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Abstract Klebsiella pneumoniae M5a1 grows readily on two compounds, 4-hydroxyphenylacetate and 4-aminobutyrate, whose catabolism produces succinic semialdehyde. A single succinic semialdehyde dehydrogenase was detected, native molecular weight 52000, that has NAD as the preferred cofactor and is induced by succinic semialdehyde functions in the oxidation of succinic semialdehyde during growth on both 4-hydroxyphenyl-acetate and 4-aminobutyrate. This contrasts with the situation for Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas putida where two distinct forms of succinic semialdehyde dehydrogenase have been observed.  相似文献   

A deacetylase-thiolesterase that cleaves both the amide and thiolester bonds of 4-acetamidobutyryl CoA has been highly purified from extracts of Pseudomonas B4 grown in a medium containing L-beta-lysine (3,6-diaminohexanoate) as the main energy source. The enzyme has a molecular weight of about 275,000 and contains 8 apparently identical subunits of 36,500 daltons. Products of 4-acetamidobutyryl CoA degradation are stoichiometric amounts of CoASH and acetate, variable amounts of 4-aminobutyrate and its lactam, 2-pyrrolidinone, and a little 4-acetamidobutyrate. The relative yields of 4-aminobutyrate and 2-pyrrolidinone are determined by the enzyme level. At high enzyme levels the 4-aminobutyrate/pyrrolidinone ratio is about 2, whereas at low enzyme levels only pyrrolidinone is formed. Under the latter conditions, 4-aminobutyryl CoA accumulates transiently and is converted nonenzymatically to pyrrolidinone and CoASH. Since the enzyme does not form 4-aminobutyrate from synthetic or enzymatically formed 4-aminobutyryl CoA, we conclude that a 4-aminobutyryl CoA-enzyme complex is the actual precursor of 4-aminobutyrate, whereas free 4-aminobutyryl CoA is the precursor of pyrrolidinone. Several analogs of 4-acetamidobutyryl CoA containing different amino acid or amide moieties, and several simple acyl CoA compounds are utilized by the enzyme; 4-propionamidobutyryl CoA and 5-acetamidovaleryl CoA are most readily decomposed. Acetyl CoA is a very poor substrate. 3-Acetamidopropionyl CoA is first converted to acetate and beta-alanyl CoA and the latter compound is slowly hydrolyzed to beta-alanine and CoASH. Little deacetylase-thiolesterase is formed by bacteria grown in absence of beta-lysine, but another thiolesterase, lacking deacetylase activity, is produced. The deacetylase-thiolesterase catalyzes an essential step in the aerobic degradation of L-beta-lysine.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas aeruginosa is an opportunistic Gram-negative bacterium that causes severe infections in a number of hosts from plants to mammals. A-band lipopolysaccharide of P. aeruginosa contains d-rhamnosylated O-antigen. The synthesis of GDP-D-rhamnose, the d-rhamnose donor in d-rhamnosylation, starts from GDP-D-mannose. It is first converted by the GDP-mannose-4,6-dehydratase (GMD) into GDP-4-keto-6-deoxy-D-mannose, and then reduced to GDP-D-rhamnose by GDP-4-keto-6-deoxy-D-mannose reductase (RMD). Here, we describe the enzymatic characterization of P. aeruginosa RMD expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Previous success in functional expression of bacterial gmd genes in S. cerevisiae allowed us to convert GDP-D-mannose into GDP-4-keto-6-deoxy-D-mannose. Thus, coexpression of the Helicobacter pylori gmd and P. aeruginosa rmd genes resulted in conversion of the 4-keto-6-deoxy intermediate into GDP-deoxyhexose. This synthesized GDP-deoxyhexose was confirmed to be GDP-rhamnose by HPLC, matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight MS, and finally NMR spectroscopy. The functional expression of P. aeruginosa RMD in S. cerevisiae will provide a tool for generating GDP-rhamnose for in vitro rhamnosylation of glycoprotein and glycopeptides.  相似文献   

3-Bromopyruvate inhibited 4-aminobutyrate aminotransferase (EC from Pseudomonas fluorescens, apparently irreversibly. Kinetics of this inactivation were studied by continuously monitoring the enzyme reaction at 30 degrees C in the presence of inhibitor. Irrespective of how high an inhibitor concentration was present, a maximum rate of inactivation was eventually achieved (5.9 x 10(-3) s-1), indicating the formation of a reversible inhibitor-enzyme complex before the final inactivation step. The dissociation constant of this complex was found to be 6.5 microM. This affinity labelling by 3-bromopyruvate suggests the presence of essential sulphydryl groups on the enzyme, since this compound is known to preferentially alkylate cysteinyl residues.  相似文献   

4-Aminobutyrate aminotransferase (GABAT) from Pseudomonas aeruginosa was purified 64-fold to apparent electrophoretic homogeneity from cells grown with 4-aminobutyrate as the only source of carbon and nitrogen. Purified GABAT catalyzed the transamination of 4-aminobutyrate, N2-acetyl-L-ornithine, L-ornithine, putrescine, L-lysine, and cadaverine with 2-oxoglutarate (listed in order of decreasing activity). The enzyme is induced in cells grown on 4-guanidinobutyrate, 4-aminobutyrate, or putrescine as the only carbon and nitrogen source. Cells grown on arginine or on glutamate contained low levels of the enzyme. The regulation of the synthesis of GABAT as well as the properties of the mutant with an inactive N2-acetyl-L-ornithin 5-aminotransferase suggest that GABAT functions in the biosynthesis of arginine by convertine N2-acetyl-L-glutamate 5-semialdehyde to N2-acetyl-Lornithine as well as in catabolic reactions during growth on putrescine or 4-guanidinobutyrate but not during growth on arginine.  相似文献   

H P Meloche  C T Monti 《Biochemistry》1975,14(16):3682-3687
The enzyme 2-keto-3-deoxy-6-phosphogalactonate aldolase of Pseudomonas saccharophila is inactivated by the substrate analog beta-bromopyruvate, which satisfies several criteria of being an active site directed reagent. The inactivation exhibits saturation kinetics, and both bromopyruvate and pyruvate (substrate) compete for free enzyme. Upon prolonged incubation, inactivation is virtually complete. The Kinact for bromopyruvate is 12 mM and the minimum inactivation half-time is 16 min with a k of 0.0433 min minus 1. Bromopyruvate is also a substrate for the enzyme in that 3(R,S)-[3-3H2]bromopyruvate is asymmetrically detritiated by the enzyme yielding 3(S)-[3-3H,H]bromopyruvate concomitant with inactivation. At various concentrations of bromopyruvate which affect the inactivation rate, the ratio of nanomoles of bromopyruvate turned over/unit of enzyme inactivated remains constant averaging 12:1, consistent with both inactivation and catalysis occurring at a single protein site, the catalytic site. The above value does not take into account a possible hydrogen isotope effect and is not thus an absolute value. The stereochemistry of bromopyruvate turnover catalyzed by this enzyme is the same as that for 2-keto-3-deoxy-6-phosphogluconate aldolase of P. putida. This fact provides the first evidence that the pyruvate-specific portions of the two active sites may have evolved from a common precursor.  相似文献   

L-colitose is a 3,6-dideoxysugar found in the O-antigens of some Gram-negative bacteria such as Escherichia coli and in marine bacteria such as Pseudoalteromonas tetraodonis. The focus of this investigation, GDP-4-keto-6-deoxy-D-mannose-3-dehydratase, catalyzes the third step in colitose production, which is the removal of the hydroxyl group at C3' of GDP-4-keto-6-deoxymannose. It is an especially intriguing PLP-dependent enzyme in that it acts as both a transaminase and a dehydratase. Here we present the first X-ray structure of this enzyme isolated from E. coli Strain 5a, type O55:H7. The two subunits of the protein form a tight dimer with a buried surface area of approximately 5000 A2. This is a characteristic feature of the aspartate aminotransferase superfamily. Although the PLP-binding pocket is formed primarily by one subunit, there is a loop, delineated by Phe 240 to Glu 253 in the second subunit, that completes the active site architecture. The hydrated form of PLP was observed in one of the enzyme/cofactor complexes described here. Amino acid residues involved in anchoring the cofactor to the protein include Gly 56, Ser 57, Asp 159, Glu 162, and Ser 183 from one subunit and Asn 248 from the second monomer. In the second enzyme/cofactor complex reported, a glutamate ketimine intermediate was found trapped in the active site. Taken together, these two structures, along with previously reported biochemical data, support the role of His 188 as the active site base required for catalysis.  相似文献   

Metabolism of sitosterol by a Pseudomonas species.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Fermentation of sitosterol by a Pseudomonas species (SK-25) resulted in the formation of 5-stigmastene-3 beta, 7 alpha-diol; 5,6 alpha-epoxy-5 alpha-stigmastan-3 beta-ol; 5,6 beta-epoxy-5 beta-stigmastan-3 beta-ol and 5 alpha-stigmastan-3 beta, 5,6 beta-triol. The metabolites were characterized by a variety of conventional chemical and spectrometric techniques.  相似文献   

A bacterial isolate, tentatively identified as Pseudomonas sp. strain TR3, was found to utilize the diaryl ester phenylbenzoate as sole source of carbon and energy. This strain has the ability to productively degrade phenylbenzoate and some substituted derivatives by a catabolic sequence which was characterized biochemically. The biodegradation of phenylbenzoate is thus initiated by an inducible esterase, effectively hydrolyzing the diaryl esters to produce stoichiometric amounts of two monoaromatic metabolites, identified as benzoate and phenol in the case of phenylbenzoate. The diaryl ester p-tolylbenzoate was hydrolyzed to yield benzoate and 4-methylphenol while 4-chlorophenylbenzoate gave rise to the production of benzoate and 4-chlorophenol. These monoaromatic catabolites were further degraded via the oxoadipate pathway.  相似文献   

Busch K  Piehler J  Fromm H 《Biochemistry》2000,39(33):10110-10117
Recent kinetic studies revealed distinct modes of inhibition of mitochondrial Arabidopsis thaliana succinic semialdehyde dehydrogenase (At-SSADH1) by AMP and ATP. Inhibition of SSADH by ATP may represent an important mechanism of feedback regulation of the GABA shunt by the respiratory chain. Here we used two approaches to investigate the interaction of ATP with At-SSADH1. Cofactor displacement studies based on the reduced fluorescence intensity of free NADH versus that of enzyme-bound NADH revealed that both AMP and ATP decreased NADH-At-SSADH1 complex formation. The competitive inhibitor AMP displaced all bound NADH, while ATP, a noncompetitive inhibitor, could not, even in great excess, release all NADH from its binding site. To assess the effect of ATP on NAD-At-SSADH, we employed surface plasmon resonance to monitor nucleotide binding to immobilized At-SSADH1. For this, we used a Strep-tag II modified derivative of At-SSADH1 (designated ST-At-SSADH1). The tagged enzyme was tightly and reversibly captured by StrepTactin, which was covalently immobilized on a CM5 chip. The binding constants for NAD(+) and ATP were determined from titration curves and were in good agreement with the constants obtained from enzyme kinetics. Surface plasmon resonance measurements confirmed that ATP binds to a site different from the binding site for NAD(+). GTP competed with ATP. However, only ATP increased the dissociation constant of NAD(+) from SSADH. This explains the reduced affinity of NAD(+)/NADH to At-SSADH1 in the presence of ATP, as revealed by enzymatic kinetics, and supports our model of feedback regulation of SSADH and the GABA shunt by ATP.  相似文献   

In Pseudomonas saccharophila 2-keto-3-deoxygalactonate-6-P aldolase (EC is induced by growth on galatose while 2-keto-3-deoxygluconate-6-P aldolase (EC is constitutive. These enzymes catalyze identical reactions except for the configuration fixed at C-4 during the condensation reaction. It was found with each enzyme that in a condensation between [3-3H3]pyruvate and D-glyceraldehyde-3-P, the respective condensation products were formed 8 to 10 times faster than tritium was released to water. Since pyruvate deprotonation is obligatory for condensation, the above result requires a hydrogen isotope effect in enolpyruvate formation, which must be then at least partially rate limiting for C--C synthesis. Further, condensation between D-glyceraldehyde-3-P and (3R)-[3-3H, 2H,H]pyruvate or (3S)-[3-3H, 2H,H]pyruvate, as catalyzed by each enzyme, enriched for (3R)- and (3S)-3-3H, 2H-labeled condensation product, respectively. Thus, each enzyme catalyzes C--C and C--H synthesis with retention of configuration at C-3. This shows that the active sites of both enzymes are asymmetric since solutes can only approach a single face of the bound pyruvyl enolate. In addition, the respective aldehyde specific portions of the two active sites must have opposite chiralities, with respect to each other, for correctly orienting the carbonyl faces of the incoming D-glyceraldehyde-3-P, to generate the correct configuration at C-4 of the respective condensation products.  相似文献   

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