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Seagrasses are valuable sources of food and habitat for marine life and are one of Earth's most efficient carbon sinks. However, they are facing a global decline due to ocean warming and eutrophication. In the last decade, with the advent of new technology and molecular advances, there has been a dramatic increase in the number of studies focusing on the effects of ocean warming on seagrasses. Here, we provide a comprehensive review of the future of seagrasses in an era of ocean warming. We have gathered information from published studies to identify potential commonalities in the effects of warming and the responses of seagrasses across four distinct levels: molecular, biochemical/physiological, morphological/population, and ecosystem/planetary. To date, we know that although warming strongly affects seagrasses at all four levels, seagrass responses diverge amongst species, populations, and over depths. Furthermore, warming alters seagrass distribution causing massive die-offs in some seagrass populations, whilst also causing tropicalization and migration of temperate species. In this review, we evaluate the combined effects of ocean warming with other environmental stressors and emphasize the need for multiple-stressor studies to provide a deeper understanding of seagrass resilience. We conclude by discussing the most significant knowledge gaps and future directions for seagrass research.  相似文献   

This literature review summarizes the limiting factors for seagrass occurrence, and the effect positive feedbacks in seagrass systems have on these threshold levels. Minimum water depth is mainly determined by wave orbital velocity, tide and wave energy; and maximum depth by light availability. Besides these, other limiting factors occur, such as an upper current velocity threshold, above which seagrasses are eroded, or a lower water current velocity threshold below which carbon exchange is limiting. In some locations organic matter content, sulphide concentration or nutrient availability are limiting. N-limitation is mainly reported from temperate terrigenous sediments, and P-limitation from tropical carbonate sediments. However, limiting factors sometimes change over the year, switching from light limiting to N- or P-limiting, and show at times regional variation. The effect seagrasses have on current reduction, trapping sediment and decreasing resuspension can lead to several changes in both the sediment and the water column. In the sediment, an increase in nutrient availability has been reported, and increases in organic matter, sediment height increases, and burial of the seagrasses. In the water column the effect is a reduction of the turbidity through a decrease of the sediment load, decreasing the attenuation coefficient, thereby increasing light availability. Due to the large effect light availability has on seagrass occurrence, the effect of an improvement of the light conditions by a reduction of the turbidity by seagrasses is probably the most important positive feedback in seagrass systems. The latter effect should therefore be incorporated in models that try to understand or predict seagrass changes. Generalization are difficult due a lack of studies that try to find relationships between seagrass architecture and sediment trapping (studying both turbidity reduction and nutrient increase) on a global level under a variety of different conditions. Areas for research priorities are identified.  相似文献   

Seagrasses are key components of coastal marine ecosystems and many monitoring programmes worldwide assess seagrass health and apply seagrasses as indicators of environmental status. This study aims at identifying the diversity and characteristics of seagrass indicators in use within and across European ecoregions in order to provide an overview of seagrass monitoring effort in Europe. We identified 49 seagrass indicators used in 42 monitoring programmes and including a total of 51 metrics. The seagrass metrics represented 6 broad categories covering different seagrass organizational levels and spatial scales. The large diversity is particularly striking considering that the pan-European Water Framework Directive sets common demands for the presence and abundance of seagrasses and related disturbance-sensitive species. The diversity of indicators reduces the possibility to provide pan-European overviews of the status of seagrass ecosystems. The diversity can be partially justified by differences in species, differences in habitat conditions and associated communities but also seems to be determined by tradition. Within each European region, we strongly encourage the evaluation of seagrass indicator–pressure responses and quantification of the uncertainty of classification associated to the indicator in order to identify the most effective seagrass indicators for assessing ecological quality of coastal and transitional water bodies.  相似文献   

The interactive effects of light, nutrients, and simulated herbivory on the structure and functioning of a subtropical turtlegrass bed were analyzed monthly from May to October 2001 in Perdido Bay, FL. For each of the three factors, two levels were evaluated in a factorial design with four replicates per treatment. The variables included: light, at ambient and 40% reduction; nutrients, at ambient and 2× ambient concentrations; and herbivory, with no herbivory and simulated effects of a density of 15 sea urchins/m2. In practice, light levels turned out to be 40% of surface PAR for ambient conditions, and 16% for shaded plots. Biomass removed as herbivory represented, on average, slightly less than 20% of the above-ground biomass. Separate three-way ANOVAs found no significant three-way interactions for any of the response variables, and few two-way interactions. There were no significant nutrient effects on turtlegrass above-ground biomass, although nutrient additions produced significant decreases in epibiont biomass, and net above-ground primary production (NAPP); significant increases in below-ground biomass during the peak of the growing season. Shoot density and average number of leaves per shoot increased significantly, while the C/N ratio of the oldest leaf in the enriched plots decreased significantly. Light reduction significantly negatively affected all response variables, except below-ground biomass, shoot density and leaf length. Herbivory had isolated and inconsistent significant effects on below-ground biomass, shoot density, average number of leaves per shoot, and leaf length and width. Overall, our results indicate that nutrients are not limiting in Perdido Bay, and that nutrient additions had mostly detrimental effects. Light appeared to be the most important variable limiting seagrasses growth and abundance, and as with terrestrial plants, seagrasses seemed to respond more to light and nutrients than to herbivory. However, it is essential that additional tests of the single and interactive effects of the three key factors of light, nutrients and herbivory be done to evaluate the generality of our work, since our study is the first of its kind in seagrass meadows.  相似文献   

Seagrasses are important habitat-formers and ecosystem engineers that are under threat from bloom-forming seaweeds. These seaweeds have been suggested to outcompete the seagrasses, particularly when facilitated by eutrophication, causing regime shifts where green meadows and clear waters are replaced with unstable sediments, turbid waters, hypoxia, and poor habitat conditions for fishes and invertebrates. Understanding the situations under which seaweeds impact seagrasses on local patch scales can help proactive management and prevent losses at greater scales. Here, we provide a quantitative review of available published manipulative experiments (all conducted at the patch-scale), to test which attributes of seaweeds and seagrasses (e.g., their abundances, sizes, morphology, taxonomy, attachment type, or origin) influence impacts. Weighted and unweighted meta-analyses (Hedges d metric) of 59 experiments showed generally high variability in attribute-impact relationships. Our main significant findings were that (a) abundant seaweeds had stronger negative impacts on seagrasses than sparse seaweeds, (b) unattached and epiphytic seaweeds had stronger impacts than 'rooted' seaweeds, and (c) small seagrass species were more susceptible than larger species. Findings (a) and (c) were rather intuitive. It was more surprising that 'rooted' seaweeds had comparatively small impacts, particularly given that this category included the infamous invasive Caulerpa species. This result may reflect that seaweed biomass and/or shading and metabolic by-products like anoxia and sulphides could be lower for rooted seaweeds. In conclusion, our results represent simple and robust first-order generalities about seaweed impacts on seagrasses. This review also documented a limited number of primary studies. We therefore identified major knowledge gaps that need to be addressed before general predictive models on seaweed-seagrass interactions can be build, in order to effectively protect seagrass habitats from detrimental competition from seaweeds.  相似文献   

The analysis of the temporal changes in shoot density, areal leaf biomass, leaf growth and parameters of the photosynthesis–irradiance relationship of three tropical seagrass species (Enhalus acoroides, Thalassia hemprichii and Cymodocea rotundata), co-existing in a shallow subtidal meadow in Cape Bolinao, Philippines, shows that species-specific traits are significant sources of temporal variability, and indicates that these seagrass species respond differently to a common environmental forcing. Species-specific differences are much less important as source of variability of the temporal change in chlorophyll concentration of seagrass leaves. The results indicate that the temporal changes in photosynthetic performance of these seagrasses were driven by environmental forcing and their specific responses to it mostly, but the temporal change in their abundance and leaf growth was also controlled by other factors. The significant contribution of species-specific factors in the temporal changes of biomass, growth and photosynthetic performance of co-occurring seagrass species in Cape Bolinao should contribute to the maintenance of the multispecific, highly productive meadows characteristic of pristine coastal ecosystems in Southeast (SE) Asia.  相似文献   

Positive feedbacks cause a nonlinear response of ecosystems to environmental change and may even cause bistability. Even though the importance of feedback mechanisms has been demonstrated for many types of ecosystems, their identification and quantification is still difficult. Here, we investigated whether positive feedbacks between seagrasses and light conditions are likely in seagrass ecosystems dominated by the temperate seagrass Zostera marina. We applied a combination of multiple linear regression and structural equation modeling (SEM) on a dataset containing 83 sites scattered across Western Europe. Results confirmed that a positive feedback between sediment conditions, light conditions and seagrass density is likely to exist in seagrass ecosystems. This feedback indicated that seagrasses are able to trap and stabilize suspended sediments, which in turn improves water clarity and seagrass growth conditions. Furthermore, our analyses demonstrated that effects of eutrophication on light conditions, as indicated by surface water total nitrogen, were on average at least as important as sediment conditions. This suggests that in general, eutrophication might be the most important factor controlling seagrasses in sheltered estuaries, while the seagrass-sediment-light feedback is a dominant mechanism in more exposed areas. Our study demonstrates the potentials of SEM to identify and quantify positive feedbacks mechanisms for ecosystems and other complex systems.  相似文献   

Seagrasses are underwater flowering plants that form an important marine habitat worldwide. They respond to watershed and climate influences and are considered a good indicator of environmental health. Investigations into seagrass photosynthesis, response to high irradiance and UV light are providing new insights into controls on plant production. We show that the size and density of the intertidal seagrass directly relates to sunspot activity. The influence of sunspot activity has been largely overlooked in plants and never examined in seagrasses. The correlation between seagrass canopy height and the number of sunspots was highly significant, with height decreasing steadily as sunspots increase and recover only after a substantial decline in sunspot activity. The density of seagrass shoots correlated positively with sunspots until, at high sunspot numbers (>110 per month), plant density dropped and then rebounded. High sunspot activity inhibits the production and alters the meadow structure of tropical intertidal seagrass habitats.  相似文献   

The available information on the changes in the reproductive effort (RE) of seagrasses in response to disturbances was reviewed and analysed to assess if seagrasses invest in RE when disturbed, and if this response is related to specific types of disturbance or seagrass traits. In 72% of the documented cases RE increased with disturbance, in 25% it decreased, and in 3% no changes were reported. Overall, seagrass RE increased 4-fold with disturbance. Anthropogenic disturbances had the highest impact on RE (a 13-fold increase); 3 times higher than the effect of natural disturbances. Mechanical and sedimentary/hydrodynamics disturbances caused the highest RE increase (9- and 5-fold, respectively). The positive RE response was significantly correlated with rhizome diameter of seagrasses, but not with shoot size (mass or length), suggesting that species with higher storage capacity have a higher capacity of investing in sexual reproduction when conditions deteriorate. Seagrasses showed a general trend of increasing RE under disturbance; this was evident regardless of the origin and type of disturbance, which suggests that changes in seagrass RE provide a valuable indicator of disturbance in coastal areas.  相似文献   

Seagrasses and eutrophication   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This review summarizes the historic, correlative field evidence and experimental research that implicate cultural eutrophication as a major cause of seagrass disappearance. We summarize the underlying physiological responses of seagrass species, the potential utility of various parameters as indicators of nutrient enrichment in seagrasses, the relatively sparse available information about environmental conditions that exacerbate eutrophication effects, and the better known array of indirect stressors imposed by nutrient over-enrichment that influence seagrass growth and survival. Seagrass recovery following nutrient reductions is examined, as well as the status of modeling efforts to predict seagrass response to changing nutrient regimes.The most common mechanism invoked or demonstrated for seagrass decline under nutrient over-enrichment is light reduction through stimulation of high-biomass algal overgrowth as epiphytes and macroalgae in shallow coastal areas, and as phytoplankton in deeper coastal waters. Direct physiological responses such as ammonium toxicity and water-column nitrate inhibition through internal carbon limitation may also contribute. Seagrass decline under nutrient enrichment appears to involve indirect and feedback mechanisms, and is manifested as sudden shifts in seagrass abundance rather than continuous, gradual changes in parallel with rates of increased nutrient additions. Depending on the species, interactions of high salinity, high temperature, and low light have been shown to exacerbate the adverse effects of nutrient over-enrichment. An array of indirect effects of nutrient enrichment can accelerate seagrass disappearance, including sediment re-suspension from seagrass loss, increased system respiration and resulting oxygen stress, depressed advective water exchange from thick macroalgal growth, biogeochemical alterations such as sediment anoxia with increased hydrogen sulfide concentrations, and internal nutrient loading via enhanced nutrient fluxes from sediments to the overlying water. Indirect effects on trophic structure can also be critically important, for example, the loss of herbivores, through increased hypoxia/anoxia and other habitat shifts, that would have acted as “ecological engineers” in promoting seagrass survival by controlling algal overgrowth; and shifts favoring exotic grazers that out-compete seagrasses for space. Evidence suggests that natural seagrass population shifts are disrupted, slowed or indefinitely blocked by cultural eutrophication, and there are relatively few known examples of seagrass meadow recovery following nutrient reductions.Reliable biomarkers as early indicators of nutrient over-enriched seagrass meadows would benefit coastal resource managers in improving protective measures. Seagrasses can be considered as “long-term" integrators (days to weeks) of nutrient availability, especially through analyses of their tissue content, and of activities of enzymes such as nitrate reductase and alkaline phosphatase. The ratio of leaf nitrogen content to leaf mass has also shown promise as a “nutrient pollution indicator” for the seagrass Zostera marina, with potential application to other species. In modeling efforts, seagrass response to nutrient loading has proven difficult to quantify beyond localized areas because long-term data consistent in quality are generally lacking, and high inter-annual variability in abundance and productivity depending upon stochastic meteorological and hydrographic conditions.Efforts to protect remaining seagrass meadows from damage and loss under eutrophication, within countries and across regions, are generally lacking or weak and ineffective. Research needs to further understand about seagrasses and eutrophication should emphasize experimental studies to assess the response of a wider range of species to chronic, low-level as well as acute, pulsed nutrient enrichment. These experiments should be conducted in the field or in large-scale mesocosms following appropriate acclimation, and should emphasize factor interactions (N, P, C; turbidity; temperature; herbivory) to more closely simulate reality in seagrass ecosystems. They should scale up to address processes that occur over larger scales, including food-web dynamics that involve highly mobile predators and herbivores. Without any further research, however, one point is presently very clear: Concerted local and national actions, thus far mostly lacking, are needed worldwide to protect remaining seagrass meadows from accelerating cultural eutrophication in rapidly urbanizing coastal zones.  相似文献   



The global vertical depth distribution of seagrass species remains poorly understood. Locally, the abundance and distribution of seagrasses is determined by light penetration, but at global levels each seagrass species has very distinct maximum distributional depth ranges, indicating that plant-associated traits must also influence their specific depth ranges. Seagrass-specific attributes, such as plant size or architecture, growth or reproductive strategy and their physiological and/or morphological acclimatization potential, have been suggested to be responsible for this variety of vertical distributions. We investigate here whether these species-specific traits drive differences in the global maximum vertical distribution of seagrasses.



Time period

Publications between 1982 and 2020.

Major taxa studied

Seagrasses (order Alismatales).


We tested whether the species-specific maximum vertical distribution of seagrasses can be predicted by (1) their rhizome diameter (a proxy for plant size); (2) their functional resilience (growth/reproductive strategy); or (3) their acclimatization capacity. For the last aspect, we used a systematic review followed by meta-analytical approaches to select key seagrass traits that could potentially acclimatize to extreme light ranges across different seagrasses.


We found that vertical distribution is best explained by the species-specific acclimatization capacity of various seagrass traits, including saturation irradiance (physiological trait), leaves per shoot (morphological trait) and above-ground biomass (structural trait). In contrast, our results indicate no predictive power of seagrass size or growth/reproductive strategy on the vertical distribution of seagrasses.

Main conclusions

Across the globe, the ability of seagrass species to thrive at a wide range of depths is strongly linked to the species-specific acclimatization capacity of key traits at different organizational levels.  相似文献   

Knowledge of landscape spatial patterns of seagrasses and their rates of loss and natural colonization is critical for understanding the ecology of this group of submerged aquatic plants. Seagrasses form extensive meadows that occupy sheltered coastal seas of the world. In this paper, we examine the multi-scale variability of three seagrass species over a large near-shore region (42 km2) in Western Australia. Geostatistical non-parametric methods were used to explore spatial variation in presence of Amphibolis griffithii , Posidonia coriacea and P. sinuosa , and to identify the spatial scales at which distinct patterns in the species distributions occur: <50, 50–610 and >610 m. Each species showed unique variance structure across local (<50 and 50–610 m) and regional scales (>610 m), suggesting differences in species biology, environmental requirements, inter-species interactions, and their ability to modify their environment. These observations reflect that 1) seagrass landscapes are created by processes that independently act on each seagrass species at different spatial scales; 2) the species' distributions differ in their hydrodynamic forcing, and; 3) seagrass species distributions reflect colonization history such that related species are separated in space because they have different places in the successional sequence. This cross-scale study demonstrates that shoot studies only partly address the spatial structure of seagrass landscapes and further large-scale spatially-explicit research is required before we can interpret the driving processes.  相似文献   

Seagrass depth limits   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
Examination of the depth limit of seagrass communities distributed worldwide showed that sea-grasses may extend from mean sea level down to a depth of 90 m, and that differences in seagrass depth limit (Zc) are largely attributable to differences in light attenuation underwater (K). This relationship is best described by the equation
log Zc (m) = 0.26 − 1.07 log K (m)
that holds for a large number of marine angiosperm species, although differences in seagrass growth strategy and architecture also appear to contribute to explain differences in their depth limits. The equation relating seagrass depth limit and light attenuation coefficient is qualitatively similar to previous equations developed for freshwater angiosperms, but predicts that seagrasses will colonize greater depths than freshwater angiosperms in clear (transparency greater than 10 m) waters. Further, the reduction in seagrass biomass from the depth of maximum biomass towards the depth limit is also closely related to the light attenuation coefficient. The finding that seagrasses can extend to depths receiving, on average, about 11% of the irradiance at the surface, together with the use of the equation described, may prove useful in the identification of seagrass meadows that have not reached their potential extension.  相似文献   

It is well known that ecological processes such as population regulation and natural enemy interactions potentially occur over a range of spatial scales, and there is a substantial body of literature developing theoretical understanding of the interplay between these processes. However, there are comparatively few studies quantifying the long-term effects of spatial scaling in natural ecosystems. A key challenge is that trophic complexity in real-world biological communities quickly obscures the signal from a focal process. Seagrass meadows provide an excellent opportunity in this respect: in many instances, seagrasses effectively form extensive natural monocultures, in which hypotheses about endogenous dynamics can be formulated and tested. We present amongst the longest unbroken, spatially explict time series of seagrass abundance published to date. Data include annual measures of shoot density, total above-ground abundance, and associated epiphyte cover from five Zostera marina meadows distributed around the Isles of Scilly, UK, from 1996 to 2011. We explore empirical patterns at the local and metapopulation scale using standard time series analysis and develop a simple population dynamic model, testing the hypothesis that both local and metapopulation scale feedback processes are important. We find little evidence of an interaction between scales in seagrass dynamics but that both scales contribute approximately equally to observed local epiphyte abundance. By quantifying the long-term dynamics of seagrass-epiphyte interactions we show how measures of density and extent are both important in establishing baseline information relevant to predicting responses to environmental change and developing management plans. We hope that this study complements existing mechanistic studies of physiology, genetics and productivity in seagrass, whilst highlighting the potential of seagrass as a model ecosystem. More generally, this study provides a rare opportunity to test some of the predictions of ecological theory in a natural ecosystem of global conservation and economic value.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional computer model of canopies of the seagrass Amphibolis griffithii was used to investigate the consequences of variations in canopy structure and benthic light environment on leaf-level photosynthetic saturation state. The model was constructed using empirical data of plant morphometrics from a previously conducted shading experiment and validated well to in-situ data on light attenuation in canopies of different densities. Using published values of the leaf-level saturating irradiance for photosynthesis, results show that the interaction of canopy density and canopy-scale photosynthetic response is complex and non-linear, due to the combination of self-shading and the non-linearity of photosynthesis versus irradiance (P-I) curves near saturating irradiance. Therefore studies of light limitation in seagrasses should consider variation in canopy structure and density. Based on empirical work, we propose a number of possible measures for canopy scale photosynthetic response that can be plotted to yield isoclines in the space of canopy density and light environment. These plots can be used to interpret the significance of canopy changes induced as a response to decreases in the benthic light environment: in some cases canopy thinning can lead to an equivalent leaf level light environment, in others physiological changes may also be required but these alone may be inadequate for canopy survival. By providing insight to these processes the methods developed here could be a valuable management tool for seagrass conservation during dredging or other coastal developments.  相似文献   

Decline of seagrasses has been documented in many parts of the world. Reduction in water clarity, through increased turbidity and increased nutrient concentrations, is considered to be the primary cause of seagrass loss. Recent studies have indicated the need for new methods that will enable early detection of decline in seagrass extent and productivity, over large areas. In this review of current literature on coastal remote sensing, we examine the ability of remote sensing to serve as an information provider for seagrass monitoring. Remote sensing offers the potential to map the extent of seagrass cover and monitor changes in these with high accuracy for shallow waters. The accuracy of mapping seagrasses in deeper waters is unclear. Recent advances in sensor technology and radiometric transfer modelling have resulted in the ability to map suspended sediment, sea surface temperature and below-surface irradiance. It is therefore potentially possible to monitor the factors that cause the decline in seagrass status. When the latest products in remote sensing are linked to seagrass production models, it may serve as an early-warning system for seagrass decline and ultimately allow a better management of these susceptible ecosystems.  相似文献   

Few studies have considered how seagrass fish assemblages are influenced by surrounding habitats. This information is needed for a better understanding of the connectivity between tropical coastal ecosystems. To study the effects of surrounding habitats on the composition, diversity and densities of coral reef fish species on seagrass beds, underwater visual census surveys were carried out in two seagrass habitat types at various locations along the coast of Zanzibar (Tanzania) in the western Indian Ocean. Fish assemblages of seagrass beds in a marine embayment with large areas of mangroves (bay seagrasses) situated 9 km away from coral reefs were compared with those of seagrass beds situated on the continental shelf adjacent to coral reefs (reef seagrasses). No differences in total fish density, total species richness or total juvenile fish density and species richness were observed between the two seagrass habitat types. However, at species level, nine species showed significantly higher densities in bay seagrasses, while eight other species showed significantly higher densities in reef seagrasses. Another four species were exclusively observed in bay seagrasses. Since seagrass complexity could not be related to these differences, it is suggested that the arrangement of seagrass beds in the surrounding landscape (i.e. the arrangement on the continental shelf adjacent to the coral reef, or the arrangement in an embayment with mangroves situated away from reefs) has a possible effect on the occurrence of various reef-associated fish species on seagrass beds. Fish migration from or to the seagrass beds and recruitment and settlement patterns of larvae possibly explain these observations. Juvenile fish densities were similar in the two types of seagrass habitats indicating that seagrass beds adjacent to coral reefs also function as important juvenile habitats, even though they may be subject to higher levels of predation. On the contrary, the density and species richness of adult fish was significantly higher on reef seagrasses than on bay seagrasses, indicating that proximity to the coral reef increases density of adult fish on reef seagrasses, and/or that ontogenetic shifts to the reef may reduce adult density on bay seagrasses.  相似文献   

Productivity of seagrasses can be controlled by physiological processes, as well as various biotic and abiotic factors that influence plant metabolism. Light, temperature, and inorganic nutrients affect biochemical processes of organisms, and are considered as major factors controlling seagrass growth. Minimum light requirements for seagrass growth vary among species due to unique physiological and morphological adaptations of each species, and within species due to photo-acclimation to local light regimes. Seagrasses can enhance light harvesting efficiencies through photo-acclimation during low light conditions, and thus plants growing near their depth limit may have higher photosynthetic efficiencies. Annual temperatures, which are highly predictable in aquatic systems, play an important role in controlling site specific seasonal seagrass growth. Furthermore, both thermal adaptation and thermal tolerance contribute greatly to seagrass global distributions. The optimal growth temperature for temperate species range between 11.5 °C and 26 °C, whereas the optimal growth temperature for tropical/subtropical species is between 23 °C and 32 °C. However, productivity in persistent seagrasses is likely controlled by nutrient availability, including both water column and sediment nutrients. It has been demonstrated that seagrasses can assimilate nutrients through both leaf and root tissues, often with equal uptake contributions from water column and sediment nutrients. Seagrasses use HCO3 inefficiently as a carbon source, thus photosynthesis is not always saturated with respect to DIC at natural seawater concentrations leading to carbon limitation for seagrass growth. Our understanding of growth dynamics in seagrasses, as it relates to main environmental factors such as light, temperature, and nutrient availability, is critical for effective conservation and management of seagrass habitats.  相似文献   

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