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Cytoskeleton in Xenopus oocytes and eggs   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The Xenopus egg is a huge cell divided into compartments with distinct characteristics. The organization of the cytoskeleton reflects both the size of the egg and its regional differences. We review the information concerning the deployment and function of cytoskeletal elements during the changes in cellular organization accompanying oogenesis, oocyte maturation, and following fertilization.  相似文献   

We have examined the regulation of maturation-promoting factor (MPF) activity in the mitotic and meiotic cell cycles of Xenopus laevis eggs and oocytes. To this end, we developed a method for the small scale extraction of eggs and oocytes and measured MPF activity in extracts by a dilution end point assay. We find that in oocytes, MPF activity appears before germinal vesicle breakdown and then disappears rapidly at the end of the first meiotic cycle. In the second meiotic cycle, MPF reappears before second metaphase, when maturation arrests. Thus, MPF cycling coincides with the abbreviated cycles of meiosis. When oocytes are induced to mature by low levels of injected MPF, cycloheximide does not prevent the appearance of MPF at high levels in the first cycle. This amplification indicates that an MPF precursor is present in the oocyte and activated by posttranslational means, triggered by the low level of injected MPF. Furthermore, MPF disappears approximately on time in such oocytes, indicating that the agent for MPF inactivation is also activated by posttranslational means. However, in the absence of protein synthesis, MPF never reappears in the second meiotic cycle. Upon fertilization or artificial activation of normal eggs, MPF disappears from the cytoplasm within 8 min. For a period thereafter, the inactivating agent remains able to destroy large amounts of MPF injected into the egg. It loses activity just as endogenous MPF appears at prophase of the first mitotic cycle. The repeated reciprocal cycling of MPF and the inactivating agent during cleavage stages is unaffected by colchicine and nocodazole and therefore does not require the effective completion of spindle formation, mitosis, or cytokinesis. However, MPF appearance is blocked by cycloheximide applied before mitosis; and MPF disappearance is blocked by cytostatic factor. In all these respects, MPF and the inactivating agent seem to be tightly linked to, and perhaps participate in, the cell cycle oscillator previously described for cleaving eggs of Xenopus laevis (Hara, K., P. Tydeman, and M. Kirschner, 1980, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 77:462- 466).  相似文献   

Assembly of the meiotic spindles during progesterone-induced maturation of Xenopus oocytes was examined by confocal fluorescence microscopy using anti-tubulin antibodies and by time-lapse confocal microscopy of living oocytes microinjected with fluorescent tubulin. Assembly of a transient microtubule array from a disk-shaped MTOC was observed soon after germinal vesicle breakdown. This MTOC-TMA complex rapidly migrated toward the animal pole, in association with the condensing meiotic chromosomes. Four common stages were observed during the assembly of both M1 and M2 spindles: (1) formation of a compact aggregate of microtubules and chromosomes; (2) reorganization of this aggregate resulting in formation of a short bipolar spindle; (3) an anaphase-B-like elongation of the prometaphase spindle, transversely oriented with respect to the oocyte A-V axis; and (4) rotation of the spindle into alignment with the oocyte axis. The rate of spindle elongation observed in M1 (0.7 microns min-1) was slower than that observed in M2 (1.8 microns min-1). Examination of spindles by immunofluorescence with antitubulin revealed numerous interdigitating microtubules, suggesting that prometaphase elongation of meiotic spindles in Xenopus oocytes results from active sliding of antiparallel microtubules. A substantial number of maturing oocytes formed monopolar microtubule asters during M1, nucleated by hollow spherical MTOCs. These monasters were subsequently observed to develop into bipolar M1 spindles and proceed through meiosis. The results presented define a complex pathway for assembly and rotation of the meiotic spindles during maturation of Xenopus oocytes.  相似文献   

Liu XL  Shen Y  Chen EJ  Zhai ZH 《Cell research》2000,10(2):127-137
Incubation of dinoflagellate Crythecodinium cohnii chromosomes in cytoplasmic extracts of unfertilized Xenopus laevis eggs resulted in chromosomes decondensation and recondensation,nuclear envelope assembly,and nuclear reconstitution.Dinoflagellate Crythecodinium cohnii is a kind of primitive eukaryote which possesses numerous permanently condensed chromosomes and discontinuous double-layered nuclear membrane throughout the cell cycle.The assembled nuclei,being surrounded by a continuous double membrane containing nuclear pores and the uniformly dispersed chromatin fibers are morphologically distinguishable from that of Dinoflagellate Crythecodinium cohnii.However,incubation of dinoflagellate Cyrthecodinium cohnii chromosomes in the extracts from dinoflagellate Crythecodinium cohnii cells does not induce nuclear reconstitution.  相似文献   

Soluble cytokeratins in Xenopus laevis oocytes and eggs   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Xenopus oocytes contain a radial network of cytokeratins which seems to fragment during meiosis reinitiation (maturation). The mature egg contains only a cortical network of cytokeratins. We have looked for the presence of soluble cytokeratins in oocytes and unfertilized eggs and have found them in both cases. However, the proportion of soluble to insoluble cytokeratins is slightly higher in the egg than in the oocyte. Soluble cytokeratins incorporate 35S-methionine at a high rate in the oocyte but to a lesser extent in the egg. This suggests that they are biosynthetic intermediates in the oocyte. In the egg, at least a fraction of the soluble cytokeratins may arise from the fragmentation of the polymer which seems to occur during the maturation process. Insoluble cytokeratins are strongly labeled with 32P both in oocytes and eggs. On the other hand only the soluble keratins of the egg incorporate 32P. Since the isoelectric point of soluble and insoluble cytokeratins is the same in oocytes and eggs, their absolute level of phosphorylation probably remains relatively constant. This suggests that: i) phosphate turnover is very slow in oocyte soluble cytokeratins, ii) phosphorylation is not a major way of changing the structural state of cytokeratins in amphibian oocytes and eggs.  相似文献   

Mechanism of chromatin assembly in Xenopus oocytes   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
We have analyzed the chromatin assembly reaction catalyzed by the Xenopus oocyte extract (S-150). A 50 S complex is formed upon mixing the 17 S pUC DNA and the S-150. Mature histones are not detected in this complex, which contains relaxed DNA and protein, and generates subnucleosomal 7 S particles upon digestion with micrococcal nuclease. The relaxed nucleoprotein is gradually supercoiled into nucleosomal chromatin in the S-150, via a pathway that requires ATP and is blocked by novobiocin, and this process is accompanied by the appearance of mature histones H3 and H4. Isolated complexes also supercoil in vitro, which implies the complex is a kit that contains histone precursors, as well as topoisomerases and other enzymes required for assembly. We discuss the biological implications of these findings.  相似文献   

Taxol, a microtubule stabilizing drug, induces the formation of numerous microtubule asters in the cytoplasm of mitotic cells (De Brabander, M., G. Geuens, R. Nuydens, R. Willebrords, J. DeMey. 1981. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 78:5608-5612). The center of these asters share with spindle poles some characteristics such as the presence of centrosomal material and calmodulin. We have recently reproduced the assembly of taxol asters in a cell-free system (Buendia, B., C. Antony, F. Verde, M. Bornens, and E. Karsenti. 1990. J. Cell Sci. 97:259-271) using extracts of Xenopus eggs. In this paper, we show that taxol aster assembly requires phosphorylation, and that they do not grow from preformed centers, but rather by a reorganization of microtubules first crosslinked into bundles. This process seems to involve sliding of microtubules along each other and we show that cytoplasmic dynein is required for taxol aster assembly. This result provides a possible functional basis to the recent findings, that dynein is present in the spindle and enriched near spindle poles (Pfarr, C. M., M. Cove, P. M. Grissom, T. S. Hays, M. E. Porter, and J. R. McIntosh. 1990. Nature (Lond.). 345:263-265; Steuer, E. R., L. Wordeman, T. A. Schroer, and M. P. Sheetz. 1990. Nature (Lond.). 345:266-268).  相似文献   

Translational control by cytoplasmic polyadenylation in Xenopus oocytes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Elongation of the poly(A) tails of specific mRNAs in the cytoplasm is a crucial regulatory step in oogenesis and early development of many animal species. The best studied example is the regulation of translation by cytoplasmic polyadenylation elements (CPEs) in the 3' untranslated region of mRNAs involved in Xenopus oocyte maturation. In this review we discuss the mechanism of translational control by the CPE binding protein (CPEB) in Xenopus oocytes as follows: Finally we discuss some of the remaining questions regarding the mechanisms of translational regulation by cytoplasmic polyadenylation and give our view on where our knowledge is likely to be expanded in the near future.  相似文献   

The Xenopus laevis (African clawed frog) system has long been popular for studies of both developmental and cell biology, based on a variety of its intrinsic features including the large size of Xenopus oocytes, eggs, and embryos, and the relative ease of manipulation. Unfortunately, the large size has also been considered a serious impediment for high-resolution light microscopy, as has the heavy pigmentation. However, the recent development and exploitation of 4D imaging approaches, and the fact that much of what is of most interest to cell and developmental biologists takes place near the cell surface, indicates that such concerns are no longer valid. Consequently, the Xenopus system in many respects is now as good as other model systems considered to be ideal for microscopy-based studies. Here, 4D imaging and its recent applications to cytoskeletal imaging in Xenopus oocytes and eggs are discussed.  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic extracts prepared from Xenopus laevis eggs are used for the reconstitution of a wide range of processes in cell biology, and offer a unique environment in which to investigate the role of cytoplasmic mechanics without the complication of preorganized cellular structures. As a step toward understanding the mechanical properties of this system, we have characterized the rheology of crude interphase extracts. At macroscopic length scales, the extract forms a soft viscoelastic solid. Using a conventional mechanical rheometer, we measure the elastic modulus to be in the range of 2-10 Pa, and loss modulus in the range of 0.5-5 Pa. Using pharmacological and immunological disruption methods, we establish that actin filaments and microtubules cooperate to give mechanical strength, whereas the intermediate filament cytokeratin does not contribute to viscoelasticity. At microscopic length scales smaller than the average network mesh size, the response is predominantly viscous. We use multiple particle tracking methods to measure the thermal fluctuations of 1 microm embedded tracer particles, and measure the viscosity to be approximately 20 mPa-s. We explore the impact of rheology on actin-dependent cytoplasmic contraction, and find that although microtubules modulate contractile forces in vitro, their interactions are not purely mechanical.  相似文献   

Exogenous DNA is efficiently recombined when injected into the nuclei of Xenopus laevis oocytes. This reaction proceeds by a homologous resection-annealing mechanism which depends on the activity of a 5'-->3' exonuclease. Two possible functions for this recombination activity have been proposed: it may be a remnant of an early process in oogenesis, such as meiotic recombination or amplification of genes coding for rRNA, or it may reflect materials stored for embryogenesis. To test these hypotheses, recombination capabilities were examined with oocytes at various developmental stages. Late-stage oocytes performed only homologous recombination, whereas the smallest oocytes ligated the restriction ends of the injected DNA but supported no homologous recombination. This transition from ligation to recombination activity was also seen in nuclear extracts from these same stages. Exonuclease activity was measured in the nuclear extracts and found to be low in early stages and then to increase in parallel with recombination capacity in later stages. The accumulation of exonuclease and recombination activities during oogenesis suggests that they are stored for embryogenesis and are not present for oocyte-specific functions. Eggs were also tested and found to catalyze homologous recombination, ligation, and illegitimate recombination. Retention of homologous recombination in eggs is consistent with an embryonic function for the resection-annealing mechanism. The observation of all three reactions in eggs suggests that multiple pathways are available for the repair of double-strand breaks during the extremely rapid cleavage stages after fertilization.  相似文献   

Chromatin assembly in Xenopus oocytes: in vivo studies   总被引:67,自引:0,他引:67  
M Ryoji  A Worcel 《Cell》1984,37(1):21-32

We describe and characterize a complex reaction that catalyzes DNA supercoiling and chromatin assembly in vitro. A Xenopus oocyte extract supplemented with ATP and Mg++ converts DNA circles into minichromosomes that display a native, 200 bp periodicity. When supercoiled DNA is added to this extract it undergoes a time-dependent series of topological changes, which precisely mimic those found when the DNA is microinjected into oocytes. As judged by the conformation of the subsequently deproteinized DNA, the supercoiled DNA is first relaxed, in a reaction that takes 4 min, and then it is resupercoiled in a slower process that takes 4 hr. The relaxation is partially inhibited by EDTA, to an extent that suggests that that it is catalyzed by a type I DNA topoisomerase. The resupercoiling, on the other hand, requires ATP and Mg++, is completely inhibited by EDTA, and is inhibited by novobiocin in a manner that suggests it is catalyzed by a type II DNA topoisomerase. These findings, and the ones reported in the preceding paper (Ryoji and Worcel, 1984), lead us to propose that chromatin assembly is an active, ATP-driven process.  相似文献   

During the meiotic maturation of Xenopus oocytes, maternal mRNAs that lack a cytoplasmic polyadenylation element are deadenylated and translationally inactivated. In this report, we have characterized the regulation of poly(A) removal during maturation. Deadenylation in vivo is detected only after germinal vesicle breakdown and does not require de novo protein synthesis. Enucleated oocytes do not deadenylate either endogenous or microinjected RNAs upon maturation, indicating that a nuclear component is required for poly(A) removal. Whole cell extracts prepared from both immature and mature oocytes deadenylate exogenous RNA substrates in vitro. Deadenylation activity is not detected in isolated nuclear or cytoplasmic extracts obtained from immature oocytes, but is reconstituted when these fractions are combined in vitro. These results indicate that the factors required for deadenylation activity are present in immature oocytes, but that poly(A) removal is prevented by the sequestration of one or more of these components within the nucleus. Maturation-specific deadenylation of maternal mRNAs occurs upon the release of nuclear factors into the cytoplasm at germinal vesicle breakdown.  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic polyadenylation controls the translation of several maternal mRNAs during Xenopus oocyte maturation and requires two sequences in the 3' untranslated region (UTR), the U-rich cytoplasmic polyadenylation element (CPE), and the hexanucleotide AAUAAA. c-mos mRNA is polyadenylated and translated soon after the induction of maturation, and this protein kinase is necessary for a kinase cascade culminating in cdc2 kinase (MPF) activation. Other mRNAs are polyadenylated later, around the time of cdc2 kinase activation. To determine whether there is a hierarchy in the cytoplasmic polyadenylation of maternal mRNAs, we ablated c-mos mRNA with an antisense oligonucleotide. This prevented histone B4 and cyclin A1 and B1 mRNA polyadenylation, indicating that the polyadenylation of these mRNAs is Mos dependent. To investigate a possible role of cdc2 kinase in this process, cyclin B was injected into oocytes lacking c-mos mRNA. cdc2 kinase was activated, but mitogen-activated protein kinase was not. However, polyadenylation of cyclin B1 and histone B4 mRNA was still observed. This demonstrates that cdc2 kinase can induce cytoplasmic polyadenylation in the absence of Mos. Our data further indicate that although phosphorylation of the CPE binding protein may be involved in the induction of Mos-dependent polyadenylation, it is not required for Mos-independent polyadenylation. We characterized the elements conferring Mos dependence (Mos response elements) in the histone B4 and cyclin B1 mRNAs by mutational analysis. For histone B4 mRNA, the Mos response elements were in the coding region or 5' UTR. For cyclin B1 mRNA, the main Mos response element was a CPE that overlaps with the AAUAAA hexanucleotide. This indicates that the position of the CPE can have a profound influence on the timing of cytoplasmic polyadenylation.  相似文献   

Quantitation of type II topoisomerase in oocytes and eggs of Xenopus laevis   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
We have generated a monoclonal antibody and a polyclonal antiserum specific for Xenopus laevis topoisomerase II. Using quantitative immunoprecipitation and Western blotting techniques, we have determined the content of topoisomerase II in X. laevis oocytes during oogenesis and in unfertilized eggs. An average stage I oocyte contains 6 pg of topoisomerase II. The content of topoisomerase II per oocyte increases throughout oogenesis to 1.5 ng per stage VI oocyte. The topoisomerase II protein in stage VI oocytes is stored in the germinal vesicles. The cellular content of type II topoisomerase increases significantly when stage VI oocytes are hormonally stimulated to mature into unfertilized eggs.  相似文献   

Periodic DNA synthesis in cell-free extracts of Xenopus eggs.   总被引:12,自引:5,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
Cell-free extracts prepared from unfertilized eggs of Xenopus laevis support DNA synthesis on sperm pronuclei. Continuous labelling studies using [3H]dCTP and pulse labelling studies using [32P]dCTP demonstrate that synthesis occurs in short bursts of 40 min, which are punctuated by periods of 20-40 min during which no synthesis occurs. Density substitution experiments using bromodeoxyuridine demonstrate that this synthesis involves the initiation of replication and reveals that re-initiation events can occur following multiple bursts of replication. The periodic properties of these extracts are sensitive to protein synthesis inhibitors.  相似文献   

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