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The Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) or greenness index, based on the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) aboard the NOAA-7 satellite, has been widely interpreted as a measure of regional to global vegetation patterns. This study provides the first rigorous, quantitative evaluation of global relationships between the NDVI and geographically representative vegetation data-bases, including field metabolic measurements and carbon-balance results from global simulation models. Geographic reliability of the NDVI is judged by comparing NDVI values for different surface types with a general global trend and by statistical analysis of relationships to biomass amounts, net and gross primary productivity, and actual evapotranspiration. NDVI data appear to be relatively reliable predictors of primary productivity except in areas of complex terrain, for seasonal values at high latitudes, and in extreme deserts. The strength of the NDVI-productivity relationship seems comparable to that of earlier climate-based productivity models. Little consistent relationship was found, across different vegetation types, between NDVI and biomass amounts or net biospheric CO2 flux.Abbreviations AET= Actual Evapotranspiration - AVHRR= Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer - GPP= Gross Primary Production - GVI= Global Vegetation Index - NDVI= Normalized Difference Vegetation Index - NPP= Net Primary Production  相似文献   

The Dongjiang River plays an important role in southern China, as a source for irrigation and potable water of Hongkong and the other parts of the Pearl River Delta (PRD). The water quality index (WQI) was calculated to assess the spatial and temporal variability and identify the classification of water quality in the river. In order to simplify the procedure and reduce the analytical costs of the water quality evaluation, a modified WQI (defined as WQImin) was introduced based on Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and correlations analyses of the water parameters detected in dry and wet seasons during 2011–2012. Compared with the previous index, similar spatial changing trend and classification of the water quality were obtained by WQImin, which was composed of pH, temperature, total suspended solid, NH4+-N, and NO3-N. The results showed an excellent water quality in the tributary site near the reservoir, a good water quality in the upstream of the river, and medium water quality in the downstream of the river, which suggested that the urban wastewater originated from increasing population size and industry development in the downstream mainly led to the deterioration of water quality along the river. Moreover, WQImin could more adequately reflect the seasonal changes of water quality which was slightly worse in dry season than wet season. Our results also suggest that continuous monitoring should be conducted to prevent pollution from industry and anthropogenic activities.  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in foliage nitrogen (N) and carbon (C) concentrations and δ15N and δ13C ratios were monitored during a year in Erica arborea, Myrtus communis and Juniperus communis co-occurring at a natural CO2 spring (elevated [CO2], about 700 μmol mol−1) and at a nearby control site (ambient [CO2], 360 μmol mol−1) in a Mediterranean environment. Leaf N concentration was lower in elevated [CO2] than in ambient [CO2] for M. communis, higher for J. communis, and dependent on the season for E. arborea. Leaf C concentration was negatively affected by atmospheric CO2 enrichment, regardless of the species. C/N ratio varied concomitantly to N. Leaves in elevated [CO2] showed lower δ13C, and therefore likely lower water use efficiencies than leaves at the control site, regardless of the species, suggesting substantial photosynthetic acclimation under long-term CO2-enriched atmosphere. Leaves of E. arborea showed lower values of δ15N under elevated [CO2], but this was not the case of M. communis and J. communis foliage. The use of the resources and leaf chemical composition are affected by elevated [CO2], but such an effect varies during the year, and is species-dependent. The seasonal dependency and species specificity suggest that plants are able to exploit different available water and N resources within Mediterranean sites. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Besides water relations, nutrient allocation, and stoichiometric traits are fundamental feature of shrubs. Knowledge concerning the nutrient stoichiometry of xerophytes is essential to predicting the biogeochemical cycling in desert ecosystems as well as to understanding the homoeostasis and variability of nutrient traits in desert plants. Here, we focused on the temperate desert species Reaumuria soongorica and collected samples from plant organs and soil over 28 different locations that covered a wide distributional gradient of this species. Carbon (C), nitrogen (N), and phosphorus (P) concentrations and their stoichiometry were determined and subsequently compared with geographic, climatic, and edaphic factors. The mean leaf C, N, and P concentrations and C/N, C/P, and N/P ratios were 371.6 mg g−1, 10.6 mg g−1, 0.73 mg g−1, and 59.7, 837.9, 15.7, respectively. Stem and root C concentrations were higher than leaf C, while leaf N was higher than stem and root N. Phosphorus concentration and N/P did not differ among plant organs. Significant differences were found between root C/N and leaf C/N as well as between root C/P and leaf C/P. Leaf nutrient traits respond to geographic and climatic factors, while nutrient concentrations of stems and roots are mostly affected by soil P and pH. We show that stoichiometric patterns in different plant organs had different responses to environmental variables. Studies of species-specific nutrient stoichiometry can help clarify plant–environment relationships and nutrient cycling patterns in desert ecosystems.  相似文献   

The response of wheat crops to elevated CO2 (eCO2) was measured and modelled with the Australian Grains Free‐Air CO2 Enrichment experiment, located at Horsham, Australia. Treatments included CO2 by water, N and temperature. The location represents a semi‐arid environment with a seasonal VPD of around 0.5 kPa. Over 3 years, the observed mean biomass at anthesis and grain yield ranged from 4200 to 10 200 kg ha?1 and 1600 to 3900 kg ha?1, respectively, over various sowing times and irrigation regimes. The mean observed response to daytime eCO2 (from 365 to 550 μmol mol?1 CO2) was relatively consistent for biomass at stem elongation and at anthesis and LAI at anthesis and grain yield with 21%, 23%, 21% and 26%, respectively. Seasonal water use was decreased from 320 to 301 mm (P = 0.10) by eCO2, increasing water use efficiency for biomass and yield, 36% and 31%, respectively. The performance of six models (APSIM‐Wheat, APSIM‐Nwheat, CAT‐Wheat, CROPSYST, OLEARY‐CONNOR and SALUS) in simulating crop responses to eCO2 was similar and within or close to the experimental error for accumulated biomass, yield and water use response, despite some variations in early growth and LAI. The primary mechanism of biomass accumulation via radiation use efficiency (RUE) or transpiration efficiency (TE) was not critical to define the overall response to eCO2. However, under irrigation, the effect of late sowing on response to eCO2 to biomass accumulation at DC65 was substantial in the observed data (~40%), but the simulated response was smaller, ranging from 17% to 28%. Simulated response from all six models under no water or nitrogen stress showed similar response to eCO2 under irrigation, but the differences compared to the dryland treatment were small. Further experimental work on the interactive effects of eCO2, water and temperature is required to resolve these model discrepancies.  相似文献   

Leaf removal (LR) treatments improve the photosynthetic capacity of the remaining leaves and induce flavonoid synthesis as a stress response in the common grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.). However, excessive exposure of grape berries to UV-B radiation as a result of cultural practices in the Mediterranean climate may have negative effects on berry composition. This 2-year study determined the effects of defoliation on the autochthonous red grape variety ‘Babica’ in a Mediterranean climate (wine-growing region Dalmatia, Croatia). Six leaves were removed before flowering (FLR) and at the end of véraison (the onset of grape ripening; VerLR) and were compared to the untreated control. Yield parameters, sugar content, grape must pH, total polyphenols (TP), total anthocyanin (TA) content, and individual anthocyanin compounds were measured in grape skin extracts and wines. However, the greater mean daily temperature during the vegetation period and lesser rainfall before harvest in 2018 increased yield per vine, average cluster weights, density, and total acidity, compared to 2017. Both defoliation treatments significantly reduced TP in grape extracts, but these differences were not observed in wine. Compared to the control (NLR), VerLR treatment significantly reduced TA in grape skin extracts and wine. Significantly lesser TP concentrations, in grape skin extracts and wine, as well as TA were noticed during the 2017 season. VerLR treatment reduced the concentration of nine individual anthocyanins compared to the control in grape skin extracts, while this effect was not observed in wine. Season year was a statistically significant source of variability of the individual anthocyanin contents in wine. Under specific environmental conditions LR can decrease polyphenols, especially anthocyanins, and negatively impact grape and wine quality.  相似文献   

In September 2014, a pod of seven sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) was stranded along the Adriatic coast of Southern Italy. Concentrations of 20 essential and non-essential trace elements were quantified in the brain, muscle, liver and kidneys of three female sperm whales, which died in this event.The essential elements copper, iron, manganese and zinc showed low ranges of variability, suggesting a homeostatic physiological control, while selenium concentrations were associated with age. Molybdenum, nickel and chromium showed low ranges of concentrations and no evidence of preferential accumulation in selected organs. Very low concentrations of the non-essential elements cadmium, lead, tin and vanadium were detected in all tissues, suggesting a minor impact of these pollutants on the sperm whale populations of the Mediterranean Sea. Aluminum was revealed to have relatively high concentrations, together with a high variability between tissues and individuals, reaching the highest values in the kidneys and muscle of the oldest female, which was pregnant; the rare earth elements – lanthanum and cerium – were also detected in the kidneys of this female, indicating that pregnancy probably influenced metal concentrations in body tissues.  相似文献   

For environmental purposes, very early sowing of winter rapeseed may reduce winter nitrate leaching thanks to the high N uptake capacities of rapeseed in autumn. However, freezing could lead to high losses of leaf nitrogen, amounting to more than 100 kg N ha-1 (Dejoux et al., 1999). Here we investigated the agronomic and environmental consequences of the decomposition of fallen leaves, based on field and laboratory studies with 15N labeled leaves (C:N=9). The potential kinetics of decomposition of leaves were measured by incubation in the laboratory. In the field, all leaves were removed at beginning of winter and replaced by labeled leaves, artificially frozen at −15°C , which were laid on the soil surface. Compared on a thermal time basis, decomposition proceeded as quickly in the field as in the incubations and was complete after 116 normalized days at 15 °C. The proportion of 15N derived from labeled leaves, absorbed again by the rape plants, was 28% at flowering and 24% at harvest. This high N recovery is assumed to result from the synchronization of leaves decomposition and active N absorption by rape in spring. Leaf N mineralization did not increase soil N mineral content at flowering or at harvest, but we observed a 40% loss of 15N. As no leaching was simulated, this loss was supposed to be gaseous. Such a high percentage could be explained by the fact that the decomposing leaves lay on the soil surface, and by climatic conditions conducive to such emissions. For environmental purposes, the quantity and nature of these gaseous N emissions have to be studied for other climatic conditions and types of leaves. As a proportion of N is reabsorbed, N fertilizer application rates could be reduced accordingly. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Giant reed (Arundo donax L.) and miscanthus (Miscanthus × giganteus Greef et Deu.) are two perennial rhizomatous grasses (PRGs), considered as promising sources of lignocellulosic biomass for renewable energy production. Although the agronomic performance of these species has been addressed by several studies, the literature dedicated to the crop water use of giant reed and miscanthus is still limited. Our objective was thus to investigate giant reed and miscanthus water use by assessing crop evapotranspiration (ETc), crop coefficients (Kc) and water use efficiency (WUE). The study was carried out in central Italy and specifically designed water-balance lysimeters were used to investigate the water use of these PRGs during the 2010 and 2011 growing seasons. Giant reed showed the highest cumulative evapotranspiration, with an average consumption of approximately 1100 mm, nearly 20% higher than miscanthus (900 mm). Crop evapotranspiration rates differed significantly between the species, particularly during the midseason (from June to September), when average daily ETc was 7.4 and 6.2 mm in giant reed and miscanthus respectively. The Kc values determined in our study varied from 0.4 to 1.9 for giant reed and 0.3 to 1.6 for miscanthus. Finally, WUE was higher in miscanthus than in giant reed, with average values of 4.2 and 3.1 g L−1 respectively. Further studies concerning water use under nonoptimal water conditions should be carried out and an assessment of the response to water stress of both crops is necessary to integrate the findings from this study.  相似文献   

Observations show that the standard precipitation index (SPI) over the southern Amazon region decreased in the period of 1970-1999 by 0.32 per decade, indicating an increase in dry conditions. Simulations of constant pre-industrial climate with recent climate models indicate a low probability (p=0%) that the trends are due to internal climate variability. When the 23 models are forced with either anthropogenic factors or both anthropogenic and external natural factors, approximately 13% of sampled 30-year SPI trends from the models are found to be within the range of the observed SPI trend at 95% confidence level. This suggests a possibility of anthropogenic and external forcing of climate change in the southern Amazon. On average, the models project no changes in the frequency of occurrence of low SPI values in the future; however, those models which produce more realistic SPI climatology, variability and trend over the period 1970-1999 show more of a tendency towards more negative values of SPI in the future. The analysis presented here suggests a potential anthropogenic influence on Amazon drying, which warrants future, more in-depth, study.  相似文献   

Elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations ([CO2]) cause direct changes in crop physiological processes (e.g. photosynthesis and stomatal conductance). To represent these CO2 responses, commonly used crop simulation models have been amended, using simple and semicomplex representations of the processes involved. Yet, there is no standard approach to and often poor documentation of these developments. This study used a bottom‐up approach (starting with the APSIM framework as case study) to evaluate modelled responses in a consortium of commonly used crop models and illuminate whether variation in responses reflects true uncertainty in our understanding compared to arbitrary choices of model developers. Diversity in simulated CO2 responses and limited validation were common among models, both within the APSIM framework and more generally. Whereas production responses show some consistency up to moderately high [CO2] (around 700 ppm), transpiration and stomatal responses vary more widely in nature and magnitude (e.g. a decrease in stomatal conductance varying between 35% and 90% among models was found for [CO2] doubling to 700 ppm). Most notably, nitrogen responses were found to be included in few crop models despite being commonly observed and critical for the simulation of photosynthetic acclimation, crop nutritional quality and carbon allocation. We suggest harmonization and consideration of more mechanistic concepts in particular subroutines, for example, for the simulation of N dynamics, as a way to improve our predictive understanding of CO2 responses and capture secondary processes. Intercomparison studies could assist in this aim, provided that they go beyond simple output comparison and explicitly identify the representations and assumptions that are causal for intermodel differences. Additionally, validation and proper documentation of the representation of CO2 responses within models should be prioritized.  相似文献   

The Rosetta estuary was partially separated from the Rosetta branch of the Nile by Edfina Barrage, which controls the Nile discharge into the Mediterranean Sea. The study area covers the Rosetta estuary (lotic environment) and the adjoining seawaters (lentic environment) to investigate the local and seasonal distribution of dissolved and particulate copper and zinc, as well as dissolved cadmium in this estuary and to illustrate its influence on the distribution of these metal forms in the inshore seawaters. Besides, emphasis on the removal of dissolved heavy metals from waters by their adsorption onto suspended matter (SM) was also considered. Contrary to particulate copper (PCu), the vertical values of dissolved copper (DCu) decreased generally with depth. Planktonic scavenging and regeneration processes might determine the vertical profiles of the copper forms. The copper data suggest that the surface sources of DCu exceeded the bottom sources, contrary to the sources of PCu. The markedly high and maximum seasonal averages of DCu in the estuary and inshore seawater in July inspite of the high uptake in summer possibly reflect higher amounts of humic materials. The lowest seasonal average value of DCu in the inshore seawater in January suggests removal of copper in presence of maximum value of SM during highest discharge. The highest regional average of DCu at the estuarine mouth coincided with desorption process during mixing of the fresh and salt waters. The vertical values of dissolved zinc (DZn) and particulate zinc (PZn) showed irregular variations and their high concentrations in the surface of the estuarine and inshore seawater indicate possible land-based sources. The high bottom DZn values, however, resulted from its contribution from the interstitial water of the sediments. The data suggest that the surface sources of DZn exceeded the bottom sources and PZn showed the opposite trend in the open sea area. In the estuary, the maximum seasonal average value of DZn accompanied by the lowest seasonal average of PZn in April inspite of the high uptake in spring suggest that desorption was the dominant process. The minimum regional averages of both zinc forms at the estuarine opening and the highest average of PZn near Edfina Barage are correlated with the amounts of SM, which decreased toward the estuarine mouth. The vertical values of dissolved cadmium (DCd) were much lower in the estuary than the other metals. They showed in both environments irregular variations with depth. The bottom maximum value of DCd can be attributed mainly to contamination from the sediments. There was a distinct seasonal variation of DCd. The minimum seasonal average value of DCd in the estuary in April seems to be caused by its specific binding to living plankton found in abundance. The minimum regional average of DCd value was found at the estuarine mouth. The decrease in Cd concentration due to removal from dissolved state is most pronounced in the early stage of mixing. The correlation coefficients of DCd were positive with salinity and negative with SM, indicating that Cd increased seaward. Statistical correlation between Cd and Zn concludes that the factors affecting their distribution are generally the same.  相似文献   

Summary In order to document the natural CO2 environment of the moss Hylocomium splendens, and ascertain whether or not the moss was adapted to this, and its interactions with other microenvironmental factors, two studies were carried out. Firstly, the seasonal variations of CO2 concentration, photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), tissue water content and temperature were measured in the natural microenvironment of H. splendens in a subarctic forest during the summer period (July–September). Secondly, the photosynthetic responses of the species to controlled CO2 concentrations, PAR, temperature, and hydration were measured in the laboratory. CO2 concentrations around the upper parts of the plant, when PAR was above the compensation point (30 mol m–2 s–1), were mostly between 400 and 450 ppm. They occasionally increased up to 1143 ppm for short periods. PAR flux densities below saturating light levels for photosynthesis (100 mol m–2 s–1), occurred during 65% (July), 76% (August) and 96% (September) of the hours of the summer period. The temperature optimum of photosynthesis was 20° C: this temperature coincided with PAR above the compensation point during 5%, 6% and 0% of the time in July, August and September, respectively. Optimal hydration of tissues was infrequent. Hence PAR, temperature and water limit CO2 uptake for most of the growing season. Our data suggest that the higher than normal ambient CO2 concentration in the immediate environment of the plant counteracts some of the limitations in PAR supply that it experiences in its habitat. This species already experiences concentrations of atmospheric CO2 predicted to occur over the next 50 years.  相似文献   

Field‐scale experiments simulating realistic future climate scenarios are important tools for investigating the effects of current and future climate changes on ecosystem functioning and biogeochemical cycling. We exposed a seminatural Danish heathland ecosystem to elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2), warming, and extended summer drought in all combinations. Here, we report on the short‐term responses of the nitrogen (N) cycle after 2 years of treatments. Elevated CO2 significantly affected aboveground stoichiometry by increasing the carbon to nitrogen (C/N) ratios in the leaves of both co‐dominant species (Calluna vulgaris and Deschampsia flexuosa), as well as the C/N ratios of Calluna flowers and by reducing the N concentration of Deschampsia litter. Belowground, elevated CO2 had only minor effects, whereas warming increased N turnover, as indicated by increased rates of microbial NH4+ consumption, gross mineralization, potential nitrification, denitrification and N2O emissions. Drought reduced belowground gross N mineralization and decreased fauna N mass and fauna N mineralization. Leaching was unaffected by treatments but was significantly higher across all treatments in the second year than in the much drier first year indicating that ecosystem N loss is highly sensitive to changes and variability in amount and timing of precipitation. Interactions between treatments were common and although some synergistic effects were observed, antagonism dominated the interactive responses in treatment combinations, i.e. responses were smaller in combinations than in single treatments. Nonetheless, increased C/N ratios of photosynthetic tissue in response to elevated CO2, as well as drought‐induced decreases in litter N production and fauna N mineralization prevailed in the full treatment combination. Overall, the simulated future climate scenario therefore lead to reduced N turnover, which could act to reduce the potential growth response of plants to elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration.  相似文献   

This work examined the effects of elevated CO2 and temperature and water regimes, alone and in interaction, on the leaf characteristics [leaf area (LA), specific leaf weight (SLW), leaf nitrogen content (NL) based on LA], photosynthesis (light‐saturated net carbon fixation rate, Psat) and carbon storage in aboveground biomass of leaves (Cl) and stem (Cs) for a perennial reed canary grass (Phalaris arundinacea L., Finnish local cultivar). For this purpose, plants were grown under different water regimes (ranging from high to low soil moisture) in climate‐controlled growth chambers under the elevated CO2 and/or temperature (following a factorial design) over a whole growing season (May–September in 2009). The results showed that the elevated temperature increased the leaf growth, photosynthesis and carbon storage of aboveground biomass the most in the early growing periods, compared with ambient temperature. However, the plant growth declined rapidly thereafter with a lower carbon storage at the end of growing season. This was related to the accelerated phenology regulation and consequent earlier growth senescence. Consequently, the elevation of CO2 increased the Psat, LA and SLW during the growing season, with a significant concurrent increase in the carbon storage in aboveground biomass. Low soil moisture decreased the Psat, leaf stomatal conductance, LA and carbon storage in above ground biomass compared with high and normal soil moisture. This water stress effect was the largest under the elevated temperature. The elevated CO2 partially mitigated the adverse effects of high temperature and low soil moisture. However, the combination of elevated temperature and CO2 did not significantly increase the carbon storage in aboveground biomass of the plants.  相似文献   

Limitation of plant productivity by the low partial pressure of atmospheric CO2 (Ca) experienced during the last glacial period is hypothesized to have been an important constraint on the origins of agriculture. In support of this hypothesis, previous work has shown that glacial Ca limits vegetative growth in the wild progenitors of both C3 and C4 founder crops. Here, we present data showing that glacial Ca also reduces grain yield in both crop types. We grew four wild progenitors of C3 (einkorn wheat and barley) and C4 crops (foxtail and broomcorn millets) at glacial and postglacial Ca, measuring grain yield and the morphological and physiological components contributing to these yield changes. The C3 species showed a significant increase in unthreshed grain yield of ~50% with the glacial to postglacial increase in Ca, which matched the stimulation of photosynthesis, suggesting that increases in photosynthesis are directly translated into yield at subambient levels of Ca. Increased yield was controlled by a higher rate of tillering, leading to a larger number of tillers bearing fertile spikes, and increases in seed number and size. The C4 species showed smaller, but significant, increases in grain yield of 10–15%, arising from larger seed numbers and sizes. Photosynthesis was enhanced by Ca in only one C4 species and the effect diminished during development, suggesting that an indirect mechanism mediated by plant water relations could also be playing a role in the yield increase. Interestingly, the C4 species at glacial Ca showed some evidence that photosynthetic capacity was upregulated to enhance carbon capture. Development under glacial Ca also impacted negatively on the subsequent germination and viability of seeds. These results suggest that the grain production of both C3 and C4 crop progenitors was limited by the atmospheric conditions of the last glacial period, with important implications for the origins of agriculture.  相似文献   

Middle-sized chambers (40 cmx 40 cmx20 cm) and an infrared gas analyzer (IRGA)were used for the measurement of net photosynthesis of the grass layer and soil CO2 evolution, in Quercus liaotungensis Koidz. forest, which is a typical temperate forest ecosystem in the mountainous areas of Beijing. Changes of CO2 concentrations in both the atmosphere (2 m above canopy) and the forest canopy (2 m below the top of the canopy) together with those of net photosynthesis and soil CO2 evolution were also examined, in order to find the characteristics of CO2 exchange between the different components of the temperate forest ecosystem and the atmosphere. Atmospheric CO2 averaged (323 ±10) and (330± 1) μmol'mo1-1 respectively in summer and autumn. During the 24-hour measurements, large differences as much as – 46 and – 61 μmol ·mol- 1 respectively in the atmosphere and forest were found. Net photosynthesis of the grass layer in summer was (2.59 ± 1.05) μmol CO2·m-2·s-1, two times of that in autumn, (1.31±0.39) μmol CO2·m-2·'s-1. In summer, there was much more CO2 evolved from soil than in autumn, averaging (5.18 ± 0.75) μmol CO2·m- 2·s- 1 and ( 1.96 ± 0.57) tanol CO2· m- 2· s- 1, respectively. A significant correlation was found between soil CO2 evolution and ground temperature, with Y = –0.864 2 + 0.310 1X, r =0.7164, P < 0.001 (n = 117). Both the minimal atmospheric CO2 level and the maximum net photosynthesis occurred around 14:00; and an increase in atmospheric CO2 and of soil CO2 evolution during night times were also found to be remarkable.  相似文献   

Climate models project a hot and dry future for Southern Africa. In this research, Maximum Entropy was used to model the extent to which climate change, land cover and distance from water edges may influence current and future distribution of the African skimmer in the mid-Zambezi Valley. Global Biodiversity Information Facility data collected between the years 2000–2019 were used to develop the models. Three models were built: one for current distribution and two for future distribution under Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs) 2.6 and 6.0. Results revealed that annual precipitation and distance from water edges were the most important predictors of habitat suitability for the African skimmer under current and future climate. Temperature and land cover were least important in explaining current and future distribution of the species. The RCP 2.6 predicted future decrease in suitable habitat for the African skimmer in the mid-Zambezi Valley, while RCP 6.0 predicted future increase in suitable habitat for the species. This research conclusively revealed that precipitation and distance from water edges were consistently key predictors of suitable habitat for the African skimmer.  相似文献   

栓皮栎(Quercus variabilis)是我国天然分布最广的树种之一,太行山南麓属我国林业工程重点区域,对气候变化较敏感,研究该地区栓皮栎人工林叶面积指数(LAI)与气候因子的关系对我国林业生态工程建设、温带森林碳汇功能评估有重要意义。依托河南黄河小浪底地球关键带国家野外科学观测研究站,利用LAI实测数据对2001—2019年基于MODIS地表反射率反演的LAI产品进行校正,分析了近19年来太行山南麓的气候变化趋势,以及40年生栓皮栎-刺槐-侧柏混交人工林LAI的变化特征及其与气候因子的关系。结果表明:2001—2019年实验区气候为变暖、变湿润趋势,气温升高温变化率为0.70℃/10a,生长季增温高于非生长季,生长季和非生长季降水量分别为增加和减少趋势。近10年来气候暖湿化趋势加快,高温天气发生的频率和强度增加。实验区栓皮栎混交人工林LAI为增加趋势,近19年平均值为2.09,增长率为0.21/10a,近熟林时期LAI增长率低于中龄林时期。气温是影响LAI季节和年际变异的主导气候因子,降水量主要影响LAI的季节变异。近熟林时期高温天气超过35 d的年份LAI比上一年度减小。  相似文献   

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