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Candida albicans undergoes a dramatic morphological transition in response to various growth conditions. This ability to switch from a yeast form to a hyphal form is required for its pathogenicity. The intractability of Candida to traditional genetic approaches has hampered the study of the molecular mechanism governing this developmental switch. Our approach is to use the more genetically tractable yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae to yield clues about the molecular control of filamentation for further studies in Candida. G1 cyclins Cln1 and Cln2 have been implicated in the control of morphogenesis in S. cerevisiae. We show that C. albicans CLN1 (CaCLN1) has the same cell cycle-specific expression pattern as CLN1 and CLN2 of S. cerevisiae. To investigate whether G1 cyclins are similarly involved in the regulation of cell morphogenesis during the yeast-to-hypha transition of C. albicans, we mutated CaCLN1. Cacln1/Cacln1 cells were found to be slower than wild-type cells in cell cycle progression. The Cacln1/Cacln1 mutants were also defective in hyphal colony formation on several solid media. Furthermore, while mutant strains developed germ tubes under several hypha-inducing conditions, they were unable to maintain the hyphal growth mode in a synthetic hypha-inducing liquid medium and were deficient in the expression of hypha-specific genes in this medium. Our results suggest that CaCln1 may coordinately regulate hyphal development with signal transduction pathways in response to various environmental cues.  相似文献   

Ethanol exposure promotes the development of steatohepatitis, which can progress to end stage liver disease. Kupffer cells have been documented to play a key role in the genesis and progression of alcoholic liver disease with ethanol exposure enhancing Kupffer cell activation. In the present study, we identified the binding of hexokinase II to the mitochondria as a requirement for LPS-induced activation of Kupffer cells and its potentiation by ethanol. LPS and ethanol exposure induced a reduction in sirtuin-3 activity. In turn, the decline of sirtuin-3 activity led to the activation of cyclophilin-D, which mediated an increased binding of hexokinase II to the mitochondria. Suppression of cyclophilin-D expression or enforced detachment of hexokinase II from the mitochondria abrogated the LPS- and ethanol-induced stimulation of Kupffer cells, preventing NADPH oxidase and inflammasome activation. Moreover, activation of AMP-activated protein kinase restored sirtuin-3 activity, thereby preventing LPS and ethanol from stimulating the binding of hexokinase II to the mitochondria and precluding NADPH oxidase and inflammasome activation.  相似文献   

The T4 gene 32 protein, which binds to single-stranded but not duplex DNA, forms a specifically located denaturation loop in covalently closed circular simian virus 40 (SV40) DNA. Cleavage of the SV40 DNA-gene 32 protein complex with a restriction endonuclease from Hemophilus parainfluenzae shows the loop center to be at 0.46 on the SV40 DNA map. This is within one of the regions of SV40 DNA cleaved preferentially by the single-strand-specific nuclease S(1).  相似文献   

Inflammasomes are multimeric protein complexes that respond to infection by recruitment and activation of the Caspase-1 (CASP1) protease. Activated CASP1 initiates immune defense by processing inflammatory cytokines and by causing a rapid and lytic cell death called pyroptosis. Inflammasome formation is orchestrated by members of the nucleotide-binding domain and leucine-rich repeat (NLR) or AIM2-like receptor (ALR) protein families. Certain NLRs and ALRs have been shown to function as direct receptors for specific microbial ligands, such as flagellin or DNA, but the molecular mechanism responsible for activation of most NLRs is still poorly understood. Here we determine the mechanism of activation of the NLRP1B inflammasome in mice. NLRP1B, and its ortholog in rats, is activated by the lethal factor (LF) protease that is a key virulence factor secreted by Bacillus anthracis, the causative agent of anthrax. LF was recently shown to cleave mouse and rat NLRP1 directly. However, it is unclear if cleavage is sufficient for NLRP1 activation. Indeed, other LF-induced cellular events have been suggested to play a role in NLRP1B activation. Surprisingly, we show that direct cleavage of NLRP1B is sufficient to induce inflammasome activation in the absence of LF. Our results therefore rule out the need for other LF-dependent cellular effects in activation of NLRP1B. We therefore propose that NLRP1 functions primarily as a sensor of protease activity and thus could conceivably detect a broader spectrum of pathogens than just B. anthracis. By adding proteolytic cleavage to the previously established ligand-receptor mechanism of NLR activation, our results illustrate the remarkable flexibility with which the NLR architecture can be deployed for the purpose of pathogen-detection and host defense.  相似文献   

Genetic analysis suggests that the TGD2 protein of Arabidopsis is required for the biosynthesis of endoplasmic reticulum derived thylakoid lipids. TGD2 is proposed to be the substrate-binding protein of a presumed lipid transporter consisting of the TGD1 (permease) and TGD3 (ATPase) proteins. The TGD1, -2, and -3 proteins are localized in the inner chloroplast envelope membrane. TGD2 appears to be anchored with an N-terminal membrane-spanning domain into the inner envelope membrane, whereas the C-terminal domain faces the intermembrane space. It was previously shown that the C-terminal domain of TGD2 binds phosphatidic acid (PtdOH). To investigate the PtdOH binding site of TGD2 in detail, the C-terminal domain of the TGD2 sequence lacking the transit peptide and transmembrane sequences was fused to the C terminus of the Discosoma sp. red fluorescent protein (DR). This greatly improved the solubility of the resulting DR-TGD2C fusion protein following production in Escherichia coli. The DR-TGD2C protein bound PtdOH with high specificity, as demonstrated by membrane lipid-protein overlay and liposome association assays. Internal deletion and truncation mutagenesis identified a previously undescribed minimal 25-amino acid fragment in the C-terminal domain of TGD2 that is sufficient for PtdOH binding. Binding characteristics of this 25-mer were distinctly different from those of TGD2C, suggesting that additional sequences of TGD2 providing the proper context for this 25-mer are needed for wild type-like PtdOH binding.  相似文献   

《Developmental biology》1997,192(1):45-58
A characteristic abnormality of chimeras composed of wildtype andT/T(Brachyury) mutant embryonic stem cells is the aggregation and accumulation of mutant cells in the primitive streak and its descendant, the tail bud (V. Wilson, L. Manson, W. C. Skarnes, and R. S. P. Beddington (1995).Development121, 877–886). To demonstrate that this aberrant behaviour of mutant cells in the streak is due only to the absence of wild-type T protein and to investigate dosage effects of T function on cell deployment during gastrulation, a vector expressingTunder the control of its own promoter (which results inTexpression in the primitive streak but not in the notochord) was introduced intoT/Tmutant ES cells carrying a ubiquitouslacZlineage marker. Four clones (TR clones) that express T appropriately in the streak and rescue abnormal chimeric morphology were recovered. In chimeras, these four clones fall into two distinct categories with respect to their ability to exit from the primitive streak and their subsequent tissue colonisation profile. TR1 and TR4 descendants no longer accumulated in the tail bud and gave rise to all types of mesoderm as well as colonising ventral neurectoderm. Interestingly, TR2 and TR5 cells (which express higher levels of T protein than TR1 and TR4in vitro) tended to exit the streak prematurely, showed a marked reduction in posterior mesoderm colonisation, and were virtually excluded from ventral neurectoderm. However, while descendants of all four TR clones can colonise dermomyotome at all axial levels, the parentT/Tmutant cells only contribute to this tissue rostral to the forelimb bud and are completely excluded from more caudal dermomyotome. These results show that the abnormal aggregation of mutant cells homozygous for theBrachyurydeletion (∼200 kb) can be ascribed solely to the lack of wild-type T protein, as can the failure ofT/Tcells to colonise caudal dermomyotome. They also suggest that patterns of cell recruitment from the streak can be influenced by the level of T expression.  相似文献   

Increasing fetal hemoglobin (HbF) levels in adult humans remains an active area in hematologic research. Here we explored erythroid-specific LIN28A expression for its effect in regulating gamma-globin gene expression and HbF levels in cultured adult erythroblasts. For this purpose, lentiviral transduction vectors were produced with LIN28A expression driven by erythroid-specific gene promoter regions of the human KLF1 or SPTA1 genes. Transgene expression of LIN28A with a linked puromycin resistance marker was restricted to the erythroid lineage as demonstrated by selective survival of erythroid colonies (greater than 95% of all colonies). Erythroblast LIN28A over-expression (LIN28A-OE) did not significantly affect proliferation or inhibit differentiation. Greater than 70% suppression of total let-7 microRNA levels was confirmed in LIN28A-OE cells. Increases in gamma-globin mRNA and protein expression with HbF levels reaching 30–40% were achieved. These data suggest that erythroblast targeting of LIN28A expression is sufficient for increasing fetal hemoglobin expression in adult human erythroblasts.  相似文献   

麝香百合LLGLO1基因的克隆和表达   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
用RACE方法克隆的麝香百合花发育的GLOBOSA(GLO)类B功能基因LLGLO1,与其他多种单子叶植物的GLO类基因高度同源,且C区具有典型的PI结构基序。通过RT—PCR检测,百合不同组织中的LLGLO1基因表达模式与郁金香的GLO类基因相似。即主要集中在百合第一、二、三轮花器官中表达,心皮和茎中有微量表达,而且随着心皮的成熟,其在心皮中的表达量逐渐增加,但在百合叶片中则未检测到LLGLO1的表达,因此认为LLGLO1在百合花器官中呈特异性表达。LLGLO1在百合第一轮花器官中的表达支持了van Tunen对ABC模型的修正。  相似文献   

Fusions to the green fluorescent protein (GFP) are an effective way to monitor protein localization. However, altered codon usage in Candida species has delayed implementation of new variants. Examination of three new GFP variants in Candida albicans showed that one has higher signal intensity and increased resistance to photobleaching.The human fungal pathogen Candida albicans can cause severe infections, particularly in immunocompromised patients. Important insights into its pathogenesis have been obtained by analyzing fusions to green fluorescent protein (GFP) (8). Although GFP tagging has been very successful, many fusion proteins are not easily detected. New GFP variants with improved fluorescence and protein folding properties have been identified by genetic approaches in other organisms (2, 7, 8). However, these GFP variants have not been assessed in C. albicans and related species, presumably because of the added difficulties of attempting heterologous expression in C. albicans.To adapt GFP for effective use in C. albicans, Cormack et al. introduced three types of codon changes: the S65G S72A mutations to enhance fluorescence; the CTG codon 201 change to TTG, since CUG is translated as Ser instead of Leu in C. albicans; and the optimization of the other codons for translation in C. albicans (1). This variant, known as YeGFP3, was introduced into convenient vectors for creating gene fusions in C. albicans (4). Another version of eGFP known as mut2 (S65A V68L S72A Q80R) was adapted for C. albicans by changing the CTG codon but without further codon optimization (5). These obstacles to heterologous expression in C. albicans have presumably delayed implementation of newer versions of GFP. Therefore, in this study three different GFP variants were introduced into YeGFP3 and examined for function in C. albicans.The GFP variants were constructed using standard methods to introduce changes in the coding sequence of YeGFP3. In brief, mutagenic oligonucleotides were used to prime PCR synthesis of a plasmid carrying YeGFP3, the template DNA was then destroyed by digestion with DpnI, and then the resulting DNA was transformed into Escherichia coli. DNA sequencing (carried out by the Stony Brook University DNA Sequencing Facility) confirmed that the correct substitutions were present. The mutant GFP genes were then released as PstI-AscI fragments and then were subcloned to replace the corresponding GFP fragment of plasmid pFa-GFP-URA3 (6), which carries a PCR cassette module for creating GFP fusions in C. albicans. Because of the large number of changes, the mutants were given the more convenient names of CaGFPα (F64L S65T F99S M153T V163A), CaGFPβ (F64L S65T N149K M153T I167T; also known as emerald), and CaGFPγ (F64L S65C V163A I167T). The CaGFPγ was also introduced into vectors that contain selectable markers HIS1 and ARG4 (6). DNA sequences used to design primers for creating GFP fusions in C. albicans were as follows: forward primer, 5′ (region of homology)-GGTGCTGGCGCAGGTGCTTC-3′, and reverse primer, 5′ (region of homology)-TCTGATATCATCGATGAATTCGAG-3′.CDC11-GFP fusion genes were created in C. albicans by homologous recombination, as described previously (4, 6). In brief, long oligonucleotide primers with homology to the 3′ end of the CDC11 open reading frame were used to prime PCR synthesis of each of the corresponding GFP variant genes plus an adjacent selectable marker gene (URA3). These DNA elements were then introduced into C. albicans cells and allowed to recombine with the homologous region of the CDC11 gene in C. albicans to create the CDC11-GFP fusion genes. Sequences used for the design of PCR primers to amplify the pFa-GFP plasmids are shown above. Cells carrying the indicated CDC11-GFP fusion gene were grown overnight in log phase in synthetic medium (yeast nitrogen base plus amino acids and dextrose). Cdc11-GFP fluorescence intensity was analyzed with an Olympus BH2 microscope equipped with a Zeiss AxioCam camera run by Openlab software. The relative GFP signal was determined by measuring the intensity of GFP fluorescence of the septin ring and then subtracting the fluorescence of an area immediately adjacent to each ring. All samples were visualized under the same conditions.Samples were prepared for Western blot analysis by resuspending cells in TNE lysis buffer (10 mM Tris base, 1 mM EDTA, 100 mM NaCl) with 100× protease mix (40 mg/ml pepstatin A, 40 mg/ml aprotinin, 20 mg/ml leupeptin) and then agitating in the presence of glass beads. The supernatant was collected after low-speed centrifugation at 3,000 rpm for 1 min, protein concentrations were determined by the bicinchoninic acid (BCA) protein assay (Pierce), and then equal amounts of protein extract were separated by gel electrophoresis and transferred to a Protran nitrocellulose membrane (Whatman GmbH). The blots were incubated with mouse anti-GFP (Millipore), rabbit anti-glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (anti-G6PD; Sigma), or rabbit anti-Cdc11 (Santa Cruz Biotechnology) primary antibodies; washed; and then incubated with either goat anti-mouse IRDye 800cw or goat anti-rabbit IRDye 680 (Li-Cor Biosciences, Lincoln, NE). The immunoreactive proteins were visualized with a Li-Cor fluorescence scanner run by Odyssey software.Three new GFP variants based on YeGFP3 were constructed by introducing mutations predicted to improve either the fluorescence properties or protein folding (2, 7, 8). Because multiple changes were introduced into each variant, they were given the more convenient names of CaGFPα, CaGFPβ, and CaGFPγ (see above). The key mutations in CaGFPα and CaGFPβ have been described previously (2, 7, 8), but CaGFPγ represents a novel combination of mutations. The 3 new GFP variants plus the YeGFP3 and mut2 versions were compared by fusing them to the C terminus of the Cdc11 septin protein (3). The Cdc11 protein was selected because its restricted localization to the bud neck facilitated microscopic analysis and comparison of fluorescence properties. CDC11-GFP fusion genes were constructed in strain BWP17 (9) using PCR-generated modules with a URA3 selectable marker, as described previously (4, 6).Cells were grown in synthetic medium overnight to log phase at both 30°C and 37°C, temperatures that are commonly used to propagate C. albicans and that may affect the folding properties of GFP. GFP fluorescence was then analyzed by quantifying the intensity of the septin rings in digital images (Fig. (Fig.1A).1A). Septin rings were analyzed only if they were obviously in focus and at the same stage of the cell cycle (large budded). CaGFPγ gave a slightly stronger signal than the other variants, which was most obvious at 30°C (Fig. (Fig.1A).1A). At least two independent clones were analyzed for each CDC11-GFP variant, and the two gave similar results (data not shown).Open in a separate windowFIG. 1.Properties of Cdc11-GFP fusion proteins. Cells were grown to log phase overnight at the indicated temperature, and then Cdc11-GFP fluorescence was analyzed. (A) Signal intensity for the different versions of Cdc11-GFP was compared in three independent assays in which 50 septin rings per assay were quantified for each different Cdc11-GFP. The average fluorescence intensity was normalized to 100 for Cdc11-YeGPF3. The Cdc11-CaGFPγ variant gave a significantly stronger signal than the other variants (P < 0.001). (B) Western blot analysis comparing the levels of Cdc11-GFP produced in the indicated strains. The lane labeled “neg” refers to the negative-control strain (BWP17) that lacks GFP. Blots were probed with anti-GFP to detect Cdc11-GFP, anti-glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (αG6PD) as a control, and anti-Cdc11 to detect the untagged version of Cdc11.The levels of the Cdc11-GFP proteins at both 30°C and 37°C were compared on two independent Western blots using anti-GFP antibody (Fig. (Fig.1B).1B). The relative levels of Cdc11-mut2GFP and Cdc11-CaGFPα were the lowest, consistent with their lower fluorescence intensity. The lower levels of Cdc11-mut2GFP are consistent with the fact that the codons in the mut2 version of GFP were not optimized for expression in C. albicans (5). The Cdc11-YeGFP3 and Cdc11-CaGFPγ were present at higher levels, and the Cdc11-CaGFPβ was produced at even slightly higher levels, consistent with reports that this latter version of GFP (also known as emerald) has improved folding properties (7). The Cdc11-GFP variants did not affect the production of the untagged Cdc11 protein (Fig. (Fig.1B1B).Photobleaching is also an important factor for GFP (7), especially in time-lapse studies or Z-stack analysis of different optical sections of cells. Photostability of the GFP variants was examined by taking pictures at 4-s intervals during 1 min of continuous exposure to the fluorescence excitation lamp (Fig. 2A and B). The fluorescence of YeGFP3, mut2GFP, and CaGFPα fused to Cdc11 decayed to 50% of original intensity within 15 to 30 s, and the rate of photobleaching was even higher for CaGFPβ. In contrast, Cdc11-CaGFPγ showed extended photostability at both 30°C and 37°C (half-life [t1/2] of ∼2 min). Similar results were also obtained for CaGFPγ fused to the Golgi protein Vrg4 (data not shown), although the standard deviations were larger because the mobile Golgi compartments frequently moved out of the focal plane during the time course (data not shown). On a practical level, the Cdc11-GFPγ fluorescence was readily detectable after several minutes of continuous exposure (Fig. (Fig.2C),2C), demonstrating its clear advantage for allowing more time to observe protein localization before photobleaching becomes significant.Open in a separate windowFIG. 2.Photostability of GFP variants. (A and B) Relative fluorescence intensity of the GFP variants at 4-s intervals over a time course of 1 min of continuous exposure to the fluorescence excitation lamp after growth at 30°C (A) and at 37°C (B). CaGFPγ showed the best photostability (t1/2 of ∼2 min). The relative fluorescence was normalized to 100 for each Cdc11-GFP variant at the start of the time course. The results represent the average of three independent assays in which three septin rings were analyzed for each mutant. Error bars indicate standard deviations. (C) Cells carrying Cdc11 fused to YeGFP3 or CaGFPγ were continuously exposed to the fluorescence excitation lamp, and then images of septin rings were captured at the indicated times.Altogether, Cdc11-CaGFPγ had the best overall properties based on protein levels, signal intensity, and photostability in C. albicans. The higher level of Cdc11-CaGFPβ production was apparently offset by increased photobleaching, resulting in no overall advantage for this variant. The Cdc11-CaGFPα was produced at relatively low levels, and it was less photostable compared to the other versions. Thus, CaGFPγ is a novel GFP variant that offers improved features for the study of protein localization in C. albicans and will likely also be useful for expression in other species.  相似文献   

Recent evidence reveals that prolactin gene expression (PRL-GE) in mammotropes occurs in pulses, but the molecular process(es) underlying this phenomenon remains unclear. Earlier, we have identified an E-box (E-box133) in the rat PRL promoter that binds several circadian elements and is critical for this dynamic process. Preliminary analysis revealed a Pit-1 binding site (P2) located immediately adjacent to this E-box133 raising the possibility that some type of functional relationship may exist between these two promoter regions. In this study, using serum shocked GH3 cell culture system to synchronize PRL-GE activity, we determined that Pit-1 gene expression occurred in pulses with time phases similar to that for PRL. Interestingly, EMSA analysis not only confirmed Pit-1 binding to the P2 site, but also revealed an interaction with factor(s) binding to the adjacent E-box133 promoter element. Additionally, down-regulation of Pit-1 by siRNA reduced PRL levels during pulse periods. Thus, using multiple evidences, our results demonstrate clearly that the Pit-1 P2 site is necessary for PRL-GE elaboration. Furthermore, the proximity of this critical Pit-1 binding site (P2) and the E-box133 element coupled with the evidences of a site-to-site protein interactions suggest that the process of PRL-GE pulse activity might involve more dynamic and intricate cross-talks between promoter elements that may span some, or all, of the proximal region of the PRL promoter in driving its pulsatile expression.  相似文献   

SPA2 encodes a yeast protein that is one of the first proteins to localize to sites of polarized growth, such as the shmoo tip and the incipient bud. The dynamics and requirements for Spa2p localization in living cells are examined using Spa2p green fluorescent protein fusions. Spa2p localizes to one edge of unbudded cells and subsequently is observable in the bud tip. Finally, during cytokinesis Spa2p is present as a ring at the mother–daughter bud neck. The bud emergence mutants bem1 and bem2 and mutants defective in the septins do not affect Spa2p localization to the bud tip. Strikingly, a small domain of Spa2p comprised of 150 amino acids is necessary and sufficient for localization to sites of polarized growth. This localization domain and the amino terminus of Spa2p are essential for its function in mating. Searching the yeast genome database revealed a previously uncharacterized protein which we name, Sph1p (Spa2p homolog), with significant homology to the localization domain and amino terminus of Spa2p. This protein also localizes to sites of polarized growth in budding and mating cells. SPH1, which is similar to SPA2, is required for bipolar budding and plays a role in shmoo formation. Overexpression of either Spa2p or Sph1p can block the localization of either protein fused to green fluorescent protein, suggesting that both Spa2p and Sph1p bind to and are localized by the same component. The identification of a 150–amino acid domain necessary and sufficient for localization of Spa2p to sites of polarized growth and the existence of this domain in another yeast protein Sph1p suggest that the early localization of these proteins may be mediated by a receptor that recognizes this small domain.Polarized cell growth and division are essential cellular processes that play a crucial role in the development of eukaryotic organisms. Cell fate can be determined by cell asymmetry during cell division (Horvitz and Herskowitz, 1992; Cohen and Hyman, 1994; Rhyu and Knoblich, 1995). Consequently, the molecules involved in the generation and maintenance of cell asymmetry are important in the process of cell fate determination. Polarized growth can occur in response to external signals such as growth towards a nutrient (Rodriguez-Boulan and Nelson, 1989; Eaton and Simons, 1995) or hormone (Jackson and Hartwell, 1990a , b ; Segall, 1993; Keynes and Cook, 1995) and in response to internal signals as in Caenorhabditis elegans (Goldstein et al., 1993; Kimble, 1994; Priess, 1994) and Drosophila melanogaster (St Johnston and Nusslein-Volhard, 1992; Anderson, 1995) early development. Saccharomyces cerevisiae undergo polarized growth towards an external cue during mating and to an internal cue during budding. Polarization towards a mating partner (shmoo formation) and towards a new bud site requires a number of proteins (Chenevert, 1994; Chant, 1996; Drubin and Nelson, 1996). Many of these proteins are necessary for both processes and are localized to sites of polarized growth, identified by the insertion of new cell wall material (Tkacz and Lampen, 1972; Farkas et al., 1974; Lew and Reed, 1993) to the shmoo tip, bud tip, and mother–daughter bud neck. In yeast, proteins localized to growth sites include cytoskeletal proteins (Adams and Pringle, 1984; Kilmartin and Adams, 1984; Ford, S.K., and J.R. Pringle. 1986. Yeast. 2:S114; Drubin et al., 1988; Snyder, 1989; Snyder et al., 1991; Amatruda and Cooper, 1992; Lew and Reed, 1993; Waddle et al., 1996), neck filament components (septins) (Byers and Goetsch, 1976; Kim et al., 1991; Ford and Pringle, 1991; Haarer and Pringle, 1987; Longtine et al., 1996), motor proteins (Lillie and Brown, 1994), G-proteins (Ziman, 1993; Yamochi et al., 1994; Qadota et al., 1996), and two membrane proteins (Halme et al., 1996; Roemer et al., 1996; Qadota et al., 1996). Septins, actin, and actin-associated proteins localize early in the cell cycle, before a bud or shmoo tip is recognizable. How this group of proteins is localized to and maintained at sites of cell growth remains unclear.Spa2p is one of the first proteins involved in bud formation to localize to the incipient bud site before a bud is recognizable (Snyder, 1989; Snyder et al., 1991; Chant, 1996). Spa2p has been localized to where a new bud will form at approximately the same time as actin patches concentrate at this region (Snyder et al., 1991). An understanding of how Spa2p localizes to incipient bud sites will shed light on the very early stages of cell polarization. Later in the cell cycle, Spa2p is also found at the mother–daughter bud neck in cells undergoing cytokinesis. Spa2p, a nonessential protein, has been shown to be involved in bud site selection (Snyder, 1989; Zahner et al., 1996), shmoo formation (Gehrung and Snyder, 1990), and mating (Gehrung and Snyder, 1990; Chenevert et al., 1994; Yorihuzi and Ohsumi, 1994; Dorer et al., 1995). Genetic studies also suggest that Spa2p has a role in cytokinesis (Flescher et al., 1993), yet little is known about how this protein is localized to sites of polarized growth.We have used Spa2p green fluorescent protein (GFP)1 fusions to investigate the early localization of Spa2p to sites of polarized growth in living cells. Our results demonstrate that a small domain of ∼150 amino acids of this large 1,466-residue protein is sufficient for targeting to sites of polarized growth and is necessary for Spa2p function. Furthermore, we have identified and characterized a novel yeast protein, Sph1p, which has homology to both the Spa2p amino terminus and the Spa2p localization domain. Sph1p localizes to similar regions of polarized growth and sph1 mutants have similar phenotypes as spa2 mutants.  相似文献   

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