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Eutrophication is a major cause of wetland degradation worldwide. In recent decades, reductions in nutrient inputs have led to improvements in water quality in many rivers and lakes in central and northern Europe, but long-term trends are less clear in southern Europe. We conducted the first comprehensive study of water quality in Doñana (SW Spain), one of the most important wetland complexes in Europe and the Mediterranean region. The core area of Doñana is a large shallow, seasonal marsh (UNESCO World Heritage Site—WHS) that floods during rainy, cool winter months, then dries out during the summer. The marsh is fed by three main streams whose catchments are within a Biosphere Reserve but are impacted by greenhouses (for cultivating fruit, irrigated with groundwater), poorly treated urban wastewaters and tourism. From 2013 to 2016, we monitored nutrient (Total P, Total N, PO4?3, NH4+, NO3?, NO2?) and phytoplankton chlorophyll-a (chla) concentrations in surface waters of the Doñana marsh and the three main streams. We quantified changes in greenhouse cover since 1995 using satellite images. Nutrient concentrations in streams were consistently higher than in the marsh, particularly in the Partido and Rocina streams that regularly reached concentrations equivalent to a “bad physico-chemical status” under the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD), and whose catchments suffered a fivefold expansion of greenhouses from 1995 to 2016. The Partido was the most polluted stream, and the most affected by wastewater effluents, and had particularly high concentrations of NH4+ (Geometric Mean?=?0.3 mg L?1) and NO2? (GM?=?0.52 mg L?1) across seasons. Patterns in chla concentrations were less consistent, but streams (GM?=?6.78 µg L?1) generally had higher concentrations than the marsh (GM?=?4.27 µg L?1). Nutrient concentrations in spot samples within the marsh largely depended on a combination of evaporation (as revealed by higher stable isotope δ2H values in the water column) and spatial processes (concentrations increase close to stream entry points, where conductivity is lower). Anthropogenic nutrient pollution in entry streams is a serious problem in Doñana, with extensive stretches too toxic for fish. Reinforcement of policies aimed at reducing nutrient inputs to Doñana are urgently required to meet the biodiversity conservation and environmental objectives for the WHS and WFD, respectively. Paradoxically, the marsh is currently relied upon to purify the water entering from streams.


The relationship between algal communities’ species diversity and the catchment of rivers in the southern Russian Far East has been studied. The number of species, varieties, and forms of algae increased significantly according to the increase in the head river area up to 80–100 km2; then this number slowed down dramatically. In general, the relationship between the number of algal taxa (D) and the catchment of the river (S, km2) was described as D = 91.6S 0.194 (R 2 = 0.97).  相似文献   

The catchment of Øvre Heimdalsvatn and the surrounding area was established as a site for snow remote sensing algorithm development, calibration and validation in 1997. Information on snow cover and snowmelt are important for understanding the timing and scale of many lake ecosystem processes. Field campaigns combined with data from airborne sensors and spaceborne high-resolution sensors have been used as reference data in experiments over many years. Several satellite sensors have been utilised in the development of new algorithms, including Terra MODIS and Envisat ASAR. The experiments have been motivated by operational prospects for snow hydrology, meteorology and climate monitoring by satellite-based remote sensing techniques. This has resulted in new time-series multi-sensor approaches for monitoring of snow cover area (SCA) and snow surface wetness (SSW). The idea was to analyse, on a daily basis, a time series of optical and radar satellite data in multi-sensor models. The SCA algorithm analyses each optical and synthetic aperture radar (SAR) image individually and combines them into a day product based on a set of confidence functions. The SSW algorithm combines information about the development of the snow surface temperature and the snow grain size (SGS) in a time-series analysis. The snow cover algorithm is being evaluated for application in a global climate monitoring system for snow variables. The successful development of these algorithms has led to operational applications of snow monitoring in Norway and Sweden, as well as enabling the prediction of the spring snowmelt flood and thus the initiation of many lake production processes.  相似文献   

1. Lake restoration from eutrophication often rests on a simple paradigm that restriction of phosphorus sources will result in recovery of former relatively clear‐water states. This view has apparently arisen from early successful restorations of deep lakes in catchments of poorly weathered rocks. Lakes in the lowlands, however, particularly shallow ones, have proved less tractable to restoration. This study of three lowland lakes provides insights that illuminate a more complex picture. 2. The lakes lie in a sequence along a single stream in a mixed urban and rural landscape. Severely deoxygenating effluent from an overloaded sewage treatment works was diverted from the catchment in 1991. Effects on two lakes, Little Mere (zmax <2 m) and Rostherne Mere (zmax 31 m) were followed until 2002. Mere Mere (zmax = 8 m), upstream of the former works, acted as a comparison for changes in water chemistry. Mere Mere showed no change in total phosphorus (TP), total inorganic nitrogen, or planktonic chlorophyll a concentrations. Increased winter rainfall was associated with higher winter soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) and ammonium concentrations in its water. 3. Little Mere changed from a deoxygenated, highly enriched, fishless system, with large populations of Daphnia magna Straus, clear water and about 40% aquatic plant cover, to a slightly less clear system following diversion. Daphnia magna was replaced by D. hyalina Leydig as fish recolonised. Spring peaks of chlorophyll a declined but summer concentrations increased significantly. Annual mean chlorophyll a concentrations thus showed no change. Submerged plants became more abundant (up to 100% cover), with fluctuating community composition from year to year. Summer release of SRP from the sediment was substantial and has not decreased since 1993. The summer phytoplankton was apparently controlled by nitrogen availability perhaps with some influence of zooplankton grazing. SRP was always very abundant. The lake appeared to have reached a quasi‐stable state by 2002. 5. Rostherne Mere showed a steady decline in TP and SRP concentrations following effluent diversion apparently as a result of steady dilution by water with lower phosphorus concentration. Decline in phosphorus concentrations was much less rapid than expected because of internal remobilisation from the hypolimnion and sediments. There have been no changes in chlorophyll a concentration or of nitrogen availability and by 2002 the phytoplankton probably remained limited by a combination of mixing, grazing and nitrogen. 6. A seeming paradox is, thus, that immense changes in phosphorus budgets have shown no consequences for phytoplankton chlorophyll concentrations in either of the lakes, although the seasonal distribution has altered in Little Mere. Although these case studies deviate from others, for both shallow and deep lakes, they represent distinctive situations rather than undermining conventional models.  相似文献   

The chemical composition of throughfall depends on the age of the Norway spruce (Picea abies Karst) stands and season of the year. The pH of throughfall decreased and the amount of hydrogen ion in throughfall deposited to the soil increased with increasing age of spruce stands, especially in the winter season. Concentrations of K+, H+, SO4(2-), Mn2+, and NH4(+) in throughfall were higher than bulk precipitation for the whole year and K+, H+, and Mn2+ concentrations were higher in throughfall in winter and the growing season. This indicates that these ions were washed out or washed from the surface of needles and/or the bark, and that NO3(-), NH4(+), Ca2+, Mg2+, Fe2+, and Zn2+ were absorbed in the canopy. The effect of high nitrogen deposition, above critical loads, and an increase in the amount of sulfur and in the sum of the strong acids (S-SO4(2-) and N-NO3(-)) that reached the soil with throughfall may have implications for the vitality of spruce stands, especially in older age classes. The application of Principal Component Analysis (PCA) has led to identification of five factors responsible for the data structure ("mineral dust", "acidic emissions", "heavy metals-dust particles", "ammonium [NH4(+)]", and "H+"). They explain more than 60% of the total variance system. The strong positive correlation between stand age class and ionic concentrations in throughfall occurs for all year and the winter period for ions within the following categories: "acidic emissions", SO4(2-) + NO3(-); "heavy metals-dust particles", Fe2+ + Mn2+ + Zn2+; "mineral dust", Na+ + K+ + Ca2+ + Mg2+; "NH4(+)"; and "H+". The strength of the relationship decreases in the growing period, probably due to processes occurring in the canopy (adsorption, leaching, etc.).  相似文献   

The hydrogeology between the catchment area and the divided dystrophic Lake Fuchskuhle with respect to the genesis and the land-water interactions were investigated. Water levels at numerous locations in the catchment area were measured in order to characterize the hydrology. The water balance of the area was calculated based on long term climatic investigations. The geology of the peat was documented at 25 sampling points by cores collected with a peat drill. Chemical parameters including pH, total phosphorus and total nitrogen concentrations, DOC concentration, colour (SAK 436 m–1) and the UV254/DOC ratio in the catchment area and in two compartments (NE and SW compartment) were determined. The chemical fluxes of DOC, nitrogen and phosphorus from the catchment area into one compartment (SW compartment) were determined. During the genesis of the Lake Fuchskuhle area two aquifer systems (local peat aquifer, regional sandy main aquifer) developed. Both aquifers are largely independently with almost no lateral interactions. Two compartments are supplied with water from the local peat aquifer. From the other two compartments, however, water is flowing out into the peat body. During high groundwater inflow into the SW compartment higher concentration of DOC, nitrogen and phosphorus in the SW compartment were detected. The fen can be divided in two parts: in the meso — to eutrophic fen northwest and the mainly meso — to oligotrophic — acid fen in the southeast. The significant differences in parameters such as pH, conductivity and DOC concentration gave a clear picture of the heterogeneity of the two compartments and their dependence on the catchment area with the two aquifers.  相似文献   



Nutrient loadings from its catchment upon The Fleet, a highly valuable coastal lagoon in Southern England, were hindcast for the period AD 1866–2004, using a catchment model, export coefficients, and historical data on land use changes, livestock numbers, and human population. Agriculture was the main nutrient source throughout, other inputs representing minor contributions. Permanent pasture was historically the main land use, with temporary grassland and cereals increasing during the mid-20th century. Sheep, the main 19th century livestock, were replaced by cattle during the 1930s.


Total nitrogen loadings rose from ca 41 t yr-1 during the late 19th century to 49–54 t yr-1 for the mid-20th, increasing to 98 t yr-1 by 1986. Current values are ca 77 t yr-1. Total phosphorus loads increased from ca 0.75 t yr-1 for the late 19th century to ca 1.6 t yr-1 for the mid-20th, reached ca 2.2 t yr-1 in 1986, and are now ca 1.5 t yr-1. Loadings rose most rapidly between 1946 and 1988, owing to increased use of inorganic fertilisers, and rising sheep and cattle numbers. Livestock were the main nutrient source throughout, but inputs from inorganic fertilisers increased after 1946, peaking in 1986. Sewage treatment works and other sources contribute little nitrogen, but ca 35% of total phosphorus. Abbotsbury Swannery, an ancient Mute Swan community, provides ca 0.5% of total nitrogen, and ca 5% of total phosphorus inputs.


The Fleet has been grossly overloaded with nitrogen since 1866, climaxing during the 1980s. Total phosphorus inputs lay below 'permissible' limits until the 1980s, exceeding them in inner, less tidal parts of the lagoon, during the 1940s. Loadings on Abbotsbury Bay exceeded 'permissible' limits by the 1860s, becoming 'dangerous' during the mid-20th century. Phosphorus stripping at point sources will not significantly reduce loadings to all parts of the lagoon. Installation of 5 m buffer strips throughout the catchment and shoreline will marginally affect nitrogen loadings, but will reduce phosphorus inputs to the West Fleet below 'permissible' limits. Only a combination of measures will significantly affect Abbotsbury Bay, where, without effluent diversion, loadings will remain beyond 'permissible'.  相似文献   

High-elevation red spruce [Picea rubens Sarg.]-Fraser fir [Abies fraseri (Pursh.) Poir] forests in the Southern Appalachians currently receive large nitrogen (N) inputs via atmospheric deposition (30 kg N ha(-1) year(-1)) but have limited N retention capacity due to a combination of stand age, heavy fir mortality caused by exotic insect infestations, and numerous gaps caused by windfalls and ice storms. This study examined the magnitude and timing of the N fluxes into, through, and out of a small, first-order catchment in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. It also examined the role of climatic conditions in causing interannual variations in the N output signal. About half of the atmospheric N input was exported annually in the streamwater, primarily as nitrate (NO3-N). While most incoming ammonium (NH4-N) was retained in the canopy and the forest floor, the NO3-N fluxes were very dynamic in space as well as in time. There was a clear decoupling between NO3-N input and output fluxes. Atmospheric N input was greatest in the growing season while largest NO3-N losses typically occurred in the dormant season. Also, as water passed through the various catchment compartments, the NO3-N flux declined below the canopy, increased in the upper soil due to internal N mineralization and nitrification, and declined again deeper in the mineral soil due to plant uptake and microbial processing. Temperature control on N production and hydrologic control on NO3-N leaching during the growing season likely caused the observed inter-annual variation in fall peak NO3-N concentrations and N discharge rates in the stream.  相似文献   

The Holocene lake history, vegetation history and climate history of Brurskardstjørni, an alpine lake in the Jotunheimen Mountains of south-central Norway, are reconstructed. The reconstructions are based on fossil pollen, plant macrofossils, diatoms, chironomids and sediment characteristics. Subsequent to deglaciation, the lake was formed at about 11,000 cal years BP. A diverse chironomid assemblage quickly colonised the lake, whereas the first diatoms were found about 400 years later. At that time, the lake water was turbid with a high pH. The surrounding soils were immature and unstable and dominated by open pioneer vegetation. Compared to the present, summer temperatures were warmer and there was less winter precipitation. From about 10,000 cal years BP, local organic production increased rapidly and from about 9,500 cal years BP a few macrofossils and a high pollen influx of birch suggest that the tree-line was close to the lake. Pine most likely reached its highest tree-line altitude around 9,000 cal years BP and has receded since that time. From about 5,000 cal years BP, the total amount of trees and shrubs decreased and the landscape became more open, probably due to decreasing temperatures and increasing effective moisture lowering the birch tree-line. Coinciding with a cooling during the last 3,000 years, lake-water pH decreased. There is large incongruence between the Holocene July temperatures inferred from pollen and chironomids. The biological proxies responded to a combined effect of environmental change and biotic interactions. This response is interpreted with reference to taxon–environment relationships in the modern calibration data sets and with reference to the latent structure and ecological demands of the fossil assemblages.  相似文献   

Acid deposition over time scales of decades may deplete essential base cation (BC) reserves in soils to the extent that forest health may be affected. In order to assess the nutrient status of soils in central Ontario, input–output budgets for calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), potassium (K) and nitrogen (N) were calculated over a 17-year period (1983–1999) for a coniferous catchment in the Muskoka-Haliburton region. Inputs through deposition and weathering (BCs only), were compared with outputs through stream export and net accumulation in forest biomass. Despite a lack of forest growth at PC1, annual NO3–N concentrations in the stream were low (<0.1mg/l) over the 17-year period, and over 80% of the atmospheric N input was retained in the catchment, indicating this catchment has not reached N-saturation. Stream export of Mg, and in particular Ca, exceeded input of these elements through deposition and weathering, indicating a net loss from the catchment over the 17-year period. Mass balance calculations indicated there was no net loss of K from the catchment. Soil re-sampling measurements confirmed large losses of Ca, but not Mg, and there were significant decreases in both NaCl-exchangeable Ca concentrations and soil pH between 1983 and 1999. The measured decline in soil Ca concentration amounted to a loss of approximately 85kg/ha Ca from the exchangeable pool over the 17-year period. Similarly, input–output budget calculations indicated a net loss of Ca from the catchment in the range of 76 to 88kg/ha between 1983 and 1999. Although the magnitude of Ca export decreased over the 17-year period, current stream export continues to exceed Ca input through deposition and weathering.  相似文献   

Background: Snow and ice melt provide sensitive indicators of climate change and serve as the primary source of stream flow in alpine basins.

Aims: We synthesise the results of hydrological and hydrochemical studies during the period 1995–2014, building on a long history of earlier work focused on snow and water on Niwot Ridge and the adjacent Green Lakes Valley (GLV), which is part of the Niwot Ridge Long Term Ecological Research site (NWT LTER).

Methods: These studies are discussed in the context of how snow, snowmelt and runoff reflect changing local climate. We review recent results of snow, snowmelt, hydrology and hydrochemistry from the plot to the basin scale, utilising new tools such as continuous global positioning system (GPS) measurements of snow depth, along with remotely-sensed measurements of snow-covered area and melt, combined with long-term measurements of snow properties, discharge and solute and isotopic content of water.

Results and Conclusions: Surface–groundwater interactions are important components of water quantity and quality in alpine basins. Some or most snowmelt infiltrates underlying soils and bedrock, transporting soil and bedrock products to surface waters. Infiltrating snowmelt, along with increased melt of stored ice, increases the hydrologic connectivity between the terrestrial and aquatic systems. Alpine basins are being impacted by increases in atmospheric nitrogen deposition, which has caused changes in soil microbial processes such as nitrification. Nitrate, dissolved organic carbon and dissolved organic nitrogen are thus flushed from soils and talus to streams. Our long-term results show that alpine catchments, such as Green Lake 4 at NWT LTER+, have the greatest sensitivity and least resilience to climate warming, with any warming leading to increased water yields.  相似文献   

Using data on long-term monitoring of water quality, mass budgets, and empirical models, we quantified chloride (Cl) leaching from major diffuse and point sources in a large central European catchment (upper Vltava river, Czech Republic) over a 110-year period (1900–2010), with the major aim to evaluate the influence of historical changes in land use and management practices on Cl leaching from agricultural land. The Cl input to farmland in synthetic fertilizers, livestock feed, and atmospheric deposition tripled in the 1950s–1980s (from 23 to 64 kg ha?1 year?1 on average), and then abruptly decreased to ~14 kg ha?1 year?1 during 1990–2010. The proportion of drained agricultural land rapidly increased from 4 % in the 1950s to its maximum of 43 % in the 1990s. Until the 1950s, the Cl leaching from agricultural land followed a simple dose–response function. Then, agricultural soils retained on average 16 ± 4 kg ha?1 year?1 of Cl during 1959–1985, when the most important changes in land use and management practices occurred, and subsequently became a net Cl source of 11 ± 3 kg ha?1 year?1 on average during 1986–2010, when Cl input to soils declined and drainage of new land ceased. Our data suggest that the temporal changes in the Cl storage in agricultural land are associated with changes in Cl concentrations in both permanent soil water and soils. Physico-chemical conditions in freshly drained soils, namely elevated aeration and high concentrations of soil organic matter (SOM), and high Cl inputs probably resulted in a Cl immobilization in soils by formation of organic chlorine (Clorg) and adsorption that was higher than the Cl production from Clorg mineralization and desorption. In contrast, Clorg mineralization and Cl desorption exceeded the Cl retention during the consecutive period of low Cl inputs and decreasing SOM concentrations in agricultural soils. Our study implies that changes in land use and agricultural management can significantly affect dose–response functions even for Cl, which is traditionally considered and modelled as a conservative ion.  相似文献   

This work introduces an interpretational key to quantify and understand how much of variations among lakes in fundamental ecosystem characteristics that may be related to lake morphometry, catchment area features, measurement uncertainties and other factors (mostly climate). The size and form of lakes regulate many general transport processes, such as sedimentation, internal loading and outflow, which in turn regulate many abiotic state variables, such as concentrations of phosphorus, colour, water chemical variables and water clarity, which regulate primary production, which regulate secondary production. This paper discusses relationships between key abiotic state variables, lake morphometry and catchment area characteristics using empirical/statistical analyses based on data from 95 lakes. It has been shown that of the studied variables Secchi depth depends most on morphometry (34%); 31% of the variations among the lakes in Secchi depth may be related to catchment area characteristics, 1% to uncertainties in empirical data and 34% to other (climatological) factors. The corresponding figures for alkalinity, which depends least on lake morphometry are, 0% related to morphometry, 34% to catchment conditions, 1% to empirical uncertainty and 58% to other causes. For all other studied variables, i.e., conductivity, hardness (CaMg), calcium, iron, colour, pH and phosphorus the corresponding figures vary between these values. The interpretational key helps to explain the mechanistic reasons for these statistical/empirical results.  相似文献   

Erosion and sedimentation processes within the channel and on the floodplain are indicative of catchment hydrodynamic procedures, as well as the associated nutrient and contaminant transportation. In this paper, we linked the SWAT model with the hydraulic HEC-RAS model to set up a sediment model for 10 river sections in the Upper Stör catchment and simulated the sediment processes from 2001 to 2010. Based on the HEC-RAS output, quantification and comparison of channelized and floodplain sediment processes were conducted. The results indicate that (1) with an average sedimentation depth of 2.85 cm, the deposition process dominated the Upper Stör catchment at the decadal time scale, and the land use/cover condition resulted in differences in sedimentation amounts between different sub-catchments, and (2) the mean deposition rates were 1.75 g/m2/d in the channel and 1.69 g/m2/d on the floodplain, and the floodplain deposition accounted for only 1% of the total sedimentation amount. This observation was mainly caused by the stream power distribution in the channel and on the floodplain. (3) The granularity of the channelized sedimentation was determined by the altitude of the river section, while the granularity of the floodplain sedimentation was positively correlated with the stream power of the flood. The D50s of the channelized and floodplain sediments were 0.92 mm and 0.16 mm, respectively, while the D90 of the sediment was 4.2 mm in the channel and 0.32 mm on the floodplain. Despite the higher uncertainty of the sediment simulation, the results yielded by the combination of the HEC-RAS and SWAT models are comparable to the traditional radioactive dating, sediment trapping or combined model methods used in similar and nearby catchments.  相似文献   

Climate change is predicted to lead to an increase in extreme rainfall and, in coastal areas, sea-salt deposition events. The impacts of these two climatic extremes on stream hydrochemistry were separately evaluated via a novel watering manipulation at the Gårdsjön experimental catchment, SW Sweden. In summer 2004, a 2000 m2 hillslope draining to a defined stream reach was brought to a high-flow hydrological steady state for a 9 day period by sustained addition of ‘clean’ water using a distributed sprinkler system. Marine ions were then added, to generate a realistic ‘sea salt’ episode. A remarkably well constrained hydrological response was observed, such that a simple two-compartment mixing model could reasonably well reproduce observed conservative tracer (chloride, Cl) measurements, and 78% of added water was recovered in runoff. Stream base cation concentrations and acidity responded predictably to clean water and sea-salt addition, with the former leading to an increase in pH and acid neutralising capacity, and the latter to episodic acidification through hydrogen ion and aluminium displacement from soil exchange sites by marine base cations. Anion responses were less predictable: water addition caused a flush of nitrate, but this was apparently independent of rainfall composition. Sulphate remained near-constant during clean water addition but declined sharply during sea-salt addition, indicative of a strong, pH-dependent solubility control on leaching, presumably adsorption/desorption in the mineral soil. Most strikingly, dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations were stable during clean water addition but varied dramatically in response to sea-salt addition, exhibiting a strong negative correlation with Cl concentrations in water draining the organic soil. These observations provide a robust experimental verification of the hypothesis that deposition chemistry, through its influence on acidity and/or ionic strength, has a major influence on DOC leaching to surface waters.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to use the analysis of surface water chemistry to understand vegetation succession pathways in terrestrializing polyhumic lakes. We hypothesized that Sphagnum mire development was accompanied by a decrease in the mineral content in water. A total of 111 vegetation plots along 23 transects were analysed in 11 lakes and adjacent peat lands in the Wigry National Park (NE Poland). The vegetation of the lake-mire systems forms distinct zones: (1) nymphaeid-, bladderwort- and bryophyte-dominated aquatic vegetation; (2) sedge-dominated edge of the Sphagnumcarpet; (3) quaking, extremely poor fen with various Cyperaceae; (4) non-quaking, Eriophorum vaginatum-dominated bog-like vegetation and (5) pine woodland. Surface water corrected conductivity (ECcorr.), pH, COD-KMnO4 and Ca2+, Mg2+, Fetot. and SiO2 were measured along the transects. The environmental gradients best explaining the observed pattern were pH (with the highest values in the lake and the lowest in the bog-like vegetation) and COD-KMnO4 (showing an inverse direction). At least in some Sphagnum-mires conditions were more minerotrophic than in the lakes. The process of humic lake overgrowing by Sphagnum-mires in NE Poland results in pine woodlands on mineralised peat. The climate conditions in NE Poland, combined with evapotranspiration accelerated by encroaching trees, do not seem to support the development of ombrotrophic bogs.  相似文献   

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