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Juniperus oxycedrus L. (Cupressaceae Bartlett) is widely distributed in countries with a Mediterranean climate. All plant parts contain highly aromatic essential oil (EO) and recently there have been efforts to introduce it as a cultivated crop. The species is known for its large morphological and chemical variation and its debatable taxonomic status. This study aimed to (1) compare content, composition, and antimicrobial activity of J. oxycedrus EO samples from plants growing in Bulgaria and Serbia, and (2) quantify morphological variations of leaves. Тhe EO content (yield) in dried juniper leaves varied from 0.06% (Кopaonik, Serbia) to 0.24% (Markovo, Bulgaria). We identified 51 EO constituents, belonging to monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes, and diterpenes. The class monoterpenes (monoterpene hydrocarbons and oxygenated monoterpenes) were the predominant compounds, representing 38.6–65.4% of the total EO, consisting primarily of α-pinene, limonene, sabinene, β-pinene, and β-myrcene. In addition, α-pinene was the major oil constituent in plants from all locations. Sesquiterpenes (sesquiterpene hydrocarbons and oxygenated sesquiterpenes) were the second largest class of constituents, which represented 19.3% tо 33.6% of the total EO. γ-Elemene was found only in the EO of J. oxycedrus from Bulgaria, while a high concentration of α-curcumene was found only in samples from Serbia (7.5–7.8%). Significant differences in antimicrobial activity of the EO were found in bacterial strains Bacillus cereus and Streptococcus pneumoniae. There was no significant difference among the mean leaf width of the six combinations location x sex, and the overall leaf mean width was 1.24 mm. However, there was a significant difference between the mean leaf lengths. In this study, none of the studied populations had a higher concentration of limonene than of α-pinene, indicating that the flora of the two countries include J. oxycedrus and not the previously reported J. deltoides. The results revealed significant variation in EO profile that may contribute to the development of new cultivars of J. oxycedrus.  相似文献   

GABA-activated RDL receptors are the insect equivalent of mammalian GABAA receptors, and play a vital role in neurotransmission and insecticide action. Here we clone the pore lining M2 region of the Varroa mite RDL receptor and show that it has 4 atypical residues when compared to M2 regions of most other insects, including bees, which are the major host of Varroa mites. We create mutant Drosophila RDL receptors containing these substitutions and characterise their effects on function. Using two electrode voltage clamp electrophysiology we show that one substitution (T6′M) ablates picrotoxin inhibition and increases the potency of GABA. This mutation also alters the effect of thymol, which enhances both insect and mammalian GABA responses, and is widely used as a miticide. Thymol decreases the GABA EC50 of WT receptors, enhancing responses, but in T6′M-containing receptors it is inhibitory. The other 3 atypical residues have no major effects on either the GABA EC50, the picrotoxin potency or the effect of thymol. In conclusion we show that the RDL 6′ residue is important for channel block, activation and modulation, and understanding its function also has the potential to prove useful in the design of Varroa-specific insecticidal agents.  相似文献   

Sternal pores are important features for identification of male thrips, especially within the subfamily Thripinae. They vary in shape, size and distribution even between species of one genus. Their functional role is speculated to be that of sex- and/or aggregation pheromone production. Yet, sexual aggregations are not reported in Echinothrips americanus, known to have sternal pores, while we observed aggregations in Megalurothrips sjostedti, previously reported to lack them.We examined the sternal glands and pores of the thripine species E. americanus and M. sjostedti males, in comparison with those of Frankliniella occidentalis using light microscopy, as well as scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Pore plates of F. occidentalis were ellipsoid and medial on sternites III–VII, while in E. americanus they were distributed as multiple micro pore plates on sternites III–VIII. In M. sjostedti they appeared as an extremely small pore in front of the posterior margin of each of sternites IV–VII. Pore plate and pore plate area were distributed similarly on sternites III–VII in F. occidentalis. However, in E. americanus the total pore plate area increased significantly from sternites III to VIII. Ultrastructure of cells associated with sternal glands showed typical characteristics of gland cells that differ in size, shape and number. The function of sternal glands is further discussed on the basis of morphological comparisons with other thrips species.  相似文献   

《Journal of molecular biology》2019,431(24):5039-5062
Membrane lipids are essential for life; however, research on how cells regulate cell lipid composition has been falling behind for quite some time. One reason was the difficulty in establishing analytical methods able to cope with the cell lipid repertoire. Development of a diversity of mass spectrometry-based technologies, including imaging mass spectrometry, has helped to demonstrate beyond doubt that the cell lipidome is not only greatly cell type dependent but also highly sensitive to any pathophysiological alteration such as differentiation or tumorigenesis. Interestingly, the current popularization of metabolomic studies among numerous disciplines has led many researchers to rediscover lipids. Hence, it is important to underscore the peculiarities of these metabolites and their metabolism, which are both radically different from protein and nucleic acid metabolism. Once differences in lipid composition have been established, researchers face a rather complex scenario, to investigate the signaling pathways and molecular mechanisms accounting for their results. Thus, a detail often overlooked, but of crucial relevance, is the complex networks of enzymes involved in controlling the level of each one of the lipid species present in the cell. In most cases, these enzymes are redundant and promiscuous, complicating any study on lipid metabolism, since the modification of one particular lipid enzyme impacts simultaneously on many species. Altogether, this review aims to describe the difficulties in delving into the regulatory mechanisms tailoring the lipidome at the activity, genetic, and epigenetic level, while conveying the numerous, stimulating, and sometimes unexpected research opportunities afforded by this type of studies.  相似文献   

Wood frogs, Rana sylvatica, can undergo prolonged periods of whole body freezing during winter, locking as much as 65–70% of total body water into extracellular ice and imposing both anoxia and dehydration on their cells. Metabolic rate depression (MRD) is an adaptation used by R. sylvatica to survive these environmental stresses, where a finite amount of ATP generated through anaerobic metabolism is directed towards maintaining pro-survival functions, while most ATP-expensive cellular processes are temporarily reduced in function. Pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH) is a vital metabolic enzyme that links anaerobic glycolysis to the aerobic TCA cycle and is an important regulatory site in MRD. PDH enzymatic activity is regulated via reversible protein phosphorylation in response to energetic demands of cells. This study explored the posttranslational regulation of PDH at three serine sites (S232, S293, S300) on the catalytic E1α subunit along with protein expression of four pyruvate dehydrogenase kinases (PDHK1-4) in response to 24 h Freezing, 8 h Thaw, 24 h Anoxia, and 4 h Recovery in the liver and skeletal muscle of R. sylvatica using Luminex multiplex technology and western immunoblotting. Overall, inhibitory regulation of PDH was evident during 24 h Freezing and 24 h Anoxia, which could indicate a notable reduction in glycoytic flux and carbon entry into the tricarboxylic acid cycle as part of MRD. Furthermore, the expression of PDHK1-4 and phosphorylation of PDH at S232, S293, and S300 were highly tissue and stress-specific, indicative of how different tissues respond differently to stress within the same organism.  相似文献   

To promote the decomposition of sugarcane bagasse (SCB) for conversion into value-added products and to reduce waste, the capability of fungal mixes (FMs) to degrade SCB was examined. A total of 169 isolates from SCB and non-SCB were categorized as thermotolerant and thermoresistant. Thirty-six fungal candidates were screened for the presence of polyphenol oxidase, endoglucanase (EDN) and xylanase (XLN) activities, and EDN and XLN activities were quantitated. Five identified isolates (Aspergillus flavus AG10; Aspergillus niger AG68 & NB23; and Penicillium citrinum AG93 & AG140) were selected as the best enzyme producers, and 15 moderately to highly xylolytic, cellulolytic and ligninolytic isolates were added to construct FMs. Using a Taguchi design, the top ten reducing sugar-producing FMs (no. 12 showed the maximum amount of reducing sugar, at 2.11 mg g−1, followed by no. 7, 15, 2, 16, 11, 13, 6, 4, & 8) were selected as potential agents for decomposition durations of 1, 2 and 3 months. The maximum decrease in SCB materials compared with the control was generated by FM 6 (9.08% cellulose reduction); FM 13 (21.03% hemicellulose reduction); and FM 16 (9.21% lignin reduction). These results indicate the potential use of SCB as a substrate for synergistic FMs. These FMs could be applied to the large-scale composting of SCB and other related agricultural residues, thus improving the biological pretreatment of lignocellulose.  相似文献   

Many diseases are now associated with aberrant epigenetics and gene expression changes. Epigenetics can be modified by factors like diet. One dietary factor, folic acid, is consumed in various forms including supplements, energy drinks, and fortified grains. It was hypothesized high levels of folic acid would affect gene expression and enzyme activity of chromatin modifying enzymes as well as dendritic spine densities in a commonly utilized neuron model, the SHSY5Y cell. Decreased MBD2 and MECP2 were discovered upon treatment of SHSY5Y cells with a 2x folic acid dose. Corresponding decreases in dendritic spines were apparent in the 2x folic acid treated cells as well. Activity of DNMTs and H3K4 HMTs was altered. Further, H3K4me1, H3K4me3, H3K9Ac, and global DNA methylation were decreased in the 2x folic acid treated cells. Further studies are warranted to determine if the effects of excess folic acid are detrimental to organismal physiology.  相似文献   

The acyl-CoA-binding proteins (ACBP) constitute a family of conserved proteins that bind acyl-CoA with high affinity and protect it from hydrolysis. Thus, ACBPs may have essential roles in basal cellular lipid metabolism. The genome of the insect Rhodnius prolixus encodes five ACBP genes similar to those described for other insect species. The qPCR analysis revealed that these genes have characteristic expression profiles in insect organs, suggesting that they have specific roles in insect physiology. Recombinant RpACBP-1 was able to bind acyl-CoA in an in vitro gel-shift assay. Moreover, heterologous RpACBP-1 expression in acb1Δ mutant yeast rescued the multi-lobed vacuole phenotype, indicating that RpACBP-1 acts as a bona fide acyl-CoA-binding protein. RpACBP-1 knockdown using RNAi caused triacylglycerol accumulation in the insect posterior midgut and a reduction in the number of deposited eggs. The amount of stored triacylglycerol was reduced in flight muscle, and the incorporation of fatty acids in cholesteryl esters was increased in the fat body. These results showed that RpACBP-1 participates in several lipid metabolism steps in R. prolixus.  相似文献   

Adult development and production of up to 400 eggs within the pupal case of female silkmoths are both dependent on 20-hydroxyecdysone (20E), the steroid hormone of insects. When adult development was initiated with tebufenozide, the non-steroidal ecdysteroid agonist, instead of 20E, full development of all epidermal tissues like the wing was witnessed, but ovarian growth and egg formation was minimal. Administration of tebufenozide to female pharate adults caused disruption of the follicular epithelium, produced nurse cell damage, and inhibited oogenesis. Reduced ability to synthesize RNA and protein accompanied these tebufenozide induced morphological disturbances of the follicles. In vivo accumulation of vitellogenin (Vg) from the hemolymph was reduced in tebufenozide treated female ovaries as well as their ability to accumulate Vg in vitro. Determination of protein staining intensity and antibody reactivity of Vg pointed out that hemolymph Vg level remained fairly constant all through adult development whether induced by 20E or tebufenozide. Measurement of hemolymph volumes and hemolymph Vg levels of control and experimental animals allowed us to conclude that egg development involves the uptake of all the hemolymph proteins and not Vg alone. The loss of hemolymph that accompanies egg maturation was considerably reduced in tebufenozide initiated female pharate adults. 20E could not overcome ovarian growth inhibitory effects of tebufenozide. Dual mechanisms, one involving ecdysteroid antagonist action at the beginning of development, and the other unrelated to that function during heightened egg formation, are needed explain the biphasic inhibitory actions of tebufenozide on silkmoth ovaries.  相似文献   

Transposable elements (TEs) are widespread in insect's genomes. However, there are wide differences in the proportion of the total DNA content occupied by these repetitive sequences in different species. We have analyzed the TEs present in R. prolixus (vector of the Chagas disease) and showed that 3.0% of this genome is occupied by Class II TEs, belonging mainly to the Tc1-mariner superfamily (1.65%) and MITEs (1.84%). Interestingly, most of this genomic content is due to the expansion of two subfamilies belonging to: irritans himar, a well characterized subfamily of mariners, and prolixus1, one of the two novel subfamilies here described. The high amount of sequences in these subfamilies suggests that bursts of transposition occurred during the life cycle of this family. In an attempt to characterize these elements, we performed an in silico analysis of the sequences corresponding to the DDD/E domain of the transposase gene. We performed an evolutionary analysis including network and Bayesian coalescent-based methods in order to infer the dynamics of the amplification, as well as to estimate the time of the bursts identified in these subfamilies. Given our data, we hypothesized that the TE expansions occurred around the time of speciation of R. prolixus around 1.4 mya. This suggestion lays on the “Transposon Model” of TE evolution, in which the members of a TE population that are replicative active are present at multiple loci in the genome, but their replicative potential varies, and of the “Life Cycle Model” that states that when present-day TEs have been involved in amplification bursts, they share an ancestral copy that dates back to this initial amplification.  相似文献   

The complete mitochondrial genome (mitogenome) of Pycnonotus xanthorrhous was sequenced via next generation sequencing. The full length of the circular genome is 16,952 bp. It consists of 37 typical animal mitochondrial genes including 13 protein-coding genes (PCGs), 22 transfer RNA (tRNA) and 2 ribosomal RNA (rRNA) genes. P. xanthorrhous also contains one control region (CR) and one pseudo-control region, and shares the identical gene arrangements with sequenced Pycnonotus spp. which differs from the typical vertebrates gene order. Phylogenetic analyses indicates that Passerida sensu stricto contains three major clades and the core Sylvioidea form a monophyletic group. Furthermore, we investigated the evolution of control region within this lineage and revealed the multiple independent origins of duplicate control region.  相似文献   

Blood feeding in Aedes aegypti is essential for reproduction, but also permits the mosquito to act as a vector for key human pathogens such as the Zika and dengue viruses. Wolbachia pipientis is an endosymbiotic bacterium that can manipulate the biology of Aedes aegypti mosquitoes, making them less competent hosts for many pathogens. Yet while Wolbachia affects other aspects of host physiology, it is unclear whether it influences physiological processes associated with blood meal digestion. To that end, we examined the effects of wMel Wolbachia infection in Ae. aegypti, on survival post-blood feeding, blood meal excretion, rate of oviposition, expression levels of key genes involved in oogenesis, and activity levels of trypsin blood digestion enzymes. We observed that wMel infection altered the rate and duration of blood meal excretion, delayed the onset of oviposition and was associated with a greater number of eggs being laid later. wMel-infected Ae. aegypti also had lower levels of key yolk protein precursor genes necessary for oogenesis. However, all of these effects occurred without a change in trypsin activity. These results suggest that Wolbachia infection may disrupt normal metabolic processes associated with blood feeding and reproduction in Ae. aegypti.  相似文献   

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