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The phenology, major floral characteristics, fruiting levels, and breeding system ofCistus ladanifer L. (Cistaceae), a common western Mediterranean shrub species, were studied in a southern Spanish population. The white, large (64 mm in diameter) flowers of this shrub appear during spring (March–May) and produce abundant pollen and nectar. In the year of study, flowers lasted up to three days, during which they were visited by a diverse array of insects including beetles, flies, and bees. Hand-pollinations revealed that flowers do not set any seed unless cross pollen is applied to the stigma. Microscopical observations indicate that self pollen tubes grow down the stigma but invariably fail to induce fruit maturation. At the plant level, all estimates of fecundity investigated (number of seeds per capsule, proportion of ovules developing into seed, and proportion of flowers setting fruit) were highly dependent on nearest neighbour distance, with isolated plants setting as little as 0% fruit. In contrast, plants within a clump often transformed into fruit as much as 90% of the flowers. At the population level, seed output was estimated to range between 3,000 and 270,000 seeds per plant during 1991.  相似文献   

A chemotaxonomic study of practically all the species of the genusAloe showed that flavonoids occur as major compounds in 31 out of a total of 380 species investigated. Flavanones and dihydroflavonols are present in the exudate of species inAloe ser.Rhodacanthae andSuperpositae and also in a number of the endemic species from Madagascar. Flavones occur as the only major compound in the leaf extracts of the sects.Leptoaloe andGraminialoe. In ser.Macrifoliae and inLomatophyllum, the sister genus ofAloe, isovitexin co-occurred with theC-glucosylanthrone aloin. The chemotaxonomic implication of these results are discussed together with the significance of the taxonomic and chemogeographical distribution of flavonoids inAloe. With a few rare exceptions, the leaf compounds from two different biogenetic pathways (polyketide pathway and flavonoid pathway) are mutually exclusive. Since flavonoids are restricted to the basal groups inAloe, we conclude that flavonoids are plesiomorphic characters inAloe reflecting ancient phylogenetic and biogeographic links.  相似文献   

The floral biology and breeding system of Alpinia blepharocalyx were studied in Yunnan province, southwest China. Our results indicate that populations of A. blepharocalyx have two floral morphs, which differ in flowering behaviour: the cataflexistylous morph in which the stigma is held erect above the dehiscent anther when anthesis begins in the morning and becomes curved under the anther at afternoon, and the anaflexistylous morph in which the receptive stigma is curved under the indehiscent anther first and moves into a reflexed superior position above the anther as it begins to shed pollen in the afternoon; the flowering period of both floral morphs is 12 hours; the stylar movements in the two floral morphs are synchronous, and they have similar traits to those found in other Alpinia species previously reported. Also, on average, cataflexistylous flowers are larger than anaflexistylous flowers, especially the labellum and corolla tube length; moreover, the P/O ratio of the two floral morphs is significantly different: the cataflexistylous morph has more pollen grains and fewer ovules than the anaflexistylous morph; the evolutionary significance of this comparison is discussed. Cataflexistylous flowers were observed to produce a lower concentration of nectar than that of anaflexistylous flowers before 11:00 a.m., but they then have higher nectar concentration; cataflexistylous flowers always have more nectar than anaflexistylous flowers. Flowers of A. blepharocalyx were visited by fewer insects at a lower frequency, including honey bees (Apis cerana cerana) and two species of carpenter bees (Xylocopa spp.). No significant differences were found in the fruit set among the hand-pollination treatments regardless of selfing (geitonogamy and autogamy) or crossing (intermorph and intramorph); but all hand-pollination treatments exhibited much higher fruit set than the controls; meanwhile, no fruit set occurred in the unpollinated bagged plants. Pollen tube growth was examined using fluorescence microscopy following self, intramorph, and intermorph hand pollinations at different times of the day; the pollen tubes of both floral morphs have the same growth rate and the capability to reach the ovary. Both the results of pollen tube growth and fruit sets under different pollination conditions show that A. blepharocalyx is self-compatible and dependent upon insects for pollination. The distinctive flexistyly mechanism of A. blepharocalyx is likely a floral mechanism that promotes effective intermorph pollen transfer.  相似文献   

The reproductive biology of someScrophularia species in the Iberian Peninsula and Balearic Islands has been studied. Levels of fruit-set in bagged and unbagged inflorescences, the production of seeds/capsule, the effectiveness of seed-set following cross-pollination in the genus and the pollen/ovule ratios have been analyzed.Some observations on floral and reproductive biology in some species ofScrophularia from the Iberian Peninsula and Balearic Islands. II. For first part seeOrtega Olivencia & Devesa 1993.  相似文献   

The majority of flowering plants, including many rare and threatened species, are pollinated by animals, but little is known of pollination and breeding systems of many endangered species. Polemonium caeruleum (Polemoniaceae) is a red‐listed species and is regarded as dichogamous, self‐compatible and bee pollinated. However, some studies show that it is visited by a vast assemblage of anthophilous insects from many taxonomic orders and that breeding systems vary greatly between closely related taxa of this genus. Over a period of 3 years we investigated breeding system, dichogamy, nectar secretion and composition, insect visitations and pollen loads in flowers of P. caeruleum in north‐eastern Poland to determine whether the reproductive biology of the plant explains its rarity. Contrary to published data, our study plants were self‐incompatible and showed a high degree of outcrossing. Our experimental work confirmed the occurrence of protandry in this species, revealed that nectar is sucrose‐dominant and proline‐rich and, for the first time for Polemoniaceae, that nectar secretion and nectar sugar concentration in flowers of P. caeruleum is female‐biased. Although flowers were visited by at least 39 species of insects from five taxonomic orders, overall the plant exhibited many characters associated with bee pollination, and analysis of insect performance showed that bumblebees and honeybees are the key pollinators; occasionally hoverflies and butterflies may also be involved. We conclude that, in terms of pollination system, P. caeruleum demonstrates high apparent generalization, but low realized generalization, and is a functional specialist, as most pollinators belong to a single functional group (guild). Its conservation status, at least in our study population, cannot be explained in terms of the biological properties of its breeding or pollination systems; rather, the present decline of the species is caused by habitat loss. However, if this process and bumblebee decline in Europe continue, P. caeruleum populations may diminish in numbers and density and, owing to the self‐incompatibility of the species, quickly become severely pollen‐limited, thereby accelerating further local extinctions. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 173 , 92–107.  相似文献   

Various aspects of the reproductive biology of the Andean-disjunct genusRetanilla (DC.) Brongn. were studied in populations ofR. trinervia andR. ephedra located in central Chile and ofR. patagonica in southern Argentina. Flowering extends from -austral- winter (early spring inR. patagonica) to early summer. The small, white, entomophilous flowers are incompletely protandrous and last four to five days. A weak pleasant odor along with nectar and pollen attract thirty-seven diurnal insect species, ten of which are probable pollinators: these include the honey bee, eight species of solitary bees pertaining toAnthophoridae (1 sp.),Colletidae (3 spp.) andHalictidae (4 spp.), and a nemestrinid fly. Although flower morphology and individual flower phenology do not fully prevent self-pollination (and geitonogamy can easily take place), the level of autogamy is low. Therefore, some self-incompatibility mechanism seems operative inRetanilla. Fruit set of open-pollinated flowers is extremely low, with a maximal value of c. 3% inR. patagonica. In this species, ripe fruits contain on average 1.37 viable seeds. Predispersal (maternal) reproductive success (percent ovules becoming viable seeds) is 2.3%. For medium to full-sized individuals this corresponds to c. 4600 potential offspring per year. As presently known,Retanilla is a reproductively uniform group, in which the Andean disjunction seems to have exerted no particular impact, which is consistent with the view that pollination generalization exerts some stabilizing influence on floral morphology and other reproductive traits.Retanilla expresses a basic rhamnacean set of traits (including protandry and self-incompatibility) showing also high pollen production and secondary pollen presentation. The latter two traits seem characteristic of theRetanilla-Trevoa clade, suggesting that a trend to increased male effort and, perhaps, dependence upon polleneating has evolved within the tribe Colletieae.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Abolboda (Xyridaceae) belongs to the Poales, a predominantly wind-pollinated order whose phylogeny has been widely studied in recent years. The reproductive biology of Abolboda pulchella and A. poarchon was studied to determine the main pollination system of these species, providing the first experimental data on reproduction in the Xyridaceae.


A field study was conducted, including observations on the morphology and biology of the flowers, insect visits and pollinator behaviour. Experimental pollination treatments were performed to assess agamospermy, spontaneous self-pollination and self-compatibility. Pollination success was determined by pollen tube growth, and reproductive success was assessed by fruit- and seed-set.

Key Results

Abolboda pulchella and A. poarchon were pollinated by Apidae, Megachilidae and Halictidae bees. The floral resources were pollen and nectar that was produced by stylar appendages, an uncommom nectary type for monocotyledons. The species were self-compatible, and pollen tube growth from self-pollen was similar to that of cross-pollen. However, herkogamy prevented spontaneous selfing, rendering the plants dependent on the pollinator''s activity. There was no production of seeds by agamospermy.


Melittophily is the main pollination system of these two Abolboda species. Nectar production was first recorded here for Xyridaceae, and along with self-compatibility, herkogamy and bee pollination, is an informative characteristic that can be used in future phylogenetic analyses of the family as well as Poales.  相似文献   

Various aspects of the reproductive biology of the perennial hermaphroditeFrangula alnus Mill. were studied in two populations located in the province of Cádiz, southern Spain. Flowering extends from the second week of May to early July. The small, whitegreenish, entomophilous flowers are incompletely protandrous and last 8–10 days, but pollen transfer takes place only on days 1–3. A very weak, pleasant odour along with nectar and pollen attract over 45 insect species, of which 21 are probable pollinators. These are mainlyDiptera but also includeHymenoptera and the unusual (as flower visitors)Mecoptera. Reproduction is exclusively sexual and strictly xenogamous, with pollen transfer depending solely on insect vectors. Although flower morphology and individual flower phenology do not fully prevent self-pollination, and geitonogamy can easily take place, the level of autogamy was negligible. Therefore, some self-incompatibility mechanism is operative in this species. Only 2.8% of open-pollinated flowers set fruit. At the flower level, fruit initiation was apparently limited by availability of cross-pollen, which in turn seemed influenced by the structure of the population. The seed/ovule ratio in ripe fruits was ca. 50%. Predispersal (maternal) reproductive success (percent ovules becoming filled seeds) was 1.42%. For mature individuals this corresponded to ca. 430 to 1560 potential offspring per year.  相似文献   

A classical morphological study ofHyacinthoides sect.Somera in the northwestern Iberian Peninsula revealed the new speciesH. paivae. It differs from the closely related speciesH. italica, H. hispanica, andH. mauritanica by vegetative and generative characters, such as leaf length, raceme shape, tepal length and width. It typically occurs in woodlands in the A Coruña province of NW Spain.  相似文献   

The reproductive biology ofW. berteroi, W. fernandeziana, and a putative hybrid betweenW. fernandeziana andW. grahamiae, endemic to Robinson Crusoe Island (Juan Fernández archipelago, Chile) was studied. Flowers are hermaphroditic, protandrous, offer nectar, and exhibit secondary pollen presentation involving pollen collecting hairs on the style. These features imply allogamy and biotic pollination. However, male and female phases overlap and no effective pollinators were observed. Experimental data indicate these taxa are self-compatible and facultatively autogamous, a conclusion also suggested by the pollen/ovule ratios. Selfing is accomplished when the stigmatic lobes reflex and touch the style, except forW. berteroi where they do not reflex completely. Autogamy is accomplished in the latter when pollen grains deposited on the inner surface of the corolla throat by the pollen brush are gathered by stigmatic lobes when shaken by wind. The degree of autogamy, and perhaps self-compatibility, seems to be inconstant, as implied by the variable natural seed set (overall range 21–188 seeds per fruit). A mixed mating system — primarily outcrossing/entomophilous, but also autogamous — must have been present in the continental ancestors of these taxa. Autogamy promoting self-fertilization is important now — on an island with scarce pollinators — and in the past — when the first founders arrived.  相似文献   

We studied the reproductive biology ofPrunus spinosa andPrunus mahaleb (Prunoideae, Rosaceae) in the northwest Iberian Peninsula. The two species flowered at the same time (peaking on March 9 and 11, respectively in 1990) but differ significantly in their fruit maturation times. Nectar volume peaked in the early morning in both species, and was ten times greater inP. spinosa than inP. mahaleb. Neither species shows apomixis, nor does fruit-set occur if pollinators are excluded. In both species self-pollination resulted in fewer fruits than open pollination. The principal pollinators belong to theApidae family (79% and 63% of visits toP. spinosa andP. mahaleb, respectively). Results are compared with those for other rosaceous plants with fleshy fruits.  相似文献   

Diameter and fertility of pollen grains were surveyed in nine species ofPuccinellia Parl. (Poaceae), mainly from the Iberian Peninsula, allowing information about reproductive behaviour and biological characteristics of pollen of these taxa. Maximum diameter was measured with an image processor and fertility was evaluated by staining the grains with Müntzing's mixture. Significant differences in both characters were found between the taxa. In consequence, maximum diameter and fertility proved to have some taxonomic relevance inPuccinellia.  相似文献   

The influence of environmental variables on the selection of a water body as breeding habitat by Salamandra salamandra was studied in an arid zone located in the southwestern part of its distribution range. From November 2002 to October 2003, 50 water bodies were monitored in the south east of the Iberian Peninsula. Environmental data were submitted to a stepwise logistic regression analysis at macrohabitat, water body typology and microhabitat scales in order to establish the main factors influencing the use of a given water body as breeding habitat by this species. A significant degree of dependence between the reproduction of Salamandra salamandra and environmental variables was observed at all of these levels. These results should be taken into account when populations of this species are subjected to management and/or recovery programmes in arid areas.  相似文献   

The reproductive biology of Zeyheria montana was studied through field observations of flower visitors and floral events, controlled manual pollinations, and observations of pollen tube growth and ovule penetration by fluorescence microscopy. Analysis of secretory areas of the nectar chamber was made by flower dissections and histology of serial sections. The flower lasted 6–8 days, but pollen exposure and stigma receptivity occurred only up to the end of the first and second days, respectively. Pollination was effected by several species of hummingbirds, especially Colibri serrirostris. The flowers present a rudimentary, non-functional disc, and secretion of nectar is performed by corolla-borne glandular trichomes. Only hand cross-pollinated and natural-pollinated flowers set fruits. Artificially self-pollinated and non-pollinated flowers dried off after anthesis without presenting any swelling of the ovary. Almost all the ovules in selfed and crossed pistils were penetrated 96 h after pollination. However, a delay in ovule penetration in self-pollinated pistils was verified, which indicates the occurrence of late-acting self-incompatibility.We are grateful to Fundo de Apoio ao Ensino e à Pesquisa (UNICAMP) for financial support, and Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) for the fellowship granted to the first author (this work is part of a Ph.D. thesis presented to UNICAMP, Campinas, SP, Brazil).  相似文献   

This paper deals with the nectary structure and nectar presentation of two species belonging to different sections of the genus Aloe: A. castanea (Anguialoe) and A. greatheadii var. davyana (Pictae). The development of the nectary was studied by means of bright field and fluorescence light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) in three flower stages (young, intermediate, old). Both species have septal nectaries. In A. castanea, a subsidiary tissue, not present in A. greatheadii var. davyana, was found beneath the nectary epithelium. This tissue accumulated starch that was hydrolyzed during secretion. Starch was slightly accumulated around the nectary in A. greatheadii var. davyana. The distribution of chlorophyll in the ovary was also different in the two species. These anatomical differences are not, however, correlated with greater nectar production in A. castanea. In this species, the nectary seems to degenerate after secretion, while in A. greatheadii var. davyana no sign of degeneration was observed. Differences in nectar presentation among the two species may account for different pollinators visiting their flowers.  相似文献   

From field observations onDrimys brasiliensis, principally in the Botucatu region of São Paulo State, Brazil, new data on the reproductive biology, the rhythm of growth, and the development of lateral cymose inflorescences, flowers and fruits are presented. Pollination accelerates the rate of flower-development for about 4–6 days. Pollination experiments show thatD. brasiliensis is not self-sterile; because of mechanical devices the sticky pollen grains do not normally come into contact with the stigmata unless an animal pollen vector is involved. The pollinators are diurnalColeoptera, Diptera andThysanoptera which eat from the pollen, lick from the stigmatic exudates and (in case of the flies) probably also from the staminal glands. Fruit- and seedeaters are birds which seem to be the main dispersal agents. Establishment of new individuals normally is through seedlings, but also by vegetative propagation through plagiotropous branches which may root and separate from the mother plant. The morphological, developmental and reproductive aspects inD. brasiliensis are discussed in a wider context, compared with data from otherMagnoliidae, and related to aspects of early Angiosperm evolution.  相似文献   

The primary pollinator of Polynesian heliconias,Heliconia laufao andH. paka, is the Wattled Honeyeater,Foulehaio carunculata. This report is the first documentation of pollination by honeyeaters in the genusHeliconia and the first record ofF. carunculata as a pollinator of a plant species. The Polynesian heliconias bear inflorescences that produce 2–4 hermaphroditic flowers per day for a period of 2–3 months. Each flower secretes abundant nectar (125–184 l) with low sugar concentration (15–18% sucrose-equivalents, weight per weight basis) which is available at anthesis just before dawn. Ninety percent of flower visits occur between anthesis and mid-morning. The honeyeaters perch on inflorescence bracts, and probing of the flower results in pollen deposition on the head and bill from where pollen is transferred between flowers. No statements on compatibility can be made forHeliconia paka; however,Heliconia laufao appears to be self-compatible. Calculations of energetic values of nectar of the Polynesian heliconias and Daily Energy Expenditures ofF. carunculata suggest that populations ofH. laufao andH. paka serve as rich energy resources for their pollinators.  相似文献   

A karyological study of 15 taxa ofScorzonera L. from the Iberian Peninsula has been made. The chromosome numbers found inS. hispanica var.pinnatifida, S. baetica, S. reverchonii, S. angustifolia, S. laciniata var.calcitrapifolia and var.subulata (2n = 14) are new. Diploid cytotypes with 2n = 14 and 2n = 12 prevail, andS. hispanica var.crispatula is the only taxon which exhibits autopolyploidy (2n = 14, 28). x = 7 is considered to be the base chromosome number within the genus, with x = 6 being derived from it by translocation. This and detailed karyotype analyses allow to group the Iberian Peninsula species ofScorzonera into three groups.  相似文献   

Flowering phenology of some annonaceous trees and reproductive biology ofPolyalthia littoralis (Annonaceae) were studied. The trees showed various types of flowering phenology within the family. Among them,P. littoralis had hermaphroditic and protogynous flowers, and exhibited continuous flowering throughout the year. Bagged flowers set fruits and seeds comparable to the control. The observations of meiotic stages and the results of castrated tests indicated no possibility of apomictic reproduction. The abscised anthers attached to torus by the extended spiral thickenings, and accomplished self-pollination. Outbreeding possibly occurs, but the following self-pollination guarantees seed set.  相似文献   

The reproductive biology of the genusDamasonium was studied in cultivation and in nature. A correlation was shown between flowering time and latitude. All species are self-compatible but the N. American member of the genus (D. californicum) is strongly protandrous and probably experiences high levels of outcrossing in nature. In the European taxa the stamens and the stigmas mature simultaneously but the levels of inbreeding appear to be greater in the southern species (D. bourgeai, D. polyspermum) than in the northern (tetraploid) speciesD. alisma. The Australian memberD. minus resembles the southern European species in being strongly autogamous and bud-pollination was shown to occur. Floral morphology, stigma exertion, pollen/ovule (P/O) ratio and seed weight each show a strong correlation with the degree of autogamy. Vegetative reproduction occurs only inD. californicum andD. alisma through the production of corm-buds. This study suggests that autogamy inDamasonium is accompanied by a shift in resource allocation from male (pollen) toward female (seed) function. However, further studies are required to assess the quality of seeds and their survivorship in nature.  相似文献   

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