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The effects of racemization of aspartic acid on triple-helical formation have been studied using a "host-guest" peptide approach where selected guest Gly-Xaa-Yaa triplets were included within a common acetyl-(Gly-Pro-Hyp)3-Gly-Xaa-Yaa-(Gly-Pro-Hyp)4-Gly-Gly-amide frame-work. Four guest triplets, Gly-Asp-Hyp and Gly-Asp-Ala where Asp is either L-Asp or D-Asp were studied. Thermal stability data indicated that incorporation of D-Asp residues prevented triple-helix formation in phosphate buffered saline, although triple-helical structures were formed in a stabilizing solvent, 67% aqueous ethylene glycol. In this solvent the melting temperatures of D-Asp containing peptides were more than 30 degrees C lower than the corresponding peptides containing L-Asp. For Gly-Asp-Ala peptides, but not Gly-Asp-Hyp, peptides, melting profiles indicated that a mixture of the D- and L-Asp containing peptides were able to form heterotrimer triple-helical molecules. These studies illustrate the dramatic destabilizing effect of D-amino acids on the triple-helix stability, but indicate that they can be accommodated in this conformation.  相似文献   

The single-crystal structures of three collagen-like host-guest peptides, (Pro-Pro-Gly)(4) -Hyp-Yaa-Gly-(Pro-Pro-Gly)(4) [Yaa = Thr, Val, Ser; Hyp = (4R)-4-hydroxyproline] were analyzed at atomic resolution. These peptides adopted a 7/2-helical structure similar to that of the (Pro-Pro-Gly)(9) peptide. The stability of these triple helices showed a similar tendency to that observed in Ac-(Gly-Hyp-Yaa)(10) -NH(2) (Yaa = Thr, Val, Ser) peptides. On the basis of their detailed structures, the differences in the triple-helical stabilities of the peptides containing a Hyp-Thr-Gly, Hyp-Val-Gly, or Hyp-Ser-Gly sequence were explained in terms of van der Waals interactions and dipole-dipole interaction between the Hyp residue in the X position and the Yaa residue in the Y position involved in the Hyp(X):Yaa(Y) stacking pair. This idea also explains the inability of Ac-(Gly-Hyp-alloThr)(10) -NH(2) and Ac-(Gly-Hyp-Ala)(10) -NH(2) peptides to form triple helices. In the Hyp(X):Thr(Y), Hyp(X):Val(Y), and Hyp(X):Ser(Y) stacking pairs, the proline ring of the Hyp residues adopts an up-puckering conformation, in agreement with the residual preference of Hyp, but in disagreement with the positional preference of X in the Gly-Xaa-Yaa sequence.  相似文献   

K Suto  H Noda 《Biopolymers》1974,13(11):2385-2390
As model peptides of collagen, (Pro-Pro-Gly)n (n = 10, 12, 14, and 15) and (Pro-Pro-Gly)n(Ala-Pro-Gly)m(Pro-Pro-Gly)n (2n + m = 15; m = 1, 3, and 5) were synthesized by the solid-phase method. The final products were pure when checked by high-voltage paper electrophoresis and by amino acid analysis. Elemental composition was also examined.  相似文献   

Derivatization of 4-hydroxyproline (Hyp) in collagen using trifluoroacetylation and methanol esterification produces two derivatives when analyzed by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS). The diacyl derivative N,O-bis(trifluoroacetyl)-4-hydroxy-L-proline methyl ester (N,O-TFA-Hyp) formed in this manner has a shorter retention time and different fragmentation pattern by GC/MS as compared to the slower eluting monoacetylated species N-trifluoroacetyl-4-hydroxy-L-proline methyl ester (N-TFA-Hyp). By selected ion monitoring of the appropriate ions of either N,O-TFA-Hyp (m/z 164, 278) or N-TFA-Hyp (m/z 164, 182) efficient quantitation of Hyp in collagen is possible within the broad range of 5-1000 ng with a lower limit of detection of 0.5 ng per injection. Measurement of 18O2 incorporation into collagen is possible by selected ion monitoring of the m/z 182 ion formed only from the monoacetylated derivative, N-TFA-Hyp, produced by methanol solvolysis of the N,O-TFA-Hyp derivative, as proposed herein.  相似文献   

4(R)-Hydroxyproline in the Yaa position of the -Gly-Xaa-Yaa-repeated sequence of collagen plays a crucial role in the stability of the triple helix. Since the peptide (4(R)-Hyp-Pro-Gly)10 does not form a triple helix, it was generally believed that polypeptides with a -Gly-4(R)-Hyp-Yaa-repeated sequence do not form a triple helix. Recently, we found that acetyl-(Gly-4(R)-Hyp-Thr)10-NH2 forms a triple helix in aqueous solutions. To further study the role of 4(R)-hydroxyproline in the Xaa position, we made a series of acetyl-(Gly-4(R)-Hyp-Yaa)10-NH2 peptides where Yaa was alanine, serine, valine, and allo-threonine. We previously hypothesized that the hydroxyl group of threonine might form a hydrogen bond to the hydroxyl group of 4(R)hydroxyproline. In water, only the threonine- and the valine-containing peptides were triple helical. The remaining peptides did not form a triple helix in water. In 1,2- and in 1,3-propanediol at 4 degrees C, all the soluble peptides were triple helical. From the transition temperature of the triple helices, it was found that among the examined residues, threonine was the most stable residue in the acetyl-(Gly-4(R)-Hyp-Yaa)10-NH2 peptide. The transition temperatures of the valine- and allo-threonine-containing peptides were 10 degrees lower than those of the threonine peptide. Surprisingly, the serine-containing peptide was the least stable. These results indicate that the stability of these peptides depends on the presence of a methyl group as well as the hydroxyl group and that the stereo configuration of the two groups is essential for the stability. In the threonine peptide, we hypothesize that the methyl group shields the interchain hydrogen bond between the glycine and the Xaa residue from water and that the hydroxyl groups of threonine and 4(R)hydroxyproline can form direct or water-mediated hydrogen bonds.  相似文献   

The position of 3-hydroxyproline was investigated in the triplet sequences of peptides released by collagenase digestion of a collagen preparation from kidney cortex. Composition of the collagen preparation indicated that it was largely or wholly of basement membrane origin. 3-Hydroxyproline was detected in only one sequence, the tripeptide, glycyl-3-hydroxyprolyl-4-hydroxyproline, which accounted for a major fraction of the total 3-hydroxyproline obtained in the peptides released by collagenase. Preliminary data, based on sequencing the peptide mixture released by collagenase treatment, suggested that, in contrast, 4-hydroxyproline occurs predominantly if not exclusively in the Y position of Gly-X-Y triplet sequences in the collagen preparation studied.  相似文献   

Glucosylation of galactosylhydroxylysyl residues in various collagen polypeptide chains and in small peptides prepared from collagen was studied in vitro using collagen glucosyltransferase purified about 200 to 500-fold from extract prepared from chick embryos. When various denatured polypeptide or peptide chains were compared as substrates for the enzyme, no significant differences were found between citrate-soluble collagens from normal or lathyritic rats and isolated alpha1 and alpha2 chains. In contrast, gelatinized insoluble calf skin collagen, and peptides prepared from collagen and having an average molecular weight of about 500 were clearly less effective substrates as judged from their Km and V values. A marked difference was found between native and heat-denatured citrate-soluble collagen in that no synthesis of glucosylgalactosylhydroxylysine was observed with the native collagen when the reaction was studied at 30 degrees C with different times, enzyme concentrations, and substrate concentrations. When the reaction was studied as a function of temperature, little glucosylation of native collagen was observed below 37 degrees C, but there was a sharp transition in the rate of glucosylation of native collagen at temperatures above 37 degrees C, similar to that observable in the melting curve of collagen. The data suggest that triple-helical conformation of collagen prevents that glucosylation of galactosylhydroxylysyl residues.  相似文献   

Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) analyses of a series of collagen model peptides suggest that 4-hydroxyproline (Hyp) and 4-fluoroproline (fPro) have different effects on the stability of the collagen triple helices according to the sequence of amino acids and stereochemistry at the 4 positions of these imino acids. The thermodynamic parameters indicate that the enhanced stabilities are classified into two different types: the enthalpy term is primarily responsible for the enhanced stability of the triple helix of (Pro-Hyp(R)-Gly)(10), whereas the entropy term dominates the enhanced stability of (Pro-fPro(R)-Gly)(10). The difference between the molecular volumes observed in solution and intrinsic molecular volumes calculated from the crystal structure indicates the different hydration states of these peptides. (Pro-Hyp(R)-Gly)(10) is highly hydrated compared to (Pro-Pro-Gly)(10), which contributes to the larger enthalpy. In contrast, the volume of (Pro-fPro(R)-Gly)(10) shows a smaller degree of hydration than that of (Pro-Pro-Gly)(10). The entropic cost of forming the triple helix of the fPro-containing peptides is compensated by a decrease in an ordered structure of water molecules surrounding the peptide molecule, although the contribution of enthalpy originating from the hydration is reduced. These arguments about the different contribution of entropic and enthalpic terms were successfully applied to interpret the stability of the triple helix of (fPro(S)-Pro-Gly)(10) as well.  相似文献   

Because of its unique physical and chemical properties, rat tail tendon collagen has long been favored for crystallographic and biochemical studies of fibril structure. In studies of the distribution of 3-hydroxyproline in type I collagen of rat bone, skin, and tail tendon by mass spectrometry, the repeating sequences of Gly-Pro-Pro (GPP) triplets at the C terminus of α1(I) and α2(I) chains were shown to be heavily 3-hydroxylated in tendon but not in skin and bone. By isolating the tryptic peptides and subjecting them to Edman sequence analysis, the presence of repeating 3-hydroxyprolines in consecutive GPP triplets adjacent to 4-hydroxyproline was confirmed as a unique feature of the tendon collagen. A 1960s study by Piez et al. (Piez, K. A., Eigner, E. A., and Lewis, M. S. (1963) Biochemistry 2, 58-66) in which they compared the amino acid compositions of rat skin and tail tendon type I collagen chains indeed showed 3-4 residues of 3Hyp in tendon α1(I) and α2(I) chains but only one 3Hyp residue in skin α1(I) and none in α2(I). The present work therefore confirms this difference and localizes the additional 3Hyp to the GPP repeat at the C terminus of the triple-helix. We speculate on the significance in terms of a potential function in contributing to the unique assembly mechanism and molecular packing in tendon collagen fibrils and on mechanisms that could regulate 3-hydroxylation at this novel substrate site in a tissue-specific manner.  相似文献   

The phenylthiohydantoin (PTH) derivatives of 3- and 4-hydroxyproline (Hyp) were separated using micellar electrokinetic capillary electrophoresis (MEKC). The separation protocol was also used to determine Hyp content of bovine skeletal perimysial collagen preparations and whole muscle samples. Amino acids from hydrolyzed tissues were labeled using a two step procedure that involved initial reaction with o-phthalaldehyde (OPA) to modify primary amines followed by their precipitation under acidic conditions. In the second step, imino acids were reacted with phenyl isothiocyanate (PITC). This labeling method was rapid and the Hyp values determined in these biological samples were found to be in close agreement with conventional methods and other published reports.  相似文献   

Recently, the ability of polymeric collagen-like peptides to regulate cell behavior has generated great interest. A triple-helical peptide known as collagen-related peptide (CRP) contains the sequence (Gly-Pro-Hyp)(10). With Gly-Pro-Cys triplets appended to both of its termini, designated CRP(cys), chemical cross-linking using heterobifunctional reagents generates CRP(cys)-XL, a potent, widely used, polymeric agonist for platelet Glycoprotein VI, whereas non-cross-linked, monomeric CRP(cys) antagonizes Glycoprotein VI. Here, we describe how cysteine in these triplets may also undergo random air-induced oxidation, especially upon prolonged storage or repeated freeze-thawing, to form disulphide bonds, resulting in a lesser degree of polymerization than with chemical cross-linking. We investigated the monomeric and polymeric states of these and other cysteine-containing collagen-derived peptides, using gel filtration and dynamic light scattering, allowing the size of a CRP-XL aggregate to be estimated. The effect of cysteine thiols upon peptide adsorption to surfaces and subsequent platelet responses was investigated. This demonstrated that cysteine is required for strong binding to glass coverslips and to plastic plates used in ELISA assays.  相似文献   

J Ohms  T Ackermann 《Biochemistry》1990,29(22):5237-5244
The thermal denaturation of a series of oligoribonucleotides of the form rAxUy (x = 5 or 7 and y = 3-11) has been characterized by means of IR spectroscopy, UV spectroscopy, and DSC. IR spectra proved the occurrence of double- and triple-helical regions at various contents of uracil residues in the nucleotide. From DSC measurements transition enthalpies, entropies, and free enthalpies were derived. The effect of fraying in terminal base pairs of symmetrical nucleotides (x = y) was quantified. Thermodynamic excess parameters due to dangling ends (5'A and 3'U), terminal AU base pairs, and UAU base triplets were obtained by comparing DSC results from different nucleotides. Empirical values for contributions of base stacking and pairing to the stability of terminal AU base pairs have been estimated: for nucleotides under study with a high degree of fraying at the ends of the helix the major stabilization effect comes from base stacking. The size of the cooperative unit lambda in most nucleotides under study is larger than 1; i.e., in these cases intermolecular cooperation takes place. Through deconvolution of DSC data maximum populations of intermediate states FI,max were obtained. On the basis of these results all nucleotides under study were proved to melt in multistate manner. FI,max increases with the number of base pairs, decreases through dangling ends, and shows approximately constant values for triple-helical aggregates of the series rA5Uy as well as rA7Uy.  相似文献   

One common and characteristic feature of the extension peptides of mitochondrial enzyme precursors is the presence of repeating short stretches of uncharged amino acids linked by basic amino acids. We synthesized several model peptides having this particular feature of the extension peptides. The peptides contained arginine or lysine as a basic amino acid residue linking sequences of two to four residues of leucine and alanine. We examined the effects of the peptides on the import of the precursors of two mitochondrial enzymes, cytochrome P-450(SCC) and adrenodoxin, and found that the peptides were generally inhibitory to the import of the precursors into mitochondria. The effective concentrations of some of the inhibitory peptides were as low as a few microM. The peptides containing lysine instead of arginine had an essentially similar inhibitory effect on the import. The peptides did not inhibit the binding of pre-P450(SCC) to the surface of mitochondria. The synthetic model peptides uncoupled oxidative phosphorylation of mitochondria prepared from either rat liver or bovine adrenal cortex, and induced leakage of enzymes from the inner compartments of mitochondria. However, the synthetic model peptides did not solubilize membrane-bound enzymes from mitochondria, suggesting that their effect on the membranes is different from that of detergents. The synthetic model peptides seem to bind to the membranes causing significant perturbation in the membrane structure, which is possibly related to the functions of the particular common sequence found in the extension peptides of mitochondrial enzyme precursors.  相似文献   

The aggregation behavior of peptides Ac‐VQIVYK‐amide (AcPHF6) and Ac‐QIVYK‐amide (AcPHF5) from the amyloidogenic protein tau was examined by atomic force microscopy (AFM) and fluorescence microscopy. Although AcPHF5 did not show enhancement of thioflavin T (ThT) fluorescence in aqueous buffer, distinct aggregates were discernible when peptide was dissolved in organic solvents such as methanol (MeOH), trifluoroethanol (TFE), and hexafluoroisopropanol (HFIP) dried on mica and examined by AFM. Self‐association was evident even though the peptide did not have the propensity to form secondary structures in the organic solvents. In dried films, the peptide adopts predominantly β‐conformation which results in the formation of distinct aggregates. ThT fluorescence spectra and fluorescence images indicate the formation of fibrils when AcPHF6 solutions in organic solvents were diluted into buffer. AcPHF6 had the ability to organize into fibrillar structures when AFM samples were prepared from peptide dissolved in MeOH, TFE, HFIP, and also when diluted into buffer. AcPHF6 showed propensity for β‐structure in aqueous buffer. In MeOH and TFE, AcPHF6 showed helical and β‐structure. Morphology of the fibrils was dependent on peptide conformation in the organic solvents. The structures observed for AcPHF6 are formed rapidly and long incubation periods in the solvents are not necessary. The structures with varying morphologies observed for AcPHF5 and AcPHF6 appear to be mediated by surfaces such as mica and the organic solvents used for dissolution of the peptides. Copyright © 2009 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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