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Wood from 92 trees of Pinus culminicola, Pinus nelsonii, Pinus pinceana and Pinus maximartinezii from nine localities and oleoresin from several trees of Pinus nelsonii from one Iocality were analyzed for monoterpenes by gas liquid chromatography. Monoterpenes of Pinus nelsonii were composed mainly of α- and β-pinenes, while the main constituent of the monoterpenes of Pinus pinceana and Pinus maximartinezii was limonene, present in amounts of about 90 percent. The similarity in composition of the monoterpenes of Pinus pinceana and Pinus maximartinezii strongly supports the contention of Rzedowski [12] of the close evolutionary relation of the two pines. Pinus culminicola wood produced monoterpenes composed mainly of α-pinene, sabinene, terpinolene and limonene, with other monoterpenes occurring sporadically in sizeabie amounts. The variability between individual populations was relatively high, probably due to their long-time isolation by the intervening low-elevation barriers. Appreciable differences were found in compositions of monoterpenes from stem and from twigs of Pinus culrninicola.  相似文献   

Abstract. The long-term population dynamics of a pure, naturally-established stand of Pinus banksiana (jack pine) in southeastern Manitoba, Canada is described. The study was initiated at stand age 15, when all 468 trees in a plot were mapped and their trunk diameter at breast height (DBH) measured. The plot was remeasured eight times — every five years (six years in one case) — and mortality and DBH changes recorded. Total mortality over the 41-yr study period was ca. 84 %. Mortality was initially very low, increased once the stand entered the self-thinning stage from ages 25–46, and declined at ages 46–56. Mortality was restricted to the smallest size classes throughout. The stand reached the self-thinning line at ca. age 30. The self-thinning slope was significantly less steep than the theoretically expected value of ?0.5. The distribution of DBH values was initially symmetric, showed increasing positive skewness during the period of highest mortality, and became symmetric again at later stages. Size (DBH) inequality was highest just prior to the onset of density-dependent mortality, and subsequently declined. Tree DBH values were positively autocorrelated both initially and at later stages of stand development, but were spatially independent during the period of highest density-dependent mortality. The stand initially had a strongly clumped pattern at all spatial scales. Patterns of mortality were non-random during stand development, however, resulting in increased spatial regularity over time. Mortality was initially restricted to high density patches of the stand, but occurred throughout the plot once the self-thinning line was reached. Mortality during the self-thinning stage deviated from random expectation at local spatial scales (1–2m radius), suggesting that individuals were competing with their immediate neighbours. It is argued that an integrated approach, incorporating both population size and spatial structures, is essential in improving our understanding of long-term plant population dynamics.  相似文献   

Rapid evolution challenges the assumption that evolution is too slow to impact short-term ecological dynamics. This insight motivates the study of 'Eco-Evolutionary Dynamics' or how evolution and ecological processes reciprocally interact on short time scales. We tested how rapid evolution impacts concurrent population dynamics using an aphid (Myzus persicae) and an undomesticated host (Hirschfeldia incana) in replicated wild populations. We manipulated evolvability by creating non-evolving (single clone) and potentially evolving (two-clone) aphid populations that contained genetic variation in intrinsic growth rate. We observed significant evolution in two-clone populations whether or not they were exposed to predators and competitors. Evolving populations grew up to 42% faster and attained up to 67% higher density, compared with non-evolving control populations but only in treatments exposed to competitors and predators. Increased density also correlates with relative fitness of competing clones suggesting a full eco-evolutionary dynamic cycle defined as reciprocal interactions between evolution and density.  相似文献   

山东赤松种群的数量动态   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
通过静态生命表分析赤松(Pinus densiflora Sieb.et Zucc.)种群的生命结构与数量动态。结果表明,赤松种群具有不同年龄等级结构,死亡高峰出现在5~15年,此时正是幼龄期向成年期的过渡阶段,度过此阶段的赤松个体大多能达到生理寿命。由此看出,赤松种群静态生命表能较精确地反映赤松种群的数量动态规律。  相似文献   

Secondary seed dispersal is an important plant-animal interaction, which is central to understanding plant population and community dynamics. Very little information is still available on the effects of dispersal on plant demography and, particularly, for ant-seed dispersal interactions. As many other interactions, seed dispersal by animals involves costs (seed predation) and benefits (seed dispersal), the balance of which determines the outcome of the interaction. Separate quantification of each of them is essential in order to understand the effects of this interaction. To address this issue, we have successfully separated and analyzed the costs and benefits of seed dispersal by seed-harvesting ants on the plant population dynamics of three shrub species with different traits. To that aim a stochastic, spatially-explicit individually-based simulation model has been implemented based on actual data sets. The results from our simulation model agree with theoretical models of plant response dependent on seed dispersal, for one plant species, and ant-mediated seed predation, for another one. In these cases, model predictions were close to the observed values at field. Nonetheless, these ecological processes did not affect in anyway a third species, for which the model predictions were far from the observed values. This indicates that the balance between costs and benefits associated to secondary seed dispersal is clearly related to specific traits. This study is one of the first works that analyze tradeoffs of secondary seed dispersal on plant population dynamics, by disentangling the effects of related costs and benefits. We suggest analyzing the effects of interactions on population dynamics as opposed to merely analyzing the partners and their interaction strength.  相似文献   

Seed banks and seed population dynamics of halophytes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

In this review I will describe the importance of seed banks and thepopulation dynamics of seeds on the distribution of species in salinehabitats. The main questions being examined in this review include: 1.Does the seed bank represent the flora of the entire salinity gradient or isit restricted to the species in each zonal community? 2. Is the size andspecies composition of the persistent seed bank regulated by the degree ofsalt stress in habitats along an environmental gradient? 3. Does thepopulation dynamics of seeds influence the temporal and spatial distributionof plant species in saline habitats? Seed banks may be transient orpersistent depending upon the physiological responses of species and thesoil environment in which the seeds are found. The formation of zonalcommunities in salt marsh environments is affected by changes in soilsalinity and flooding along an elevational gradient. Population dynamics ofseeds have been found to determine the spatial and temporal distributionof species along salinity gradients. The flora and relative density of speciesof zonal communities are significantly dependent upon the stress toleranceof species at different stages of development and the presence of transientor persistent seed banks. The occurrence of a seed bank is related to thesalinity tolerance of species at the germination stage of development, aseeds ability to tolerate hypersaline conditions and flooding, and whetheror not species are able to maintain a persistent seed bank until hypersalineconditions are alleviated.


Multiple pathogenic infections can influence disease transmission and virulence, and have important consequences for understanding the community ecology and epidemiology of host-pathogen interactions. Here the population and evolutionary dynamics of a host-pathogen interaction with free-living stages are explored in the presence of a non-lethal synergist that hosts must tolerate. Through the coupled effects on pathogen transmission, host mass gain and allometry it is shown how investing in tolerance to a non-lethal synergist can lead to a broad range of different population dynamics. The effects of the synergist on pathogen fitness are explored through a series of life-history trait trade-offs. Coupling trade-offs between pathogen yield and pathogen speed of kill and the presence of a synergist favour parasites that have faster speeds of kill. This evolutionary change in pathogen characteristics is predicted to lead to stable population dynamics. Evolutionary analysis of tolerance of the synergist (strength of synergy) and lethal pathogen yield show that decreasing tolerance allows alternative pathogen strategies to invade and replace extant strategies. This evolutionary change is likely to destabilise the host-pathogen interaction leading to population cycles. Correlated trait effects between speed of kill and tolerance (strength of synergy) show how these traits can interact to affect the potential for the coexistence of multiple pathogen strategies. Understanding the consequences of these evolutionary relationships is important for the both the evolutionary and population dynamics of host-pathogen interactions.  相似文献   

In this article, we use mathematical modeling to study the impact of population dynamics on Y-chromosome STR-polymorphism accumulation in two independently evolving populations, namely, on the changes in genetic distance between the populations. Comparative analysis using two definitions of genetic distance—(δμ)2 and ASD—shows that, in contrast to (δμ)2, ASD is almost linearly dependent on time (except for sparse stationary populations, where deviations are observed). When the population numbers undergo oscillations, ASD proves to be smaller than that for stationary populations.  相似文献   

In this article, we use mathematical modeling to study the impact of population dynamics on Y-chromosome STR-polymorphism accumulation in two independently evolving populations, namely, on the changes in genetic distance among the populations. Using two definitions of the genetic distance: (deltamu)2 and ASD, we carry out comparative research on the genetic distance changes and show that in contrast to (deltamu)2, ASD is characterized by a near-linear dependence on time. As the populations undergo oscillations, ASD is shown to be smaller than that in stationary populations. The linear dependence of ASD on time is shown to break down in relatively scanty stationary populations.  相似文献   

Extinction dynamics,population growth and seed banks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The goal of this paper is to test theoretical predictions about the effects of seed banks on population dynamics and extinction rates in variable environments using simulations based on data from a natural population of the winter annual Collinsia verna. In the simulations, we varied the frequency of demographically good and bad years and the autocorrelation between conditions in consecutive years to examine the impact of seed dormancy on population growth rate, extinction rate and time to extinction. The existence of a seed bank enhanced population growth rates under all environmental regimes except when good years were very frequent, but this enhancement was minimal. In addition, the presence of the seed bank decreased the likelihood of extinctions and increased the time to extinction. The time to extinction was longest when the environmental conditions were most unpredictable.  相似文献   

J. van Baalen 《Oecologia》1982,53(1):61-67
Summary The germination ecology and the dynamics of the generative reproduction in populations of Digitalis purpurea L. were investigated in the field as well as in experiments. Germination of fresh seeds in the dark on moist filter paper appeared to differ between populations. These differences were eliminated when a moist natural soil functioned as germination substrate. An interaction between the spectral composition of light and the germination substrate was present. Germination in gradients of light, temperature and soil moisture revealed some clear-cut results. Germination proved to be strongly dependent on the percentage of vegetation cover. During two years of burial in litter bags, the number of buried viable seeds did not decrease. From one generation of seeds produced in a natural population, 18% was introduced into the buried seed bank, 10% germinated in autumn and 24% was present as a enforced dormant surface seed bank in late autumn.The results are discussed in relation to secondary succession. can be derived from Milton (1936), Salisbury (1942) and Thompson and Grime (1979). Soil disturbance and germination seem to be correlated in D. purpurea (Grime 1979). The purpose of this study is to analyse the dormancy and germination behaviour of D. purpurea in relation to the relevant environmental factors in order to explain the mechanisms of entry into, and the escape of D. purpurea seeds from a seed bank. Furthermore, an attempt will be made to quantify seed rain as well as the fate of different germinating and non-germinating seed rain fractions in space and time per unit area, in different stages of succession.  相似文献   

An improved understanding of dispersal behavior is needed to predict how populations and communities respond to habitat fragmentation. Most spatial dynamic theory concentrates on random dispersal, in which movement rates depend neither on the state of an individual nor its environment and movement directions are unbiased. We examine the neglected dispersal component of directed movement in which dispersal is a conditional and directional response of individuals to varying environmental conditions. Specifically, we assume that individuals bias their movements along local gradients in fitness. Random movers, unable to track heterogeneous environmental conditions, face source-sink dynamics, which can result in deterministic extinction or increase their vulnerability to stochastic extinction. Directed movers track environmental conditions closely. In fluctuating environments, random movers "spread their bets" across patches, while directed movers invest offspring in habitats currently enjoying propitious conditions. The autocorrelation in the environment determines each strategy's success. Random movers permeate entire landscapes, but directed movers are more geographically constrained. Local information constraints limit the ranges of directed movers and introduce a role for historical contingency in determining their ultimate distribution. These geographic differences have implications for biodiversity. Random movement maintains biodiversity through local coexistence, but directed movement favors a spatial partitioning of species.  相似文献   

Large numbers of epiphytes are extracted from cloud forests for ornamental use and illegal trade in Latin America. We examined the potential effects of different harvesting regimes on the population dynamics of the epiphytic bromeliads Tillandsia multicaulis and Tillandsia punctulata. The population dynamics of these species were studied over a 2-year period in a tropical montane cloud forest in Veracruz, Mexico. Prospective and retrospective analyses were used to identify which demographic processes and life-cycle stages make the largest relative contribution to variation in population growth rate (λ). The effect of simulated harvesting levels on population growth rates was analysed for both species. λ of both populations was highly influenced by survival (stasis), to a lesser extent by growth, and only slightly by fecundity. Vegetative growth played a central role in the population dynamics of these organisms. The λ value of the studied populations did not differ significantly from unity: T. multicaulis λ (95% confidence interval) = 0.982 (0.897–1.060) and T. punctulata λ = 0.967 (0.815–1.051), suggesting population stability. However, numerical simulation of different levels of extraction showed that λ would drop substantially even under very low (2%) harvesting levels. Matrix analysis revealed that T. multicaulis and T. punctulata populations are likely to decline and therefore commercial harvesting would be unsustainable. Based on these findings, management recommendations are outlined.  相似文献   

Summary The seasonal and long-term population dynamics of helminths parasitizing voles suggested that density-dependent factors might be important in the population dynamics of common species, whereas density-independent factors predominate in the regulation of the rare species. To test this, we used single and multiple regression to analyse the effects of climatic factors and host density on populations of six species of vole helminths over 12 years. The data do support the idea of a difference between common and rare species of helminths, but they clearly do not support the above hypothesis. The common helminths Heligmosomum mixtum (Nematoda) and Catenotaenia sp. (Cestoda) responded to changes in temperature sum (>5° C days) and precipitation during summer. The combined effect of climatic factors and host density explained most of the variation in the long-term dynamics of these common species. By contrast, the long-term dynamics of the rare helminths Paranoplocephala kalelai (Cestoda), Mastophorus muris, Capillaria sp. and Syphacia petrusewiczi (Nematoda) were explained less well by weather and host density than those of the common ones. Furthermore, the common and rare helminths differed in some ways in their responses to climatic factors.  相似文献   

Weeping pi?on (Pinus pinceana) has a restricted and fragmented range, trees are widely scattered within populations, and reproduction is limited. Nevertheless, genetic diversity was high; based on 27 isozyme loci in 18 enzyme systems, unbiased expected heterozygosity averaged 0.174. Differentiation also was high (F(ST) = 0.152), reflecting isolation between southern, central, and northern fragments of the range. Among populations in the northern fragment, F(ST) was only 0.056, and the number of migrants per generation (Nm) was 4.21, which should preclude fixation. Nm between central and southern populations or between them and populations in the northern fragment was lower, 0.99-1.66, indicating a degree of genetic isolation. Multilocus outcrossing rates (t(m)) ranged from 0.836 in the south to 0.897 in the north. Therefore, selfing is low but statistically significant. The equilibrium inbreeding coefficient (F(e)) calculated from t(m) was in good agreement with observed inbreeding coefficients, suggesting that weeping pi?on may be near equilibrium with respect to inbreeding and selection against selfed trees. Weeping pi?on was variable at all loci polymorphic in maxipi?on (Pinus maximartinezii) and, therefore, qualifies as a possible progenitor of maxipi?on. Because of the high level of diversity, reasonable levels of gene flow within the northern fragment of weeping pi?on's range, high rates of outcrossing, and, perhaps, only weak selection against inbred trees, protection in reserves would be a viable option for conservation.  相似文献   

山东赤松种群直径结构及其动态研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用维泊尔(Weibull)分布函数对山东赤松种群直径的分布规律及其动态进行了初步研究。结果表明,赤松种群直径分布的概率密度分布曲线,由幼龄阶段到成熟阶段,其峰值由左向右移动,由左偏单峰分布过渡为非偏单峰近似正态分布,最后趋于右偏单峰分布,针对不同林型的直径结构,探讨了赤松林的保护和管理。  相似文献   

During an adaptive immune response, lymphocytes proliferate for five to twenty-five cell divisions, then stop and die over a period of weeks. Based on extensive flow cytometry data, Hawkins et al. (Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 104:5032–5037, 2007) introduced a cell-level stochastic model of lymphocyte population dynamics, called the Cyton Model, that accurately captures mean lymphocyte population size as a function of time. In Subramanian et al. (J Math Biol 56(6):861–892, 2008), we performed a branching process analysis of the Cyton Model and deduced from parameterizations for in vitro and in vivo data that the immune response is predictable despite each cell’s fate being highly variable. One drawback of flow cytometry data is that individual cells cannot be tracked, so that it is not possible to investigate dependencies in the fate of cells within family trees. In the absence of this information, while the Cyton Model abandons one of the usual assumptions of branching processes (the independence of lifetime and progeny number), it adopts another of the standard branching processes hypotheses: that the fates of progeny are stochastically independent. However, new experimental observations of lymphocytes show that the fates of cells in the same family tree are not stochastically independent. Hawkins et al. (2008, submitted) report on ciné lapse photography experiments where every founding cell’s family tree is recorded for a system of proliferating lymphocytes responding to a mitogenic stimulus. Data from these experiments demonstrate that the death-or-division fates of collaterally consanguineous cells (those in the same generation within a founding cell’s family tree) are strongly correlated, while there is little correlation between cells of distinct generations and between cells in distinct family trees. As this finding contrasts with one of the assumptions of the Cyton Model, in this paper we introduce three variants of the Cyton Model with increasing levels of collaterally consanguineous correlation structure to incorporate these new found dependencies. We investigate their impact on the predicted expected variability of cell population size. Mathematically we conclude that while the introduction of correlation structure leaves the mean population size unchanged from the Cyton Model, the variance of the population size distribution is typically larger. Biologically, through comparison of model predictions for Cyton Model parameterizations determined by in vitro and in vivo experiments, we deduce that if collaterally consanguineous correlation extends beyond cousins, then the immune response is less predictable than would be concluded from the original Cyton Model. That is, some of the variability seen in data that we previously attributed to experimental error could be due to intrinsic variability in the cell population size dynamics.   相似文献   

Spatial heterogeneity, especially in mortality risk, is a major factor shaping population dynamics. Here we study the impacts of spatial heterogeneity in hunting pressure on the demography of Eurasian woodcock Scolopax rusticola, a relatively long-lived migratory game bird. We develop capture–recapture–recovery models in which both seasonality and spatial variation in hunting pressure are accounted for, and fit them to individual-based data collected across the French wintering range (>44000 banded individuals) as well as recoveries from spring stopovers and breeding grounds in Europe. Our results quantify spatial variation in survival probability in the wintering areas. They highlight the role of source-sink dynamics involving juvenile settlement decisions, as well as the importance of mortality outside the winter quarters. We also discuss the impact of spatial heterogeneity for demographic parameter estimation and data collection at the range scale.  相似文献   

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