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Electron microscopy of thin sections of dormant and germinating spores of Bacillus subtilis 168 revealed a progressive change in the structure of the cortex, outer spore coat, and inner spore coat. The initial changes were observed in the cortex region, which showed a loose fibrous network within 10 min of germination, and in the outer spore coat, which began to be sloughed off. The permeability of the complex outer spore layers was modified within 10 min, since, at this time, the internal structures of the spore coat were readily stainable. A nicking degradation action of the laminated inner spore coat began at 20 min, and this progressed for the next 20 min leading to the loosening of the inner spore coat. By 30 min, the outer spore coat showed signs of disintegration, and at 40 min, both the outer and inner spore coats were degraded extensively. At 30 to 40 min, a period just preceding net deoxyribonucleic acid synthesis, mesosomes became very prominent in the inner spore core and the cell wall began to thicken around the spore core. At 50 min, an emerging cell was observed, and by 60 min, there was clear evidence for elongation of the emerging cell and the presence of two nuclear bodies. At 90 min, elongation had been followed by the first cell division. There was evidence for spore coat fragments at the opposite poles of the dividing cell.  相似文献   

Bacillus subtilis strains lacking penicillin-binding protein 1 (PBP1), encoded by ponA, required greater amounts of Mg2+ or Ca2+ for vegetative growth or spore outgrowth than the wild-type strain and strains lacking other high-molecular-weight (HMW) PBPs. Growth of ponA cells in a medium low in Mg2+ also resulted in greatly increased cell bending compared to wild-type cells or cells lacking other HMW PBPs. The addition of high levels of Mg2+ to growth media eliminated these phenotypes of a ponA mutant. In contrast to the effects of divalent cations, NaCl did not restore ponA cell growth in a divalent-cation-deficient medium. Surprisingly, wild-type cells swelled and then lysed during both vegetative growth and spore outgrowth when 500 mM NaCl was included in a divalent-cation-deficient medium. Again, Mg2+ addition was sufficient to allow normal vegetative growth and spore outgrowth of both wild-type and ponA cells in a medium with 500 mM NaCl. These studies demonstrate that (i) while HMW PBPs possess largely redundant functions in rich medium, when divalent cations are limiting, PBP1 is required for cell growth and spore outgrowth; and (ii) high levels of NaCl induce cell lysis in media deficient in divalent cations during both vegetative growth and spore outgrowth.  相似文献   

Alanine and glucose used jointly are known to be necessary and sufficient for spore germination in Bacillus subtilis 168. By testing them separately, we have verified that alanine provokes optimal phase-darkening of the spores but inhibits macromolecular syntheses, while glucose is specifically needed for initiating those syntheses. By using them in succession we obtained evidence suggesting that: (i) sporal modifications which lead to phase-darkening must occur before macromolecular synthesis can start; (ii) the amino acid pool, on which the early protein synthesis is solely dependent, expands during incubation in alanine which allows degradative but prevents synthetic activities; and (iii) progression of degradations in alanine not promptly followed by syntheses in glucose produce a metabolic imbalance in the germinating spore. A sharp transition in the origin of building blocks was shown by using a tryptophan-defective mutant. At first the synthesis of proteins depended on pre-existing amino acids from turnover of sporal material since it occurred in the absence of any exogenous amino acid and its rate remained unaltered by supplying either all amino acids except tryptophan or tryptophan alone. Eventually, protein synthesis became dependent strictly on exogenous tryptophan and strongly on the supply of several other amino acids, not required later during vegetative growth. Clearly, by the start of outgrowth, all building blocks must be provided either by endogenous de novo synthesis or by exogenous supply.  相似文献   

A strain of Bacillus subtilis, UVSSP-42-1, which produces ultraviolet (UV)-sensitive spores and vegetative cells, was found to possess germinated spores 25 times more UV resistant than the resting spores. This relative resistance achieved upon germination was associated with the transition of the heat-resistant refractile spores to the heat-sensitive phase-dark forms. Several generations of outgrowth were required before the cells attained the level of UV sensitivity characteristic of the vegetative cell. The UV sensitivity of germinated spores was compared with other strains with various combinations of mutations affecting deoxyribonucleic acid repair capabilities. The presence of hcr and ssp mutations which are known to abolish the removal of photoproducts from deoxyribonucleic acid did not alter significantly the sensitivity of the germinated forms. However, the addition of the recA mutation and, to some extent, the pol mutation increased the UV sensitivity of the germinated spores. These results indicate that deoxyribonucleic acid repair mechanisms dependent on the recA gene are active in the germinated spores. The chemical nature of the damage repaired by the recA gene product is not known. This study indicates that the life cycle of sporulating bacilli consists of at least three photobiologically distinct forms: spore, germinated spore, and vegetative cell.  相似文献   

The biosynthesis of 14 protein bands from 50S ribosomes was studied during the outgrowth of Bacillus subtilis W23 spores. The time at which the synthesis of each protein band begins and the patterns of synthesis that each displays were determined by comparing the incorporation of (3)H-phenylalanine during five intervals throughout the first hour of outgrowth with the incorporation of (14)C-phenylalanine between 145 and 150 min. The majority of the proteins in the 14 bands analyzed were synthesized as early as 5 to 10 min. The bands could be grouped on the basis of their labeling patterns as well as the time required for them to achieve a high rate of synthesis. Three bands did not achieve a high rate of synthesis until after 30 min of outgrowth, and at least one of the proteins from these bands appeared to be located on the exterior of the 50S subunit. The significance of the proteins from these three bands is discussed in terms of the late formation of new, mature 50S subunits during outgrowth.  相似文献   

Germination of Bacillus subtilis spores is normally initiated when nutrients from the environment interact with germinant receptors (GRs) in the spores'' inner membrane (IM), in which most of the lipids are immobile. GRs and another germination protein, GerD, colocalize in the IM of dormant spores in a small focus termed the “germinosome,” and this colocalization or focus formation is dependent upon GerD, which is also essential for rapid GR-dependent spore germination. To determine the fate of the germinosome and germination proteins during spore germination and outgrowth, we employed differential interference microscopy and epifluorescence microscopy to track germinating spores with fluorescent fusions to germination proteins and used Western blot analyses to measure germination protein levels. We found that after initiation of spore germination, the germinosome foci ultimately changed into larger disperse patterns, with ≥75% of spore populations displaying this pattern in spores germinated for 1 h, although >80% of spores germinated for 30 min retained the germinosome foci. Western blot analysis revealed that levels of GR proteins and the SpoVA proteins essential for dipicolinic acid release changed minimally during this period, although GerD levels decreased ∼50% within 15 min in germinated spores. Since the dispersion of the germinosome during germination was slower than the decrease in GerD levels, either germinosome stability is not compromised by ∼2-fold decreases in GerD levels or other factors, such as restoration of rapid IM lipid mobility, are also significant in germinosome dispersion as spore germination proceeds.  相似文献   

There is a lack of data for how the viability of biological agents may degrade over time in different environments. In this study, experiments were conducted to determine the persistence of Bacillus anthracis and Bacillus subtilis spores on outdoor materials with and without exposure to simulated sunlight, using ultraviolet (UV)-A/B radiation. Spores were inoculated onto glass, wood, concrete, and topsoil and recovered after periods of 2, 14, 28, and 56 days. Recovery and inactivation kinetics for the two species were assessed for each surface material and UV exposure condition. Results suggest that with exposure to UV, decay of spore viability for both Bacillus species occurs in two phases, with an initial rapid decay, followed by a slower inactivation period. The exception was with topsoil, in which there was minimal loss of spore viability in soil over 56 days, with or without UV exposure. The greatest loss in viable spore recovery occurred on glass with UV exposure, with nearly a four log10 reduction after just two days. In most cases, B. subtilis had a slower rate of decay than B. anthracis, although less B. subtilis was recovered initially.  相似文献   

Susceptibility of germinating spores of Bacillus subtilis to a rapid chilling was examined by viable countings. Dormant spores were quite resistant to the cold shock but the spores, immediately upon germination, lose viability almost completely by the same treatment. The presence of divalent cation, magnesium, calcium or manganese, in a buffer to which the germinating spores were suspended, markedly protected the cells from the death by the cold shock effect. When the shocked cells were incubated in the buffer containing casein acid hydrolyzate, glucose and magnesium ion for short period of time, a remarkable increase in viable counts was observed. The existence of two critical temperature zones, which were determined by the initial temperature of cell suspension, was confirmed in the cold shock of germinating spores.  相似文献   

Completed Chromosomes in Thymine-Requiring Bacillus subtilis Spores   总被引:11,自引:10,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Origin:terminus genetic marker ratios (both purA: metB and purA:ilvA) were measured in extracts of spores of Bacillus subtilis strains W23 thy his and 168 thy. For strain W23 thy his, normalized to W23 spore deoxyribonucleic acid, both ratios were equal to unity and were consistent with the presence of only completed chromosomes in the spores. The same ratios in extracts of spores of 168 thy, normalized to strain 168 or the prototroph SB19, were abnormal, i.e., 2.26 +/- 0.10 and 0.71 +/- 0.06 for purA:metB and purA:ilvA, respectively. These values were unaffected by the extent of extraction of the spore deoxyribonucleic acid, the richness of the medium on which they are formed, and the thymine phenotype. The high ratio for purA:metB is in agreement with the results of earlier workers but, because of the low purA:ilvA ratio, cannot be explained simply by the presence of partially replicated chromosomes in spores of strain 168 thy. Furthermore, purA:leuA in such extracts is 1.01 +/- 0.06, consistent with the presence of only completed chromosomes. It is concluded that the abnormal origin:terminus marker ratios are only apparent and result from non-isogenicity between strains 168 thy and 168 in the metB thyB ilvA chromosome region introduced during construction of 168 thy by transformation of strain 168 with W23 thy deoxyribonucleic acid. It is concluded further that the chromosomes of strain 168 thy spores are in a completed form.  相似文献   

The onset of macromolecular synthesis in activated spores of Bacillus cereus occurs under conditions in which the amino acids and nucleotides to be used for building proteins and nucleic acids must be derived only from stored pools and turnover of macromolecules of the spore. Upon addition of the factors required to initiate germination, (14)C-uracil is incorporated with a lag of 30 to 60 sec; (14)C-amino acids, with a lag of 3 to 4 min. The progression of protein synthesis during germination has been studied, and the results suggest three phases of development of the protein synthetic pattern of these germinating spores. The initial synthesis which occurs during the early part of germination is limited to only a few proteins. When the initiated spores are put in a medium containing a complete set of growth requirements and outgrowth ensues, the cells synthesize a large number of different proteins so that the distribution of radioactivity into different fractions appears to be a continuous function. At a later time during outgrowth, the distribution of synthetic rates among the different proteins becomes more representative of that found during vegetative growth.  相似文献   

Spores of Bacillus subtilis MD2 and Bacillus subtilis var. niger were heat activated for different times at 60° and 80°C. Strain MD2 required considerable heat activation while B. subtilis var. niger did not. Maximum germination rates increased with heat activation dose and declined subsequently without loss of germinability. Germination rates and percentages were considerably greater in tryptone glucose extract (TGE) than in nutrient broth. The addition of 2°° dimethyl sulphoxide did not increase germination in nutrient broth. The spores of var. niger are more resistant to dry-heat than MD2 although they are less resistant to moist heat. Survivor curves in the dry-heat range 140°-170°C gave D-values from 4–123 to 0.106 min for MD2 and 5.679 to 0.233 min for var. niger recovered on TGE agar. D-values were lower on poorer media. The z-values for MD2 and var. niger on TGE were 18.7°C and 21.25C respectively.  相似文献   

Resistance and Structure of Spores of Bacillus subtilis   总被引:6,自引:5,他引:1  
Spores of Bacillus subtilis NCDO 2130 were produced on five different media and their structure and resistance to chemicals, to heat and to ultraviolet (uv) irradiation compared. Resistance to one chemical was not necessarily related to resistance to another, to uv irradiation or to heat. Spores with the smallest protoplasts and largest cortices were most resistant to heat, while the least resistant were those in which the protoplasts became electron dense after staining and which had the lowest concentrations of calcium and dipicolinic acid.  相似文献   

The sporicidal activity of components used in liquid and solid rocket propellants was tested by use of spores of Bacillus subtilis dried on powdered glass. Liquid propellant ingredients tested were N2O4, monomethylhydrazine and 1,1-dimethylhydrazine. N2O4 was immediately sporicidal; the hydrazines were effective within several days. Solid propellants consisted of ammonium perchlorate in combination with epoxy resin (EPON 828), tris-1-(2-methyl) aziridinyl phosphine oxide, bis-1-(2-methyl) aziridinyl phenylphosphine oxide, and three modified polybutadiene polymers. There was no indication of appreciable sporicidal activity of these components.  相似文献   

A procedure for the isolation of exo-beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase mutants, by using a plate assay method incorporating a fluorescent substrate, has been developed. A mutant lacking exo-beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase activity has been isolated and shown to grow, divide, autolyze, and sporulate as well as the parental strain.  相似文献   

Bacterial spores in a metabolically dormant state can survive long periods without nutrients under extreme environmental conditions. The molecular basis of spore dormancy is not well understood, but the distribution and physical state of water within the spore is thought to play an important role. Two scenarios have been proposed for the spore’s core region, containing the DNA and most enzymes. In the gel scenario, the core is a structured macromolecular framework permeated by mobile water. In the glass scenario, the entire core, including the water, is an amorphous solid and the quenched molecular diffusion accounts for the spore’s dormancy and thermal stability. Here, we use 2H magnetic relaxation dispersion to selectively monitor water mobility in the core of Bacillus subtilis spores in the presence and absence of core Mn2+ ions. We also report and analyze the solid-state 2H NMR spectrum from these spores. Our NMR data clearly support the gel scenario with highly mobile core water (∼25 ps average rotational correlation time). Furthermore, we find that the large depot of manganese in the core is nearly anhydrous, with merely 1.7% on average of the maximum sixfold water coordination.  相似文献   

Peptide Synthesis by Extracts from Bacillus subtilis Spores   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0  
Cell-free peptide synthesis by extracts from vegetative cells and spores of Bacillus subtilis was analyzed and compared. The initial rate of phenylalanine incorporation in a polyuridylate-directed system was found to be in a similar range for the two extracts. However, spore extracts frequently incorporated less total phenylalanine as did the vegetative cell system. Optimal conditions for amino acid incorporation by spore extracts were found to be similar to those of vegetative cell extracts. Polyphenylalanine synthesis was stimulated by preincubation of both extracts prior to the addition of polyuridylic acid (poly U) and labeled phenylalanine. Both systems showed a dependence on an energy-generating system and were inhibited by chloramphenicol and puromycin. Ribonuclease, but not deoxyribonuclease, inhibited the reaction significantly. The presence of methionine transfer ribonucleic acid (tRNA(F)) and methionyl-tRNA(F) transformylase was demonstrated in spore extracts. An analysis of several aminoacyl-tRNAs in spores revealed that the relative amounts of these tRNAs were similar to those found in vegetative cells. Only lysine tRNA was found to be present in relatively greater amounts in spores. These results indicate that dormant spores of B. subtilis contain the machinery for the translation of genetic information.  相似文献   

Bacterial spores are being consumed as probiotics, although little is known about their efficacy or mode of action. As a first step in characterizing spore probiotics, we have studied the persistence and dissemination of Bacillus subtilis spores given orally to mice. Our results have shown that spores do not appear to disseminate across the mucosal surfaces. However, we found that the number of spores excreted in the feces of mice was, in some experiments, larger than the original inoculum. This was an intriguing result and might be explained by germination of a proportion of the spore inoculum in the intestinal tract, followed by limited rounds of cell growth and then sporulation again. This result raises the interesting question of whether it is the spore or the germinated spore that contributes to the probiotic effect of bacterial spores.  相似文献   

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