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The recovery of historic community assemblages on reefs is a primary objective for the management of marine ecosystems. Working under the overall hypothesis that, as fishing pressure increases, the abundance in upper trophic levels decreases followed by intermediate levels, we develop an index that characterizes the comparative health of rocky reefs. Using underwater visual transects to sample rocky reefs in the Gulf of California, Mexico, we sampled 147 reefs across 1200 km to test this reef health index (IRH). Five-indicators described 88% of the variation among the reefs along this fishing-intensity gradient: the biomass of piscivores and carnivores were positively associated with reef health; while the relative abundances of zooplanktivores, sea stars, and sea urchins, were negatively correlated with degraded reefs health. The average size of commercial macro-invertebrates and the absolute fish biomass increased significantly with increasing values of the IRH. Higher total fish biomass was found on reefs with complex geomorphology compared to reefs with simple geomorphology (r2 = 0.14, F = 44.05, P < 0.0001) and the trophic biomass pyramid also changed, which supports the evidence of the inversion of biomass pyramids along the gradient of reefs’ health. Our findings introduce a novel approach to classify the health of rocky reefs under different fishing regimes and therefore resultant community structures. Additionally, our IRH provides insight regarding the potential gains in total fish biomass that may result from the conservation and protection of reefs with more complex geomorphology.  相似文献   

1. Management of running waters and assessment of water quality trends require the use of biological methods. Among potential indicators, fish assemblages are of particular interest because of their ability to integrate environmental variability at different spatial scales. 2. The French Water Agencies and the Ministry of the Environment initiated a research programme to develop a fish-based index that would be applicable nation-wide. Such an index should encompass the relative importance of geographic, ecoregional and local factors influencing the distribution of riverine fishes. 3. An effective way of using the information available from fish assemblages to establish such an index is through the use of the 'reference condition approach' which involves testing a fish assemblage exposed to a potential stress against a reference condition that is unexposed to such a stress. 4. Logistic regression procedures were applied, using a fish data set of 650 reference sites fairly evenly distributed across French rivers and defined by some easily measured regional and local characteristics, to elaborate the simplest possible response model that adequately explains the observed patterns of occurrence for each species of a fish assemblage at a given site of any given river. This allows us to predict a 'theoretical' assemblage at a site. 5. The models were validated using a second independent data set of 88 reference sites. Using a third data set of 88 disturbed sites, the observed assemblages were then compared against the reference condition as defined by the 'theoretical' assemblages. The amount of deviation between the expected and observed assemblages within these sites is used as a measure of degradation. 6. This approach could be used as a framework for adapting and calibrating a multimetric index, thereby serving as a practical technical reference for conducting cost-effective biological assessments of lotic systems.  相似文献   

Functional approaches have shown promising results to detect degradation in marine fish assemblages. However, background variability significantly affects the amplitude of change that is detectable by a monitoring plan, and failing to detect such changes can have devastating consequences and carry aggravated recovery costs due to unnoticed degradation. The present study aimed to understand the relationship between topographic complexity in temperate reefs and the power to detect variations in fish-based metrics. Underwater visual census of fish assemblages was performed using strip transects and a Monte Carlo simulation approach was used to generate a large number of replicates and simulate three alternative hypotheses representing different magnitudes of change. Statistical power to detect differences between null and alternative hypotheses was estimated through 10,000 Mann–Whitney tests for numbers of replicates ranging from 2 to 15. Power tended to vary with topographic complexity particularly with small and medium changes in metric values and when using small sample sizes. While power increased with complexity for most metrics, some showed decreasing trends. With a large effect, 5–15 transects were needed, depending on the metric, to stabilise power above 0.80 independently of habitat features. A power of 0.95, however, could not be achieved for most metrics in all sites, even when using 15 transects. The observation that the power to detect degradation and recovery in temperate reef fish seems to vary with habitat features means that a monitoring programme that is correctly planned for a particular area may not be directly applicable in a nearby reef. Adding to the need to maximise power in monitoring, this study highlights the need to take into account habitat variability in these calculations and estimate habitat-independent sample sizes that are appropriate for the scale and location of interest.  相似文献   

1. The ’hydrogeomorphic‘ approach to functional assessment of wetlands (HGM) was developed as a synthetic mechanism for compensatory mitigation of wetlands lost or damaged by human activities. The HGM approach is based on: (a) classification of wetlands by geomorphic origin and hydrographic regime (b) assessment models that associate variables as indicators of function, and (c) comparison to reference wetlands that represent the range of conditions that may be expected in a particular region. In this paper, we apply HGM to riparian wetlands of alluvial rivers. 2. In the HGM classification, riverine wetlands are characterized by formative fluvial processes that occur mainly on flood plains. The dominant water sources are overbank flooding from the channel or subsurface hyporheic flows. Examples of riverine wetlands in the U.S.A. are: bottomland hardwood forests that typify the low gradient, fine texture substratum of the south-eastern coastal plain and the alluvial flood plains that typify the high gradient, coarse texture substratum of western montane rivers. 3. Assessment (logic) models for each of fourteen alluvial wetland functions are described. Each model is a composite of two to seven wetland variables that are independently scored in relation to a reference data set developed for alluvial rivers in the western U.S.A. Scores are summarized by a ’functional capacity index‘ (FCI), which is multiplied by the area of the project site to produce a dimensionless ’functional capacity unit‘ (FCU). When HGM is properly used, compensatory mitigation is based on the FCUs lost that must be returned to the riverine landscape under statutory authority. 4. The HGM approach also provides a framework for long-term monitoring of mitigation success or failure and, if failing, a focus on topical remediation. 5. We conclude that HGM is a robust and easy method for protecting riparian wetlands, which are critically important components of alluvial river landscapes.  相似文献   

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