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Non-aggregating dermatan sulphate proteoglycans can be extracted from both fetal and adult human articular cartilage. The dermatan sulphate proteoglycans appear to be smaller in the adult, this presumably being due to shorter glycosaminoglycan chains, and these chains contain a greater proportion of their uronic acid residues as iduronate. Both the adult and fetal dermatan sulphate proteoglycans contain a greater amount of 4-sulphation than 6-sulphation of the N-acetylgalactosamine residues, in contrast with the aggregating proteoglycans, which always show more 6-sulphation on their chondroitin sulphate chains. In the fetus the major dermatan sulphate proteoglycan to be synthesized is DS-PGI, though DS-PGII is synthesized in reasonable amounts. In the adult, however, DS-PGI synthesis is barely detectable relative to DS-PGII, which is still synthesized in substantial amounts. Purification of the dermatan sulphate proteoglycans from adult cartilage is hampered by the presence of degradation products derived from the large aggregating proteoglycans, which possess similar charge, size and density properties, but which can be distinguished by their ability to interact with hyaluronic acid.  相似文献   

Alkaptonuria (AKU) is a rare genetic disease associated with the accumulation of homogentisic acid (HGA) and its oxidized/polymerized products in connective tissues up to the deposition of melanin‐like pigments (ochronosis). Since little is known on the effects of HGA and its metabolites on articular cells, we carried out a proteomic and redox‐proteomic analysis to investigate how HGA and ascorbic acid (ASC) affect the human chondrocytic protein repertoire. We settled up an in vitro model using a human chondrocytic cell line to evaluate the effects of 0.33 mM HGA, alone or combined with ASC. We found that HGA and ASC significantly affect the levels of proteins with specific functions in protein folding, cell organization and, notably, stress response and cell defense. Increased protein carbonyls levels were found either in HGA or ASC treated cells, and evidences produced in this paper support the hypothesis that HGA‐induced stress might be mediated by protein oxidation. Our finding can lay the basis towards the settling up of more sophisticated models to study AKU and ochronosis. J. Cell. Biochem. 111: 922–932, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Standard methods of glycosaminoglycan separation were used to confirm the presence of hyaluronic acid in sheep and rabbit articular cartilage. During incubation of carilage in vitro in the presence of [1-14 C]acetate, cartilage cells synthesize this macromolecule and, under the conditions used, it appears to have a shorter turnover time than chondroitin suplhate in the same tissue. The possible functions of hyaluronic acid in cartilage are discussed.  相似文献   

A 1.5-kb genomic fragment isolated from Streptomyces avermitilis that directs the synthesis of a brown pigment in Escherichia coli was characterized. Since pigment production in recombinant E. coli was enhanced by the addition of tyrosine to the medium, it had been inferred that the cloned DNA might be associated with melanin biosynthesis. Hybridization studies, however, showed that the pigment gene isolated from S. avermitilis was unrelated to the Streptomyces antibioticus melC2 determinant, which is the prototype of melanin genes in Streptomyces spp. Sequence analysis of the 1.5-kb DNA that caused pigment production revealed a single open reading frame encoding a protein of 41.6 kDa (380 amino acids) that resembled several prokaryotic and eukaryotic 4-hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenases (HPDs). When this open reading frame was overexpressed in E. coli, a protein of about 41 kDa was detected. This E. coli clone produced homogentisic acid (HGA), which is the expected product of the oxidation of 4-hydroxyphenylpyruvate catalyzed by an HPD, and also a brown pigment with characteristics similar to the pigment observed in the urine of alkaptonuric patients. Alkaptonuria is a genetic disease in which inability to metabolize HGA leads to increasing concentrations of this acid in urine, followed by oxidation and polymerization of HGA to an ochronotic pigment. Similarly, the production of ochronotic-like pigment in the recombinant E. coli clone overexpressing the S. avermitilis gene encoding HPD is likely to be due to the spontaneous oxidation and polymerization of the HGA accumulated in the medium by this clone.  相似文献   

Summary Embryonic chick sternal chondrocytes were cultured either within three dimensional gels of type I collagen, type II collagen or agar, or as monolayers on plastic dishes coated with air-dried films of these matrix macromolecules. It was observed that cell shape and cell growth varied markedly between the different culture conditions. Flattened monolayers of cells on plastic or films of type I or type II collagen, proliferated more rapidly and reached a higher final cell density per culture than the more rounded cells found in the cultures on agar films or within three-dimensional gels. Biosynthetic studies demonstrated that in addition to the synthesis of type II collagen, all the cultures were producing collagen types IX and X. Chondrocytes cultured on plastic or films of the different matrix macromolecules all showed a similar expression of types IX and X collagen, independent of whether they displayed a flattened or round cell morphology. In contrast, marked variations in the proportions of the minor collagens, particularly type X collagen, were observed when the cells were cultured within three-dimensional gels. The data suggest that direct interaction of the cell surface with matrix constituents displaying a particular spatial array could be an important aspect in the control of type IX and X collagen expression by chondrocytes. The financial support of the Arthritis & Rheumatism Council and the Medical Research Council is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

Collagen degradation is one of the early signs of osteoarthritis. It is not known how collagen degradation affects chondrocyte volume and morphology. Thus, the aim of this study was to investigate the effect of enzymatically induced collagen degradation on cell volume and shape changes in articular cartilage after a hypotonic challenge. Confocal laser scanning microscopy was used for imaging superficial zone chondrocytes in intact and degraded cartilage exposed to a hypotonic challenge. Fourier transform infrared microspectroscopy, polarized light microscopy, and mechanical testing were used to quantify differences in proteoglycan and collagen content, collagen orientation, and biomechanical properties, respectively, between the intact and degraded cartilage. Collagen content decreased and collagen orientation angle increased significantly (p < 0.05) in the superficial zone cartilage after collagenase treatment, and the instantaneous modulus of the samples was reduced significantly (p < 0.05). Normalized cell volume and height 20 min after the osmotic challenge (with respect to the original volume and height) were significantly (p < 0.001 and p < 0.01, respectively) larger in the intact compared to the degraded cartilage. These findings suggest that the mechanical environment of chondrocytes, specifically collagen content and orientation, affects cell volume and shape changes in the superficial zone articular cartilage when exposed to osmotic loading. This emphasizes the role of collagen in modulating cartilage mechanobiology in diseased tissue.  相似文献   

The effects of the lysosomal proteinase cathepsin D on the mechanical properties of adult human articular cartilage were examined in detail in 7 joints within the age range 21 to 72 years. The results of a preliminary study on the effects of the lysosomal proteinase cathepsin B1 and clostridial collagenase on the mechanical properties of cartilage are also presented. Cartilage which had been incubated with either cathepsin D or cathepsin B1 showed increased deformation in uniaxial compression perpendicular to the articular surface. The enzyme-treated cartilage also showed decreased tensile stiffness at low values of stress. This effect was more pronounced in specimens from the deeper zone of cartilage than in specimens from the superficial zone. It was also more pronounced in specimens which were aligned perpendicular to the predominant alignment of the collagen fibres in the superficial zone than in specimens which were parallel to the collagen fibres. At higher stresses the tensile stiffness of the treated cartilage was not significantly different from that of the untreated tissue. The tensile fracture stress of the cartilage was also not significantly reduced by the action of cathepsin D. In contrast to the effects observed with the cathepsins, the preliminary results obtained by incubating cartilage for 24 h with clostridial collagenase showed that both the tensile stiffness and the fracture stress were considerably lower than the corresponding values for the untreated tissue. Biochemical analysis of the incubation media, and the specimens, revealed that a large proportion of the proteoglycans was released from the cartilage by each of the three enzymes. The proportion of the total collagen which was released from the cartilage was different for each enzyme: cathepsin D released between 0 and 1.5 per cent, cathepsin B1 released between 2.3 and 4.3 per cent and collagenase released between 5.3 and 27.8 per cent of the collagen after 24 h.  相似文献   

The action of trimethylcolchicinic acid on the synthesis and excretion of proteoglycans has been studied on the L cell strain. The incorporation of precursors has been measured, and proteoglycans produced in the culture medium have been extracted and their concentration determined. The mucopolysaccharide components have been studied by electrophoresis. Control cultures produce hyaluronic acid, dermatan sulfate and very low concentrations of chondroitin 4-sulphate or 6-sulphate. Cultures treated with trimethycolchicinic acid (4 mu g/ml) produce hyaluronic acid, very high concentrations of chondroitin 4-sulphate or 6-sulphate and only traces of dermatan sulphate. So, trimethylcolchicinic acid does not modify the synthesis of hyaluronic acid: it considerably increases the production of chondroitin 4-sulphate or 6-sulphate and inhibits the production of dermatan sulphate. Protein fraction of the proteoglycans is proportionally increased in treated cultures, but there is no marked difference between amino acid concentrations of proteoglycans extracted from control and treated cultures. A slight fall in the cystine concentrations was the only change in the amino acid content of proteoglycans extracted from treated cultures. A hypothesis to explain these results is discussed.  相似文献   

Significant oxygen gradients occur within tissue engineered cartilaginous constructs. Although oxygen tension is an important limiting parameter in the development of new cartilage matrix, its precise role in matrix formation by chondrocytes remains controversial, primarily due to discrepancies in the experimental setup applied in different studies. In this study, the specific effects of oxygen tension on the synthesis of cartilaginous matrix by human articular chondrocytes were studied using a combined experimental‐computational approach in a “scaffold‐free” 3D pellet culture model. Key parameters including cellular oxygen uptake rate were determined experimentally and used in conjunction with a mathematical model to estimate oxygen tension profiles in 21‐day cartilaginous pellets. A threshold oxygen tension (pO2 ≈ 8% atmospheric pressure) for human articular chondrocytes was estimated from these inferred oxygen profiles and histological analysis of pellet sections. Human articular chondrocytes that experienced oxygen tension below this threshold demonstrated enhanced proteoglycan deposition. Conversely, oxygen tension higher than the threshold favored collagen synthesis. This study has demonstrated a close relationship between oxygen tension and matrix synthesis by human articular chondrocytes in a “scaffold‐free” 3D pellet culture model, providing valuable insight into the understanding and optimization of cartilage bioengineering approaches. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2014;111: 1876–1885. © 2014 The Authors. Biotechnology and Bioengineering Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The mouse compared with the rat, is more resistent to the acute toxic action of aflatoxin B1 and is refractory to its hepatocarcinogenic properties. Aflatoxin B1 inhibits DNA synthesis more strongly than RNA synthesis in the rat, and both nucleic acid syntheses more strongly in rat than in the mouse. Mouse hepatic microsomes, like those of the rat, are capable of metabolizing aflatoxin B1 in vitro in the presence of NADPH, to an active form which binds to DNA both in solution and in intact nuclei and also inhibits nuclear RNA synthesis. Non NADPH-dependent binding of aflatoxin B1 to nuclei is not effective in inhibiting RNA polymerase and is largely removed by washing with lipid solvents. Mouse nuclear RNA polymerases particularly Mn 2+ (NH4)2SO4 primed acitivity are more resistant to inhibition in vitro by activated aflatoxin B1 than are the corresponding enzyme activities in rat liver nuclei. This would appear to be due to the bound aflatoxin B1 being less efficient in the case of the mouse nucleus, in inhibiting RNA synthesis. Mouse liver slices exhibit a much lesser degree of inhibition of RNA synthesis by aflatoxin B1 than do rat liver slices. Accompanying this is a lower level of binding of aflatoxin B1 to subcellular particulate fractions in the mouse liver slice compared to the rat, this disparity being most marked in the case of the nuclear fraction. The suggestion is made that the resistance of RNA synthesis in the mouse liver, to aflatoxin B1, and perhaps also resistance to its toxicity, is dependent, not on a lower capacity to activate the toxin, but (a) on a less efficient inhibition of RNA synthesis by nuclear bound toxin, and (b) a detoxifying mechanism at least partially situated in the cytosol fraction.  相似文献   

The effects of proteoglycan and collagen digestion on the transient response of human articular cartilage when tested in unconfined compression were determined. Small cylindrical specimens of cartilage, isolated from the femoral head of the hip joint and from the femoral condyles of the knee joint, were subjected to a suddenly applied compressive load using a test apparatus designed to yield a transient oscillatory response. From this response values of the elastic stiffness and the viscous damping coefficient were determined. Cathepsin D and cathepsin B1 were used to digest the proteoglycan in some specimens, while in other specimens leukocyte elastase was used to attack the non-helical terminal regions of the Type II tropocollagen molecules and possibly the Type IX collagen molecule and thereby disturb the integrity of the collagen mesh. The results showed that proteoglycan digestion alone reduced the viscous damping coefficient but it did not significantly alter the elastic stiffness as determined from the oscillatory response. In contrast, the action of elastase reduced both the damping coefficient and the elastic stiffness of the cartilage. The results demonstrated the role of proteoglycans in regulating fluid transport in cartilage and hence controlling the time-dependent viscous properties. The elastic stiffness was shown to be dependent on the integrity of the collagen fibre network and not on the proteoglycans.  相似文献   

Human platelet growth factor (HPGF) caused marked growth and morphological responses in two lines of fetal and two lines of adult human diploid skin fibroblasts. Dose-response studies demonstrated differences between these two cell types. Adult cells required ten times more HPGF than fetal cells for optimal growth. In the presence of HPGF both cell lines decreased three- to four-fold in size, and their morphology in stationary culture changed to an extremely long, thin fibroblastic shape; reduction in size was accompanied by a corresponding decrease in total protein and fatty acid-containing lipid. These decreases were directly related to the concentration of HPGF in the growth medium. The results suggest that human cells in different stages of cellular development have different requirements for growth-promoting agents (HPGF) and that the use of HPGF on human diploid fibroblasts provides an excellent model system to study growth-associated changes in intermediary metabolism.  相似文献   

Vero (African green monkey kidney) cells grown in tissue culture monolayer were sensitive to Clostridium perfringens enterotoxin. Within 30 minutes of exposure to the enterotoxin gross morphological damage was observed and within 40 minutes approximately 75% of the cells had detached. Nearly half of the cells were nonviable following 35 to 40 minutes incubation with the enterotoxin. Doses as low as 0.1 ng caused small but detectable inhibition of plating efficiency of the cells while more than 100 ng caused the inhibition to approach 100%. Total inhibition of DNA, RNA, and protein synthesis occurred within 30 minutes exposure to enterotoxin. Heat inactivated enterotoxin had no apparent effects upon cellular morphology, detachment, viability, plating efficiency, or incorporation. We propose that the enterotoxin induces structural damage to the cytoplasmic membrane which results in loss of electrolytes and other essential substances from the cells. The outcome of this process is shut down of macromolecular synthesis, gross morphological damage, and eventual death of the cell.  相似文献   

The effects of the lysosomal proteinase cathepsin D on the mechanical properties of adult human articulage were examined in detail in 7 joints within the age rangee 21 to 72 years. The results of preliminary study on the effects of the lysosomal proteinase cathepsin B1 and clostridial collagenase on the mechanical properties of cartilage are also presented.Cartilage which had been incubated with either cathepsin D or cathepsin B1 showed increased deformation in unixial compression perpendicular to the articular surface.The enzyme-treated cartilage also showed decreased tensile stiffness at low values of stress. This effect was more pronounced in specimens from the deeper zone of cartilage than in specimens from the superficial zone. It was also more pronounced in specimens which were aligned perpendicular to the predominant alignment of the collagen fibres in the superficial zone than in specimens which were parallel to the collagen fibres.At higher stresses the tensile stiffness of the treated cartilage was not significantly different from that of the untreated tissue. The tensile fracture stress of the cartilage was not significantly reduced by the action of cathepsin D.In contrast to the effects observed with the cathepsins, the preliminary results obtained by incubating cartilage for 24 h with clostridial collagenase showed that both the tensile stiffness and the fracture stress were considerably lower than the corresponding values for the untreated tissue.Biochemical analysis of the incubation media, and the specimens, reveled that a large proportion of the proteoglycans was released from the cartilage by each of the freeze enzymes. The proportion of the total collagen which was released from the cartilage was different for each enzyme: cathepsin D released between 0 and 1.5 per cent, cathepsin B1 released between 2.3 and 4.3 per cent and collagenase relesed between 5.3 and 27.8 per cent of the collagen after 24 h.  相似文献   

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