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Polymorphism in the lengths of restriction fragments of the whole cpDNA molecule was studied in cultivated olive and in oleaster (wild olive) over the whole Mediterranean Basin. Seventy two olive cultivars, 89 very old trees cultivated locally, and 101 oleasters were scored for ten endonucleases. Moreover, maternal inheritance of cpDNA in olive was shown by analysing the progeny of a controlled cross between two parents which differed in their cpDNA haplotypes. In the whole species, three site- and three length-mutations were observed, corresponding to five distinct chlorotypes. The same chlorotype (I) was predominant in both oleasters and cultivated olive trees, confirming that these are closely related maternally. Three other chlorotypes (II, III and IV) were observed exclusively in oleaster material and were restricted either to isolated forest populations or to a few individuals growing in mixture with olive trees possessing the majority chlorotype. An additional chlorotype (V) was characterised by three mutations located in distinct parts the cpDNA molecule but which were never observed to occur separately. This chlorotype, more widely distributed than the other three, in both cultivated and wild olive, and occurring even in distant populations, was observed exclusively in male-sterile trees showing the same specific pollen anomaly. However, in the present study, no evidence was provided for a direct relationship between the occurrence of the cpDNA mutations and male sterility. It is suggested that the large geographic distribution of chlorotype V may be related to the high fruit production usually observed on male-sterile trees. These may be very attractive for birds which are fond of olive fruit and spread the stones efficiently. Probably for the same reason, people preserved male-sterile oleasters for long periods and, in several places, used male-sterile cultivars over large areas. Received: 25 November 1998 / Accepted: 19 December 1998  相似文献   

In the Dactylis glomerata infraspecific polyploid grass complex, restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) of chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) were studied in diploid and tetraploid populations of several taxa endemic to Macaronesia (Madeira and the Canary islands) and in populations from the African and European continental areas closest to Macaronesia. Two chlorotypes, which differed by a single 290-bp length mutation, were observed in the Macaronesian and the continental populations. Chlorotype I, which is predominant in the whole D. glomerata complex, was found in the majority of continental populations. It was also observed in the most western Macaronesian islands, in the two diploid taxa endemic to the lowland scrub and the high elevation heath of Tenerife, respectively, and in tetraploids endemic to Madeira and La Palma. These island populations were growing under the influence of humid trade winds. Chlorotype II was found in the eastern part of the Archipelago (closer to Africa), which experienced subarid Mediterranean climate conditions, and in very few diploid and tetraploid Mediterranean populations growing at high elevation on the continent. This geographical and climatic distribution of chlorotype variation in Macaronesia is consistent with that reported previously for morphological, allozyme and phenolic variation in the same plant material. Chlorotype II was, however, also observed in tetraploid populations from La Gomera island and in one of the seven tetraploid populations analysed from Madeira, which all showed clearly subtropical characters for morphology, allozymes and phenolic compounds. This result suggests that cpDNA introgression has occurred more than once from the Mediterranean material into the subtropical one and may indicate that colonization between the mainland and islands, or among the islands, probably played a major role in the geographical pattern observed for that marker.  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic male sterility in the olive (Olea europaea L.)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The olive tree is usually hermaphrodite but self-incompatible. In the Western Mediterranean some cultivars are totally male-sterile. Three different male-sterile phenotypes have been recognised. To infer the genetic basis of male sterility we studied its inheritance and cytoplasmic diversity in wild (oleaster) and cultivated Mediterranean olive. In the cross Olivière×Arbequina, the male-sterile trait was maternally inherited and affected all progenies. We also checked that both chloroplast and mitochondrial DNAs are maternally inherited. RFLP studies on chloroplast and mitochondrial DNAs revealed several cytotypes: two chlorotypes and four mitotypes in cultivars and oleaster (wild or feral Mediterranean olive). Furthermore, a total linkage desequilibrium between the CCK chlorotype and the MCK mitotype in cultivars and oleaster from different regions supports the fact that paternal leakage of organelles was not observed. The male sterility (ms 2) displayed by Olivière, plus six other cultivars and three oleaster was strictly associated with the CCK chlorotype and the MCK mitotype. These facts suggest that Olivière carries cytoplasmic male sterility. Male-fertile and male-sterile oleasters carrying this cytotype showed the presence of restorer alleles. This CMS might be due to a distant cross between olive taxa. The two other male-sterile phenotypes displayed by Lucques (ms 1) and Tanche (ms 3) were associated with the ME1 mitotype but we have not demonstrated CMS. Received: 26 July 1999 / Accepted: 27 August 1999  相似文献   

 Chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) restriction site diversity was assessed by 21 enzyme/probe combinations in 30 accessions of six Lens species, including the recently recognized L. lamottei and L. tomentosus. A total of 118 fragments were scored and 26 restriction site mutations were identified. The cpDNA restriction pattern supports circumscribing L. lamottei and L. tomentosus as independent species. The value of the data for reconstructing phylogeny in the genus is discussed. The cpDNA of all 13 accessions of the lentil’s wild progenitor, L. culinaris subsp. orientalis, differed from that of the single lentil cultivars used in this study. This diversity indicates that other populations of this subspecies from Turkey and Syria examined by Mayer and Soltis (1994) are potentially the founder members of lentil. Examination of L. lamottei×L. nigricans hybrids between accessions having different restriction patterns showed paternal plastid inheritance in L. nigricans. Received: 2 July 1996 / Accepted: 19 July 1996  相似文献   

A small insert genomic library of Olea europaea L., highly enriched in (GA/CT)n repeats, was obtained using the procedure of Kandpal et al. (1994). The sequencing of 103 clones randomly extracted from this library allowed the identification of 56 unique genomic inserts containing simple sequence repeat regions made by at least three single repeats. A sample of 20 primer pairs out of the 42 available were tested for functionality using the six olive varieties whose DNA served for library construction. All primer pairs succeeded in amplifying at least one product from the six DNA samples, and ten pairs detecting more than one allele were used for the genetic characterisation of a panel of 20 olive accessions belonging to 16 distinct varieties. A total of 57 alleles were detected among the 20 genotypes at the ten polymorphic SSR loci. The remaining primer pair allowed the amplification of a single SSR allele for all accessions plus a longer fragment for some genotypes. Considering the simple sequence repeat polymorphism, 5.7 alleles were scored on average for each of the ten SSR loci. A genetic dissimilarity matrix, based on the proportion of shared alleles among all the pair-wise combinations of genotypes, was constructed and used to disentangle the genetic relationships among varieties by means of the UPGMA clustering algorithm. Graphical representation of the results showed the presence of two distinct clusters of varieties. The first cluster grouped the varieties cultivated on the Ionian Sea coasts. The second cluster showed two subdivisions: the first sub-cluster agglomerated the varieties from some inland areas of Calabria; the second grouped the remaining varieties from Basilicata and Apulia cultivated in nearby areas. Results of cluster analysis showed a significant relationship between the multilocus genetic similarities and the geographic origin of the cultivars. Received: 2 February 2001 / Accepted: 1 June 2001  相似文献   

The PCR-RFLP technique was used to detect chloroplast DNA diversity in wild populations of Prunus avium from five European deciduous forests and some cultivars. A study of 10.8% of the total chloroplast genome detected eight insertion-deletion (indel) mutations, distributed over 12 haplotypes. Six haplotypes (H1, H2, H3, H4, H5 and H6) were found in wild populations and eight (H2, H6, H7, H8, H9, H10, H11 and H12) in the cultivars. Only two haplotypes (H2 and H6) are shared by the wild populations and the cultivars. The most-abundant and frequent haplotype in wild populations is H2 (frequency=78%). The wider geographical distribution along with the high frequency reflects its ancient origin. Of the five populations, three are polymorphic. Populations GA (Scotland) and KE (Germany) have unique haplotypes. The total cpDNA diversity in wild populations is hT=0.40, and a major portion of it is within populations (hS=0.37). The genetic differentiation among populations was low (GSTC=0.08) and no genetic structure among wild populations was observed. A minimum-length spanning tree, demonstrating relationships among the haplotypes in wild populations, indicated two possible chloroplast lineages. The ten identified cultivars were represented by seven haplotypes; this result proposes the possible utilisation of the PCR-RFLP technique for the characterisation of sweet cherry cultivars. The cpDNA diversity in P. avium should be considered carefully for phylogenetic studies involving this species. Received: 10 July 2000 / Accepted: 19 October 2000  相似文献   

One hundred and two olive RAPD profiles were sampled from all around the Mediterranean Basin. Twenty four clusters of RAPD profiles were shown in the dendrogram based on the Ward’s minimum variance algorithm using chi-square distances. Factorial discriminant analyses showed that RAPD profiles were correlated with the use of the fruits and the country or region of origin of the cultivars. This suggests that cultivar selection has occurred in different genetic pools and in different areas. Mitochondrial DNA RFLP analyses were also performed. These mitotypes supported the conclusion also that multilocal olive selection has occurred. This prediction for the use of cultivars will help olive growers to choose new foreign cultivars for testing them before an eventual introduction if they are well adapted to local conditions. Received: 10 April 2000 / Accepted: 15 May 2000  相似文献   

Summary.  The presence of abundant oil bodies in the mature olive pollen grain has led us to focus on the behavior of these lipid bodies during pollen development and in vitro pollen germination. The appearance, increase, and accumulation of lipid bodies have been determined by following the sequential development of the pollen grain. Semithin slices of anthers and pollen grains were stained with Sudan Black B in order to identify neutral lipids. Ultrastructural studies were also carried out. Our results show a notable increase in lipid bodies between the young-pollen-grain stage and the mature-pollen-grain stage. Substantial polarization of lipid bodies was observed after 1 or 2 h of pollen incubation in germination medium. During pollen tube growth, the lipid bodies are located near the germinative aperture after 3 h of incubation, as well as inside the pollen tube, thus suggesting that the lipid bodies move from the pollen grain to the pollen tube. After 7 h of germination the presence of lipid bodies inside the pollen tube is no longer substantial. Our results support the idea that lipid bodies are involved in pollen germination, stigma penetration, and pollen tube growth. These results are discussed in connection with their implications for the pollen germination process. Received June 4, 2002; accepted October 29, 2002; published online April 8, 2003 RID="*" ID="*" Correspondence and reprints: Departamento de Bioquímica, Biología Celular y Molecular de Plantas, Estación Experimental del Zaidín, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Profesor Albareda 1, 18008 Granada, Spain.  相似文献   

Gliadin polymorphism in wild and cultivated einkorn wheats   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
To study the relationships between different species of the Einkorn group, 408 accessions of Triticum monococcum, T. boeoticum, T. boeoticum ssp. thauodar and T. urartu were analyzed electrophoretically for their protein composition at the Gli-1 and Gli-2 loci. In all the species the range of allelic variation at the loci examined is remarkable. The gliadin patterns of T. monococcum and T. boeoticum were very similar to one another but differed substantially from those of T. urartu. Several accessions of T. boeoticum and T. monococcum were shown to share the same alleles at the Gli-1 and Gli-2 loci, confirming the recent nomenclature that considers these wheats as different subspecies of the same species, T. monococcum. The gliadin composition of T. urartu resembled that of the A genome of polyploid wheats more than did T. boeoticum or T. monococcum, supporting the hypothesis that T. urartu, rather than T. boeoticum, is the donor of the A genome in cultivated wheats. Because of their high degree of polymorphism the gliadin markers may help in selecting breeding parents from diploid wheat germ plasm collections and can be used both to search for valuable genes linked to the gliadin-coding loci and to monitor the transfer of alien genes into cultivated polyploid wheats. Received: 8 July 1996 / Accepted: 12 July 1996  相似文献   

 The genetic variation of 102 natural populations of wild barley growing in Spain was assessed using RAPDs (random amplified polymorphic DNA). The plant material included the annual species H. marinum subsp. marinum (22 populations) and subsp. gussoneanum (14), H. murinum subsp. murinum (7) and subsp. leporinum (35), and the perennial species H. bulbosum (17) and H. secalinum (7). Ten of the tested 64 arbitrary 10-mer primers amplified polymorphic DNA in all taxonomic units. Analyses was performed within and between populations, species and subspecies. The primers gave a total of 250 RAPD products. The level of polymorphism varied between taxonomic units depending on the primers employed and the plant reproductive system. In general, the most variable were the allogamous species H. secalinum and H. bulbosum and the autogamous H. marinum subsp. marinum. Among the amplified bands, 69 (27%) were shared by at least two different taxonomic units. The remaining bands were specific. The results demonstrate differences in the degree of similarity between taxonomic units. Jaccard’s similarity coefficients for interval measure within and between populations were used to produce a cluster diagram using the unweighted pair-group method (UPGMA). The different populations of the species and subspecies of Hordeum fell into three groups. The first group contained the populations belonging to both subspecies of H. marinum, plus those of H. secalinum. The populations of H. marinum subsp. gussoneanum were very closely associated. Those of H. marinum subsp. marinum were grouped in a broad cluster. The second group, occupying the innermost position of the tree, was very closely associated with the populations of both subspecies of H. murinum. The third branch segregated H. bulbosum. A series of RAPD markers were investigated by cleaving the amplified products of the same size with restriction endonucleases that recognize targets of 4- or 6-bp. The production of equivalent fragments following cleavage by the same enzyme would seem to demonstrate their homology in samples from different individuals, populations or taxonomic units. Received: 18 May 1997 / Accepted: 22 August 1997  相似文献   

High chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) diversity was found within and among populations of Prunus spinosa sampled from seven European deciduous forests. A study of 12% of the total chloroplast genome detected 44 mutations, which were distributed over 24 haplotypes; four were common to two or more populations and the rest were unique haplotypes. The most-abundant and widely distributed haplotype was H2 (frequency = 41% approximately). Six of the seven populations were polymorphic. All of the six polymorphic populations had ”private” haplotypes (frequency < 5%) in addition to common haplotypes. The UPGMA dendrogram demonstrated a correlation between populations and their geographical locations. The total diversity was high (hT = 0.824) and a major portion of it was within populations (hs = 0.663). The level of population subdivision for unordered alleles was low (GST = 19.5%) and for ordered alleles was lower (NST = 13.6%). No phylogeographic structure could be demonstrated in the present geographical scale. High polymorphism in the cpDNA of P. spinosa has to be considered carefully when planning phylogenetic studies involving this species. Received: 20 September 1999 / Accepted: 10 November 1999  相似文献   

Temperature is one of the main factors affecting the flowering of Mediterranean trees. In the case of Olea europaea L., a low-temperature period prior to bud development is essential to interrupt dormancy. After that, and once a base temperature is reached, the plant accumulates heat until flowering starts. Different methods of obtaining the best-forecast model for the onset date of the O. europaea pollen season, using temperature as the predictive parameter, are proposed in this paper. An 18-year pollen and climatic data series (1982–1999) from Cordoba (Spain) was used to perform the study. First a multiple-regression analysis using 15-day average temperatures from the period prior to flowering time was tested. Second, three heat-summation methods were used, determining the the quantities heat units (HU): accumulated daily mean temperature after deducting a threshold, growing degree-days (GDD): proposed by Snyder [J Agric Meteorol 35:353–358 (1985)] as a measure of physiological time, and accumulated maximum temperature. In the first two, the optimum base temperature selected for heat accumulation was 12.5°C. The multiple-regression equation for 1999 gives a 7-day delay from the observed date. The most accurate results were obtained with the GDD method, with a difference of only 4.7 days between predicted and observed dates. The average heat accumulation expressed as GDD was 209.9°C days. The HU method also gives good results, with no significant statistical differences between predictions and observations. Received: 18 April 2000 / Revised: 14 September 2000 / Accepted: 19 September 2000  相似文献   

RAPD markers generated by mixtures of two different 10-mer primers were developed for eight different olive cultivars used as parental lines in olive-breeding programs. Two RAPD bands were converted into dominant SCAR markers by direct sequencing of the RAPD products, avoiding the costly and time-consuming cloning step. The SCARs generated have maintained the original RAPD polymorphism among the cultivars and segregated according to Mendelian inheritance. Preliminary results suggest the use of the SCAR SCOeMS-2 for the marker-assisted selection of the high flesh/stone ratio. This strategy provides a rapid method for the characterization of RAPD markers and for the development of PCR-based markers with applications in olive mapping, paternal testing and germplasm characterization. The use of these markers in multiplexed PCRs, and the direct ethidium bromide detection of the PCR products in the test tube, facilitate their efficient and reliable breeding applications. Received: 1 November 2000 / Accepted: 24 November 2000  相似文献   

Data on predicted average and maximum airborne pollen concentrations and the dates on which these maximum values are expected are of undoubted value to allergists and allergy sufferers, as well as to agronomists. This paper reports on the development of predictive models for calculating total annual pollen output, on the basis of pollen and weather data compiled over the last 19 years (1982–2000) for Córdoba (Spain). Models were tested in order to predict the 2000 pollen season; in addition, and in view of the heavy rainfall recorded in spring 2000, the 1982–1998 data set was used to test the model for 1999. The results of the multiple regression analysis show that the variables exerting the greatest influence on the pollen index were rainfall in March and temperatures over the months prior to the flowering period. For prediction of maximum values and dates on which these values might be expected, the start of the pollen season was used as an additional independent variable. Temperature proved the best variable for this prediction. Results improved when the 5-day moving average was taken into account. Testing of the predictive model for 1999 and 2000 yielded fairly similar results. In both cases, the difference between expected and observed pollen data was no greater than 10%. However, significant differences were recorded between forecast and expected maximum and minimum values, owing to the influence of rainfall during the flowering period. Received: 25 October 2000 / Revised: 26 February 2001 / Accepted: 28 February 2001  相似文献   

 Beets belonging to the species Beta vulgaris L. can be found in crop, wild and weedy forms, all of which are interfertile. We studied the intra-specific genetic relationships of about 300 individuals from 54 populations of various French geographic origins using nuclear molecular markers (five single-copy RFLP loci and one microsatellite locus). The patterns of diversity were congruent for both types of markers. Genetic diversity in wild beets appeared to be high, both in term of allele number and observed heterozygosity, whereas the narrowness of the cultivated-beet gene pool was confirmed. Genetic distances between all forms showed that weed beets in northern France are intermediates between sugar beet and inland wild beets in south-western France. This analysis allowed us to infer the paternal origin of weed beets and furthermore, is in agreement with a previous study which focused on their maternal origin: weed beet infesting sugar-beet fields originated from accidental and recurrent hybridization between cultivated lines and ruderal inland wild beets during the production of commercial seeds in south-western France. Inland wild beets are genetically close to Mediterranean coastal wild beets, but differ from other coastal forms (from Biscay, Brittany and northern France). The study of gene flow in the beet complex contributes to the risk assessment of transgenic beets. Received: 8 June 1998 / Accepted: 8 October 1998  相似文献   

Genome size and base composition in 16 species and subspecies of the Hydrangea, a woody ornamental genus of Hydrangeaceae, were evaluated by flow cytometry in relation to their chromosome number. This is the first such study concerning the genome size of these species together with a karyotype study of the most important species, Hydrangea macrophylla subsp. macrophylla (Hortensia), from an economical point of view. The 2C DNA content ranged from 1.95 pg in Hydrangea quercifolia to 5.00 pg in Hydrangea involucrata. The base composition ranged from 39.9% GC in Hydrangea aspera subsp. sargentiana to 41.1% in Hydrangea scandens subsp. scandens (significant difference at p < 0.05). The smallest genome sizes were those of the three species originating from North or South America. Most of the species studied presented a chromosome number of 2n = 2x = 36, except for those of the section Aspereae which showed 2n = 30, 34 and 36. A primary karyotype has been made for the first time for H. macrophylla subsp. macrophylla. Phylogenetic relationships between species, the origin of chromosome number and an exploration of the genetic diversity within the genus are discussed. Received: 24 July 2000 / Accepted: 31 October 2000  相似文献   

Seventy five accessions belonging to 14 species of the genus Cicer were analysed with PCR-based molecular markers to determine their phylogenetic relationships. Eight of the species were annuals and included the Section Monocicer which contains cultivated chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.). The remaining six species were perennials (five from Section Polycicer and one from Section Acanthocicer). More than one accession per species was analysed in most of the wild species; within C. arietinum, 26 accessions including Kabuli and Desi types, were studied. RAPD analyses using 12 primers gave 234 polymorphic fragments. Variability within species was detected. A dendrogram based on the Jaccard similarity index showed that the distribution pattern of variability between species was related to both growth habit and geographical origin. An accession of Cicer reticulatum was closer to accessions of Cicer echinospermum than to the four remaining of C. reticulatum, suggesting the possibility of gene flow between species. Cluster analysis for cultivated chickpea differentiated Kabuli and Desi types but we did not detect a clear relationship between groups and the geographical origin of the accessions. Received: 5 April 2001 / Accepted: 13 July 2001  相似文献   

We present the first genetic map of wild rice (Zizania palustris L., 2n=2x=30), a native aquatic grain of northern North America. This map is composed principally of previously mapped RFLP (restriction fragment length polymorphism) genetic markers from rice (Oryza sativa 2n=2x=24). The map is important as a foundation for genetic and crop improvement studies as well as a reference for genome organization comparisons among species of Gramineae. A comparative mapping approach with rice is especially useful because wild rice is grouped in the same subfamily, Oryzoideae, and no other mapping comparison has yet been made within the subfamily. As rice is the reference point for mapping and gene cloning in cereals, establishing a consensus map within the subfamily identifies conserved and unique regions. The genomes of wild rice and rice differ in total DNA content (wild rice has twice that of rice) and the number of chromosome pairs (wild rice=15 versus rice=12). The wild rice linkage map reported herein consists of 121 RFLP markers on 16 linkage groups spanning 1805 cM. Two linkage groups consist of only two markers. Colinear markers were found representing all rice linkage groups except #12. The majority of rice loci mapped to colinearly arranged arrays in wild rice (92 of 118). Features of the map include duplication of portions of three rice linkage groups and three possible translocations. The map gives basic information on the composition of the wild rice genome and provides tools to assist in the domestication of this important food source. Received: 25 August 1998 / Accepted: 20 February 1999  相似文献   

 The incidence and inheritance of a chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) mutation/marker, BP10U, was studied in crosses among cultivated carrots (Daucus carota ssp. sativus). BP10U is about 400 bp larger than the more common BP10L allele. The occurrence of BP10U among carrot inbreds was widespread. Individual plants exhibited only one form of BP10, and cpDNA inheritance was strictly maternal. BP10U only occurred in male-fertile plants. Some male-fertile inbreds and all cytoplasmically male-sterile (petaloid) carrots had the BP10L allele. Alloplasmic cpDNA variation has been reported previously in Daucus, but this is the first report of variation and inheritance of cpDNA within cultivated carrot. Received: 11 August 1998 / Accepted: 8 September 1998  相似文献   

We present the first genetic map of wild rice (Zizania palustris L., 2n=2x=30), a native aquatic grain of northern North America. The map is composed principally of previously mapped RFLP (restriction fragment length polymorphism) genetic markers from rice (Oryza sativa 2n=2x=24). The map is important as a foundation for genetic and crop improvement studies, as well as a reference for genome organization comparisons among Gramineae species. A comparative mapping approach with rice is especially useful because wild rice is grouped in the same subfamily, Oryzoideae, and no other mapping comparison has yet been made within the subfamily. As rice is the reference point for mapping and gene cloning in cereals, establishing a consensus map within the subfamily identifies conserved and unique regions. The genomes of wild rice and rice differ in total DNA content (wild rice has twice that of rice) and chromosome pairs (wild rice=15 versus rice=12). The wild rice linkage map reported herein consists of 121 RFLP markers on 16 linkage groups spanning 1805 cM. Two linkage groups consist of only two markers. Colinear markers were found representing all rice linkage groups except #12. The majority of rice loci mapped to colinearly arranged arrays in wild rice (92 of 118). Features of the map include duplication of portions of three rice linkage groups and three possible translocations. The map gives basic information on the composition of the wild rice genome and provides tools to assist in the domestication of this important food source. Received: 25 August 1998 / Accepted: 20 February 1999 (Corrected version. Originally published in TAG 99:793–799)  相似文献   

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