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The identification and characterization of host cell membranes essential for positive-strand RNA virus replication should provide insight into the mechanisms of viral replication and potentially identify novel targets for broadly effective antiviral agents. The alphanodavirus flock house virus (FHV) is a positive-strand RNA virus with one of the smallest known genomes among animal RNA viruses, and it can replicate in insect, plant, mammalian, and yeast cells. To investigate the localization of FHV RNA replication, we generated polyclonal antisera against protein A, the FHV RNA-dependent RNA polymerase, which is the sole viral protein required for FHV RNA replication. We detected protein A within 4 h after infection of Drosophila DL-1 cells and, by differential and isopycnic gradient centrifugation, found that protein A was tightly membrane associated, similar to integral membrane replicase proteins from other positive-strand RNA viruses. Confocal immunofluorescence microscopy and virus-specific, actinomycin D-resistant bromo-UTP incorporation identified mitochondria as the intracellular site of protein A localization and viral RNA synthesis. Selective membrane permeabilization and immunoelectron microscopy further localized protein A to outer mitochondrial membranes. Electron microscopy revealed 40- to 60-nm membrane-bound spherical structures in the mitochondrial intermembrane space of FHV-infected cells, similar in ultrastructural appearance to tombusvirus- and togavirus-induced membrane structures. We concluded that FHV RNA replication occurs on outer mitochondrial membranes and shares fundamental biochemical and ultrastructural features with RNA replication of positive-strand RNA viruses from other families.  相似文献   

Cytosolic chaperones are a diverse group of ubiquitous proteins that play central roles in multiple processes within the cell, including protein translation, folding, intracellular trafficking, and quality control. These cellular proteins have also been implicated in the replication of numerous viruses, although the full extent of their involvement in viral replication is unknown. We have previously shown that the heat shock protein 40 (hsp40) chaperone encoded by the yeast YDJ1 gene facilitates RNA replication of flock house virus (FHV), a well-studied and versatile positive-sense RNA model virus. To further explore the roles of chaperones in FHV replication, we examined a panel of 30 yeast strains with single deletions of cytosolic proteins that have known or hypothesized chaperone activity. We found that the majority of cytosolic chaperone deletions had no impact on FHV RNA accumulation, with the notable exception of J-domain-containing hsp40 chaperones, where deletion of APJ1 reduced FHV RNA accumulation by 60%, while deletion of ZUO1, JJJ1, or JJJ2 markedly increased FHV RNA accumulation, by 4- to 40-fold. Further studies using cross complementation and double-deletion strains revealed that the contrasting effects of J domain proteins were reproduced by altering expression of the major cytosolic hsp70s encoded by the SSA and SSB families and were mediated in part by divergent effects on FHV RNA polymerase synthesis. These results identify hsp70 chaperones as critical regulators of FHV RNA replication and indicate that cellular chaperones can have both positive and negative regulatory effects on virus replication.The compact genomes of viruses relative to those of other infectious agents restrict their ability to encode all proteins required to complete their replication cycles. To circumvent this limitation, viruses often utilize cellular factors or processes to complete essential steps in replication. One group of cellular proteins frequently targeted by viruses are cellular chaperones, which include a diverse set of heat shock proteins (hsps) that normally facilitate cellular protein translation, folding, trafficking, and degradation (18, 64). The connection between viruses and cellular chaperones was originally identified in bacteria, where the Escherichia coli hsp40 and hsp70 homologues, encoded by dnaJ and dnaK, respectively, were identified as bacterial genes essential for bacteriophage λ DNA replication (62). Research over the past 30 years has further revealed the importance of cellular chaperones in viral replication, such that the list of virus-hsp connections is now quite extensive and includes viruses from numerous families with diverse genome structures (4, 6, 7, 16, 19, 20, 23, 25, 40, 41, 44, 51, 54, 60). These studies have demonstrated the importance of cellular chaperones in multiple steps of the viral life cycle, including entry, viral protein translation, genome replication, encapsidation, and virion release. However, the list of virus-hsp connections is likely incomplete. Further studies to explore this particular host-pathogen interaction will shed light on virus replication mechanisms and pathogenesis, and potentially highlight targets for novel antiviral agents.To study the role of cellular chaperones in the genome replication of positive-sense RNA viruses, we use flock house virus (FHV), a natural insect pathogen and well-studied member of the Nodaviridae family. The FHV life cycle shares many common features with other positive-sense RNA viruses, including the membrane-specific targeting and assembly of functional RNA replication complexes (37, 38), the exploitation of various cellular processes and host factors for viral replication (5, 23, 60), and the induction of large-scale membrane rearrangements (24, 28, 38, 39). FHV virions contain a copackaged bipartite genome consisting of RNA1 (3.1 kb) and RNA2 (1.4 kb), which encode protein A, the viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerase, and the structural capsid protein precursor, respectively (1). During active genome replication, FHV produces a subgenomic RNA3 (0.4 kb), which encodes the RNA interference inhibitor protein B2 (12, 29, 32). These viral characteristics make FHV an excellent model system to study many aspects of positive-sense RNA virus biology.In addition to the benefits of a simple genome, FHV is able to establish robust RNA replication in a wide variety of genetically tractable eukaryotic hosts, including Drosophila melanogaster (38), Caenorhabditis elegans (32), and Saccharomyces cerevisiae (46). The budding yeast S. cerevisiae has been an exceptionally useful model host to study the mechanisms of viral RNA replication complex assembly and function with FHV (31, 37, 39, 45, 53, 55, 56, 60) as well as other positive-sense RNA viruses (11). The facile genetics of S. cerevisiae, along with the vast array of well-defined cellular and molecular tools and techniques, make it an ideal eukaryotic host for the identification of cellular factors required for positive-sense RNA virus replication. Furthermore, readily available yeast libraries with deletions and regulated expression of individual proteins have led to the completion of several high-throughput screens to provide a global survey of host factors that impact virus replication (26, 42, 52). An alternative approach with these yeast libraries that reduces the inherently high false-negative rates associated with high-throughput screens is to focus on a select set of host genes associated with a particular cellular pathway, process, or location previously implicated in virus replication.We have utilized such a targeted approach and focused on examining the impact of cytosolic chaperones on FHV RNA replication. Previously, we have shown that the cellular chaperone hsp90 facilitates protein A synthesis in Drosophila cells (5, 23), and the hsp40 encoded by the yeast YDJ1 gene facilitates FHV RNA replication in yeast, in part through effects on both protein A accumulation and function (60). In this report, we further extend these observations by examining FHV RNA accumulation in a panel of yeast strains with deletions of known or hypothesized cytosolic chaperones. We demonstrate that cytosolic chaperones can have either suppressive or enhancing effects on FHV RNA accumulation. In particular, related hsp70 members encoded by the SSA and SSB yeast chaperone families have marked and dramatically divergent effects on both genomic and subgenomic RNA accumulation and viral polymerase synthesis. These results highlight the complexities of the host-pathogen interactions that influence positive-sense RNA virus replication and identify the hsp70 family of cytosolic chaperones as key regulators of FHV replication.  相似文献   

The replication complexes of positive-strand RNA viruses are always associated with cellular membranes. The morphology of the replication-associated membranes is altered in different ways in different viral systems, but many viruses induce small membrane invaginations known as spherules as their replication sites. We show here that for Semliki Forest virus (SFV), an alphavirus, the size of the spherules is tightly connected with the length of the replicating RNA template. Cells with different model templates, expressed in trans and copied by the viral replicase, were analyzed with correlative light and electron microscopy. It was demonstrated that the viral-genome-sized template of 11.5 kb induced spherules that were ∼58 nm in diameter, whereas a template of 6 kb yielded ∼39-nm spherules. Different sizes of viral templates were replicated efficiently in trans, as assessed by radioactive labeling and Northern blotting. The replication of two different templates, in cis and trans, yielded two size classes of spherules in the same cell. These results indicate that RNA plays a crucial determining role in spherule assembly for SFV, in direct contrast with results from other positive-strand RNA viruses, in which either the presence of viral RNA or the RNA size do not contribute to spherule formation.  相似文献   

苏珊  刘鑫  康巧珍  郑永唐 《病毒学报》2021,37(5):1227-1233
病毒与宿主细胞之间相互关系的研究不仅具有重要的理论意义,也是重大的医学实践课题.病毒可以与宿主蛋白相互作用并改变细胞的正常功能,从而促进病毒的感染与复制.宿主细胞膜骨架蛋白在病毒的生命周期中起着重要作用,研究表明细胞膜骨架蛋白参与了病毒的感染及复制,尽管许多精细机制尚不清楚,但这扩展了人们对细胞膜骨架蛋白功能的理解.本文重点介绍宿主细胞膜骨架蛋白如肌动蛋白、血影蛋白在病毒进入、细胞内运输、组装和释放等病毒感染复制过程中的作用.  相似文献   

The process by which nonenveloped viruses cross cell membranes during host cell entry remains poorly defined; however, common themes are emerging. Here, we use correlated in vivo and in vitro studies to understand the mechanism of Flock House virus (FHV) entry and membrane penetration. We demonstrate that low endocytic pH is required for FHV infection, that exposure to acidic pH promotes FHV-mediated disruption of model membranes (liposomes), and particles exposed to low pH in vitro exhibit increased hydrophobicity. In addition, FHV particles perturbed by heating displayed a marked increase in liposome disruption, indicating that membrane-active regions of the capsid are exposed or released under these conditions. We also provide evidence that autoproteolytic cleavage, to generate the lipophilic γ peptide (4.4 kDa), is required for membrane penetration. Mutant, cleavage-defective particles failed to mediate liposome lysis, regardless of pH or heat treatment, suggesting that these particles are not able to expose or release the requisite membrane-active regions of the capsid, namely, the γ peptides. Based on these results, we propose an updated model for FHV entry in which (i) the virus enters the host cell by endocytosis, (ii) low pH within the endocytic pathway triggers the irreversible exposure or release of γ peptides from the virus particle, and (iii) the exposed/released γ peptides disrupt the endosomal membrane, facilitating translocation of viral RNA into the cytoplasm.Flock House virus (FHV), a nonenveloped, positive-sense RNA virus, has been employed as a model system in several important studies to address a wide range of biological questions (reviewed in reference 55). FHV has been instrumental in understanding virus structure and assembly (17, 19, 45), RNA replication (2, 3, 37), and specific packaging of the genome (33, 44, 53, 54). Studies of FHV infection in Drosophila melanogaster flies have provided valuable information about the antiviral innate immune response in invertebrate hosts (29, 57). FHV is also used in nanotechnology applications as an epitope-presenting platform to develop novel vaccines and medical therapies (31, 48). In this report, we use FHV as a model system to further elucidate the means by which nonenveloped viruses enter host cells and traverse cellular membranes.During cell entry enveloped and nonenveloped viral capsid proteins undergo structural rearrangements that enable the virus to breach the membrane bilayer, ultimately releasing the viral genome or nucleocapsid into the cytoplasm. These entry-related conformational changes have been well characterized for enveloped viruses, which use membrane fusion to cross membrane bilayers (reviewed in reference 59). However, the mechanisms nonenveloped viruses employ to breach cellular membranes are poorly defined. Recently, significant parallels in the mechanisms of cell entry have emerged for a diverse group of nonenveloped viruses. Specifically, programmed capsid disassembly and release of small membrane-interacting peptides appear to be a common theme (reviewed in references 4 and 50).The site of membrane penetration depends upon the route of virus entry into the cell. Viruses can enter host cells via several distinct pathways, including clathrin-mediated endocytosis, caveolae-mediated endocytosis, lipid raft-mediated endocytosis, and macropinocytosis (reviewed in reference 40). The two primary routes of virus entry are clathrin-mediated endocytosis, where viruses encounter an acidic environment, and caveolae-mediated endocytosis, which is pH neutral. Many nonenveloped viruses, including adenovirus (24, 52), parvovirus (6), and reovirus (34, 49), require acidic pH during entry. However, numerous nonenveloped viruses have acid-independent entry mechanisms, including rotavirus (28), polyomavirus (43), simian virus 40 (41, 51), and several members of the picornavirus family (7, 14, 32, 42).Upon reaching the appropriate site of membrane penetration, nonenveloped virus capsid proteins are triggered by cellular factors, such as receptor binding and/or exposure to low pH within endosomes, to undergo conformational changes necessary for membrane interactions. These tightly regulated structural rearrangements may include capsid disassembly, exposure of hydrophobic regions, and/or release of membrane-lytic factors. For example, low pH within endosomes triggers adenovirus capsid disassembly, leading to the release of the membrane lytic protein VI (24, 60). In contrast, poliovirus is activated for membrane penetration by a pH-independent mechanism. Receptor binding triggers the poliovirus capsid to undergo a conformational change, resulting in the exposure of the N terminus of VP1 and the release of VP4 (18, 23), both of which facilitate membrane interactions (20). Notably, even though some viruses, such as reovirus, enter cells via an acidic endocytic pathway, membrane penetration is not acid activated (16), indicating that exposure to low pH and membrane penetration are not always mutual events.The overall simplicity of the FHV capsid, composed of a single gene product, along with the wealth of available high-resolution structural information (reviewed in reference 45) make FHV an ideal candidate for understanding nonenveloped virus entry and infection. FHV, a member of the family Nodaviridae, is a nonenveloped insect virus with a bipartite RNA genome surrounded by an icosahedral protein capsid. The quasi-equivalent T=3 virion (∼300-Å diameter) is initially composed of 180 copies of a single coat precursor protein α (44 kDa). Following capsid assembly the α protein undergoes autocatalytic cleavage to generate two particle-associated cleavage products, a large N-terminal fragment, β (39 kDa), and a small C-terminal fragment, γ (4.4 kDa) (22), creating the infectious virion (46). Mutant FHV particles that do not undergo autocatalytic cleavage, and therefore cannot release the γ peptide, are not infectious (46). It has been hypothesized that these particles are noninfectious because they cannot mediate membrane penetration, but this has never been shown directly.The FHV X-ray structure revealed that the γ peptides were located inside the capsid shell with residues 364 to 385 forming amphipathic helices (19). Subsequent studies showed that the FHV capsid is dynamic, with γ transiently exposed to the exterior of the capsid (11). These findings led to a structure-based model of FHV membrane disruption in which the dynamic γ peptides are reversibly exposed to the surface of the capsid (11), “sampling” the environment until they encounter the appropriate cellular trigger. The virus is then activated to undergo an irreversible conformational change in which the γ helical bundles located at each fivefold axis are externalized and released from the virus particle (17, 19). Upon release, the γ pentameric helical bundles are predicted to insert into and create a local disruption of the membrane bilayer to allow the RNA to enter the cytoplasm (10).While biochemical and structural studies have provided the foundation for a model of FHV cell entry, more rigorous in vivo and in vitro studies are necessary to confirm the ideas put forth in this model. Here, we clarify the route of FHV entry and characterize the tightly regulated events required for FHV membrane penetration. We demonstrate for the first time that low endocytic pH is required for FHV infection, that acidic pH promotes FHV membrane penetration, and that particles exposed to low pH exhibit increased hydrophobicity. In addition, we provide evidence that mutant, cleavage-defective particles are blocked specifically at the membrane penetration step during cell entry. Taken together, these findings offer an experimentally supported model of FHV entry into host cells. In addition, these results add to the accumulating evidence that nonenveloped viruses employ common mechanisms to traverse cellular membranes.  相似文献   

Flock House virus (FHV) is a positive-stranded RNA virus with a bipartite genome of RNAs, RNA1 and RNA2, and belongs to the family Nodaviridae. As the most extensively studied nodavirus, FHV has become a well-recognized model for studying various aspects of RNA virology, particularly viral RNA replication and antiviral innate immunity. FHV RNA1 encodes protein A, which is an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRP) and functions as the sole viral replicase protein responsible for RNA replication. Although the RNA replication of FHV has been studied in considerable detail, the mechanism employed by FHV protein A to initiate RNA synthesis has not been determined. In this study, we characterized the RdRP activity of FHV protein A in detail and revealed that it can initiate RNA synthesis via a de novo (primer-independent) mechanism. Moreover, we found that FHV protein A also possesses a terminal nucleotidyl transferase (TNTase) activity, which was able to restore the nucleotide loss at the 3′-end initiation site of RNA template to rescue RNA synthesis initiation in vitro, and may function as a rescue and protection mechanism to protect the 3′ initiation site, and ensure the efficiency and accuracy of viral RNA synthesis. Altogether, our study establishes the de novo initiation mechanism of RdRP and the terminal rescue mechanism of TNTase for FHV protein A, and represents an important advance toward understanding FHV RNA replication.  相似文献   

The tumorous imaginal disc 1 (TID1) protein localizes mainly to the mitochondrial compartment, wherein its function remains largely unknown. Here we report that TID1 regulates the steady-state homogeneity of the mitochondrial membrane potential (Δψ) and maintains the integrity of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). Silencing of TID1 with RNA interference leads to changes in the distribution of Δψ along the mitochondrial network, characterized by an increase in Δψ in focal regions. This effect can be rescued by ectopic expression of a TID1 construct with an intact J domain. Chronic treatment with a low dose of oligomycin, an inhibitor of F1Fo ATP synthase, decreases the cellular ATP content and phenocopies TID1 loss of function, indicating a connection between the disruption of mitochondrial bioenergetics and hyperpolarization. Prolonged silencing of TID1 or low-dose oligomycin treatment leads to the loss of mtDNA and the consequent inhibition of oxygen consumption. Biochemical and colocalization data indicate that complex I aggregation underlies the focal accumulation of Δψ in TID1-silenced cells. Given that TID1 is proposed to function as a cochaperone, these data show that TID1 prevents complex I aggregation and support the existence of a TID1-mediated stress response to ATP synthase inhibition.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial outer membrane contains proteinaceous machineries for the import and assembly of proteins, including TOM (translocase of the outer membrane) and SAM (sorting and assembly machinery). It has been shown that the dimeric phospholipid cardiolipin is required for the stability of TOM and SAM complexes and thus for the efficient import and assembly of β-barrel proteins and some α-helical proteins of the outer membrane. Here, we report that mitochondria deficient in phosphatidylethanolamine (PE), the second non-bilayer-forming phospholipid, are impaired in the biogenesis of β-barrel proteins, but not of α-helical outer membrane proteins. The stability of TOM and SAM complexes is not disturbed by the lack of PE. By dissecting the import steps of β-barrel proteins, we show that an early import stage involving translocation through the TOM complex is affected. In PE-depleted mitochondria, the TOM complex binds precursor proteins with reduced efficiency. We conclude that PE is required for the proper function of the TOM complex.  相似文献   

All positive strand RNA viruses are known to replicate their genomes in close association with intracellular membranes. In case of the hepatitis C virus (HCV), a member of the family Flaviviridae, infected cells contain accumulations of vesicles forming a membranous web (MW) that is thought to be the site of viral RNA replication. However, little is known about the biogenesis and three-dimensional structure of the MW. In this study we used a combination of immunofluorescence- and electron microscopy (EM)-based methods to analyze the membranous structures induced by HCV in infected cells. We found that the MW is derived primarily from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and contains markers of rough ER as well as markers of early and late endosomes, COP vesicles, mitochondria and lipid droplets (LDs). The main constituents of the MW are single and double membrane vesicles (DMVs). The latter predominate and the kinetic of their appearance correlates with kinetics of viral RNA replication. DMVs are induced primarily by NS5A whereas NS4B induces single membrane vesicles arguing that MW formation requires the concerted action of several HCV replicase proteins. Three-dimensional reconstructions identify DMVs as protrusions from the ER membrane into the cytosol, frequently connected to the ER membrane via a neck-like structure. In addition, late in infection multi-membrane vesicles become evident, presumably as a result of a stress-induced reaction. Thus, the morphology of the membranous rearrangements induced in HCV-infected cells resemble those of the unrelated picorna-, corona- and arteriviruses, but are clearly distinct from those of the closely related flaviviruses. These results reveal unexpected similarities between HCV and distantly related positive-strand RNA viruses presumably reflecting similarities in cellular pathways exploited by these viruses to establish their membranous replication factories.  相似文献   

Replication of many RNA viruses is accompanied by extensive remodeling of intracellular membranes. In poliovirus-infected cells, ER and Golgi stacks disappear, while new clusters of vesicle-like structures form sites for viral RNA synthesis. Virus replication is inhibited by brefeldin A (BFA), implicating some components(s) of the cellular secretory pathway in virus growth. Formation of characteristic vesicles induced by expression of viral proteins was not inhibited by BFA, but they were functionally deficient. GBF1, a guanine nucleotide exchange factor for the small cellular GTPases, Arf, is responsible for the sensitivity of virus infection to BFA, and is required for virus replication. Knockdown of GBF1 expression inhibited virus replication, which was rescued by catalytically active protein with an intact N-terminal sequence. We identified a mutation in GBF1 that allows growth of poliovirus in the presence of BFA. Interaction between GBF1 and viral protein 3A determined the outcome of infection in the presence of BFA.  相似文献   

A basic question in adeno-associated virus (AAV) biology has been whether adenovirus (Ad) infection provided any function which directly promoted replication of AAV DNA. Previously in vitro assays for AAV DNA replication, using linear duplex AAV DNA as the template, uninfected or Ad-infected HeLa cell extracts, and exogenous AAV Rep protein, demonstrated that Ad infection provides a direct helper effect for AAV DNA replication. It was shown that the nature of this helper effect was to increase the processivity of AAV DNA replication. Left unanswered was the question of whether this effect was the result of cellular factors whose activity was enhanced by Ad infection or was the result of direct participation of Ad proteins in AAV DNA replication. In this report, we show that in the in vitro assay, enhancement of processivity occurs with the addition of either the Ad DNA-binding protein (Ad-DBP) or the human single-stranded DNA-binding protein (replication protein A [RPA]). Clearly Ad-DBP is present after Ad infection but not before, whereas the cellular level of RPA is not apparently affected by Ad infection. However, we have not measured possible modifications of RPA which might occur after Ad infection and affect AAV DNA replication. When the substrate for replication was an AAV genome inserted into a plasmid vector, RPA was not an effective substitute for Ad-DBP. Extracts supplemented with Ad-DBP preferentially replicated AAV sequences rather than adjacent vector sequences; in contrast, extracts supplemented with RPA preferentially replicated vector sequences.  相似文献   

线粒体质量控制对于线粒体网络的稳态和线粒体功能的正常发挥具有重要意义。三磷酸腺苷酶家族蛋白3A(ATAD3A)是同时参与调节线粒体结构功能、线粒体动力学和线粒体自噬等重要生物学过程的线粒体膜蛋白之一。近期研究表明,ATAD3A既可与Mic60/Mitofilin和线粒体转录因子A (TFAM)等因子相互作用以维持线粒体嵴的形态和氧化磷酸化功能,又能与发动蛋白相关蛋白1 (Drp1)结合而正性/负性调节线粒体分裂,还可作为线粒体外膜转位酶(TOM)复合物和线粒体内膜转位酶(TIM)复合物之间的桥接因子而介导PTEN诱导激酶(PINK1)输入线粒体进行加工,显示出促自噬或抗自噬活性。本文对ATAD3A在调控线粒体质量控制中的作用及其机制进行了综述。  相似文献   

关泽红  旭日干 《病毒学报》2008,24(2):96-100
细胞周期蛋白依赖性蛋白激酶(CDK)与单纯疱疹病毒(HSV)等多种重要人类疾病病毒的复制密切相关.但具体哪种CDK是病毒复制所必需的还不清楚.本文用不同剂量的HSV-1-KOS株(以下简称HSV)感染CDK2功能缺陷型宿主细胞,结果发现HSV在CDK2功能缺陷型宿主细胞中的复制具有感染剂量依赖性;一步生长曲线分析结果表明其在CDK2功能缺陷型宿主细胞中的复制较在正常细胞延迟3h;感染6h时CDK2活性被诱导,9h时活性最大;CDK2活性增加后HSV-1即进入快速的裂解性复制.提示CDK2可能在HSV复制的启动中起着某种重要作用.  相似文献   

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