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The results of recent laboratory studies suggest that the ability to recognize kin may be a widespread phenomenon among diverse animal groups, but the question of how such recognition abilities influence individuals' behaviour under natural conditions has not always been considered. As an assay for sibling recognition, I measured the sibship composition of experimental schools formed by tadpoles of the American toad (Bufo americanus) in their natural habitat. Sibling cohorts were obtained from amplectant pairs in the laboratory and reared in groups either (1) in separate tanks, apart from non-siblings; or (2) in a common tank, separated from non-siblings by a screen partition across which water could pass. Tadpoles were dye-marked to indicate sibship identity. Pairs of sibling groups were then mixed together in a bucket and released in natural outdoor ponds, where they formed schools. I found significant differences in sibship composition among schools in 79% of all sampling periods; overall, 64% of the schools sampled were significantly biased in favour of one or the other sibship. The formation of sibling schools appears to result from a behavioural recognition mechanism rather than from differential habitat selection. Tadpoles preferentially formed schools with familiar siblings over both familiar and unfamiliar non-siblings, suggesting that sibling discrimination is not based on familiarity alone. Although experience may affect the ontogeny of sibling recognition, sibling preferences are apparently formed early in development, perhaps prior to hatching. Grouped individuals may in some situations increase their inclusive fitness by associating with kin: aposematic advertisement, alarm signalling in response to predators' attacks, and kin-influenced growth regulation are suggested as three specific advantages conferred by the formation of sibling schools.  相似文献   

Sibling recognition was studied experimentally in tadpoles of the Cascades frog, Rana cascadae. Sibships were divided into two groups at an early developmental stage. One group was reared with siblings and the second with a mixture of siblings and non-siblings. Whe given a choice of associating with a sibling or non-sibling group, individuals reared with siblings preferred siblings. One mixed-reared group spent more time associating with unfamiliar siblings than unfamiliar nonsiblings. Tadpoles of another mixed-reared group preferred to associate with pure siblings over a mixture of siblings and non-siblings with which they were reared. When the stimulus animals were taken exclusively from the mixed-rearing tank, two mixed-reared groups showed no sibling preferences. Our results suggest that early association with non-siblings does not affect sibling recognition in this species.  相似文献   

Cascades frog (Rana cascadae) tadpoles preferentially associate with full siblings over half sibling and half siblings over non-siblings when reared with siblings or as isolates. These tadpoles can use cues of maternal or paternal origin in distinguishing siblings from non-siblings, but maternal cues are preferred over paternal cues. This suggests that a hierarchy of cue importance may exist. Our results are consistent with both a phenotypic matching and a genetic recognition system of kin recognition. Thus, both learned and innate components may play a role in R. cascadae sibling recognition. Kin recognition may facilitate preferential treatment of kin, such as cooperation in food finding or in warning against predators, and therefore those individuals behaving altruistically in kin groups can increase their inclusive fitness.  相似文献   

Kin recognition was investigated in newly metamorphosed Rana cascadae frogs. Previous work has shown that larvae of this species prefer to associated with siblings over non-siblings. Juvenile frogs from three clutches were reared with siblings and tested for sibling preference as larvae and at 4–12 days and 39–47 days after metamorphosis. Tadpoles and froglets of the three clutches displayed a significant preference to associate with siblings.  相似文献   

Kin distribution of amphibian larvae in the wild   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
According to kin selection theory, the location of an individual with respect to its relatives can have important ramifications for its fitness. Perhaps more than any other vertebrate group, anuran amphibian larvae have been the subject of many experiments on this topic. Some anuran species have been shown in the laboratory to recognize and associate with their siblings and half-siblings. However, due to the difficulty of identifying sibships, no kinship studies with anuran larvae have been conducted in the wild. Here, we use microsatellite analysis to show that wood frog (Rana sylvatica) tadpoles were nonrandomly distributed in two ponds with respect to their relatives. In one pond, the tadpoles were significantly clumped with their siblings or half-siblings as expected from other published laboratory studies on this species. However, in another pond, the tadpoles were significantly nonrandomly dispersed from their siblings or half-siblings. This is the first example of kin repulsion of nonreproductive animals in the wild and the first time a species has been shown to display both aggregation and repulsion under different circumstances. These results suggest that kin distribution is context dependent and demonstrate the importance of testing kin selection hypotheses under natural conditions.  相似文献   

When captured by predators, the tadpoles of some species of frogs and toads may release an alarm substance that alters the behaviour of conspecifics. Such ‘alarm response’ behaviour has been proposed as a potential mechanism whereby related conspecifics may ‘warn’ relatives of a predator's presence and thus, improve their inclusive fitness. We examined predator avoidance and alarm response behaviour in tadpoles of the Cascades frog (Rana cascadae) and tested whether such behaviour is influenced by kinship factors. Tadpoles reduced activity when in the presence of a predatory newt (Taricha granulosa). Individuals in sibling groups were more active than both solitary tadpoles and individuals in mixed groups of siblings and nonsiblings. However, we found no evidence of an alarm response in R. cascadae. Behaviour of tadpoles in groups exposed only to predators was not different from that of tadpoles in groups exposed to predators plus crushed conspecifics. Tadpoles in groups exposed to crushed tadpoles were as active as tadpoles in groups exposed to water controls, and some test individuals fed upon the dead tadpoles. Thus, while R. cascadae tadpoles reduce activity in response to newt predators, crushed tadpoles appear to initiate a feeding response rather than an alarm response as has been previously proposed.  相似文献   

In nature, prey are exposed to multiple predators simultaneously. We examined the effects of the cues of two potential predators, mosquitofish and odonate larvae, individually and in combination on the behavior of green frog (Rana clamitans) tadpoles. In addition to examining the behavioral response of green frog tadpoles to multiple predators, we examined variation in behavior among tadpoles from different egg masses (i.e. different sibships). Sibships differed in activity level and there was a significant predator cue by sibship interaction. Two sibships were relatively more active in the control and odonate predator cue treatments but showed reduced activity in treatments containing mosquitofish cues, whereas the remaining sibships showed consistently low levels of activity in all predator cue treatments, including the control. The use of the vegetated side of the aquarium did not differ between tadpoles exposed to the different predator cues. Sibship had no effect on tadpoles’ use of the vegetated side of the aquarium, and there was no interaction between sibship and predator cue. Our results suggest that green frogs did not respond to simultaneous exposure to multiple predator cues any differently than they did to exposure to individual predator cues. More importantly, our results suggest variation, possibly genetically based, in behavioral responses of tadpoles to predators, and thus selection on these behaviors is possible. Of particular interest is that there was variation in behavioral responses to a non‐native predator (Gambusia affinis), suggesting an evolutionary response to an invasive predator is possible.  相似文献   

Couch's spadefoot toads (Scaphiopus couchii) breed in ephemeral desert ponds that are highly variable in duration. Rapid development is expected to be advantageous in short-duration ponds, but slower development, allowing more time for growth, may be advantageous in ponds of longer duration. Previous experiments have revealed both genetic variation in development time and phenotypic plasticity in response to pond drying. In this paper, I examine the norms of reaction of five sibships of tadpoles to see whether there is genetic variation in the effect of pond duration, i.e., in phenotypic plasticity. Several important results emerged. 1) Differences among sibships in development time that were seen in the lab were also seen in the field. 2) There was no evidence for genetic variation in plasticity of development; all sibships exhibited faster development and decreased larval period in ponds of short duration. Plasticity in development appears to be adaptive, as size at metamorphosis was correlated with duration of larval period. The slowest developing sibship, however, suffered higher mortality compared to other sibships in short duration ponds. 3) Sibships did not differ in growth or size at metamorphosis in short-duration ponds, but the slowest developing sibship metamorphosed at the largest size in long duration ponds, resulting in a significant genotype x environment interaction for size at metamorphosis. Thus, although only one of the five sibships responded differently, there appears to be genetic variation for plasticity in growth, and a genetically determined trade-off between fitness in short-duration ponds (via rapid development) and fitness in long duration ponds (via large size at metamorphosis). This may explain the existence of both phenotypic plasticity and genetic variation in development. A single genotype, although capable of adaptive plasticity, is not sufficiently flexible to have equally high fitness in both long- and short-duration ponds.  相似文献   

Many animals modify their behavior toward unfamiliar conspecifics as a function of their genetic relatedness. A fundamental problem of any kin recognition study is determining what is being recognized and why. For anuran tadpoles, the predominant view is that associating with relatives is kin-selected because these relatives may thereby accrue benefits through increased growth or predation avoidance. An alternative view is that kin associations are simply a side-effect of habitat selection and thus do not represent attempts to identify kin per se. In the laboratory, spadefoot toad tadpoles (Scaphiopus multiplicatus) preferentially associated with unfamiliar siblings over unfamiliar nonsiblings, as do other anurans. However, same age tadpoles also were more likely to orient toward unfamiliar nonsiblings reared on the same food (familiar food) than toward unfamiliar siblings that were reared on unfamiliar food. These results, together with the results of previous tadpole kin recognition studies, suggest that tadpoles orient toward cues learned early in ontogeny, regardless of the cues' source. Tadpoles that preferentially associated with cues learned from their environment at birth would tend to be philopatric. Censuses of 14 natural ponds revealed that tadpole density remained greatest near oviposition sites until four days before metamorphosis. Tadpole philopatry may be advantageous: tadpoles restricted to their natal site had greater growth and survivorship than did their siblings restricted to randomly selected sites elsewhere within the same pond. Thus kin affiliative tendency observed in the laboratory in this and perhaps other species of anurans may be a byproduct of habitat selection. Since kin discrimination in animals is most commonly assayed as orientation toward kin, it follows that many examples of “kin recognition” may not represent true attempts to identify kin as such, but rather may reflect some other recognition system that is under entirely different selective pressures.  相似文献   

Inclusive fitness theory suggests that cannibalistic individuals should preferentially eat unrelated prey when given a choice between related and unrelated individuals. Using the predatory mite Phytoseiulus persimilis, I investigated whether having contact with siblings during a sensitive ontogenetic phase or not determines whether cannibalistic protonymphs tend to eat more sibling or nonsibling larvae in choice situations. Cannibals reared with siblings preferentially ate nonsibling larvae when these had been reared in a sibling group but showed no preference when the larvae had been reared in isolation. Cannibals reared in isolation showed no preference when the larvae had been reared in a sibling group and preferentially ate sibling larvae when these had been reared alone. The occurrence of preferential sibling cannibalism when both cannibal and prey had been reared in isolation suggests the use of self-referent phenotype matching to distinguish between siblings and nonsiblings.  相似文献   

The ontogeny of kin recognition and influence of social environment on the development of kin recognition behaviour was experimentally investigated in tadpoles of Bufo melanostictus that lived in aggregations and showed low larval dispersion. Embryos and tadpoles of the toad were reared as (i) kin only, (ii) with kin and non-kin (separated by a mesh screen), and (iii) in isolation. They were tested for the ability to discriminate between (i) familiar siblings and unfamiliar non-siblings, (ii) familiar siblings and familiar non-siblings and, (iii) unfamiliar siblings and unfamiliar non-siblings. All tadpoles were fed on boiled spinach before conducting trials. Preference of test tadpoles to associate near the end compartments whether empty or containing members of specific stimulus groups was assessed using a rectangular choice tank. When tested in tanks with empty end compartments, the test tadpoles showed random distribution and thus no bias for the apparatus or the procedure. In the presence of kin/non-kin in the end compartments a significantly greater number of test tadpoles spent the majority of the time near familiar or unfamiliar kin rather than near familiar or unfamiliar non-kin. Kin discrimination ability persisted throughout larval development. Familiarity with siblings is not required for discriminating kin from non-kin, and kin discrimination ability is not modified following exposure to non-kin. Also, involvement of dietary cues is unlikely to be the prime mechanism of kin recognition inB. melanostictus unlike in some other anurans.  相似文献   

Tadpoles of the microhylid frog Phrynomantis microps form swarms near the water surface of savannah ponds during the day. Observations of tadpole distribution at night showed that these aggregations disappear and that tadpoles instead swim in a random distribution near the water surface. The clarity of pond water had significant effects on the distribution of tadpoles during the day. The size of aggregations, and the densities of tadpoles within them, both increased with increasing water clarity. Since tadpoles of this species are known to aggregate in response to visually hunting aquatic predators, these results suggest that tadpoles respond to high water clarity as an indicator of increased predation risk. This supports the hypothesis that, under conditions of increasing predation risk, animals should form larger and more dense groups up to a critical group size. Copyright 2003 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.   相似文献   

M. Jasieński 《Oecologia》1988,77(3):407-413
Summary This study provides an experimental test of the ecological significance of kinship in competitive interactions among individuals. Tadpoles of the fire-bellied toad, Bombina variegata (Anura, Discoglossidae) reared in the laboratory in a high density of siblings grew better and developed faster than when they were reared with similar densities of nonrelatives. Kinship-based genotypic uniformity may therefore be advantageous: it can lead to faster and more uniform growth. In nature it may well be kin recognition that permits such advantage to be realised. The largest tadpoles from pure-sibship cohorts accounted, on average, for the smaller fraction of the cohort total biomass than the largest tadpoles reared with cohorts of nonrelatives, although they attained the same absolute weight and developmental stage. The smallest individuals from pure-sibship cohorts had a much larger absolute body weight than the smallest tadpoles from mixed-sibship cohorts, and were also much more advanced developmentally. The results could be an effect of an altruistic restraint in growth rate on the part of the largest tadpoles in sibling cohorts and certainly not of the smallest ones. However, the results could also be due to the altruism-independent facilitation of living conditions in pure-sibship groups, resulting solely from potential advantages of homogeneous water conditioning.  相似文献   

Inclusive fitness theory predicts that organisms can increase their fitness by helping or not harming relatives, and many animals modify their behavior toward kin in a manner consistent with this prediction. Morphogenesis also may be sensitive to kinship environment, particularly in species where certain individuals facultatively develop structures that can be used against conspecifics as weaponry. We tested this hypothesis by examining whether and how consanguinity affected the probability that a structurally distinctive carnivore phenotype, which is opportunistically cannibalistic, would be produced in plains spadefoot toad tadpoles (Spea bombifrons) and southern spadefoot toad tadpoles (S. multiplicata). For tadpoles of S. multiplicata, individuals were significantly more likely to express the carnivore phenotype in mixed sibship groups than in pure sibship groups. For tadpoles of S. bombifrons, individuals were significantly more likely to express the carnivore phenotype when reared alone than in pure sibship groups. Both outcomes were independent of food availability or sibship specific differences in size or growth rate, and waterborne chemical signals from nonkin were sufficient to trigger expression of the carnivore phenotype. Our results suggest that morphogenesis may be responsive to kinship environment in any species or population that occurs as multiple, environmentally induced forms (polyphenism) that differ in their ability to help or to harm others.  相似文献   

Experimental ponds were used as a model system of habitat patches to study the effect of habitat size on the relative growth performance of tadpoles of Bufo americanus and Pseudacris triseriata, and on colonization by predatory insects. Three pond depths and surface areas were habitat size treatments in a replicated, factorial experiment. Tadpoles of both species were astablished together at a single density and ponds were left open to natural colonization by aquatic insects. Pond area had a significant effect on the multivariate response of P. triseriata larval period, survival, and metamorphic mass. P. triseriata survived better relative to B. americanus in larger ponds. However, increasing pond area led to greater incidence of predacious beetle larvae (Dytiscus, Coleoptera: Dytiscidae). Dytiscus larvae had a significant negative effect on the survival of P. triseriata and led to reduced P. triseriata survival relative to B. americanus in colonized ponds. The results suggest that habitat size can influence community structure by altering the distribution of predation among habitat patches.  相似文献   

Most anurans of the species-rich community of the Comoé National Park (Ivory Coast) use ephemeral savannah ponds to spawn. Owing to the great risk of desiccation and the large number of predators, the mortality for tadpoles is very high in these ponds. Therefore, colonization of other spawning habitats might be highly advantageous. Such spawning sites are presented by the Comoé river, which is characterized by frequent and unpredictable changes of the water level. Only Bufo maculatus (Anura: Bufonidae) and one other bufonid species breed in small and shallow inlets and puddles created by the rising and falling of the predator-rich Comoé river. We observed that predatory fish advanced to the spawning sites of the toads, when the water level rose. If the toad larvae were attacked by these predators, they formed dense aggregations of up to several thousand individuals. These aggregations were maintained for longer periods on one place at the river's edge where they are inaccessible to the larger predators. In field experiments we ascertained that this aggregation behaviour in tadpoles was caused by a combination of two stimuli: first, a chemical cue from injured tadpoles and second, a mechanical stimulus caused by rapid movements of aquatic predators. Initial trials indicated that tadpoles aggregating at the bank were, however, disadvantaged compared with free-swimming larvae in having slower growth and an increased risk of desiccation. This is presumably why aggregations broke up within 24 h after the predators had left these puddles, as the water level fell. At this point these tadpoles either spread out or formed loose swarms near the bottom of the puddles. This swarming behaviour differed considerably from that induced by aquatic predators.  相似文献   

Gregariousness is a common feature in aposematic insect prey and offers the additional benefit of enhancing the effectiveness of their toxic defences. Aggregations of the aposematic larvae of two species of leaf beetles, Paropsis atomaria and Paropsisterna variicollis, occur together on the same Eucalyptus trees over spring and summer. Conventionally, the colouration of these larvae is thought to provide aposematic protection against vertebrate predators, but supporting evidence is limited. We determine whether environmental preferences contribute to the heterospecific aggregations, and the potential costs for larvae of living in heterospecific aggregations. We surveyed natural aggregations of the larvae of both species in the field and recorded environmental variables of these aggregations. This revealed that heterospecific aggregations occurred more commonly at higher leaf temperatures, and in less visually conspicuous locations. Paropsis atomaria larvae were twice as likely to be found in heterospecific aggregations than Pa. variicollis. Next, we manipulated larval aggregations in the field to investigate the survival and gregarious behaviour of larvae in heterospecific aggregations. The gregarious behaviour of both species of larvae did not differ between heterospecific and monospecific aggregations. Further, the survival of larvae did not significantly differ between heterospecific and monospecific aggregations. We suggest that the preference for P. atomaria larvae to aggregate with Pavariicollis at higher leaf temperature results in the observed heterospecific aggregations, with a potential benefit of lowerer parasitoidism rates for P. atomaria.  相似文献   

Selection for phenotypic plasticity in Rana sylvatica tadpoles   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The hypothesis that phenotypic plasticity is an adaptation to environmental variation rests on the two assumptions that plasticity improves the performance of individuals that possess it, and that it evolved in response to selection imposed in heterogeneous environments. The first assumption has been upheld by studies showing the beneficial nature of plasticity. The second assumption is difficult to test since it requires knowing about selection acting in the past. However, it can be tested in its general form by asking whether natural selection currently acts to maintain phenotypic plasticity. We adopted this approach in a study of plastic morphological traits in larvae of the wood frog, Rana sybatica. First we reared tadpoles in artificial ponds for 18 days, in either the presence or absence of Anax dragonfly larvae (confined within cages to prevent them from killing the tadpoles). These conditioning treatments produced dramatic differences in size and shape: tadpoles from ponds with predators were smaller and had relatively short bodies and deep tail fins. We estimated selection by Anax on the two kinds of tadpoles by testing for non-random mortality in overnight predation trials. Dragonflies imposed strong selection by preferentially killing individuals with relatively shallow and short tail fins, and narrow tail muscles. The same traits that exhibited the strongest plasticity were under the strongest selection, except that tail muscle width exhibited no plasticity but experienced strong increasing selection. A laboratory competition experiment, testing for selection in the absence of predators, showed that tadpoles with deep tail fins grew relatively slowly. In the cattle tanks, where there were also no free predators, the predator-induced phenotype survived more poorly and developed slowly, but this cost was apparently not associated with particular morphological traits. These results indicate that selection is currently promoting morphological plasticity in R. sylvatica, and support the hypothesis that plasticity represents an adaptation to variable predator environments.  相似文献   

We investigated homogeneity of growth and development as indices of developmental stability in sibling tadpoles from two sampling regions of the common frog, Rana temporaria. One region is characterized by relatively warm breeding ponds with a short activity season (`north'), and one by relatively cool breeding ponds and a long activity season (`south'). Tadpoles from the two regions were raised in three different temperatures selected to mimic the natural variation throughout the range. The results show that (1) north tadpoles respond with a relatively greater increase in growth with increased temperature than south tadpoles, (2) mean growth rate and its coefficient of variation were negatively correlated in the temperature regime in which a population was primarily under selection in the wild, whereas no such correlation was found at temperatures more seldom encountered in the natural populations, (3) phenotypic and genetic correlations between morphological traits within individuals were positive and were relatively higher in north than south tadpoles in the warm treatment, but higher for south tadpoles in the cold treatment and (4) across thermal environments, south tadpoles showed significant genetic correlations, whereas the correlations for north tadpoles were not significantly different from zero. South tadpoles showed only positive genetic correlations (n=30), whereas 14 of 30 correlation coefficients were negative in north tadpoles. In conclusion, developmental stability for growth and morphometry was higher at `optimal' conditions and decreased at the tail ends of the reaction norms within regions, with marked differences reflecting selection history between regions.  相似文献   

The phenotypes of gray treefrog (Hyla chrysoscelis) tadpoles vary depending on whether predators are present in the pond. Tadpoles reared in ponds with predatory dragonfly larvae are relatively inactive compared with tadpoles in predator-free ponds, and have relatively large, brightly colored tailfins with dark spots along the margins. Models for the evolution of plasticity predict that induced phenotypes such as this should confer high fitness relative to the typical phenotype when in the presence of predators, but should be costly when the predator is absent. Our study tested for the predicted fitness trade-off in H. chrysoscelis by first rearing tadpoles in mesocosms under conditions that induce the alternate phenotypes, and then comparing the performance of both phenotypes in both environments. We generated the two phenotypes by rearing tadpoles in 600-liter outdoor artificial ponds that contained either two caged dragonflies (Anax junius) or an empty cage. Tadpoles from the two environments showed significantly different behavior, tail shape, and tail color within two weeks of exposure. We compared the growth and survival of both phenotypes over four weeks in ponds where there was no actual risk of predation. Under these conditions, both phenotypes grew at the same rate, but the predator-induced phenotype had significantly lower survival than the typical phenotype, indicating that induced tadpoles suffered greater mortality from causes other than odonate predation. We tested the susceptibility of both phenotypes to predation by exposing them to dragonflies in 24-h predation trials. The predator-induced phenotype showed a significant survival advantage in these trials. These results confirm that the predator-induced phenotype in H. chrysoscelis larvae is associated with fitness costs and benefits that explain why the defensive phenotype is induced rather than constitutive.  相似文献   

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