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Abstract. Despite the obvious importance of savannas, the response of semi-arid temperate savannas to disturbance has hardly been studied. The objective of this study was to determine the response of annual plants and vegetation to severe disturbance (tilling) in the grassland phase of a semi-arid savanna characterized by perennial bunchgrasses. Most species of annual plants responded positively to tilling; however, 25% of the species did not respond or responded negatively. Response of plants and vegetation was more strongly influenced by precipitation than disturbance, even for the severe disturbance used in this study. Tilling-induced differences were negligible during a relatively dry year. Response of annuals to disturbance in semi-arid temperate savannas may not be consistent with response in other systems.  相似文献   

The main goal of this study was to evaluate the response of intertidal macrobenthic communities associated with Zostera noltii meadows in a temperate estuary (Mondego, Portugal) to the application of mitigation measures aimed at decreasing eutrophication symptoms. In order to assess possible ecological improvements regarding the seagrass habitat and associated macrobenthic communities, data from four different periods, corresponding to the prevailing conditions of distinct systems, were considered. This study (1) gives concrete examples of pathways of benthic intertidal communities’ degradation and recovery; (2) it analyses a long-term dataset (covering almost 25 years) of intertidal communities from a southern European estuary; (3) it is focused on a worldwide problem, and so has potentially far-reaching interest; (4) it exemplifies some of what may be the consequences of the dialogue between science and managers; (5) it assesses the impact and effectiveness of a large-scale mitigation intervention paid for by public funding.The application of preliminary mitigation measures (in 1998) and the full re-establishment of the communication between the two estuarine subsystems (in 2006) allowed for an improvement in the macrobenthic condition and confirmed that hydrologic conditions in the estuary have been the major drivers of the changes observed over the last two decades. However, evaluating the efficiency of the large-scale intervention proved to be a complex task since different communities showed distinct pathways and momentums of recovery.The present study provided valuable insights concerning sustainable long-term management solutions regarding the Mondego Estuary. These particular insights could therefore be useful as a management action guideline applied to other estuarine ecosystems undergoing similar eutrophication problems.  相似文献   

This study investigated the role of N, P and Si enrichments on phytoplankton in the Bizerte Lagoon (southwestern Mediterranean Sea, Tunisia) during March, June, August, October and December 2004. Polycarbonate bottles were enriched with different nutrients according to four treatments N:Si:P ratios [+NSi/-P (40:40:1), +P/-NSi (20:20:2,5), +NP/-Si (16:0:1) and +Si/-NP (16:32:1)] and incubated in situ during six days. Chl a and carbon biomass of phytoplankton varied significantly during the course of months, with the highest levels recorded in summer (4-4.4 microg Chl a L(-1) or 1126-1721 microg C L(-1)). Dinoflagellates dominated the initial phytoplankton communities, except in August, when diatoms represented a high fraction of microalgae (48%). Enrichment experiments induced significant increases in Chl a and in the final phytoplankton carbon biomasses. In summer (June/August), Si was the main limiting element for phytoplankton. Diatoms strongly responded to +Si/-NP and +NSi/-P enrichments and dominated the final phytoplankton communities (52-61%) in both treatments. Si played the most important role in the growth and development of diatoms. The biomasses and growth rates of dinoflagellates were significantly stimulated by +P/-NSi and +NP/-Si enrichments. After 6 days, dinoflagellates represented more than 70% of the total phytoplankton biomass in samples subjected to these treatments. Moreover, the addition of +P/-NSi increased the biomasses of several dinoflagellates. This suggests that dinoflagellates were mostly controlled by P availability. Unlike diatoms and dinoflagellates, flagellates showed weak responses to nutrient treatments during only some months of the year. The results showed that phytoplankton dynamics in the lagoon were influenced by nutrients in different manners.  相似文献   

The organization and structure of temperate fish communities is discussed. A measure of organization based on the Shannon measure of entropy is applied. It is concluded that the way organization changes with species number reflects the underlying structure of the community. The prediction of fish assemblages by the analysis of individual species requirements is also investigated using fish data sets from regions considered to be undergoing acidification. The species set within a habitat is generated by a set of rules termed the operational niche. It was concluded that an analysis based on physico-chemical conditions within the habitats gave reasonable correspondence between observed and predicted.  相似文献   

Abstract. We compare the dispersal spectra of diaspores from varied plant communities in Australia, New Zealand, and North America, assigning dispersal mode to each diaspore type on the basis of apparent morphological adaptations. Species with ballistic and external dispersal modes were uncommon in most communities we surveyed. Ant dispersal was also rather uncommon, except in some Australian sclerophyll vegetation types. The frequency of vertebrate dispersal ranged up to 60% of the flora, the highest frequencies occurring in New Zealand forests. Wind dispersal ranged as high as 70% of the flora, with the highest values in Alaska, but usually comprised 10–30% of the flora. Many species in most communities had diaspores with no special morphological device for dispersal. Physiognomically similar vegetation types indifferentbiogeographic regions usually had somewhat dissimilar dispersal spectra. The frequency of dispersal by vertebrates often increased and the frequency of species with no special dispersal device decreased along gradients of increasing vertical diversity of vegetation structure. Elevation and moisture gradients also exhibited shifts in dispersal spectra. Within Australia, vertebrate- and wind-dispersal increased in frequency along a soil-fertility gradient, and dispersal by ants and by no special device decreased. Habitat breadths (across plant communities) and microhabitat breadths (within communities) for species of each major dispersal type did not show consistent differences, in general. Ant-dispersed species often had lower cover-values than other species in several Australian vegetation types. We discuss the ecological bases of these differences in dispersal spectra in terms of the availability of dispersal agents, seed size, and other ecological constraints. Seed size is suggested to be one ecological factor that is probably of general relevance to the evolution of dispersal syndromes.  相似文献   

The effect of nitrogen pollution on species cover was tested in the Dovre mountains, south-central Norway, through a three-year fertilisation experiment in a low-alpine community and a two-year one in a middle-alpine community, both dominated by lichens. The doses used were 0.7, 3.5 and 7 g N/m2, the highest doses corresponding to 1.75 and 3.5 times the annual deposition of nitrogen in southwestern Norway. The results were tested using the SAS/STAT/MIXED procedure. Using the Bonferroni correction, the procedure did not confirm a change in the cover of single species due to increased nitrogen supply, but there seemed to be a general tendency for an increase in cover in the low-alpine Cetrarietum nivalis community. When less rigorous tests were applied, Arctostaphylos uva-ursi, Vaccinium vitis-idaea, Polytrichum piliferum, Cetraria nivalis and Cladonia mitis in Cetrarietum nivalis, and Cladonia coccifera in Phyllodoco-Juncetum trifidi seemed to indicate that nitrogen had some effect on these communities. The lack of a clear response in single species may be due to the application of low doses over a short time-span in an environment characterised by large interannual variations in climate, the deficiency of other important nutrients, dryness, the low growth potential of the species involved, and, to some extent, the community structure.  相似文献   

The ability of arterial smooth muscle to generate tension is influenced by muscle length. An unsettled question is whether the length-tension relationship is a simple reflection of the contractile filament overlap, as it is in skeletal muscle. There are several factors that could potentially affect tension generation in arterial smooth muscle; these include stretch-induced myogenic response and length-oscillation-induced disruption of the contractile filament organization. In this study, in which rabbit carotid arterial preparations were used, we found that different length-tension curves could be obtained at different times after a length change. In addition, length oscillation at a frequency of normal pulse rate and with small to moderate oscillation amplitude was found to potentiate tension generation but reduced tension at large amplitudes. The observed response could be attributed to adaptation of the muscle to length change over time and to myogenic potentiation associated with stretching of the muscle.  相似文献   

As global climate change and variability drive shifts in species’ distributions, ecological communities are being reorganized. One approach to understand community change in response to climate change has been to characterize communities by a collective thermal preference, or community temperature index (CTI), and then to compare changes in CTI with changes in temperature. However, important questions remain about whether and how responsive communities are to changes in their local thermal environments. We used CTI to analyze changes in 160 marine assemblages (fish and invertebrates) across the rapidly‐changing Northeast U.S. Continental Shelf Large Marine Ecosystem and calculated expected community change based on historical relationships between species presence and temperature from a separate training dataset. We then compared interannual and long‐term temperature changes with expected community responses and observed community responses over both temporal scales. For these marine communities, we found that community composition as well as composition changes through time could be explained by species associations with bottom temperature. Individual species had non‐linear responses to changes in temperature, and these nonlinearities scaled up to a nonlinear relationship between CTI and temperature. On average, CTI increased by 0.36°C (95% CI: 0.34–0.38°C) for every 1°C increase in bottom temperature, but the relationship between CTI and temperature also depended on community composition. In addition, communities responded more strongly to interannual variation than to long‐term trends in temperature. We recommend that future research into climate‐driven community change accounts for nonlinear responses and examines ecological responses across a range of temporal and geographical scales.  相似文献   

Response of marine microbial communities to anthropogenic stress   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Marine microbial communities adapt rapidly to changingenvironmental conditions, including anthropogenicstress. Adaptation involves a wide range ofstrategies, including, (a) formation of resistant,dormant stages, (b) initiation of repair mechanisms, (c)immobilization of toxic chemicals, (d) active transportof chemicals out of the cell, (e) use of contaminantchemicals as carbon or energy sources, and (f)transformation of contaminants to less toxic or morevolatile forms.Adaptation responses are generally plasmid- orchromosomally-mediated and controlled throughinduction or derepression of a variety of biochemicalpathways. Characterization of microbial communityresponses at the molecular level provides biomarkersof contaminant exposure which in turn may be used toprovide an overall picture of ecosystem health. Thisreview will discuss the interactions betweenmicroorganisms and environmental contaminants and thepotential use of microbial biomarkers to assess thehealth of the microbial ecosystem.  相似文献   

Summary A simulation model is described to interpret N fertilizer experiments on potatoes. It calculates the total growth of dry matter, the N uptake, the partition of dry matter and of N between tuber and foliage and the distribution of inorganic N down the profile for each day during the growing season.The validity of the model was tested against measurements of these parameters made at approximately fortnightly intervals on plots that received N fertilizer and those that received none in 4 experiments on a sand, 4 on a sandy loam and 3 on a clay soil.Simulated values were in reasonably good agreement with the measured values in all experiments. Overall the sums of squares of the differences between the simulated and measured values of the %N in the total plant, and the total amount of inorganic N in the top metre of soil and the logarithms of the total weight of dry matter, tuber dry weight, N uptake in the entire plant and N uptake in the tubers were each less than 25% of the sum of squares of the measured values about the mean.Only 9 inputs were required for the model. It was found essential to take account of differences in spring and summer leaching but not of inter-site differences in mineralization rate.  相似文献   

Using the guild ratio to characterize pelagic rotifer communities   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ecological research is moving from a species-based to a functional-based approach to better understand the underlying principles that govern community dynamics. Studies of functional-based ecology, however, have been limited for zooplankton and particularly for rotifers. While rotifers show a variety of trophi types and coronal shapes, suggesting the importance of niche differentiation in their feeding strategy, relatively little is known of how this relates to rotifer dynamics. We used the guild ratio (GR′, a ratio of raptorial to microphagous species), an index based on a functional trait (i.e. feeding strategy), as a novel approach to rotifer dynamics. We extracted the seasonal GR′ by using seasonal trend decomposition and investigated similarities between study sites (Lake Washington, USA and Lake Caldonazzo, Italy) and its relation to cladocerans by cross-correlation analysis. Our study indicated that (i) raptorial and microphagous rotifers showed alternating dominance, and that raptorial rotifers and cladocerans had a synchronous pattern, (ii) the seasonal pattern of the GR′ was consistent across different sampling frequencies, and (iii) the GR′ was similar in both lakes. We interpreted these patterns as the general strength of the GR′: discernment of species–environment relationships and robustness across sampling regimes. The limitations of the GR′ (i.e. species identity is neglected, simplification of food preferences) can also be seen as its strong point: synthesis of multi-species patterns. In addition, the independence of GR′ from species-level identification and its potential to make use of datasets with infrequent sampling intervals and low taxon resolution could further support its innovative aspect.  相似文献   

Amigo  Javier  Ramírez  Carlos 《Plant Ecology》1998,136(1):9-26
The results of application of a global bioclimatic classification to Chile are presented. A total of 140 weather stations are assigned to bioclimatic belts on the basis of temperature and rainfall regime. In view of these assignements and of phytosociological data, a zonation of Chile into four major bioclimatic regions (Tropical, Mediterranean, Temperate and Boreal) is proposed. For the Temperate region, we discuss the distribution of the various climax forest communities with respect to bioclimatic belt. It is suggested that increased knowledge of the phytosociology of Chile will improve understanding of the climate of the different parts of the country.Nomenclature: Plant nomenclature follows Marticorena et al. (1985) for Chilean species.  相似文献   

The increasing degradation of marine ecosystems as a result of increasing impact caused by anthropogenic pressures, urges for well-founded knowledge to develop efficient tools to appraise the quality status of fish assemblages, as required by the “Marine Strategy Framework Directive”. This study analyzed the structural and functional response of rocky fish assemblages to several pressures on the Portuguese coast, i.e. fishing, sewage discharges, port activities and thermal effluent, by selecting fish-based metrics that best distinguished disturbed from control areas. One of the novel aspects of this research is the integrated assessment made through the analysis of several metrics representing numerous attributes of fish assemblages (namely diversity, abundance, trophic structure, mobility, resilience, habitat association, nursery function), which contrasts with the most commonly used approaches that in general focus on fish species/families. PERMANOVA results showed significant differences on metrics composition for all pressures with the exception of the thermal effluent. Moreover, two major patterns of stress were identified: (1) selective pressure, which affects differentially the fish assemblages (fishing); (2) broad-range pressure, which affects the entire fish assemblage with metrics of several attributes (e.g. structure, resilience, trophic guilds, nursery function) responding to its presence (sewage discharges, port activities). Taking into account the sensitivity results (discriminant analysis and Mann–Whitney test), biological meaning and redundancy with other metrics (Spearman correlations), the following metrics were selected as the most suitable to detect changes on temperate reef fish assemblages: “density of generalist individuals”, “density of territorial individuals”, “density of large individuals with medium to high commercial value (>20 cm)”, “density of juveniles” and metrics relative to trophic guild (except zooplanktivores). Since metrics grouped species that have some degree of functional overlap, the present approach was useful to understand human-induced changes at the assemblage level, contributing for the future use of marine fishes as biological indicators.  相似文献   

Collection records of adult dytiscid beetles (Coleoptera, Dytiscidae) from 312 sites within the province of Alberta, Canada, were analyzed for patterns of similarity in species distribution. Sites compared on the basis of species occurrence (Jaccard coefficient of similarity and group average cluster analysis) separated into 12 principal clusters, interpreted as communities. However, cluster inclusion occurred at very low levels of similarity and 30% of sites were unclustered outliers. Ecological charade us tics of sites that were recognized as varying between dusters were salinity, productivity, stability, water temperature, substrate type, flow and vegetation. An index relating these qualitatively defined variables to species numbers is presented. An analysis of co-occurrence patterns of species was conducted as an alternative approach to definition of multispecies associations. Each possible combination of co-occurrence between pairs of species occurring in more than 5 collections each was tested for significance (p = 0.005) by means of Yates corrected χ2 tests. Results of tests were expressed in binary terms, blank – no significance, x - significant. Species were then clustered on the basis of patterns of significant co-occurrences as above. This analysis was used as the basis for ordination of species in a symmetrical matrix with species ordered so as to maximize density of points of significant co-occurrence (x) around the principal diagonal. Areas in the matrix showing high densities of co-occurrence were interpreted as representing communities. The cluster analysis of species produced a better cluster pattern than obtained for sites but while generally similar, the species clustering pattern was less fine. The principal species groups consisted of those of saline water, alpine/subalpine lotic sites, other lotic habitats, and lentic habitats with two subgroups, species in forest areas and grassland species. The ordination, while reflecting this grouping of species, demonstrated that each group graded into others through loss of certain species and acquisition of others and thus showed the continuum nature of these communities. Restricting ordination to congeneric species indicated that these do not usually show identical patterns of co-occurrence but neither are patterns coincident with mutual exclusion. Within genera, considerable overlap in occurrence between species is the norm but species tend to occupy slightly different positions relative to one another along qualitatively defined ecological gradients. Relative position of species in these ordinations shows good correlation with patterns of geographical distribution lending support to the interpretation of ordination patterns reflecting relative ecological segregation. The dytiscid beetle fauna of north temperate regions is especially rich. Also, the large number of significant co-occurrences observed between species shows that species packing in many habitats of this region is dense. It is speculated that this species richness is possible because of the seasonality of habitats at these latitudes which reduces competition and predation from other groups and produces seasonal pulses of high productivity permitting a species rich fauna to develop because of abundant resources. It is likely that factors other than interspecific competition for resources are important in shaping dytiscid communities in habitats with strong nutrient pulses.  相似文献   

Microzooplankton grazing and community structure were investigatedin the austral summer of 1995 during a Southern Ocean Drogueand Ocean Flux Study (SODOFS) at the ice-edge zone of the LazarevSea. Grazing was estimated at the surface chlorophyll maximum(5–10 m) by employing the sequential dilution technique.Chlorophyll a concentrations were dominated by chainformingmicrophytoplankton (>20 µm) of the genera Chaetocerosand Nitzschia. Microzooplankton were numerically dominated byaloricate ciliates and dinoflagellates (Protoperidinium sp.,Amphisoleta sp. and Gymnodinium sp.). Instantaneous growth ratesof nanophytoplankton (<20 µm) varied between 0.019and 0.080 day–1, equivalent to between 0.03 and 0.12 chlorophylldoublings day–1. Instantaneous grazing rates of microzooplanktonon nanophytoplankton varied from 0.012 to 0.052 day–1.This corresponds to a nanophytoplankton daily loss of between1.3 and 7.0% (mean = 3.76%) of the initial standing stock, andbetween 45 and 97% (mean = 70.37%) of the daily potential production.Growth rates of microphytoplankton (>20 µm) were lower,varying between 0.011 and 0.070 day–1, equivalent to 0.015–0.097chlorophyll doublings day–1. At only three of the 10 stationsdid grazing by microzooplankton result in a decrease in microphytoplanktonconcentration. At these stations instantaneous grazing ratesof microzooplankton on microphytoplankton ranged between 0.009and 0.015 day–1, equivalent to a daily loss of <1.56%(mean = 1.11%) of initial standing stock and <40% (mean =28.55%) of the potential production. Time series grazing experimentsconducted at 6 h intervals did not show any diel patterns ofgrazing by microzooplankton. Our data show that microzooplanktongrazing at the ice edge were not sufficient to prevent chlorophylla accumulation in regions dominated by rnicrophytoplankton.Here, the major biological routes for the uptake of carbon thereforeappear to be grazing by metazoans or the sedimentation of phytoplanktoncells. Under these conditions, the biological pump will be relativelyefficient in the drawdown of atmospheric CO2.  相似文献   

  • Functional traits respond to environmental drivers, hence evaluating trait‐environment relationships across spatial environmental gradients can help to understand how multiple drivers influence plant communities. Global‐change drivers such as changes in atmospheric nitrogen deposition occur worldwide, but affect community trait distributions at the local scale, where resources (e.g. light availability) and conditions (e.g. soil pH) also influence plant communities.
  • We investigate how multiple environmental drivers affect community trait responses related to resource acquisition (plant height, specific leaf area (SLA), woodiness, and mycorrhizal status) and regeneration (seed mass, lateral spread) of European temperate deciduous forest understoreys. We sampled understorey communities and derived trait responses across spatial gradients of global‐change drivers (temperature, precipitation, nitrogen deposition, and past land use), while integrating in‐situ plot measurements on resources and conditions (soil type, Olsen phosphorus (P), Ellenberg soil moisture, light, litter mass, and litter quality).
  • Among the global‐change drivers, mean annual temperature strongly influenced traits related to resource acquisition. Higher temperatures were associated with taller understoreys producing leaves with lower SLA, and a higher proportional cover of woody and obligate mycorrhizal (OM) species. Communities in plots with higher Ellenberg soil moisture content had smaller seeds and lower proportional cover of woody and OM species. Finally, plots with thicker litter layers hosted taller understoreys with larger seeds and a higher proportional cover of OM species.
  • Our findings suggest potential community shifts in temperate forest understoreys with global warming, and highlight the importance of local resources and conditions as well as global‐change drivers for community trait variation.

Abstract.  1. The effects of insects on primary production in temperate herbaceous communities were investigated in a meta-analysis. The following hypotheses were tested: (1) the effect of insects on primary production depends on community type, (2) the effect of insects on primary production varies as a function of productivity, (3) insects have a greater effect on primary production in communities with low species diversity, and (4) insects have a larger effect on primary production during outbreaks.
2. Data were collected from 24 studies in which insecticides were used to suppress insects in self-sown or pastoral communities. Effect sizes were calculated from sprayed and control plot standing crop or yield, expressed as the log response ratio, ln (sprayed plot phytomass/control plot phytomass).
3. There was a significant increase in primary production as a result of insect suppression. Forb-dominated communities showed a more variable response than graminoid communities. During outbreaks, insects had a greater negative impact on primary production. Effect size was unaffected by productivity or plant species richness.
4. Although insects lower primary production in a diversity of temperate herbaceous communities, the basic measures by which such communities are often described have little effect on the proportional impact that insects have on primary production. While outbreaks are significant predictors of higher negative impact on primary production, causes of outbreaks are not always related to traits of the plant community.  相似文献   

Understanding crop resilience to environmental stress is critical in predicting the consequences of global climate change for agricultural systems worldwide, but to date studies addressing crop resiliency have focused primarily on plant physiological and molecular responses. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) form mutualisms with many crop species, and these relationships are key in mitigating the effects of abiotic stress in many agricultural systems. However, to date there is little research examining whether (1) fungal community structure in agroecosystems is resistant to changing environmental conditions, specifically water limitation and (2) resilience of fungal community structure is moderated by agricultural management systems, namely the integration of trees into cropping systems. Here, we address these uncertainties through a rainfall reduction field experiment that manipulated short‐term water availability in a soybean‐based (Glycine max L. Merr.) agroforest in Southern Ontario, Canada. We employed terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis to determine the molecular diversity of both general fungal and AMF communities in soybean roots under no stress, stress (rainfall shelters added), and poststress (rainfall shelters removed). We found that general fungal and AMF communities sampled from soybean roots were resistant to rainfall reduction in a monoculture, but not in an agroforest. While AMF communities were unchanged after stress removal, general fungal communities were significantly different poststress in the agroforest, indicating a capacity for resiliency. Our study indicates that generalist fungi and AMF are responsive to changes in environmental conditions and that agroecosystem management plays a key role in the resistance and resilience of fungal communities to water limitation.  相似文献   

A review of competition in north temperate dung beetle communities   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract. 1. Studies of north temperate dung beetle communities frequently invoke competition as an influential ecological process. In this review, the evidence for competition in north temperate dung beetle communities is evaluated and the role of competition as a factor affecting community structure is assessed.
2. Resource limitation and the evidence for interspecific competition are assessed by collating the available experimental and observational evidence for both the adult and larval stages of the dung beetle life cycle. The role of competition as a structuring force in dung beetle communities is discussed under the following headings: niche dynamics, migration to and from individual pats, the aggregation model of co-existence, and metapopulations.
3. Some of the main conclusions are that competition for space is much more likely to occur than competition for food; the effects of competition on community structure are poorly understood; several of the influential studies of competition in north temperate dung beetle communities need to be evaluated carefully. The differences in ecology between tropical and temperate dung beetle communities are clarified.
4. As priorities for future research, resource utilisation and competition should be researched experimentally: density-dependent relationships should be investigated, particularly for the larval stages, as should competitive interactions with other dung fauna. If such experimental approaches establish convincingly the occurrence of competition, then the extent of competition in the field and under real world conditions needs to be established. A functional group classification of dung beetles and other dung fauna is described, which may improve the generality of interpretation from individual, site-specific results.  相似文献   

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