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白鹭作为无锡太湖地区环境污染指示生物的研究   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:16  
2000年4—6月对分布在无锡太湖地区的4种要鸟中的白鹭(Egretta garzetta)行为生态学及其生境污染状况进行了调查研究.调查地白鹭主要栖息树种包括马尾松(Pnus masson±ana)、香樟树(C±nnamomum hupehanum)、麻砾树(Quercus acut±ssema)、榆树(Ulmus prm±la)和杨梅树(Myr±ca rubra).栖息地总面积为7hm^2,白鹭总巢数为4200个,每棵树平均0.38个.白鹭的孵化期为19—21d,卵重23.9±4.0g(n=41),平均卵大小(44.5±4.1)mm×(32.6±4.9)mm(n=41),平均窝卵数5.02(2—8)枚,平均窝雏数3.86(2—7)只,孵化成功率为84.25%.对白鹭雏鸟左右跗Zhe的测量分析表明不对称性不显著(P>0.05).白鹭雏鸟食物较小,繁殖期间主要以小型鱼类和虾类为食.污染物分析结果表明,白鹭卵中除例外,六氯苯、六六六、环二烯类、DDTs、DDE、PCBs、Cr、Hg和Pb均检测到.食物链(底泥-食物-白鹭雏鸟)中,有机杀虫剂和重金属都逐级富集.通过与相对无污染的鄱阳湖地区比较,太湖地区和鄱阳湖地区卵样品中的DDs(包括DDT、DDE和DDD)浓度最高(超过2μg·g^1),其它污染物浓度均较小.太湖地区白鹭卵中的DDTs、Cd和Cr浓度低于鄱阳湖地区,其它污染物浓度鄱阳湖地区均低于太湖地区.经比较分析,两地样品中有机氯杀虫剂、PCBs和各种重金属浓度都未达到影响白鹭繁殖成功率的阈值.  相似文献   

Summary The stability of a high rocky intertidal community was assessed in a controlled field experiment in which the most common consumers, limpets, were temporarily removed. Compared to the unmanipulated plots, the exclusion plots developed greater algal abundance and altered species composition of both algae and barnacles. The community was not perturbed beyond its capacity to recover, since the community structure of the limpet-removal plots converged on the structure of the unmanipulated plots following limpet reintroduction. Different components of the community recovered at different rates, depending on whether or not the species had a size-related escape from the limpets. Algae had no size-related escape from limpets. The difference in algal abundance between manipulated and unmanipulated plots lasted less than six months after limpet reintroduction. Barnacles, however, had a size-related escape from limpets and therefore recovered more slowly. The difference in barnacle species composition between the perturbed and unperturbed plots lasted for 17 months after limpet reintroduction. The length of the limpet removal period (16 or 28 months) did not appear to affect the rate of community recovery.  相似文献   

线虫作为土壤健康指示生物的方法及应用   总被引:32,自引:2,他引:32  
简述了线虫作为土壤健康指示生物的优势,归纳了常用指数和分析方法,对成熟指数及基于营养类群的一些指数和分析方法进行了详细介绍.与其他指数相比,成熟指数更能敏感地反映土壤环境的受胁迫程度,基于营养类群的指数和分析方法可以在生态系统功能水平上更好地揭示土壤环境的健康状态.概述了以上指数和方法在农业、森林、草原及其他生态系统中的应用研究.结合目前存在的一些问题,提出以下建议:加强对土壤线虫生活史和食性等特性的认识;进一步完善现有指数,将多种指数和分析方法结合使用;加强土壤线虫在多种生态系统及大尺度地域空间内的应用.  相似文献   

Summary Rates of algal production were measured at 6 rocky intertidal sites on the southwestern Cape coast, South Africa, where populations of the limpet Patella granularis occur. Rates of algal production and limpet mortality were recorded at each site and both factors affected limpet reproductive fitness. Limpet growth rates and biomass at different sites were significantly correlated with rates of algal production, and limpet mortality was related to the density of African Black Oystercatchers, important predators of P. granularis. Life-time gametic output of a hypothetical cohort of limpets at each site was modelled using the measurements of growth, reproduction and mortality made at each site. Limpet cohorts at sites with rapid rates of algal production were predicted to have a larger life-time production of gametic material than cohorts at sites with slow algal production rates, except in instances of acute predatory pressure. In the light of the overriding influence of food supply on the expression of limpet life-history parameters, it is imperative that researchers consider food availability before assuming that local, population-specific differences in life-history patterns are due to genetic differences.  相似文献   

The increased nitrogen loading from anthropogenic sources has affected aquatic ecosystems and has cascaded through food webs worldwide. Therefore, the evaluation of ecological impacts of anthropogenic nitrogen has become increasingly important. In this paper, we investigated the effect of nutrient enrichment in the planktonic and benthic food webs of a hypereutrophic urban lake using stable nitrogen isotope analysis. The stable isotope mixing model revealed that zooplanktons rely mainly on planktonic nitrogen, and that Chironomus and Oligochaete rely mainly on benthic nitrogen. The stable nitrogen isotope signatures of seston and the sediment organic matter can be a sensitive indicator, because they are correlated with the nitrogen content of water and sediment. Furthermore, the relationships between the stable nitrogen isotope values of primary production and primary consumers indicate that polluted nitrogen has transferred through the planktonic and benthic food webs, respectively. For primary consumers, the stable nitrogen isotope values of zooplanktons were correlated to nitrogen concentrations of water, and the stable nitrogen values of Chironomus and Oligochaete were correlated to the nitrogen content of sediment, respectively. This finding indicates that these primary consumers can be used as promising bioindicators of the anthropogenic nitrogen input in planktonic and benthic food webs, respectively. Our results suggest that stable nitrogen isotope of primary consumers can act as bioindicators to detect the dispersal patterns of anthropogenic contamination and understand the incorporation into and movement of waste nitrogen in pelagic and benthic food chains.  相似文献   

Some coral species of the genus Porites can produce thick mucous sheets that partially or completely envelope the colony’s surface. This phenomenon has been reported many times, but the cause and ecological significance remains unclear. In this study, sheet production was examined in response to elevated suspended sediment concentrations associated with a large-scale, extended dredging project on a coral reef. Approximately 400 corals at 16 locations situated from 0.2–33 km from the excavation area were examined at fortnightly intervals over the 1.5 year dredging campaign. Mucous sheets were observed on 447 occasions (from 10,600 observations), with average mucous prevalence ranging from 0–10%. Overall 74 ± 5% of the colonies <1.5 km from the dredging produced one or more sheets. High levels of mucous coverage (≥95% of the colony surface) was observed on 68 occasions, and 82% of these occurred at sites close to the dredging. Approximately 50% of colonies produced ≥3 sheets over the monitoring period, and 90% of these were located close to the dredging. In contrast, at distantly located reference sites (>20 km away), mean mucous sheet prevalence was very low (0.2% ± 0.1), no colonies produced more than 1 sheet, and only 1 colony was observed with high mucous coverage. In a laboratory-based experiment, explants of Porites spp. exposed to fine silt also produced mucous sheets (105 sheets recorded in 1100 observations), with nearly 30% of the fragments exposed to repeated sediment deposition events of 10 and 20 mg cm−2 d−1 producing 2 new sheets over the 28 day exposure period. These multiple lines of evidence suggest a close association between mucous sheet formation and sediment load, and that sheet formation and sloughing are an additional mechanism used by massive Porites spp. to clear their surfaces when sediment loads become too high. These results suggest that mucous sheet formation is an effective bioindicator of sediment exposure.  相似文献   

The unusual appearance of a commensal eelgrass limpet [Tectura depicta (Berry)] from southern California at high density (up to 10 shoot–1) has coincided with the catastrophic decline of a subtidal Zostera marina L. meadow in Monterey Bay, California. Some commensal limpets graze the chloroplast-rich epidermis of eelgrass leaves, but were not known to affect seagrass growth or productivity. We evaluated the effect on eelgrass productivity of grazing by limpets maintained at natural densities (8±2 shoot–1) in a natural light mesocosm for 45 days. Growth rates, carbon reserves, root proliferation and net photosynthesis of grazed plants were 50–80% below those of ungrazed plants, but biomass-specific respiration was unaffected. The daily period of irradiance-saturated photosynthesis (H sat) needed to maintain positive carbon balance in grazed plants approached 13.5 h, compared with 5–6 h for ungrazed plants. The amount of carbon allocated to roots of ungrazed plants was 800% higher than for grazed plants. By grazing the chlorophyll-rich epidermis, T. depicta induced carbon limitation in eelgrass growing in an other-wise light-replete environment. Continued northward movement of T. depicta, may have significant impacts on eelgrass production and population dynamics in the northeast Pacific, even thought this limpet consumes very little plant biomass. This interaction is a dramatic example of top-down control (grazing/predation) of eelgrass productivity and survival operating via a bottom-up mechanism (photosynthesis limitation).  相似文献   

The present study was designed to study the seasonal variations of selenium in marine biota of different trophic levels collected from Sunderban deltaic complex, northeast India. The primary objective of this work is to provide baseline data for a future environmental quality programme. In general, the sequence of Se accumulation observed in biota is as follows: Bivalve>Zooplankton>Macroalgae>Pisces>Seagrass. An elevated level of Se was recorded during monsoon season. The Se level in zooplankton (4 μg/g) was three to four times higher than seagrass. The content of various soft tissues and shell in bivalves molluscs showed an organ-specific pattern in the following order: gill > visceral MASS = mantle > adductor muscle > podium > shell. Fish contain less Se in comparison with macroalgae, zooplankton and bivalves revealing poor or insignificant trophic transfer of Se in the marine food chain. Pelecyora trigona (Bivalve) seems to be reliable indicator of Se contamination because of its high accumulation capacity. An in-depth monitoring program is recommended in order to clarify the present trend and to establish the studied biota as indicator species.  相似文献   

This study outlines an alternative, versatile and flexible procedure to the Assessment System for the Ecological Quality of Streams and Rivers throughout Europe using Benthic Macroinvertebrates (AQEM) protocol for selecting and assessing candidate bioindicators for Water Framework Directive (WFD) compliant monitoring programmes. Based on different forms of benthic macroinvertebrate data using relative abundance of family level taxonomic groups, metrics and traits collected during spring 2010 at 96 lotic sites across northern Portugal, the procedure employs components of top down and bottom up analytical processes and introduces the concept of niche breadth to assess biological quality element response to environmental and stressor parameters across different spatial levels. Random Forest classification revealed that fractal and non-fractal land use metrics at basin and local level were extremely important determinants of Water Framework Directive determination of “Good” ecological quality, particularly at the local scale. The amount of urbanization at the lower spatial level was a particularly important determinant of ecological quality, while the extent and type of forest (especially coniferous) was more important at higher, river basin scale. Distance-based linear models (DISTLM) and distance-based redundancy analysis (dbRDA) were used to determine associations between invertebrate data and non-redundant environmental predictors selected using the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC). Results revealed a stronger association between invertebrate traits and selected environmental predictors compared to the other types of invertebrate data, although some association between invertebrate relative abundance and eutrophication was detected. Principal Components Analyses (PCA) were run for the non-redundant sets of predictors for each macroinvertebrate data set to extract an environmental quality gradient along the first axis. Niche breadth, calculated for candidate indicators to avoid bias resulting from expert judgement, was distributed by rank along its respective PCA gradient. Five candidate indicators for each data type were selected for their preference for the most pristine sites and five were selected due to their close link with the most degraded streams. Candidate bioindicators for impacted sites tended to be stenobiotic in character, due to the impoverished structural and functional diversity associated with such conditions. Finally Partial Least Squares Regression was used to refine and validate selected candidate metrics, to produce a comprehensive final list of macroinvertebrate measures of ecological quality.  相似文献   

W. J. Fletcher 《Oecologia》1988,75(2):272-277
Summary Regular monitoring of populations of the subtidal limpet Patelloida mufria (Hedley), which were at naturally large densities (>1000/m2), showed that at the times when there were peaks in juvenile recruitment, the mortality of adults increased greatly. This produced a cyclical pattern in the density of adults, suggesting the juveniles play a partial regulatory role. Experimental manipulations were done to test the influence of overall density and the density of juveniles on the growth and survival of adults. These indicated that an increase in overall density reduced the rate of growth of individuals and increased the rate of adult mortality during the peaks in juvenile recruitment. Similarly, removing these juveniles as they recruited averted this decline in adult abundance. The proposed mechanism to explain these results is that the juveniles have a competitive advantage over adults as they are much smaller and therefore require less energy to survive. It is hypothesisied, therefore, that there will be a threshold of adult size below which the recruits will lose their competitive advantage. Furthermore, if their density became too great, the cover of crustose algae (which is the main food of this species) would be removed resulting in a rapid decline in the numbers of P. mufria. Such an occurrence could be the ultimate regulatory agent for this species.  相似文献   

Despite concerns over the widespread deposition of mercury (Hg) in remote forested areas of the northeastern United States (U.S.), little information is available on the bioaccumulation of Hg in this region's terrestrial fauna. There is a strong need to develop baseline data on appropriate bioindicator species for this area, and here we report Hg concentrations in one of the most widely distributed vertebrates in forested areas, the red-backed salamander (Plethodon cinereus). To inform the use of this species as a bioindicator of Hg accumulation, we assessed ratios of bioavailable methylmercury (MeHg) to total Hg, and techniques for non-destructive sampling along an elevational gradient of increasing forest floor Hg concentrations. Total Hg in body samples was 70% MeHg, and Hg concentrations in tail-clips, which can be collected non-lethally, were positively correlated with body concentrations. Mercury concentrations in salamanders increased 2.4-fold along an increasing elevational gradient of Hg in soils. We conclude that Hg concentrations in P. cinereus can act as a biomonitoring tool for broad areas of remote terrestrial forests, and may help identify regions and landscape characteristics of particular concern for Hg bioaccumulation.  相似文献   

Antlers are periodically cast and re-grown cranial appendages of deer. Both endochondral and intramembranous ossification are involved in the formation of antler bone. After velvet shedding, antlers are completely bony structures which are referred to as hard antlers. Growing antlers accumulate substances with an affinity to mineralized tissues. Among these substances are lead and fluoride. Due to the seasonally limited life span of antlers, the concentrations of lead and fluoride in hard antlers reflect uptake by the forming bone during a defined, species-specific period of some months. Antlers can thus be viewed as naturally standardized environmental samples that are well suited as biomonitors of environmental pollution by bone-seeking contaminants. Because hard antlers are collected by hunters as trophies and kept in private or public collections, material for study can be obtained rather easily. So far, lead concentrations in hard antlers have been reported only from Europe, whereas data for fluoride are available from both Europe and North America. Some studies compared contaminant concentrations in antlers from different regions, while others analyzed time-trends in contaminant levels in antlers from a single region. Using the latter approach, a pronounced drop of lead concentrations during recent decades has been reported for antlers from various European countries. This indicates a marked decline of environmental lead levels that can be attributed mainly to the phase-out of leaded gasoline and, in addition, to a reduction of lead emissions also from stationary sources. In Germany, a corresponding drop has also been recorded for fluoride concentrations in antlers, which is attributed to a decline of fluoride emissions from stationary sources due to improved emission-control measures. There is some evidence that exposure to higher levels of fluoride may lead to an impaired antler mineralization. Using antlers as biomonitors has been shown to be an efficient method for assessing environmental pollution by lead and fluoride at low cost. Further studies using this now well established approach are therefore encouraged.This revised version was published online in May 2005. The following errors were eliminated:1. In the chapter Antler growth and mineralization in the last sentence of the first paragraph a slash was missing between the words reindeer and caribou; 2. In the second paragraph of the same chapter the word reiudees was corrected to reindeer; 3. In the chapter Accumulation of lead and fluoride in growing antlers the word lightest was corrected to highest.  相似文献   

红眼寄居蟹在实验室和野外条件下对贝壳的利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
占据适宜的贝壳对于寄居蟹的发育、繁殖和存活至关重要。尽管很多研究探讨了蟹类对贝壳的选择,但寄居蟹选择多大的贝壳仍不清楚。在实验条件下,本文作者用巴西Anchieta岛上野生红眼寄居蟹( Pagurusbrevidactylus)最常利用的黑衣蟹守螺( Cerithium atratum)和节桑椹螺( Morula nodulosa)进行了贝壳选择实验,通过回归分析确定目标贝类及其大小。观察到寄居蟹对一种独特贝类的选择具有性别意义,从而验证了野外观察结果。雄性明显地倾向选择黑衣蟹守螺的贝壳,而产卵和非产卵的雌性个体对腹足类贝壳的选择差异不显著。尽管两性之间对适宜贝壳的选择存在差异,贝壳适宜度指数(SAI)表明,种群占据那些足够大的贝壳(SAI =1·20±0·23)。红眼寄居蟹对贝壳利用的这种模式可能是为了避免与体型相似同域物种的竞争,从而在后来的生长中减少频繁地更换贝壳。根据目前的数据可以得到以下结论:红眼寄居蟹对贝壳的选择不仅取决于贝壳的参数,而且还与寄居蟹的个体和性选择有关[动物学报51 (5) : 813 -820 , 2005]。  相似文献   

The geographic distributions of two common species of epiphytic lichens,Phaeophyscia limbata (Poelt) Kashiw. andLecanora pulverulenta Müll. Arg., on city park trees in the Osaka Plain and their relation to the distribution of SO2 and NO2 was examined. The concentrations of SO2 and NO2 are greater in the central area of this plain, and decrease with distance from the center. The frequency ofL. pulverulenta is lowest in the central area, and increases gradually toward the periphery. In contrast, the frequency ofP. limbata is highest in the intermediate area, and lower in the central and peripheral areas, i.e. at intermediate SO2 and NO2 concentrations. We conclude thatL. pulverulenta is more useful thanP. limbata as a bioindicator of air pollutants such as SO2 and NO2.  相似文献   


A model employing stacking increments is introduced for the analysis of bivalve shell growth and form. The model is based on the components of shell growth that are potentially independent: the rate of mantle cell proliferation, the rate of precipitation of shell material, and the rate of translation of the pallial line, where the mantle is attached to the shell. This model is defined in terms of the following parameters: (1) the ratio of accretion of shell material at the shell margin to growth of the mantle by cell division, (2) the ratio of shell accretion at the pallial line to mantle growth, and (3) the ratio of the amount of pallial muscle translation, away from the umbo toward the shell margin, to mantle growth. In this model, the shape of a radial section through the shell is simulated by stacking of internal microgrowth increments. The mode of stacking of the increments is determined by the balance among the parameters defining growth. A theoretical morphospace defined on the basis of this model is largely consistent with the range of forms of naturally occurring bivalve shells. Analysis of the distribution of actual shell forms in relation to this morphospace suggests that the absolute rate of shell precipitation and the gradient in precipitation rate away from the shell margin along a radial cross-section are physiologically as well as geometrically constrained.  相似文献   

Shell thickness in Theba pisana was measured in samples from Britain, northern France and the Mediterranean region. Mean adult thickness varied between about 0.08 mm and 0.20 mm. These values are much lower than previously published values. The considerable variation within samples was related to shell size, periods of growth, and resorption of shell material during breeding. Variation between samples was not great. This contrasts with previous work which linked shell thickness variation to large-scale climatic effects. Perhaps availability of calcium may be more important than climate in determining shell thickness in Theba Pisana .  相似文献   

COWGILL, U. M. & LANDENBERGER, B.D., 1992. The chemical composition of Astragalus: a comparison of seleniferous and non-seleniferous plants growing side by side. This paper describes how non-seleniferous plant species coexist with seleniferous ones and what chemical changes occur in non-seleniferous species that allow the toleration of large quantities of volatilized Se-bearing compounds. These compounds are known for their phytotoxicity as well as for their toxicity to mammals and insects. Twenty-three sites (Colorado, Utah, New Mexico, U.S.A.) were examined over a 6-year period. Plants collected from these sites were divided into four groups: seleniferous astragali, seleniferous Brassicaceae, non-seleniferous astragali and non-seleniferous associated genera. Furthermore, it was possible to categorize these sites: Type 1 sites supported all four groups of plants, Type 2 sites contained only seleniferous astragali, whereas Type 3 sites sustained only non-seleniferous astragali. When concentrations of Cu, Zn (P <0.0001), Si (P<0.02), As, Pb (P<0.03) and Cs (P<0.05) were measured, the values for those seleniferous astragali that coexisted with other species were significantly different from the values found for those seleniferous astragali that grew alone. There were four areas that in some years supported all four groups of plants (Type 1 site) and in other years contained only seleniferous astragali. In this way, the latter may be used as a chemical control for the former. The seleniferous astragali collected at Type 1 sites always contained more Cu, As, Si and Pb than the solitary astragali of Type 2 sites. When seleniferous astragali of Type 1 sites that support all four groups of plants develop in a year where the usually associated species of past years are absent, they contain in their tissues concentrations of Cu, As, Si, Pb, Zn and Cs typical of Type 2 sites where the seleniferous astragali grew alone. Non-seleniferous astragali of Type 1 sites that support all four groups of plants have a chemical composition that differs significantly in the quantity of 15 elements from non-seleniferous astragali of Type 3 sites where the latter grew alone. Since allelochemicals such as phenolic acids and flavonoids are well known to be able to alter mineral absorption by plants and since the astragali are known to produce such substances, it is suggested that the possible production of phenolic acids and flavonoids may permit coexistence of seleniferous plants with non-seleniferous ones and thus explain the chemical differences among the plants of the four types of sites.  相似文献   

Sixty seven sediment samples were collected from Kyeonggi Bay, Korea, including the mouth of Han River, Incheon Harbor, the Namdong industrial complex, and the open sea. Collections were conducted in December, 1995 and samples were maintained frozen (-20 °C) until analysis. Dichloromethane extracts were analysed for their content of CYP1A1-inducing compounds with a P450RGS (reporter gene system) assay, and for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Sediment samples were also analysed for organic carbon (OC) content and grain size, to aid in evaluating the relationship between contamination and physical nature of the sediments. The responses of the P450RGS assay to the sediment extracts were expressed as μg of benzo[a]pyrene toxic equivalents per g dry weight (μg g-1 BaPTEQ), and these values correlated well (r2 = 0.624 with total PAHs. BaPTEQ values were also highly correlated with the OC content of the sediments. The determination of P450RGS BaPTEQ is a useful tool, because it is both a rapid and inexpensive means of assessing the potential toxicity of organic compounds in environmental sediment samples. These values represent an estimate of the levels of compounds in the sediment that are potentially available to organisms through chronic exposure to pore water or ingestion of benthic species. We believe BaPTEQ values are more useful than tables of specific PAH concentrations, if the purpose of the investigation is to either obtain a rapid screening of an area or to develop some form of ecological or human health risk assessment.  相似文献   

There is greater biodiversity (in the senseof genetic distance among higher taxa) ofextant marine than of terrestrialO2-evolvers. In addition tocontributing the genes from one group ofalgae (Class Charophyceae, DivisionChlorophyta) to produce by evolution thedominant terrestrial plants (Embryophyta),the early marine O2-evolvers greatlymodified the atmosphere and hence the landsurface when the early terrestrialO2-evolvers grew. The earliestterrestrial phototrophs (from geochemicalevidence) occurred 1.2 Ga ago, over 0.7 Gabefore the Embryophyta evolved, but wellafter the earliest marine (cyanobacterial)O2 evolvers (3.45 Ga) and marineeukaryotic O2 evolvers (2.1 Ga). Evenby the time of evolution of the earliestterrestrial O2-evolvers the marineO2-evolvers had modified the atmosphereand land environment in at least thefollowing five ways. Once photosyntheticO2 paralleling organic C burial hadsatisfied marine (Fe2+, S2-reductants, atmospheric O2 built (1) upto a considerable fraction of the extantvalue (although some was consumed inoxidising terrestrial exposed Fe2+ and(2) provided stratospheric O3 and thusa UV-screen. (3) CO2 drawdown to20-30times the extant level is attributableto net production, and burial, of organic Cin the oceans (plus other geologicalprocesses). Furthermore, (4) theirproduction of volatile organic S compoundscould have helped to supply S to inland sitesbut also (5) delivered Cl and Br to thestratosphere thus lowering the O3 leveland the extent of UV screening.  相似文献   

In the present paper, juvenile and adult shells of the green ormer Haliotis tuberculata ('Oreille de Saint-Pierre') were perforated in a zone close to the shell edge and the shell repair process was followed at two levels: (1) by observing the histology of the calcifying mantle in the repair zone and (2) by analyzing with SEM the microstructure of the shell repair zone. Histological data clearly show the presence of calcium carbonate granules into the connective tissues, but not in the epithelial cells. This suggests that calcium carbonate granules are synthesized by sub-epithelial cells and actively transported through the epithelium to the repair zone, via a process which may be similar to that described by Mount et al. [Mount, A.S., Wheeler, A.P., Paradkar, R.P., Snider, D., 2004. Hemocyte-mediated shell mineralization in the eastern oyster. Science 304, 297-300]. Furthermore, SEM observations show that the repair zone exhibits different stratified microstructures (spherulitic, thin prismatic, blocklike, sub-nacreous, nacreous, foliated-like), some of which are not continuous (i.e. lenticular) along the repair zone. This suggests a complex secreting regime of the calcifying mantle and an elaborate geometry of the epithelium involved in shell repair.  相似文献   

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