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Ubiquinone from rat liver Golgi apparatus fractions   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Biosynthesis of glycolipids GA2, GA1, GM1b, and GD1c was studied in Golgi vesicles isolated from rat liver. Sequential addition of N-acetylgalactosamine, galactose and two sialic acid residues to lactosylceramide led to the endproduct GD1c. Activities of the corresponding glycosyltransferases were shown to be present in isolated Golgi vesicles and their respective kinetic data were determined. The products of each reaction were characterized by their mobility on thin-layer chromatography, by enzymic degradation to their respective precursors, and in case of GM1b by FAB mass spectrometry.  相似文献   

The distribution of adenylate cyclase (AC) in Golgi and other cell fractions from rat liver was studied using the Golgi isolation procedure of Ehrenreich et al. In liver homogenate the AC activity was found to decay with time, but addition of 1 mM EGTA reduced the rate of enzyme loss. The incorporation of 1 mM EGTA into the sucrose medium used in the initial two centrifugal steps of the Golgi isolation method stabilized the enzyme activity throughout the entire procedure and resulted in good enzyme recovery. In such preparations, AC activity was demonstrated to be associated not only with plasma membranes but also with Golgi membranes and smooth microsomal membranes as well. Furthermore, under the conditions used, enzyme activity was also associated with the 105,000 g x 90 min supernatant fraction. The specific activity of the liver homogenate was found to be 2.9 pmol-mg protein-1-min-1, the nonsedimentabel and microsomal activity was of the same order of magnitude, but the Golgi and plasma membrane activities were much higher. The specific activity of plasma membrane AC was 29 pmol-mg proten-1-min-1. The Golgi activity varied in the three fractions, with the highest activity (14 pmol) in GF1 lowest activity (1.8) in GF2, and intermediate activity (5.5) in GF3, when the Golgi activity was corrected for the presence of content protein, the activity in GF1 became much higher (9 x) than that of the plasma membrane while the activities in GF2 and GF3 were comparable to that of plasma membrane. In all locations studied, the AC was sensitive to NaF stimulation, especially the enzyme associated with Golgi membranes. The activities in plasma and microsomal membranes were stimulated by glucagon, whereas the Golgi and nonsedimentable AC were not.  相似文献   

The presence of adenylate cyclase (AC) in liver Golgi and microsomal fractions from ethanol-treated rats was tested cytochemically using 5'- adenylyl imidodiphosphate (AMP-PNP) lead phosphate method. Parallel biochemical assays showed that rat liver Golgi AC was only partially inhibited by lead: in the presence of 1 mM Pb++ 80% of the enzyme was preserved, while when 2 mM Pb++ was used 25% remained. No cAMP was formed when the AMP-PNP medium was incubated in the presence of 1 or 2 mM Pb++ but in the absence of cell fractions, indicating that at these concentrations Pb++ does not cause the nonenzymatic hydrolysis of AMP- PNP. Therefore, the reaction product observed by cytochemical localization is not due to the nonenzymatic hydrolysis of AMP-PNP by Pb++. In Golgi subfractions, lead phosphate reaction product was widely distributed among Golgi elements: it was seen in association with the majority of the very low density lipoprotein-filled secretory droplets which predominated in the two lightest Golgi fractions (GF1 and GF2) as well as within the majority of the cisternae found in the heaviest Golgi fraction (GF3). In the latter, reaction product was heaviest along the dilated peripheral rims of the cisternae. In all cases, the reaction product was localized to the outside or cytoplasmic face of the Golgi membranes. When microsomes were incubated cytochemically for AC, deposits were found on the cytoplasmic surface of smooth endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membranes, but none were observed on rough ER membranes. The results confirm the biochemical data reported previously indicating the presence of AC in Golgi and smooth microsomal fractions from rat liver and further demonstrate that the activity is indeed indigenous to Golgi elements and not due to plasma membrane contaminants. They also indicate that AC is widely distributed among Golgi and smooth ER elements. Thus, AC is not restricted in its distribution to plasma membranes as usually assumed.  相似文献   

Golgi apparatus were isolated from untreated rat liver and separated into three fractions. One consisted mainly of vesicles, a second of tubular particles (dictyosomes) and the third was a mixed fraction. Large differences between these fractions could be seen in the electron microscope and by enzyme analysis. The total lipid content of the vesicles was 3.5-times greater than that of the dictyosomes and the neutral lipid value was 7-times greater. The ratio of phospholipids to protein was approximately the same in the three fractions. However, the phospholipid patterns differed between the vesicle and dictyosome fractions.  相似文献   

Calmodulin associated with rat liver mitochondria has been found to belong to a contaminant membranous fraction which contains different subcellular membranes. The concentration of calmodulin in this fraction is relatively high, about 1.6 micrograms/mg protein, and can not be decreased with EGTA. The calmodulin-rich membranous fraction seems to contain cytoskeletal proteins which could be responsible for the binding of calmodulin.  相似文献   

Myogenesis involves changes in both gene expression and cellular architecture. Little is known of the organization, in muscle in vivo, of the subcellular organelles involved in protein synthesis despite the potential importance of targeted protein synthesis for formation and maintenance of functional domains such as the neuromuscular junction. A panel of antibodies to markers of the ER, the Golgi complex, and the centrosome were used to localize these organelles by immunofluorescence in myoblasts and myotubes of the mouse muscle cell line C2 in vitro, and in intact single muscle fibers from the rat flexor digitorum brevis. Antibodies to the ER stained structures throughout the cytoplasm of both C2 myoblasts and myotubes. In contrast, the spatial relationship between nucleus, centrosome, and Golgi complex was dramatically altered. These changes could also be observed in a low- calcium medium that allowed differentiation while preventing myoblast fusion. Muscle fibers in vivo resembled myotubes except that the ER occupied a smaller volume of cytoplasm and no staining was found for one of the Golgi complex markers, the enzyme alpha-mannosidase II. Electron microscopy, however, clearly showed the presence of stacks of Golgi cisternae in both junctional and extrajunctional regions of muscle fibers. The perinuclear distribution of the Golgi complex was also observed in live muscle fibers stained with a fluorescent lipid. Thus, the distribution of subcellular organelles of the secretory pathway was found to be similar in myotubes and muscle fibers, and all organelles were found in both junctional and extrajunctional areas of muscle.  相似文献   

As part of the enterohepatic circulation, hepatocytes take up bile acids from the intestines via the hepatic portal blood using a sodium-dependent carrier mechanism and resecrete the bile acids into the bile. In order to assess whether intracellular organelles are involved in the transcellular secretion of bile acids, we measured directly the ability of purified subcellular fractions of rat liver to take up taurocholate using a Millipore filtration assay. Two distinct uptake mechanisms can be discerned, one localized in the plasma membranes and the other in the Golgi and smooth microsomal fractions. Plasma membranes prepared by the method of Fleischer and Kervina (Fleischer, S., and Kervina, M. (1974) Methods Enzymol. 31, 6) take up taurocholate in a saturable manner with an apparent Vmax of 2.4 nmol min-1 mg protein-1 and a Km of 190 microM at 37 degrees C. After preincubation of the membranes with K+ ions, a sodium gradient (100 mM outside) stimulates the uptake rate by 90% with the observed Km unchanged. The stimulation is inhibited by phalloidin but not by bromosulfophthalein. Bile canalicular plasma membranes made according to Kramer et al. (Kramer, W., Bickel, U., Buscher, H. P., Gerok, W., and Kurz, G. (1982) Eur. J. Biochem. 129, 13-24) do not take up taurocholate. The transport by Golgi vesicles and smooth microsomes differs from that in the plasma membrane fraction in that it is not stimulated by a sodium gradient, has a Vmax of 12 nmol min-1 mg protein-1 and a Km of 440 microM at 37 degrees C, and is inhibited by bromosulfophthalein but not by phalloidin. Taurocholate uptake into smooth microsomes is abolished by filipin, an antibiotic that complexes with cholesterol to disrupt the membrane. This suggests that taurocholate uptake occurs into a nonendoplasmic reticulum subfraction since endoplasmic reticulum membranes contain negligible amounts of cholesterol. Little uptake was observed using rough microsomes or mitochondria. A model of transhepatic transport compatible with our observations is that taurocholate uptake into the cytoplasm occurs via the plasma membranes on the sinusoidal side of the hepatocyte; taurocholate is then taken up into smooth vesicles and the Golgi complex and is secreted into the bile by exocytosis as the vesicles fuse with the canalicular plasma membranes.  相似文献   

Golgi apparatus isolated from both rat liver and rat kidney have been characterized with respect to their neutral and phospholipid content and their phosphopipid composition and compared with mitochondria, rough endoplasmic reticulum and plasma membranes. In addition, the distribution of sulfatide in the subcellular fractions of rat kidney was determinich are rich in cholesterol esters and ubiquinone. Removal of about 75% of the cisternal contents of rat liver Golgi reduced its content of cholesterol esters but not of ubiquinone. The Golgi complex of liver most closely resembles endoplasmic reticulum in its phospholipid composition except for a higher content of sphingomyelin. Removal of most of the contents of the Golgi cisternae did not appreciably alter the phospholipid composition of the Golgi apparatus of liver. Goligi apparatus from kidney has a phospholipid composition which resembles liver Golgi much more closely than it does any other cell fraction from kidney. The sulfatide content of kidney Golgi, the cell fraction richest in this glycolipid, is about 14% of the total lipid present in this fraction. Sulfatide was present in plasma membranes, mitochondria and rough microsomes, but at about one-third the level found in Golgi. Sulfatide is the main glycosphingolipid present in all the cell fractions from kidney which were studied.  相似文献   

Subcellular fractions of rat liver were isolated by density-gradient centrifugation on a linear Metrizamide gradient and were assayed for marker enzymes of peroxisomes, lysosomes, microsomes and mitochondria. Alkylglycerone-phosphate synthase catalysing the formation of the ether bond in glycerolipids was also determined along the gradient. The enzyme was found to be enriched in the peroxisomal and the microsomal fractions thus, displaying a bimodal distribution pattern. Two reaction-products each, alkylglycerone phosphate and alkylglycerone were obtained in the enzymic assays performed, the ratio of which was clearly dependent upon the fraction employed. Alkylglycerone phosphate was mainly synthesized by the 'peroxisomal synthase', whereas an inverse proportion was observed assaying the microsomal counterpart. Furthermore, comparing the mean specific activities of both the enzymes the microsomal one was shown to be roughly twice as active in metabolizing 1-O-palmitoylglycerone 3-phosphate, simultaneously displaying a somewhat different sensitivity to NaF. These findings provide a first line of evidence, that two separate synthases, one in microsomes and another one in peroxisomes might be engaged in the biosynthesis of 1-O-alkyl-glycerolipids in rat liver.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to determine if Golgi fractions from fetal rat liver contain glucagon receptors and to characterize the properties of such receptors. Purification patterns of liver plasma membranes and Golgi fractions from fetal and adult rats were similar, as verified by morphological and biochemical approaches. Glucagon binding was greater in plasma membranes of adult than fetal rats, while in Golgi fractions glucagon binding was similar in both groups. The modifications in in glucagon binding reflect changes in glucagon receptors. Glucagon association and glucagon receptor inactivation by liver membranes were similar in the two groups of animals, while glucagon degradation was lower in fetal than in adult rats.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that anti microtubule agents disrupt Golgi complexes in hepatocytes and other cells, causing breakdown or vesiculation of Golgi cisternal membranes. Whether this change in the structure of the Golgi membranes is associated with changes in Golgi membrane function is not known. The present study was initiated to investigate this issue; i.e., to determine whether anti-microtubule agents that cause structural changes in Golgi membranes in vivo would, at the same time, affect characteristic enzyme functions of Golgi membranes. To this end, colchicine was given to young rats in vivo and various hepatic subcellular membranes were subsequently isolated and utilized for enzyme assays. Initially it was shown that colchicine (2.5 mg/kg body wt.) given for 5h significantly decreased the activities of the Golgi membrane associated enzymes galactosyl-, sialyl- and N-acetylglucosaminyl-transferases. More detailed experiments indicated that low doses of colchicine (0.8 mg/kg body wt.), although less effective than higher doses, decreased the activities of the terminal glycosylating enzymes maximally at 5h, with partial and complete recovery at 12 and 24h respectively. Treatment in vivo of rats with vinblastine (20 mg/kg body wt.) for 5h mimicked the action of colchicine. Two microsomal glycosylating enzymes (mannosyl and N acetylglucosaminyl transferases) were unaffected by the treatment with colchicine, as were various hepatic 'marker' enzymes such as 5' nucleotidase, glucose 6 phosphatase and succinate: 2-(p iodophenyl)-3-(p nitrophenyl)-5-phenyltetrazolium reductase (succinate dehydrogenase; EC, which were found to be enriched in plasma membrane, endoplasmic-reticulum and mitochondrial-membrane fractions respectively. These results show that anti-microtubule agents specifically suppress the activity of Golgi-associated glycosyltransferases in liver. Although it seems likely that these changes are related to the previously observed structural changes in hepatocyte Golgi complexes after colchicine treatment, to what extent the results are linked to the interaction of colchicine with microtubule protein remains to be clarified.  相似文献   

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