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Food web dynamics are well known to vary with indirect interactions, classic examples including apparent competition, intraguild predation, exploitative competition, and trophic cascades of food chains. Such food web modules entailing predation and competition have been the focus of much theory, whereas modules involving mutualism have received far less attention. We examined an empirically common food web module involving mutualistic (N 2) and parasitic (N 3) consumers exploiting a resource of a basal mutualist (N 1), as illustrated by plants, pollinators, and nectar robbers. This mutualism–parasitism food web module is structurally similar to exploitative competition, suggesting that the module of two consumers exploiting a resource is unstable. Rather than parasitic consumers destabilizing the module through (?,?) indirect interactions, two mechanisms associated with the mutualism can actually enhance the persistence of the module. First, the positive feedback of mutualism favors coexistence in stable limit cycles, whereby (+,?) indirect interactions emerge in which increases in N 2 have positive effects on N 3 and increases in N 3 have negative effects on N 2. This (+,?) indirect interaction arising from the saturating positive feedback of mutualism has broad feasibility across many types of food web modules entailing mutualism. Second, optimization of resource exploitation by the mutualistic consumer can lead to persistence of the food web module in a stable equilibrium. The mutualism–parasitism food web module is a basic unit of food webs in which mutualism favors its persistence simply through density-dependent population dynamics, rather than parasitism destabilizing the module.  相似文献   

In basic intraguild predation (IGP) systems, predators and prey also compete for a shared resource. Theory predicts that persistence of these systems is possible when intraguild prey is superior in competition and productivity is not too high. IGP often results from ontogenetic niche shifts, in which the diet of intraguild predators changes as a result of growth in body size (life-history omnivory). As a juvenile, a life-history omnivore competes with the species that becomes its prey later in life. Competition can hence limit growth of young predators, while adult predators can suppress consumers and therewith neutralize negative effects of competition. We formulate and analyze a stage-structured model that captures both basic IGP and life-history omnivory. The model predicts increasing coexistence of predators and consumers when resource use of stage-structured predators becomes more stage specific. This coexistence depends on adult predators requiring consumer biomass for reproduction and is less likely when consumers outcompete juvenile predators, in contrast to basic IGP. Therefore, coexistence occurs when predation structures the community and competition is negligible. Consequently, equilibrium patterns over productivity resemble those of three-species food chains. Life-history omnivory thus provides a mechanism that allows intraguild predators and prey to coexist over a wide range of resource productivity.  相似文献   

Trophic supplements to intraguild predation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Intraguild predation (IGP) is a dominant community module in terrestrial food webs that occurs when multiple consumers feed both on each other and on a shared prey. This specific form of omnivory is common in terrestrial communities and is of particular interest for conservation biology and biological control given its potential to disrupt management of threatened or pest species. Extensive theory exists to describe the dynamics of three-species IGP, but these models have largely overlooked the potential for other, exterior interactions, to alter the dynamics within the IGP module. We investigated how three forms of feeding outside of the IGP module by intraguild predators (i.e. trophic supplementation) affect the dynamics of the predators (both IG predator and IG prey) and their shared resource. Specifically, we examined how the provision of a constant donor-controlled resource, the availability of an alternative prey species, and predator plant-feeding affect the dynamics of IGP models. All three forms of trophic supplements modified the basic expectations of IGP theory in two important ways, and their effects were similar. First, coexistence was possible without the IG prey being a superior competitor for the original shared resource if the IG prey could effectively exploit one of the types of trophic supplements. However, supplements to the IG predator restricted the potential for coexistence. Second, supplements to the IG prey ameliorated the disruptive effects of the IG predator on the suppression of the shared resource, promoting effective control of the resource in the presence of both predators. Consideration of these three forms of trophic supplementation, all well documented in natural communities, adds substantial realism and predictive power to intraguild predation theory.  相似文献   

In this paper, we develop a three-species intraguild predation model which incorporates refuges used by the resource and the intraguild prey, and focus on the effects of refuges on the three species coexistence. The invasion condition and parameter region for coexistence are obtained using invasion analysis. The new invasion condition requires that all boundary states with one missing species can be invaded by the missing species. Numerical simulations show that refuges have a major influence on species coexistence of intraguild predation system, and the results strongly depend on the types of refuges introduced into the model. Our study also shows that prey's refuges are detrimental to species coexistence except the resource using refuges. In contrast to previous research, we find that spatial structure may play an important role in effects of refuges on species coexistence of intraguild predation systems. Our results may shed new light on understanding the mechanisms and the persistence of multi-species predators-prey system.  相似文献   

Intraguild predation (IGP) is a combination of competition and predation which is the most basic system in food webs that contains three species where two species that are involved in a predator/prey relationship are also competing for a shared resource or prey. We formulate two intraguild predation (IGP: resource, IG prey and IG predator) models: one has generalist predator while the other one has specialist predator. Both models have Holling-Type I functional response between resource-IG prey and resource-IG predator; Holling-Type III functional response between IG prey and IG predator. We provide sufficient conditions of the persistence and extinction of all possible scenarios for these two models, which give us a complete picture on their global dynamics. In addition, we show that both IGP models can have multiple interior equilibria under certain parameters range. These analytical results indicate that IGP model with generalist predator has “top down” regulation by comparing to IGP model with specialist predator. Our analysis and numerical simulations suggest that: (1) Both IGP models can have multiple attractors with complicated dynamical patterns; (2) Only IGP model with specialist predator can have both boundary attractor and interior attractor, i.e., whether the system has the extinction of one species or the coexistence of three species depending on initial conditions; (3) IGP model with generalist predator is prone to have coexistence of three species.  相似文献   

Intraguild predation is a mix of competition and predation and occurs when one species feeds on another species that uses similar resources. Theory predicts that intraguild predation hampers coexistence of species involved, but it is common in nature. It has been suggested that increasing habitat complexity and the presence of alternative food may promote coexistence. Reciprocal intraguild predation limits possibilities for coexistence even further. Habitat complexity and the presence of alternative food are believed to promote coexistence. We investigated this using two species of predatory mites, Iphiseiodes zuluagai and Euseius concordis, by assessing co‐occurrence in the field and on arenas differing in spatial structure in the laboratory. The predators co‐occured on the same plants in the field. In the laboratory, adults of the two mites fed on juveniles of the other species, both in the presence and the absence of a shared food source, showing that the two species are involved in reciprocal intraguild predation. Adults of I. zuluagai also attacked adults of E. concordis. This suggests limited possibilities for coexistence of the two species. Indeed, E. concordis invariably went extinct extremely rapidly on arenas without spatial structure with populations consisting of all stages of the two predators and with a shared resource. Coexistence was prolonged on host plant leaves with extra food sources, but E. concordis still went extinct. On small, intact plants, coexistence of the two species was much longer, and ended with the other species, I. zuluagai, often going extinct. These results suggest that spatial structure and the presence of alternative food increase the coexistence period of intraguild predators.  相似文献   

When intraguild predation is reciprocal, i.e. two predator species kill and feed on each other, theory predicts that well-mixed populations of the two species cannot coexist. At low levels of the shared resource, only the best competitor exists, whereas if the level of the common resource is high, the first species to arrive on a patch can reach high numbers, which prevents the invasion of the second species through intraguild predation. The order of invasion may therefore be of high importance in systems with reciprocal intraguild predation with high levels of productivity, with the species arriving first excluding the other species. However, natural systems are not well mixed and usually have a patchy structure, which gives individuals the possibility to choose patches without the other predator, thus reducing opportunities for intraguild predation. Such avoidance behaviour can cause spatial segregation between predator species, which, in turn, may weaken the intraguild interaction strength and facilitate their co-occurrence in patchy systems. Using a simple set-up, we studied the spatial distribution of two reciprocal intraguild predators when either of them was given priority on a patch with food. We released females of two predatory mite species sequentially and found that both species avoided patches on which the other species was resident. This resulted in partial spatial segregation of the species and thus a lower chance for the two species to encounter each other. Such behaviour reinforces segregation, because heterospecifics avoid patches with established populations of the other species. This may facilitate coexistence of two intraguild predators that would exclude each other in well-mixed populations.  相似文献   

How does competition between resources affect the interaction between consumer species that share those resources? Existing theory suggests that high resource competition can lead to mutualism. However, this is based on an analysis that need only apply near equilibrium, and experimental demonstrations of such mutualism are rare. Two alternative approaches to measuring food web mutualism are examined here. These are based on the population-level effects of adding or removing a consumer species or on the amount of additional mortality that can be applied to one consumer without excluding it. Both measures suggest that mutualism is likely to be confined to two situations: when overlap in resource use by the consumers is very low and when the consumers are inefficient users of their resources. Competition between resources is also likely to increase the occurrence and magnitude of "hypercompetition" between consumers, where the reduction in population size caused by the introduced consumer is greater than that caused by a consumer that is identical to the resident species. Competition between resources can also increase the negative interaction between consumers by destabilizing the dynamics of the system. Such destabilization can cause negative indirect interactions between specialist consumers having no overlap in resource use.  相似文献   

This article seeks to determine the extent to which endogenous consumer-resource cycles can contribute to the coexistence of competing consumer species. It begins with a numerical analysis of a simple model proposed by Armstrong and McGehee. This model has a single resource and two consumers, one with a linear functional response and one with a saturating response. Coexistence of the two consumer species can occur when the species with a saturating response generates population cycles of the resource, and also has a lower resource requirement for zero population growth. Coexistence can be achieved over a wide range of relative efficiencies of the two consumers provided that the functional response of the saturating consumer reaches its half-saturation value when the resource population is a small fraction of its carrying capacity. In this case, the range of efficiencies allowing coexistence is comparable to that when two competitors have stable dynamics and a high degree of resource partitioning. A variety of modifications of this basic model are analyzed to investigate the consequences for coexistence of different resource growth equations, different functional and numerical response shapes, and other factors. Large differences in functional response shape appear to be the most important factor in producing robust coexistence via resource cycles. If the unstable species has a concave numerical response, this greatly expands the conditions allowing coexistence. If the stable consumer species has a convex (accelerating) functional and/or numerical response, the range of conditions allowing coexistence is also expanded. We argue that large between-species differences in functional response form can often be produced by between-consumer differences in the adaptive adjustments of foraging effort to food density. Consumer-resource cycles can also expand the conditions allowing coexistence when there is resource partitioning, but do so primarily when resource partitioning is relatively slight; this makes the ease of coexistence relatively independent of consumer similarity.  相似文献   

In ecological communities, numerous species coexist and affect each others’ population levels via various types of interspecific interactions. Previous ecological theory explaining multispecies coexistence tended to focus on a single interaction type, such as antagonism, competition, or mutualism, and its consequences on population dynamics. Hence, it remains unclear what, if any, contribution multiple coexisting interaction types have on the multispecies coexistence. Here, we show that the coexistence of multiple interaction types can be essential for multispecies coexistence. We present a simple model in which the exploiter and mutualist adaptively switch between two competing resource species. An adaptive mutualist, which favors the more abundant species, provides a mechanism of majority-advantage and, thus, potentially inhibits the coexistence of resource species. In the absence of an exploiter, an adaptive mutualist leads to competitive exclusion at the resource species level. However, the coexistence of an adaptive exploiter and a mutualist allows the coexistence of all species in the community, because the mutualist-mediated “winner” tends to be suppressed by the adaptive exploiter. The mutualist indirectly increases the abundance of the exploiter through mutualistic interactions, thereby indirectly supporting this coexistence mechanism. In fact, coexistence may occur even if the exploiter or mutualist alone cannot mediate the coexistence of two resources. We conclude that the coexistence of mutualism and antagonism may be the key to the persistence of the four-species module in the presence of adaptive switching.  相似文献   

It is well established that intraspecific aggregation has the potential to promote coexistence in communities of species competing for patchy ephemeral resources. We developed a simulation model to explore the influence of aggregation on coexistence in such communities when an important assumption of previous studies – that interspecific interactions have only negative effects on the species involved – is relaxed. The model describes a community of competing insect larvae in which an interaction that is equivalent to intraguild predation (IGP) can occur, and is unusual in that it considers species exploiting very small resource patches (carrying capacity=1). Model simulations show that, in the absence of any intraspecific aggregation, variation between species in the way that resource heterogeneity affects survival increases the likelihood of species coexistence. Simulations also show that intraspecific aggregation of the dominant competitor's eggs across resource patches can promote coexistence by reducing the importance of interspecific competition relative to that of intraspecific competition. Crucially, however, this effect is altered if one competitor indulges in IGP. In general, coexistence is only possible when the species that is capable of IGP is less effective at exploiting the shared resource than its competitor. Because it reduces the relative importance of interspecific interactions, intraspecific aggregation of the eggs of a species that is the victim of IGP actually reduces the likelihood of coexistence in parts of parameter space in which the persistence of the other species is dependent on its ability to exploit its competitor. Since resource heterogeneity, intraspecific aggregation and IGP are all common phenomena, these findings shed light on mechanisms that are likely to influence diversity in communities exploiting patchy resources.  相似文献   

Parasites of mutualisms   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Cooperation invites cheating, and nowhere is this more apparent than when different species cooperate, known as mutualism. In almost all mutualisms studied, specialist parasites have been identified that purloin the benefits that one mutualist provides another. Explaining how parasites are kept from driving mutualisms extinct remains an unsolved problem because existing theories explaining the maintenance of cooperation do not apply to parasites of mutualisms. Nonetheless, these theories can be summarized in such a way as to suggest how mutualisms can persist in the face of parasites. (1) For cooperation to occur, the recipient of a benefit must reciprocate, and the recriprocated benefit must be captured by the initial giver or its offspring. (2) For cooperation to persist, the mutualism must be re-assembled each generation. Because most mutualisms are of the "by-product' type, broadly defined, the first condition is normally always fulfilled. Thus, the maintenance of mutualism usually requires enforcement of the second condition: reliable re-assembly. Hence, I argue that the persistence of mutualism is best understood by using theories of species coexistence, because each mutualist can be considered a resource for the other, and species coexistence theory explains how multiple taxa (e.g. parasites and mutualists) can stably partition a resource over multiple generations. This approach connects the study of mutualism to theories of population regulation and helps to identify key factors that have promoted the evolution, maintenance and breakdown of mutualism. I discuss how these ideas might apply to and be tested in ant-plant, fig-wasp and yucca-moth mutualisms.  相似文献   

Species interactions and coexistence are often dependent upon environmental conditions. When two cross-feeding bacteria exchange essential nutrients, the addition of a cross-fed nutrient to the environment can release one species from its dependence on the other. Previous studies suggest that continued coexistence depends on relative growth rates: coexistence is maintained if the slower-growing species is released from its dependence on the other, but if the faster-growing species is released, the slower-growing species will be lost (a hypothesis that we call ‘feed the faster grower’ or FFG). Using invasion-from-rare experiments with two reciprocally cross-feeding bacteria, genome-scale metabolic modelling and classical ecological models, we explored the potential for coexistence when one cross-feeder became independent. We found that whether nutrient addition shifted an interaction from mutualism to commensalism or parasitism depended on whether the nutrient that limited total growth was required by one or both species. Parasitism resulted when both species required the growth-limiting resource. Importantly, coexistence was only lost when the interaction became parasitism, and the obligate species had a slower growth rate. Under these restricted conditions, the FFG hypothesis applied. Our results contribute to a mechanistic understanding of how resources can be manipulated to alter interactions and coexistence in microbial communities.  相似文献   

Models of metapopulations have often ignored local community dynamics and spatial heterogeneity among patches. However, persistence of a community as a whole depends both on the local interactions and the rates of dispersal between patches. We study a mathematical model of a metacommunity with two consumers exploiting a resource in a habitat of two different patches. They are the exploitative competitors or the competing predators indirectly competing through depletion of the shared resource. We show that they can potentially coexist, even if one species is sufficiently inferior to be driven extinct in both patches in isolation, when these patches are connected through diffusive dispersal. Thus, dispersal can mediate coexistence of competitors, even if both patches are local sinks for one species because of the interactions with the other species. The spatial asynchrony and the competition-colonization trade-off are usual mechanisms to facilitate regional coexistence. However, in our case, two consumers can coexist either in synchronous oscillation between patches or in equilibrium. The higher dispersal rate of the superior prompts rather than suppresses the inferior. Since differences in the carrying capacity between two patches generate flows from the more productive patch to the less productive, loss of the superior by emigration relaxes competition in the former, and depletion of the resource by subsidized consumers decouples the local community in the latter.  相似文献   

Although studies of species linked by a common resource (i.e. ecological guilds) have so far mainly focused on competition and predation, guilds are also good places to find mutualism. In this review we consider some three- and four-species community modules to illustrate examples of wide relevance. Mutualism arises from various direct and indirect trophic and non-trophic interactions between species--and within modules both with and without intraguild predation. Species removal and augmentation experiments, other manipulations, direct measurements, and path-analytic methods can determine the presence and intensity of mutualism within guilds. Such studies, particularly when associated with existing theory and new theoretical development, can help advance an interaction-based approach to community analysis that recognizes linkages among mutualism, predation and competition in natural systems.  相似文献   

梁仁君  林振山  韩洪凌  陈成忠 《生态学报》2007,27(12):5390-5397
建立了集合种群物种在两个斑块中对资源竞争的数学模型,并进行了数值模拟实验,结果表明:(1)通过R^*来预测竞争物种的结局,存在几种可能性:一是具有低R^*值的物种竞争取代高R^*值的物种;二是具有不同R^*值的物种,甚至是具有相同R^*值的物种也存在共存的可能性;三是具有高R^*值的物种也可以竞争排斥低R^*值的物种,结论存在不确定性。(2)竞争物种的随机迁移形成了源一汇结构,对物种竞争共存具有促进作用,但弱的资源利用者(较高的R^*)的迁移率不宜过高。(3)在种群统计率相同的条件下,资源增长率差异越大,越不利于消费者物种的共存;若种群统计率不相同,在资源增长率相同的情况下,物种共存又是不可能的,在自然界中,物种共存需要资源增长率的差异。(4)不同类型的资源增长对竞争物种的稳定性的影响是不同的。  相似文献   

Niche construction in the light of niche theory   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ecological niche construction, the process whereby an organism improves its environment to enhance its growth and persistence, is an important missing element of niche theory. Niche theory has mainly focused on niche-deteriorating processes, such as resource consumption, predation and competition, which have negative effects on population growth. Here, we integrate niche construction explicitly into modern niche theory. We use a graphical approach to analyse how a species' niche-improving impacts interplay with niche-deteriorating impacts to modify its response to the environment. In a model of two consumers that compete for one limiting resource and one predator, we show how niche construction modifies the traditional niche-deteriorating impacts of its agent or of competing species, and hence the potential for species coexistence. By altering the balance between intraspecific and interspecific competitive effects, niche construction can either generate net interspecific facilitation or strengthen interspecific competition. The adaptive benefit derived from niche construction also strongly affects the realized niche of a niche-constructing species.  相似文献   

Theories for species coexistence often emphasize niche differentiation and temporal segregation of recruitment to avoid competition. Recent work on mutualism suggested that plant species sharing pollinators provide mutual facilitation when exhibit synchronized reproduction. The facilitation on reproduction may enhance species persistence and coexistence. Theoretical ecologists paid little attention to such indirect mutualistic systems by far. We propose a new model for a two-species system using difference equations. The model focuses on adult plants and assumes no resource competition between these well-established individuals. Our formulas include demographic parameters, such as mortality and recruitment rates, and functions of reproductive facilitation. Both recruitment and facilitation effects reach saturation levels when flower production is at high levels. We conduct mathematical analyses to assess conditions of coexistence. We establish demographical conditions permitting species coexistence. Our analyses suggest a “rescue” effect from a “superior” species to a “weaker” species under strong recruitment enhancement effect when the later is not self-sustainable. The facilitation on rare species may help to overcome Allee effect.  相似文献   

This article explores effects of adaptive intraguild predation on species coexistence and community structure in three species' food webs. Two Lotka-Volterra models that assume a trade-off between competition and predation strength are considered in detail. The first model does not explicitly model resource dynamics and is considered with both nonadaptive and adaptive intraguild predation; in the latter case predators choose their diet in order to maximize their instantaneous population growth rate. The second model includes resource population dynamics. Effects of adaptive intraguild predation on the community structure along a gradient in environment productivity are analyzed and compared with some experimental results of protist food webs. Conditions under which intraguild predation is adaptive are discussed for both models. It is proved that if intraguild predators are perfect optimizers then intraguild predation should decrease with increasing environmental productivity and adaptive intraguild predation is a stabilizing factor provided environmental productivity is high enough.  相似文献   

Organisms are often observed to acquire an excess of non-limiting resources, a process known as luxury consumption. Luxury consumption has been largely treated as a bet hedging strategy for temporal variation in resource supply, but may also function as a competitive strategy. We incorporate luxury resource consumption into a derivation of the classic resource ratio model for competition between terrestrial plant, and explore its consequences for population dynamics and competition. We show that luxury consumption reduces the potential for coexistence between two species competing for two resources. Furthermore, we demonstrate that luxury consumption can be selected for because of the competitive advantage that luxury consumers gain. Luxury consumption evolves when competition for resources is local rather than global, there is potential for coexistence between the two species and the competitive environment remains stable over a sufficient period of time to allow selection to act. The evolutionary outcome can be either extinction of one of the competing species or coexistence of the two species with maximum luxury consumption. The potential for selection to favor luxury consumption is well predicted by the competitive outcome between individuals of the two species with and without luxury consumption.  相似文献   

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