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Migratory birds have less time for moulting than sedentary birds, which may force them to produce their feathers faster at the expense of reducing feather quality. However, the effects of migration on the trade-off between moult speed and plumage quality remain to be studied in natural populations. We analysed the relationship between growth rate and quality of individual feathers, taking advantage of natural variation between migratory and sedentary populations of blackcaps Sylvia atricapilla . As predicted by life-history theory, individual blackcaps showed variable individual quality, which was revealed by positive correlations between feather growth rate and feather mass within populations. However, migrants grew up their feathers faster, producing lighter feathers than sedentary blackcaps. These results support the idea that feather growth rate and feather quality are traded against each other in blackcaps. Such a trade-off is apparently caused by different selection associated to migratory and sedentary life styles, which opens new insights into the diversification of moult patterns in birds.  © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2009, 97 , 98–105.  相似文献   

We studied fluctuating asymmetry and feather growth rates as indicators of fitness of blackcaps ( Sylvia atricapilla ) breeding at the border of their distribution range in the Iberian Peninsula. Iberian blackcaps increase their abundance with increasing rainfall and ground cover of brambles. In border habitats, they are sedentary and morphologically different from migrants, suggesting that they could be adapted to peripheral conditions. We tested whether juvenile body condition depends on (1) distance from the centre of the range, (2) mean precipitation or (3) bramble cover. Controlling for environmental variation, we tested for differences between migratory and sedentary populations. Body condition varied across the Iberian gradient in parallel with changes in precipitation. Controlling for this effect, sedentary populations were in better body condition than migratory populations. Our results support the idea that environmental heterogeneity causes fitness to fluctuate across species' ranges, and also that local adaptation may mean that peripheral populations are more than a 'tail end' of the species.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London . Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 78 , 479–488.  相似文献   

The ancestral conditions that permit the evolution of extravagant secondary sexual characters are of considerable theoretical and empirical interest because they allow identification of necessary ecological conditions, but also allow empirical tests of models of female mate preferences. We investigated the ancestral and derived state of a range of ecological and evolutionary variables that might have been implicated in the evolution of secondary sexual characters. Extravagant feather ornaments have evolved independently at least 70 times in birds, and the context of these evolutionary events was investigated statistically. The acquisition of feather ornaments was significantly associated with a change in social mating system from monogamy to polygyny or lekking. This association is consistent with the Fisherian mechanism of sexual selection. However, very often also the acquisition of feather ornaments occurred without change in mating system. Therefore, ornamentation can develop for reasons other than polygyny. We did not find any indication of male parental care, kind of food, foraging mode, coloniality, nest site, migration or body mass being significantly associated with a change in the state of ornamentation.  相似文献   

Male hummingbirds have repeatedly evolved sexually dimorphic tails that they use as ornaments during courtship. We examine how male ornament evolution is reflected in female morphology. Lande's two-step model of the evolution of dimorphism predicts that γ (the genetic correlation between the sexes) causes trait elaboration to first evolve quickly in both sexes, then dimorphism evolves more slowly. On the hummingbird phylogeny, tail length does not fit this two-step model; although hummingbirds repeatedly evolved ornamental, elongated tails, dimorphism evolves on the same phylogenetic branch as elongation, implying that γ quickly evolves to be low over phylogenetic timescales. Male “bee” hummingbirds have evolved diverse rectrix shapes that they use to produce sound. Female morphologies exhibit subtle, pervasive correlations with male morphology. No female-adaptive hypotheses explain these correlations, since females do not also make sounds with their tail. Subtle shape similarity has arisen through the genetic correlation with males, and is subject to intralocus sexual conflict. Intralocus sexual conflict may produce increased phenotypic variation of female ornaments. Other evolutionary constraints on tail morphology include a developmental correlation between neighboring tail-feathers, biasing tail elaboration to occur most often at the ends of the feather tract (rectrix 5 or 1) and not the middle.  相似文献   

Potentially, pathogenic bacteria are one of the main infective agents against which a battery of chemical and physical barriers has evolved in animals. Among these are the secretions by the exocrine uropygial gland in birds. The antimicrobial properties of uropygial secretions may prevent colonization and growth of microorganisms on feathers, skin and eggshells. However, uropygial gland secretions also favour the proliferation of feather mites that feed on secretions and microorganisms living on feathers that would otherwise reach eggshells during incubation if not consumed by feather mites. Therefore, at the interspecific level, uropygial gland size (as an index of volume of uropygial secretion) should be positively related to eggshell bacterial load (i.e. the risk of egg infection), whereas eggshell bacterial loads may be negatively related to abundance of feather mites eating bacteria. Here, we explore these previously untested predictions in a comparative framework using information on eggshell bacterial loads, uropygial gland size, diversity and abundance of feather mites and hatching success of 22 species of birds. The size of the uropygial gland was positively related to eggshell bacterial loads (mesophilic bacteria and Enterobacteriaceae), and bird species with higher diversity and abundance of feather mites harboured lower bacterial density on their eggshells (Enterococcus and Staphylococcus), in accordance with the hypothesis. Importantly, eggshell bacterial loads of mesophilic bacteria, Enterococcus and Enterobacteriaceae were negatively associated with hatching success, allowing us to interpret these interspecific relationships in a functional scenario, where both uropygial glands and mutualistic feather mites independently reduce the negative effects of pathogenic bacteria on avian fitness.  相似文献   

In the Blackcap (Aves: Sylvia atricapilla), a widespread passerine noctural migrant, a “migratory divide” between SE- and SW-migrating populations exists in Central Europe at about 14° E and south of 52° N. The autumn migratory directions are known to have a genetic basis and are expressed in orientation cages in captivity. Migratory directions of birds in the contact zone between the two populations were studied by analysing ringing data and by testing three groups of hand-raised individuals in orientation cages. Available ringing data are insufficient to establish migratory directions in the contact zone north of the Alps. Hand-raised birds from south-west Germany and the most eastern part of Austria oriented SW and SE, respectively, confirming directions known from ringing recoveries. A sample of birds from the contact zone near Linz (Austria) oriented SW to NW (mean = 268°) and was significantly different from both adjoining populations. This contrasts with results of a cross-breeding experiment with mixed pairs of SW- and SE-migrants bred in captivity: The F1-offspring chose southerly directions, intermediate between both parental populations (Helbig, 1991). It is suggested, therefore, that a distinct subpopulation with a large fraction of birds wintering in the British Isles has established itself in the contact zone. Differences in directional choices between groups of siblings from this area indicate that intrapopulation genetic variability is present. This may have led to a rapid spread of the novel W-NW migratory direction, because north of the Alps strong selection seems to be acting against mixing of SE- with SW-migrating populations.  相似文献   

Four new species of the feather mite genus Proctophyllodes are described from the birds of the order Passeriformes in China:P.flexuosa sp.nov.from Eophona migratoria Hartert(Chongqing),P.brevis sp.nov.from Passer montanus(Linnaeus)(Anhui and Chongqing),P.garrula sp.nov.from Garrulax poecilorhynchus Gould(Anhui),P.canora sp.nov.from Garrulax canorus(Linnaeus)(Guizhou).  相似文献   

Feathers play a critical role in thermoregulation and directly influence poultry production. Poor feathering adversely affects living appearance and carcass quality, thus reducing profits. However, producers tend to ignore the importance of feather development and do not know the laws of feather growth and development. The objective of this study was to fit growth curves to describe the growth and development of feathers in yellow-feathered broilers during the embryonic and posthatching periods using different nonlinear functions (Gompertz, logistic and Bertalanffy). Feather mass and length were determined during the embryonic development and posthatching stages to identify which growth model most accurately described the feather growth pattern. The results showed that chick embryos began to grow feathers at approximately embryonic (E) day 10, and the feathers grew rapidly from E13 to E17. There was little change from E17 to the day of hatching (DOH). During the embryonic period, the Gompertz function (Y = 798.48e−203 431exp(−0.87t), Akaike’s information criterion (AIC) = −0.950 × 103, Bayesian information criterion (BIC) = −0.711 × 103 and mean square error (MSE) = 559.308) provided the best fit for the feather growth curve compared with the other two functions. After hatching, feather mass and length changed little from the DOH to day (D) 14, increased rapidly from D21 to D91 and then grew slowly after D91. The first stage of feather molting occurred from 2 to 3 weeks of age when the down feathers were mostly shed and replaced with juvenile feathers, and the second stage occurred at approximately 13 to 15 weeks of age. The three nonlinear functions could overall fit the feather growth curve well, but the Bertalanffy model (Y = 116.88 × (1−0.86e−0.02t)3, AIC = 1.065 × 105, BIC = 1.077 × 105 and MSE = 11.308) showed the highest degree of fit among the models. Therefore, the Gompertz model exhibited the best goodness of fit for the feather growth curve during the embryonic development, while the Bertalanffy model was the most suitable model due to its accurate ability to predict the growth and development of feathers during the growth period, which is an important commercial characteristic of yellow-feathered chickens.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.   As bio-indicators, bilateral asymmetry and fault bar formation have been found to be correlated with environmental quality, body condition, and individual fitness. Although commonly used as indices of the same parameters, it is not clear whether asymmetry and fault bars are equivalent measures of developmental history. We tested the possible relationship between these two metrics by measuring the degree of asymmetry and the number of fault bars in the wing and tail feathers of migrating White-throated Sparrows ( Zonotrichia albicollis ) at Long Point Bird Observatory on Lake Erie, Ontario, during October 2004. Within individuals, we found no relationship between the occurrence of fault bars and degree of bilateral asymmetry. In addition, individuals with higher fat scores had more symmetrical wings than individuals with lower scores, but did not have fewer fault bars. Together, these results suggest that fluctuating asymmetry and fault bar occurrence should not be used interchangeably as bio-indicators.  相似文献   

Abstract 1. The form of asymmetry in bilateral organs usually follows the same pattern within single populations. However, some exceptions may occur when a population consists of different phenotypes that are from different ontogenic backgrounds and under different selective pressures. We investigated the asymmetric patterns of mandibles of larvae, females, and males in the stag beetle Prosopocoilus inclinatus. 2. Larval mandibles exhibited directional asymmetry both in length and cross direction, whereas female mandibles showed directional asymmetry in cross direction. These asymmetric structures might be more effective in cutting wood fibres. 3. For the relation of male mandible length to body size, a model with a switch point showed a better fit to the data than a convex curve model. This shows that the males are dimorphic with two distinct morphs. 4. The form of asymmetry in male mandible length differed between the morphs. The smaller males exhibited left‐biased directional asymmetry in common with larvae, whereas the larger males exhibited fluctuating asymmetry. 5. This is a novel finding of a morph‐dependent asymmetry. The morph‐dependent asymmetry in males may be as a result of different selection on each morph or a developmental constraint from larval mandibles to adult ones.  相似文献   

Abstract  Titanolichus seemani sp. n., a new species of the genus Titanolichus Gaud & Atyeo, 1996, is described from a museum skin of the endangered orange-bellied parrot Neophema chrysogaster (Latham) (Aves: Psittaciformes) from Australia. We also redescribe the type species Titanolichus chiragricus (Mégnin & Trouessart) from the ground parrot Pezoporus wallicus (Kerr), provide a key for all known species of Titanolichus and point out some problems in the systematics of this genus.  相似文献   

Summary Duplicate, bilateral structures of individual animals are usually symmetrical. In cases where such structures are asymmetrical, the degree of asymmetry may indicate the propensity of an individual to stray from the genetically programmed outcome during the development of the structure. Asymmetries have recently been assumed to constitute an honest signal of male quality and, as such, a cue for female choice. I tested the assumption that different rates of energy intake would produce differences in the degree of asymmetry by measuring original and induced fourth rectrices of both sides of the body in European nuthatchesSitta europaea. I found no predominance for the right or left side, thus showing the fluctuating nature of the asymmetry at a population level. This was not the case within individuals which consistently had a longer fourth rectrix on one or the other side of the body. Induced rectrices, grown during winter when food availability was relatively low, exhibited a higher degree of asymmetry than did such rectrices grown during winter after hoardable food had been provided earlier during the winter. The original rectrices, grown during relatively benign conditions in late summer, showed the smallest degree of fluctuating asymmetry. This indicates that the degree of asymmetry is affected by the rate of energy intake. Thus, male quality, reflecting the rate with which energy can be secured and shown by differing degrees of asymmetry, can be used as an honest, long-lasting cue by females in their choice of a mate.  相似文献   

The tiger salamander,Ambystoma tigrinum, is a geographically widespread, morphologically variable, polytipic species. It is among the most variable species of salamanders in morphology and life history with two larval morphs (typical and cannibal) and three adult morphs (metamorphosed, typical branchiate, cannibal branchiate) that vary in frequency between subspecies and between populations within subspecies. We report morphometric evidence suggesting that branchiate cannibals arose through intraspecific change in the onset or timing of development resulting in the wider head and hypertrophied tooth-bearing skull bones characteristic of this phenotype. We also quantified bilateral symmetry of gill raker counts and abnormalities, then evaluated fluctuating asymmetry as a measure of the developmental stability of each morph. There was a significant interaction between fluctuating asymmetry of developmental abnormalities in cannibals and typicals and the locality where they were collected, suggesting that relative stability of each phenotype could vary among populations. While altered timing of developmental events appears to have a role in the evolution and maintenance of morphs, novel phenotypes persist only under favorable ecological conditions. Predictability of the aquatic habitat, genetic variation, kinship, body size, intraspecific competition and predation all affect expression and survival of the morphs inA. tigrinum. This taxon provides an excellent model for understanding the diversity and complexity of developmental and ecological variables controlling the evolution and maintenance of novel phenotypes.  相似文献   

Nonlinear growth dynamics and the origin of fluctuating asymmetry   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Bird tails are extraordinarily variable in length and functionality. In some species, males have evolved exaggeratedly long tails as a result of sexual selection. Changes in tail length should be associated with changes in feather structure. The study of the evolution of feather structure in bird tails could give insight to understand the causes and means of evolution in relation to processes of sexual selection. In theory, three possible means of tail length evolution in relation to structural components might be expected: (1) a positive relationship between the increase in length and size of structural components maintaining the mechanical properties of the feather; (2) no relationship; that is, enlarging feather length without changes in the structural components; and (3) a negative relationship; that is, enlarging feather length by reducing structural components. These hypotheses were tested using phylogenetic analyses to examine changes in both degree of exaggeration in tail length and structural characteristics of tail feathers (rachis width and density of barbs) in 36 species, including those dimorphic and nondimorphic in tail length. The degree of sexual dimorphism in tail length was negatively correlated with both rachis width and density of barbs in males but not in females. Reinforcing this result, we found that dimorphism in tail length was negatively associated with dimorphism in tail feather structure (rachis width and density of barbs). These results support the third hypothesis, in which the evolution of long feathers occurs at the expense of making them simpler and therefore less costly to produce. However, we do not know the effects of enfeeblement on the costs of bearing. If the total costs increased, the enfeeblement of feathers could be explained as a reinforcement of the honesty of the signal. Alternatively, if total costs were reduced, the strategy could be explained by cheating processes. The study of female preferences for fragile tail feathers is essential to test these two hypotheses. Preferences for fragile tails would support the evolution of reinforcement of honesty, whereas female indifference would indicate the existence of cheating in certain stages of the evolutionary process.  相似文献   

Developmental instability, measured as fluctuating asymmetry (FA) in bilateral traits, has been used widely as an indicator of genetic or environmental stress in a variety of plant and animal taxa. FA arises as small deviations from perfect bilateral symmetry which reflect 'mistakes' in developmental processes resulting from the inability of the genotype to buffer itself effectively against environmental perturbations. Recently, it has been proposed that FA in the otoliths can be used as an indicator of condition in larval fish. This paper reviews the conceptual and methodological aspects of FA relevant to its potential use as a measure of well-being. Its simplicity makes FA an attractive tool to measure developmental precision and condition. However, there are several pitfalls, such as measuring error or potentially size dependence. Subtle asymmetries, i.e. between sides variation of a trait at the individual level, may not always be indicative of condition and should be interpreted with caution. The past-growth record of otoliths may provide a powerful means of studying the development of asymmetries at the level of the individual.  相似文献   

Evolutionary Ecology - It has been argued that disproportionately larger ornaments in bigger males—positive allometry—is the outcome of sexual selection operating on the size of...  相似文献   

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