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Hickner, R. C., J. S. Fisher, P. A. Hansen, S. B. Racette,C. M. Mier, M. J. Turner, and J. O. Holloszy. Muscle glycogen accumulation after endurance exercise in trained and untrained individuals. J. Appl. Physiol. 83(3):897-903, 1997.Muscle glycogen accumulation was determined in sixtrained cyclists (Trn) and six untrained subjects (UT) at 6 and either48 or 72 h after 2 h of cycling exercise at ~75% peakO2 uptake(O2 peak), which terminated with five 1-min sprints. Subjects ate 10 gcarbohydrate · kg1 · day1for 48-72 h postexercise. Muscle glycogen accumulation averaged 71 ± 9 (SE) mmol/kg (Trn) and 31 ± 9 mmol/kg (UT) during the first 6 h postexercise (P < 0.01) and 79 ± 22 mmol/kg (Trn) and 60 ± 9 mmol/kg (UT) between 6 and 48 or 72 h postexercise (not significant). Muscle glycogenconcentration was 164 ± 21 mmol/kg (Trn) and 99 ± 16 mmol/kg(UT) 48-72 h postexercise (P < 0.05). Muscle GLUT-4 content immediately postexercise was threefoldhigher in Trn than in UT (P < 0.05)and correlated with glycogen accumulation rates (r = 0.66, P < 0.05). Glycogen synthase in theactive I form was 2.5 ± 0.5, 3.3 ± 0.5, and 1.0 ± 0.3 µmol · g1 · min1in Trn at 0, 6, and 48 or 72 h postexercise, respectively;corresponding values were 1.2 ± 0.3, 2.7 ± 0.5, and 1.6 ± 0.3 µmol · g1 · min1in UT (P < 0.05 at 0 h). Plasmainsulin and plasma C-peptide area under the curve were lower in Trnthan in UT over the first 6 h postexercise(P < 0.05). Plasma creatine kinaseconcentrations were 125 ± 25 IU/l (Trn) and 91 ± 9 IU/l (UT)preexercise and 112 ± 14 IU/l (Trn) and 144 ± 22 IU/l(UT; P < 0.05 vs.preexercise) at 48-72 h postexercise (normal: 30-200 IU/l).We conclude that endurance exercise training results in an increasedability to accumulate muscle glycogen after exercise.


The purpose of this experiment was to examine glycogen depletion in muscles of chronic diabetic rats during treadmill running of moderate intensity and glycogen repletion following the exercise bouts. Diabetes was induced with a single intravenous injection of streptozotocin (70 mg × kg?1). Glycogen concentrations in muscles from diabetic and normal animals were determined at rest, after running either 10 or 30 min at 23 m × min?1 (5% incline), or 2, 4, or 8 hr following 30 min of running at the same speed and incline. With the exception of soleus muscle after 30 min of running, there were no differences in muscle glycogen contents between normal and diabetic rats before exercise, immediately after exercise, or during the recovery period. All muscles showed a significant loss of glycogen during exercise, and most muscles had completely restored their glycogen by 2 hr following exercise. Blood lactate concentrations were also similar for normal and diabetic rats at rest and after exercise. It is concluded that the diabetic condition studied in this experiment did not significantly alter muscle glycogen metabolism during exercise of moderate intensity or during recovery from the activity.  相似文献   

This investigation studied the effect of an oral glucose feeding on glycogen sparing during exercise in non-glycogen-depleted and glycogen-depleted endurance-trained rats. The non-glycogen-depleted rats received via a stomach tube 2 ml of a 20% glucose solution labeled with [U-14C]glucose just prior to exercise (1 h at 25 m/min). Another group of rats ran for 40 min at higher intensity to deplete glycogen stores, after which they received the same glucose feeding and continued running for 1 h at 25 m/min. The initial 40-min run depleted glycogen in heart, skeletal muscle, and liver. In the non-glycogen-depleted rats the glucose feeding spared glycogen in the liver, primarily from the oxidation of blood-borne glucose in muscle. In the glycogen-depleted rats, muscle glycogen was repleted after the feeding, but sources other than the administered glucose also contributed to glycogen synthesis. The results suggest that glycogen depletion rather than the glucose feeding per se stimulates glycogen resynthesis in muscle during exercise in endurance-trained rats.  相似文献   

This study examined the effect on glycogen resynthesis during recovery from exercise of feeding glucose orally to physically trained rats which had been fed for 5 weeks on high-protein low fat (HP), high-protein/long-chain triglyceride (LCT) or high carbohydrate (CHO) diets. Muscle glycogen remained low and hepatic gluconeogenesis was stimulated by long-term fat or high-protein diets. The trained rats received, via a stomach tube, 3 ml of a 34% glucose solution immediately after exercise (2 h at 20 m.min-1), followed by 1-ml portions at hourly intervals until the end of the experiments. When fed glucose soleus muscle glycogen overcompensation occurred rapidly in the rats fed all three diets following prolonged exercise. In LCT- and CHO-fed rats, glucose feeding appeared more effective for soleus muscle repletion than in HP-fed rats. The liver demonstrated no appreciable glycogen overcompensation. A complete restoration of liver glycogen occurred within a 2- to 4-h recovery period in the rats fed HP-diet, while the liver glycogen store had been restored by only 67% in CHO-fed rats and 84% in LCT-fed rats within a 6-h recovery period. This coincides with low gluconeogenesis efficiency in these animals.  相似文献   

The time of ingestion of a carbohydrate supplement on muscle glycogen storage postexercise was examined. Twelve male cyclists exercised continuously for 70 min on a cycle ergometer at 68% VO2max, interrupted by six 2-min intervals at 88% VO2max, on two separate occasions. A 25% carbohydrate solution (2 g/kg body wt) was ingested immediately postexercise (P-EX) or 2 h postexercise (2P-EX). Muscle biopsies were taken from the vastus lateralis at 0, 2, and 4 h postexercise. Blood samples were obtained from an antecubital vein before and during exercise and at specific times after exercise. Muscle glycogen immediately postexercise was not significantly different for the P-EX and 2P-EX treatments. During the first 2 h postexercise, the rate of muscle glycogen storage was 7.7 mumol.g wet wt-1.h-1 for the P-EX treatment, but only 2.5 mumol.g wet wt-1.h-1 for the 2P-EX treatment. During the second 2 h of recovery, the rate of glycogen storage slowed to 4.3 mumol.g wet wt-1.h-1 during treatment P-EX but increased to 4.1 mumol.g wet wt-1.h-1 during treatment 2P-EX. This rate, however, was still 45% slower (P less than 0.05) than that for the P-EX treatment during the first 2 h of recovery. This slower rate of glycogen storage occurred despite significantly elevated plasma glucose and insulin levels. The results suggest that delaying the ingestion of a carbohydrate supplement post-exercise will result in a reduced rate of muscle glycogen storage.  相似文献   

Glycogen synthase in the liver extracts of short-term (3 days) streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats is poorly activated by the endogenous synthase phosphatase as well as phosphatase(s) from the liver extracts of normal animals. However, synthase in the liver extracts of diabetic rats is readily activated by the 35,000 Mr rabbit liver protein phosphatase (H. Brandt, F. L. Capulong, and E. Y. C. Lee (J. Biol. Chem.250, 8038–8044 (1975)). The purified synthases from normal and diabetic animals respond differently after incubations with three different phosphatases. Both normal and diabetic synthase are activated by the 35,000 Mr protein phosphatase; however, the total activity of diabetic, but not the normal, synthase is significantly increased. Normal, but not the diabetic, synthase is activated by a synthase phosphatase from normal rats; this activation is accompanied by an increase in total synthase activity. Incubation of the diabetic synthase with calf intestinal alkaline phosphatase results in a reduction of the total synthase activity, whereas synthase activity of the normal is not significantly affected. The reduction in total activity of the diabetic synthase by treatment with alkaline phosphatase was prevented by prior dephosphorylation with 35,000 Mr rabbit liver protein phosphatase. In addition to their differences in responses to different phosphatases, the normal and diabetic synthases are also different in their molecular weights as determined by sucrose density gradient centrifugation (154,000 ± 17,000 (n = 6) for the normal and 185,000 ± 15,000 (n = 8) for the diabetic synthase) and their kinetic properties.  相似文献   

Van Den Bergh, Adrianus J., Sibrand Houtman, ArendHeerschap, Nancy J. Rehrer, Hendrikus J. Van Den Boogert, BerendOeseburg, and Maria T. E. Hopman. Muscle glycogen recovery afterexercise during glucose and fructose intake monitored by13C-NMR. J. Appl.Physiol. 81(4): 1495-1500, 1996.The purpose of this study was to examine muscle glycogen recovery with glucose feeding(GF) compared with fructose feeding (FF) during the first 8 h afterpartial glycogen depletion by using13C-nuclear magneticresonance (NMR) on a clinical 1.5-T NMR system. After measurement of the glycogen concentration of the vastus lateralis (VL) muscle in seven male subjects, glycogen stores of the VLwere depleted by bicycle exercise. During 8 h after completion ofexercise, subjects were orally given either GF or FF while the glycogencontent of the VL was monitored by13C-NMR spectroscopy every secondhour. The muscular glycogen concentration was expressed as a percentageof the glycogen concentration measured before exercise. The glycogenrecovery rate during GF (4.2 ± 0.2%/h) was significantly higher(P < 0.05) compared withvalues during FF (2.2 ± 0.3%/h). This study shows that1) muscle glycogen levels areperceptible by 13C-NMRspectroscopy at 1.5 T and 2) theglycogen restoration rate is higher after GF compared with after FF.


BACKGROUND: This study examined muscle deoxygenation trends before and after a 7-day taper using non-invasive near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS). METHODS: Eleven cyclists performed an incremental cycle ergometer test to determine maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max = 4.68 +/- 0.57 L.min-1) prior to the study, and then completed two or three high intensity (85-90% VO2max) taper protocols after being randomly assigned to a taper group: T30 (n = 5), T50 (n = 5), or T80 (n = 5) [30%, 50%, 80% reduction in training volume, respectively]. Physiological measurements were recorded during a simulated 20 km time trials (20TT) performed on a set of wind-loaded rollers. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: The results showed that the physiological variables of oxygen consumption (VO2), carbon dioxide (VCO2) and heart rate (HR) were not significantly different after tapering, except for a decreased ventilatory equivalent for oxygen (VE/VO2) in T50 (p 相似文献   

Male rats (120 g) either were subjected to a 12-wk physical training program (T rats) or were sedentary controls (C rats). Subsequently the rats were killed at rest or after a 45- or 90-min forced swim. At rest, T rats had higher liver and muscle glycogen concentrations but lower plasma insulin. During exercise, blood glucose increased 60% in T rats but decreased 20% in C rats. Plasma glucagon and insulin concentrations did not change in T rats but plasma glucagon increased and insulin decreased markedly in C rats. Plasma epinephrine (90 min: range, 0.78-2.96 ng-ml-1, (T) vs. 4.42-15.67 (C)) and norepinephrine (90 min: 0.70-2.22 (T) vs. 2.50-6.10 (C)) were lower in T than in C rats. Hepatic glycogen decreased substantially and, as with muscle glycogen, the decrease was parallel in T and C rats. The plasma concentrations of free fatty acids were higher but lactate and alanine lower in T than in C rats. In trained rats the hormonal response to exercise is blunted partly due to higher glucose concentrations. In these rats adipose tissue sensitivity to catecholamines is increased, and changes in glucagon and insulin concentrations are not necessary for increased lipolysis and hepatic glycogen depletion during exercise.  相似文献   

The post-exercise glycogen recovery in myocardium, liver, diaphragm muscle and musculus biceps femoris was compared in untrained and trained rats. The glycogen level in myocardium of the trained rats was significantly higher than that in the untrained ones only immediately after the exercise-test and on the second day after the exercise. The liver glycogen levels on each of the examined post-exercise days were similar in both groups and did not differ from the control values. The post-exercise glycogen recovery in the diapraghm muscle of the untrained rats was also similar to that in the trained animals. In musculus bicpes femoris similar post-exercise supercompensation was found in both groups except on the second day when the glycogen level in the trained animals was significantly higher than that in the untrained ones. The results suggest that it is necessary to separate the effects of training from those of the last bout of exercise in the training program when the effect of training is examined.  相似文献   

R Rauramaa 《Medical biology》1982,60(3):139-143
The effect of acute physical exercise on skeletal muscle glycogen content and on lipoprotein lipase activity of muscle, adipose and lung tissues was studied in streptozotocin diabetic and control rats. Rats were accustomed to treadmill running for two weeks after streptozotocin treatment. For an exercise bout of moderate intensity rats were randomly divided into two groups: one was sacrificed immediately after exercise and the other 24 hours afterwards. In addition there was a nonexercised sedentary group. No depletion of glycogen was observed after exercise in the vastus lateralis muscle of control (nondiabetic) rats. No difference in glycogen utilization was found in soleus muscle between diabetic and control rats. In diabetic rats a slight decrease occurred in the lipoprotein lipase activity in adipose tissue immediately after exercise, while in control rats there was a significant decline 24 hours after exercise. In soleus muscle a slight but significant increase of lipoprotein lipase activity occurred 24 hours after exercise in diabetic rats but not in control rats. The results suggest that nonketotic streptozotocin diabetes of short duration does not influence muscle glycogen in the resting state, but glycogen utilization is disturbed in white muscle during moderate treadmill running in untrained diabetic rats. The increase in lipoprotein lipase activity after physical exercise in red muscle of diabetic rats occurs during the recovery phase.  相似文献   

Glycogen is the main store of readily energy in skeletal muscle and plays a key role in muscle function, demonstrated by the inability to sustain prolonged high-intensity exercise upon depletion of these glycogen stores. With prolonged exercise, glycogen depletion occurs and 5′-AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), a potent regulator of muscle metabolism and gene expression, is activated promoting molecular signalling that increases glucose uptake by muscular skeletal cells. The aim of this study was primarily to determine the effect of ultra-endurance exercise on muscle glycogen reserves and secondly to verify the influence of this type of exercise on AMPK protein expression. Twenty-four male Wistar rats, 60 days old, were divided into four experimental groups: sedentary, sedentary exhausted (SE), endurance trained (T) and endurance trained exhausted (TE). The animals ran for 10 to 90 min/day, 5 days/week, for 12 weeks to attain trained status. Rats were killed immediately after the exhaustion protocol, which consisted of running on a treadmill (at approximately 60 % V max until exhaustion). Optical density of periodic acid-Schiff was detected and glycogen depletion observed predominantly in type I muscle fibres of the TE group and in both type I and II muscle fibres in the SE group. Plasma glucose decreased only in the TE group. Hepatic glycogen was increased in T group and significantly depleted in TE group. AMPK protein expression was significantly elevated in TE and T groups. In conclusion, acute exhaustive ultra-endurance exercise promoted muscle glycogen depletion. It seems that total AMPK protein and gene expression is more influenced by status training.  相似文献   

The effect of 8-wk of treadmill training on plasma glucose, insulin, and lipid concentrations, oral glucose tolerance, and glucose uptake in the perfused hindquarter of normal and streptozocin-treated, diabetic Sprague-Dawley rats was studied. Diabetic rats with initial plasma glucose concentrations of 200-450 mg/dl and control rats were divided into trained and sedentary subgroups. Training resulted in lower plasma free fatty acid concentrations and increased triceps muscle citrate synthase activity in both the control and diabetic rats; triglyceride concentrations were lowered by training only in the diabetic animals. Oral glucose tolerance and both basal and insulin-stimulated glucose uptake in hindquarter skeletal muscle were impaired in the diabetic rats, and plasma glucose concentrations (measured weekly) gradually increased during the experiment. Training did not improve the hyperglycemia, impaired glucose tolerance, or decreased skeletal muscle glucose uptake in the diabetic rats, nor did it alter these parameters in the normal control animals. In considering our results and those of previous studies in diabetic rats, we propose that exercise training may improve glucose homeostasis in animals with milder degrees of diabetes but fails to cause improvement in the more severely insulin-deficient, diabetic rat.  相似文献   

Collagen content (mg/dl of dry weight) was measured biochemically in the extensor digitorum longus and the soleus muscle in rats. Comparison of muscles from diabetic (induced by intraperitoneal streptozotocin injection /60 mg/kg body weight/) and non diabetic controls showed an increase in the collagen content of the extensor digitorum longus, and little change in the soleus. The differences did not attain statistical significance indicating that the accelerated collagen ageing attributed to diabetes may not necessarily be true in all tissues.  相似文献   

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