triploids. This finding strongly supports the integrity of this section, suggests that the species of the section are monophyletic, and have evolved from a single ancestor subsequent to the occurrence of obligate agamospermy. In three sections of the genus, satellited chromosomes of the conventional type with a very small distal euchromatic region distal to the NOR are reported for the first time in the genus.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships of genera Allograpta, Sphaerophoria and Exallandra (Diptera, Syrphidae) were analyzed based on sequence data from the mitochondrial protein-coding gene cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) and the nuclear 28S and 18S ribosomal RNA genes. The three genera are members of the subfamily Syrphinae, where nearly all members feed as larvae on soft-bodied Hemiptera and other arthropods. Phytophagous species have recently been discovered in two subgenera of Allograpta, sg Fazia and a new subgenus from Costa Rica. Phylogenetic analyses of the combined datasets were performed using parsimony, under static alignment and direct optimization, maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference. Congruent topologies obtained from all the analyses indicate paraphyly of the genus Allograpta with respect to Sphaerophoria and Exallandra. Exallandra appears embedded in the genus Sphaerophoria, and both genera are placed within Allograpta. The distribution of phytophagous taxa in Allograpta indicates that plant feeding evolved at least twice in this group.  相似文献   

Two strains of a previously undescribed Eubacterium-like bacterium were isolated from human faeces. The strains are Gram-variable, obligately anaerobic, catalase negative, asporogenous rod-shaped cells which produced acetate, butyrate and lactate as the end products of glucose metabolism. The two isolates displayed 99.9% 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity to each other and treeing analysis demonstrated the faecal isolates are far removed from Eubacterium sensu stricto and that they represent a new subline within the Clostridium coccoides group of organisms. Based on phenotypic and phylogenetic criteria, it is proposed that the two strains from faeces be classified as a new genus and species, Anaerostipes caccae. The type strain of Anaerostipes caccae is NCIMB 13811T (= DSM 14662T).  相似文献   

In this study two actinomycete strains were isolated in Cape Town (South Africa), one from a compost heap (strain 202GMOT) and the other from within the fynbos-rich area surrounded by the horseracing track at Kenilworth Racecourse (strain C2). Based on 16S rRNA gene sequence BLAST analysis, the strains were identified as members of the genus Nocardia. Phylogenetic analysis showed that the strains clustered together and are most closely related to Nocardia flavorosea NRRL B-16176T, Nocardia testacea JCM 12235T, Nocardia sienata IFM 10088T and Nocardia carnea DSM 43397T. This association was also supported by gyrB based phylogenetic analysis. The results of DNA–DNA hybridization and physiological tests allowed genotypic and phenotypic differentiation of both strains 202GMOT and C2 from related species. However, their high DNA relatedness showed that they belong to the same species. Strain 202GMOT was selected as the type strain to represent this novel species, for which the name Nocardia rhamnosiphila is proposed (=DSM 45147T = NRRL B-24637T).  相似文献   

The molecular phylogeny and biogeography of the East Asian freshwater crabs of the genus Nanhaipotamon (Decapoda: Brachyura: Potamidae) were studied, using two mitochondrial (16S rRNA and cytochrome oxidase I) and one nuclear (28S rRNA) markers, and correlated with various vicariant and dispersal events which have occurred in this region. The results showed Nanhaipotamon to be a monophyletic taxon with four clades which correspond to the topography of the coastal region of southeastern China and Taiwan Island. Mountains appear to play an important role in the distribution. The genus occurs only from east of the Wuyishan Range (Zhejiang and Fujian) and south of the Nanling Range (Guangdong) in southern China, and is also present west of the Central Range in Taiwan. The molecular and geological data suggest that Nanhaipotamon originated in an area between the Wuyishan and Nanling Ranges. In this area, the main and earliest cladogenesis occurred at ~4.8 million years ago (mya), with speciation probably taking place at around 4mya. The molecular evidence strongly supports the recent invasion of the genus into Taiwan Island from northeastern Fujian, via the paleo-Minjiang River on the landbridge of Taiwan Strait. The presence of the genus in Dongyin Island, however, is through invasion from southeastern Zhejiang, during the Pleistocene glaciation period. Nanhaipotamon reached Taiwan and Dongyin Island at ~1.0 and 0.4 mya, respectively. A small population of Nanhaipotamon formosanum from Penghu Islands (Pescadores) in the central Taiwan Strait has a slightly different genetic constitution and suggests it is a relict of past Pleistocene glaciations.  相似文献   

The composition of the dinoflagellate genus Amphidinium is currently polyphyletic and includes several species in need of re-evaluation using modern morphological and phylogenetic methods. We investigated a broad range of uncultured morphotypes extracted from marine sediments in the Eastern Pacific Ocean that were similar in morphology to Amphidinium glabrum Hoppenrath and Okolodkov. To determine the number of distinct species associated with this phenotypic diversity, we collected LM, SEM, TEM and small subunit ribosomal DNA sequence information from different morphotypes, including the previously described A. glabrum. Both comparative morphological and molecular phylogenetic data supported the establishment of a new genus, Apicoporus n. gen., including at least two species, A. glaber n. comb., and A. parvidiaboli n. sp. Apicoporus is characterized by having amphiesmal pores and an apical pore covered by a hook-like protrusion; neither of these characters has been observed in other athecate dinoflagellates. The posterior end of Apicoporus parvidiaboli possessed varying degrees of "horn formation", ranging from slight to prominent. By contrast, the posterior end of Apicoporus glaber was distinctively rounded and lacked evidence of horn formation. Although these species were previously interpreted to be obligate heterotrophs, TEM and epifluorescence microscopy demonstrated that some cells of both species had unusually small but otherwise typical dinoflagellate plastids. The number and density of plastids in any particular cell varied significantly in the genus, but the plastids were almost always concentrated at the posterior end of the cells or around the nucleus. The presence of cryptic photosynthetic plastids in these benthic species suggests that photosynthesis might be much more widespread in dinoflagellates than is currently assumed.  相似文献   

Telonemia has recently been described as a new eukaryotic phylum with uncertain evolutionary origin. So far, only two Telonemia species, Telonema subtilis and Telonema antarcticum, have been described, but there are substantial variations in size and morphology among Telonema isolates and field observations, indicating a hidden diversity of Telonemia-like species and populations. In this study, we investigated the diversity and the global distribution of this group by analyzing 18S rDNA sequences from marine environmental clone libraries published in GenBank as well as several unpublished sequences from the Indian Ocean. Phylogenetic analyses of the identified sequences suggest that the Telonemia phylum includes several undescribed 18S rDNA phylotypes, probably corresponding to a number of different species and/or populations. The Telonemia phylotypes form two main groups, here referred to as Telonemia Groups 1 and 2. Some of the closely related sequences originate from separate oceans, indicating worldwide distributions of various Telonemia phylotypes, while other phylotypes seem to have limited geographical distribution. Further investigations of the evolutionary relationships within Telonemia should be conducted on isolated cultures of Telonema-like strains using multi-locus sequencing and morphological data.  相似文献   

The taxonomic position of the uniciliate, unicentriolar zooflagellate Phalansterium is problematic; its distinctive ultrastructure with a pericentriolar microtubular cone placed it in its own order and suggested phenotypic closeness to the eukaryote cenancestor. We sequenced the 18S rRNA of a unicellular Phalansterium. Phylogenetic analysis shows that it belongs to Amoebozoa, decisively rejecting a postulated relationship with the cercozoan Spongomonas; Phalansterium groups with Varipodida ord. nov. (Gephyramoeba/Filamoeba) or occasionally Centramoebida emend. (Acanthamoebidae/Balamuthiidae fam. nov.), centrosomes of the latter suggesting flagellate ancestors. We also studied Phalansterium solitarium cyst ultrastructure; unlike previously studied P. solitarium, this strain has pentagonally symmetric walls like P. consociatum. We also sequenced 18S rRNA genes of further isolates of Hyperamoeba, an aerobic unicentriolar amoeboflagellate with conical microtubular skeleton; both group strongly with myxogastrid Mycetozoa. However, the four Hyperamoeba strains do not group together, suggesting that Hyperamoeba are polyphyletic derivatives of myxogastrids that lost fruiting bodies independently. We revise amoebozoan higher-level classification into seven classes, establishing Stelamoebea cl. nov. for Protosteliida emend. plus Dictyosteliida (biciliate former ‘protostelids’ comprise Parastelida ord. nov. within Myxogastrea), and new subphylum Protamoebae to embrace Variosea cl. nov. (Centramoebida, Phalansteriida, Varipodida), Lobosea emend., Breviatea cl. nov. for ‘Mastigamoeba invertens’ and relatives, and Discosea cl. nov. comprising Glycostylida ord. nov. (vannellids, vexilliferids, paramoebids, Multicilia), Dermamoebida ord. nov. (Thecamoebidae) and Himatismenida. We argue that the ancestral amoebozoan was probably unikont and that the cenancestral eukaryote may have been also.  相似文献   

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